• What does ctrl v mean? The most useful Windows keyboard shortcuts (hot keys). Setting line spacing

    Hi all. Dmitry Kostin is with you, and no matter how strange it may sound, today I will tell you what the ctrl key does on the keyboard, and also show you the most useful key combinations where this button is involved. Let's go!

    What is the ctrl key for?

    Ctrl(control) is a special system key that was originally intended for entering controlled characters. You don’t even have to worry about what it is, since today we no longer use it as originally intended.

    Now Ctrl is used only in conjunction with other keys to give the system various commands. And we will look at these same commands today.

    This key is a mandatory attribute on keyboards, unless, of course, you have a regular computer or laptop. But if you use Apple computers or MacBooks, then you will never find Ctrl there. The fact is that on Apple products these same functions are performed by the command button.

    Keyboard shortcuts

    Well, now let's look at the keys that work in combination with CTRL. And let's see what beneficial effect they give. In fact, there are many hotkeys, and they work not only in dialog boxes, but also in documents and the browser.

    C Copy an object or text
    X Cutting an object or text
    V Inserting an object or text
    Mouse wheel up and down Enlarge/reduce desktop icons
    ESC Open START menu
    Alt+Delete Calling Windows Task Manager
    A Select all content (For example, all files in a folder, or all text in a document)
    N Create a new document/open a new browser tab
    S Saving a document
    O Opening a document
    P Print a document (Word, PDF and others)
    F Find part of the text of a document or file in Explorer
    Z Undo last action
    Mouse click Select multiple objects in any order
    Drag an object Copy (for example a file)
    F4 Closing the active document (useful when working in multiple windows)
    Up/Down Arrow Move through paragraphs in a document
    Tab Move forward through browser tabs
    Shift+Tab Move back through browser tabs

    By the way, if you remember, in one of the articles I talked about... So, if you want to do this for shortcuts on the desktop, then the ctrl button together with the alt must be involved in this process.

    As you can see, ctrl is in no way inferior in usefulness, which we discussed earlier. I'll even tell you more. This is not even a complete list of combinations. I just chose the most necessary ones. But they will just let you understand the purpose of the control key.

    Well, this is where I will end my article. I hope that it was useful to you and that you learned something new from it. And I say goodbye to you for today. Come tomorrow! I'll be looking forward to seeing you.

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

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    To make working on a computer easier and faster, hot keys were invented long ago. And if you don’t yet know all the useful combinations, then here is an excellent cheat sheet that the editors also enjoy using website.

    Windows operating system

    1. Ctrl+C- copy. To see the contents of the clipboard in MS Office, press Ctrl+C twice.
    2. Ctrl+N- create a new document.
    3. Ctrl+O- open.
    4. Ctrl+S- save.
    5. Ctrl+V- insert.
    6. Ctrl+W- close the window.
    7. Ctrl+X- cut.
    8. Ctrl+Y- repeat the canceled action.
    9. Ctrl+Z- undo the last change.
    10. Ctrl+Home- move to the beginning of the document.
    11. Ctrl+End- move to the end.
    12. Windows+E- launch Windows Explorer.
    13. Windows+D- minimize all windows by going to the desktop, or restore windows.
    14. Windows+U- turns off the computer.
    15. Alt+Tab- allows you to switch between open windows. Hold Alt, press Tab several times, select the desired window image and release the keys. You can also use the Windows+Tab shortcut. In this case, several presses of Tab will also allow you to select the desired window, after which you must press Enter.
    16. Alt+Tab+Shift And Windows+Tab+Shift scroll windows in the opposite direction. Alt - call the system menu of the open window. You can work in it using arrows or Alt+letter. After pressing Alt, underlined or highlighted letters appear, clicking which opens the corresponding menu section.
    17. Shift+F10- open the context menu of the current object and select a section using the Up/Down arrows. This combination replaces right-clicking. In addition, in the Windows operating system it is possible to set individual key combinations for quickly launching programs. On the desktop, right-click on the shortcut of the desired program and select the “Properties” section. In the dialog box, find the “Shortcut” tab. In the "Shortcut" field, enter the desired key. Ctrl+Alt will appear automatically in front of the selected key. Then click Ok. To call the desired program you will need to use Ctrl+Alt+the specified key.
    18. Ctrl+Shift+Esc- call the task manager.

    MS Word

    1. Ctrl+Space- remove formatting from the selected area. Changes the formatting of the text you enter next.
    2. Ctrl+0- change the spacing between paragraphs.
    3. Ctrl+1- sets single spacing between lines.
    4. Ctrl+2- sets double spacing between lines.
    5. Ctrl+5- sets one and a half spacing between lines.
    6. Alt+Shift+D- displays the current date.
    7. Alt+Shift+T- displays the current time.

    MS Excel

    1. F2- opens the cell and allows editing.
    2. Ctrl+space- select a column.
    3. Ctrl+Enter- fill the selected cells with the same data.
    4. Shift+Space- select a row.
    5. Ctrl+Home- move to the beginning of the document, cell A1 becomes active.
    6. Ctrl+Page Up- go to the next sheet of the book.
    7. Ctrl+Page Down- go to the previous page of the book.
    8. Ctrl+1- open the cell format window.
    9. Ctrl+Shift+4 (Ctrl+$)- apply a currency format with two decimal places.
    10. Ctrl+Shift+5 (Ctrl+%)- apply percentage format.
    11. Ctrl+: (Ctrl+colon)- display the current time.
    12. Ctrl+; (Ctrl+semicolon)- display the current date.
    13. Ctrl+" (Ctrl+double quote)- copy the top cell to the current one.

    Google Chrome

    1. F6, Ctrl+L or A lt+D - moves to an area accessible for keyboard input and selects its contents, for example, in the address bar.
    2. F11- opens the current page in full screen mode; to exit this mode you need to press F11 again.
    3. Alt+Home- opens the home page in the current tab.
    4. Backspace or Alt+left arrow- return to the previous page in history.
    5. Shift+Backspace or Alt+right arrow- move to the next page in the story.
    6. Ctrl+Shift+Delete- brings up the “Clear History” dialog box.
    7. Ctrl+Enter- adds www. before what is entered in the address bar and .com after (that is, what you typed google becomes www.google.com).
    8. Ctrl+Shift+N- opens a new window in incognito mode.
    9. Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Page Down- go to the next tab.
    10. Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Page Up- go to the previous tab.
    11. Ctrl+Shift+T- reopens the last closed tab.
    12. Ctrl+Shift+J- opens the developer tool, where you can view the source code of the page.
    13. Shift+Alt+T- switch to browser tools; arrows - move between tools, Enter - select a tool.
    14. Shift+Esc- opens “Task Manager”.
    15. Ctrl++ (plus)
    16. Ctrl+- (minus)
    17. Ctrl+0- returns the standard (100%) page scale.
    18. Ctrl+1-Ctrl+8- go to the tab with the corresponding serial number.
    19. Ctrl+9- go to the last tab; search in the default search engine.
    20. Ctrl+D
    21. Ctrl+F or Ctrl+G
    22. Ctrl+H- opens a page of history.
    23. Ctrl+J- opens the downloads page.
    24. Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E- moves to the address bar.
    25. Ctrl+N- opens a new window.
    26. Ctrl+O- calls the file open window.
    27. Ctrl+P- starts printing the current page.
    28. Ctrl+R or F5- refreshes the current page.
    29. Ctrl+S- saves the current page.
    30. Ctrl+T- opens a new tab.
    31. Ctrl+U- opens a page with its source code. It is worth noting that typing in the address bar "view-source:page address" also opens the source code of the page.
    32. Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4- closes a pop-up window or current tab. In addition, when following links in Google Chrome, you can forget about the right mouse button using the following great combinations: Ctrl+clicking on a link (or clicking on a link with the middle mouse button or scroll wheel) - opens the link in a new tab, while leaving the old one current; Ctrl+Shift+clicking on a link (or Shift+clicking on a link with the middle mouse button or scroll wheel) - opens the link in a new tab and switches to it; Shift+click on a link - opens the link in a new window.

    Mozilla Firefox

    1. F5- refreshes the page.
    2. Space- scrolls the page down.
    3. Shift+Space-scrolls the page up.
    4. Alt-Home- opens the home page.
    5. Ctrl+Shift+T- reopens the last closed tab; / - opens a search window as you enter text.
    6. Ctrl++ (plus)- zooms in on the page.
    7. Ctrl± (minus)- reduces the page scale.
    8. Ctrl+D- saves the current page as a bookmark.
    9. Ctrl+F- calls up a text search window.
    10. Ctrl+K- go to the search bar.
    11. Ctrl+L- Go to the address bar.
    12. Ctrl+T- opens a new tab.
    13. Ctrl-W- closes the tab; as an addition, use bookmarks with keywords. In order to remember a site you like or frequently visit, create a bookmark. After saving it, right-click on this bookmark and open its properties. Specify the “short name” (aka keyword), save. As a result, you can directly enter this word in the address bar, which will open the desired page.
    1. Tab+Enter- sends a letter; / - moves to the search window.
    2. A- write a response to everyone.
    3. C- create a new letter.
    4. F- forward the letter.
    5. K- opens the previous email chain or moves the cursor to the previous contact.
    6. J- opens the next email chain or moves the cursor to the next contact.
    7. M- hides a chain of letters, subsequent correspondence does not go into the inbox.
    8. N- opens the next letter in the chain of letters.
    9. P- opens the previous letter in the chain.
    10. R- write a response to the letter.
    11. X- selects a chain of letters, after which you can delete it, hide it, or apply another action from the drop-down list.
    12. G+C- opens the contact list.
    13. G+I- opens the inbox folder.
    14. G+S- goes to the list of marked messages.
    15. Y+O- saves the current email chain and opens the next email; #+O (or ]) - deletes a chain of letters and opens the next letter.
    16. Ctrl+S- saves the letter as a draft.

    Mac Operating System

    1. Option+Cmd+D- displays or hides the panel.
    2. Dock Cmd+Option+H- hides all programs except the one you are working in.
    3. Cmd+W- closes the active open window.
    4. Option+Cmd+W- closes all windows.
    5. Option+Cmd+Right Arrow- Expands a directory and/or subdirectory in a list in the Finder.
    6. Cmd+[- goes to the previous folder.
    7. Cmd+]- moves to the next folder.
    8. Cmd+Shift+3- copies the screen to the clipboard.
    9. Cmd+Shift+4- copies only part of the screen to the clipboard.
    10. Shift+Option+Cmd+Q- instant exit.
    11. Shift+Cmd+Q- comes out in 2 minutes.
    12. Shift+Cmd+Delete- clears the trash can.
    13. Cmd+T- opens a new window in Safari.
    14. Cmd+K- opens a connection to the server.
    15. Shift+Cmd+?- calls up the help window.
    16. WITH- loads DVD, CD, USB drive.
    17. Cmd+Option+I- opening the “Inspector” window.
    18. Cmd+Option+Esc- selects a program to forcefully terminate.
    19. Cmd+Option+Power button- puts the computer into sleep mode.
    20. Cmd+Сtrl+power button- forced reboot of the computer.
    21. Cmd+Option+Ctrl+power button- closing all programs and turning off the computer.

    Ctrl or Control key is a special key on a computer keyboard. It is usually not used alone, but in combination with other keys.

    Location of the Ctrl key on the keyboard

    Keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl in Windows

    Ctrl Keyboard Shortcuts and other keys - the most frequently used in the Windows operating system. These include working with the clipboard and canceling an operation. The Control key is conveniently located on the keyboard and this makes it quite convenient for performing various utility functions in programs and operating systems. Most of these combinations are used not only in Windows, but also in other operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS. Most of the so-called hotkeys are implemented specifically with the Ctrl key.

    Ctrl + C shortcut

    This key combination is used to copy a selected object or text to the Windows clipboard. In console applications, this combination is used to force the program to terminate (analogous to Ctrl + Break). In Linux and BSD console applications, this key combination is used to exit the program.

    Ctrl + X shortcut

    The common function of this keyboard shortcut is to cut an object or text to the clipboard. When editing text, this will remove the text from the source and place it on the clipboard. When working with files, this key combination will not delete the object until it is pasted somewhere else. If you cut a file and then copy another object to the clipboard, the original file will remain in place.

    Ctrl + V shortcut

    When you press the Ctrl + V key combination, an object or text from the clipboard is pasted. In the case of a file, if it was previously cut, this file will be deleted from the destination folder.

    Ctrl + B combination

    When editing text, this keyboard shortcut is used to make the selected text bold.

    Ctrl + N combination

    Typically, pressing Ctrl and N at the same time creates a new object.

    Ctrl + Z combination

    One of the most useful key combinations is canceling an operation. People make mistakes and Control + Z allows you to undo recent operations. Unfortunately, this only works when editing a document and does not work for the file system. Although there is a Recycle Bin for the file system.

    Ctrl + D combination

    This combination is used in browsers to bookmark a page.

    Ctrl + Esc combination

    Combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc

    This is one of the system key combinations. Used to open Windows Task Manager.

    Ctrl + Insert combination

    Using this key combination is similar to combinations Ctrl + C.

    Old Soviet computers had an analogue of the Ctrl key. It was called UPR. It was used to perform the same functions as the Ctrl key.

    Ctrl key on Macs

    On Apple computers, the Ctrl key functions as the Command key. It is used for approximately the same thing.

    Key code

    When you click on left Ctrl key scancode 14 is sent, and when F0 is released 14. When you press right Ctrl key scancode E0 14 is sent, and when F0 is released, E0 14 is sent.

    In this article I will tell you why the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V key combinations do not work for you and how to fix this problem. The Windows operating system widely uses keyboard shortcuts to help you perform certain operations faster. One of these operations is copying and pasting text and files. Most often they are performed using combinations Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. A similar command is the “Cut” command, which combines copying and deleting and is performed with the Ctrl+X combination.

    Sometimes these combinations are disabled. The reason why Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V stopped working is most often due to infection of the PC with virus programs that intercept keystrokes, physical damage to the keyboard, and user errors. How can I fix this problem?

    Most often, copying and pasting using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V stops working in text editors - MicrosoftWord, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, etc. This happens for two main reasons:

    • the corresponding settings are disabled in the keyboard shortcut parameters within the program;
    • These combinations are assigned to macros.

    At the same time, alternative combinations remain workable (Ctrl+Ins for copying, Shift+Ins for pasting and Shift+Del for cutting).

    Personalized keyboard shortcut settings are available in all versions of Word and open in approximately the same way. If you are using Microsoft Office 2013, you can check them as follows:

    1. Open program options through the “File” menu.
    2. Go to the “Customize Ribbon” section.
    3. Click the “Customize” button next to the words “Keyboard shortcuts”.
    4. In the window that appears, select “All commands” from the list on the left.
    5. In the list on the right, find the Edit Copy and Edit Paste commands. It’s easier to do this by clicking on the list and quickly typing part of the word “Edit” on the keyboard.

    If Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are not in the Current Keyboard Shortcuts window, you can assign them yourself. To do this, click on the “New combination” line, press the necessary buttons and click on the “Assign” button. The settings are then saved.

    Important! After making changes, you should check your PC for viruses so that the problem does not occur again.

    Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V combinations do not work due to macros

    Macros- these are microprograms that allow you to execute a number of commands at once by pressing one or two buttons. Their settings are located on the “View” tab of the main Word menu. Depending on what is found in the settings, you can fix Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V in two ways:

    • remove malicious macros;
    • create your own macros.

    If any macros already exist, you need to check their functionality with the “Run” button. You should also click “Change” and see which keys are used. If it is Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V - remove macros. To prevent the problem from occurring again, you should disable running macros in the Trust Center settings in Word Options.

    Creating copy and paste macros is very simple:

    1. In the “Macros” menu of the “View” section, click “Record Macro”.
    2. Select “Assign macros to keys” and set the combination.
    3. Click “Assign” - the recording will begin. You should copy by any available method - for example, select the text (be sure to use the mouse so that the selection process is not recorded) and copy using the Ctrl+Ins combination.
    4. Stop recording.
    5. In the same way we create a macro for insertion.

    After this, the combinations will work. This will not fix the cause of the problem, but you will now be able to copy and paste.

    What to do if the combinations do not work in all programs?

    If Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V do not function not only in a text editor, but in all programs at once, or do not do what they should (for example, open any files), then virus software or a user program has reassigned these combinations for your needs. There are several ways to fix this:

    • check all recently installed programs - perhaps their settings use these keyboard shortcuts;
    • check your PC for viruses;
    • uninstall the latest system updates through “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”;
    • roll back the system to an earlier restore point - for this, point creation must be enabled.

    If the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V combinations do not work in a particular program, you should reinstall it. When combinations are disabled in the browser, extensions, especially antiviruses and firewalls, can also be to blame.

    If nothing helps, all that remains is to check the keyboard physically - whether the Ctrl key works at all, whether other buttons are stuck.

    Good day.

    Have you ever wondered why different users spend different amounts of time on the same operations in Windows? And the point here is not the speed of using the mouse - it’s just that some people use the so-called hotkeys(replacing several mouse actions), others, on the contrary, do everything with the mouse (edit/copy, edit/paste, etc.).

    Many users do not attach importance to keyboard shortcuts (note: several keys pressed simultaneously on the keyboard) , meanwhile, with their use, the speed of work can be increased significantly! In general, there are hundreds of different keyboard shortcuts in Windows, there is no point in memorizing and considering them all, but I will give the most convenient and necessary ones in this article. I recommend it for use!

    Note: In the various key combinations below you will see a “+” sign - you do not need to press it. The plus in this case indicates that the keys must be pressed simultaneously! The most useful hotkeys are marked in green.

    Keyboard shortcuts with ALT:

    • Alt+Tab or Alt + Shift + Tab- window switching, i.e. make the next window active;
    • ALT+D- selecting text in the browser address bar (usually, then use the combination Ctrl+C - copy the selected text);
    • Alt+Enter- look at “Object properties”;
    • Alt+F4- close the window you are currently working with;
    • Alt + Space(Space is the space key) - calls the window system menu;
    • Alt + PrtScr- take a screenshot of the active window.

    Keyboard shortcuts with Shift:

    • Shift + LMB(LMB = left mouse button) - selecting several files or a piece of text (just hold down Shift, place the cursor in the right place and move the mouse - files or part of the text will be selected. Very convenient!);
    • Shift + Ctrl + Home- select to the beginning of the text (from the cursor);
    • Shift + Ctrl + End- select to the end of the text (from the cursor);
    • Pressed Shift button- CD-ROM autorun blocking, the button must be held while the drive reads the inserted disc;
    • Shift+Delete- deleting a file bypassing the trash (be careful with this :));
    • Shift + ←- text selection;
    • Shift + ↓- text selection (to select text, files - the Shift button can be combined with any arrows on the keyboard).

    Keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl:

    • Ctrl + LMB(LMB = left mouse button) - selecting individual files, individual pieces of text;
    • Ctrl+A- select the entire document, all files, in general, everything that is on the screen;
    • Ctrl+C- copy selected text or files (similar to the edit/copy explorer);
    • Ctrl+V- paste copied files, text (similar to edit/paste in Explorer);
    • Ctrl+X- cut a selected piece of text or selected files;
    • Ctrl+S- save the document;
    • Ctrl + Alt + Delete (or Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - opening the “Task Manager” (for example, if you want to close an “unclosed” application or see which application is loading the processor);
    • Ctrl+Z- cancel the operation (if you, for example, accidentally deleted a piece of text, just press this combination. In applications whose menu does not indicate this option, mail always supports it);
    • Ctrl+Y- cancel the operation Ctrl + Z;
    • Ctrl+Esc- opening/closing the Start menu;
    • Ctrl+W- close the browser tab;
    • Ctrl+T- open a new tab in the browser;
    • Ctrl + N- open a new window in the browser (if it is running in some other program, a new document will be created);
    • Ctrl+Tab- moving through browser/program tabs;
    • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- reverse operation from Ctrl + Tab;
    • Ctrl+R- refreshing a page in the browser or program window;
    • Ctrl + Backspace- deleting a word in the text (deletes from the left);
    • Ctrl + Delete- deleting a word (deletes from the right);
    • Ctrl + Home- moving the cursor to the beginning of the text/window;
    • Ctrl+End- moving the cursor to the end of the text/window;
    • Ctrl+F- search in the browser;
    • Ctrl+D- add a page to favorites (in the browser);
    • Ctrl + I- show the favorites bar in the browser;
    • Ctrl+H- log of visits in the browser;
    • Ctrl + mouse wheel up/down - increasing or decreasing the size of elements on the browser page/window.

    Keyboard shortcuts with Win:

    • Win+D- minimize all windows, the desktop will be shown;
    • Win+E- opening “My Computer” (Explorer);
    • Win+R- opening the “Run…” window, very useful for launching some programs (more details about the list of commands here:)
    • Win+F- opening a search window;
    • Win+F1- opening a help window in Windows;
    • Win+L- blocking the computer (convenient when you need to move away from the computer, but strangers may come nearby and see your files and work);
    • Win+U- opening the accessibility center (for example, magnifier, keyboard);
    • Win + Tab- switch between applications in the taskbar.

    A few other useful buttons:

    • PrtScr- take a screenshot of the entire screen (everything you see on the screen will be placed in the buffer. To get a screenshot, open Paint and paste the image there: Ctrl+V buttons);
    • F1- help, user manual (works in most programs);
    • F2- renaming the selected file;
    • F5- updating a window (for example, a tab in a browser);
    • F11- full screen mode;
    • Del- delete the selected object to the trash;
    • Win- open the START menu;
    • Tab- activates another element, moving to another tab;
    • Esc- closing dialog boxes, exiting the program.


    Actually, that's all for me. I recommend that the most useful keys, marked in green, be remembered and used everywhere, in any program. Thanks to this, you won’t even notice how you will work faster and more efficiently!

    By the way, the listed combinations work in all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (most of them also in XP). Thanks in advance for the additions to the article. Good luck everyone!