• Pain points on a person’s neck where to press. What do you need to press to. What happens if you press the ctrl w combination on the keyboard? Where to click to close the browser window. Medicines to influence human consciousness

    It is necessary to carry out the procedure itself correctly, since it is not enough to simply find points on the body for sleep and press on them. First you need to prepare your hands for the session by warming them up to the desired temperature. Next, they actually look for where the sleep point is on the human body. If it is identified correctly, after pressing it, a feeling of aching and numbness will appear.

    First you need to knead the patient's skin to warm it up slightly. Next, use the pad of your finger to press on the point, making smooth rotational movements, pressing your fingers deep into the body. The pressure should be gradually increased until slight pain occurs. In this case, it is important that the finger remains in place and does not move from the acupressure point.

    Its position should be perpendicular to the surface. The time of pressure on the skin should be on average 5-7 seconds, after which everything is smoothly returned to its original position, as if the finger were being twisted back. At the same time, it is not taken away from the point of contact, since after a short time the procedure is repeated again.

    In total, do 3-5 approaches of pressure on the sleepy points. Thus, it takes about 2-3 minutes to massage one area. The person should not experience pain, discomfort or other unpleasant feelings. If at the same time the pressure increases, the heart rate increases, sweating, and nausea appear, the procedure is completed immediately.

    It doesn't matter in which direction to perform circular rotations, but some experts say that it is better to do it counterclockwise. It is also recommended to massage a maximum of 2-3 points in the first days and do this according to an abbreviated procedure in order to assess the body’s response to acupressure.

    Non-standard methods of putting an alcoholic to sleep

    There are only 3 sleepy points on the human body. The first is located at a distance of approximately 1 cm from the outer corner of both eyes. In order to fall asleep, you need to massage it with two fingers. The second is located between the eyebrows. To doze off, you need to lightly press it with your index finger several times.

    The third is located near the nostrils, about the width of a finger. To fall asleep, massage it in a circle. Sleepy points should not be confused with the places where blood vessels exit to the skin, blocking which by pressing with a finger will cause a person to faint rather than fall asleep.

    In Eastern medicine, there are many more sleepy points, but falling asleep occurs not only by pressing on them, but also with the help of acupuncture and applying special ointments to them.

    Even primitive people already performed surgical operations, such as amputation of limbs. Naturally, they were interested in the question of how to make these manipulations less painful. The very first attempts to put a person to sleep were made by the Syrians and Egyptians. To do this, they squeezed the vessels of the neck. Ether anesthesia was first used by Thomas Morton in the 19th century during jaw surgery.

    A person’s sleepy points and their location may be of interest for various reasons. Sometimes the ability to put a person to sleep does not concern medicine, but is required in everyday life. For example, how to calm an inadequate person in a state of intoxication with drugs or alcohol? Is it possible to put such a person to sleep by pressing special points on his body?

    Even in ancient times, enlightened people knew that there are special points on the human body, when pressed, he immediately faints. These are not sleepy points in the literal sense of the word, but pressing on them causes a person to fall and lose consciousness. One such point is located on the shoulder, a little closer to the neck.

    Note! Chloroform is highly toxic.

    You can also put someone to sleep at home for a couple of hours or more with alcohol, azaliptin, or psychotropic medications. Each of the above methods is not completely safe. If used incorrectly, it can cause harm.

    Surely many have seen films where a handkerchief is brought to a character’s face without his knowledge, after which he falls unconscious. The audience is presented with the idea of ​​euthanization with chloroform. It is a narcotic substance that has a strong effect on the human body. To put a person into a state of sleep, you need to moisten a handkerchief in chloroform and apply it to the nose and mouth, pressing and holding for several seconds. As a rule, consciousness switches off already on the second breath. By the way! In the game Yandere Simulator, you can put people to sleep in a similar way.

    There is also a method of euthanasia with clonidine, but it is not recommended. After waking up, you feel unwell: headaches, dizziness, nausea. But that's not all. If the dosage is exceeded, the person may die.

    You can also put someone to sleep at home for a couple or more hours with alcohol, azaliptin, or psychotropic medications. Each of the above methods is not completely safe. If used incorrectly, it can cause harm.

    There are a large number of different areas on the human body, influencing which you can achieve a change in consciousness or immersion in sleep. The most famous way to put a person to sleep is to press on the carotid artery, slightly squeezing it. The flow of blood to the brain will be stopped, as a result of which your friend may briefly fall out of the real world. The second point is on the shoulder, close to the neck. However, its location may vary from person to person. Pressing it also causes sleep.

    When using sleep spots, you need to be extremely careful. Yes, this method puts a person to sleep almost instantly (literally within a few seconds). However, too much pressure on the points can provoke a change in consciousness, and in special cases, lead to death.

    Humanity has faced problems with forced immersion in sleep since the dawn of civilization.

    • pressing on certain points on the body;
    • hypnosis.

    Empirically, points on the body were identified that, when pressed, a person fell into sleep or unconsciousness. This skill can be useful for pacifying a drunken rowdy.

    You need to act on these points carefully, as there is a possibility of damaging the eyes, nose and other parts of the face. And the reaction of a drunk person can be unpredictable.

    Hypnotherapy is an effective way to put a patient to sleep for a while. Hypnotic sleep is not a complete substitute for physiological sleep. At the same time, the connection with the patient is not lost. An experienced doctor should induce a state of hypnosis.

    What points should you press on for insomnia?

    1. It is often recommended to start a massage from an asymmetrical point, which is located between the eyebrows, 1 cm above the bridge of the nose. You need to put moderate pressure on it. Thanks to this, you can achieve restful sleep and lose anxiety. 2. The second sleep point is on the wrist, at the end of the wrist fold on the little finger side on the front side of the wrist. It is symmetrical, so the procedure is performed on both hands.

    3. The third point is the back of the hand, where there is a depression between the index finger and thumb. If the latter is taken to the side, then it is clearly visible. If a sharp pain is felt when pressing, it means that the point has been found correctly. Pressure is applied on both hands. 4. A universal point that is used to treat fainting and weakness.

    It can also be used to calm and relieve minor nervous disorders. On the outside of the foot, in the depression between the tubular metatarsal bones, there is also a carotid point. To find it, count a segment equal to three middle fingers of the hand from the depression between the first and second toe.

    6. If the patient is overexcited, you can perform the indicated procedure on a point on the inside of the forearm. The point is located slightly higher (three fingers) from the wrist fold between the tendons. If you press hard here, peace and relaxation will come.

    7. Another asymmetrical point is localized in the area of ​​1.5 cm from the xiphoid process of the sternum. Press on it in a supine position. 8. You can also press yourself on the point behind the lower edge of your earlobe near the base of the skull. To find this point, you need to focus on pain.

    Knowledge of such points on the body and the ability to perform acupressure procedures will allow you to quickly get rid of insomnia, anxiety and other phenomena associated with emotional imbalance. It should be understood that the first procedures do not always turn out correctly, especially if they are done without the help of professionals. But over time, you can learn acupressure and with its help achieve the desired result in the fight against insomnia.

    In Pulp Fiction and The Rock, the hero of the film survives because he was injected with medicine directly into his heart. Although intracardiac injections exist, they are rarely used because there are many ways to administer the drug without the fatal risk.

    Many people who cannot sleep are also interested in the question, where is the sleepy spot? There are actually several points that can help you fall asleep quickly. First of all, these are points on the human body, pressing on which allows you to relax - because without this it is impossible to get rid of insomnia.

    A point at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye. To make it easier to fall asleep, you need to massage it with your index and middle fingers.

    The point between the eyebrows. It should be pressed lightly with your index finger several times.

    A point that can be found about the width of a finger near the nostrils. It is usually massaged in a circle.

    Many films present the idea of ​​euthanasia using chloroform. An analogue of this drug is now “Ether for anesthesia”. Ammonia and acentone can also be used, but these agents usually cause damage to the mucous membrane.

    In general, the use of chloroform and special ether is complicated by their availability. It will be very difficult for the average person to get these drugs. In addition, in order for a person to fall asleep, it is necessary to hold a rag soaked in the solution near his nose for more than 5 minutes.

    Medications include drugs that have drowsiness as a side effect, such as clonidine. This medicine is used to combat hypertension, and is also known as a way to put a drunk person to sleep or to intoxicate, including a sober one. In pharmacies it is issued only by prescription, as it is addictive.

    When clonidine enters the body, it is quickly absorbed along with alcohol. This method is used to treat alcoholism in the initial stages of the disease. The effect of the drug on the body is such that people cease to control themselves completely, and therefore the risk of getting into an accident, falling from a height and other fatal and traumatic incidents increases. The use of medication for alcoholism requires strict adherence to the dosage to exclude such cases.

    There is another drug that is given to a drunk person - diphenhydramine. However, this medicine has a double unpredictable effect: it can both cause drowsiness, causing a person to fall asleep, and, conversely, increase the activity of a drunk person. Diphenhydramine has antiemetic, antiallergic, sedative and hypnotic properties. But putting a drunk person to sleep with diphenhydramine does not always work.

    Last on the list of drugs are antidepressants. The name speaks for itself - they are designed to calm the patient both in the clinic and at home. When taken, a person develops behavior like a drunk person: unsteadiness of gait, confusion of speech and consciousness. The use of the medicine leads to rapid sleep. However, the simultaneous use of antidepressants and alcohol is prohibited, as it can lead to coma and even death.

    The above methods will help in resolving issues such as:

    • insomnia due to a hangover (when a person cannot fall asleep after drinking a certain amount of alcohol the night before);
    • insomnia from alcohol.

    Use of this information for illegal purposes is criminally punishable.

    Alcoholism cannot be treated on its own. For a complete recovery, we recommend contacting specialized institutions.

    1. Breathe through your left nostril

    This technique, which comes from yoga, lowers blood pressure and calms you down. While lying in bed, turn to your left side, close your right nostril and breathe slowly through your left nostril. This method is especially suitable if your insomnia is caused by overeating or hot flashes.

    When you completely relax your muscles, you are preparing your body for sleep. Lie on your back, take a deep, slow breath in through your nose and at the same time squeeze your toes tightly as if you want to curl them, and then relax. Inhale again, squeeze your calves, then your thighs, buttocks, stomach, chest, arms, etc., and then relax the muscles one by one.

    Once you've worked all your muscles, your breathing will be balanced and you'll be ready to go to sleep.

    4. Rewind your day.

    By recalling routine details in reverse order, you clear your mind of worries. Remember in detail the conversations, sounds and everything you saw. This will help you reach a state of readiness for sleep.

    5. Roll your eyes

    Close your eyes and make circular movements with your eyes three times. This way, you stimulate what you do naturally when you fall asleep and help yourself produce the sleep hormone melatonin.

    6. Hum

    It may seem strange at first, but this method can really help.

    Breathe softly through your mouth, close your eyes, lower your shoulders, relax your jaw, purse your lips and begin to hum softly. Try to hum throughout the entire exhalation. Watch how your chest vibrates. Concentrate completely on the vibration for six breaths, and then remain calm for a while. Tell yourself: “I’m ready for bed” and go to bed.

    7. Click on the dots

    Some points on our body promote sleep if you press them gently but firmly.

    Using your thumb, press into the space between your eyebrows at the top of your nose, where there is a small depression. Hold for 20 seconds, slowly release the point and repeat two more times.

    You can also try clicking on another point. Sit on the edge of the bed and place your right leg on top of your left knee. Find a small depression between your big and index toe and press on this point.

    Then, supporting your right foot, find a point under the nail on top of your index finger, and use the thumb of your right hand to gently press on this point.

    Another point that helps you fall asleep is the hollow in the upper part of the ear. Stimulate this sensitive point to help you fall asleep more easily.

    8. Self-hypnosis

    This method of self-hypnosis was developed by the German psychiatrist Johann Heinrich Schulz and consists of repeating the following.

    “My hand is heavy and warm,” “my solar plexus is warm,” “my heartbeat is calm and regular,” “my neck and shoulders are heavy and warm.”

    By repeating these phrases three times, you will enter a state of deep relaxation, which ultimately leads to sleep.

    9. Dip your face in cold water

    Anxiety is one of the main reasons why we have difficulty falling asleep. You can “reset” your system by immersing your face in cold water for 30 seconds. The “dive reflex,” which occurs when diving into cold water, slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.

    10. Blow bubbles

    An activity like blowing bubbles helps relax your breathing. In addition, the very sight of light bubbles as they float through the air has a calming effect.

    For sleep to come quickly, you need to press the points above your eyes with two fists, then close your eyelids and “see” your own legs with your inner gaze.

    Thus, there are sleepy spots on the human body that can make him fall asleep or faint. But you should press them extremely carefully to avoid unpredictable consequences.


    What is chloroform?

    Chloroform is a fatty narcotic substance that has a stronger effect than anesthetic ether.

    Unlike ether, it causes the onset of anesthesia much faster and relaxes skeletal muscles well. However, at the same time it is characterized as a very toxic agent.

    Formula and properties of the substance

    Wikipedia says about Chloroform that under normal conditions this chemical compound is a mobile, volatile, transparent liquid without color and with a characteristic ethereal odor. Chloroform is non-explosive and non-flammable.

    The formula of Chloroform is CHCl3. The formula was established by the French chemist Dumas.

    The substance is practically insoluble in water and is miscible in all proportions with fatty essential oils, alcohols and ether. It also dissolves well a large number of organic substances (for example, lecithin, paraffin, resins, rubber) and some inorganic substances (for example, iodine, sulfur or phosphorus).

    Chloroform is a rather unstable compound. When exposed to light and air, it is oxidized by oxygen. The products of this reaction are chlorine, hydrochloric acid and carbonic acid dichloride (phosgene), a toxic chemical with an asphyxiating effect.

    For this reason, the chloroformation procedure should be avoided with an open flame. Phosgene poisoning is a fairly common occurrence when working with chloroform, which has been stored in a warm place for a long time.

    To prevent the decomposition of Chloroform, it must be stored in orange glass jars. For the same purpose, alcohol or sometimes methenamine is added to chloroform.

    Chloroform hazard class according to the degree of exposure to humans is II (Highly hazardous substances).

    Release form

    In different situations, it may be necessary to search for sleepy points and their location on the human body. Sometimes a person needs this skill in everyday life. For example, in order to calm a person who is intoxicated.

    Even in ancient times, people knew that when certain points on a person’s body were pressed, he could fall unconscious. One of these points is located on the shoulder a little closer to the neck; pressing on it leads to loss of consciousness. The same thing happens when you press on the carotid artery. And this can be used as a way to put a drunk person to sleep.

    Melatonin is credited with many properties, one of which is the so-called rhythm-organizing effect, in the event of which people's biological rhythms are disturbed (especially when moving from one time zone to another). Melatonin also has antioxidant and immunostimulating effects.

    Many scientists around the world believe that the pineal gland, with the help of melatonin, acts on the body's defenses. For example, melatonin binds oxidants, triggering the antioxidant defense of the body as a whole. Considering the function of melatonin in the immune system, we can say that its role in antiviral defense is undeniable.

    The pineal gland hormone has a positive effect on fat metabolism, which significantly reduces cholesterol in the blood, consequently reducing the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and regulating blood pressure levels. Many researchers believe that melatonin can prolong life, but so far there is no convincing evidence for this hypothesis in experimental data.

    Everything would be wonderful, taking into account all the functions of melatonin, if not for one “but”, the amount of the hormone changes throughout our lives. Its production begins at the age of three months, and reaches its peak by the age of five, then remains at the same level until the onset of puberty (puberty), then its level drops sharply and reaches its critical minimum by the age of 40-50.

    The bad guys think the same thing, which is why information obtained through torture is often misleading, further slowing down the investigation.

    How to put a person to sleep without sleeping pills?

    Photo gallery: How to put a person to sleep: sound sleep without sleeping pills

    Sometimes situations arise when you need to quickly put a person to sleep for at least 2 hours. Sometimes you need to fall asleep on your own, but tension or excitement does not allow this opportunity. Pharmaceutical drugs can adversely affect your health and sometimes even lead to death. It has been experimentally established that in order to put a person to sleep, it is not necessary to resort to sleeping pills. There are safer ways.

    • influence by hypnosis;
    • use chloroform;

    Important! Regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it in detail and study the possible consequences.

    Note! Euthanasia by pressing on the carotid artery should be done with caution, since there is a possibility of squeezing it, which has serious consequences.

    The second known point is the area on the shoulder, closer to the neck. Pressing it leads to sleep. It should be noted that the location of this point may vary from person to person.

    Important! Caution must be exercised when using sleep points. This method can instantly put you to sleep, but with improper or prolonged exposure it leads to a change in consciousness and even death.

    Everyone knows the common phrase that sleep is the best medicine. Indeed, after several hours of rest we feel vigorous and healthy. It is no coincidence that people at all times have been actively interested in methods of artificial euthanasia without harm to the body. Carotid points and arteries became the main focus of research, and healers and magicians used relaxation for practical purposes.

    • Hypnosis is one of the most mysterious, but at the same time absolutely harmless ways to switch off a person without sleeping pills. In addition to hypnosis itself, the practice of self-hypnosis is widespread - putting oneself to sleep to improve physical or psychological capabilities.
    • Hypnosis originated in the times of primitive people. It was during this period that the first “intermediaries” with other worlds began to appear - shamans. Their role in the formation of hypnosis is quite large.
    • Hypnosis involves the body, but most often occurs without body contact. Euthanasia and other manipulations are carried out on a subconscious level. However, this topic is at the research stage. But one thing is certain - a sleepy person can be the object of influence of a hypnotist for both good and selfish purposes.
    • Hypnotic sleep is a type of disconnection of the body from independent decision-making. The will of a person is controlled by the hypnotist or his assistants.

    To fall asleep, you can use the following methods:

    • influence by hypnosis;
    • use chloroform;
    • click on special points located on the body.

    There are many areas on the human body that, when exposed, can quickly turn off consciousness. The most famous point is the carotid artery, which is located in the neck. If you press it, the blood flow to the brain will stop. As a result, a person falls out of reality for a long time.

    The second known point is the area on the shoulder, closer to the neck. Pressing it leads to sleep. It should be noted that the location of this point may differ from person to person.

    There are other areas on the body that are less well known, but exposure to them can also put you to sleep. “Sleeping points” are located in the following places:

    • between the eyebrows (press several times with your index finger);
    • on the outer corners of the eyes (exposure is carried out by pressing with both hands clenched into fists);
    • on the upper eyelids (you need to press on both points, and then look with your “inner” gaze at your legs);
    • area on the nose, which is located at a distance of 1 cm from the nostrils.


    • find a point at a distance of 1 cm near the corner of the person’s eye, and press it with two fingers;
    • Another way to put a person to sleep is to press the point between the eyebrows with the index finger;
    • measure the distance from the nostrils at the width of a finger, and then massage the point at this place with rotational movements of the hands;
    • identify the points above the eye sockets and press them with both fists at once - as soon as you do this, lower your eyes to your knees and fix your gaze on your feet.

    To use this method of instant sleep, you must have certain skills. Moreover, the person to whom hypnosis will be applied must be sufficiently suggestible. Otherwise, he simply will not fall asleep, moreover, he will consider you abnormal.

    To make a person fall asleep, use some kind of pendulum. Speak to him quietly, but confidently enough. Convince him that sleep is the best thing he can get from life at the moment. After he falls asleep, you can wake him up with the same voice command.

    If you are not a specialist in hypnosis, its use can lead to irreversible changes in a person's consciousness.

    All of the above methods carry a certain danger. If used incorrectly, human health may be harmed. Even the most banal option - adding sleeping pills to tea - can lead to death in case of an overdose of pills.

    Important! You need to not only know how to hypnotize a person, but also have techniques for awakening him.

    There is one important caveat when using hypnosis. Even doctors are not able to euthanize every patient. A person must be suggestible, otherwise he will not be able to sleep.

    Important! If you do not have certain knowledge and experience of hypnosis, its use can lead to changes in a person’s consciousness.

    Hypnosis has a close connection with human history. It is even mentioned in religious books. To put a person to sleep for 2 hours without harm to his health, you must be fluent in the technique of hypnosis. This method is used in medicine to calm the patient by influencing his consciousness.

    There is one important caveat when using hypnosis. Even doctors are not able to euthanize every patient. A person must be suggestible, otherwise he will not be able to fall asleep.

    Below is a video about hypnosis.

    What liquid is used to euthanize?

    1. The first thing to note is breathing problems. The liquid disrupts the rhythm of the respiratory tract and can lead to health problems.
    2. The second is the activation of the cardiovascular system. Chloroform increases the pulse and affects heart contractions.
    3. Third, chloroform disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

    As a result, we can conclude that hypnosis, sleepy dots and liquid to put a person to sleep help cope with insomnia. However, in no case should you use the other methods of euthanasia indicated in the article on another person, especially against the will of this person.

    Clonidine - quick sleep for several hours

    Each of us has seen a film in which the hero was euthanized with clonidine. One has only to mix it into some drink and a person will fall asleep within half an hour from the moment of taking it. The sleep will last for several hours, and there is absolutely no fear that it will be interrupted.

    The disadvantage of this method of rapid euthanasia is poor health. After using clonidine, the “test subject” will suffer from headaches, nausea and dizziness. Moreover, if the dose is calculated incorrectly, a person may die from poisoning.

    Ethyl alcohol and drugs

    In order to normalize sleep, doctors prescribe various medications to patients:

    They work slowly but surely;

  • sedatives - diazepam, phenazipam and the like. Average speed of falling asleep;
  • antidepressants - amitriptyline, miaser, melipramine and others. Sleep comes quickly.
  • Drugs of the first group can be used without a doctor’s prescription. Others - only under the supervision of a neurologist or psychiatrist. These medications have a large number of contraindications and side effects.

    Alcoholic drinks have unpredictable effects on any body. It is difficult to say how ethyl alcohol will affect medications.

    There are 3 types of interaction:

    • enhances the effect of the drug;
    • reduces the therapeutic effect;
    • acts unpredictably - causes various allergic reactions, swelling.

    For example, barbiturate-based drugs in combination with alcohol can cause respiratory arrest. So it may be possible to put a husband or a drunken brawler to sleep forever.

    Antidepressants combined with alcohol increase blood pressure to critical levels. And a drunk person increases the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

    Drugs such as diazepam and phenazipam enhance their inhibitory effect when paired with alcoholic beverages. A person develops psychosis, loses personal orientation, and in difficult cases, respiratory and cardiovascular depression occurs.

    This can lead to dire consequences. You don't want to kill your husband, do you?

    Doctors identify several medications that are safe for a drunk person. The main active ingredients of this group of drugs are cyclopyrrones.

    Imidazopyrine preparations such as Zolpidem and Snovitel are approved for use. They are available only with a doctor's prescription and are taken under the supervision of medical professionals.

    Any experiments with sleeping pills and alcohol are fraught with danger to human life and health. And using them at home means exposing your husband or son to additional danger.

    Firstly, you can resort to simple conviction, because all people are sensible beings, and it is possible to reach an agreement. Often a conversation is enough to convince a person to fall asleep quickly. This method is especially effective if you need to fall asleep with a hangover.

    Secondly, you can use another technique - ignoring a drunk person. This means not paying attention to all his provocations so that the person falls asleep. As a result, sooner or later he will get bored and go to bed.

    Thirdly, if a drunk person still wants to show his character, then the only option for putting him to sleep is to stay away from him so that he cannot harm himself or others. After some time, you can notice that the person is still sleeping.

    There are also medicinal ways to put a drunk to sleep. Let's consider what we can give him.

    Valerian extract or motherwort tincture can be used. These drugs are designed to calm the central nervous system. In a state of alcoholic excitement, they act in a similar way. The exposure time is quite long, so they are never used by scammers, since it is not practical for them to give this medicine to a drunk person. The drugs can be used at home without a doctor's prescription.

    Strong sedatives are used (for example, phenazepam, diazepam and other drugs from this group).

    Medicines are sold only with a doctor's prescription. It is possible to add them to make a person fall asleep, but the duration of the reaction is long (as in the first group of drugs). The drugs are intended to combat epilepsy, seizures and headaches. If the dosage is incorrect, consequences such as memory loss, respiratory arrest, etc. are possible.

    In difficult cases, drugs intended for violent mentally ill patients are used. The action is aimed at completely calming the central nervous system. Available only with a psychiatrist's prescription. The speed of falling asleep with the help of the drug is a matter of minutes. This, of course, will help you sleep with a hangover, but it is impossible to buy such a remedy without a prescription.

    Natural ways to calm down a drunk

    It is quite difficult to quickly sober up a drunk person at home. To do this, you can use the following recommendations:

    But in a short time it is possible to bring a drunken husband or other person to his senses only in a medical institution. At the narcological department, the drunkard will be given medication and undergo dialysis and plasmapheresis.

    Currently, many paid clinics offer home calls to a specialist.

    You were attacked, a fight broke out, there is a threat to your health and even life - you need to save yourself. First of all, aim for the most sensitive parts of the body: eyes, ears, nose, groin. There are other vulnerable places where nerve endings and internal organs are not protected by bones. But remember: these attacks can cause serious damage and even death to the enemy. Only use them if you are truly in serious danger.

    1. Base of the skull

    Such an impact may cause damage. Apply it only as a last resort.

    2. Kidneys

    After such a blow, the enemy will experience sharp pain in the back and abdomen. For maximum effect, aim at the points on the sides where the ribs end.

    3. Coccyx

    The last vertebra of the coccyx is small and fragile. If you hit it sharply with the toe of your boot at the right angle, it may break. In this case, the attacker will experience an attack of incredible pain, radiating to the lower back and legs.

    4. Jaw joint

    By hitting your opponent right under the ear, you can break his jaw. More often than not, this ends the fight instantly.

    5. Side neck

    This kick not only looks impressive on screen - it actually works. Strike sharply into the side of the opponent's neck: the carotid artery is located there. With such a blow, you will hit the vagus nerve, and this will lead to severe, and in some cases even loss of consciousness.

    6. Base of throat

    The trachea is located there - one of the most vulnerable places in the body. Even a slight blow to the trachea can damage the larynx and lead to suffocation. Hit this place only as a last resort and do not forget about the consequences.

    7. Armpits

    A sharp blow to the armpit will weaken the attacker's arm, making him more vulnerable.

    8. Solar plexus

    This is where the sternum ends and the abdomen begins. A good punch or kick to the solar plexus will make the opponent double over.

    9. Bladder

    The pain from such a blow does not go away for a very long time. And if the bladder is full, then it will also be emptied.

    10. Knees

    The ligaments and tendons that hold the knee joint in place will not be able to withstand sudden displacement to the side. Aim your foot so as to displace the knee and tear the ligaments. This will immobilize the attacker.

    11. Ankles

    If you step on your opponent's ankle with all your might, you can damage the joint and tendons. Especially if you are wearing heavy shoes.

    12. Groin

    Everyone knows where this will lead. Pain and more pain.

    13. Chin

    A blow to the chin can cause you to lose consciousness. With such a blow, the head turns so sharply that the brain is literally shaken.

    14. Whiskey

    A strong blow to the temple will cause you to lose consciousness and can cause serious illness.

    15. Nose

    It's easy to break your nose. The bleeding and pain from the fracture will stop most attackers. In addition, upon impact, the nasolacrimal duct is activated, which further disorients the enemy.

    16. Eyes

    By hitting the eye or pressing hard on both, you can permanently deprive a person of vision. Use this technique only as a last resort. It is enough to press lightly on the eyes, as a result of which a lot of tears will be released. And you will have a chance to escape while the attacker does not see anything.

    A regular keyboard can be divided into several areas.

    The topmost area of ​​the keyboard contains keys that are not used for entering data into the computer. These keys perform auxiliary actions, which are shown in the table below.

    Esc key – this key is used to cancel an action, exit programs, games, exit applications, etc.

    Functions of the "Esc" key .

    Its main function is to cancel the command that was ahead. If you right-click to open a menu on the desktop or on the taskbar and then press the “Esc” key, the menu will close immediately. If you start playing a game and accidentally press the Esc key, you will almost always exit that game. But pressing this key again will take you back to your game.

    When you are on the Internet, you enter the next site address, and then accidentally press the “Esc” key, you will immediately return to the previous site address that you have already reviewed.

    The top row of the keyboard contains function keys (limited by a red rectangle in the picture).

    Function keys FI – F12 designed to perform certain actions assigned to them. The actions depend on the programs currently running on the computer, but usually the F1 key used to call the help system of the currently running program. If any program is running, then help about this program appears.

    "F2" Booting the computer while pressing this key or the “Del” key makes it possible to configure the Bios of your computer.

    "F3" Calls up the search window.

    "F5" Reloads the open browser page.

    "F8" Booting the computer while pressing this button makes it possible to work in the safe mode of the operating system.

    The actions of the remaining function keys with the F symbol are mostly possible in combination with modifier keys and may vary depending on the make and model of the computer. If the actions of any key on the keyboard of your computer differ from those described here, then you can find out about its purpose in the user manual.

    "Pause/Break" . When the computer boots, it allows you to “pause” the computer – pause the boot process.

    Functions of the “Pause/Break” key. When loading Windows, first you see information appearing on the monitor about your computer, the hard drive, the state of the RAM, and all its components. The information displayed on the monitor appears and disappears quite quickly and is extremely difficult to comprehend. To be able to deal with it, you just need to press the “PAUSE” button. And to complete the loading process of the operating system, you must press any button on the keyboard. Sometimes used by some programs.

    "Print Screen/SysRq" key.

    Pressing this key allows you to take a screenshot of your monitor. When you press this key, and it is located in the picture in a red frame, at the moment it is pressed, the image currently on the monitor is saved in the computer memory. Next, we take the saved image from the computer memory using a regular graphic editor, you can use the “Paint” graphic editor, which is already built into the Windows operating system. If you use the “Alt+PrintScreen” key set, you take a photo of only the active window, but the entire screen. In the picture, the “Alt” keys are in a blue frame.

    Key switches the mode of displaying information on the display screen, in which pressing the cursor keys moves the screen itself, not the cursor. When you press this button, the indicator light immediately turns on. When you use this key to control the cursor, you can move the screen image. This function is used in Microsoft Excel, LotusNotes. This is especially clear in Excel. It can be used to scroll text, although it is more convenient to do this with the mouse wheel. Other programs use ScrollLock for special functions, for example, in the Opera browser, the key is used in combination with numbers to switch voice signals. Currently, this key is practically not used, so there are keyboards that do not have it.

    Shift key. Pressing this key and a symbol key simultaneously allows you to temporarily switch to uppercase (capital) letter entry mode, or enter another symbol located on the same key. There are two such keys on the keyboard - left and right, and in some programs their action is different. For example, to enter the capital letter “I,” you need to press the Shift key and, without releasing it, press the I key.

    Tab key. It is indicated by an icon in the form of two counter arrows and pressing it gives an indent from the beginning of the line - a paragraph. Allows tabulation - horizontal alignment of characters. A tab character is equal to eight regular characters. Tabulation is used when creating text documents. Designed to move the cursor:

    1. when editing texts, it is used to move to the next tab stop, i.e. moving the cursor several positions forward;
    2. in dialog boxes, moves to the next request field;
    3. in a table, moves the cursor to the next cell.

    In other programs, its purpose is to switch between windows on the screen.

    Below it is located CapsLock key. Pressing this key fixes the writing of capital letters. When pressed again, capital letters are written again. This mode is indicated by a light indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Pressing again cancels the mode. When CapsLock is enabled, pressing the key enters lowercase letters.

    NumLock key turns on and off the numbers located on the right side of the keyboard. If the keyboard is turned on, you can use it to enter numbers and arithmetic operations.

    When enabled, this mode is also indicated by an indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard, signaling that the additional keyboard is in operation. Now, in addition to entering numbers from the main keyboard field, you can also enter them from the additional one. True, those symbols that are printed on the keys of the additional keyboard at the same time as numbers will not work.

    In most cases, the described keyboard fields are sufficient for work, but for those who like to work with a compact numeric and control keyboard “a la calculator,” there is another additional key field - the one on the right. This field is called an additional keyboard, in contrast to the main keyboard field.

    When you press this block of keys with numbers, the numbers are printed, but with one condition - when the “NumLock” key is turned on. When the NumLock key is turned off, the numeric keys perform functions of a different type. The “End” key is duplicated by pressing the “1” key on the main keyboard and the “Home” key is duplicated by the “7” key also on the main keyboard.

    The same keys move the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. When you press the “3” and “9” keys, the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys are duplicated on the main keyboard, respectively. These same keys move the cursor up and down one screen. When you press the “2”, “4”, “8”, “6” keys, the cursor is controlled, which means that the work of the arrow key is duplicated.

    Spacebar – this key creates space between letters.

    The Space key is the largest key, located below the block of alphanumeric keys, used to enter a blank character, regardless of the case switch.

    Spacebar function.

    When using a key, words or symbols are separated from each other. But this key has an additional mode. In replacement mode, which you can enable using the “Insert” key, pressing the “Space” key enables a function that is the same as pressing the “Delete” key (this key erases characters on the right).

    Backspace key – when you press this key, the character located to the left of the cursor is deleted.

    Functions of the BackSpace or Left Arrow key.

    When you press this key, we delete the selected one character or the entire text on the left. When you use this key in the file manager, you move up one level. And when viewing photos, by pressing this key, we go back one photo.

    By using the “Alt+BackSpacr” keys together, we undo the action performed before.

    Key performs data entry or confirmation of action depending on the context:

    When doing work on a computer you use the numeric keypad, which is located on the right, then it is much better to use the “Enter” key, which is located on the same block.

    Delete key is intended to delete an object, such as a folder, file, etc.:

    1. in the text, the character to the right of the current cursor position is deleted (with the line shifted to the left);
    2. in the folder windows, selected file system objects are deleted to the Recycle Bin.

    You can also delete an unnecessary file by pressing the keys together "Shift+Delete". The Shift keys are indicated by a green frame. Just keep in mind that the file in this case will not be deleted through the trash can, and in this case it cannot be restored.

    The “Delete” key, indicated by a blue frame, located on the numeric keypad block, along with the “.” performs the same actions when the “NumLock” key is turned off.

    It is possible to open the “Task Manager” by pressing the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del”. These Ctrl and Alt keys are indicated by beige frames.

    Key , indicated by a red rectangle, is associated with insert mode:

    1. in the text, you switch between the modes of inserting and replacing characters or inserting a fragment from the clipboard (depending on the settings of Microsoft Word). If insert mode is enabled, then when you type, between two words the right word will move to the right, and the text you enter will move the words apart and print between them. In this mode, the text is inserted, as it were, and the entire end of the phrase is moved to the right.

    But in the “replacement” mode, if you insert a word between two words, then the word on the right is replaced by the word that you inserted.;

    1. in programs like Total Commander, objects are selected.

    If you press the Inset key, the text will be printed on top of what you typed, erasing the last one. If you press this key again, this action will be terminated.

    The “Insert” key, located in a blue frame, which is located on the numeric keypad block, together with the number “0”, works only when the “NumLock” key is turned off.

    We can copy the text after selecting it if we use the “Ctrl+Insert” key combination. And when we use the “Shift+Insert” keys together, it becomes possible to insert text.

    PgUp, PgDn, End, Home keys designed for cursor control.

    Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line, and End key to the end of the line"), as well as either to the beginning of the list or the end of the list.

    Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the end of the entire document.

    Keyboard shortcut + moves the cursor to the beginning of the entire document.

    PgUp key moves the cursor to the beginning of the page, and PgDn key - to its end.

    Functions of the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys.

    The use of these two keys is used when working with text editors, or when working with documents where the height of the information is much greater than the height of your screen and there is a need to scroll in height. These keys are indicated by a red rectangle.

    And the “PageUp” and “PageDown” keys, which are indicated by a blue rectangle and are located on the numeric keypad block only when the “NumLock” key is turned off, together with the numbers “3” and “9” scroll the screen down or up. The state of the NumLock key is controlled by an indicator light (the indicator light is on when the key is on).

    Key used to expand the capabilities of the keyboard. Often used in combination with other keys to activate some action in the program.

    Keys just like Ctrl, it is used in combination with other keys.

    Functions using the “Ctrl” and “Alt” keys.

    When you use these keys, you extend the capabilities of other keys. By using these keys in different variations, you perform different actions.

    Keys Ctrl+Alt+Del These keyboard shortcuts open the task manager.

    Combination keys Ctrl+A selects all objects at once, such as folders, files, text, etc.

    Combination keys Ctrl+X cuts the selected object to the clipboard, such as a test, files, folders, etc.

    Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C copies an object to the clipboard, such as files, folders, etc.

    Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V pastes a copied file or folder from the clipboard.

    Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N allows you to create a new document in various programs.

    Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z cancels the last action.

    Using the keys Ctrl+S the current document is saved.

    Using the keys Ctrl+P The document is printed.

    Ctrl+Esc – open the Start menu. You can also do this by pressing the Windows key.

    Using the keys Alt+Enter there is a transition from full screen mode and back, for example, if you press these keys in KMPlayer, WindowsMediaPlayer, MediaPlayerClassic, they will expand to full screen.

    Alt keys and keys 0 to 9 located on the right side of the keyboard make it possible to enter arbitrary characters that are not on the keyboard. In order to enter arbitrary characters, you need to press the Alt key and, without releasing it, press the desired number located on the right side of the keyboard.

    Keyboard shortcut Alt+F4 closes the active application.

    Keys Alt+Tab Allows you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when selecting the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times.

    Combination Alt + Space (space) Opens the window system menu, which allows you to restore, move, maximize, minimize, and close the window without using the mouse.

    Alt+Shift or Ctrl + Shift – switch keyboard layout.

    Windows key usually found between the Ctrl and Alt keys. When you press it, the Start menu appears.

    And by using the key in a variety of settings together with other keys, you speed up the launch of programs.

    When pressing keys Win+E My Computer explorer will open.

    When pressing keys Win+D All active windows will be minimized.

    Keyboard shortcut Win+L allows you to switch between users or lock a workstation. The Win+F1 key combination opens the Help and Support Center.

    When pressing keys Win+F a search window will open.

    When pressing keys Win+ Ctrl+F The Search for Computers window will open.

    With the help Win+D you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the keys Win+M minimizes all windows except dialog windows.

    Win+E opens the My Computer folder.

    Win+F – opens a window to search for a file or folder.

    When pressing keys Win+PauseBreak The System Properties dialog box will open.

    Key calls the context menu of the object on which the mouse pointer is currently located.

    When using the key, we call up the menu in the same way as when clicking on the right mouse button. This menu corresponds to the program that is enabled for your work. If you are on the “Desktop”, then by pressing this key you open the menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop.

    Cursor keys (navigation) . Perform various actions related to cursor movement:

    1. in the text, move the cursor one position in the indicated direction;
    2. on the Desktop and in the folder window, transfer the selection to another object;
    3. in the menu, move the selection to the next command;
    4. in tables, move the cursor between cells.

    These keys are also used in many games to control objects.

    These keys are also used in many programs, for example, to move through the pages of a document or when viewing photos to move to the next image.

    Hotkeys in the browser

    To zoom in or out on a page, just hold down Ctrl key and spin the mouse wheel. Up - the scale will increase, down - accordingly, it will decrease. The same can be done by simply pressing + or – while pressing Ctrl. To restore the font size, use a keyboard shortcut Ctr + 0 .

    And the use Shift keys and the mouse wheel allows you to navigate through the history of tabs: Shift – scroll the wheel up – move forward through the history, Shift – scroll the wheel down – move backward through the history.

    If you need to open a new page in a separate tab in your browser, you can hold down Ctrl key and click on the desired link. A new page will open in a separate tab.

    Alt+Home keys returns to the home page, and Ctrl + R (or F5) refresh the page. To force a refresh without using cached data, use the keys Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl + Shift + R .

    Pressing keys Ctrl+S , you can save the page on your computer and the keys Ctrl+P allow you to print the desired page. Hotkeys Ctrl + G, Ctrl + F, Shift + F3, Ctrl + K are intended for searching on the current page or on the Internet.

    Features of a laptop keyboard.

    Since a laptop keyboard, by definition, should take up little space, many functions are “hidden” on it. And in order to find them, there is a magic key. It is not found on all types of keyboards, although it is almost always present on laptops. It is usually located in the lower left corner of the keyboard, but there may be other options, there are no standards here. The inscription on the key is highlighted in color (usually blue) or surrounded by a frame. Those keys that work in conjunction with have inscriptions or symbols that have the same color as the inscription on the key, or they are also surrounded by a frame.

    Inscriptions or symbols that have the same color as are activated by the combination + (key), i.e. While pressing and holding a key, press the key where the function we need is depicted in a stylized form. Combining this key with the function keys (keys on the top row of the keyboard) changes the basic actions of those keys. So, combining it with the F1 key puts the computer (laptop) into sleep mode;

    • with F2 – turns on and off the wireless adapter (Wi-Fi);
    • with F3 – opens the mail program;
    • with F5 – reduces monitor brightness;
    • with F6 – increases it;
    • with F7 – turns the monitor on and off;
    • with F10 – turns on and off the built-in speakers;
    • with F11 – lowers the speaker volume;
    • with F12 – increases it;
    • The screen brightness is increased by pressing the key where there is a “big sun” (there may be a “sun” icon in combination with the “increase” icon);
    • decreasing - on the contrary, the one with the “small sun” (or maybe there is a “sun” icon in combination with the “reduce” icon);
    • keys with “loudspeaker” icons in combination with “more” or “less” icons - increase/decrease volume;
    • crossed out mouse – disable/enable the TouchPad panel;
    • crossed out loudspeaker – mute/unmute sound, etc.

    The actions when combining function keys with the Fn key may vary for different types of keyboards, so you can clarify them in the user manual of the device, or be guided by the icons (usually of a different color) located on the keys next to or below its main value.

    Look carefully, slowly, at the keyboard of your laptop, put the instructions that came with it next to it, spend some time mastering all these wonders and they will become familiar to you.

    Microsoft Word is the most important and necessary tool for any office work. And the number of functions it possesses will shock any person. We have selected 20 tips that will help simplify your work with Word and automate some routine tasks. You can check out similar material for Excel.

    Inserting date and time

    You can quickly insert a date using the key combination Shift + Alt + D. The date will be inserted in the format DD.MM.YY. The same operation can be done over time using the combination Shift + Alt + T.

    Quick case change

    If you do not yet know touch typing, then CAPS LOCK can play a cruel joke on you. By accidentally turning it on and not looking at the screen, you can type a mountain of text that will have to be deleted and rewritten from scratch because of one pressed button. But by selecting the text you want and pressing Shift + F3, you will change the case from uppercase to lowercase.

    Cursor acceleration

    Typically, if you move the cursor using the arrows, it moves one letter at a time. To speed up its movement, hold down the Ctrl key along with the arrow.

    Selecting text fragments located in different places

    A very useful feature that allows you to highlight inconsistent pieces of text. Hold Ctrl and select the pieces of text you need.


    If you use copy and paste (and you probably do), then you most likely know about the advanced clipboard in Word. If not, then it is called by clicking on the button of the same name and shows everything that you copied to the buffer while working.

    Quickly take screenshots

    If you are making a manual, a review of a service, or you just need to insert a screenshot into Word, you can do this very simply using the appropriate tool. Click the Snapshot button and Word will show all active windows. By clicking on any of them, you will receive a screenshot of this window.


    Including hyphens can improve the readability of your text and also eliminate long empty spaces between words. You can arrange them yourself or entrust it to the computer. The button is located in the “Page Layout” - “Hyphenation” menu.


    You can add a watermark to your document for added protection. To do this, go to the “Design” menu and select “Background”. Word has four standard templates, or you can create your own.

    Repeat previous command

    A very useful function that allows you to duplicate the last command. If you press F4, Word will repeat the last command you made. This can be entering text, sequentially deleting several lines, applying styles for different sections of text, and much more.

    Setting the accent

    Adding emphasis in Word couldn't be easier. To do this, place the cursor after the letter on which the accent should be placed and hold down the key combination Alt + 769. Important: numbers must be pressed on the numeric keypad on the right.

    Customize the Ribbon

    The top ribbon with buttons can be highly customized. To do this, go to the menu “File” - “Options” - “Customize Ribbon”. Here you can add features that were not there before and remove those that are not needed. Moreover, you can delete or create your own tabs with functions.

    Quickly select a large piece of text

    To quickly select a large piece of text, place the cursor at its beginning and Shift-click at the end of the fragment. It will save time and nerves in situations where you have to select several sheets at once.

    Quickly move through a document

    There are several combinations that greatly speed up document navigation:

    1. Ctrl + Alt + Page Down - next page;
    2. Ctrl + Alt + Page Up - previous page;
    3. Ctrl + Home - move to the top of the document;
    4. Ctrl + End - guess for yourself. :)

    Inserting a new page

    How I hate myself for not knowing this combination before. Ctrl + Enter allows you to instantly create a new sheet, rather than holding Enter with one hand while brewing tea with the other.

    Changing the default save folder

    By default, Word saves all files in the Documents folder. To change this, go to the menu "File" - "Options" - "Save". In the “Default local file location” line, select the folder you need. In the same menu, you can configure the default document format, autosave, and much more.

    Source formatting

    In order to return the text to its original formatting, you need to press the key combination Ctrl + Spacebar.

    Word as a task manager

    If you're a big fan of Microsoft and Word in particular, you can even use it as a task manager. True, first you have to try a little. Right-click on the Features Ribbon at the top and select Customize Ribbon. In the right column, enable the only disabled tab “Developer”.

    Go to the “Developer” tab that appears and find the “Checkbox” element, which shows a check mark (why not). Now, by clicking on the checkbox, you can create lists of tasks and mark them as completed.

    Vertical text selection

    If you accidentally mess up your list, you can highlight the text vertically. To do this, hold Alt and use the mouse cursor to select.

    Protect a document with a password

    There is no need to even say why this is needed. In our age, when information has become the main weapon, it never hurts to have additional protection. To protect a document with a password, go to the "File" tab and select the "Document Protection" option. Now feel free to create a password, but remember that if you forget it, you will not be able to recover it.

    The fastest way to open Word

    Rounding out our list is an incredible hacking trick. If you used to open Word by creating a new document or searching for it in the Start menu, that's a thing of the past. Press the Windows + R key combination and enter in the window that appears winword. If you don't use the Command Prompt for other commands, the next time you press Windows + R, the command to launch Word will automatically load and all you have to do is press Enter.

    Do you have any ways to make Word easier? I'm sure there is. Share them in the comments!

    PRESS 1.

    1. what and what. To press, to press, to press. Press the door handle. Press the call button. Press the button.

    2. what and what. Prepare a quantity of something by squeezing out the juice. Press a cup of fruit drink. Press cranberry juice.

    3. trans., on someone or something. To influence, to force someone to speed up the execution of something (colloquial). Until you come and put pressure on this person, you will not achieve anything from him.


    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

    See what “PRESS” is in other dictionaries:

      1. PRESS1, press, press, complete. (to press). 1. what and for what. To press, to press, to press. Press the door handle. Press the call button. Press the button. 2. what and what. Prepare a quantity of something by squeezing... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      To push, to try hard, to press down, to give all the best, to do everything possible, to give all one’s strength, to put pressure, to put pressure, to squeeze, to take, to lean on, to lean on, to lean on, to squeeze, to give, to push, to push, to squeeze, to squeeze, to strain, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

      PUSH, see press and press. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. V.I. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      PRESS 1, press, press; aty; owls Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      PRESS 2, reap, reap; aty; Sov., what and what. Compress 2 in which n. quantity. N. a lot of bread. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      PRESS, press, press; aty; Sovereign 1. what and to whom (what). Pressing, pressing, pressing. N. button and on the button. N. on the door. 2. transferred, to whom (what). To influence, to force someone n. why n. (colloquial). N. on the laggards. 3. what and what. Squeeze into... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      1. PRESS, press, press; St. 1. what or what. Apply pressure, press on something. N. on the lid of the chest. N. button (on the button). 2. what and what. When squeezing juice (from berries, fruits), cook in what l. quantity. N. juice. N. two glasses... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

      press- - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN push ... Technical Translator's Guide

      press- I. (squeeze out the juice) what and what. Press a glass of cranberry juice. Press lemon juice. See on..., prefix. II. (remove grains) what and what. Press a hundred sheaves. Press wheat. See on..., prefix... Control Dictionary

      press- see: Press the trigger; Press the ground... Dictionary of Russian argot


    • The sky of the fallen, Yuri Polyakov. “The Sky of the Fallen” is a new story by the famous writer Yuri Polyakov, author of such bestsellers as “One Hundred Days Before the Order”, “Little Goat in Milk”. This is a story about a strange, deadly love, about...
    12. Troubleshooting keyboard problems
    19. On-screen keyboard on your computer

    What do the computer keys mean, the purpose of the keys on the keyboard

    According to their purpose, the keys
    on the keyboard are divided into six groups:

    What groups of keys is the keyboard divided into?

    cursor control;
    digital panel;

    function keys F1 - F12 on a computer keyboard

    Function keys F1 - F12
    on a computer keyboard

    Functional row of the F1 – F12 key.
    Twelve function keys are located
    in the very top row of the keyboard.

    The purpose of the f1 - f12 keys on a computer keyboard

    Function keys also have their own functions on the computer, you can see this in the “User Guide” that comes with each computer.
    But besides this - these keys are involved in or they are also called - this is when by pressing one, two or three keys, certain commands are executed for the computer.

    For example:
    by pressing the F1 key - call up help for that
    program that you currently have open.
    About “hot keys”, below.

    Alphanumeric keys on a keyboard

    Alphanumeric keys

    Refer to
    keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation marks
    and arithmetic operations, special characters.

    The keyboard is initially in capital letters. To print capital,
    You must first press the Shift key and, while holding it, press the desired letter.

    The Shift key can be pressed both on the right and on the left, as you wish
    more convenient (although for the ten-finger typing method it is
    it is important which side you press Shift on).

    If you want to print all text in capital letters, then press the key
    Caps Lock, you don’t need to hold it, all text will be in capital letters. Return
    to normal typing - press the Caps Lock key again.

    Switch from Cyrillic to Latin and back - press the Alt key and hold
    her, Shift. Or you can simply - by clicking on the button indicating the language at the bottom of the screen -
    RU, EN and select.

    Number pad keys

    Number pad keys

    The main purpose of the keys is
    duplication of alphanumeric key functions
    block in terms of entering numbers and arithmetic operators.

    Using the keys on this panel is more convenient for entering numbers and arithmetic operators than entering these characters using the alphanumeric block keys.

    On some computers, the number pad is located in a separate block,
    right, (top image). Sometimes, most often on laptops, the number pad is located on the keys of the alphanumeric block (lower image).
    In my opinion, it’s not very convenient, but you probably need to get used to it,
    if such a need arises.

    Keyboard modifier keys

    Modifier keys

    Keys: Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt)
    belong to the number.

    They are designed to change (modify) the actions of other keys.
    Modifier keys are the most commonly used, so they have
    increased size. In addition, the Shift and Ctrl keys are duplicated
    on both sides of the alphanumeric key block.

    the purpose of each key on a computer keyboard

    The purpose of each key
    on a computer keyboard

    And now - more about the purpose of each of the keys on the keyboard
    computer. It is possible that not all of them will be useful to you, but know that
    what each of them is responsible for, probably necessary!

    Spacebar - in addition to its main function, do
    A space between words also deletes the “selected” object.

    Esc - cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).

    Print Screen - prints the contents of the screen –
    “photographs” the screen. Then we can insert this screenshot
    in Word or Paint. This photograph of the screen is called a “screenshot”.

    Scroll Lock - in theory, it should serve in order to
    scroll information up and down, that is, duplicate the wheel
    scrolling on a computer mouse, but not on all computers this
    the button works.

    Pause/Break - designed to pause the current
    computer process, but also - it does not work on all computers.

    Insert - Insert button to print text on top of already
    printed. If you press this key, the new text will be
    be printed by erasing the old one. To cancel this, you need to press again
    to the Insert key.

    Delete - deletion. Removes characters located on the right side
    blinking cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text,
    folders, files).

    Home - goes to the beginning of the filled line.

    End - goes to the end of the filled line.

    Page Up - turns the page forward.

    Page Down - turns the page back.

    The Home, End, Page Up, Page Down keys are mainly needed by those who type professionally and a lot. But also to move with the help of these
    keys on a website page on the Internet - you can too.

    Backspace - removes characters to the left of the flashing one
    cursor while typing text. And returns to the previous one
    page in browsers and in Explorer windows, replacing the arrow
    "back" in the upper left corner.

    Tab - tab fixes the cursor at a specific location on the line.
    Required to work in Word, Excel, Access. And in normal
    typing – quickly jumps to the end of an empty line.

    Caps Lock - locks uppercase and lowercase letters. If you need all
    Type the text in capital letters - press the Caps Lock key.
    Return to normal position - press again.

    Shift - short press of this key - gives capital
    letter. In order to print a capital letter, you must first press
    Shift key and while holding it press the desired letter. Shift key
    You can click on both the right and left, whichever is more convenient for you.

    Alt - to switch to the opposite language (from English to
    Russian and vice versa) – you need to press the Alt key and without releasing it
    Shift key. Press and hold the AltGr key (right Alt)
    used to move to the second level of the keyboard.

    Ctrl - right and left. Opens up additional opportunities

    Nut Look - when the Nut Look indicator is on - it works
    numeric (numeric) keypad, which is located on the keyboard
    either as a separate block, on the right, or in the center, on the keys -

    Enter - key for entering information, confirms the command “yes”.
    For example: you enter some address into the address bar of your browser,
    but there is no “find” button there, so we press the key
    Enter, thereby giving the command to the browser to find. In search engines
    lines, you can also not press “find”, but press Enter.
    And when moving to the next line when typing - also,
    press Enter.

    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (left). They move only along filled lines. By using
    These arrows can be used to move not only through the text you are typing,
    but also on open pages of websites and programs. With the exception of those sites
    where is the search bar. There it is possible to move only along the most
    search bar.

    What are hotkeys or shortcut keys

    What are "hot keys"
    (or "hotkeys")

    "Hot keys" or "shortcut keys" are the methods used to
    when by pressing one, two or three keys, certain
    commands for the computer or for the currently open program.

    First, you should know that the combination “key” + “key” means
    that you first need to press the first key, and then, while holding it, the second. Keyboard
    when pressing “hot keys” - in Latin (in Cyrillic, some commands call other programs).

    Hotkeys sometimes use the Win and Menu keys, and since
    on the keyboard there are only icons on them, then the Win key is located between
    with the Ctrl and Alt keys on the left side (the Windows logo is drawn on it).
    The Menu key is to the left of the right Ctrl.

    Since my site is prepared to help the inexperienced user,
    then I won’t “burden” you with a lot of existing “hotkeys”,
    I’ll just suggest a few that are easier to work with and with which
    I work on my own.

    General purpose hotkeys

    "Hot Keys"
    general purpose

    Win - Open the Start menu.

    Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Calls the “Task Manager”.

    Win + E - Launch the Explorer program (short press,
    because a long press opens several windows).

    Win + D - Minimize all windows.

    Win + F1 - Open Windows Help.

    Win + F - Open a file search window.

    Win + Pause - Opens the System Properties window.

    F4 - Go to the Explorer address bar.

    F1 - Call help for the currently open application.

    Backspace - Go up a level in the Explorer window.

    Ctrl + F - Launch the search utility.

    Alt + Printscreen - Take a screenshot of the currently active window.

    Ctrl + A - Select everything (objects, text).

    Ctrl + Inser t - Copy to clipboard (objects, text) –
    but first “select” the object, the text.

    Ctrl + P - Prints the current document.

    Ctrl + Z - Undo the last action.

    Hotkeys for working with text

    "Hot Keys"
    in working with text

    Ctrl + A - Select all.

    Ctrl + Insert - Copy.

    Shift + Delete - Cut.

    Shift + Insert - Insert.

    Ctrl + → - Move through words in the text. Not only does it work
    in text editors.

    Ctrl + Shift + → - Select text by words.

    Ctrl + End - Move to the beginning/end of a line of text or document.

    Of course, not all of these “hot keys” are convenient to use.

    It’s more convenient for me to “copy”, “paste”, “cut” - with the right mouse button.

    Hotkeys for working with files

    "Hot Keys"
    in working with files

    Shift + F10 - Display the context menu of the current object
    (same as right-clicking).

    Menu - Same as Shift + F10.

    Enter - Same as double-clicking the selected object.

    Delete - Deleting an object.

    Shift + Delete - Permanently delete an object,
    without putting it in the cart.

    What is a virtual keyboard

    What is the "Virtual Keyboard"

    “Virtual keyboard” is a program that is installed either on a PC,
    or there are online services. With this program you can dial
    letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc. - without the help of your keyboard on your
    computer using only the mouse.

    That is, you do not type the text with your fingers, but click on the letters with the mouse
    on the “virtual keyboard” and the text is printed in the same way as on your native keyboard.

    Free online virtual keyboard on Yandex

    Not every novice car enthusiast has the knowledge of how to brake properly with a manual brake. After all, to brake automatically, you just need to press the brake pedal. However, in most driving schools, they take the test in manual cars, and it is much more difficult to brake on them.

    So, how to brake correctly on a manual? If you need to come to a complete stop, the safest way to brake (especially in icy conditions, on wet roads and on descents) is the following: first you need to release the gas, then gently press the brake pedal and squeeze the clutch just before stopping - in order not to stall . After this, you need to switch to neutral speed and release the pedals. There is another way to answer the question “How to brake correctly with manual transmission?” To brake on a flat road in good weather, you first need to fully release the gas, then depress the clutch with your left foot all the way, and then smoothly press the brake until it comes to an absolute stop. After the car has stopped completely, you need to switch to neutral speed and release the clutch and brake pedals. It is worth noting that it is better to release the gas smoothly rather than throw it. If a person needs to leave the car even for a couple of minutes, then it is better to leave it there

    It happens that you need to slow down a little or slow down. To do this, you must first release the gas pedal and briefly press the brake lightly without touching the clutch. There is no need to worry that the car may stall. If you need to slow down in such a way that you have to switch, you will have to squeeze the clutch.

    Another question that concerns many: how to brake properly on ice? So, it is worth noting that emergency braking in such conditions has features that not all drivers are aware of. In icy conditions, it is recommended to brake by intermittently short-term pressing the brake pedal.

    How to brake correctly with a manual transmission if the car is equipped with In this case, you need to press the brake pedal with your right foot, and at the same time release and squeeze the clutch, while simultaneously shifting down the gears. It is very important that the descent is consistent and that you do not miss a single gear, otherwise you may lose control of the car.

    And if the car has, it is more difficult to brake. You also need to hold down the brake pedal, release and press the clutch, ensuring the descent sequence. However, you still need to periodically press the gas when changing gears - this happens after the clutch is depressed. Otherwise, the rear axle may move to the side, and the driver will fly off the road. To learn how to brake clearly and quickly “at speed,” you need to train, preferably while performing maneuvers. It is recommended to start at fairly low speeds on empty roads. Then you need to complicate the task in order to achieve perfection.

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    Acupuncture, also known as reflexology, affects active points on the body using needles. However, with an individual approach, acupressure is much more effective - pressing with the palm or finger on the same points. Moreover, unlike a headache pill, our hands are always with us.

    Where to click?

    To relieve headaches, including migraines, several points on the head and limbs are used. If possible, it is better to use everything one by one; no, start from the list. You may find that 2-4 points help you best - it is completely acceptable to use only them.

    So, these are two points, symmetrically located:

    • on the temples, in the middle between the outer corner of the eye and the nearest hairline (move your finger from the eye not to the side, but upward, as if in the direction above the crown);
    • at a distance of about a fingertip from the outer corner of the eye outwards;
    • in the recesses above the base of the ear (at a distance of about the tip of the finger upward);
    • in the depressions at the outer end of the eyebrows (easily felt);
    • in the depressions that can be found if you move your finger from the inner corner of the eye down and slightly to the nose;
    • on the head above the top point of the auricle and almost below it - in order for the finger to fit on the point, the ear must be slightly bent;
    • on the backs of the hands - dimples between the thumb and index fingers located deep in the palm;
    • on the outer surface of the wrist - a depression in the middle of the hand, just above the fold and bone on the wrist;
    • on the elbows. They are easy to find: you need to bend your arm at the elbow to a right angle, the point is located at the outer end of the fold that is formed by bending;
    • on the top of the foot. Find the place where the 2nd and 3rd fingers meet, about the length of that finger upward. It is better to press not by bending over, but by raising your legs;
    • on the second toes 3 mm from the nail hole up in the center;
    • on the side and outside of the foot - in the recess where the little toe enters the metatarsus of the foot;
    • on the inside of the foot - on the very top edge of the arch of the foot;
    • approximately 3 mm from the nail hole of the thumb, but not in the center, but approximately 2 mm towards the 2nd finger;
    • on the inside of the ankle, about a fingertip above the ankle bone.

    How to press?

    The finger should be positioned vertically on the point, pressing down and not to the side.

    You can press with one or two fingers (including two thumbs), squeezing them tightly or placing one on top of the other. Or three, folded with a pinch. You can press with the entire palm or its edge, the active point should be approximately in the center of the impact zone.

    The stronger the pressure, the shorter it should be.

    You need to repeat it 3-4 times. There are two suitable ways to relieve pain:

    • constantly press the point for 3-5 seconds, then gradually release;
    • press pulsatingly: press for 2-4 seconds, release for the same amount.

    Pain points are usually called those areas on the human body that are most sensitive to damage. Even a slight impact on them causes very noticeable pain. It is useful to know pain points on the human body for the purposes of self-defense, since such information gives a serious advantage over the enemy.

    To incapacitate a person or kill him, a completely insignificant pressure or blow is required on a vulnerable spot, which includes: ears, temple, eyes, nose, upper lip, chin, Adam's apple, base of the pharynx, back of the head

    We are talking about those places on the human body that respond to physical impact with the greatest discomfort. Therefore, one should influence them only in extreme cases, for example, for the purpose of self-defense.

    Important! Self-defense does not justify causing grievous bodily harm. According to Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, murder committed when the limits of self-defense are exceeded can be punished by a term of imprisonment of two years. Therefore, it should be understood that any fact of causing harm to a person may entail appropriate punishment, regardless of the motives.

    Some of these areas are well known (eg, groin, eyeballs). Other pain points are known only to those people who are directly related to martial arts.

    Where are the pain points?

    Experts identify three main groups of pain points located on the human body:

    1. Head. Here, the most sensitive to physical impact are the following areas: eyes, temples, nose, ears, chin, lips.
    2. Legs. Pain points are located on the ankles, knees, feet, legs.
    3. Torso. In this area, the most vulnerable points are: groin, armpits, kidneys, solar plexus, false rib.

    Each of the above groups should be considered in more detail.

    Pain points of the head

    Even a light blow to the temple can cause very serious injury to the enemy.

    Since the brain is located in the head, too much force on this area can be fatal. Despite the fact that the human skull is highly durable, damaging it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, caution should be exercised when affecting the head area.

    The most sensitive pain points of the head:

    • Eyes. Eyeballs are considered one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Exposure to them with a special pepper spray allows you to almost completely incapacitate the enemy. If such a means of self-defense is not at hand, then you can limit yourself to pressing on these pain points. The index and middle fingers are most often used for this.
    • Nose. Even with a weak blow to the nose, the enemy will be guaranteed severe discomfort. The most effective is the so-called “catching” blow to the nose. To do this, you need to hit the convex part of the nose with your knuckles, which will provide the opponent with a painful shock and bleeding. An excessively strong blow can break the opponent's nose, so it is advisable to control your actions.
    • Whiskey. This is one of the most dangerous areas. The human skull is most vulnerable in this area. This is where traumatic nerves are located, as well as arteries that can cause severe hemorrhages.

    Important! Hitting an opponent in the temple is highly undesirable, since even a weak blow can cause a severe head injury. With strong exposure, death is possible.

    • Upper lip. By delivering a strong enough blow at an angle of 30 degrees, you can cause burning pain and bleeding in your opponent.
    • Chin. This area should be affected with the back of the hand, since hitting with a fist increases the risk of damaging the hand. A sliding blow from below and to the side is preferable, which will cause a bruise or dislocation of the jaw.
    • Pharynx. The most vulnerable point is considered to be the depression located at the lowest point. It is best to work on it with your fingers. Such an attack can cause breathing difficulties. A more severe consequence is pulmonary spasm.
    • Adam's apple. Experts recommend using tearing grips, but any attack to this place is 100% effective.

    Important! A strong blow to the Adam's apple can be fatal. Therefore, an average impact on this area will be sufficient.

    • Neck. A backhanded blow to the area under the back of the head can knock out an opponent.

    Pain points in the legs

    Before kicking the knee, turn slightly and bend your leg, the kick is delivered with the edge of the sole

    The most vulnerable places on the legs are:

    • Knees. Both blows directly to the kneecap and to the side of the knee are very painful. They are applied with the edge of the boot. This technique has a disarming effect, contributing to damage to the knee joint and ligaments.
    • Ankles. The blow is delivered through the outer edge of the boot, which is held perpendicular to the ankle. Experts do not recommend using the toe strike in this case due to its low effectiveness.
    • Shin. In this area, the bone is the least protected. A strike at 1/3 of the height of the shin is highly effective. It should be applied with the outer edge of the foot.
    • Foot. This is where the most fragile and most vulnerable bones are located. Hitting the foot with the heel can cause a fracture if the opponent is behind you.

    Torso pain points

    Here the most vulnerable points are:

    • Solar plexus. It is best to strike this area with your fist. If the blow is strong enough, the opponent experiences a burning pain, forcing him to kneel.

    Important! Excessive exposure to the solar plexus area can result in death.

    • Armpits. Since the nerves are located here close to the skin, a precise blow can cause severe pain, incapacitating the enemy for some time.
    • Kidneys. Impacts to the kidneys cause the development of nervous shock. It is best to strike with the knee or the edge of the palm, but it should be remembered that without proper medical care a person can die.
    • Groin. One of the most famous pain points on the human body. A strong enough blow to this area can immobilize the enemy.
    • Stomach. A strong blow to this area forces the enemy to bend over, after which you can use blows to the back of the head and back.
    • False rib. Strikes are applied from both sides using the knee, elbow or edge of the palm.

    How to determine the strength of impact

    How strong and accurate your strike will be depends on your individual skills.

    Depending on the force of striking the enemy’s painful points, the level of possible damage is largely determined. It should be remembered that these areas are not only very sensitive to pain, but are also located in important vital centers, and therefore too strong an impact on them can be fatal.

    To correctly determine the force of an impact on a painful point, you should use a five-level algorithm:

    1. A weak blow, the purpose of which is not to damage the opponent, but to distract or intimidate him.
    2. The second level involves applying force to the strike to throw it off balance and buy time.
    3. The third is the most common level, which is capable of stunning the enemy, causing severe pain or numbness in the area affected. As a rule, in this way you can neutralize your opponent for a long time.
    4. The fourth level involves serious consequences in the form of loss of consciousness and injury. Sometimes such an effect on pain points provokes the development of paralysis.
    5. A level five strike poses a significant danger to the enemy's health and can be fatal.

    It is very important to correctly assess the level of danger and use the knowledge described above exclusively for self-defense. It should be remembered that no fighting technique encourages the deliberate killing of an enemy, therefore a moderate impact on pressure points is recommended.