• What's happening with 3s telematics. False alarm protection module

    As it became known the other day, according to the deputy head of Rospotrebnadzor Andrei Zhukov, carriers who do not equip their vehicles with GLONASS equipment may be fined. This proposal was made by Rostransnadzor and the Ministry of Transport. The fine may amount to one hundred thousand rubles. Let us recall that according to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2012 No. 20, equipping vehicles of categories N, M2, M3 with GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment began on January 1, 2013. In the same year, the Order of the Ministry of Transport dated July 31 was issued 2012 N 285 “On approval of requirements for navigation aids,…

    "3S-Telematica" is a service operator and developer of navigation, information and intelligent transport control and security systems.

    “3S-Telematica” is a new high-tech system that provides GLONASS/GPS monitoring of transport facilities, automatic monitoring of their condition and transmission of alarm information to the Company’s Dispatch Center.

    “3S-Telematica” is a team of professionals with extensive experience in the provision of telematics services. For many years, the Company's specialists have worked in major operating companies, in state security structures and in research centers for the development of GLONASS/GPS telematics devices for the Air Force and Navy.

    Taking into account the global experience in the development of telematics systems, based on the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the creation of a unified federal emergency response system ERA-GLONASS, as well as having its own innovative developments, the ServicePartner company created the 3S-Telematica automotive security system. The purpose of the development is to increase the level of safety and comfort of car owners. The development is based on a system for automatically transmitting an alarm signal and emergency call for help in case of an accident.

    3S-Telematica equipment is developed using advanced global technologies, but at the same time is a product of innovative activity of a domestic developer. The design of the 3S-Telematica system is based on unique developments of domestic specialists.

    The equipment has been tested and found to fully meet the requirements of the Russian federal emergency response system in case of an accident, ERA-GLONASS. The 3S-Telematica system has passed endurance tests, as well as all the necessary compatibility and safety tests, and is already being mass-produced in Russia.

    Equipment production was mastered and launched into series at the end of 2011 at the KZTA OJSC enterprise, which is part of the Orion Concern OJSC Holding Company of the Russian Technologies State Corporation.

    All civilian products of KZTA OJSC and their maintenance services are certified and have certificates of compliance with the requirements of mandatory state standards issued by product certification bodies accredited by Gosstandart. KZTA OJSC operates a documented quality management system that meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008, additional requirements of GOST RV 15.002-2003 and SRPP VT standards.

    As you know, in 2009 a law was passed obliging the installation of GLONASS systems on vehicles that transport passengers, dangerous goods and alcohol. The adoption of the law in full and the timing of its implementation are constantly postponed. In Russia today there are about 8-9 million units of commercial vehicles. It is planned to equip about 20% of cars by 2015.

    Just a couple of years ago, top management of companies did not think so much about the costs of the transport department. Now the trend is that they have begun to fight for every penny. Mainly by optimizing logistics, combating driver theft and distortion of routes. The main cause of headaches for managers is:

    • Excessive consumption of fuel and lubricants.
    • Receiving fines for traffic violations.
    • The need to control transported goods.
    • Distortion of routes, etc.

    The 3S-Telematica monitoring system allows you to reduce transport costs of companies by 20-30, or even 50-70%! First of all, by providing detailed reports on the movement of the vehicle. Thus, quite recently, one of the companies stopped a case of distortion of the route by one of the employees, who on weekends drove a company car from St. Petersburg to Finland. As it turned out later, after installing the 3S-Telematica system, these trips were systematic, and, of course, the employer paid for them. And such cases are not uncommon in Russian companies.

    In order to fully satisfy customer needs, 3S-Telematica, at the request of customers, can develop any additional sensors and software. For example, it is already possible to expand the basic monitoring system to a full-fledged security complex with elements of service for the driver. This does not require replacement of equipment - additional sensors are simply added to the main GLONASS/GPS unit.

    In addition, 3S-Telematica offers its customers all kinds of monitoring reports for the transport fleet. Reports are generated according to any required parameters and are provided in a form convenient for the client.

    This package is designed for maximum anti-theft protection. 3S-Telematica R-3 not only includes all the best that is presented in the R-0, R-1, R-2 sets, but also provides additional protection against all possible theft options. One of the main advantages of the R-3 kit is the principle “everything is provided for”, including a full package of roadside assistance services.

    3S-Telematica R-3 is designed to prevent car theft, as well as timely response and provision of emergency assistance to the driver and passengers in the event of an accident by automatically transmitting an alarm signal to the company's dispatch center.

    To register an event, an intelligent accident sensor based on a 3D accelerometer is used, which allows continuous monitoring of emergency impacts on the vehicle.

    The R-3 emergency response system includes a set of basic anti-theft functions: user identification, automatic engine blocking and monitoring of connected sensors.

    System composition:

    • GLONASS/GPS unit;
    • service button;
    • accident sensor;
    • wired blocking upon command from the control center;
    • immobilizer;
    • roll/motion sensor;
    • shock sensor;
    • volume sensor;
    • wireless blocking;
    • additional identification level (button);
    • additional GPS/GSM unit (bookmark);
    • electromechanical hood lock.

    Main functions of the system

    • the system allows you to identify the user through a wearable identifier - tag; the system automatically turns on the “Security” state if there is no tag in the cabin and switches to the “Disarmed” state if it is present;
    • the system has a regulated list of anti-theft properties and a basic set of security sensors, automatically controlled in various states and operating modes;
    • a shock sensor and a volume sensor expand the range of security functions, giving the system the ability to detect intrusion into the vehicle interior without opening the doors and impacting the vehicle in the “Secured” state. To protect against false alarm messages from sensors, the system uses a signal filtering algorithm to minimize the number of false alarms;
    • The system has an effective method of protection against theft through theft of car keys and tags. Its action is based on adding a second, independent level of user identification through a secretly installed button that must be pressed to disarm the vehicle;
    • Autonomous from the system, an additional search block-bookmark is secretly installed in the car, operating in radio silence mode. The bookmark block does not reveal itself by electromagnetic radiation and is not connected to the main system, which makes its detection much more difficult during an attempt to steal it, therefore it allows for an alternative search for the car in cases where the main system has been neutralized by attackers;
    • the system controls the connection to it with an electromechanical hood lock. In the “security” state, the hood is automatically locked; after disarming, the system allows you to open the hood. This device prevents attackers from reaching sensitive engine control targets located under the vehicle's hood.


    • emergency response in case of an accident;
    • evacuation of a car from the scene of an accident;
    • support for insurance systems: “Pay-as-you-Drive” and “Pay-as-you-Use”;
    • control of turning on the ignition in the "security" mode;
    • control of entry into the car (doors/trunk);
    • control of vehicle tilt/movement in security mode;
    • owner identification (radio tag);
    • immobilizer;
    • availability of wired/wireless engine blocking;
    • control of entry into a car through a window;
    • additional owner identification (button);
    • false alarm protection module;
    • control/protection of the engine compartment;
    • the ability to search for a car when the main satellite unit is turned off;
    • search for a missing car;
    • Internet location;
    • possibility of remote engine blocking;
    • control of discharge/disconnection of standard battery;
    • technical assistance on the road;
    • evacuation/towing of a vehicle in case of malfunction;
    • information and legal support.
    * The wireless blocking relay is installed exclusively for insurance purposes at INGOSSTRAKH Insurance Company.


    GPS/GSM unit

    • positioning: GPS satellite system that determines the location and movement characteristics of vehicles;
    • data transmission: GSM (GPRS, sms);
    • coverage area: Russian Federation, CIS countries, Europe, India and China;
    • automatic system performance testing every 24 hours;
    • backup battery, activated when the charge of the standard battery decreases;
    • automatic transmission of alarm messages to the dispatch center.

    Crash sensor

    • registers road accidents;
    • determines the force of impact;
    • remembers the time for 40 seconds before an accident and 30 seconds after an accident;
    • defines 18 basic parameters of driving style.

    Panic button

    • allows you to quickly contact the Dispatch Center in order to obtain the necessary information or emergency medical, technical or legal assistance;
    • it is enough for the client to have one phone number to solve any problems that arise as a result of using the car;
    • In addition to the stated Services, the user of the system has the opportunity to call a taxi, a “sober driver,” etc. through the dispatcher.

    Possibility of blocking the engine by the DC operator

    • allows, in the event of a car theft, to remotely block the engine from the Company's Dispatch Center; in order to avoid blocking the engine with the owner of the vehicle inside the car, sending a blocking command should be carried out only in agreement with the traffic police interception group, after an official statement about the theft of the vehicle by the owner;
    • In order to avoid creating an emergency situation on the road when blocking the engine remotely, the blocking should lead to a smooth stop of the vehicle.

    Ignition switch control

    Control of unauthorized opening of doors/trunk

    Owner identification (radio tag)

    Immobilizer (wired/wireless locking*)

    Additional owner identification (button*)

    * Installed exclusively for insurance with INGOSSTRAKH Insurance Company

    Roll/motion sensor

    Volume sensor

    Shock sensor

    Electromechanical hood lock

    Additional GPS/GSM block (bookmark)

    False alarm protection module

    As a rule, systems with volume and impact sensors generate a large number of false alarms. The 3S-Telematica R-3 system is designed to avoid this problem by false alarm protection module.