• CAPTCHA - what it is and what it is used for. How to ensure fast captcha entry

    If you have come across a mini-test on the Internet that asks you to recognize characters in a picture, then you probably know how tedious the task of entering a captcha can be. It’s one thing if you rarely encounter captchas, but if you need to constantly decipher captchas, then entering characters every time will quickly get boring. However, fortunately, there are ways that allow you to enter a captcha quickly or even bypass this type of verification altogether.

      • What is a captcha and what should you consider when writing it?
      • What is the reason for captcha?
      • How to bypass or skip captcha?
      • Tips for quickly entering captcha

    What is a captcha and what should you consider when writing it?

    Captcha is, as a rule, encrypted characters in a picture that need to be decrypted. The captcha image may contain a wide variety of symbols: letters of the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet, numbers, equations, or even photographs. When entering a captcha, you should be as careful as possible, since an error in decoding even one character will not allow you to pass the test.

    When entering a captcha, it is not only the symbol that matters, but also its size - take into account the difference between a capital letter and a capital letter, it is also sometimes important to take into account the shape of the symbol, because it happens that the letter “O” is similar to the number “zero”, and the system will not count this when entering substitution.

    When solving mathematical equations as a captcha, you should enter only the answer in the captcha field, for example, if you are asked to add two numbers, then the answer to the captcha will be the result of mathematical operations. Another unusual type of captcha is a set of photographs, from which you should choose similar ones. So, you may be asked to choose a photo with drinks from a wide variety of sets of images, in this case you should be careful and boldly choose photos that even have something similar to a drink.

    What is the reason for captcha?

    Captcha occurs in cases where the system wants to determine whether you are a real person. This is usually required when registering on sites, where you are sometimes forced to enter a captcha several times. If you entered the captcha incorrectly, the system will not allow you to complete registration on the site.

    The task is especially difficult when registering from mobile devices, for which the resources do not always have the appropriate version with a working captcha. In this case, sometimes it is impossible to enter the captcha at all and you have to register from your computer.

    Captcha also appears on websites when a user displays suspicious activity. If you decide to start spreading spam, entering captcha will become a very common task for you. Of course, you can simply advise not to engage in spam mailings and other suspicious activity on sites, but it happens that this is precisely your current task and you need to distribute advertising on a social network or an announcement on a forum. In this case, it is important to find a way to quickly enter each captcha or somehow skip the check.

    Watch the video - How to quickly write a complex Japanese captcha:

    How to bypass or skip captcha?

    Some sites and programs allow you to skip entering the captcha. It is enough to simply leave the input field empty, but this method rarely works. There is also advice from hackers who are used to hacking websites and captchas - in some cases it is enough to simply disable image loading in the browser, so the captcha image will not load and the input field can be left empty - the site will compare two empty values ​​and allow you to pass the captcha. This method also does not always work, but on a simple site without protection it’s worth a try.

    Besides all this, there are special programs for automatic captcha entry, they do not provide 100% captcha entry and allow quite a lot of errors, but in general they sometimes turn out to be very effective.

    If you want to learn how to quickly enter captcha on your own, you will need a lot of training and patience. There are special sites where you can earn money by entering captchas - this is where the ability to quickly enter any captcha will be most useful to you.

    For maximum input speed, try to ignore the presence of uppercase and lowercase letters in the captcha and enter all characters in small ones - the system most often counts such input. Also, don’t forget to use the numeric keypad, which makes entering numbers much faster.

    Well, one of the most important tips is to learn “blind typing”. Try not to look at the keyboard when entering a captcha and your brain will gradually learn the location of all the keys, this will allow you to enter a captcha very quickly and almost automatically.

    As you can see, bypassing captcha entry on the Internet is not easy, but you can always speed up the completion of this test. The main thing is to be patient and gain experience, because the more often you enter a captcha, the more you practice speed input.

    I decided to take a short break from publishing about this PHP framework and switch to something else as an “active recreation”.

    Therefore, I decided to talk to you about one very common cyber defense mechanism that allows you to prevent many automated attacks on websites and is used up to 320 million times daily today.

    Can't guess what we'll talk about?

    All of the above is about CAPTCHA, which probably 90% of all Internet users have seen and used, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows thoroughly what a captcha is and what problems it allows to solve.

    What is captcha?

    In search engines, a lot of people enter the query “CAPTCHA translation” every day. However, you will not find the correct answer to this question either in this or in other similar articles.

    CAPTCHA is not just some specially made up term, but an abbreviation for the words Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, which literally means “a fully automated public Turing test for recognizing computers and people.” Therefore, it is correct to write this word in capital letters.

    In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet it is often called “captcha”, because This is roughly how CAPTCHA is pronounced in Russian. The capital letters are omitted, which is why the history of the word “captcha” may be new to some readers, but it helps to trace the logical connection between it and the “automated Turing test.”

    I think the decoding of the abbreviation itself perfectly explains what a CAPTCHA is. The only ambiguity may be the Turing test... If you think that at this point I will burden you with a bunch of formulas and definitions, then you are mistaken :)

    I’ll tell you a few words about this as clearly as possible to broaden your horizons, otherwise you might come across a word in a crossword puzzle and you won’t know what it is :)

    Once upon a time there lived (namely, at the beginning of the 20th century) an English mathematician named Alan Turing. The personality, by the way, is quite well-known in narrow circles, who came up with a lot of good things, for which they even started making films about him (this is exactly the guy played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the film “The Imitation Game”).

    So, one day the thought “can a machine think?” came to his mind. Since Alan Turing was not a stupid person, as you may have noticed, the result of his thoughts was a test, the purpose of which is precisely to determine which of the interlocutors is a human and which is a computer.

    The test was first described back in 1950 and was named in honor of its creator, by which it is known to this day - the Turing test.

    The classic Turing test is when a person (a judge) communicates with a computer and a real person via text messages. If the judge cannot determine “xy from xy”, i.e. Which of the interlocutors is a human and which is a computer, then the machine is considered to have passed the test.

    But it is wrong to think that it is very simple and easy to expose a computer :)

    Various tricks are used to confuse the judge. First of all, the text format of communication itself, so that a person could not recognize a machine by its voice or some other signs, and the computer could demonstrate its intelligence, and not the ability to recognize human speech (although, judging by today’s videos with robots, for these guys soon there will be no problem with either the first or the second).

    In addition, messages from the person and the computer are sent at the same intervals so that the judge cannot find the computer based on the speed of its response.

    But, despite all these tricks, already in 1966 (wow, “already” - 16 years later!) a computer program with the poetic name ELIZA appeared, capable of passing this test. Many smart people still doubt whether the experiment with Eliza should be considered a Turing test or not, but the fact remains that the piece of hardware was able to confuse people.

    So CAPTCHA is a modern Turing test that helps to weed out robots from people automatically. Only the computer algorithm acts as a judge. Because of this, captcha is sometimes called a reverse Turing test.

    And if you don’t pass this test, then by your actions you are saying that you are no different from a soulless robot, and sometimes even stupider when the latter was able to pass it :)

    In addition, in some cases, with a certain number of unsuccessful attempts, you can still get banned by IP address on the site. I hope this will motivate you to be more responsible when entering captcha next time :)

    By the way, despite the fact that the Turing test itself was invented in 1950, CAPTCHA is a fairly young phenomenon. Inventions similar to modern captcha appeared relatively recently - in 1997, and the term itself was coined in 2003.

    I think now you understand what captcha is, how it appeared and when. The only question is “Why?” It’s a good question, so I won’t wait too long to answer :)

    The question arises: why was it necessary to determine, using CAPTCHA, who visited the site: a person or a robot?

    The fact is that robots in the Internet world are special automated programs that are not always created to bring benefit. This could be the spread of spam, or even hacking of a resource.

    By the way, even if you try to automatically guess passwords or send spam to unprotected sites, you can cause serious damage to them, creating a large load on the server, which will cause the site to stop working.

    Therefore, the most important purpose of captcha is to ensure the security of the site by blocking attacks and performing automatic actions using various malicious programs.

    Another answer to the question of why CAPTCHA is needed is the recognition of scanned books and other printed publications. How?

    If you yourself have ever tried to digitize books yourself using Adobe FineReader or a similar program (I don’t know about you, but in my student years I often did this when writing essays and coursework 🙂), then you know that recognition is far from 100%.

    This is despite the fact that most books are printed in standard printing font. For manuscripts, recognition by programs is practically zero.

    So, the creators of CAPTCHA (in particular, the creators of Google reCAPTCHA were the first to use this mechanism for this purpose) decided to take advantage of this circumstance. They composed words that were not recognized by the software, which were then displayed as captcha images asking real people to enter what they saw.

    In this way, a database of options for decoding difficult-to-recognize words was collected and at the same time users proved that they were real people, because were able to recognize what they saw, which distinguishes us from robots. As for me, it’s brilliant, like everything else on Google, strictly speaking :)

    The only point that remains unclear to me personally in this whole story is how did people pass the captcha with difficult to recognize characters, if for such there may even be several possible correct answers? Google, of course, will not reveal its secrets.

    But if I personally were developing this mechanism for text recognition by users using captcha, then I would select some more or less similar version of what is shown in the picture, so that it would be possible to check the user’s answer with it.

    Or it would simply count the option entered by the user as an answer option, and would knowingly ask the user to enter the captcha again with a more readable sequence of characters for which there is an answer, so that the user would not think that he was being fooled and would not increase the number of incorrect attempts , for which they sometimes get banned.

    By the way, I like the second option much better, because... with its help you can collect a database of correct user answers, having about 10 ready-made captchas with answers at the input. The rest will be collected automatically. All we need is to analyze and process user responses.

    Thanks to all of the above, the creators of reCAPTCHA are promoting their project under the slogan “Stop spam - read books!” And I must say - it works :)

    According to official information from the creator of reCAPTCHA, Louis von Ahn, his captcha is used up to 100 million times daily, which leads to approximately 2.5 million books read per year.

    Google acquired reCAPTCHA in 2009 and began using it to digitize an archive of New York Times newspapers from 1851 to the present day and books from Google Books until 2011. In 2012, when these resources were exhausted, Google began recognizing building numbers and images from Google Maps and Google Street Views, another task that can be solved using captcha.

    Why did I suddenly decide to selectively talk about Google reCAPTCHA? Yes, because it is a Google product, which is considered the generator of various standards in the field of the web, cybersecurity and other areas. Therefore, reCAPTCHA is today’s unofficial captcha standard - it’s simple :)

    Therefore, it will appear more than once in the text of this article.

    Types of captcha

    The captcha is based on the principle described above: create a task that a person can handle, but a program cannot.

    As a rule, the task chosen is not very difficult so that most people can cope with it. After all, the purpose of the captcha is not to determine the user's intelligence, but simply his ability to recognize what he sees or hear and think.

    Although, I wouldn’t be surprised that on some mathematical forum you can find a captcha in the form of a differential equation or some problem from the Eysenck test (and always for a while) with the goal of weeding out people with low IQ :)

    Initially, to achieve this goal, CAPTCHA was a string of distorted letters, numbers and other symbols that were specially passed through various noise filters, rotated and curved. But over time, other types of CAPTCHAs appeared that screen out robots from people using other tasks.

    1. Graphic captcha

    As already mentioned, the most ancient type of captcha. It is a picture with a sequence of distorted characters (letters, numbers and special characters).

    The specified text string is implemented in the form of a picture, where the letters are tilted, crossed out, and various color and noise filters are applied to the picture. All you need to do to solve the captcha in this case is to enter the characters shown in the picture into a special field in text form.

    It is still successfully used by such resources as Yandex and Vkontakte.

    I myself was surprised by such a beautiful version of Yandex captcha, which I came across just while writing this article :)

    2. Logical captcha

    In this case, the captcha checks the presence of logic in the person who passes it, and therefore the ability to think using various tasks.

    These could be:

    • arithmetic examples (for example, 2+3=?);
    • tasks of selecting certain objects from those proposed (find a woman from all the photographs, a man with a raised hand, animals, cars, etc.);
    • specifying a specific digit from a sequence of numbers (for example, select the third digit from the number 2312145);
    • choosing a word starting with a certain letter (for example, you need to choose a word starting with “c” among “Chewing gum, board, chair”);
    • Write the number from the picture in letters and vice versa.

    The most interesting logic captcha I've seen is the Facebook CAPTCHA, which requires you to select the name of your friend in the photo. She looks like this:

    3. Behavioral captcha

    In this case, the user is required to perform a certain action to prove that he is not a robot.

    It could be anything. Starting with the banal checkbox next to the “I agree to the terms of the agreement” box, which many of you have seen and which, in fact, is also a captcha. And ending with something more sophisticated :)

    Among the most common examples of behavioral captcha are the following:

    • moving the slider to a certain position;
    • Rotate the image to a specified position (vertical, horizontal).

    Previously, behavioral and logical captcha simultaneously used to compile a picture from fragments (the so-called captcha puzzle, because it worked on this principle) was still very popular.

    But the most interesting behavioral captcha that I have come across is a specialized radio engineering captcha, which can only be completed by radio engineering experts. But there is an incentive to enroll in the Faculty of Radio Engineering and study for 5 years at the university :)

    4. Sound captcha

    All of the above CAPTCHA options do not present any difficulty for real website users, because... To solve them, human visual perception is sufficient, which computer programs do not have.

    But here the question arises: what about visually impaired PC users or even blind people? It is precisely for this category of people that the audio captcha was created.

    To be honest, I personally don’t quite understand how a blind person will even get to the button to turn on the audio captcha and see where to enter the characters, but at least they will be able to complete it, as the developers claim.

    Everyone has probably seen it on Google reCAPTCHA.

    To be honest, I have never seen an independent audio captcha. Perhaps it is available on some resources for the visually impaired, but I am not a frequent visitor there.

    For this reason, I placed this type of CAPTCHA at the end of the list.

    Regarding the now popular Google reCAPTCHA - if you studied it carefully, you could see that it does not belong to any specific type of captcha, but is a combined one.

    In the first version of reCAPTCHA, it combined a graphic and audio captcha, and since 2015, when noCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA appeared, it has become a behavioral, logical and audio captcha at the same time. Those. it has one more degree of protection.

    Where can you find captcha on the site?

    As we have already found out, CAPTCHA is used on websites to identify robots and prevent their actions. Therefore, in order to determine where captcha is used, you need to make a list of actions that robots perform on websites most often.

    Among them:

    1. Sending spam in the form of comments with links to other resources.
    2. Registration of users to perform various actions with the aim of hacking the site and again sending spam.
    3. Selecting a password to log into the site under an existing user account.
    4. Cheating likes, friends, views, downloads and other actions for which you can receive money in order to earn money without performing any actions.
    5. Parser robots that steal website content. Now you can get banned from search engines for such things, but I think some online stores still do this.

    Consequently, captcha is installed to prevent the automatic execution of specified actions and therefore most often captcha can be found in the following places:

    1. Registration form on the site.
    2. Authorization form on the resource.
    3. Comments form.
    4. Password recovery form.
    5. File download form.

    Sometimes a CAPTCHA appears when you perform some action too often (like, add friends, click on an ad, etc.).

    But for the most part, as you may have noticed, captcha is still a mandatory element of various web forms through which the user interacts with the site. If you are interested, I recommend that you read the article at the link, which, in addition to a description of the operating principle, contains 2 working examples of installing a captcha on a website with your own hands.

    This concludes today’s article about what a captcha is. In it, I tried to tell you about what CAPTCHA is in the most understandable and accessible language, and we also talked about why it is needed and what types of captcha can be found today.

    In the following publications, I will tell you how captcha works, consider the process of installing reCAPTCHA on a website and how to develop it from scratch, as well as information for webmasters and ordinary users without a website and special knowledge.

    Share your opinion in the comments below the article and do not forget to subscribe to project updates to stay informed about the release of new articles.

    And for dessert, I bring to your attention a video that inspired me to write this article and talks in sufficient detail about captcha and, in particular, Google reCAPTCHA.

    Stock up on popcorn and enjoy watching.

    A captcha is a special picture with a verification code in order to determine whether a live user is performing an action or a bot. Entering a captcha is most often suggested in the case of numerous identical repeated requests to the service.

    For example, the search engines Yandex and Google will prompt you to enter captcha if you frequently access certain data or services. Also, captcha is often encountered when working with various scripts: parsers, clickers, posters, etc. When parsing search engines or groups on social networks.

    The main task of captcha is to prevent automatic actions of bots. Captcha copes with this task perfectly; only a real user, and not a bot, can solve the ornate drawing. Thus, when working with scripts, captcha can be a big hindrance when working with large amounts of data.

    But there is a solution for everything, including automatic captcha entry. You will learn how to set up automatic captcha entry and recognition below in this article.

    1. The simplest type of captcha is captcha from alphabetic characters. For example, it is the letter captcha that Yandex uses. In addition to letters, numbers can be used.

    2. Captcha consisting of several words in the Latin alphabet mixed with noise and blur. This captcha is much more complicated than the previous one. To solve the puzzle you need to spend more time and effort. If the captcha seems too complicated to you, you can try updating it by clicking on the corresponding icon. There is a chance that the new captcha will be simpler.

    3. Recently appeared captcha as a picture. In such a captcha, you are asked to select several pictures with a certain image to solve. The captcha will be recognized if the images are selected correctly.

    How to remove captcha

    1. If, when working on the Internet, you are asked to enter a captcha, then the only way to overcome it and continue working is to enter its characters in a special field. After correct recognition, the blocking will stop and you can safely continue your work.
    2. The second way to remove captcha is to stop repeating actions, increase the interval between requests in your script, and change your IP address.

    The easiest way is, of course, to solve the captcha, to do this, simply enter the suggested characters in the field located under the picture and press the key Enter.

    Automatic captcha entry

    It is often difficult to do real-time captcha recognition. This is especially difficult to do when running a script and working in large volumes. Search engines, noticing multiple requests, will send you captcha again and again, wanting to stop the massive actions.

    This problem is well known to webmasters and all those who work with posters, spammers, parsers and other automatic programs. However, there is a solution that allows you to recognize captcha automatically. There are special services for this, an example of such a service is rucaptcha.com.

    Rukapcha is a popular service for manually solving captchas. It allows you to automatically enter the captcha that your script has come to solve. In order for solving and entering to occur automatically, a special key is needed. Using this key, your captchas will be sent through the rucaptcha.com service to real people for recognition. The cost of this service is low and amounts to only 40 rubles per thousand solved pictures.

    The system works as follows: registered on the site large number users who earn money solve incoming captcha in real time. This allows you to continuously work with scripts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without constantly entering captcha yourself.

    Thus, by attaching a special key to the script, you can launch your script for several hours and calmly go about your business. Without thinking that the incoming captcha could interfere with his work.

    There is probably no Internet user who, at least once in his life, has not had to enter “characters from the picture” into the appropriate field on a website. The importance of this action is often explained: to distinguish a person from a robot. But how the distinction is made may not be clear to some. And the word of foreign origin - captcha - is completely new in the Russian language, and therefore can introduce ambiguity into the process.

    What is CAPTCHA? This is a computer-controlled test that allows you to determine with varying accuracy whether a user belongs to one of the categories: a person or a computer (robot, bot). This way you can prevent automatic registrations in services, for example, to avoid spam mailings. The following are used as problematic forms in captchas:
    the sequence of characters that must be entered,
    a riddle that needs an answer,
    an arithmetic example, the answer to which should be found and entered in the field;
    sets of pictures in which you need to mark all images containing a certain object, etc.

    These forms can be recognized by a person, but not in every case by a computer. Problems expressed by forms can be solved by a person, but also not in every case by a computer.

    Example of how captcha works
    When generating a sequence of symbols, language signs are placed on a background that can blend into the symbols, and they themselves can be distorted. It is difficult for a robot to distinguish a sign from a background element and recognize one or another curved symbol, which is why computers often fail such tests.

    Possibility of taking the test by computer
    In some cases, robots pass the test and perform actions that resource administrators want to protect them from. This is possible for several reasons:
    image is recognized;
    the answer to the image question is contained in the name of the image file, which can be found in the source code of the page;
    the form construction algorithm is recognized and answer options are selected, etc.

    Thus, in answering the questions “what is captcha?”, “what is it for?”, “in what forms is it implemented?” and “is it possible to bypass it?” there are no difficult aspects. However, it is important to keep in mind that it is impossible to guarantee complete site protection using CAPTCHA tests, but it is quite possible to partially filter out a large number of automatic (machine) requests that can lead to spam.

    If you more or less actively use the Internet in your daily work, then you probably know about such an unpleasant thing as captcha. Sometimes it interferes so much with their work that people often simply stop visiting those sites whose owners pay too much attention to it.

    What is it?

    By the way, what is captcha? Imagine that you have visited some popular file hosting service. To download a file in free mode, you will have to enter a certain set of characters (often meaningless) into a special field, which should be taken from the picture opposite.

    The task is complicated by the fact that these symbols are sometimes completely impossible to make out, since they are deliberately made unreadable.

    What is it for?

    Having understood what a captcha is, it would be nice to talk about its specific purpose. Why is it necessary to fence such a garden, making it difficult to send comments or download files?

    Yes, there were times when no one knew about captcha at all. It appeared relatively recently. This happened during the same period when a mass of bots proliferated in the vastness of the Runet, with the help of which enterprising citizens left advertisements in the comments, downloaded files for free and did other outrages.

    Of course, on many resources administrators kept order, but in most blogging services the load on them turned out to be such that they simply stopped coping. That's when users learned about captcha! The acquaintance turned out to be quite unpleasant.

    To be very precise, the technology itself was originally created in 2000. Initially, it was intended only to determine the “humanity” of your interlocutor on the Internet: then not a single program for captcha (to recognize it, more precisely) was simply created.

    What is its disadvantage?

    If you carefully read the first part of the article, then you can guess most of the negative factors of using captcha on your own. Firstly, most users act in a state of some kind of impulse. Simply put, when you see some interesting post on LiveJournal, you want to immediately comment on it.

    But you are faced with an indigestible captcha, and most of the characters are so illegible that it can take more than one day to solve them. Do you think the user will engage in such a thankless task?

    No, of course not! He will simply go to another site. Thus, if you are trying to protect your resource from those who like to leave spam in comments, we advise you not to try too hard.

    If you get too carried away with captcha, you will quickly lose many active users. No users - no money from advertising. In addition, most normal resources automatically recognize spam in comments, so there is often no point in additional protection.

    Almost the same can be said about file sharing sites. Of course, one can understand their creators: by offering everyone to download information of interest for free, they will simply miss out on profits.

    But this same situation can be looked at from the exact opposite side: if a site offers you the opportunity to receive a file for free, it will easily gain a huge audience that will quickly recoup all costs by attracting advertisers. By the way, this is exactly how the domestic iFolder works, the creators of which certainly cannot complain about poverty.

    So, even from the point of view of making a profit, the idea of ​​captcha itself does not look so attractive.

    What to do?

    How to remove the captcha, is it really possible to do this? The situation here is quite ambiguous. The fact is that on many sites that use this type of anti-spam protection, not every user can read the captcha the first time, not to mention some applications.

    Simple options can be recognized using the small Screenshot Reader utility, which is part of the ABBYY FineReader software package. But it only reads the simplest captcha forms, which any normal user can easily recognize. In addition, the process itself cannot be automated, since for recognition you need to manually select the range of interest to you.

    Entering captcha

    If you don’t have much choice, you’ll have to do this thankless task manually. What advice can you give? First, try to do it quickly: many sites have a counter that resets the value if you cannot enter it within a couple of minutes.

    Additionally, typing errors often occur when JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Don’t forget also about the need for Cookies, as they will help the site “recognize” you, eliminating the need to constantly go through annoying protection.

    Finally, pay attention to what is written on the main page of the site. As a rule, a captcha for a website is described in detail in an explanatory note or a separate article. An excellent example is the file-sharing service Rapidshare, which at one time introduced a unique captcha.

    Its characters were easily distinguishable, and no blurring or polarization technologies were used to make it difficult for programs to recognize it. What was the secret?

    And it consisted in the fact that there were cats sitting on those letters and numbers that had to be entered into the appropriate field. How many unpleasant words were said at one time to the creators of such a system! In the end, it was abandoned under pressure from the user community.

    We buy the “antidote”

    Another option is to contact a normal programmer (or a group, which is even better), so that he can create a utility for recognizing captcha on a specific site. Alas, there are no universal solutions, if only because each resource has unique protection. Some standard solutions are very rare.

    Of particular interest in this regard are the developments of the CMS Bitrix company, which distributes truly effective programs that cope with captcha on most popular sites. The developers claim that the effectiveness of their creation is within 95%. Depending on the type of protection, its complexity and the specific site, developing methods for protecting it can cost you a couple of thousand dollars, or even more.

    In addition, some resources have such sophisticated protection that it is not easy for a person to decipher it!

    Is it possible to make money by entering it?

    Beginners often wonder if it is possible to somehow make money by entering security symbols. And this is not surprising, because the Internet is full of advertisements for the recruitment of groups of people who will receive some money by performing captcha recognition. Is it worth getting involved with this?

    In our opinion (perhaps quite subjective), this matter is not worth pursuing. You will waste a huge amount of nerves, effort and traffic. And the payment for such “easy money” is simply amazing: after sitting at the computer all day, hammering in captcha with manic persistence, you will earn a maximum of a couple of dollars. Do you need it? Surely not.

    Universal output

    If we talk about file hosting services, then if you regularly upload files, the only reliable way out of the situation is to buy a paid account. As a rule, its cost is quite adequate. By purchasing such a subscription, you will be able to download any amount of information quickly and without inconvenience.

    How to remove captcha from your blog?

    We hope that you have made the right conclusions after reading most of our article. Therefore, let’s look at how to remove captcha entry on the popular Blogger service from the notorious one. It’s not difficult to do this at all, and you will bring a lot of joy to the visitors of your site.

    First, go to the “Editor” of your page. In the left column, select “Settings”. It has a “Messages and Comments” section. In the “Use word verification” field, set the value “no”, after which the captcha will not be required when entering messages.

    What to do if you can’t enter it correctly?

    It happens that the program for entering captcha or the site itself (if you enter the values ​​manually) constantly gives an error. What could be the reason?

    First of all, you need to calm down. Typically, there is a curved arrow on the right side of any captcha. By clicking on it, you will update the character set that you need to enter to access the site. Using it, you can change a completely unreadable set. Unfortunately, unreadable letters are very common. So, sometimes the difference between the letters “Q” and “G” is completely indistinguishable.

    Finally, on many sites you can avoid entering security characters if you simply register on it. Try this method too.

    That's what captcha is!