• What to do if Windows 7 does not start. The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start: possible causes and solutions to the problem

    Need good advice on how to produce Windows 7 Boot Loader Recovery, if restoring the startup using the 7 installation disk did not help. I’ll briefly explain what’s going on: Windows 7 was first installed on the computer, then the second system needed Windows XP, after installation it naturally started alone, to boot two operating systems I used the EasyBCD program. Later, XP was no longer needed and I formatted the partition on which it was located from Windows 7. Now, when loading, there is nothing except a black screen. What can be done in this case? More details if possible. Sergey.

    Restoring the Windows 7 bootloader

    Hello friends! The most important thing is not to worry, your problem is not complicated and, in principle, the simple “Windows 7 Startup Recovery” tool described in our article should help, but! If this article does not help you, then two others should help:

    These articles describe several more good ways to restore the boot of your operating system, besides them there is one more, so try it and don’t just give up.

    Let me remind you that you cannot install an older operating system after a younger one; Windows 7 will under no circumstances boot after installing Windows XP on a computer, since the latter overwrites the master boot record (MBR) during installation. Therefore, you installed an additional boot manager, which is used to configure the boot of several operating systems and, in turn, has its own bootloader.

    1. I also want to say that file system errors are often to blame for unsuccessful loading of Windows 7; they can be corrected even if the operating system does not boot; all the details are in our other article." "
    2. Friends, in this article we will work with the Windows 7 recovery environment, or more precisely with the recovery environment command line. I will give you the necessary commands, but if it is difficult for you to remember them, you can. This will make your work much easier.
    • The master boot record (MBR) is the first sector on the hard disk, which contains a partition table and a small bootloader program that reads in this table the data from which partition of the hard disk to boot the OS, and then the information is transferred to the partition with the installed operating system, to download it. If the master boot record contains incorrect information about the location of the system, then we will receive various errors during boot, here is one of them “BOOTMGR is missing press CTR-Alt-Del for restart” or we will see a black screen. The problem is being fixed restoring the Windows 7 boot loader.

    When you uninstalled old XP along with EasyBCD, you left your computer to the mercy of fate with an incomprehensible boot record, and it gives you a black screen as a sign of gratitude. To rectify the situation, we will carry out boot recovery Windows 7, namely, we will overwrite the master boot record using the Bootrec.exe utility located on the recovery disk or on the Windows 7 installation disk (friends, if you have a netbook and you want to use the recovery environment located on a flash drive, then read the comments first). We will also use this utility to record a new boot sector, understandable to Windows 7.

    Recovering Windows 7 bootloader automatically

    We boot from a recovery disk or installation disk with Windows 7, in the initial phase of booting the computer, when prompted to boot from the disk “Press any key to boot from CD...”, press any key on the keyboard for 5 seconds, otherwise you will not boot from the disk

    There is a short search for installed Windows systems and analysis of problems that prevent them from loading

    Usually problems are quickly found and the recovery environment offers to fix them automatically. Click on the "Fix and restart" button, after which the computer will restart and boot Windows 7 will be restored.

    If problems with loading the system continue or you are not prompted to fix the problems automatically, then in this window you need to select the operating system that you need to restore, you most likely have one and Next.

    First of all, choose a productStartup recovery, it can also solve Windows 7 boot problems

    Restoring the Windows 7 bootloader manually

    If this remedy does not help, choose a remedy Command line

    Enter the commands:


    lis vol (we display a list of hard drive partitions and see that “Volume 1” is a hidden System Reserved partition, volume 100 MB, it should contain Windows 7 boot files and it is this that needs to be made active). We also see a partition with Windows 7 installed, it has the letter D:, the volume is 60 GB.

    sel vol 1 (select Volume 1)

    activ (make it active)

    exit (exit diskpart)

    bcdboot D:\Windows (where D: the partition with Windows 7 installed), this command restores the Windows 7 boot files (bootmgr file and boot storage configuration files (BCD))!

    "Download files created successfully"

    Restoring the Windows 7 bootloader manually (method No. 2)

    In the command line window, enter the command Bootrec and Enter

    full information about the capabilities of the utility is displayed. Select the master boot record entry Bootrec.exe /FixMbr.

    The operation was completed successfully. A new boot record is written to the first sector of the boot partition.
    The second command, Bootrec.exe /FixBoot, writes a new boot sector.

    The operation was completed successfully. Exit. Next, we try to load our Windows 7.

    Friends, if the Bootrec.exe /FixMbr and Bootrec.exe /Fixboot commands do not help you, do not despair, there is another remedy.

    Method No. 3

    Enter the command Bootrec/ScanOs, it will scan all your hard drives and partitions for the presence of operating systems and if any are found, an appropriate warning will be issued. Then you need to enter the command Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd, this utility will offer to add the found Windows to the boot menu, we agree and enter Y and press Enter, all the found Windows are added to the boot menu.

    In my case, two operating systems were found. Everything can be seen on the screenshot.

    In addition to the above method, there is another one, enter bootsect /NT60 SYS on the command line, the main boot code, it will also be updated.


    So, the error is that on both hard drives the first hidden System Reserved partitions should be marked with a red flag. On Windows 7, the volume of such a partition is 100 MB, and on Windows 8, 350 MB, these sections have the attributes: System. Active and it is on these partitions that the boot store configuration files (BCD) and the system boot manager file (bootmgr file) are located. And it turns out that these attributes are carried by other sections. Because of this, Windows 7 and Windows 8 will not boot.

    Select the first hard drive 1, right-click on the first System Reserved partition and select “Mark as active”

    The System Reserved volume will be marked as active. Click OK.

    We do the same with Disk 2. Acronis Disk Director works in pending operation mode; for the changes to take effect, click the “Apply pending operations” button


    As you can see, after our changes, those sections that were needed became active.

    We exit the program and reboot. The result of the work is positive - both operating systems are loaded one by one.

    Every computer user knows very well how frustrating it is when a program does not work. And if Windows doesn't start...
    There can be a lot of reasons why Windows 7 won’t load, ranging from problems with installed software to hardware malfunction. Usually, if any of the computer parts are faulty, this can be heard during the initial testing of the computer components.

    Surely, when you booted your computer, you heard a short beep coming not from the speakers, but from the built-in speaker in the system unit. This signal means that all computer components are working properly. If there is no signal, or if the signal is long or there are several of them, this indicates a malfunction of one of the components. That's why Windows won't load for you. You can read about what exactly these or other signals mean when loading.
    But what to do if, judging by the signal, everything is fine with the “stuffing” of the computer, but the operating system still does not boot?

    With such problems, the main thing is not to panic, but to calmly analyze the operation of the system. Remember which programs were installed and which were uninstalled during the last session. Let's look at everything in order. Let's start with, perhaps, the most “scary” thing - Windows 7 won’t start.

    There are many reasons for this behavior of the operating system - from banal errors in application programs to hardware faults. And, of course, we should not forget that this system from Microsoft, although it is head and shoulders above all their previous creations, nevertheless, sometimes behaves unpredictably.
    If Windows 7 does not start, and after turning on the computer, a white message appears on a black background saying Disc Boot Failure, then it is quite possible that the reason lies in a dead battery that supports the settings.

    Immediately after turning on the computer, press the Del button until we get to the BIOS screen. We are looking for the line First Boot Device (main boot device).

    Solution: Check the boot queue (how to do this should be written in the instructions for your motherboard) and change it if necessary. If the system is on a hard drive, then the corresponding hard drive, etc. If the settings are lost without reason, it makes sense to replace the battery on the motherboard.

    However, more often a problem like “Windows 7 won’t start” lies in the loose contacts of the interface cable. Sometimes it is enough to move the system unit a little so that the hard drive is no longer visible.

    Solution: disconnect and reconnect the cable going to the boot device.

    If the download continues and a list of actions appears, then you need to try using the “Load last known good configuration” menu item. You can also choose as an alternative. It also wouldn’t hurt to scan your computer for viruses using one of the antivirus utilities in safe mode.

    If the system boots like this, then the cause of the problem is some program installed during the last session. Perhaps this is where the problem lies (especially if the operating system loaded normally before, but crashed immediately after installation).
    What to do in this case?
    Try to enter safe mode the next time you boot your computer. If you succeed, first check your startup and remove all unnecessary programs from there. If you recently installed a program or piece of hardware and think it might be the problem, try uninstalling the program in Safe Mode or disabling the hardware and uninstalling the associated driver.

    Sometimes Windows 7 boots to the system recovery screen. Moreover, there are no apparent reasons for this behavior. It is often solved by simply rebooting the computer, without any recovery.

    Problems with system performance may be caused by a faulty RAM or hard drive. To determine them, you can use special programs that work from a pre-prepared LiveCD.

    But, fortunately, such problems are less common than with applications. For example, users often ask why “Minecraft won’t start. Windows 7 works fine." Minecraft uses a virtual machine Java And OpenGL. Therefore, we install the latest version of Java and the latest video card drivers. It is also worth noting that there may be difficulties with launching from a Russian folder (the name must be in English).

    Similar messages like “Terraria won’t start” are also common. Windows 7 works like a charm." This game is the twin brother of the above Minecraft. The difference is that it does not use Java, but the .

    Solution: install this package (you can use a pack that includes versions from 2 to 4), install and Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and higher.
    When running on the new Windows 8, problems may arise, since the system requires independent connection of the Net Framework (via “installing programs - enabling Windows components”).

    As you can see, there are several reasons why Windows 7 does not load, so the ways to solve this problem may be different. In advanced cases, it may be necessary to reinstall the system, but usually it is possible to solve the problem in other ways.

    That's all. Thank you for reading the article. I hope it was useful to you.

    Friends, many of you have repeatedly had problems loading the operating system and asked the question how to restore Windows 7 boot and make the operating system boot normally. In this article, we will look at the most common ways to restore the Windows 7 bootloader, which help in most cases.

    1. Restore Windows 7 boot using the recovery tool

    Boot with your version of Windows 7. The main thing is that the system bit size matches (32-bit or 64-bit). Also, it is desirable that the release coincides (Home, Professional, Ultimate).

    Instead of installing, select System Restore.

    Go to the System Recovery Options window and select the Startup Repair tool.

    After this, the recovery program will search for errors in the boot sector and boot partition of Windows 7 and, if found, will try to fix them. After this, you will need to reboot the system and Windows 7 may boot normally.

    If you were unable to restore the boot using the Windows 7 recovery tool the first time, try repeating this process 1-2 more times. This often helps since a repair tool can't always fix multiple problems in one pass.

    2. Restore Windows 7 boot using the command line

    If you were unable to restore your Windows 7 boot using the automatic repair tool, then try using the command line. Boot into your version of Windows 7 and select System Restore instead of installing.

    Go to the System Recovery Options window and select the Command Prompt recovery tool.

    After this, a window with a black background will appear in which you will need to write several commands.

    Enter the following commands in turn:

    bootsect /nt60 ALL /force /mbr

    Switching the language is done using the key combination “Alt” + “Shift”. After entering each command (line), you need to press the “Enter” key.

    Then restart your computer.

    After this, in most cases, problems associated with the boot sector and bootloader of Windows 7 will disappear and the operating system will boot normally.

    If, after using the command line, Windows 7 still does not boot, then try again using the automatic boot repair tool, as we discussed above.

    3. Restore Windows 7 boot with system reinstallation

    If you were unable to restore the operating system boot using the methods described above, you will most likely have to delete the partitions.

    Before reinstalling Windows 7, copy all important files from your hard drive to or. This can be done using any bootable LiveCD. Please note that the external drive or flash drive must be connected to the PC before booting from the LiveCD, otherwise it may not be detected.

    If, due to boot errors, you cannot reinstall Windows 7, then remove all partitions from the disk using a third-party utility, for example, Acronis Disk Director boot disk. After that, try again by creating new partitions.

    If, when reinstalling Windows 7 at the stage of setting up the disk (creating partitions, selecting a partition for installation) or when restarting the computer during the installation process, you encounter the same boot errors, then launch the command line and run the commands that we discussed above.

  • Errors when using Disk Utilities
  • Incorrect activators
  • Installing Windows on an existing partition along with a bootloader
  • In order to prevent loading problems in the future, you need to determine what exactly led to the problem and not repeat these mistakes. If you are unable to restore Windows boot, or other errors occur with the installation and operation of the system, please visit the website http://esate.ru where you will find instructions for solving various problems with the operating system.

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    Very often, computer users encounter a problem when the Windows 7 operating system refuses to start. However, many of them do not understand why this can happen. In this case, it would not hurt to know the main and common reasons why this can happen, as well as the errors that occur with this problem and methods for eliminating them.

    Error Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press Enter

    This is the most common error that appears after starting the computer. As a rule, instead of starting the operating system, the Disk Boot Failure error is displayed. This may indicate that, according to the operating system, the disk from which they wanted to launch it is not the system one. This problem can occur for various reasons, among which are the most common.

    It often happens that a disc is inserted into the drive or a USB drive is connected to the PC, and the BIOS is configured so that it sets this media to boot by default. This leads to the operating system not starting. In this case, you should try to disconnect all third-party storage devices such as SD memory, flash drives, smartphones, etc. You also need to remove the disc from the drive and then try to start the computer again.
    Perhaps this time the operating system will start.

    In addition, the problem may occur when the boot order is set incorrectly in the BIOS. In this case, the instructions from the method above will not be able to help. Even if the computer starts up normally in the morning and then stops in the evening, you need to check this option, since the BIOS settings may be lost. This can be affected by a dead battery on the motherboard or power outages, as well as static discharges. When checking the settings, you need to verify that the hard drive is detected by the BIOS.

    In addition, if the operating system sees the hard drive, you can resort to system startup recovery tools. This will be discussed a little below. If the system cannot detect the hard drive, if possible, you can try disconnecting the hard drive and reconnecting it. In this case, you should pay attention to the connection of the hard drive to the motherboard.

    In addition, such an error may occur for other reasons, including problems with the hard drive itself, the presence of viruses in the system, and much more. Be that as it may, it is recommended to check all the methods described above. If nothing helps, then there is another solution to the problem, which is suitable for almost all cases when the “seven” does not want to start.

    Error BOOTMGR is missing

    This error can also appear when the operating system of the seventh version refuses to start. In this case, the message BOOTMGR is missing appears on a black screen. This error can appear for various reasons, including the activity of viruses, incorrect actions by the user himself, which led to a change in the boot record of the hard drive, or some mechanical problems in the hard drive. Options for solving this problem can be searched on the Internet.

    Error NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart

    This error manifests itself in almost the same way as the one described above. At the same time, the methods for eliminating it are slightly different from the previous one. To fix this problem, you can use special instructions that are easy to find on the Internet.
    Windows 7 boots but only displays a black screen and mouse cursor

    If, after starting the computer, the operating system desktop is not displayed on the screen and there is no “Start” menu, but only a black screen with a mouse cursor, then this problem can be solved quite simply. Very often, this problem occurs after removing the virus using antivirus utilities or yourself. As a rule, not all changes that the malware caused were corrected, which led to the appearance of a black screen. This error can be fixed quite simply, as can be found on various forums regarding this problem.

    Troubleshooting Windows 7 startup errors using integrated utilities

    In some cases, when the system refuses to start due to changes in the hardware configuration, incorrect shutdown of the PC, or some other errors, when the PC starts, the system recovery screen will be displayed, with which you can try to resume starting the operating system.

    However, if such a screen does not appear, then you can press F8 after the BIOS has loaded, but the operating system has not yet started loading. As a result, a menu will appear on the screen with the item “Troubleshooting PC”, which must be clicked.

    After this, a notification will pop up informing you that the download of operating system files has begun. Then you will be prompted to set the language, where you need to specify Russian. Next you need to log in to your account. To do this, it is better to use an administrator account. If a password has not been set, then it can be left blank.

    After these manipulations, the operating system recovery window will open, in which you can activate automatic search and elimination of problems that prevent the system from starting normally. To do this you need to click on a special link.

    After identifying all problems, the application will automatically eliminate all errors found that prevented Windows from starting. It happens that the utility does not find any problems.

    In this case, you can resort to using the OS recovery function. If the problem with starting the operating system appeared after updating drivers or something else, this action may help. In principle, it is clear how this procedure can quickly resolve the problem associated with updating operating system components.

    In general, these are almost all the main problems that can arise when the system refuses to start. If none of the above helps, then you should contact a specialized computer repair company.

    The causes and solutions to the problem of the inability to start the OS are determined by error messages or their absence. The main situations are listed below.

    Error disc boot failure Insert system disc and press Enter

    This least critical error and it is the easiest to solve. It is caused by the fact that the system does not detect the boot disk due to the boot device sequence settings in the BIOS. Enough for a start remove the CD from the drive and disconnect devices such as flash drives, card readers, disconnect external hard drives, and other USB drives. Restart your computer. If the system does not boot or you want to completely eliminate the reasons, you need to reboot again and enter the BIOS.

    You will need to fix the download queue. To do this, you do not need to know the computer or open its case. You must follow the instructions of the PC or motherboard manufacturer. Usually needed immediately press the Del key as soon as the computer turns on. A menu will open in which you need to set correct order.

    If after this the system does not want to start, then you need to use installation disk Windows. Put it in the drive and reboot. A window will appear with a choice of keyboards and languages. Click the cursor on the desired one. Proceed like this:

    If the OS does not see the hard drive at all, then you need to check its connection to the motherboard. This is appropriate if you do not have a warranty on your computer. Otherwise, the check is done in the workshop.

    Error Bootmgr is missing

    It is caused by an incorrect modification of the hard disk boot record. There can be many reasons. Her viruses damage or unthought-out user actions, the operation of different programs. But the most dangerous reason is physical damage to the media, as it can lead to the loss of important data.

    In this case you need check disk a special utility. It is most convenient to use Victoria or MHDD products. You need to do this:

    • Download image You can download the boot disk from the official website;
    • Write down it on CD;
    • Load up from CD;
    • Check disk.

    If bad sectors highlighted in red are detected, you should immediately copy important information to external media. Next, solve the problem with the device.

    If no damage is detected, proceed as described in the previous paragraph. You can also enter command line mode and run the commands bootrec.exe /fixmbr And bootrec.exe /fixroot by booting from the installation disk.

    Ntldr is missing

    The message appears after an incorrect shutdown of the PC due to viruses or changes in the boot sector. In this case it is necessary find ntldr files and file ntdetect.com. They can be taken from other computers in the \i386 folder or from Live cds.

    Then the following work is done:

    • Specified files copied to the root of the system disk;
    • Computer I'll downloadandseems from the installation disk;
    • When prompted to launch the recovery console with the R key, the user clicks on it;
    • By using cd c commands: a transition is made to the system partition of the hard drive;
    • The following commands are executed fixboot And fixmbr. The first will create the boot sector, and the second will copy the mentioned objects.
    • If the system partition is inactive, it is activated using programs for working with hard disk partitions, then you need to check the paths to the operating system specified in the boot.ini file.

    Loading stuck when black screen and mouse pointer appears

    This usually occurs as a result of a virus and its incorrect removal. For example, a ransomware virus.

    Then give the PC the following commands:

    • When stuck, press Win + R;
    • A window will pop up Execute;
    • Print regedit;

    The Registry Editor will appear. Look for lines HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Winlogon/ And HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/Current Version/Winlogon/.

    Having found the parameter in them shell, change its value to explorer.exe.

    It happens that boot problems appear when you change the PC configuration. Then the recovery screen will appear on its own or you need to press F8 and select troubleshooting.

    Windows 10 won't start

    The new OS may refuse to work such reasons;

    • Error when updating;
    • Black screen when loading;
    • Incorrect operation Internet connection devices;
    • Crashes when exiting hibernation mode;
    • Malware;
    • Flaw free disk space;
    • Errors in the operation of different programs or drivers.

    Rolling back updates

    If the update fails, you need to use the options restore previous state provided in this Microsoft product. When starting the device, press F8. The recovery menu will open.
    You need to click on Diagnostics, and then on Restore. Everything will recover on its own. If unsuccessful, use the restore point by clicking on Additional options. Then a suitable recovery point is selected.

    Black screen on boot

    The system will come back to life either after a normal reboot or after operations similar to those described in the previous paragraph. The reason for a failed download is usually malware. The most effective way to get rid of it is formatting and a complete reinstallation of the system. All important information should be copied. Or check as described below.

    Internet connection devices do not work properly and crashes when resuming from hibernation mode

    Users of the operating system have long noticed that if the boot fails, it’s worth trying disconnect from the network and turn off the power to Wi-Fi routers, network cards, modems or other devices. As a rule, this is due to malfunctions in the operating system. If you exit hibernation mode incorrectly, you just need to press the power button on the case and hold it for 3-4 seconds, and then turn on the PC again.

    Checking your computer for viruses

    To exclude infection of the device as the reason for the refusal to start, you need to carry out antivirus scan. To do this, download a Live CD with antivirus programs and check your computer. It's better that it contains several antiviruses. According to tests by independent laboratories, it is best to use Kaspersky Internet Security, a product from Bitdefender, and scan with several similar programs.

    Lack of free disk space

    Owners of devices with Windows 10 installed often either save money by installing a low-capacity hard drive, or fill it with downloaded movies, unnecessary games, large files and do not monitor the availability of free space. Therefore, the OS may not start, since it is simply not enough space for work. You can clean it using the software installed on boot disks, or you can simply delete what you don’t need by viewing the contents using a file manager.

    Errors when running programs or drivers

    To remove the problematic driver you need to log in to safe mode. If it works, then most likely the problem is in the driver of some component or equipment or in the functioning of some program. You can either delete them or edit startup.