• What to do if the system unit beeps. Why does the computer beep while working? Decoding system unit squeaks when turned on

    Every technique will fail sooner or later. Regular PC users have already encountered a situation where, when turned on, the computer beeps and does not turn on. A number of questions immediately arise: What happened? How to fix everything? Why is it squeaking?

    What and why the PC beeps

    To answer these questions, you first need to understand what device is beeping. This is the speaker that is located in the system unit. The emitted squeak tells the user that a failure has occurred in the computer at the hardware or software level.

    Usually, during a standard system boot, you can only hear one characteristic low squeak. In case of malfunction there will be more of them. In the best case, when you turn on the computer, a black screen may appear on which you will see English letters and symbols. After reading them, you can understand the cause of the breakdown. There are times when the computer beeps and the system cannot boot when turned on. We shouldn’t despair right away, because in this way it itself gives us signals, warning us about the level at which the failure occurred.

    Procedure if the computer beeps and does not start:

    1. Find out the BIOS version of your computer.
    2. Count how many sounds the speaker produces.
    3. Using the table, find your BIOS and look at the number of beeps, thereby you will determine the faulty device.
    4. Ask your friends for a loan for a similar part and install it instead of the faulty one. In most cases, the computer should turn on without problems.

    BIOS: concept and types

    To determine the malfunction, you need to find out the version of the BIOS, which is a whole series of microprograms for working with the computer’s hardware environment. You can find out the version in several ways. The most common one, look at the instruction manual. If it is not there, remove the cover of the system unit and look on the motherboard for a chip labeled Bios, where you will find its name. If a black screen lights up when you turn it on, you can find out the BIOS version by the first entry, and you can also go to its settings by pressing the Delete key. There are several types: Award, AMI, Phoenix. These are just the most famous.

    AWARD BIOS Signals

    So, you have found out the BIOS type for your system. Now it won’t be difficult to find out the cause of the problem. Let's look at some signals:

    Number of beepsDescription
    1 shortStandard situation, no faults observed
    2 shortMinor errors during loading, which are usually not serious. You can fix them using the CMOS Setup Utility. You should check the fastenings of the cables
    3 longProblems with the keyboard controller
    1 short, 1 longProblem with RAM. You should wipe the contacts of the RAM strips
    1 long, 2 shortVideo card malfunctions. You should take it out, first unplug the power supply from the outlet, clean the contacts and return it back.
    1 long, 3 shortVideo memory failure
    1 long, 9 shortProblems reading from ROM
    Repeating shortPower supply problem
    Repeating longProblems with RAM
    Repeated high-low frequency
    ContinuousDamage to the power supply. First you should clean it of accumulated dust. If this does not help and the sounds are repeated, then it should be replaced.

    AMI BIOS signals

    Number of beepsDescription
    1 shortStandard system boot. No malfunctions or errors were found in its operation.
    1 long, 1 shortMalfunctions in the power supply
    2 shortCheck the RAM modules, there are problems with their operation
    3 shortThere are errors in the operation of any RAM components
    4 shortThe timer in the system is not functioning correctly
    5 shortProblems with the processor. If they cannot be eliminated, it will most likely need to be replaced.
    6 shortKeyboard controller problems
    7 shortMotherboard is not working properly
    8 shortProblems with video memory
    9 shortIncorrect BIOS flashing
    10 shortThe CMOS memory is not functioning properly or cannot be read.
    11 shortCache errors located on the motherboard
    1 long, 2 shortMalfunctions in the functioning of the video card (Mono-CGA)
    1 long, 3 shortMalfunctions in the functioning of the video card (EGA-VGA)
    1 long, 8 shortCheck the monitor connector, it may be loose
    Missing and blank screen

    Problems with the processor. The contact on the microcircuit is probably bent. If the problem is not solved, the CPU needs to be replaced

    Continuous beepPower supply failure or computer overheating

    BIOS Phoenix Signals

    We will analyze the problems of this system using signal codes. For example, the code 1 - 1 - 2 means: 1 signal, pause, 1 signal, pause, 2 signals.

    Number of beepsDescription
    1-1-3 CMOS memory is not functioning properly
    1-1-4 Invalid BIOS checksum. The chip may need to be re-flashed.
    1-2-1 Errors in the operation of the motherboard. If they cannot be corrected, then it should be completely replaced with a new one.
    1-2-2 or 1-2-3Error in the functioning of the DMA controller
    1-3-1 Malfunctions in the RAM. Some of its modules need to be changed
    1-3-3 or 1-3-4There was a failure in reading the first 64 kilobytes of RAM
    1-4-1 Error at the motherboard preparation level. It may need to be replaced
    1-4-2 RAM malfunctions
    1-4-3 The system timer is not working properly. If you can't fix it, you'll have to resort to replacing the entire board.
    1-4-4 Incorrect operation of external devices. Errors in reading/writing in one of the output/input ports.
    2-1-1 - 2-4-4 A failure occurred while reading/writing bits of the first 64 kilobytes of RAM
    3-1-1 or 3-1-2 or 3-1-4Failure to detect DMA channels
    3-2-4 Troubleshooting keyboard controller detection
    3-3-4 Video memory error
    3-4-1 The monitor is not working properly
    3-4-2 The BIOS of the video card cannot be detected.
    4-2-1 Incorrect operation of the system timer. The motherboard will need to be repaired. If this does not help, then it should be completely replaced
    4-2-2 Completing the test
    4-2-3 Keyboard controller is not working properly
    4-2-4 Processor errors. It may need to be replaced
    4-3-1 RAM memory is not functioning properly
    4-3-2 The first timer is not working correctly
    4-3-3 The second timer is not working properly
    4-4-1 One of the serial ports is not detected
    4-4-2 The parallel port is not detected or is faulty
    4-4-3 Math coprocessor not defined
    Long, continuous beepsThe motherboard has failed
    Siren sound from high to low frequencyCheck video card capacitors
    Continuous signalCheck the connections of the CPU cooler or it is faulty.

    Determining a malfunction without resorting to the BIOS

    All of the above methods for troubleshooting device operation are best done with the help of a competent specialist. However, in some cases you can handle this completely on your own. If your device beeps when starting up, this does not always mean that it has suffered a serious problem. You can check this using some simple methods:

    • check that all external devices are connected correctly: keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner;
    • turn off the computer's power, check the connectors on the motherboard, remove the RAM modules, remove the video card;
    • clean the motherboard from dust (using a jet of air or a dry brush);
    • examine the motherboard for traces of burning (a characteristic odor is possible);
    • Reinstall all components removed from the computer and turn on the computer.

    Perhaps the cause of the problem was excessive dust. As a rule, when you turn on the device, everything will be fine again.


    Many users have encountered a problem where the computer beeps and does not turn on. We discussed why this happens above. By checking the number and sequence of signals, you can independently determine the cause of the breakdown. But if you are still not sure of the correctness of your conclusions, then you should not resort to repairing the device yourself. You just need to contact a competent specialist.


    Why does the computer beep when it turns on or works?

    Each of us, when turning on the computer, heard the characteristic squeak that it makes at the very beginning of loading. As a rule, we all hear only a single signal. Why? It means that everything is fine with the PC.

    This phenomenon is called BIOS POST signals, they are designed to notify the user about what is happening with the computer. Therefore, if something goes wrong, you will hear not one, but several characteristic squeaks emitted by the built-in speaker of the system unit.

    It turns out that each combination of such “squeaks” has its own meaning and directly indicates what is wrong with your equipment. Therefore, if you are faced with the fact that your computer beeps when you turn it on, and does not do so as always, do not panic.

    BIOS uses POST signals to inform the user about the state of the personal computer

    The information below will help you understand what happened and what part needs to be checked to restore the device to working order.

    Meaning of signals from the BIOS manufacturer

    The way your computer beeps directly depends on which company you have the BIOS system. If you don't know the manufacturer's name, this information is available on the first screen when you turn it on - usually it's AMI, Award, or Phoenix. In extreme cases, the name can be seen by directly going to the BIOS menu itself.

    So, if you know which manufacturer your BIOS is from, let's move on to deciphering the sounds emitted by the component and find out how many times it beeps in a given situation.

    What do the sounds mean if I have an AMI BIOS?

    When your PC turns on, you may hear the following sounds:


    • 1 - everything is normal.
    • 2 - you did not turn off the printer/scanner or a RAM parity error occurred.
    • 3 - error in the first 64 KB of RAM.
    • 4 - You need to set the time in the BIOS or the Windows system itself.
    • 5 - processor problems.
    • 6 - problems with the input tool.
    • 7 - problems with the mother card.
    • 8 - problems in the memory of the video adapter.
    • 9 - BIOS checksum is incorrect.
    • 10 - problems with writing to CMOS
    • 11 - the cache located on the system board contains errors.

    Combinations of long and short sounds:

    • 1 long, 1 short - problems with the power supply.
    • 1/2 - Mono-CGA video adapter error.
    • 1/3 - problem with the EGA-VGA video card.
    • 1/4 - no video card.
    • 1/8 - video card or display is not connected.

    Other meanings:

    1. When you hear three long beeps, the RAM text was completed incorrectly. It needs to be reinstalled, if it doesn’t help, replace it.
    2. The computer beeps with short beeps and does not turn on, does this situation continue continuously? Check the power supply - it is not working or the PC is overheated. Although, often one reason is directly related to another, so most likely you will have to replace this part in order to avoid equipment breakdown.
    3. If the system unit is silent, the screen does not light up, it means that the processor has broken down or, at best, its contact pin has come off - check it first, and then run to buy a new component, because it costs a lot.

    Decoding POST combinations of the Phoenix system

    This manufacturer produces sounds several times during switching on in a combination of three signals, with pauses between them. Therefore, we will provide the transcript in this form - for example, 1.1.2 means one signal, pause, another one, pause, two signals.

    1.1.2 Error when testing the processor / it is faulty / replace the part
    1.1.3 Error writing or reading CMOS memory data
    1.1.4 Error when calculating BIOS checksum
    1.2.1/1.4.1 Initialization error Motherboard
    1.2.2/1.2.3 DMA controller
    1.3.1 RAM regeneration schemes
    1.3.3/1.3.4 First 64 KB of RAM
    1.4.2 RAM
    1.4.3 System driver
    1.4.4 Error reading or writing one of the input or output ports
    2.1.1 Error reading or writing a bit of the first 64 KB of RAM 0th bit
    2.1.2 1st,
    2.1.3 2nd,
    2.1.4 3rd,
    2.2.1 4th,
    2.2.2 5th,
    2.2.3 6th,
    2.2.4 7th,
    2.3.1 8th,
    2.3.2 9th,
    2.3.3 10th,
    2.3.4 11th,
    2.4.1 12th,
    2.4.2 13th,
    2.4.3 14th,
    2.4.4 15th bit
    3.1.1 Initialization error First channel DMA
    3.1.2/3.1.4 Second channel DMA
    3.2.4 Keyboard controller
    3.3.4 Video memory
    3.4.1 Serious difficulty accessing the monitor
    3.4.2 Error initializing the video card BIOS
    4.2.1 initializing the system timer
    4.2.2 Testing completed
    4.2.3 Keyboard controller initialization error
    4.2.4 Critical error when switching to protected mode of the central processor
    4.3.1 Initialization error RAM
    4.3.2 First timer
    4.3.3 Second timer
    4.4.1 One of the serial ports
    4.4.2 Parallel port
    4.4.3 Math coprocessor

    Also, endless long sounds make it clear that the mother card is broken, and when loud and quiet POST signals alternate in a similar way to a siren, this indicates a failure of the video card. In a situation where the computer beeps constantly, you should check the CPU cooler - it is missing or it is broken.

    Sound meanings in Award BIOS

    There won't be much transcript here. The main BIOS POST signals that can be heard in a system from this manufacturer are the following:

    • 2 short “squeaks” are not scary, because they mean minor problems. As a rule, after them you will be asked to use the CMOS Setup Utility application to eliminate all troubles. We also advise you to check whether the hard drive is securely attached to the motherboard.
    • Long beeps that sound three times indicate problems with the input tool.
    • Combinations:
    • A long and short sound indicates a RAM error.
    • A long and two short beeps indicate a problem in the video card, and another short beep is added - in the video memory.
    • If a long signal is heard, followed by nine short signals, there is a problem in reading data from the ROM.
    • Repeated short beeps indicate incorrect operation of the power supply or RAM.
    • Repeating long sounds when turned on means problems with RAM.
    • If the frequencies change from high to low notes, there is a problem with the processor.
    • A continuous squeak indicates a problem with the power supply.

    So we learned how to decipher BIOS sound signals. Use this data to always be able to understand what is going on with your computer and what part needs to be checked, repaired, or even replaced. As you can see, the technology is smart enough to independently give you a signal about which component is out of order, and such tips will definitely be useful for quickly solving the problem.


    The computer beeps: what does it mean?

    Malicious power engineers turned off the lights, and when turned on, the computer began to beep briefly and refused to work? Did your brother kick the system unit, after which the latter emits one long howl and does not turn on? Is your computer beeping so loudly that everyone in the area is scared?

    You can, of course, drop a brick on the energy workers and hang your brother by his feet from the ceiling, but how can you determine what happened to the computer and what does this very squeaking mean? This article is specifically devoted to the sound signals (or lack thereof) of the computer, namely their decoding.

    The signals vary depending on the type of BIOS that resides in your motherboard. You can find out by going into the BIOS itself (the DEL button at the earliest stage of booting the computer).

    Award BIOS - beeps and beeps

    The minimum list is something like this:

    • Continuous signal - the power supply is faulty. Needs replacement.
    • 1 short beep - No errors detected. Typical behavior of a working computer - the computer boots normally.
    • 2 short beeps - Minor errors detected. A prompt appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program to correct the situation. Check that the cables are securely fastened in the hard drive and motherboard connectors.
    • 3 long beeps - Keyboard controller error. Restart your computer. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 1 long + 1 short beeps - RAM problems detected. Check that the memory modules are installed correctly. Or replace with other memory modules.
    • 1 long + 2 short beeps - Problem with the video card - the most common malfunction. It is recommended to remove the board and reinsert it. Also check the connection to the monitor's video card.
    • 1 long + 3 short beeps - Keyboard initialization error. Check the connection between the keyboard and the connector on the motherboard.
    • 1 long + 9 short signals - Error when reading data from the permanent memory chip. Reboot the computer or reflash the contents of the chip (if this mode is supported).
    • 1 long repeating signal - Incorrect installation of memory modules. Try pulling them out and putting them in again.
    • 1 short repeating signal - Problems with the power supply. Try to remove any dust that has accumulated in it.

    What's what and how:

    • 1 short beep - No errors detected. The computer is ready to use.
    • 2 short beeps - RAM parity error. Restart your computer. Check the installation of memory modules. Memory modules may need to be replaced.
    • 3 short beeps - Error during operation of the main memory (first 64 KB). Restart your computer. Check the installation of memory modules in the slots. Memory modules may need to be replaced.
    • 4 short beeps - The system timer is faulty. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 5 short beeps - The central processor is faulty. The processor may need to be replaced.
    • 6 short beeps - The keyboard controller is faulty. Check the quality of the connection between the latter and the connector on the motherboard. Try replacing the keyboard. If this does not help, then the motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 7 short beeps - The motherboard is faulty.
    • 8 short beeps - Problems with the video card.
    • 9 short beeps - Checksum error on the contents of the BIOS chip. A corresponding message may appear on the monitor screen. It requires either replacing the chip or rewriting its contents (if it is Flash memory).
    • 10 short - Unable to write to CMOS memory. The CMOS chip or motherboard needs to be replaced.
    • 11 short beeps - The external cache memory is faulty. Replacement of cache memory modules is required.
    • 1 long + 2 short beeps - The video card is faulty. Check the connection between the monitor and the connector on the video card. The video card may need to be replaced.
    • 1 long + 3 short beeps - The video card is faulty. Check the connection between the monitor and the connector on the video card. The video card may need to be replaced.
    • 1 long + 8 short beeps - Problems with the video card, or the monitor is not connected. Check the installation of the video card in the expansion slot again.

    Let's move on to the phoenix

    Phoenix BIOS - beeps and beeps

    Phonenix BIOS manufacturers have developed their own interleaving signal system.

    • 1-1-3 signals - Error in writing/reading CMOS data. The CMOS memory chip or motherboard needs to be replaced. It is also possible that the battery powering the CMOS memory chip has run out.
    • 1-1-4 signals - Checksum error on the contents of the BIOS chip. The BIOS chip needs to be replaced or flashed (if using Flash memory).
    • 1-2-1 beeps - The motherboard is faulty. Turn off your computer for a while. If that doesn't help, replace the motherboard.
    • 1-2-2 signals - DMA controller initialization error. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 1-2-3 signals - Error when trying to read/write to one of the DMA channels. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 1-3-1 signal - Problem with RAM. Replace memory modules.
    • 1-3-3 signals - Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM. Replace memory modules.
    • 1-3-4 signals - Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM. Replace memory modules.
    • 1-4-1 beeps - The motherboard is faulty. It may need to be replaced.
    • 1-4-2 signals - Problem with RAM. Check the installation of memory modules in the slots.
    • 1-4-3 beeps - System timer error. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 1-4-4 signals - Error accessing the I/O port. This error may be caused by a peripheral device that uses this port for its operation.
    • 3-1-1 signal - Error in initializing the second DMA channel. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 3-1-2 signals - Error initializing the first DMA channel. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 3-1-4 beeps - The motherboard is faulty. Turn off your computer for a while. If this does not help, you will have to replace the motherboard.
    • 3-2-4 beeps - Keyboard controller error. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 3-3-4 signals - Error when testing video memory. The video card itself may be faulty. Check the installation of the video card in the expansion slot.
    • 4-2-1 beeps - System timer error. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 4-2-3 signals - Error when operating line A20. The keyboard controller is faulty. Try replacing the motherboard or keyboard controller.
    • 4-2-4 signals - Error when working in protected mode. The CPU may be faulty.
    • 4-3-1 signals - Error when testing RAM. Check the installation of modules in the slots. Memory modules may need to be replaced.
    • 4-3-4 signals - Real time clock error. The motherboard may need to be replaced.
    • 4-4-1 signal - Serial port testing error. May be caused by a device that uses the serial port for its operation.
    • 4-4-2 signals - Parallel port testing error. May be caused by a device that uses a parallel port for its operation.
    • 4-4-3 signals - Error when testing the math coprocessor. The motherboard may need to be replaced.

    This is such a big list. You can view the BIOS type in the BIOS itself.

    Stay tuned


    The computer beeps and does not turn on - What should I do?

    Welcome to another article! The computer beeps and does not turn on. This is probably the question that is common on various computer forums and social networks. Of course, this is not just a squeak, but alarm signals that warn you that a failure has occurred in the software component or hardware.

    Computer technicians will be able to understand by ear what exactly is bothering your PC or laptop. But professionals will ask for money even for a consultation. Why do you need this if, after reading this article, you yourself will be able to determine where the malfunction appears on the computer. The most important task is to determine what BIOS you have. I will describe each BIOS, and also use an example to analyze the solution to the problem that the computer is signaling.

    The computer beeps and won't turn on

    The signals differ on different BIOS versions; some have a common basis, while others, although sounding the same, indicate completely different things. So, on computers that are less than 10 years old, the following BIOS versions are used:

    ---->>> AWARD BIOS.

    ---->>> AMI (American Megatrends) BIOS.

    ---->>> Phoenix BIOS.

    I have already talked about these BIOSes in more detail in one of my previous articles. Be sure to check out this article:

    What is BIOS? The secrets are in the settings!

    Here you will find a general concept, definition of what BIOS is in general.

    This is what AWARD BIOS looks like - you can easily determine which version you have from the screenshots from this article.

    Many users consider AWARD BIOS to be a simple version - here I agree with them, since you can work with it quickly and, most importantly, conveniently. Before studying the signals, let's figure out how to enter the BIOS, because we need to determine the version. The activator button for almost all computers (desktops and laptops) is the “Del” key. We turn on the computer and immediately start clicking on it - usually several clicks are required, since the signal may not reach with one touch.

    In rare cases, an alternative button is used to enter the BIOS. For example, on netbooks this could be one of the “F” command keys. In any case, the system prompts us during the first seconds of loading.

    In this case, “Del” is used to enter the BIOS. Take a close look at the bottom of the screen when you boot to see which button is used to log in on your computer if the standard Delete doesn't work.

    Have you come in? Great, now compare your BIOS with screenshots to understand which section of my article will be useful to you.

    AWARD BIOS – meaning of signals

    In addition to the characteristic design, the name at the top of the screen indicates its affiliation.

    So, the computer beeps and does not turn on. I propose to consider the meaning of signals when loading the operating system:

    Two short signals - errors in this case are not critical, their causes are erroneous date and time parameters in the motherboard itself, as well as problematic cables. The time is lost due to a discharged battery in the board - in this case, the signal can be ignored. If loading does not continue, check whether the cables of hard drives and other units are tightly connected.

    1 short - you hear this signal every time the computer boots. If he is alone, then everything is working properly, you can rest assured.

    3 long - this signal indicates that the keyboard is either faulty or incorrectly connected. Check if the contacts are securely connected.

    Multiple repetitions of one short signal - the power supply is partially faulty. First of all, try to clean it, perhaps it is simply clogged with dust. If it doesn't help, then take it for repair.

    1 long, then 1 short - the signal indicates a malfunction in the RAM modules. Remove them from the motherboard, and then thoroughly clean their contacts and fit them tightly into the sockets.

    1 long, then 2 short – the problem is with the video card. Take it out, carefully examine it visually, if the contacts are not swollen, then clean it and put it back. If you have a laptop/netbook with a built-in graphics module, then you should take the computer in for repair.

    1 long, then 3 short - again the keyboard is faulty, or rather, lack of initialization. It is possible that the problem is in the device itself, but just in case, it is worth checking whether the keyboard is tightly connected to the computer.

    1 long, then 9 short - a failure occurred in the ROM when booting the computer. Sometimes rebooting the PC or laptop can correct the situation, in other cases it is necessary to change the firmware of the computer's permanent memory chip.

    AMI BIOS - meaning of signals

    This is what the menu looks like in the ATI BIOS; at the bottom there is a name: American Megatrends.

    List of signals:

    1 short - all units and software are working properly.

    2 short – error in initializing random access memory (RAM) modules. Open the cover and see if they are clogged with dust, clean the contacts. If the problem is not solved, then you should go to the workshop.

    3 short – the fault also concerns the RAM. Here, too, it is necessary to check the contacts and the correct installation of the RAM “rulers”.

    4 short - the signal indicates that the system timer has failed. Most users ignore this defect, since it does not interfere with work.

    5 short ones – malfunction of the processor. You won’t be able to solve the problem on your own, so I recommend going straight to a computer workshop or service center.

    6 short ones – a defect in the keyboard (in rare cases, problems are associated with the mouse).

    7 short - the signal indicates that the motherboard is not functioning properly. Without additional equipment, it will be difficult to determine what the defect is, so the conclusion is that we take the system unit or laptop for repair.

    8 short ones – problems with active graphics adapters (in addition to the main video card, the motherboard has a built-in option).

    9 short ones – a failure in the BIOS firmware. Sometimes the problem goes away after a reboot or after updating Windows.

    10 short - the signal indicates an error in the CMOS memory.

    11 short - if you count exactly eleven signals, then the defect is in the cache memory. It needs to be cleaned.

    1 long and 2, 3 or 8 short beeps inform the user that the video card is not connected correctly to the computer or is missing altogether. I recommend that you check whether the monitor plug is connected to the video card correctly.

    As you can see, in a more modern version of the BIOS there are more signals, and they report a specific problem. AMI BIOS is available on modern computers and is currently considered the most stable version.

    Phoenix BIOS - meaning of signals

    “Phoenix” can be found on outdated machines, or more precisely, on motherboards. In any case, you can work with the Phoenix BIOS and even understand it if you want, although it was difficult for me to perceive the signals of this version.

    Here the signals come in series, for example, “1 beep – 1 beep – 3 beeps” means an error when recording or playing back CMOS information.

    1 – 1 – 4: data located on the chip cannot be loaded.

    1 – 2 – 1: quite a wide range of errors in the operation of the motherboard. If the download does not continue, then you should immediately take the computer to a service center.

    1 – 2 – 2: The DMA controller is malfunctioning, sometimes cleaning the motherboard and reconnecting the plugs helps.

    1 – 3 – 1: (3,4): error in RAM (random access memory).

    1 – 4 – 1: This signal can indicate various problems related to the functioning of the motherboard. The exact problem can only be determined at a service center.

    4 – 2 – 3: the keyboard is not connected correctly or is missing, check the contacts.

    What to do if your computer beeps and won’t turn on.

    Typically, people only start to notice a squeaking noise when the computer stops booting. First of all, determine the signal; to help, see the tables above for all BIOS versions.

    There is a possibility that somewhere a socket has come loose from a hard drive or other component part of the computer. Open the computer lid, then take a good look at all the “vital” parts on the motherboard. This is especially true for the hard drive, video card and RAM.

    In general, for a more clear understanding of today’s topic - The computer beeps and does not turn on, I recommend that you watch the following video:

    If the problem is with the batteries, then you can try to replace it yourself. This is an ordinary battery, shaped like a tablet, which is located on the motherboard. Usually it does not affect the boot, the system simply tells you that the battery is low. If loading does not occur, and the signal indicates that the processor, RAM or other elements of the motherboard are malfunctioning, then you should immediately contact a professional. Usually in such cases the computer does not boot at all. Concluding today's article, I would like to recommend you to read the following article:

    Black screen when loading Windows 7

    From this article you will learn what to do if the computer turns on, the fans are running, the lights are on on the system unit, but there is no image on the monitor, that is, in one word we can say that on the monitor we see only a black screen.

    And that’s all for today, I hope the article was interesting for you. See you all in the next issue, dear friends!

    Dear users, if after reading this article you have any questions or would like to add something regarding the subject of this article or the entire Internet resource as a whole, then you can use the comment form. Also ask your questions, suggestions, wishes..

    So, for today, that’s actually all I wanted to tell you about in today’s episode. I can only hope that you found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole


    Speaker's aria or what the computer is beeping about

    If your computer does not want to turn on and instead of the usual beep it produces a series of incomprehensible sounds, then something is wrong and you need to figure out where the problem is. It's good if the monitor turns on and the message can be read in simple and understandable English, but what if the computer doesn't turn on?

    Fortunately, the motherboard BIOS software has a built-in hardware detection feature. When the computer starts, a POST test of the hardware occurs. If something is wrong, an error message is transmitted using sound signals through the system speaker (speaker).

    What caused the sound signal?

    There are special tables to recognize the message and determine the type of malfunction. To work with the table correctly, you need to at least know the name of your BIOS. Depending on the motherboard, the BIOS may be Award (or Phoenix - Award, the same thing), AMI (American Megatrends, Inc), Phoenix BIOS or other little-known ones.

    The most common is Award, slightly less than AMI. If you have a different BIOS, then you will have to refer to the equipment manufacturer's instruction manual. If the computer turns on, you can determine the BIOS name by the inscriptions at the initial boot stage or in the instructions for the motherboard. At this stage you can enter the BIOS.

    Award and Phoenix-Award BIOS are presented something like this:

    AMI BIOS is characterized by the following representation:

    And Phoenix BIOS can be recognized by this picture:

    Listen carefully to how the computer beeps and count the number of sound signals. You can then start looking for this sequence in the table.

    Award (Phoenix - Award) BIOS

    Sound signals

    Error and possible fixes

    1 short Testing was successful
    2 short Minor comments are possible. The screen may prompt you to enter the BIOS and check the settings. It would be a good idea to check the fastening of the hard drive, DVD-ROM and floppy drive cables
    3 long Keyboard not connected or keyboard controller error. If everything is fine with the keyboard, then repair or replace the motherboard
    1 short and 1 long Check and/or clean RAM
    1 long and 2 short Check your video card. Perhaps it is not inserted tightly into the slot or the fan is not spinning
    1 long and 3 short The problem lies in the video memory system. The video card may need to be repaired or replaced.
    1 long and 9 short Error reading from BIOS. You can try removing the battery for half an hour. If it doesn’t help, then reflash the BIOS or have it repaired
    Repeating short Either incorrect voltages at the output of the power supply, or problematic RAM
    Repeating long If the computer beeps with long beeps, then most likely the RAM is not working.
    Repeated rolling from high to low frequency CPU problems
    Continuous signal Obvious problems with the power supply, replacement required

    Sound signals

    1 short Everything is fine
    1 long, 1 short Check the power supply voltage
    1 long, 4 short Video card not found. It is necessary to check whether the card is inserted normally into the slot
    2 short RAM parity error. Check that the memory is installed correctly. Try turning off the scanner and/or printer
    3 short An error was detected in the first 64KB of memory. Check that the memory is installed correctly or replace the memory with a known working one.
    4 short The system timer is faulty. It is possible to repair the motherboard or replace it
    5 short We need to look at the central processor, maybe a bad contact. You can try to take it out and put it back. If that doesn't help, change the processor.
    6 short The keyboard is not connected/defective or the plug is in poor contact with the socket
    7 short The motherboard or one of its components is faulty. Replace or repair
    8 short Error reading video memory. Try a different video card
    9 short Error reading BIOS. You may need to replace or flash the BIOS chip
    10 short CMOS volatile memory write error. You may need to replace the chip or repair the motherboard
    11 short Error in cache memory. The motherboard needs repair.
    1 long, 2 short
    1 long, 3 short Video card malfunction or poor connection between monitor and video card
    1 long, 8 short The video card is faulty or the connection between the monitor and the video card is poor. The video card may not be firmly inserted into the slot.
    No signals, just a black screen If the computer does not beep at all, then this is a problem with the processor. Possibly poor contact or the processor leg is bent/broken off. Or the processor needs to be replaced.
    Continuous beeping Problems with the power supply or processor overheating

    Sound codes are represented by a sequence of the number of “beeps” (signals). For example, 1-1-4 means one beep, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps.

    How to transfer 1c from one computer to another

    Sound signals

    Errors and possible fixes

    1-1-3 Error reading or writing volatile CMOS memory. Check the battery on the system board. The chip or motherboard may need to be replaced.
    1-1-4 BIOS checksum error. Replacement or flashing of the microcircuit will be required
    1-2-1 Motherboard needs repair or replacement
    1-2-2 or 1-2-3 One of the DMA controllers failed testing.
    1-3-1 RAM failed the test. Clean contacts or replace memory module or modules
    1-3-3 or 1-3-4 Error reading/writing the first 64KB of RAM. Check your RAM
    1-4-1 If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    1-4-2 Check that the memory modules are installed correctly
    1-4-3 The system timer failed the test. Possibly If repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    1-4-4 There is a problem with one of the I/O ports. There may be a problem with some external device. Disconnect all external devices.
    2-X-X (X is a number from 1 to 4) Error in the first 64 KB of RAM. Most likely one of the memory modules needs to be replaced
    3-1-1 Cannot initialize the second DMA channel. If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    3-1-2 or 3-1-4 The first DMA channel cannot be initialized. If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    3-2-4 The keyboard controller failed the test. If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    3-3-4 Video memory error. Check that the video card is installed correctly
    3-4-1 Attempts to access the monitor failed. Check your monitor connection
    3-4-2 Problem with video card BIOS initialization. The video card may need to be repaired or replaced.
    4-2-1 Problem initializing the system timer. If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    4-2-3 Keyboard controller error. If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    4-2-4 Critical error in CPU operation in protected mode. Replace the processor
    4-3-1 Check your RAM
    4-3-2 Problems with the first timer. If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    4-3-3 Problems with the second timer. If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    4-4-1 Error initializing one of the serial ports.
    4-4-2 The parallel port test failed. Try turning off your printer or scanner
    4-4-3 The math processor failed testing. Replace processor
    Long, repeating beeps If the repair fails, you will have to change the motherboard
    The siren's high frequency changes to low Video card malfunction. Video card needs repair or replacement

    Every time the computer boots, the system unit makes a beeping sound. Not everyone knows that this is a signal indicating the performance of the system unit. And only a few know how to decipher these signals from the system unit.

    That's what we'll talk about. If you are reading this material, I recommend printing it out now. When you need decryption, you won’t be able to get online. :)

    So what is the “system specialist” squeaking about? These signals are the result of testing the computer hardware (cooler, RAM, video card, etc.). Every time you boot your computer, it tests the hardware and reports the results with this particular squeak. The transcript of the system unit squeaks is below.

    * One short squeak.
    Everything is fine. The test was completed successfully. You can continue to work. It happens that some system units do not beep at all at this moment.
    * There is not a squeak or image on the computer screen.
    Malfunction in the power supply or processor.
    First, check to see if the power cord is plugged into the outlet. If everything is in order, try connecting a known working device to the surge protector (such a cord with a box in which there are many sockets, there is also a switch button, usually red). A phone charger will do, of course, with a phone connected to it. You need to check all the surge protector sockets. If the socket is working, the phone will charge. Next, we check whether the power supply starts when you press the computer start button. In this case, the cooler (fan) of the power supply should at least twitch. If there is movement, look for a new processor, otherwise, a new power supply. You also need to check the power cable of the motherboard. It may happen that he moved away.
    * One long continuous squeak.
    The power supply is faulty.
    Purchasing a new power supply.
    * Two short squeaks.
    Minor problems with BIOS settings.
    Go to the BIOS and set the optimal parameters. Exiting to the BIOS is usually done using the key. If you don't know what to change, then set the default values. To do this, press the button. To exit with saving - , . Some BIOS versions themselves highlight conflicting settings items by highlighting them. You can also reset the BIOS settings by removing the motherboard battery for a few seconds.
    * Three long squeaks.
    The keyboard is missing.
    Plug the keyboard into the PS/2 socket. If this does not help, you will have to change the keyboard.
    * Three short squeaks.
    RAM error.
    To do this, you need to check whether there are memory sticks on the motherboard. Don't laugh, it happens. Then you need to remove all the memory sticks, carefully sweep away the accumulated dust, and one by one stick the memory stick in and start the system unit. If the “system unit” beeps on some strip, this may mean that the strip is faulty.
    * One long and one short squeak.
    RAM is not working properly.
    Perhaps one or more memory sticks are conflicting with each other. You need to insert one memory stick at a time and try to start the computer.
    * One long and two short squeaks.
    The video adapter is not working properly.
    Correct settings in BIOS.
    * One long and three short squeaks.
    The video adapter does not work.
    Check the performance of the video card. To do this, you need another, known working video card. You can also try removing the card, removing dust from the slot, and sticking the card back in place. And don’t forget to check if the card has additional plugs for power. Power to such video cards must be supplied with a separate cord to which no device is connected. I also suggest checking whether the monitor is connected and working. Try to blow out the connector connecting the monitor to the computer.
    * One long and eight short squeaks.
    The video adapter is not working or the monitor is not connected.
    Same as written above.
    * One long and nine short squeaks.
    Error reading BIOS data.
    Try resetting the BIOS settings by removing the battery. If this does not help, then flash the BIOS. But this is another story, requiring a separate article. I'll try to write it soon.
    * Four short squeaks.
    The system timer does not work.
    You can try resetting the BIOS. But, unfortunately, it rarely helps. There is only one way out - replace or repair the motherboard.
    * Five short squeaks.
    The processor is not working properly.
    Try to clean the dust from the processor slot, make sure the heatsink is clean and the processor temperature is low.
    * Six short squeaks.
    The keyboard is faulty.
    * Seven short squeaks.
    Motherboard malfunctions.
    Have the motherboard repaired or purchase a new one.
    * Eight short squeaks.
    Problems with video memory.
    Take the video adapter for repair, or purchase a new one.
    * Nine short squeaks.
    Incorrect BIOS checksum.
    Usually it is suggested to reset the BIOS settings and allows you to continue working. If something happens, you can reset the BIOS by removing the battery.
    * Ten short squeaks.
    Error writing data to CMOS chip.
    This error may occur when flashing the BIOS. Therefore, we will describe this part in another article.
    * Eleven short squeaks.
    The cache memory is not working properly.
    Reset BIOS. If this does not help, we take the computer in for repair or install a new processor.
    * Repeated long squeaks.
    The RAM is faulty or incorrectly connected.
    Reconnecting memory sticks. Calculating the faulty one by connecting one by one and starting the computer. Cleaning from dust.
    * Repeated short squeaks.
    The power supply is not working properly.
    Checking the functionality of the power supply, checking the cords for breaks, checking the surge protector, and, last but not least, replacing the power supply.

    That's all. If you have any questions, ask.

    PS: To reset the BIOS, instead of removing the battery, you can use a special jumper. Its location can be found in the documentation for the motherboard.

    Addition: BIOS signal encodings if the computer died.
    AWARD BIOS Signals

    Continuous signal. The power supply is faulty.

    2 short. Minor errors found.
    3 long. Keyboard controller error.
    1 long + 1 short. Problems with RAM.
    1 long + 2 short. Problem with the video card.
    1 long + 3 short. An error occurred while initializing the keyboard.
    1 long + 9 short. An error occurred while reading data from the read-only memory chip.
    1 long repeating. Memory modules are installed incorrectly.
    1 short repeating. Problems with the power supply.

    AMI BIOS signals
    There are no signals. The power supply is faulty or not connected to the motherboard.
    1 short. No errors found.
    2 short. RAM parity error.
    3 short. An error occurred during the operation of the first 64 KB of main memory.
    4 short. The system timer is faulty.
    5 short. The central processor is faulty.
    6 short. The keyboard controller is faulty.
    7 short. The motherboard is faulty.
    8 short. The video memory is faulty.
    9 short. BIOS chip contents checksum error.
    10 short. Cannot write to CMOS memory.
    11 short. The external cache memory (installed in the slots on the motherboard) is faulty.
    1 long + 2 short. The video card is faulty.
    1 long + 3 short. The video card is faulty.
    1 long + 8 short. Problems with the video card or the monitor is not connected.

    PHOENIX BIOS signals
    1-1-3. CMOS data write/read error.
    1-1-4. BIOS chip contents checksum error.
    1-2-1. The motherboard is faulty.
    1-2-2. DMA controller initialization error.
    1-2-3. Error when trying to read/write to one of the DMA channels.
    1-3-1. RAM regeneration error.
    1-3-3. Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM.
    1-3-4. Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM.
    1-4-1. The motherboard is faulty.
    1-4-2. RAM testing error.
    1-4-3. System timer error.
    1-4-4. Error accessing I/O port.
    3-1-1. Error initializing the second DMA channel.
    3-1-2. Error initializing the first DMA channel.
    3-1-4. The motherboard is faulty.
    3-2-4. Keyboard controller error.
    3-3-4. Video memory testing error.
    4-2-1. System timer error.
    4-2-3. Line error A20. The keyboard controller is faulty.
    4-2-4. Error when working in protected mode. The CPU may be faulty.
    4-3-1. Error when testing RAM.
    4-3-4. Real time clock error.
    4-4-1. Serial port test failed. The error may be caused by a device using this port.
    4-4-2. Error while testing parallel port. The error may be caused by a device using this port.
    4-4-3. Error when testing the math coprocessor.

    Hello everyone, have you noticed that when you turn on the computer, it makes a squeaking noise and then boots up... this is if everything is fine, but if it starts beeping differently and nothing happens on the screen, then this is a reason to think and try to figure out why the system unit is beeping? Every time you turn on the computer, you can hear the system unit squeaking. This signal shows the performance of the hardware, which few people know how to decipher. So, let's try to figure out why the system unit beeps?

    Decoding system unit signals

    As you know, the system unit accommodates many special-purpose devices. When turned on, the computer emits a signal about the result of testing this software (fan, processor, input/output devices, memory, video card, etc.).

    The decoding of the squeak emitted by the system unit is given in the table:

    No. Signal type Decoding
    1 One short Testing was successful. In this case, it is also possible that there is no squeak.
    2 No signal or image on screen You should look for failures in the power supply or processor.
    3 Long continuous signal Power supply failure.
    4 Two short beeps in a row Errors appear in the BIOS settings.
    5 Three long beeps The keyboard is not connected.
    6 Three short beeps Errors in connecting RAM.
    7 Alternate long and short signal The RAM is not functioning properly.
    8 Alternating long and two short squeaks Errors in the operation of the video adapter.
    9 A series of long and three short signals The video adapter is not functioning.
    10 A sequence of one long and eight short signals There is no display connection or the video card is not working.
    11 A series of long and nine short Incorrect reading of BIOS settings
    12 Four short beeps System timer malfunction.
    13 Five short beeps in a row They talk about errors in the processor.
    14 Six short beeps Keyboard problems.
    15 Seven short beeps Damage to the motherboard.
    16 Eight squeaks in a row Indicates a problem in the video memory.
    17 Nine short beeps Providing an incorrect BIOS checksum.
    18 Ten squeaks in a row Indicates an error in recording information in the CMOS chip.
    19 Eleven short beeps They talk about a malfunctioning cache memory
    20 Continuous long beeps Broken or incorrectly connected RAM
    21 Continuous short beeps There is a malfunction in the power supply.

    Fixing hardware failures

    If errors occur in individual hardware parts, which are indicated by a squeaking sound from the system unit, it is necessary, first of all, to check the connections of these devices to the power supply.

    When there is no signal and along with it any signs of computer life (the button indication is not illuminated, the fan is not making noise, there is no image on the monitor), If the power supply is faulty, then it will need to be replaced. If when you press the power button, at least the fan reacts, then you may have to buy a new processor. Although it would also be a good idea to check the motherboard power cord: it may have come loose.

    If errors occur in the BIOS, you need to go to the settings menu using the Del key and set the optimal parameters. However, not everyone knows the correct settings; in this case, it is better to set them to default (F5 key); to save the changes, press the F10 key and Enter. You can also reset the BIOS settings by removing the battery on the motherboard for seconds and putting it back. If it doesn’t help, you’ll have to reflash the menu at the hardware level.

    The absence of a keyboard is checked for the presence of its plug in the PS/2 socket. It was found that it is connected, which means that the device is not working properly and will most likely need to be replaced.

    Errors in RAM operation are first checked for the presence of these sticks in the motherboard connector. Then the memory cards are removed, cleaned of dust, and inserted into the slots one by one. In this case, the system unit is turned on each time. If you hear a squeak, it means the board is broken.

    Software settings for the video card are carried out in the BIOS. The physical health of the device is checked using another known working video adapter. If you find that the device does not work, then you need to clean it from dust and see if the power plug is connected to the board, since it is supplied by a separate cable to which you cannot connect anything else. You can also check the display connection and whether it is working. These manipulations do not help, which means the video card needs to be replaced.

    You can try to fix a broken system timer by resetting the BIOS, otherwise you will need to repair or replace the motherboard.

    Checking the operation of the processor consists of cleaning it from dust, as well as preventing overheating of the radiator due to a malfunctioning fan.

    CMOS writing errors occur when flashing the BIOS. The cache memory is corrected when the BIOS is reset or when the computer is repaired and the processor is replaced. In order to reset the BIOS, it is not necessary to remove the battery; you can use a special jumper called a jumper. You can find out where it is located in the motherboard manual.

    If you can’t carry out the repair yourself, then it’s better to contact specialists who will guarantee that the system unit beeps will not happen again, but you already know why the system unit beeps and what it threatens you with.

    Each of those who have spent more than a year at a computer has encountered a situation where, the next time they start up their iron friend, for some reason it responds with an angry squeak.

    Most often, after half an hour of hesitation and useless clicking on the keys, you have to call a specialist.

    Which will not only charge you 500 rubles - 200 for leaving and 300 for solving the problem, but will also bring your computer to life in 15 minutes. This post is dedicated to just such problems and ways to solve them.

    The first, most important and most important rule that will help you solve any computer problem yourself is a correct assessment of the situation.

    1.1 The computer does not turn on, what should I do?

    There are situations when the computer does not turn on at all. Let's look at 3 possible problems with starting a PC.

    1. Not working properly.

    First of all, we test the power supply for serviceability. We disconnect the power supply from the system unit, plug it into the network and close contacts 14 and 15.

    The cooler on the power supply should turn on; if this does not happen, then most likely the protective filter has burned out due to overvoltage. Under warranty, such a power supply is usually replaced with a new one; if the warranty period has expired, then you will have to pay for repairs or buy a new one.

    2. The motherboard burned out.

    When the cooler on the power supply starts spinning, you can breathe a sigh of relief and consider the next candidate for the “source of the problem.” Checking the motherboard for functionality is very simple.

    It is enough to remove it from the case, leave the processor in it (remove everything else), connect a known working power supply (now you understand why the power supply is tested in the first place), and turn it on by shorting a couple of contacts on the motherboard using a screwdriver.

    A correctly performed sequence of actions often leads to the fact that the power supply starts and the motherboard works (we can determine this by a lit light). In this case, thoroughly clean the computer from dust and correctly install the motherboard back.

    Note: If the computer turns on and immediately turns off (it constantly reboots when starting), then the reason is most likely a short circuit in the components, including the motherboard.

    Solution: thoroughly clean your computeronce every 3-6 months, change the thermal paste and enjoy your working computer. In 85% of cases when the computer does not start, cleaning the dust brings it back to life!

    The motherboard is silent, which means we take it to the service center and will have to replace it.

    3. Perhaps your power has been turned off.

    Yes, and this happens; I have had to conduct consultations over the phone more than once. Having tried everything, there was a suspicion of non-working components. But later it turned out that the power in the house was simply temporarily turned off🙂 .

    2 The computer beeps and does not turn on

    It's time to look at the problem of starting a PC from the other side. In the case when the computer starts, but does not pass the POST check. Instead of one characteristic signal squeak, you will hear a sequence of squeaks.

    Depending on the BIOS version, each sequence of beeps has its own meaning. You can find out your BIOS specification from the instructions included with the motherboard or from the markings on it.


    Description of the error
    1 short Successful POST
    1 beep and blank screen Video system is faulty
    2 short The video system is faulty (monitor not connected)
    3 long Motherboard faulty (keyboard controller error)
    1 long, 1 short Motherboard is faulty
    1 long, 2 short Video system faulty (Mono/CGA)
    1 long, 3 short Video system (EGA/VGA) is faulty
    Repeating short Malfunctions related to the power supply
    Continuous Problems with the power supply
    Absent The power supply is faulty

    2.1 Award BIOS

    Sequence of beeps Description of the error
    1 short Successful POST
    2 short Minor errors found. A prompt appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program and correct the situation. Check that the cables are securely fastened in the hard drive and motherboard connectors.
    3 long Keyboard controller error
    1 short, 1 long Random access memory (RAM) error
    1 long, 2 short Video card error
    1 long, 3 short Keyboard initialization error or video card error
    1 long, 9 short Error reading from ROM
    Repeating short Problems with the power supply
    Repeating long RAM problems
    Repeated high-low frequency CPU problems
    Continuous Problems with the power supply

    2.2 AMI BIOS

    Sequence of beeps Description of the error
    1 short No errors detected PC is working fine
    1 long, 1 short Problems with the power supply
    2 short RAM parity error or you forgot to turn off the scanner or printer
    3 short Error in the first 64 KB of RAM
    4 short System timer malfunction
    5 short Processor problems
    6 short Keyboard controller initialization error
    7 short Problems with the motherboard
    8 short Video card memory error
    9 short BIOS checksum is incorrect
    10 short CMOS write error
    11 short System board cache error
    1 long, 2 short Video card error (Mono-CGA)
    1 long, 3 short Video card error (EGA-VGA)
    1 long, 8 short Problems with the video card or the monitor is not connected
    Absent The processor is faulty. The hair may be bent. If that doesn't help, replace the processor.

    2.3 AST BIOS

    Sequence of beeps Description of the error
    1 short Error when checking processor registers. Processor failure
    2 short Keyboard controller buffer error. Keyboard controller malfunction.
    3 short Keyboard controller reset error. The keyboard controller or system board is faulty.
    4 short Keyboard communication error.
    5 short Keyboard error.
    6 short System board error.
    9 short BIOS ROM checksum mismatch. The BIOS ROM chip is faulty.
    10 short System timer error. The system timer chip is faulty.
    11 short Chipset error.
    12 short Power management register error in non-volatile memory.
    1 long DMA controller error 0. The channel 0 DMA controller chip is faulty.
    1 long, 1 short DMA controller error 1. The DMA controller chip of channel 1 is faulty.
    1 long, 2 short Frame retrace suppression error. The video adapter may be faulty.
    1 long, 3 short Error in video memory. The memory of the video adapter is faulty.
    1 long, 4 short Video adapter error. The video adapter is faulty.
    1 long, 5 short Memory error 64K.
    1 long, 6 short Failed to load interrupt vectors. BIOS was unable to load interrupt vectors into memory
    1 long, 7 short Failed to initialize video hardware.
    1 long, 8 short Video memory error.

    2.4 Phoenix BIOS

    Fan codes are presented in the number of sound signals. For example, 1-1-2 means 1 beep, pause, 1 beep, pause, and 2 beeps.

    Sequence of beeps Description of the error
    1-1-3 Error writing/reading data to/from CMOS memory.
    1-1-4 An error was detected while calculating the checksum of the BIOS contents.
    1-2-2 or 1-2-3 Controller initialization error.
    1-3-1 Error in initializing the RAM regeneration circuit.
    1-3-3 or 1-3-4 Error initializing the first 64 KB of RAM.
    1-4-1 Motherboard initialization error.
    1-4-4 Error writing/reading to/from one of the I/O ports.
    2-1-1 An error was detected when reading/writing bit 0 (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 1st bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 2nd bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-1-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 3rd bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 4th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 5th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 6th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-2-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 7th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 8th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 9th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 10th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-3-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 11th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-1 An error was detected when reading/writing the 12th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-2 An error was detected while reading/writing the 13th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 14th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    2-4-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 15th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
    3-1-1 Error initializing the second DMA channel.
    3-1-2 or 3-1-4 Error initializing the first DMA channel.
    3-3-4 Error initializing video memory.
    3-4-1 Serious problems arose when trying to access the monitor.
    3-4-2 The video card BIOS cannot be initialized.
    4-2-1 Error initializing the system timer.
    4-2-2 Testing is complete.
    4-2-3 Keyboard controller initialization error.
    4-2-4 Critical error when the CPU enters protected mode.
    4-3-1 Error initializing RAM.
    4-3-2 Error initializing the first timer.
    4-3-3 Error initializing the second timer.
    4-4-1 Error initializing one of the serial ports.
    4-4-2 Parallel port initialization error.
    4-4-3 Error initializing the math coprocessor.
    Long, continuous beeps The motherboard is faulty.
    Siren sound from high to low frequency The video card is faulty, check the electrolytic capacitors for leaks or replace everything with new ones that are known to be good.
    Continuous signal The CPU cooler is not connected (faulty).

    Each of us, when turning on the computer, heard the characteristic squeak that it makes at the very beginning of loading. As a rule, we all hear only a single signal. Why? It means that everything is fine with the PC.

    This phenomenon is called BIOS POST signals, they are designed to notify the user about what is happening with the computer. Therefore, if something goes wrong, you will hear not one, but several characteristic squeaks emitted by the built-in speaker of the system unit.

    It turns out that each combination of such “squeaks” has its own meaning and directly indicates what is wrong with your equipment. Therefore, if you are faced with the fact that your computer beeps when you turn it on, and does not do so as always, do not panic.

    BIOS uses POST signals to inform the user about the state of the personal computer

    The information below will help you understand what happened and what part needs to be checked to restore the device to working order.

    The way your computer beeps directly depends on which company you have the BIOS system. If you don't know the manufacturer's name, this information is available on the first screen when you turn it on - usually it's AMI, Award, or Phoenix. In extreme cases, the name can be seen by directly going to the BIOS menu itself.

    So, if you know which manufacturer your BIOS is from, let's move on to deciphering the sounds emitted by the component and find out how many times it beeps in a given situation.

    What do the sounds mean if I have an AMI BIOS?

    When your PC turns on, you may hear the following sounds:


    • 1 - everything is normal.
    • 2 - you did not turn off the printer/scanner or a RAM parity error occurred.
    • 3 - error in the first 64 KB of RAM.
    • 4 - You need to set the time in the BIOS or the Windows system itself.
    • 5 - processor problems.
    • 6 - problems with the input tool.
    • 7 - problems with the mother card.
    • 8 - problems in the memory of the video adapter.
    • 9 - BIOS checksum is incorrect.
    • 10 - problems with writing to CMOS
    • 11 - the cache located on the system board contains errors.

    Combinations of long and short sounds:

    • 1 long, 1 short - problems with the power supply.
    • 1/2 - Mono-CGA video adapter error.
    • 1/3 - problem with the EGA-VGA video card.
    • 1/4 - no video card.
    • 1/8 - video card or display is not connected.

    Other meanings:

    1. When you hear three long beeps, the RAM text was completed incorrectly. It needs to be reinstalled, if it doesn’t help, replace it.
    2. The computer beeps with short beeps and does not turn on, does this situation continue continuously? Check the power supply - it is not working or the PC is overheated. Although, often one reason is directly related to another, so most likely you will have to replace this part in order to avoid equipment breakdown.
    3. If the system unit is silent, the screen does not light up, it means that the processor has broken down or, at best, its contact pin has come off - check it first, and then run to buy a new component, because it costs a lot.

    Decoding POST combinations of the Phoenix system

    This manufacturer produces sounds several times during switching on in a combination of three signals, with pauses between them. Therefore, we will provide the transcript in this form - for example, 1.1.2 means one signal, pause, another one, pause, two signals.

    1.1.2 Error when testing the processor / it is faulty / replace the part
    1.1.3 Error writing or reading CMOS memory data
    1.1.4 Error when calculating BIOS checksum
    1.2.1/1.4.1 Initialization errorMotherboard
    1.2.2/1.2.3 DMA controller
    1.3.1 RAM regeneration schemes
    1.3.3/1.3.4 First 64 KB of RAM
    1.4.2 RAM
    1.4.3 System driver
    1.4.4 Error reading or writing one of the input or output ports
    2.1.1 Error reading or writing a bit of the first 64 KB of RAM0th bit
    2.1.2 1st,
    2.1.3 2nd,
    2.1.4 3rd,
    2.2.1 4th,
    2.2.2 5th,
    2.2.3 6th,
    2.2.4 7th,
    2.3.1 8th,
    2.3.2 9th,
    2.3.3 10th,
    2.3.4 11th,
    2.4.1 12th,
    2.4.2 13th,
    2.4.3 14th,
    2.4.4 15th bit
    3.1.1 Initialization errorFirst channel DMA
    3.1.2/3.1.4 Second channel DMA
    3.2.4 Keyboard controller
    3.3.4 Video memory
    3.4.1 Serious difficulty accessing the monitor
    3.4.2 Errorinitializing the video card BIOS
    4.2.1 initializing the system timer
    4.2.2 Testing completed
    4.2.3 Keyboard controller initialization error
    4.2.4 Critical error when switching to protected mode of the central processor
    4.3.1 Initialization errorRAM
    4.3.2 First timer
    4.3.3 Second timer
    4.4.1 One of the serial ports
    4.4.2 Parallel port
    4.4.3 Math coprocessor

    Also, endless long sounds make it clear that the mother card is broken, and when loud and quiet POST signals alternate in a similar way to a siren, this indicates a failure of the video card. In a situation where the computer beeps constantly, you should check the CPU cooler - it is missing or it is broken.

    Sound meanings in Award BIOS

    There won't be much transcript here. The main BIOS POST signals that can be heard in a system from this manufacturer are the following:

    • 2 short “squeaks” are not scary, because they mean minor problems. As a rule, after them you will be asked to use the CMOS Setup Utility application to eliminate all troubles. We also advise you to check whether the hard drive is securely attached to the motherboard.
    • Long beeps that sound three times indicate problems with the input tool.
    • Combinations:
    • A long and short sound indicates a RAM error.
    • A long and two short beeps indicate a problem in the video card, and another short beep is added - in the video memory.
    • If a long signal is heard, followed by nine short signals, there is a problem in reading data from the ROM.
    • Repeated short beeps indicate incorrect operation of the power supply or RAM.
    • Repeating long sounds when turned on means problems with RAM.
    • If the frequencies change from high to low notes, there is a problem with the processor.
    • A continuous squeak indicates a problem with the power supply.

    So we learned how to decipher BIOS sound signals. Use this data to always be able to understand what is going on with your computer and what part needs to be checked, repaired, or even replaced. As you can see, the technology is smart enough to independently give you a signal about which component is out of order, and such tips will definitely be useful for quickly solving the problem.