• What to do if you forgot your computer login password. How to hack and reset Windows login password. We use Offline NT Password and Registry editor. How to recover or reset a Windows user password. Instructions and all methods

    From time to time, situations occur when a computer becomes inaccessible to its owner due to too serious security measures. Now we will discuss what to do if a person has forgotten the Windows 7 password. There are several options to solve this problem; we will consider them sequentially.

    Forgot your Windows 7 password: what's the solution?

    Let's start with the good news. The password can be reset and changed without reinstalling the operating system. Now we will look at several methods to reset your password. In some cases, you need to use a special program that runs from a special bootable CD or USB drive. Such software solutions typically support all server and desktop x64 and x86-bit versions of Windows. You can also achieve the desired result using the Windows 7 or Vista installation disk. We can say that this option is easier to implement.

    Windows 7: forgot password - download the program

    First, download a special program onto your computer that will help you reset your password and make changes to the Windows registry, offline, without loading the operating system itself.

    Creating a boot disk with a recovery program

    The process is simple. Unpack the desired archive containing the program and get an ISO image. Insert a blank CD into the drive and burn the image to disk. To do this, in a program that saves data on media, select “Burn disc from this image” (the name of the function may change depending on the selected program). As a result, on the disc you burn, you will see several files that contain the “.iso” format. Follow all program instructions that appear on the screen while recording.

    Creating bootable flash media

    This option is a little more complicated. First, unzip the archive and add its contents to the root partition of the flash drive. There will be no problems if other folders and files are already located there. Now you need to turn the media into bootable media. Open the command line, enter a special command via “syslinux.exe”, you will also need to specify the letter of the partition with your flash drive. Press "Enter". If no messages about various errors appear, then everything completed successfully.


    Let's move on to the next stage. Now, to recover your Windows 7 password, you need to boot your computer using the created USB or CD media. Press the “F8” key after loading the “POST BIOS”, a window will appear prompting you to select boot media. In some cases, this step may look different, since it directly depends on the model and manufacturer of the motherboard. Next, in the downloaded program, select the partition with the deployed Windows platform (system), and also specify the path to the required system folder. After this, follow the further instructions of the running program. Most often, you just need to press the Enter key to perform the default actions. Enter the path pointing to the system registry. Enter the username you selected to reset your password. After this, an exclamation mark will appear. Next, press the Y key. To be able to make changes, you must properly shut down Windows. When the password is reset, you will lose access to encrypted data if you created any. Remember that the only way to recover them is to remember your password. We do not recommend changing your password using such programs, as sometimes it may not work. However, erasing your password can always help.

    Recovery using the official installation disk

    If a user has forgotten his Windows 7 password, an installation disk with the operating system can help him. This method only works in Windows 7 and Vista. The solution works just fine. First of all, boot your computer from the operating system installation disk inserted into the drive. Once the files are copied, you will be prompted to set your language preferences. Leave everything as is, click the “Next” button. In the window that appears, instead of the “Install” option, click in the lower left corner the item called “System Restore”, so “Windows” will proceed to search for installed operating systems in order to restore them. You may encounter a message indicating that problems have been detected in the current boot options. You can ignore it by clicking the “No” button. Going to a new window, select your system, click “Next”. A window will open with a list of various settings and system components to restore. You could say they don't really matter. Go to the very bottom and click on “Command Prompt”. Next on the line, enter the command facing “sethc.exe”. Press the Enter key. Replace the required utility. Press "Enter" again. Close your command prompt window and click the Restart button in the available menu. After this, perform a standard boot from your hard drive. After the login window appears asking you to select a password and user, press the “Shift” key 5 times. This should bring up the command prompt. In it, enter a special command indicating the user and new password and press “Enter”. Close the Command Prompt and click Restart. That's it, the password has been changed. Put the files back where they belong. After this, you can enjoy receiving a new password. Then follow the instructions. So we looked at what to do if the user forgot the Windows 7 password. We hope our tips were useful to you. There are other methods, but we will not consider them, since they are more complex.

    Hello, dear blog readers. This article will talk in detail about how to reset the administrator password in the Windows 7 operating system or create a new account, without any utilities specifically designed for this. This method is very effective when for some reason you have lost or forgotten the password for an account, and this is the only account.

    In fact, resetting the administrator password in the Windows 7 operating system is not such a difficult procedure if you know all the intricacies.

    So, let's start with the first stage. For this we will need run a command prompt before the Windows account login screen. But first things first.

    Action #1 : You need to load a disk with the Windows 7 distribution. If for some reason you don’t have this disk, it doesn’t matter, you can start the entire procedure from the recovery disk. It is also possible that you will have neither the first nor the second. But again there is a way out, you need a LiveCD with Windows PE, or if you have another operating system Windows on another local hard drive.

    Action #2: A window has popped up in front of you, the so-called window for selecting language options, you need to click the “next” button, then click the “system restore” button, again click “next”, then, as shown in the picture below, click the “system restore” button.

    Rice 1. System recovery options

    Action #3: We write the command on the command line regedit and press Enter. A Registry Editor window will open in front of you.

    Action #4: In the Registry Editor window, click on the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE(see picture). After this, from the “File” menu, you need to select the “Load hive” item.

    Fig 2. Registry editor

    Action #5: You need to go to the drive where Windows 7 is installed. By the way, if you don’t see the usual letter C there, don’t despair, this happens quite often, most likely the letter changed during this procedure. You need to open the file at:

    WITH(or another name for the hard drive partition) :WindowsSystem32configSYSTEM.
    We see all this in the picture below:

    Fig 3. Load the bush

    It also happens that in many cases the disk with the operating system is not visible, if you have this situation, then you need to load the driver in step No. 2, this will solve this problem.

    Action #7: You need to go to the section.


    After this, you need to click on the following options:

    - CmdLine, you need to enter cmd.exe and click on OK, as shown in the picture below.

    - SetupType, you need to replace the number 0 with 2, also click on OK, as shown in the picture below:

    Fig 5. Registry editor.

    Action #8: You need to select a section 888 V HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then from the “File” menu, click on the “Unload hive” item.

    Action #9: You need to remove the installation disk, close the address bar and registry, and click the restart button in the recovery options window.

    Now we have reached stage No. 2, we will denote it as “ Reset account password or create a new user, login to account”.

    After clicking the restart button, you must wait for the Windows 7 operating system login window to appear. Immediately before logging in, a command prompt window will automatically pop up.

    This is actually how to reset your account password.

    To reset the password, you need to enter the following command, after entering it, press Enter.

    net user username newpassword.

    If the password you created contains spaces, you must enter them in quotes.

    In the picture below, we see how user Adm7 sets the password tL942G8dWp.

    Fig 6. Command line.

    If suddenly, for some reason, you forgot the name of your new account, enter the net user command. All previously created accounts will appear in front of you.

    This happens: when you try to log in to Windows 10, a notification appears that the password is incorrect, and the system does not allow the user to access the desktop. Let's look at how to reset the password on Windows 10 without reinstalling the operating system. You should first make sure that:

    • the Caps Lock key is activated or, conversely, inactive (check the button indicator on the keyboard);
    • Switch the keyboard layout to the correct one and make sure that it does not automatically switch to the default input language installed on the system.

    If you are convinced that you are entering the correct characters, but nothing helps, proceed to resetting the password.

    The method is only relevant for users who work on a computer using a Microsoft account. If such an account does not exist or the password is not suitable for a local user, proceed to the next section.

    1. To reset your password, follow this link: https://account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx in any browser.

    We choose a more suitable option (it’s best to stop at the first one, so you can quickly begin the procedure of replacing the sequence of characters to protect your account).

    The next step is to enter the phone or email associated with your account.

    Resetting the password using bootable media with Windows 10 distribution

    This option is provided for local account holders. We will use the official installation image recorded on a flash drive (although the LiveCD option with the appropriate set of options is also not bad).

    1. If you have a disk/flash drive, connect the media and reboot, otherwise we are looking for an opportunity to create a bootable drive with the Windows 10 distribution itself.

    2. Start the system from the installation disk via the BIOS Boot Menu.

    3. Specify the language and accept the terms of use of the software.

    4. In the window with the “Install” icon, press the “Shift + F10” keys to open the command line window.

    It happens that the last operation does not lead to anything, if this happens, click “System Restore”.

    1. Click “Next”, then again click on the “System Restore” icon.
    2. Select the item responsible for detecting and eliminating faults.
    3. Click "Advanced options".
    4. In the menu, select the “Command Line” launch option.

    5. Find out the letter identifier of the volume with the operating system.

    Usually, this is the letter C\, but due to the presence of several hundred megabyte partitions on the disk, the label in this launch mode may appear differently.

    We launch the disk utility diskpart by executing the command of the same name.

    We execute “list volume” to visualize information about the partitions.

    Based on the volume and name of the partition, we draw a conclusion about the letter label of the system volume.

    Exit the diskpart program by executing “exit”.

    6. Execute the command “ move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe» to rename a service file that provides accessibility features on the lock screen.

    7. Then enter the line “ copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe"replace the utility with the command line.

    8. Execute “shutdown /r” or close all windows to restart the PC.

    9. On the lock screen, launch the “Accessibility” utility to open the command line (this was done in steps 6-7).

    10. Enter “net user Administrator / active: yes” into the command line to obtain administrator privileges in the system.

    Activation of an account with unlimited rights in the operating system is necessary to call the Computer Management utility and work with the registry using it

    11. After successful completion of operations, the “Administrator” icon will appear in the lower left corner. Click on this icon to log in to the system with the appropriate privileges, which does not require entering a password.

    The first login from your newly activated account may take a little longer than usual, so be patient.

    12. Using the context menu or the Win+X key combination, call up the menu of the same name and select the “Computer Management” item.

    This will launch a Windows 10 snap-in designed to perform actions on the system that require special privileges (they have been obtained).

    13. Expand the first branch of the vertical menu on the left.

    14. Open “Users” in the “Local Users” directory.

    15. Using the context menu of your account, call the command to specify a password.

    16. Take note of the contents of the next information window and click “Continue”.

    17. Enter a new combination of characters to protect your local account and confirm it.

    This concludes the instructions on the topic: How to reset the administrator password, but it is strongly recommended to restore the system to its original form.

    18. Disable the administrator account by executing “net user Administrator /active:no” on the command line (launched via Win→X).

    19. We return the launch of the “Special Features” utility.

    Open the system32 directory in the Windows folder and erase the utilman.exe file, then delete the two with the name utilman2.exe. If it was not possible to perform actions through Explorer (the operating system denied access), the same can be done through the command line. We launch it and execute the following commands in the same sequence:

    del C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe

    move C:\Windows\System32\utilman2.exe C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe

    If unsuccessful, you must start again in recovery mode (steps 1-4).

    Now you can work, and if necessary, quickly recover your lost password or gain access to another computer (only the password will have to be deleted or changed).

    The same thing, but through the registry

    1. Launch from the installation drive.

    2. Call the Windows Recovery Environment using the combination “Shift” + F10.”

    3. Run “regedit”.

    4. Go to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” branch.

    5. Call the “Load hive” command via the context menu or the “File” item.

    6. Open a document called System, located along the path System32\config in the folder with the operating system.

    7. Enter the Latin name of the bush and press “Enter”.

    8. Go to the new HKLM branch and select Setup.

    9. In the right frame, replace the key value from “CmdLine” with the string parameter “cmd.exe”.

    10. Double-click on “SetupType” and enter its value as “2”.

    11. Reboot.

    12. After loading the lock screen, a familiar command line window will appear, where you need to execute a command like: “net user user password”, where instead of “user” we enter the account name, and separated by a space – the new password.

    13. Execute “exit” and reboot the computer.

    The advantage of the method is that all parameters are restored automatically the next time the operating system is booted.

    I forgot my password on Windows 7, how to reset the administrator password - in this article you will learn the most effective ways to solve this problem.

    How to disable password in Windows 7
    To remove the password on Windows 7, you must first gain access to the settings, therefore, you need to know the password for your account.
    There are two simple ways:

    • 1 - Disable password via command line
    • - first you need to press the Win + R keys. The “Run” window will appear, where in an empty line you need to enter “userpasswords2” or “netplwiz” (both cases will give the same result) and click “OK”. The “User Accounts” window will appear where you should uncheck the “Require username and password” box and click “OK” when finished. The system will request confirmation of the right to work with personal data and will require you to enter your username and password in the “Automatic login” window. After clicking the "OK" button, the password prompt at startup will be disabled.
    • 2 - Removing the password directly using User Account Management
    • - for this method it is necessary to perform the same series of manipulations as for the previous one, but you must go to User Accounts through Start - Control Panel - User Accounts. Repeating the same algorithm of actions at the end, you must click “OK”, which in turn will approve the changes.

    Forgot your Windows 7 password, how to remove the password

    To get started, we recommend watching this video

    If for some reason the password does not work or is simply forgotten, you must follow the instructions below:

    • 1 - Reset using a flash drive or OS disk
    • - First of all, you should insert a flash drive or disk with the operating system into the computer. In the open window, you need to select a language, then click on “System Restore”. In the “System Recovery Options” window, select “Command Prompt”, enter: “copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\” and press the “Enter” key. Now you need to change setch.exe in the “System 32” folder to: “copy c:\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe”.
    • 2 - After restarting the computer, you must press the “Shift” key 5 times to open the administrator command prompt. You must enter: “net user Your_login New_password”. Now you can go to User Accounts and remove the password!
    • 3 - Removing the password through your personal account
    • - you need to go from any device with Internet access to the official Windows website. On the site you need to select “Forgot your password” and follow the procedure for filling out the required data to restore access (phone number, email, etc.).
    Methods for resetting a password when logging into Windows 7 are also suitable for XP.

    Windows 7 is the most established operating system that has ever existed. For about 10 years, users have been willing to install this version on their PC and have great confidence in the developer. The reason for this is nothing more than ease and safety of use.
    Despite its long journey, Seven still releases official updates that adapt avid users to modern conditions. This prolongs its life and allows it to function effectively today. Of course, after a considerable time, many spyware and virus programs were invented for Windows 7, but such a simple and reliable way to protect data as a password and security software are still relevant today.
    Why do you need a password?
    There are two types of passwords in Seven:

    • From accounts;
    • For files and folders (supported with additional software).
    Both types are designed to restrict access to personal settings and data. The main area of ​​application of such protection is official, office and program activities.
    Despite the huge increase in popularity of network storage (Cloud), many users save important data and documents on the built-in memory of the device. This is convenient and allows you to access files at any time without an Internet connection.
    Therefore, a strong password is secret information that can provide effective protection against hacking and other malicious manipulations.
    Password in Windows 7
    Like other versions of Windows, Seven uses passwords to access your account. The password database is located in Microsoft's secure password registry. To create a secret code, all the same options and symbols are available as in older and newer versions of Windows.
    A person who does not rightfully have access to the domain will not be able to access files and folders without entering a password. Although sometimes this plays against the user, for example, as in the case of losing a password or when there is simply no way to enter the correct data, the system performs its duty as expected. To eliminate such incidents, Windows 7 provides its users with the ability to recover and reset passwords.

    Today we will consider a situation that many computer users have already encountered and/or may still encounter. Namely, what to do if you forgot the password to turn on your computer. This can happen to anyone. You can also forget or lose a note with a password in no time. Especially when this password often has to be changed, as some users do (for example, mothers trying to limit the time their children spend on the computer).

    So, today we’ll look at one of the ways to effectively solve this problem. Of course there are many methods resetting or recovering (or hacking) a forgotten Windows login password or user unlock. Gradually I will add descriptions and others.

    This method is distinguished by its versatility. That is, This method of resetting a forgotten computer password is suitable for various Windows operating systems : 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, etc.

    Let's use the utility.

    Accordingly, in the first case, we write the image file to disk (read how to burn an iso image to disk), in the second, we create a bootable flash drive (in this case, we simply copy all the files in their archive to a blank flash drive). Choose which option is more convenient for you.

    After this is done, we insert our disk or flash drive into the computer (we need to boot from one of these media) and turn it on. If your operating system still starts and asks you to enter a forgotten password, then you will have to do a little more magic to launch the utility from the disk/flash drive. Read how to boot from external media.

    If such a picture appears on the screen, it means that everything was done correctly, and you were able to load Offline NT Password and Registry editor from the disk/flash drive.

    Click Enter and wait. Now the program prompts us to select the partition on which the operating system is installed (in other words, where we will reset the password). The disk is selected by entering the desired number. The screen tells us how many partitions the program currently sees and what their sizes are. Actually, this is the only information available to us here about the sections, so we can only rely on it. But don't worry, if you select the wrong partition by mistake, the utility will simply not be able to erase the password, and you will return to this menu, where you can enter a different partition number and try again.

    In my case, two partitions are displayed: 1 - 10.7 GB, 2 - 5490 MB. If you remember how big yours was Local drive C , then choose a partition with a similar size. I select section 1. I enter a number from the keyboard 1 and press Enter .

    Next you need to specify the directory where the file is located SAM(storing the registry branch). The program itself offers us a default directory ( Windows/System32/config ), where this file is usually located. We agree, click Enter .

    Next, we are asked to choose what action we want to perform. Enter the number 1 , which corresponds to password reset (Password reset), and press Enter .

    The next step is to also choose the desired action. Enter the number 1 - change accounts and passwords (Edit user data and passwords ). Click Enter .

    A sign appears in front of us, which lists everything usernames (Username) and them identifiers (RID) . The program prompts you to enter a username from the list for which you want to reset the password. The program immediately offered me Admin- It is on this account that I want to erase the password. So I just click Enter .

    Retreat. You, of course, can enter a different username, but it’s probably better to unlock the administrator account, and only then change the passwords for everyone who needs it.

    If your username is written in Russian, then it is normal that it will not be reflected due to the Cyrillic alphabet. In this case, instead of the username, indicate it RID in the following form: 0xRID. That is, in my case: 0x01f4. Click Enter .

    Now the program offers us the following options for action for the selected account: 1 - clear the password, 2 - change the password, 3 - make the user an administrator, 4 - unlock the account, q - exit and return to selecting the account. Enter 1 and press Enter .

    Password removed! The job is done, all that remains is to exit the application. Enter exclamation mark and click Enter .

    Enter q and click Enter .

    We confirm the changes have been made. Enter y and press Enter .

    We refuse to continue working in Offline NT Password and Registry editor and enter n , then click Enter .

    We remove the disk from the wire or the flash drive from the usb socket, restart the computer and enjoy the result. Windows login password has been reset!

    Naturally, the article is intended to help those who really forgot my password and would have had no other choice but to reinstall the system. Under no circumstances does the information provided cannot be used for any harmful purposes.