• What is the difference between a mobile phone and a smartphone? Difference between a mobile phone and a smartphone. Difference between smartphone and telephone

    Articles and Lifehacks

    Today, few people ask the question of how a smartphone differs from a telephone, but not so long ago it was more than relevant.

    How it all started

    The very concept of “smartphone” appeared quite a long time ago. In 2000, she decided that to highlight the advantages of her R380s model, something more was needed than the banal name “phone.”

    The gadget was small, light, but at the same time had a touch screen. Unfortunately, from a modern point of view, it had a significant drawback - closed.

    This meant that it was impossible to install applications on it other than those provided by the manufacturer. This flaw was subsequently corrected, and the new models received the first open operating system, Symbian 6.0.

    At that time, there were two more classes of gadgets: personal pocket computers (PDAs), which played the role of an electronic organizer, which were already giving way to communicators, which were essentially the same thing, but with the ability to make calls and access the Internet.

    When they were “crossed” with a touch phone, the concept of what we understand today as a smartphone appeared.

    So what's the difference

    The main differences between a smartphone and a telephone can be considered the presence of the functionality of a pocket computer and a touchscreen. However, modern phones are also very “smart”, although they are much inferior in capabilities to their older brothers.

    In addition, although they have access to the Internet, it is limited to GPRS/EDGE technology, in which the cost of a megabyte of transferred data is prohibitively high.

    Smartphones are required to have 3G, and many have a 4G module, making mobile Internet quite affordable and acceptable in speed.

    It should also be borne in mind that this type of device is characterized by one of the powerful operating systems:

    • Google Android.
    • Apple iOS.
    • Windows Mobile.
    Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, each has its adherents, but they are all united by a common feature: in terms of functionality they are not much inferior to a desktop computer or laptop.

    As for the operating systems of push-button phones, no one would even think of comparing it with a netbook.

    If both classes of mobile devices still exist, it means that each of them has some advantages.

    Pros of smartphones:

    • the functionality of a pocket computer, allowing you to use it for a wide variety of tasks;
    • touch display for convenient control of the gadget;
    • high-speed Internet access;
    • the presence of additional features, such as GPS navigation, TV tuner, built-in audio system, etc.;
    • a huge amount of built-in memory compared to a phone, allowing you to store a lot of different information;
    • status of top smartphone models.
    Pros of push-button phones:
    • very low cost of the gadget;
    • small dimensions compared to most smartphone models;
    • a design and control method familiar to older people.
    Over time, “tubes” are increasingly turning into niche devices, the main advantage of which is the price.

    If a person needs absolutely nothing other than the ability to make calls, then there is no point in buying even an ultra-cheap ultra-budget smartphone.

    Not to mention the fact that such tempting offers of “exact copies of an iPhone for only 2,000 rubles” usually end in wasted money, while push-button models for the same price usually do not have such problems.

    On the other hand, for most of us today life is unthinkable without at least periodic access to the Internet. The World Wide Web is increasingly drawing earthlings into its digital networks.

    In this regard, push-button handsets are unable to offer the user virtually nothing, which sharply narrows the audience for such devices.

    It is impossible not to mention a variety of entertainment content: in this regard, smartphones are again at an unattainable height: books, films, more than high-quality - except that in terms of music, “tubes” are at least somehow able to compete with their sensory counterparts, and even then only with using headphones.

    Thus, the smartphone today is the main means of communication used by the vast majority of people, and the telephone is an ultra-cheap surrogate intended only for making calls, the popularity of which is falling from year to year.

    It’s hard to imagine, but just a decade and a half ago, even an ordinary cell phone was the property of the “elite,” the dream of any young man.

    But from the moment the first mobile phones were invented until today, the situation has changed dramatically - cell phones have been replaced by smartphones that combine the functions of a telephone and a desktop computer. Moreover, this progress occurred quite quickly.

    However, some people still prefer small, practical phones to new-fangled multifunctional smartphones. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option and determine whether a smartphone or a telephone - which is better?

    Feature phones

    Let's start with the last generation of communicators - push-button phones. Despite the seemingly oblivion, mobile phones are still being sold and improved.

    Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

    • A low cost that even the most budget smartphones cannot afford.
    • Practicality. The mobile phone only has everything you need built in: the ability to make calls, write sms and mms, calendar, alarm clock, etc. Nothing extra that could distract or take up extra space.
    • Strength. Feature phones have a more durable body, which prevents them from turning into a piece of useless plastic after the first fall.
    • Long lasting charge. A weaker processor and a smaller screen place less strain on the battery, due to which one such mobile phone can last a week without recharging.
    • Pleasant to use. Some people just like the feel of the keys under their fingers when typing. In addition, this is more practical in winter, because many touch screens freeze and dialing the desired phone number or simply unlocking the screen becomes a real problem.

    Understanding the pros and cons of the first type of gadgets alone is not enough to decide for yourself whether a smartphone or a telephone is better. So now let's look at a more modern option.

    Smartphone - why is it better?

    Such devices are called “smart” for a reason, since they are equal in power to a weak computer. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Multifunctionality. In addition to basic functions, they provide an easy-to-use built-in browser for accessing the Internet, a store with many different applications and games.
  • Online communication and Internet surfing. An important feature is also the ability to simultaneously use several applications in real time. However, you should be on your guard, as some mobile phones only simulate this function, wasting the already limited RAM.
  • High speed of operation of many modern models. As already mentioned, in terms of functionality they are approximately at the level of weak PCs. Such power requires powerful processors, which older “brothers” do not have. However, here perhaps the two most important problems of “smart mobile phones” appear: rapid battery drain (which is also facilitated by the large screen) and high cost.
  • Unique design. The individualization of the gadget can also be called a peculiar advantage. If you are a person of style, you will love the opportunity to make a uniquely designed smartphone in just half an hour.
  • We also note certain disadvantages:

    • Large sizes. This gadget is not so compact, so it is not always possible to put it in your pocket.
    • Less reliability. Since they are trying to make the phone's body lighter, its durability suffers - a couple of drops from an average height, and you can say goodbye to your device.


    So which is better - a smartphone or a phone?

    • If you need a phone not only for calls, if you often need a mini-computer at hand, or just a device with games to pass the time on the road, a smartphone is at your service.
    • If you are a business person who only needs a phone to make quick calls, and you don’t use other functions, a regular mobile phone will be your choice. Moreover, if you need to occasionally take photos, there are push-button phones with a good camera.

    Video material

    Now you can draw clear conclusions for yourself and continue to use exactly the gadget that will meet your requirements and expectations. Good luck!

    How to choose a mobile phone or a good smartphone

    A modern cell phone is an indispensable assistant and an integral part of life. Every day we make calls, watch movies on it, play games, surf the Internet, communicate on social networks, take photos. And something that you use so often simply has to be comfortable.

    To choose a suitable mobile phone, you need to know its characteristics: body, screen, camera, processor power, memory capacity, battery life, number of SIM cards. Choose those details that are important to you, save on the rest.

    Push-button mobile phones

    Push-button phones have lost their position, but are by no means forgotten; many manufacturers continue to produce such models. They can call, send SMS, show the time, work for more than a week on one charge and cost ridiculous money. An ideal choice for those who need their phone only as a means of communication, and not for playing games or watching movies.

    The keyboard of push-button phones is specific; on each button with numbers for dialing there are 3-4 letters of the alphabet. Typing on such a keyboard takes some getting used to. But some phone models are available with a QWERTY keyboard.

    A smartphone is a full-fledged pocket-sized computer. Cellular connectivity is just one of its many features. Smartphones have an operating system that supports various applications: games, office programs, graphic editors, browsers and others.

    Modern smartphones usually have a large screen with a diagonal of 4-6 inches. They have touch controls; on the body there is only a power button and a volume rocker. Sometimes the home screen button is also made physical.

    There are smartphones with a physical keyboard. Such models are typical for Blackberry, for example, Blackberry Q10 and Blackberry 9900 Bold.

    Differences between a smartphone and a regular phone

    A candy bar phone has a body with no moving parts, usually rectangular in shape. Almost all smartphones and many push-button phones are produced in the form of a candy bar.

    All-in-one PCs come in different sizes, so you can find a large device with an impressive screen like the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, or a more compact phone like the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini.

    The flip phone body consists of two parts: one contains the display and speaker, and the other contains the keyboard, microphone, battery and other elements. The folded device takes up little space, and the display and keyboard are reliably protected from damage and accidental key presses.

    Many people note that it is more convenient to talk on a flip phone, because the speaker is near the ear, and the mdash microphone is near the person’s mouth. The main disadvantage of mdash folding phones is less reliability due to the movable body.

    Flip smartphones are a real rarity. But they exist: for example, LG Wine Smart or Samsung Hennessy.

    The slider phone also consists of two parts located parallel to each other. The top part with the display, speaker and a minimal set of buttons moves to reveal the keyboard. There are sliders with both a regular telephone keyboard and a QWERTY keyboard, for example, BlackBerry Torch 9810 or LG GW620.

    Pros of the slider: compact size, ease of use. Cons: unprotected display, shorter service life due to moving parts of the case.

    A rotator phone is a rare type of mobile phone. The rotator housing consists of two moving parts; to open the keyboard, you need to rotate the upper part with the display around its axis.

    The disadvantages are the same as those of other models with a movable body: the fragility of the body when compared with a candy bar, and the risk of damaging the screen.

    Some smartphones are partially protected from moisture and dust. Waterproof smartphones look no different from regular ones, but they are not scary to get caught in the rain or get spilled with tea. Among such models are the Sony Xperia Z line of smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy S4 Active and Samsung Galaxy S5 Active models.

    Another thing is special protected phones for extreme conditions. They are encased in thick shockproof housings, reliably protected from water, and can operate at elevated or low temperatures. With them it’s not scary to kayak or conquer snowy peaks. In this area, completely different brands are popular, for example, RugGear, Ginzzu, Senseit.

    A premium phone is not an ordinary phone made of plastic or metal, but a unique, designer one, in a case made of precious metals and gems, finished with expensive materials like crocodile leather. Of course, the famous Vertu rules the roost in this segment. And Apple has released the Apple Watch Edition smart watch in yellow and rose gold.

    Let's assume that you have chosen the type of phone and its form factor. What's next? Next, it makes sense to decide on a brand.

    Top companies holding leading positions include Apple, Sony, Microsoft (which recently bought Nokia), Samsung and LG.

    What is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone:

    Nowadays, people cannot imagine their life without mobile communications. After all, using your phone you make calls and send messages to your loved ones and relatives. Recently, people have often become interested in the difference between a smartphone and a telephone.

    After all, with the help of both of them you can send SMS, take photos, and also transfer pictures, files, etc. Both the first and the second have Internet access. But in fact, these two things are very different from each other.

    To understand in detail what exactly it is, read to the end of the article.

    For many years now, smartphones have been leading the mobile device market.

    They are used by a huge number of people around the world. A salesperson at a mobile device store can answer your question about the difference between a smartphone and a telephone.

    Even a person who does not understand this issue can compare a simple phone and a smartphone. In fact, people make the right choice when they buy a smartphone. It has more useful features than a telephone.

    This is why a smartphone is superior to a simple cell phone. Let's conduct a comparative analysis.

    What is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone?

    Mobile is only for making calls and sending messages. Of course, in addition to this, you can perform other actions on it, for example, go online and play Java games. A smartphone is, one might say, a portable computer. You can perform various tasks on it: read a book, watch a movie and more.

    You won’t be able to watch movies normally on a simple mobile phone – if you stare at a small screen for a long time, it can negatively affect your vision. It’s not for nothing that smartphone means “smart phone.”

    With its help, you can access the Internet via WiFi, while you will have to pay money to access the network from a regular phone.

    Device operating system

    The OS for mobile phones plays an important role, since it is the full-fledged RAM that distinguishes a smartphone from regular cell phones. The operating system gives the device a large number of capabilities and functions. It ensures the operation of the entire device.

    At the moment, there are a large number of operating networks for smartphones. The most popular are phones with Windows 8 OS. As a rule, one similar to it can be seen on Nokia smartphones.

    Besides Windows, there are other popular operating systems:


    Smartphone or phone?

    Mobile electronics are becoming more complex every day. Understanding it is often not at all easy. In the editorial mail of the journal “Science and Life” there are letters in which readers ask for help in mastering new technology.

    In this issue, Ruslan BOKOEV, a specialist at the ION digital center, answers readers’ questions.

    I have a mobile phone, but many of my friends have already purchased smartphones. I would like to know what the fundamental difference is between a smartphone and a telephone.

    V. GARKUSHA (Voronezh).

    The term “smartphone” (from the English smartphone) is translated into Russian as “smart phone”. A smartphone is an “advanced” version of a phone, approaching the capabilities of a pocket computer. The main difference between a smartphone and a telephone is the presence of a fairly powerful multitasking operating system.

    What benefits does having an operating system provide? Of course, it is possible to install additional programs.

    Among the required minimum: a file manager (works the same as “Explorer” on a computer), a program for reading books, an email client (for receiving and sending letters), a Web browser for convenient browsing of pages on the Internet, an instant messaging program ( analogue of ICQ).

    In addition, you can choose what is interesting to you: a meteorological program, a translator program and much, much more. To install the program, you can buy a special disk or download the program on the Internet. A modern mobile phone, in addition to making regular calls, allows you to access the Internet, send SMS and MMS messages, and play.

    The smartphone, in addition to all these services, makes it possible to read books, edit documents in Word and Excel formats, and install additional applications. In addition, today many smartphones have a built-in GPS module that allows you to use satellite navigation.

    So avoiding traffic jams or finding the right house with a smartphone is as easy as shelling pears. Some smartphone models look no different from a telephone and have a familiar telephone keyboard and dimensions. But there are smartphones that are essentially a hybrid of a PDA and a telephone, that is, a pocket computer with the ability to make calls.

    This device is equipped with a larger touch display, a more powerful processor, but it does not have a telephone keypad. It is replaced by a virtual keyboard on the display, for working with which a special tool is used - a stylus. There are smartphone options with a full QWERTY keyboard, like a laptop.

    Such smartphones are also called communicators (the difference between a smartphone and a communicator is the topic of a separate article). They are especially convenient for entering text during active correspondence via SMS, ICQ and email. Smartphones are based on the Symbian and Windows Mobile operating systems.

    Despite the external differences, these systems are almost the same in their capabilities. One of the important advantages of smartphones is that, unlike phones, they allow you to perform several tasks in parallel. For example, you can count something on a calculator and at the same time write a response to an incoming SMS.

    With a regular phone, you'd have to turn off the calculator, losing all your results: you'd have to close one app to move on to another. The speed of the programs loaded into the smartphone depends on the processor and the amount of built-in memory. A processor with a frequency of 200 MHz and 64 MB RAM is quite enough for basic tasks such as working with tables and texts. You can increase the amount of memory using removable cards. ***

    My Nokia smartphone has recently started to malfunction for no apparent reason. Friends advised me to do a flashing. Is it possible to do this yourself without leaving home?

    K. MORDASHEV (Lyubertsy, Moscow region).

    Flashing (reinstallation, updating the operating system of the device. - Note ed.) Nokia smartphone can be done independently. To do this, you need the latest version of the Nokia PC Suite synchronization program (you can download it for free from the website www.nokia.ru/A4375001), a cable to connect to the USB port on your computer, and a charger. The update procedure will take four steps.

    Step 1.

    Download the latest version of Nokia PC Suite and install it on your computer without connecting your phone yet.

    Step 2.

    Make sure that the SIM card is inserted into the phone and the mode is selected ordinary. If your phone battery is low, charge it.

    Step 3.

    Connect your phone to your computer, open Nokia PC Suite and select update By phone. The program will prompt you to download and install the utility (service program. - Note ed.) Nokia Software Updater. Agree to this and, after the utility is installed, run it.

    Step 4.

    Carefully follow the instructions in the windows and strictly comply with all program requirements. In one of the windows, the program may inform you that there are no new firmware versions for your smartphone yet, and will offer to reinstall your version.

    If the smartphone is not working correctly, it makes sense to agree. Once the update is complete, you will be able to use it again.

    If everything doesn’t work out for you, come to “ION” - our specialists will be happy to help you!


    ICQ- sound abbreviation of the English expression “I Seek You” - “I’m looking for you.” In everyday life it is often called “ICQ”. This is a program for instant messaging over the Internet. Messages arrive in real time in the form of text that you and your interlocutor type on the computer keyboard.

    GPS- Global Positioning System - a radio positioning system using navigation satellites. GPS receivers allow users to determine their geographic coordinates, altitude, speed and time at any time of the day and in any conditions.

    Web browser- a program designed to search for information, display and download Web pages to a computer - text, graphics, sound recordings and video recordings from the Internet.

    SMS- Short Message Service (short message service) - a system for sending and receiving short messages in the cellular network, which allows cell phone owners to exchange text and alphanumeric messages.

    MMS- Multimedia Message Service (multimedia message service). Using MMS you can send pictures, melodies, photos to your mobile phone or email.

    SIM- Subscriber Identity Module card (customer identification module) - a familiar piece of plastic with a built-in microprocessor on which data is recorded that uniquely identifies the subscriber number and its affiliation with any GSM-standard cellular network.

    USB- Universal Serial Bus (universal serial bus) - a type of connection supported by all modern personal computers. USB provides the ability to connect any peripheral devices such as a printer, mouse or digital camera to a computer.

    Smartphone or telephone – which is better to choose now? | ELMIR

    Smartphones have already taken up an impressive part of the market, although many still prefer cheap dialers. Why? Perhaps because many people simply feel sorry for wasting money so that phone resources are spent on regular calls and SMS or spent on repairs. After all, smartphones are created for something else.

    By the way, many people have two phones, one for communication, and the second for accessing the Internet, installing applications and other things. You can often spot a girl in the park holding a penny Fly near her ear with one hand, and typing something on the touch screen of her smartphone with the other hand.

    As for repairing smartphones, everything has been simple for a long time, contact the service http://fine-gadget.ru/remont-foto-video-kamery-na-iphone/ with any problem, and our specialists will quickly deal with the malfunctions.

    A smartphone is any mobile phone that has a set of additional functions in addition to calls and SMS (alarm clock, calculator and notes are not considered). Any smartphone has the ability to install a browser and surf the Internet.

    In addition, there is a separate and quick access to the Instagram portal, which is popular today. You can take photos and instantly upload them through a convenient application.

    Smartphones support local maps, GPS and can check the weather anywhere. And that's not all, of course.

    The functions depend on the platform on which the device runs: Symbian, Android, Apple and the currently actively developing Nokia, which promotes Windows.

    If you come across a smartphone with a fragile case, contact the specialists of the company http://fine-gadget.ru/remont-ili-zamena-korpusa-iphone/ to solve the problem.

    Many people do not see the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone. In fact, the iPhone is one of the smartphone models, the most convenient and powerful of all existing ones. IPhone is a product of Apple, which has established itself as a reliable, efficient and, to be honest, prestigious and elegant smartphone.

    Android is known to many as the little green robot man. In fact, it is a special operating system for smartphones and tablets. The operating system is specially designed to manage the components of a computer (in this case, a telephone) and its devices. Android is more developed than, say, Symbian, because it has more features, applications and games.

    Recently, people have become increasingly tired of the oversaturation of information that pours out of their smartphones, so many are thinking about switching back to regular phones.

    What is the difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone?

    We have already talked about how a tablet differs from a smartphone and what is the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone. Today we’ll talk about the differences between a phone and a smartphone.

    First you need to give definitions for each of the terms.

    • Mobile (cellular) phone is a phone that is designed to work on cellular networks.
    • Smartphone is a mobile phone that is supplemented with the functionality of a mobile computer.

    Do you feel the difference? Now let's dive into the comparison.

    What is the difference between a telephone and a smartphone?

    • The first major difference is the dimensions. While a phone is typically a small device that fits easily in your hand, a smartphone is often twice that size. But this has its own advantage - a large screen diagonal. So, if a phone is content with a display with a diagonal of 1.5-2 inches, then a smartphone can have a display with a diagonal of 3.5 inches to 7 inches! Of course, on such a screen you can watch movies, play games, read e-books, etc. In the case of a phone, doing this is at least inconvenient.
    • Smartphones have virtually no physical buttons on their bodies. If on a phone we dial a number using physical buttons, then on a smartphone we do this by touching the touch screen with our fingers. The number of physical buttons on a smartphone rarely exceeds 2-3.
    • Smartphones are built on an operating system. The most popular system is Android, on which most smartphones are based. Another popular OS is iOS, which is used in Apple technology. The operating system supports many different functions, so the smartphone can safely be called a real computer - only compact.
    • Operating systems support an incredible number of applications - their number amounts to tens and hundreds of millions. The applications are very different: for work, for reading, for watching videos, for having a good time... In general, the choice is huge. A pleasant plus is the fact that many applications are free.
    • The smartphone can be used as a full-fledged navigator. To do this, you need to get an application with maps and turn on GPS or GLONASS. The location accuracy of the device is very high, so the maps are used for movement, including by car.
    • Many smartphones have long replaced cameras. So, if you are going somewhere on vacation and do not plan to take professional shots, a smartphone will be enough. Moreover, now devices have begun to appear on sale that shoot no worse than semi-professional cameras. The same applies to video recordings. Of course, phones also have cameras, but often the quality of photos is very mediocre.
    • It is very convenient to use the Internet on a smartphone - not surprising with a screen of such a diagonal. All actions are performed by tapping the screen. And some sites have a mobile or adaptive version that adapts to the size of the smartphone screen - using such a site is very convenient even with one hand. All this cannot be said about the phone.
    • But as for operation, it’s easier to drop a smartphone due to its size. In addition, if you fall, the likelihood of breaking the screen is much higher than with a phone with a small display.
    • The cost of smartphones, of course, is higher. But if before the difference was huge, today the most inexpensive smartphone can be bought for about 2 thousand rubles. In some countries, smartphones are offered whose prices do not even reach a thousand rubles. These are simple devices, but for 10 thousand rubles you can buy a mid-budget device. The flagships are much more expensive and whether it is worth overpaying for them is up to the buyer to decide. Phones cost from about 500 rubles.

    What to choose: smartphone or telephone?

    If you only need the device for calls, buy a cell phone. If you need a mobile computer with which you will use social networks, watch videos, play games, etc., the choice should be in favor of a smartphone.

    Difference between smartphone and telephone

    The life of a modern person is probably no longer possible without a mobile phone. Every day our requirements for phone functions are growing, but manufacturers are not lagging behind and offer the widest selection of devices with different designs and functionality. Recently, smartphones have become widespread.

    However, many consumers, and even employees of cellular communication stores, cannot explain the difference between a classic phone and newfangled smartphones. Often we, without realizing it, give preference to a smartphone, although modern phones are catching up in their functions to these “intelligent” devices.

    Perhaps in the near future, all phones will be smartphones.

    Mobile phone is a portable means of communication. Allows you to make and receive calls and SMS, MMS messages, has Internet access, and provides the opportunity to play games.

    « Smartphone"translated from English as "smart phone". And he really is. A smartphone can be called a transitional stage between a phone and a computer. An operating system is installed on a smartphone, just like on a computer, which makes it possible to use a large number of programs.

    Often, in appearance, a smartphone is not at all different from an ordinary phone: the same keyboard, the same screen, the same dimensions.

    However, there are a number of smartphones that are a kind of hybrid between a phone and a PDA, and are more similar to the latter.

    They do not have a keyboard, but are controlled using a stylus or finger through a touch display, the size of which is significantly larger than the screen of a regular mobile phone.

    File format support

    On a regular mobile phone, as a rule, there are no additional functions other than viewing pictures and Java games. In addition to the same Java games, you can install Sis games, various programs (Word, Excel, Adobe Reader and others), and various applications on your smartphone. You can also view pictures and videos in 3GP, MP4, AVI formats without loss of quality.

    The only inconvenience when watching movies is the small screen. Therefore, if you plan to watch videos on your device in the future, it is better to immediately take care of the screen size when choosing a smartphone in the store.

    Installable programs

    You can download games, ringtones, music, and pictures to a regular phone. That's probably all.

    The capabilities of a smartphone are much greater:

    • for easy file management - file manager
    • for reading and editing text documents and PRC, PDB formats – iSilo
    • GPS module for using satellite navigation
    • organizer
    • archiver
    • On-line translator with a dictionary for eight languages ​​and much more.

    The usual photo or video shooting on a mobile phone is also a function of a smartphone.

    Simultaneous use of programs

    All functions available on the phone are performed sequentially, one after another.

    An undeniable advantage of a smartphone is the ability to use several programs at the same time: for example, listen to music and perform some calculations on a calculator.

    Transferring files

    It happens that you urgently need to transfer a certain file to someone, but there is no access to the computer. In this case, you can use your smartphone. Using this device you can send text documents, programs, games.

    An ordinary mobile phone can only send SMS and MMS.


    Regular mobile phones are quite reliable and durable. They are dropped on the floor, thrown into water, but after they are dried and sorted, they still continue to work. And in case of serious damage to the screen or case, they are simply replaced.

    Smartphones are not like that. They are afraid of the slightest blow. If it gets into water, the chip components oxidize and the phone stops working. Repairing such devices is very difficult and expensive.

    TheDifference.ru conclusions:

  • A cell phone performs only one function - providing cellular communications. The smartphone is multifunctional.
  • The smartphone has a processor that allows you to install the operating system.
  • A smartphone, unlike a regular phone, allows you to multitask.
  • The smartphone can be used as a video player to watch AVI and MP4 videos.
  • The phone is more reliable and is not afraid of mechanical damage. The smartphone is more fragile and can be damaged even from a slight fall.
  • What is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone?

    The large number of mobile devices on the market allows everyone to choose a device that will best suit their needs. However, diversity also has a negative feature: it is sometimes very difficult for an unprepared buyer, little familiar with the world of high technology, to choose the optimal solution.

    For example, today's popular smartphones used to be classified as flagships and mid-range devices, while now even a budget device can be a smartphone.

    What is the difference between a smartphone and a regular mobile phone? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

    operating system

    Smartphone is translated from English as “smart phone”. The “smartness” of the device lies in the fact that such devices operate under a common operating system, being, in fact, pocket computers.

    In addition to standard applications, the user can install software from third-party developers, which significantly expands the capabilities of the device. The most popular operating systems nowadays are Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS.

    Previously, Symbian and Windows Mobile systems were also common, but today smartphones running them are no longer produced.

    Traditional mobile phones lack such functions and the most a user can count on is the installation of simple games and programs written in Java.

    Thus, the presence of an OS is the main criterion for distinguishing a smartphone from a telephone.

    Touch phone Samsung Corby. Runs on the proprietary Samsung TouchWiz 1.0 shell. The phone does not have the ability to install third-party applications, does not have a full-fledged operating system, but does have a touch screen. You can't call it a smartphone.

    Smartphone Nokia 6630. Does not have a touch screen, but runs on the Symbian 8.0a operating system, which is no longer relevant these days. Still, because of this OS and the ability to install applications, this device can be called a smartphone.

    Form factor

    The first smartphones looked no different from ordinary mobile phones. They had a traditional “handset” appearance with a hardware numeric keypad with 12 buttons. This state of affairs could be observed until about 2012, already in the heyday of the touchscreen era.

    A modern smartphone, as a rule, has a large screen (more than 4 inches diagonally) with high resolution and almost (or completely) devoid of hardware keys. In some cases, a sliding QWERTY keyboard can be used as an addition.

    At the same time, a mobile phone can be in the form factor of a traditional dialer or with a touch screen. However, the display resolution of such devices is usually lower and the diagonal is smaller.

    The touch screen with full input support is the second important difference.

    Hardware platform

    Smartphones are usually based on high-performance chipsets, which include multi-core processors with frequencies above 1 GHz, gigabytes of RAM and special graphics accelerators - analogues of computer video cards.

    Mobile phones cannot boast of such potential; in their “hearts,” as a rule, single-core processors with a frequency of several hundred megahertz and a couple of tens of megabytes of RAM are installed.

    The third difference is the powerful hardware platform.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Thus, we can highlight the main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone:

    • availability of a full-fledged operating system;
    • the ability to install third-party programs;
    • large high-resolution touch screen;
    • powerful hardware.

    If in terms of traditional telephone communication, smartphones cannot boast of anything special, then in terms of additional features, even the most powerful “dialer” can barely compare in capabilities with a budget smartphone.

    The only thing in which phones are confidently in the lead is battery life.

    If a smartphone can work in standby mode for a maximum of a few days, then many inexpensive mobile phones can hold a charge for more than 10 days.

    What is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone

    The advent of communications was a real breakthrough in the scientific and technological development of the whole world. With the help of mobile devices, people have the opportunity to communicate via satellite communications even while at a great distance from each other.

    Push-button mobile phones have undergone an evolution in their development.

    As the devices improved, they acquired new functions and settings that allowed users to receive better quality communications and a convenient means of communication.

    Monochrome screens were replaced by color displays and high-quality polyphony, models with a sliding keyboard and folding models to protect the screen appeared.

    The debate about which mobile phone was better did not subside for a long time, until the mobile device was replaced by smartphones, which became a real breakthrough in mobile devices. Smart phones are increasingly ousting mobile devices from the market, as they are more convenient and allow you to get high-quality communications and Greater capabilities than regular mobile phones.

    It is possible to compare smartphones and mobile devices only for the reason that each of these devices has the same important functionality - communication through calls and sending SMS messages.

    The remaining functions of smartphones and phones are so different that it is worth choosing only the main ones and talking about them as separate capabilities of a smartphone.

    The most basic distinguishing features of smartphones are:

  • Availability of operating system. A smartphone cannot be called a phone, as it is more like a hybrid of a mobile phone and a personal computer, which is equipped with memory, the ability to create a file system, store information, access the Internet and much more. The OS on smartphones is presented in the form of Android, WindowsMobile, SymbianOS, PalmOS - these are the most common operating systems for smartphones that work on the principle of a computer OS.
  • Ability to install applications like on a computer. The operating system allows a smartphone, unlike a mobile device, to install complex and capacious applications developed specifically for smartphones based on classic applications and programs for computers.
  • Working with the file system is a special function of a smartphone, since in a regular mobile phone users do not have the ability to install and create new folders for work and quick exchange of information. Smartphones allow users to store information on the device, archive it, move it, send it via communication, etc.
  • The ability to fully use the Internet with unlimited communication capabilities and high quality signal transmission. Most smartphones have the ability to install a Wi-Fi application to use an ultra-fast wireless communication system and the ability to connect to the Internet through appropriate network adapters.
  • The ability to run several programs simultaneously and the ability to operate the system in parallel. With the help of a developed smartphone operating system, each user can download applications, install new ones and simultaneously receive calls or play a game. A mobile phone is not designed for such versatility and operational efficiency.
  • Using 2 and 4 core processors for smartphone OS. With the help of multi-cores, a smartphone becomes more like a personal computer than a mobile device. Due to the lack of an OS in regular phones, their functionality is much poorer.
  • Touch screen and slimmer, sleeker design. The touch screen is one of the most important distinguishing features that differentiate a smartphone from a regular mobile phone. Thanks to the use of a processor and motherboard, the device has become thinner and more attractive compared to even the most modern models of phones.
  • Smartphones have been able to push mobile phones out of the market in just the last 5 years due to high quality communication and wide functionality.

    An increasing number of users prefer this gadget, which has replaced mobile devices.

    Which is better: buy a smartphone or a mobile phone?

    Speaking of practicality and functionality, many users are still engaged in heated debates about which phone is more profitable to purchase for everyday use. Many argue that push-button models will never become obsolete and will be very indispensable in various situations.

    Others are convinced that it is best to buy a smartphone, since it combines many digital devices at the same time and allows you to effectively solve various tasks. To understand this situation, it is enough to conduct a comparative analysis that will show the strengths and weaknesses of the “rivals”.

    A mobile phone in a traditional push-button design is, without a doubt, a convenient thing, but compared to touchscreen smartphones it is significantly inferior in many respects. First of all, this is the screen. For push-button mobile phones, it is small enough to comfortably watch videos or play games.

    In this regard, buying a smartphone is much more profitable, since on the market you can find models with a screen diagonal of 4.5 to 5.5 inches. If you can use a push-button phone to make calls, send messages and even access the Internet, then the smartphone, in addition to this, also provides other useful functions.

    Phone or smartphone: fundamental differences

    In most cases, push-button phone models have a QVGA screen resolution, while the IPS or AMOLED matrix of a smartphone provides higher-quality images and wider viewing angles. Samsung, Sony and iPhone models are considered especially popular today - they have no equal in this segment of the world market.

    Smartphones are equipped with modern operating systems based on iOS and Android, which allows you to achieve amazing performance results in the process of information processing. Classic push-button phones cannot boast of such functionality, and in this regard they are considered technically “backward” devices.

    If you don’t know where to buy a smartphone at a good price, then it’s best to visit a specialized online store that offers a wide range of branded products at attractive prices. Online shopping can help you save time and money.

    In addition, you will have the opportunity to become more familiar with the technical characteristics of smartphones and choose the most suitable option for everyday use. The smartphone is a worthy alternative to push-button phones and in many ways surpasses its “brothers” in functionality.

    What is better, a phone or a smartphone, how do they differ?

    Smartphones have slowly but steadily increased their share of total mobile device sales until recently their production volume has surpassed that of “regular” cell phones.

    Today, it is no longer enough for a user to be able to make and receive calls anywhere in the world - he wants not to be distracted for a second from the limitless possibilities of the Internet, to turn his mobile device into a real entertainment center that can fill every minute of life on holiday.

    Of course, an ordinary mobile phone is not able to adequately satisfy the listed needs, so mass demand began to gradually redirect to smartphone phones - hybrids of “cellular” and pocket personal computers.

    Just look around and you will understand how they have changed our world: the Internet has finally gone beyond the premises, becoming truly global, devices are not inferior in power and functionality to some personal computers, becoming a kind of pass to the global information society.

    The best smartphones combine the capabilities of a large number of devices and devices, combining them into one compact body.

    A full-fledged camera, a navigator, a laptop, a distance meter, and even a metal detector or level - smartphones can act in all these guises, thanks to hundreds of thousands of applications written specifically for them.

    There are a number of features that distinguish a smartphone from a telephone - these are large sizes, the presence of a touch display, advanced functionality and support for multitasking, a large amount of RAM and built-in memory.

    But one of the main things that determines the difference between a smartphone and a phone is the mobile operating system.

    Their very appearance and the subsequent division of the market between 2-3 leaders allowed developers to begin mass production of useful applications for Android that make our lives even brighter, even simpler, even more interesting.

    And the technical characteristics of representatives of the new class of devices freed the hands of programmers - never before has technology made it possible to create applications for mobile gadgets with the same functionality and graphics as for desktop PCs. Mobile operating systems make it possible to optimally use all system capabilities, which is an inexhaustible source for realizing the ideas of programmers and technical specialists.

    In principle, there has never been an open confrontation between “phones and smartphones”: smartphones initially appeared as premium devices and put significant pressure only on the most expensive models of “mobile phones”.

    Today, the smartphone market is structured into segments in the same way as the mobile phone market once was; despite persistent stereotypes, there are also economy-class devices.

    The world's leading manufacturers, who reign supreme on the global market, nevertheless leave very serious niches for other companies with their own philosophy and competent management. For example, the British company Fly managed to reach third place in terms of smartphone sales in Russia.

    What is the secret of the success of this manufacturer? Most experts agree that the reason for the increase in market shares of alternative manufacturers is the prohibitively high level of “brand fees” charged today by world leaders.

    Fly, in turn, offers a wide range of devices for every taste and budget, the quality of which has already been appreciated by millions of consumers around the world.

    “Top” smartphones from Fly are in no way inferior in their characteristics to the “flagships” of all well-known companies, and economy-class smartphones are in the price segment where they have to compete with regular cell phones.

    It turns out that any Fly device allows you to save up to 60% of the cost (compared to similar models from other manufacturers), without skimping on the design, performance, functionality and quality of the mobile device

    The Russian consumer, who already perfectly understands the difference between a smartphone and a telephone, has chosen his favorite in the middle segment - Fly Magic.

    An excellent device for work and entertainment, it will impress you with its ability to work with office documents of all formats, calendar and organizer settings, fast Internet search and GPS support, and on the big screen it is so convenient to watch photos or videos, play modern toys or just read your favorite books .

    The Fly Magic smartphone (IQ446), which costs about 9,000 rubles, has truly decent technical components: a 4.5-inch touchscreen display, a powerful 4-core processor, an 8MP camera with the ability to record video in High Definition, and one of the most powerful and reliable mobile operating systems (Android 4.1).

    And of course, traditionally for all products from Fly – support for 2 SIM cards in standby mode. This bestseller has no competitors even in the extended price range, and user reviews indicate good build quality and components (the percentage of technical failures is minimal).

    However, Fly does not refuse customers who are more conservative and want to purchase a regular cell phone, but with advanced multimedia capabilities. With the Fly E157 you will get great benefits at an incredibly low price.

    Built-in Wi-Fi will allow you to access the Internet wherever there is access to the network, and on the large 3.5” screen, viewing the information you are looking for is many times more convenient than on the standard display of a classic phone.

    The phone's MP3 player, radio, ability to read e-books in different formats, 2 SIM cards, 1.3 MP camera and convenient touch controls set it apart from the crowd.

    For that kind of money, stores usually offer classic push-button phones, sliders and clamshells, but here you will get a device that differs from a smartphone only in the absence of a mobile operating system. Analysts unanimously call the Fly E157 the most worthy option in the budget segment.

    Whatever you choose, regular cell phones or smartphones, the purchased devices must be of high quality and reliable.

    You should not pay attention to little-known (most often Chinese) brands, because such gadgets may not work for you even for a week.

    The same goes for copies - it’s better to buy a device that copies the technical content of premium smartphones than smartphones made from somewhere unknown with a design similar to expensive devices.

    What is a smartphone and how is it different from a mobile phone?

    Hi all.

    Just 10 years ago, the process of buying a mobile phone was much simpler, because many new types of gadgets have appeared on the modern market and each can have several names. How to understand them? It's easy if you read this article.

    From it you will learn what a smartphone is and how it differs from a mobile phone, communicator and PDA.

    Mobile phone VS smartphone

    For everything to fall into place, you need to start with what a mobile phone is. This is a radio-based device that allows access to subscriber lines without the use of a cable, as required by a regular landline telephone.

    Mobile phones are primarily intended for making calls and sending/receiving SMS. Their functionality can be supplemented with simple options: calendar, alarm clock, calculator, etc.

    The concept of “smartphone” is literally translated from English as “smart phone”. This definition explains its difference from a mobile phone. How is he smarter?

    • It has a developed operating system, like a computer, which allows you to install third-party applications. This option is not available on mobile phones.
      The most popular operating systems for smartphones now are iOS (only for Apple products), Android (used by many modern brands) and Windows Phone (mainly found on gadgets from Microsoft, Nokia, rarely on others).
    • By the way, about applications. Only those developed using Java technology work in mobile phones, and programs in binary code are released for smartphones, just like for computers. As you can imagine, they can do more and look better. Many people use smart phones for games, because the graphics of these devices are much more realistic.
    • It is equipped with an expanded set of functions: a high-quality camera, various options for playing clips, can show the weather, operate as a GPS navigator, etc.
    • Allows you to fully enjoy high-speed Internet access. If mobile phones used only the mobile network for this, then a smartphone, in addition to it, makes it possible to connect to the World Wide Web via Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G. It can also be used as a modem to surf the Internet
    • Has increased RAM. For clarity: the RAM of the first mobile phones was calculated in kilobytes, now smartphones have an average of 2 gigabytes of RAM.
    • On your smartphone, you can synchronize your data using your account with other devices.

    A little history

    By calling it a “smartphone,” the manufacturer wanted to emphasize the increased intelligence of its development. However, it is incorrect to classify it as this type of device, since it was closed to third-party applications.

    The concept of "iPhone"

    There are people, and not only from the older generation, who confuse the concepts of smartphone and iPhone. Let's look at this simple question together.

    iPhone is the proper name for smartphones released by Apple. If you see a smartphone with a “bitten apple” logo, you have an iPhone in front of you.

    In addition to this symbol, it has the following characteristic features:

    • has reliable and high-quality iron;
    • equipped with a non-removable battery;
    • does not have a slot for a memory card;
    • runs exclusively on the iOS operating system developed by the same brand;
    • The system is protected from viruses, unlike android.

    However, all these benefits come at a price.

    Differences between a smartphone and a communicator and PDA

    A pocket personal computer (PDA) is the same computer, only in a smaller form. In the era of popularity of these devices, it was important to supplement them with a mobile communication function. This is how the communicator appeared. As you understand, a communicator is the same as the current smartphone, it’s just that the first of these terms appeared earlier to designate a gadget that was new at that time.

    Now the two devices are no different, but in the early 2000s the difference was felt more. The communicator and PDA were identical in size, weight and functionality, only the first was supplemented with a GSM module. Smartphones at that time had smaller screens and functionality.

    Now, to distinguish between two devices, some experts take into account their “roots”: if the device evolved from a mobile phone, it is a smartphone, if from a PDA, it is a communicator.

    For ease of typing on all triche devices, you can use a stylus - a special “stick” for the touch screen.

    A little bit of history again

    The first attempt to release a smartphone/communicator was made on November 23, 1992 by IBM, which introduced the Simon phone. But only 2 years later the American cellular operator BellSouth began selling it for $1,000.

    The gadget worked like a telephone, had an organizer and several games, sent and received faxes, provided access to e-mail, etc. It is noteworthy that it could be controlled using a touch screen rather than buttons.

    Why didn't it take root in the market? It was inconvenient to carry around. Weight was more than 1 kg.

    The first communicator that enjoyed success was the Nokia 9000 Communicator on the GEOS OS platform, released in 1996. His weight was 397 g.

    That's all, the end :).

    I hope my article was useful to you.

    Tell your friends about it.

    Do you remember your first phone? Surely the new generation has not yet found the Siemens A35, which was almost the ultimate desire for teenagers. In those days, other phones were popular, including Siemens, Motorola, Nokia, Philips... Today the situation on the mobile device market has changed a lot and completely different companies “rule the roost.” In particular, Samsung and Apple.

    However, it is also necessary to note the fact that if 10-15 years ago the sales leaders were the most ordinary phones, complemented by many different functions, today their place has been taken. Of course, the first ones can still be bought at any mobile phone store, but they have very few functions. But the cost of such a device cannot but rejoice.

    A mobile phone is a portable communication device that is used primarily for voice communication and for sending and receiving SMS messages. It does not have an operating system.

    A smartphone is, so to speak, the same mobile phone, but it has all the capabilities of a real computer. Smartphones are created on the basis of operating systems, due to which they have a huge number of various capabilities.


    As for external data, these two devices can be very different from each other, and in some cases they look exactly the same. Typically, smartphones have much larger dimensions due to their large screen, on which you can watch full-length videos or play games. , as a rule, have a small screen. However, this has its own advantage - it is much harder to break a simple handset than a smartphone, and besides, repairing such a device will be much cheaper.

    In addition, smartphones are often completely devoid of a keyboard; only a few buttons can be found on their body. For example, if we talk about the iPhone, then there are only three buttons on its body, not counting the silent mode key. All actions with the device are performed using the touch screen (pressing with your finger). To dial a number from a regular cell phone, use the keyboard. However, modern technologies make it possible to use many options using voice, but this, again, is typical specifically for smartphones, and not at the lowest cost.

    operating system

    The presence of an operating system significantly expands the list of possibilities. Firstly, you get multitasking, that is, you can open several programs at once and minimize them without fear of them being turned off. Secondly, it supports a huge number of all kinds of files. Here's an example. If at best you can upload an mp3 melody to a regular phone, then to the same phone you can upload the same melody, but in other formats, for example, m4a. This means that you don't have to sit at the computer and wait for the song to be converted into the required format. The same can be said for other music files, including flac or wav (audiophiles will know what we're talking about). All of the above fully applies to video files.

    Or here's another example. Tell me honestly, how many phones do you know that have a built-in GPS module? Don't remember these? But among smartphones these are the majority. However, there are some moments here. You can use maps even without a GPS module, since all the information will be used via the Internet. However, if a GPS module is installed, then you can safely use the maps without the Internet, although for this you will first need to download the maps to your device.

    Installable applications

    If you open the Google Play Store for Android or the App Store for Android, you will simply be shocked by the presence of all kinds of applications for devices. There are so many of them that your eyes just run wild!

    Here you will find an application for every taste. Let's say you love to cook - download an app with recipes. Or if you constantly use the metro, to avoid getting lost, you can download the app of the same name. It is worth noting the fact that many programs are distributed free of charge, although for some of them you will have to pay a lot.

    As for games, this is simply a paradise for real gamers! Games - any, from the simplest types of cards or dominoes to the latest games, similar in graphics to computer games.


    Almost any smartphone allows you to transfer files from one device to another without going through a computer. This can be done using technology that became widespread several years ago. With its help, you can transfer almost any files, and the transfer speed remains very high.

    However, most mobile phones in recent years have also come with a “blue tooth”, so in this regard it’s a draw.


    Let's sum it up? As you can see, smartphones are easily ahead of regular phones and have much greater capabilities. However, they also have disadvantages, which include possible problems during operation, as well as high cost. Although this is not always the case. For example, younger models from Sasmung based on the Android operating system can be purchased for a very reasonable 4-6 thousand rubles. What do you think?

    Recently, people have ceased to understand the difference between a smartphone and a regular mobile phone. This is due to the fact that smartphones have become the most popular product for quite some time. They are the ones that sell best now. And people began to forget about ordinary cell phones. They began to believe that they simply did not exist anymore, that smartphones had replaced mobile phones. But this is absolutely not true!

    Let's start with the fact that before there were no smartphones. Just remember 1987, when it released a simple phone called Mobira Cityman 900. It was a real brick - heavy and big. And nothing better existed on the market at that moment. It's hard to believe, but phones of those years couldn't even send and receive SMS! Moreover, it took them a while to even get a contact book!

    In the 90s, only desktop computers and laptops could be called smart. One could only dream of all kinds of smartphones and tablets, or watch their use in the Trek series - its creators literally predicted the future.

    The breakthrough came only in 2001, when it was released Nokia 9210 Communicator. It was one of the first smartphones. Symbian OS 6.0 was installed on it as an operating system, and the device could also please with a full-fledged QWERTY keyboard. The popularity of the model was such that in the future almost all portable devices equipped with smart functionality and a slot for a SIM card began to be called communicators. In particular, this was the name given to devices with Windows Mobile on board.

    operating system

    As you have already begun to understand, a cell phone differs from a smartphone in the absence of a real operating system. Instead, mobile phones use the simplest firmware, the functionality of which cannot be seriously expanded. Such software only supports the installation of Java applications, the functionality of which is severely limited in many aspects. But there are also exceptions. For example, in the mid-2000s, mobile phones were popular Siemens, on which, using a computer, it was possible to install certain plugins developed by third parties. Such extensions provided the phone owner with new functions, and sometimes even increased the amount of memory.

    Modern and running the following operating systems:

    There are some other mobile operating systems, but they are much less common. For example, the operating system was never able to gain popularity FirefoxOS. Well, a regular phone is different in that its manufacturer does not focus on the name of the firmware - only its version can be viewed on the device itself.

    Device design

    In fact, the differences lie not only in the software, but also in the design of the gadgets. Previously, all mobile phones had a mechanical keyboard - most often digital, but sometimes QWERTY. But now you can also find mobile phones with a touch screen - in particular, this applies to devices based on firmware Bada, support for which was closed recently. That is, we can say that the lines between mobile phones and smartphones have blurred in this regard. But this is not entirely true.

    Go to the manufacturer's official website and read the technical specifications of the device. If this is a mobile phone, then they will not tell you about the amount of RAM or the processor used. The fact is that these are very important values ​​for a smartphone, because the speed of its operation depends on them. And simple mobile phones function reliably even with the weakest components.

    Other differences

    Let's get back to the software. As we have already mentioned, traditional cell phones, if they support the installation of additional programs, are only in the form of strictly limited Java applications. And if you have a smartphone in your hands, then you can install more advanced programs and games written in completely different code. For example, for Hundreds of applications have been developed that have the extension .sys or .sysx. Well, Android is rich in tens and even hundreds of thousands of very good programs with the extension .apk- you can download them in the company’s online store Google Play.

    Also, smartphones and phones differ in price. Back in the early 2010s, the former were much more expensive than the latter. But gradually the price of components began to fall, and therefore smartphones began to cost less. But the difference is still felt. For now, push-button devices are the cheapest. Touchscreen mobile phones are already a little more expensive; in cost they are close to those based on Android. Because of this, they are becoming less and less popular and finding them on store shelves is becoming more and more difficult every day.

    Summing up

    These are the most noticeable differences between smartphones and mobile phones. Due to the reduction in the cost of production of components, the latter are gradually losing their popularity. It is possible that in the future only Androids and other smart devices will remain in stores, since the point of purchasing a low-functional cell phone will simply disappear.

    The large number of mobile devices on the market allows everyone to choose a device that will best suit their needs. However, diversity also has a negative feature: it is sometimes very difficult for an unprepared buyer, little familiar with the world of high technology, to choose the optimal solution.

    For example, today's popular smartphones used to be classified as flagships and mid-range devices, while now even a budget device can be a smartphone.

    What is the difference between a smartphone and a regular mobile phone? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

    Smartphone is translated from English as “smart phone”. The “smartness” of the device lies in the fact that such devices operate under a common operating system, being, in fact, pocket computers. In addition to standard applications, the user can install software from third-party developers, which significantly expands the capabilities of the device. The most popular operating systems nowadays are Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS. Previously, Symbian and Windows Mobile systems were also common, but today smartphones running them are no longer produced.

    Traditional mobile phones lack such functions and the most a user can count on is the installation of simple games and programs written in Java.

    Thus, the presence of an OS is the main criterion for distinguishing a smartphone from a telephone.

    Touch phone Samsung Corby. Runs on the proprietary Samsung TouchWiz 1.0 shell. The phone does not have the ability to install third-party applications, does not have a full-fledged operating system, but does have a touch screen. You can't call it a smartphone.

    Smartphone Nokia 6630. Does not have a touch screen, but runs on the Symbian 8.0a operating system, which is no longer relevant these days. Still, because of this OS and the ability to install applications, this device can be called a smartphone.

    Form factor

    The first smartphones looked no different from ordinary mobile phones. They had a traditional “handset” appearance with a hardware numeric keypad with 12 buttons. This state of affairs could be observed until about 2012, already in the heyday of the touchscreen era.

    A modern smartphone, as a rule, has a large screen (more than 4 inches diagonally) with high resolution and almost (or completely) devoid of hardware keys. In some cases, a sliding QWERTY keyboard can be used as an addition.

    At the same time, a mobile phone can be in the form factor of a traditional dialer or with a touch screen. However, the display resolution of such devices is usually lower and the diagonal is smaller.

    The touch screen with full input support is the second important difference.

    Hardware platform

    Smartphones are usually based on high-performance chipsets, which include multi-core processors with frequencies above 1 GHz, gigabytes of RAM and special graphics accelerators - analogues of computer video cards.

    Mobile phones cannot boast of such potential; in their “hearts,” as a rule, single-core processors with a frequency of several hundred megahertz and a couple of tens of megabytes of RAM are installed.

    The third difference is the powerful hardware platform.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Thus, we can highlight the main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone:

    • availability of a full-fledged operating system;
    • the ability to install third-party programs;
    • large high-resolution touch screen;
    • powerful hardware.

    If in terms of traditional telephone communication, smartphones cannot boast of anything special, then in terms of additional features, even the most powerful “dialer” can barely compare in capabilities with a budget smartphone. The only thing in which phones are confidently in the lead is battery life. If a smartphone can work in standby mode for a maximum of a few days, then many inexpensive mobile phones can hold a charge for more than 10 days.

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