• What to do if you can’t turn on your phone. What to do if your smartphone only boots up to the standard screensaver

    It is almost impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a mobile phone. Today, this gadget is constantly used for personal and business communication, and smartphone options are perfect for surfing the Internet, entertainment, and so on.

    It’s a shame when at the most inopportune moment this device stops turning on.

    Types of mobile phone malfunctions:

    A malfunction with any device can happen for a variety of reasons, including cell phones. The factors that can cause problems with the device depend on the make and model.

    At the same time, you can identify the main common reasons why the phone does not turn on, and try to eliminate them before contacting the service center yourself.

    Let's look at the main reasons for cell phone problems in which it may stop turning on:

    Battery check

    The first thing you need to do if the gadget does not respond to pressing the Power button is to check the battery.

    The main problems that may occur with a cell phone battery are:

    • low charge level;
    • wear and tear;
    • swelling and other damage;

    A low battery may prevent the device from turning on. Depending on the level of remaining charge, they may be completely absent or show only some signs of the device’s life. You can easily solve the problem by connecting your phone to a charger.

    Important! Some models do not turn on immediately after discharging and connecting the charger. In this case, it is necessary to leave the device on charge for a longer time, for example, 1-2 hours.

    If you cannot solve the problem by simply connecting the charger, you need to open the back cover of the device and inspect the battery. If it is swollen, it needs to be replaced.

    When the battery wears out, the device usually turns on, but the battery quickly drains. If necessary, you can check whether the battery is worn out by measuring the voltage and current.

    Advice. You can also check the battery by installing it in another device of a similar model. If everything works there, then the problem with the battery can be ruled out.


    If, after connecting to the network, the phone does not charge, then in many cases it is not the battery that is to blame, but the charger.

    • check the presence of voltage in the sockets;
    • replace the cable;
    • use a different charger.

    First of all, you need to make sure that there is current in the outlet to which the charger is connected. No matter how funny it may seem, this is the most common problem with charging any gadgets. That is why support specialists from large companies begin the conversation by asking whether the user is sure that there is voltage in the outlet.

    The charger cable for connecting the phone suffers much more often than the adapter itself. This is due to careless operation, pets damaging the wire and other reasons. Most modern cell phones charge using a mini-USB or micro-USB connector and allow you to change the cable without changing the adapter.

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    You can purchase such a cable at any communication store or computer store; in addition, the user usually has several identical cables at home.

    Advice. You can often check the operation of the charger by charging the device from a computer. If the process goes without problems, then it is definitely necessary to replace the adapter.

    Power button

    The power button can also cause trouble for cell phone owners. It may fail, for example, after an impact. Sometimes problems with a button can be seen during an external inspection, but in other cases it is difficult to diagnose the problem yourself.

    Most users will not be able to solve the problem with the Power button at home, so if you suspect that the handset does not turn on because of it, you should contact a service center.


    Installing updates is designed to solve identified problems with the device. In practice, this operation can lead to unpredictable consequences. It must be carried out only after understanding and taking into account all the risks. For example, handsets running Android often begin to consume battery power faster after an update.

    In some cases, the update causes the gadget to stop turning on completely. Many users encountered this problem in 2015 when they tried to update the Android operating system to the latest versions.

    Let's look at the main ways to solve problems that arise after the update:

    • rollback version or updates;
    • installing another version;
    • restoring the device through a special mode.

    If it is impossible to apply one of the methods yourself, then you will have to seek help from specialists.

    Important. In some cases, an update can significantly improve the performance of a gadget, for example, by increasing battery life. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the possible pros and cons before performing this operation.

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    Mechanical damage

    Very often, phone users encounter startup problems after various mechanical damages. They occur when the phone is dropped or dropped into water.

    Many gadget owners do not even notice falls, or they occur even without their knowledge, for example, when children use a smartphone. But the most common consequence – problems with the screen – is quite obvious.

    In cases of mechanical damage, it is impossible to carry out repairs yourself and you must contact specialists. It should be borne in mind that the cost of replacing some parts may be comparable to the price of the device.

    If the user accidentally drowns the phone, moisture gets inside, which can damage contacts and other electrical parts. In this case, you need to contact the service center as soon as possible. In this case, you should not try to turn on the device. This can only cause further harm.

    Moisture can get into the phone not only as a result of getting into water. It is enough for the device to lie in a damp room for several hours and the consequences may be irreversible. This should be taken into account when operating the devices.

    A modern cell phone is a fairly complex device that is almost impossible to repair independently at home. The user, if the device does not turn on, can try to solve only minor problems, for example, by replacing the battery or charger.

    In other cases, you will have to contact a specialized service center. At the same time, special attention should be paid to his choice, since there are a huge number of companies on the market and not all of them can provide high-quality repairs. Plus, phone repairs can be expensive. Often it is only practical for expensive models.

    Users of modern devices have become accustomed to the useful function of restoring the phone to factory settings. This helps solve most software problems or correct adjustments made to the device settings. It is extremely rare that the phone does not turn on after resetting the settings. Why this could happen and how to solve the problem, we will find out further.

    We already know that a hard reset does not always help to return the phone to its original state, but, on the contrary, worsens an already disastrous situation. After an unsuccessful rollback, you can observe that the android does not start, a dark screen remains, or a cyclic reboot occurs. That is, the device is able to show signs of life, but is not able to load the OS.

    In this case, users are divided into three conditional groups: the first do not understand what to do if the Android fails, the second run to the service center, and the last decide to reflash the device themselves. The last option is the most dangerous, because due to ignorance of the cause of the breakdown, the phone can turn into a “brick” with no chance of recovery.


    1. Try to reboot.
    2. Remove the battery for 20 minutes.
    3. Remove the memory card and SIM card.
    4. Leave the smartphone on charge for at least 3 hours.
    5. Try to reflash Android.
    6. Give it to the workshop.

    Software problems

    The main reason why the phone does not work after a hard reset is a failure in the operating system. It could appear due to the installation of unverified applications from an unprotected source on the device. You should not reject the option of an unsuccessful OS update when, at the time of its installation, the device was accidentally turned off or the battery ran out.

    Attempts to return the gadget to service fail and the phone stops turning on. In this situation, only device firmware can really help. Along with it, all software failures will be removed from the device’s memory, and the owner will receive a clean system.

    It is worth mentioning about Android owners who independently installed incorrect firmware for themselves, which can also become a reason to refuse to boot the Android OS after a hard reset.

    A nuance may be a reset to factory settings through the gadget interface. It may be possible to solve the problem through a deeper reset of the operating system, which is performed by entering a special code for a specific firmware version or gadget model.

    If you still managed to turn on the device, check it for possible viruses that could hinder the operation of the software. You may also need programs to check the integrity of the internal memory. Due to its damage, unexpected malfunctions arise that cannot be determined without thorough diagnostics.

    Important nuances of resetting settings

    Anyone who is planning to rollback should remember a few rules that can keep their Android device working.

    1. Before performing a hard reset, prepare the charger. If the battery runs out during a system rollback, the software will be damaged. It was already said earlier that in this case, only updating the device’s firmware can correct the situation.
    2. Even if you have a charger at hand, it is better not to take risks and fully charge the battery. This advice is especially relevant for those who have chosen a USB connector on a PC or laptop as a power source. It is not able to provide the required voltage, which is why the gadget will not be able to replenish the full amount of energy expended and will simply turn off.
    3. Do not forget that when you reset the settings, all files in the internal memory are deleted. To avoid trouble, information can be copied to cloud storage, a memory card or PC.
    4. Users who do this for the first time should follow the system rollback instructions provided by the manufacturer of their device. This will avoid difficulties with the operation and loss of important contacts.
    5. If you notice that the battery is behaving inappropriately, replenishing energy on its own, or running low even when charging, it is better not to take risks and postpone resetting the settings until you purchase a new battery.


    Modern devices may have problems even after a full system reset to factory state. To avoid most of the malfunctions, you need to carefully study the above rules.

    There may be several reasons why the phone refuses to boot: hardware failure or software malfunction. If a hard reset does not help you, you should not try to repair the device yourself. In a dire situation, if the phone does not turn on, the best way to solve the problem is to visit a service center, where professionals will take care of it.


    Hi all. Today I would like to look at all the most common reasons why an Android smartphone may not turn on. I will not touch on situations where disassembling the phone and interfering with the electronics is required, since this is the work of completely different specialists.

    If your smartphone or tablet suddenly stops turning on, you don’t have to immediately run to a service center or workshop and have it repaired. Most likely, there is a chance that you can do it on your own and save some money (programs for home accounting on Android will also help you save money, look for them on the blog). Below we will look at the main measures that can be taken if your Android smartphone or tablet does not turn on. So, let's get started.

    Android phone won't turn on. 5 ways to solve the problem.

    Method No. 1

    From my own experience, I will say that in 80% of all cases, if they come to me with a problem that the phone does not turn on, the whole problem turns out to be a dead battery. And I understand perfectly well when they tell me that they’ve been charging their smartphone all day, but it still won’t turn on. Some devices have one unpleasant feature - if you discharge the battery too much, it will not charge, even if you keep it on charge all day.

    In this case, a frog-type charger will help us, which allows you to charge almost any battery directly by removing it from the phone. It is enough to recharge the battery in this way for 15 minutes. Then you insert it back and put the phone on charge as usual, everything should be OK.

    If getting a frog is problematic for you, then you can use any old cell phone charger. Cut off the old plug and protect the wires.

    Make sure that the charger is not connected to the outlet at this time.

    We fix the exposed wires to the battery with tape for a few minutes.

    Important. Do not reverse the polarity.

    Method No. 2

    Faulty charging. Of course, the second thing to check is the serviceability of the charger. Everything is simple here - we take a known working charger and try to charge our smartphone. If the process has started, then we buy a new one and rejoice. Although it sounds banal, it helps every fifth person.

    Method No. 3

    If the phone does not turn on, then perhaps it is simply frozen. To revive your device, we’ll use a long-known but still relevant method - remove the battery and reinsert it.

    Unfortunately, this technique does not work on many modern phones with non-removable batteries. In this case, to reboot you need to find the reset button and press it, for example with a paper clip. It can be anywhere, but, as a rule, it is located near the SIM card slot or on the back of the smartphone or tablet. Near the reset button there is sometimes a message reset or off. The photo below is an example of the location of such a button in a smartphone.

    Method No. 4

    This method is applicable if your phone not only does not turn on, but does not turn on completely. For example, it gets stuck on your Android logo and nothing else happens. This happens due to a glitch in the smartphone software. Then a hard reset or, translated, a hard reset, will help us. It is done differently for each device model. To find out how, enter the name of your phone and the words hard reset, for example LG G3 hard reset, in Google or Yandex and follow the instructions. In the future I hope to create a separate section on this topic on the blog.

    Unfortunately, not all smartphones support hard reset; it depends on the recovery installed in the device. If you are interested in learning more about what it is, search the Internet.

    For example, this function is not available by default in many Sony phones, but the manufacturer has provided the ability to restore the software using a special Sony pc companion utility.

    Method No. 5

    Not often, but it still happens that smartphone won't turn on due to the fact that the contacts under the battery do not reach. To fix this, you need to use tweezers or a small screwdriver to bend the contacts to improve the connection to the battery. The main thing here is not to be fanatical, otherwise you will only make it worse.

    Sometimes smartphones fail; there can be many reasons, from an error in the phone’s firmware to a virus. You can use several methods to turn on the phone, but if none of them help, then it is best to take the phone to a service center.

    If your Android phone won't turn on, you can try to turn it on.

    Method No. 1. Reset factory settings on Android. Do not forget that this method will lead to the loss of all data that was saved on your smartphone. However, if the phone can be “revitalized”, then it will not be difficult to restore the data. To reset the factory settings, when the phone is turned off, you need to simultaneously hold down several buttons, the power button and the volume button. This will reset all settings so the phone turns on.

    Method number 2. Reset factory settings. The first method of resetting factory settings is suitable for those whose Android phone does not respond at all to pressing any keys. The second method is for those devices that freeze at the loading stage. In this case, you can also reset the factory settings, to do this you need to dial code #3d5*361d4fb8#, this will result in the loss of all data, but the phone will turn on.

    Method No. 3. Reflashing the device. If you do not know how to do this yourself, it is best to use the services of specialists from the service center. For those who can do the flashing themselves, you need to check whether the smartphone can switch to the “emergency mode” mode; to do this, you need to simultaneously press the “Return”, “Volume” and “Power” buttons. When carrying out this procedure, it is strictly forbidden to remove the battery from the device. If the smartphone goes into the specified mode, it means that it is possible to flash it.

    Virus. When using a device to access the Internet, there is a risk of receiving malware that not only deletes files on its own, but can also block the operation of the device. Therefore, if all of the above methods do not help you, it means that you have received a virus that has deleted all the files that are necessary for the operation of your Android smartphone. In this case, it is best to contact specialists.
    When buying some smartphone models, you need to carefully monitor the updates that it offers, sometimes this is useful. There have been cases when an Android smartphone may stop working due to an unupdated firmware version; this is a warranty case, so you need to contact a service center. Now, you know almost all the reasons why an Android smartphone does not work.

    What to do if your Android tablet does not turn on?

    If your Android tablet does not turn on, there may be two reasons: either hardware, that is, problems with some spare part, or “software”, that is, an incorrectly installed operating system or installed incompetent programs.

    Problems with the internal parts of the tablet may occur if you drop it or hit it. In this case, it will simply be impossible to repair it yourself. After all, the impact could damage the battery, some cable or board. In this case, it is best to take the faulty tablet to a service center. If you still decide to repair it yourself, then you can find diagrams of the boards and cable locations in order to check that they are connected correctly.

    In the case of a software problem, it will be much easier to revive the tablet. To do this, you can resort to a hard reset. For all models, this procedure looks noticeably the same, but it is best to find instructions specifically for your tablet model. The standard hard reset procedure looks like this. First of all, you need to turn off the tablet if it freezes at the loading stage. To avoid data loss, it is better to first remove the memory card and SIM card. Then you should hold down the button to turn on the tablet and change the volume level. In some tablet models you need to hold down the volume up button, and in others you need to press down the volume button. (This is why it is better to find instructions for your specific tablet model). It takes about 10-15 seconds to press the buttons, this time also varies for different models. After this, the tablet should “respond” to you with vibration. In the menu that appears, select Settings, and then Format System. After this, the tablet must be rebooted.

    Most often, this procedure does not help after the first time, so do not despair and repeat the procedure. If this method fails to restore the tablet’s functionality, then you can resort to flashing the firmware. It is best to entrust this to specialists who will not only repair the tablet, but also eliminate the cause of its breakdown.

    Sometimes the reason the tablet freezes at the loading stage lies in a large number of downloaded applications, which are not always of good quality, so resetting the settings to factory settings helps 100 percent. In other cases, of course, it will be more difficult to repair it. In order not to risk permanently damaging the device, it is best to contact specialists, especially if the device is still under warranty; it is best not to take any action so as not to void the warranty.

    If an Android phone does not turn on, this does not mean that it is broken. It is possible that the problem is not so serious and can be solved without outside help. In this material, we will look at a number of the most likely reasons that may lead to problems with turning on an Android phone, and we will also tell you what to do in such cases.

    Reason No. 1. The phone is frozen.

    If yours is and you don't know what to do, then the first thing to try is to completely reboot the phone by removing the battery. The fact is that it may seem to you that the phone is turned off. Although it actually works, it just locked the screen and froze in that state. It is also possible that the phone is turned off, but something is blocking it from turning on.

    Such problems can only be corrected by completely rebooting the device. To do this, remove the back cover of your Android phone and remove the battery. After that, wait a few seconds, put the battery back and try to turn on the phone again. It is likely that such a simple procedure will be enough for Android to turn on normally.

    If your Android phone is not collapsible and you cannot remove the battery, then read the instructions for your model. It is likely that the manufacturer provided a special button for a forced reboot. For example, on Sony phones such a button is located under a cover.

    Reason No. 2. The phone is dead.

    If your Android phone is completely discharged, it may not turn on even if you connect it to a charger. This problem is especially common on older phones, in which the battery has already used up its life and does not accept a charge well.

    To eliminate this problem, simply leave the phone on charge for several hours. It is likely that after some time it will turn on without problems.

    Reason No. 3. Faulty charging.

    If your Android phone has been left on charge for a long time and still does not turn on, then there may be a problem with the charger. The charger may have failed and no longer works.

    In order to exclude this option, try charging your phone using any other USB charger. If you don’t have another charger at hand, you can try charging your phone from your computer. But, you need to keep in mind that charging from a computer will take longer. So be patient.

    Reason No. 4. Software problems.

    In some cases, the Android phone starts loading, but never turns on completely. In this case, the manufacturer’s logo or the Android logo may light up on the screen and nothing else happens. This behavior usually indicates software problems.

    In this case, you can try using the Recovery menu. But, let us immediately warn you that resetting the settings will delete all data in the internal memory (including contacts, SMS messages, photos, etc.).

    Reason No. 5. Hardware failure.

    If you have checked all the reasons described above, but your Android phone still does not turn on, then most likely the reason is a hardware malfunction. In this case, you need to take the phone to a service center, since there is little you can do on your own.