• “Caller ID”, “Anti-Caller ID” and “Super Caller ID” from MTS: description of how to connect or disconnect services. What is caller ID, how to connect caller ID to your phone, how to disable caller ID Connecting caller ID on your home phone

    Today we will talk about how much Rostelecom Caller ID costs, what this service actually is, and how to connect it. It is one of the most important and irreplaceable, considering those offered by modern providers. Let's try to understand not only the cost of the Rostelecom Caller ID service, but also the features of its configuration.

    What is AON and AntiAON?

    In the first case, we are talking about caller ID. The subscriber is given the opportunity to view confidential information for personal purposes. Connecting to Rostelecom Caller ID can be done, just like disabling the service, at the offices of a company providing communication services. As for caller ID, this option is used not only by subscribers of the telecommunications provider in question, but also by other mobile operators. Businessmen, busy people, and shops, including those operating online, really need the opportunities offered. No exception are courier delivery services, as well as companies whose activities involve calling potential clients.

    What does the AntiAON service from Rostelecom provide? By activating it, the network subscriber has the opportunity to hide the number from the system of its automatic detection. In this case, no information about the caller will be displayed on the called subscriber’s screen. This means that they will not be able to call you back. As for connecting or, you won’t be able to do it on your own. Connecting to the Rostelecom Caller ID service and its opposite implies a mandatory visit to the office of the provider company. Qualified employees will be happy to help resolve the issue that a particular subscriber has approached them with.

    The price of the Rostelecom Caller ID service directly depends on the region in which it is connected. This means that the relevant information needs to be clarified when visiting the company’s representative office. The average price is 49 rubles for the automatic number detection option and 27 rubles for the ability to hide. Another important point: the created option for determining the caller’s phone number works only on those devices that have a function called “Caller ID”. There is no access to the described service on other operators.

    Caller ID for landline telephony

    It's no secret that the company in question provides not only mobile but also landline communication services. Not everyone immediately believes it, but Rostelecom installs Caller ID and, or vice versa, a system that blocks number identification. However, the main purpose of the additional options does not change in any way. If you are interested in the Caller ID service on your home phone from Rostelecom, then you need to contact the sales office, where you fill out the appropriate application. You can also try to resolve the issue through the provider company.

    What else is important to know? Activating an additional option on a landline phone has the same requirements as on a mobile phone. More precisely, the device must support the Caller ID function. If this is not the case, nothing can be done.

    Advantages of the new and disadvantages of the old Caller ID system

    Devices capable of identifying telephone numbers appeared and became widespread in the mid-90s. When private business activities were allowed in Russia, their own systems began to be produced in the country. Those who want to connect to Rostelecom Caller ID will be interested to know that an outdated system was previously used. Its disadvantages include:

    • imitation of picking up the phone in order to determine the number, and this was accompanied by costs for the calling subscriber, even if he was not answered;
    • According to the standard, only 7 digits of the number were determined. For this reason, the country, area or mobile operator code remained unknown;
    • the ability to determine the caller ID by ear, because the startup of the system was accompanied by a characteristic click or short beeps.

    The cost of a modern Caller ID from Rostelecom is slightly higher, but the costs are worth it. What do subscribers who activate the service receive? Firstly, the number is determined without establishing a connection, which means that you do not have to spend money while making calls. Secondly, the caller’s display shows the caller’s entire number, with all the necessary prefixes. Thirdly, the connection does not imply additional modifications, and there is no need to modernize proprietary in-circuit solutions. This ensures stable operation of the telephone.

    Megafon Caller ID is not a new service, but not all users of Megafon packages know about it.

    Calls are always pleasant, but when an unfamiliar number appears on the screen, it’s a little scary and I want to know who is on the other side of the wire.

    Who can use the service and how does it work?

    Number identification is available for every Megafon user and for future clients. Such a determinant is included in every package of absolutely all tariffs from Megafon.

    Anyone who tries to call you will be “recognized” by a special Caller ID scheme, that is, an automatic phone ID.

    The phone number (with numbers) will appear on the cell phone screen., and if such a contact is in the person’s contact list, then it will automatically appear on the screen.

    Benefits of the service.

    In that situation if an unfamiliar (secret) phone calls you, then usually the caller ID scheme, which every user has, will not cope with such a task.

    The name “hidden” will appear on the screen instead of the phone numbers themselves. In order to understand exactly who is calling you, you need to use “Super Caller ID”. This service is also available to every subscriber.

    Why do you need Megafon caller ID?

    Thanks to Caller ID you can find out who exactly is calling you, that is, see the caller’s numbers.

    The Megafon website contains the Terms and Conditions for the Caller ID service.

    Even if the number is secret from others, then thanks to this program from Megafon it will no longer be a secret for you.

    Determinant control from Megafon

    You do not need to “manage” such a function. Everything works according to the classic principle: when someone calls you (unknown), the phone number is displayed.

    When you call with Caller ID turned on, you will see the caller's number.

    You can control such qualifiers by deciding whether to connect such a service or not, but it comes in all packages.

    Cost of the program for Megafon clients

    This function is available in all linear tariffs and its cost is already included in the entire package of services. There are no restrictions on her actions or work. That's why you can be sure that they won’t charge you a penny for using this add-on.

    Option cost.

    Even if you disable or have disabled such a service, but then decide that you still need it, you can easily connect it again. There is no charge for connection, so even if you reconnect, everything will be free.

    Connection process

    As soon as the SIM card is activated, then all services are automatically connected, including Caller ID. Such a determinant is included in the standard package of any program from Megafon and activates this option by default. Therefore, in order to activate such a service, you do not need to do anything.

    Description of service connection.

    If you came to Megafon from another mobile company, and even switching with your other phone number from another company, the service of this program will be automatically connected, as soon as the phone enters the Megafon system.

    And as mentioned earlier, if you want, you can easily disable this service. Therefore, if you don’t know how to activate such a service on Megafon, then don’t worry, because everything has already been done for you!

    How to disable Caller ID?

    In order to disable a service such as automatic identification, you you will need to call the company manager on 0500. You should have at hand the personal data of the person who will disable the option; after the call center manager confirms the person’s information, at his request, he will disable this option.

    Photos on the topic:

    You can also disable this service using your personal account. You will need to go to the official website of the mobile company, then enter your phone numbers and password.

    Step 1. Login to your Personal Account.
    Step 2. Enter options and choose to disable the service.

    After authorization occurs, find the section with options. There, find a line that talks about disabling caller ID. There will be a "Disable" button, click on it and save all your changes. After this you can be sure that the service is disabled.

    Therefore, if you cannot detect the caller’s number, the ID is disabled.

    Use Cases

    In order to identify calls from various subscribers who use the services of other companies, then in this case the identifier from Megafon has its limitations. Also, the ID may not work if the caller has a program such as “CLIR Anti-Caller Identifier”.

    Restrictions on using the option.

    If you didn’t have time to pick up the phone, the phone number will remain in the log, and then you can see who exactly tried to call you. This type of identifier is official and is protected by an agreement between the subscriber himself and the operator.

    SuperAON qualifier

    SuperAON is a relatively new program that the organization provides for all subscribers who want to know who is really hiding behind the “secret” number. As soon as the program starts working, all unfamiliar numbers will become known to you.

    Advantages of the SuperAON service.

    If for some reason you did not have time to pick up the phone, the number will be saved in your missed numbers, and you will be able to call back. Megafon has a rather convenient function for saving ten missed calls per day. To find out who it was, just dial *502*1# .

    USSD command.

    This function starts working automatically, connects and starts working, and this is a paid “favor”. It will work until you yourself want to turn it off.

    Program price

    The first connection to such opportunities is free of charge. Then you will need to pay for such a service every day. The daily fee is six rubles. If for some reason you decide that you do not need such a position, then you can turn it off at any time.

    The SuperAON service is paid.

    You must understand that if you want to update the program again, it will cost you a hundred rubles. All payments will be automatically debited from the account, and a fee for using the tariff will also be collected every day.

    The cost of “SuperAON” is in the Terms of Service on the Megafon website.

    In that situation, if you want to authorize SuperAON, then you can send a request to determine a secret phone number, and it will cost sixty rubles. Such a fee will be debited from your account only once, then within a whole day you can make two requests, and they will be absolutely free.

    Managing the “SuperAON” option

    You can manage this program from Megafon yourself. If you want, connect, if not, disconnect.

    In addition, you can request information about the number that called you three times a day in order to have it “declassified.”

    Useful video:

    Let's connect SuperAON together

    It is very easy to get such a function, the main thing is to follow the plan:

    • The option can be activated using the request *502#. After dialing the number, you must do everything to confirm the activation.
    • Then call the company manager 0500, then the most difficult thing awaits you - wait until the technical manager answers you, then you will need to ask the operator to connect you to Super Caller ID.

    Confirm your connection.

    • You can pay for the connection process in any convenient way in the Megafon store. The manager will connect the option to you absolutely free.

    Disabling the feature

    The program is turned off on the completely opposite diagonal. You call the call center operator at phone number 0500 and leave a request to disable this function. You can also disconnect from such an add-on through your personal account and you will find the whole range there.

    Photo instructions:

    Caller ID and Super Caller ID are a great feature with which you can find out exactly who is calling you, no more “secret” calls and unidentified numbers. The function comes in every package.

    During the popularity of home landline phones, we had to remember or write down important numbers because the home phone wouldn't tell us who was calling. Then devices with displays appeared that displayed the phone number of the calling subscriber.

    Mobile phones and special operator services have made our lives much easier. Thus, the service of automatic caller ID for incoming calls and messages from Megafon is so familiar to subscribers that it is perceived as an application to a SIM card, and not as a separate option. Although this is an independent service, the main function of which is to display the number on the phone screen for an incoming call, as well as save the call in the call list.

    The Megafon caller ID service is provided free of charge to absolutely all subscribers, and is automatically activated the first time the SIM card is used. The option allows you to see the phone number of your interlocutor on the screen during incoming calls and SMS, and not only the phones of Megafon network subscribers, but also other operators. The phone number will be displayed in international format, or as a name if it was previously saved in the contacts list.

    The phone number will be determined even if your interlocutor is roaming. Although the Megafon operator warns that if the called subscriber is in international roaming, difficulties may arise with the correct use of the Caller ID service.

    In the event that you were unable to answer the call, information about the incoming call will be saved in the phone's memory, and you will have the opportunity to call the subscriber back later. The list of missed calls can be found in the device menu in the “Calls” section.

    Caller ID will always operate when a Megafon subscriber is online. But if your interlocutor has a special option enabled that allows him to remain incognito - Anti-AON (anti-identifier), AON will not be able to detect a hidden phone.

    How to connect Caller ID to Megafon?

    When you activate a new SIM card, Megafon Caller ID connects automatically. You do not need to enter any special commands and you do not need to activate the service additionally. Caller ID is available on both prepaid and postpaid plans. The Megafon service will always be provided, regardless of the account status on your device.

    How to disable Caller ID on Megafon?

    Since the Caller ID service from Megafon is absolutely free and a very convenient option, there is no point in disabling it. But if the subscriber nevertheless has such a desire, disabling the service is possible through Personal account Megafon, or through a customer support operator. You can call the hotline on 0500. Or the subscriber can visit the Megafon office and ask the employee to turn off the Caller ID.

    Additional services Megafon for hiding and identifying numbers

    In addition to the standard and free Caller ID service, the Megafon operator offers additional options that allow you to hide your own number on an outgoing call for a fixed fee, as well as determine the hidden number of another subscriber on an incoming call:

    • . Your number will remain secret, even if the other person has the caller ID option enabled. Connecting to the service is free, and the subscription fee will be 5 rubles per day.
    • One-time AntiAON. Ability to hide your own phone number once when making an outgoing call. There is no subscription fee, each hidden call will cost 7 rubles.
    • . For a subscription fee of 1,500 rubles per month, you get the opportunity to see numbers hidden using AntiAON during incoming calls. The service is activated free of charge.

    Today, among the list of the most important and indispensable additional services offered by modern cellular operators, up to 10 options can be identified, without which it is simply impossible for busy people and businessmen to imagine comfortable use of mobile communications. And among the list of such there will probably be such opportunities as Caller ID and Anti-Caller ID. We want to talk in more detail about these services provided by Rostelecom to its telephone subscribers and analyze the nuances of their configuration.

    AntiAON from Rostelecom

    Let's begin our consideration of the above options with the AntiAON service, which today is in demand not only among subscribers of the all-Russian telecommunications provider, but also among clients of most other mobile operators. This option is ideal for:

    • Businessmen;
    • Busy people;
    • Online stores;
    • Shops;
    • Courier services;
    • Companies calling potential clients.

    The service allows subscribers who have activated it to hide their number from automatic detection. As you know, on mobile phones, when an incoming call is received, the phone number of the calling subscriber is displayed on the display. If the AntiAON service from Rostelecom is activated, subscribers can hide their number, and when calling other phones, information about it will not be displayed.

    If you are interested in information on how to connect, as well as how to disable AntiAON on Rostelecom, then for this purpose subscribers need to contact directly the sales and service center, where company employees will kindly carry out all the necessary procedures for connecting the option.

    Caller ID service on Rostelecom

    The reverse side of the service discussed above is the Caller ID option, which is an automatic caller ID. This is an option that allows you to view information about the phone number of the incoming subscriber calling your phone. This option can also be enabled and disabled at Rostelecom offices in person.

    Financial aspects of services

    As for the financial side of the issue of using Caller ID and Anti Caller ID options, depending on the region of connection, information about the cost of using services may vary. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify it directly at the sales offices of Rostelecom or with technical support specialists when calling the operator’s contact center at 88001000800.

    Caller ID and Anti Caller ID services for landline telephony

    Finally, it is also important to note the information that concerns the use of the services discussed today on landline phones. It is no secret that Rostelecom also sells a wide range of services for connecting subscribers to home telephony, and such users also have the opportunity to connect to automatic number identification services, as well as caller ID blocking.

    The main purpose of these options does not change and allows you to enable identification of numbers of calling subscribers, as well as disable automatic number identification when making outgoing calls, respectively.

    Unlike similar services for mobile clients, home telephony subscribers can connect and disable options in several ways:

    Contacting the sales office, where you need to fill out a written application;

    Call the company's contact center at 88001000800.

    It is also necessary to note one very important nuance, which is that the use of the Caller ID service for home phones is available only to those subscribers who have a telephone with the Caller ID function. If your device does not have such a function, you will not be able to activate the service.

    The “Automatic Caller ID” option is designed to recognize the caller’s phone number by displaying it on the phone display. Thanks to Caller ID, the phone number is synchronized with the picture (photo) and ringtone set specifically for it. The service also makes it possible to easily view missed calls and dial the subscriber without looking for him in the address book. Read more about what Caller ID is and how to set it up below.

    Caller ID service

    Using the Caller ID method, telephone companies can determine who to bill for telecommunications services. Initially, the system was created to compile these accounts, but subsequently the scope of application was expanded, and now each subscriber can connect and configure Caller ID individually.

    There are several standard systems for identifying the interlocutor's number in the world. In the CIS countries, Caller ID is used, and in the rest of the world the service is conventionally called Caller ID, which literally means “subscriber identification.” There are several differences between the two systems. Thus, Caller ID recognizes information about the caller even before the connection. Caller ID performs this operation during connection. Remember these long beeps or melody while waiting - this is when the number identification occurs. Caller ID is also a telephone network service that is designed specifically for use by subscribers, while Caller ID is used to charge long-distance calls.

    How to connect caller ID

    To connect automatic caller ID to MTS, use one of the following methods:

    1. Create an SMS message with the text 2113 and send it to service number 111.
    2. Dial the system combination *111*44# on your phone and press the call button.

    This service is provided free of charge to all subscribers. The only exceptions are some tariff plans. More detailed information about this can be found on the operator’s official website.

    The option will work correctly only in cases where calls are made within the home network. If you receive a call from another operator (Beeline, Tele2, etc.) or from a landline phone, number identification is not guaranteed.

    Important: automatic number recognition will not occur if the person calling you has a paid Anti-AON option installed, which deliberately hides information.

    To ensure that information about the person calling is always displayed in the most correct way, it is recommended to save his phone number in the address book in international format, using the prefix +7.

    Disabling the Automatic Caller ID service occurs in almost the same way as activating it. You can use the Internet assistant or send an SMS message with the text 2113 to service number 111.

    The main disadvantage of the modern Caller ID system is the fact that when the subscriber is still waiting for the interlocutor to pick up the phone and listening to the beeps, this time is paid at the same rate as the conversation itself. So even if the subscriber never picks up the phone, the money will still be debited from the account.

    If your phone has a Caller ID installed, it can easily be identified by the characteristic clicking sound at the time of connection. Short beeps of varying tones may also be heard. However, despite all the shortcomings, the service has been extremely popular since the 90s of the last century, and is now relevant for modern mobile technology.