• Apparat - Magazine about the new society. Interesting inventions of the world The most advanced technologies in the world

    Payment systems with facial recognition: already widely used

    Facial recognition systems are used in many countries to search for criminals, control access to sensitive facilities, and in some countries to confirm payments in online banking. Since 2014, the Chinese company Alibaba Group has been testing facial recognition algorithms developed by Face++. They are going to be used to identify individuals and confirm orders in the Alipay payment system. The accuracy of the algorithm has already reached 80%.

    Another company that is gradually introducing facial recognition is . It uses the Selfie Pay feature, which allows you to confirm online payments using a selfie. For the application to take a photo, you need to nod or blink - this way the algorithm will make sure that it is a live client and not his photo. The system is already being tested in the Netherlands, USA, Canada and EU countries. This year MasterCard promises to expand the list of countries.

    Panoramic selfie: now

    The first amateur camera, Panono Explorer Edition, which allows you to take photos with a 360-degree view, appeared on the market in 2015 and ushered in a new era in photography. After that, many panoramic cameras costing up to $500 from Kodak, Samsung, Sony and other companies appeared on the market. Journalists from the world's leading publications use such cameras to film reports from hot spots. For example, journalists from The New York Times shot video from a refugee camp in Niger using a Samsung Gear 360 camera.

    The format of 360-degree photos and videos makes it possible to show what is happening most authentically, and in the future, it may become a standard for news materials.

    Panoramic videos are already being used to create virtual reality. For example, the British alcohol manufacturer Diageo produced a VR video called “Decisions”, warning about the dangers of driving while intoxicated.

    Gene therapy 2.0: already now

    Photo: Steve Gschmeissner/Science Photo Library

    Gene therapy is a set of biotechnological and medical methods aimed at treating diseases caused by mutations in the DNA structure or damage to DNA by viruses, using editing of the genetic apparatus. Gene therapy was initially considered a cure for inherited genetic diseases, but researchers now hope to use it to combat a wide range of diseases: Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart failure and cancer. In May, the European Union approved the use of gene therapy for severe combined immunodeficiency in children.

    One of the most promising gene therapy technologies is CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. This technology was discovered in 2013 as a mechanism for bacterial immunity using viral DNA. Scientists call it “molecular scissors” because it allows you to cut and change sections of DNA of any organisms directly in living cells with high precision. In October, Chinese scientists conducted the world's first adult human experiment using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Sichuan University researchers injected modified T lymphocytes into a patient with lung cancer. This is expected to start the process of destroying cancer cells in his body.

    Botnet of things: already now

    In the early 2000s, hackers learned to hack computers connected to the Internet and organize them into a network for massive attacks on a specific server. With the spread of the “Internet of Things” - inexpensive connected cameras, printers and scanners - hackers increasingly began to target vulnerable smart devices. Through them, cybercriminals gain control over local network equipment, modems, network storage, video surveillance systems and even industrial control systems.

    In September, the website of the hosting company OVH was hit by a record-breaking botnet. The total power of the attacks reached 1 Tb/s, the highest power of one of them was 799 Gb/s.

    Reinforcement learning: will spread in 1–2 years

    Artificial intelligence AlphaGo, based on reinforcement learning, beat world champion Lee Sedol at Go

    Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning in which a system learns by interacting with its environment. The most promising research in this area is being conducted by the DeepMind laboratory, a division of Alphabet. In 2016, its AlphaGo program beat world champion Lee Sedol 4-1 at Go, an ancient Chinese board game long thought beyond the reach of artificial intelligence.

    DeepMind employees suggest that the prospects for reinforcement learning are much broader than gaming artificial intelligence. For example, it will allow robots to learn to walk and manipulate unfamiliar objects without extensive prior instructions, and self-driving cars to learn from each trip.

    Practical quantum computer: in 4–5 years

    Quantum computer D-Wave Systems.

    A quantum computer is a computing device that uses the phenomena of quantum superposition and quantum entanglement to transmit and process data. The basic unit of calculation in it is the quantum bit, which, unlike a bit, can mean 1 and 0 at the same time. This allows a quantum computer to perform calculations 100 million times faster than a standard computer.

    Last May, IBM made its quantum computer available at its Yorktown Heights lab through the IBM Quantum Experience cloud platform. To date, about 40 thousand users have conducted more than 275 thousand experiments using IBM Quantum Experience. The computer's processor consists of five qubits, and IBM hopes to increase the power to 50 qubits in the future. On March 6, the company announced the creation of a new division, IBM Q, which will develop a quantum computer model.

    In addition to IBM, this year several companies - Google, Inte, Microsoft - as well as the Research Institute of the Netherlands and the Delft Technical Institute promise to present practical developments in the field of quantum computing.

    Neurochips for the paralyzed: in 10–15 years

    A paralyzed patient plays Guitar Hero using a neurochip. Photo: Battelle Memorial Institute

    In recent years, scientists have made great strides in developing neural interfaces that restore motor functions in patients with spinal cord injuries. If in 2015 it was mainly about experiments on animals - rats and primates - now laboratories in different countries are testing new technologies on human volunteers.

    In April 2016, staff at The Ohio State University and Battelle Memorial Institute made significant progress in treating a patient with quadriplegia - paralysis of all limbs. Thanks to a microchip implanted in the motor cortex of the brain, which transmits decoded signals to the muscles of the hand using electrical stimulators, he was able to relearn how to move his fingers and even play Guitar Hero.

    In the future, scientists also hope to create wireless neurochips that can restore neural connections in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

    Driverless trucks: in 5–10 years

    The Otto driverless truck made its first commercial flight on October 20, 2016. Photo: Anheuser-Busch, Otto

    The advent of autonomous trucks on the road is predicted to have a stronger and more controversial impact on society than the advent of passenger cars. In the long term, driverless technology will make freight transportation cheaper, but in the short term it will lead to a surge in unemployment. According to a White House report, there are approximately 1.7 million truck drivers employed in the US alone.

    The developers suggest that the introduction of autonomous trucks will help reduce the number of accidents, since more than 90% of them occur due to driver errors.

    The first commercial delivery by a driverless truck took place on December 20. It was carried out by Otto, a company owned by Uber, which develops autonomous control systems for freight transport. A driverless truck traveled 200 kilometers from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs at a speed of 88 kilometers per hour and delivered 45,000 cans of Budweiser beer to the Anheuser-Busch brewing corporation.

    Cellular atlas: after 5 years

    Illustration: Genome Research Limited

    An international consortium of scientists from the US, UK, Sweden, Israel, the Netherlands and Japan is set to create a detailed 3D map of human cells, visualizing for the first time what makes up the human body. To do this, it will be necessary to catalog 37.2 trillion microscopic images of cells in the human body, determining the molecular signature of each cell and assigning “geographic coordinates” to its location in the human body. “Cell Atlas” is a priority project on the list of medical research in which Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are going to invest $3 billion. Scientists expect that this project will have a significant impact on biology and medicine over the next few decades, helping to understand the causes of cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as developing effective drugs for their treatment.

    Solar thermophotovoltaic batteries: in 10–15 years

    Nanophotonic solar thermophotovoltaic cell. Photo: MIT

    Standard silicon solar cells capture only visible light ranging from violet (380 nanometers) to red (780 nanometers) and can convert a limited amount of light into electricity. Currently, most solar panels operate with an efficiency of 20%, and, according to scientists, even in theory it cannot exceed 32%. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are working to create a thermophotovoltaic converter (STPV), which will make it possible to obtain energy not only from light, but also from converted heat.

    The element consists of several layers of carbon nanotubes that absorb thermal radiation, and a photonic emitter crystal that converts it into visible light and redirects it to a solar cell, which converts the energy into electricity. This installation is at least twice as efficient as conventional solar cells.

    The technical world is developing so rapidly that people often get the wrong impression about breakthrough achievements - that nothing new is being invented at all, because this is so rarely mentioned in the media.

    In fact, the situation is completely different: it’s just that some technologies are created for narrow professional areas, others require the test of time, and others, due to their high cost, cannot yet serve the benefit of everyone. However, today they are taking medicine, energy, telecommunications and other areas to the next level. So what 10 new technologies is science ready to offer society?

    Convertiplanes: absolute conquest of the air

    Anyone who admires the futuristic flying technology shown in science fiction films will be interested to learn about tiltrotors (or rotorplanes) - amazing and complexly designed devices that combine the capabilities of both airplanes and helicopters. At the moment, the only mass-produced model is the Bell V-22 Osprey, which is being developed by American specialists.

    The propeller plane is unique because, depending on the angle at which the propeller blades are located, it can take off, move in the air and land like a helicopter, and at the same time, if necessary, switch to airplane mode, reaching speeds of up to 565 km/h.

    Despite the fact that the first flight of the tiltrotor took place in March 1989, the aircraft were put into mass operational use only in 2005. Before this, representatives of the US defense complex simply did not have the money to implement such a costly program. And this is not surprising - then the price of one device was $71,000,000!

    Bionic prostheses

    The next place of honor in the list of top 10 latest technologies is occupied by bionic prostheses, which are created and studied within the framework of the science of bionics of the same name. Its goal is to study living organisms and transfer some principles and features of their life into industrial developments. For example, Velcro is a direct copy of the method of moving burdock seeds, and the main Parisian landmark, the Eiffel Tower, is an almost absolute copy of the structure of the tibia of the human body. It is distinguished by its strength and durability in the same way as the 300-meter architectural symbol of France.

    Bionic prostheses not only restore the ability to perform those ordinary actions that were performed by a limb or organ before loss or amputation, but also provide sensitivity and tactility. Part of this technological idea can be compared to the ability of active regeneration that some living organisms possess. However, this requires special professionalism and delicacy: it is not easy to reproduce the movements of the hands, fingers, feet, etc., as well as to associate them with living muscle tissue and nerve endings.

    And yet, this can gradually be done with the help of highly complex myoelectric devices that make it possible to control the device using the power of mental reflex impulses. One of the first people to experience the effects of a bionic prosthesis on themselves was a man named Gudmundur Olafson from the Icelandic Islands. Having lost a limb 11 years ago and forced to use bulky and uncomfortable devices, he cried because the feeling of having a real leg returned to him.

    Invisibility cloaks: innovative military camouflages

    Invisibility cloaks will also become a reality, because the Canadian company Hyperstealth Biotechnology is currently developing a similar type of clothing. Quantum Stealth camouflage will be transparent due to the use of special light refraction technology. This will allow the military to become practically invisible both day and night, and the outerwear will not give away its owner even if the enemy uses a thermal imager, night vision device or any other infrared and thermal equipment. To create the material, the manufacturing specifics of which Canadian engineers are still keeping secret, does not require the use of mirrors, accumulators, batteries, cameras, etc. Everything will happen solely due to the bending of light.

    It is expected that Quantum Stealth will greatly facilitate military and rescue operations in cities, because this terrain is one of the most difficult in terms of maintaining stealth. Representatives of Hyperstealth Biotechnology are confident that in the future they will be able to begin active development of similar invisible camouflages of large sizes for equipment - new generation combat aircraft, which previously had to be hidden only in hangars, tanks and submarines.

    If today self-driving airplanes can surprise few people, then driverless cars are definitely an original and promising technology that heralds the gradual onset of the future. In the list of the 10 latest achievements of mankind, this project is perhaps the most proven. Thus, the self-driving cars of the Google company, which took up the development of this development, have already traveled about 500,000 km in total, while getting into a traffic accident only once, and even then not through the fault of their “driver” - artificial intelligence .

    In 2016, Google's subsidiary Waymo began producing cars, also called Googlemobiles. The creators claim that their “brainchild” will be able to reduce the number of accidents on the roads, and will also spend fuel and lay routes much more efficiently thanks to information from the Google Street View service, from sensors, video cameras and radars.

    Homing bullets

    The next new technology of the last 10 years also has the prefix “self-”, but here the context turns out to be more frightening than encouraging. The dangerous achievement, called "EXACTO", is actually being tested by representatives of the American Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

    This is important! If previously it was possible to accurately hit the target only if the target was in a static position, now this has become possible when the object is moving. Successful tests have already been carried out at one of the US military training grounds.

    An intelligent bullet resembles a rocket, scaled down many times. Both the size of 10 cm and the elongated oblong shape - everything here is justified by the presence inside of a complex optical sensor and a small-sized processor. The first sets a light point on the target, and the second receives information and builds a flight path, taking into account possible deviations. As a result, such a bullet does not swing in the air, deviates from the target within just 20 cm (if aimed by a person, this can be a whole ten meters depending on the distance), the flight speed is 2 times higher than sound, and also requires practically nothing from arrow. The target's defeat will be guaranteed regardless of who performs the task: an experienced professional or a novice.

    Very soon, people will begin to actively grow full-fledged viable biological organs in artificial conditions for transplantation into patients, because at the moment there are many prerequisites for this. Although doctors have yet to learn how to transplant such complexes of tissues and cells into the human body, today “rudiments” grown from three-dimensional cellular structures and called “organoids” allow doctors to solve many problems. Using their examples, they can study and model organ development, study tumors, test drugs and conduct experiments.

    Currently, professors have managed to grow the following types of organoids:

    • embryos (embryonic bodies);
    • cardiovascular tissue;
    • liver;
    • salivary and lacrimal glands;
    • kidney;
    • pancreas;
    • thymus;
    • lung tissue;
    • retina, etc.

    "Smart" home

    The original name of this development is “smart house”. This project is a software and hardware complex aimed at simplifying interaction with equipment inside housing. The technology can include various elements: control of lighting, security installations, climate control systems and other mechanisms. Typically, their implementation is carried out at the construction stage, but the cost is significant - from $2000 to $5000. And yet, one cannot fail to note the fact that “smart-house” makes life much easier due to the ability to remotely configure and regulate a particular system (for example, using a telephone or the Internet), as well as track information about your home when you are away.

    The list of the top 10 newest and most advanced technologies would not be complete without robots. Although the discussion of these intelligent automatic devices has already set one's teeth on edge, in reality it turns out that people know very little about them. For example, today the latest achievement in robotics is considered not to be a humanoid model at all, but an Agile computer project, rather reminiscent of a mechanical box on 4 thin legs.

    The qualitative difference between this development and its predecessors is that the machines of this model are capable of balancing, as well as moving and working on rough terrain and uneven field surfaces. The creators note that their creations have a mathematically unsurpassed sense of balance and the ability to self-stabilize. Such machines will be able to:

    • replace a person where unsuitable conditions make it difficult for him to carry out normal activities;
    • provide daily support to older people and people with disabilities;
    • participate in search and rescue operations.

    This method of genetic engineering for changing the genome is predicted to play the role of a real transformer of medicine. It was developed after researchers discovered that some of the sections of the bacterial immune system (CRISPR) can be transformed in order to then artificially insert them into the DNA of any living organism and change the macromolecule using special enzymes. This will lead to a change in genetic information in the selected location and, as a result, to the occurrence of a mutation. This method, called “genome editing,” will help develop new breeds of animals and varieties of crops, as well as fight diseases and alleviate the physical conditions of people by stopping the spread of various infections and viruses.

    Agricultural drones

    The latest development is becoming widespread only now, despite the fact that it appeared back in the 80s of the last century. And yet, self-controlled agricultural drones can rightfully be called innovative aircraft, because numerous investors are just beginning to invest in their creation, development and acquisition.

    The relevance of unmanned equipment is increasing against the background of forecasts of a numerical increase in the planet's population to 9,500,000,000 people by 2050, and therefore the consumption of agricultural products will increase by 70%. To continue to meet the needs of residents, manufacturers are resorting to introducing revolutionary strategies into practice. Drones can solve many problems, because today they:

    • effectively analyze the soil;
    • planting is carried out thanks to shooting capsules with seeds;
    • spray and water the crop;
    • assess the condition of the crop.

    Russia is one of the world's largest countries, capable of conducting advanced developments in a wide variety of fields of technology and production. In recent years, many successful projects have appeared using the latest Russian technologies.

    The Vocord company has invented an innovative system for facial recognition. It is suitable for smartphones and other gadgets. Their competitors are large market companies Samsung and Apple. But the latter still have serious difficulties and shortcomings. For example, a Samsung smartphone can be easily unlocked by bringing a photo of the owner, downloaded from social networks, to it. Therefore, Russian development is of great interest. Vokorod prophesies that their new product has great prospects.

    A Russian company has successfully developed a cloud-based drone service. It's called Le Talo Robotics. It contains all the statistics on the operation of the drone. Using it, you can easily assess the condition of the device and identify emerging problems. Scientists have also already invented a charging station for drones, which has aroused the curiosity of many investors.

    The domestic printer prints products using electron beam technologies. The equipment was created by the Tomsk company TETA, and the project was developed at Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science.

    The printer has the ability to use alloys that change their properties upon contact with air. As for sizes, they can be very different.

    The developers plan to actively use the innovation also in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering


    Using new technologies, Russian scientists have come up with a “human-wearable robot” called ExoAtlet. Its purpose is the rehabilitation of patients with the following problems:

    • unsuccessful operations;
    • injuries;
    • post-stroke conditions.

    Such a robot helps the patient move independently and speeds up the recovery process.

    This is a vehicle that runs solely on solar energy. The car receives it through solar panels, the total area of ​​which is 4 square meters. m. The body is made of composite material, which is also used in space production and rocket science.

    The creation of the solar car is being carried out by specialists at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The project is actively supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, as well as Kaspersky Lab.

    The Moscow Technical Institute presented a unique new invention - a virtual reality helmet equipped with built-in intelligence. It is suitable for use in a wide variety of industries. Among them:

    • entertainment industry;
    • education;
    • medicine;
    • art;
    • defense.

    The creators claim that the helmet has surpassed foreign analogues in all technical characteristics.

    The largest corporations from Silicon Valley are busy creating vehicles that can fly. Our country is also not lagging behind and is preparing to release similar devices. The Hoversurf company has invented the Scorpion-3 flying motorcycle, which reaches a speed of 320 km/h. It has the ability to maintain a charge for up to 450 km. The new Russian technology of the future has already aroused interest from abroad.

    Researchers from Tomsk Polytechnic University are developing unique technologies that provide wireless energy transfer via mobile communications over impressive distances. In this case, it is planned to use fifth generation communications. According to the invented algorithm, energy will be transferred from one device to another along with a radio signal. This innovation is now being tested for effectiveness.

    Among the latest Russian technologies and developments is the BiTronics designer. Its purpose is to study human biosignals. For example, it is possible to create human-machine control interfaces.

    Additional areas of use:

    • studying robotics, physical and mathematical sciences for schoolchildren;
    • improvement of sports sensors, heart rate monitors and other devices.

    In the future, it is possible to bring the product to the international level.

    The Motorika company creates highly effective methods for prosthetic limbs with a unique design. They have created an innovation that allows a person with an injury to regain grip function in their upper limb. It's called an active traction prosthesis. Devices can be built into it to provide wireless Internet access. The data is displayed on a display located on the forearm.

    The price of such a product is an order of magnitude lower than that of foreign designs. In some cases, the state provides compensation, and you can get a prosthesis absolutely free of charge.

    Modern airplanes cover long distances, but they take a lot of time. The Russian Aviation Research Center has begun work on creating supersonic airliners. For this purpose, third-party specialists are actively involved, since the range of tasks is very wide. According to preliminary estimates, the new aircraft will produce noise comparable to that of conventional civil aircraft.

    Scientists face the following tasks:

    • development of a preliminary structural and power diagram of the airframe;
    • selection of basic structural materials;
    • engine performance assessment;
    • building the necessary thermal protection of the device;
    • development of requirements for measuring instruments.

    Supersonic planes will be able to make transatlantic flights in just a couple of hours.

    All-terrain robot

    The Anywalker device has become a useful domestic startup. It is a small robot capable of moving independently. Anywalker also presses buttons and opens doors and moves up stairs.

    A plan has been developed to scale the production of such devices to one thousand copies annually.

    This is a device that provides a direct quantum channel for the exchange of information between two subscribers. This invention is being developed by scientists from the Faculty of Physics at Moscow State University. Conversations on such a device will be completely protected from eavesdropping. To do this, the phones need to be connected by fiber optics. It is through it that the transmission of quantum states of light occurs.

    "Smart" agricultural machinery

    This project is actively developing and is supported by financial injections from the state. Cognitive Technologies has developed a computer vision system that allows agricultural machinery to see dangerous objects in the fields in the form of poles, stones, etc. This information is used to ensure the safety of mechanisms during harvesting.

    The first tractor equipped with this system has already been successfully tested on Russian fields. The widespread use of “smart” agricultural machinery will allow significant savings (up to tens of millions of rubles annually on the scale of one farm).

    Tomsk State University has invented a special laser that is designed for cutting biological tissues and bones. The installation is designed for strontium vapor and can operate at different wavelengths. It is compact and fits on a regular table. Under the influence of a laser beam, a cut and a thin film are left on the tissue.

    Scientists plan to test the invention and want to use it in neurosurgery, implantology and other medical fields.

    All modern technology is based on microcircuits. The smaller their size, the more compact the device will be. Moscow scientists have come up with the thinnest microcircuit in the world, its thickness is only one molecule.

    When the new Russian technology is introduced into production, miniature gadgets, pacemakers and other devices will appear. This invention, according to experts, can “turn the world upside down.” It will reduce energy consumption, weight and dimensions of gadgets, and productivity will rise to a new level.

    Students from Perm decided to make a robot capable of not only moving independently, but also communicating with people. They created Promobot, which determines a person’s age and gender and recognizes faces. He has a huge vocabulary, is connected to the Internet and can answer many questions. Such a robot is suitable for performing the functions of a seller, waiter or administrator. Promobot is used by some Perm shopping and entertainment centers and banks. Its cost is ten thousand dollars, which is much cheaper than its Korean counterparts.

    In the coming year, Tomsk Polytechnic University plans to create a new X-ray tomograph. It will differ in that it can work with the phase of an electromagnetic wave. While conventional devices work only with its amplitude. This will allow the device to obtain much more information about the structure of the research objects.

    In addition to application in the medical field, the invention is suitable for diagnosing composite products.

    The project is actively funded by the state and industrial partners.

    Drones are being developed not only in America, but also in our country. At the Urban Forum, the Volgabas company from the city of Volzhsky developed and presented the first unmanned bus. It is made entirely from domestically produced spare parts. This bus is suitable for transporting passengers in closed areas. It is planned that in 2018 the first copies will appear in the capital.

    Rostec Corporation presented the latest unique camera. Its main feature is that it has a short-wave infrared range. It achieves high levels of natural contrasts and better night illumination.

    All-seeing cameras can find application in various fields. Among them:

    • agricultural land monitoring;
    • ship navigation;
    • checking the authenticity of banknotes.

    There are many talented people in Russia who can bring many more interesting ideas and inventions. In the coming years, many more new technologies will appear that will radically change the world.

    These inventions deserve not only our attention, but also success on the world stage. After all, these technologies can dramatically change our way of life. The good news is you don't have to wait years for them because they are already here and ready to use!

    15. Glowing plants

    For a long time, scientists have been looking for cheaper and more efficient methods of artificial lighting. Finally, they succeeded. They managed to create several types of plants that emit light in the dark. Such plants can be used in urban environments to reduce electricity costs. Not to mention that the concrete jungle could use some plants.

    14. Vertical farms

    To ensure that humanity will always be provided with healthy and fresh food, scientists and farmers have teamed up and created an innovative method of farming. It differs from the traditional one in that the plants are grown indoors, with an emphasis on saving space. Thanks to this method, people in cities will be able to grow their own food or buy fresh food in stores at any time of the year.

    13. Internet from a balloon

    About four billion people in the world still do not have access to the Internet. Large Internet companies regularly come up with new ways to make the Internet accessible in all corners of the Earth. This is how the idea came up to launch balloons into the atmosphere that would “deliver” the Internet to hard-to-reach areas. Such a project will help residents of developing countries become better acquainted with the world around them and find higher-paying jobs.

    12. Biotechnology

    Biotechnology is a branch of science that seeks to combine technology and living organisms for useful purposes. The beneficial products range from food, including cheese, yogurt and kefir, to medicines and biological sensors. Biotechnology continues to improve and offer new solutions. Currently, the idea of ​​crops that are drought-resistant and contain more vitamins is popular in biotechnology.

    11. Virtual reality

    Due to the popularity of video games, gaming companies are constantly developing more and more sophisticated ways to provide the player with an unforgettable experience. Their main goal is to make us feel like we are living in the game, and not sitting at home in front of the monitor. To achieve this effect, various companies are releasing a variety of virtual reality immersion products. One of the most interesting options is a mask, which during the game allows you to even feel the aromas of the wild area.

    10. Test tube meat

    Many people stop eating meat because they don't want to harm animals. To their delight, scientists have come up with a method that allows them to create meat in the laboratory. Not only does it cut down on the resources and energy it takes to raise the animal, the meat is healthier and tastes just like the real thing. Not to mention how much space will be freed up on the planet when animal farms disappear.

    9. Exoskeletons

    Of course, we are still a long way from the Iron Man suit, but the first steps have already been taken - exoskeletons are no longer an object of fantasy, but a real reality. They give people with spinal injuries the ability to walk and enjoy life to the fullest. Over time, these primitive exoskeletons will only get better - easier to use, more convenient and cheaper.

    8. Devices controlled by the power of thought

    If you constantly forget where you put your smartphone, you will like this news. Scientists have developed a method that allows you to control devices with the power of thought. This technology was first tested on people who had lost their mobility. It turned out to be so successful that already in 2004 people were playing ping pong with the power of their thoughts. This technology will definitely make our lives easier, not to mention the possibilities it opens up for the video games of the future.

    7. High-speed transport

    The world continues to expand, and more and more often we feel the need to be in two places at the same time. Therefore, humanity is constantly looking for ways to move faster. One of the best examples of new technologies in this area is Elon Musk's hyperloop. It promises to be so fast that the six-hour journey from Los Angeles to San Francisco will be covered in thirty minutes. And this is not the only such project in development.

    6. Genome change

    Because more and more people are being born with genes that complicate their lives and increase their risk of mortality, geneticists have created technologies that make it possible to “cut out” harmful genes, add new ones, and “turn on and off” existing ones. And this is not just a way to make people healthy - this technology can help people who, for example, have always dreamed of being athletes, but lack the necessary genes. Of course, this procedure does not guarantee 100% results, and people will still have to work hard to master the desired skills.

    5. Modern desalination

    Although people have long learned to produce drinking water using desalination, the old methods are too labor-intensive and not effective enough. Humanity now has a better understanding of physics and chemistry, and scientists have created more efficient ways to desalinate water. Now this can be done not only faster and cheaper, but also with additional benefits. Among them are free minerals. Yes, the water is full of them, and desalinated water can become a cheap source of minerals needed for production. Plus, billions of tons of desalinated water can feed the entire planet.

    4. Real tricorder

    If you're a science fiction fan, you're probably familiar with this device from Star Trek. It was this that the characters in the series used to measure medical indicators. The real version of this device can measure blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, pulse, temperature, respiration, and diagnose 12 diseases, including chickenpox and HIV.

    3. Drones in agriculture

    More and more farmers are asking for help from modern technology. Drones are one of these assistants. Although they look similar to those used in the military and film production, their functionality is very different. Their main task is to take infrared images that allow farmers to determine where seeds are germinating successfully and where problems begin. Some companies are creating agricultural drones that can destroy harmful insects, mold and other things that are unpleasant for the crop.

    2. Super materials

    With a deeper understanding of chemistry, we have learned to create new, exciting materials. These include graphene, a material that consists of only a single layer of carbon atoms. Thanks to this thickness, it stretches easily, has high thermal conductivity and is 200 times stronger than steel. Graphene can be used to create... anything. Graphene will make armored vehicles, clothing, computers and many other things much better and much more durable.

    1. 4D printers

    You've probably heard about 3D printers. But you are unlikely to know about the existence of 4D printers. Both perform the same task - printing materials or special objects - but 4D creates objects that can change under external influences. The fact is that living conditions are constantly changing, and what we needed yesterday may no longer be needed in a year. To avoid creating things that only last a short time, researchers have created printers and materials that are amazingly adaptable to all types of environmental changes, damage and other potential hazards.

    Every year, many scientific discoveries are made around the world that can qualitatively change the lives of people on the planet. Today, technology has a social responsibility - batteries that can power entire villages, artificial intelligence, the Internet of things.

    All of these ideas were already known, but only in 2017 they reached the level of maturity at which their impact on our lives becomes noticeable.

    Ultra-high-capacity batteries

    The world has long been ready to abandon petroleum products in favor of electricity. The last frontier in this technological war remains reliable and capacious batteries that can store a sufficient amount of charge. Recent research in this area gives hope that within a few years, batteries using sodium, aluminum and zinc will be able to provide people with cheap and accessible energy. This will not only affect electric vehicles - the cheaper the electricity storage technology, the higher the standard of living in third world countries. And this means accessible education, cheaper food and many other things that humanists can only dream of.

    Nanosensors and the Internet of Nanothings

    The Internet of Things is a global network of devices equipped with built-in technologies to interact with each other or with the external environment. Technology can radically change the idea of ​​the role of man in the world, thanks to his exclusion from some actions and operations. Nanosensors and medical nanotechnologies will help speed up the penetration of the Internet of Things, which will have a huge impact on the future of medicine, architecture, agriculture and drug production.


    The blockchain system is an electronic chain with several participants that cannot be broken or counterfeited from the outside. This means absolute security of money transfers and not only - blockchain can serve well in all areas of life that require accuracy and security. This could be voting, data protection and any financial transactions. The economic and social potential of blockchain technology can radically change world markets and abandon traditional currencies.

    2D materials


    Two-dimensional materials (2D materials), which are only one atom thick, have been actively studied in recent years. The most famous and studied representative is graphene. But besides it, there are other two-dimensional materials, such as silicene, germanene and others. They can be used in a variety of technologies: from water and air filtration to new generations of rechargeable batteries.

    Self-driving cars

    Self-driving cars are not yet legal in much of the world, but their potential to reduce pollution, boost the economy, and improve the quality of life for older people and other segments of society is enormous. Therefore, the world's largest automakers are now actively working on autonomous technologies that make it possible to turn the driver into a passenger.

    Medical chips

    The Internet of Things is bringing changes to medicine as well. Miniature sensors installed on vital human organs make it possible to conduct remote health diagnostics, compile statistics and forget about queues at the hospital.

    Solar Cells

    This new photovoltaic material offers three improvements over classic silicon solar cells: it is easier to make, it can be used almost anywhere, and it generates energy more efficiently.

    Open AI ecosystem

    Digital assistants, neural networks and chatbots will soon take over a wide range of tasks previously performed by humans. Already now, artificial intelligence, with proper configuration, is capable of maintaining a completely meaningful dialogue with a person. In 10-20 years, artificial intelligence will become much closer to the average inhabitant of the Earth - it will track finances, advise on medical issues and will work as a dispatcher in production.


    The use of light and color to record the activity of neurons in the brain has been known for several years, but this year scientists made a breakthrough. This means that optogenetics will soon become another method of combating brain disorders and diseases.

    Metabolic engineering systems

    Advances in synthetic biology, systems biology, and evolutionary engineering are gradually blurring the boundaries between the living and nonliving worlds. The creation of durable materials, fuels and renewable energy sources is the goal of this branch of science, designed to reduce the cost of technology using natural resources.