• What's behind Universal Plug and Play? What is UPnP? Creating a home media server (DLNA) - installation instructions

    Before we learn how to enable upnp, let's talk a little about the theory.

    So, what is Upnp? This is a set network protocols, presented by the organization of the same name. The main goal is to automate as much as possible the process of setting up network nodes and devices in the most different networks, from home to large office.

    The set of protocols is based on popular technologies and network architectures: TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.

    Enabling upnp in Windows 7

    The algorithm is extremely simple. First of all, you need to go to the control panel: Start-> Control Panel.

    We need to get to the section that contains all the settings and parameters of the network environment. If you have selected display by category, click the " Network and Internet". If all the icons are displayed in front of you, then immediately launch “ Network Control Center and shared access ". The main window will appear in front of you network settings. On the left side there will be a settings menu. In it we find and click “ Change additional options public access«.

    A list will appear before us available options. We are interested in the Network Discovery area:

    Select the item “ Enable network discovery"(this is Upnp). Press the button " Save changes", then " OK". All you have to do is restart your computer. The next time you start the Upnp function will turn on automatically.

    Not long ago, enabling UPnP on the Windows operating system was considered unsafe. This is mainly due to the possibility of infecting a computer with various viruses, including network worms, etc. But now the use of this technology can be considered relatively safe, especially in Windows 7.

    Benefits of using UPnP

    A router with UPnP support can make the life of a computer and Internet user much easier. This is especially true in connection with the spread in lately NAT Among the advantages of this technology are:

    • No need to adjust settings when starting a new online game;
    • High speed of peer-to-peer clients, etc.

    In other words, you don't have to learn the intricacies of networking on your own. The computer will be automatically directed to match the servers that network games and peer-to-peer clients will “notify” the computer using UPnP. Recently, most routers support this technology.

    How to enable UPnP technology

    If you are interested in how to enable nat-pmp or upnp on windows 7, then first you must go to the Start menu. Here we need the Control Panel link. In it you need to go to the Network and Internet section. In the menu that appears, select Network and Sharing Center.

    Next, click on the bottom line on the left side of the screen Change advanced access settings. In this menu we are interested in Network Discovery. Check enable and confirm the changes by clicking Save. Now UPnP will automatically start every time the computer turns on.

    Sometimes technology is required to forward ports when using WiFi. It is possible that network discovery will need to be enabled not only in the home profile, but also in the work profile. This is necessary for correct operation devices.

    Enable and configure UPnP in various operating systems Windows systems not difficult. At the same time, the technology will allow you to forget about low speed, especially when downloading torrents, sending files and spending time in online games. UPnP will allow the system to independently find devices for working with local networks. Thanks to the technology, there is no need to constantly change the router settings when the next online game or program is released. Once you configure UPnP, you will ensure that everything will work and be configured without your participation.

    Hello! It often happens that after installing a router, programs such as uTorrent, DC++ and similar clients for P2P networks refuse to work. This happens because the program cannot receive the file on a computer that is located on the local network (behind the router). But the problem can arise not only with clients of P2P networks, but also with online games, WEB settings, or FTP servers etc.

    In order for everything to work, you need to do port forwarding. If you do this manually, the process itself is a little complicated and incomprehensible. You need to assign a static IP to each computer, then set up forwarded ports in the router settings.

    There is one useful feature, How UPnP. This is a kind of automatic port forwarding. In most cases, it is enough to enable UPnP in the router settings (if it's not already enabled) and everything will work perfectly. But sometimes, you can’t do without manually transferring ports. Each method has its pros and cons.

    Manual port forwarding, or UPnP?

    In this article I wanted to write only about UPnP. How to enable this function on the router and in the DC++ and uTorrent programs (O manual setting I’ll try to write it in a separate article). But let's first figure out what is better than UPnP, or is it still worth setting up the transfer manually.

    • UPnP is simple, you don’t need to register anything there, take a long time to configure, etc. If you are afraid of messing something up in the router settings, then UPnP is what you need. Of the minuses: it may not work in some programs, servers, games. Well, and security, UPnP can transfer things that don’t seem to need to be transferred :) (but this is a controversial opinion and should not scare you).
    • Manually configuring port forwarding requires more advanced settings. And this method is a little inconvenient in that when new programs appear, or any changes to existing ones, you will have to constantly configure redirection. It's not very convenient.

    Enable UPnP in the router settings

    Usually, by default, the UPnP service is already enabled in the router settings (in Tp-Link, for sure). Yes, and programs like uTorrent even work through a router without additional settings. But with DC++, as far as I noticed, there are frequent problems.

    Let's first check if the UPnP feature is active in your router.

    Go to your router settings. Typically this address is, or

    In Tp-Link:

    Go to the tab ForwardingUPnP (Forwarding - UPnP). There must be a status Enabled(Included) .


    May vary, but usually it's a tab InternetConnection and there is a UPnP switch there.

    This function may be called slightly differently. Tab WANPort Trigger. Paragraph Enable Port Trigger must be enabled.


    Go to the tab at the top Advanced, then select on the left Advanced Network and see if there is a tick next to Enable UPnP.


    Menu items may differ slightly depending on the device version, firmware, etc. If you can’t find it, write in the comments and we’ll figure it out :).

    Checking DC++ and uTorrent settings

    I'll show you how to check if UPnP is enabled in these programs.

    In DC++, go to the settings tab Connection settings and see if the item is checked Firewall with UPnP (WinXP+ only).

    In uTorrent, go to SettingsProgram settings. Tab Compound. Let's see if there is a tick next to it UPnP forwarding.


    I hope I managed to clarify the situation with port forwarding a little. At first glance, this topic seems incomprehensible and complex. But the UPnP function was created to simplify this process a little and make our lives easier.

    Although, as I already wrote, sometimes you can’t do without manually setting the transfer.

    Best wishes!

    Also on the site:

    Setting up port forwarding (UPnP) on the router for DC++, uTorrent and similar programs updated: October 15, 2013 by: admin

    At the end of the 90s of the last century, it happened rapid development computer technology. The production era has been replaced by a new age - the information age. An association of representatives from the tech industry has focused on developing a protocol that would help simplify communications between IT devices. A new service is entering the information market - UPnP. What does this extension do? to a simple user, you can read in this article.

    How to enable UPnP?

    Network protocols collected into one whole, and this is how UPnP can be characterized, helps computer peripherals “see” each other. Let's take a closer look at how to enable Universal Plug and Play(UPnP) on personal computer or laptop:

    • Windows XP . Many users consider this operating system the most successful development of Microsoft. The “age” of XP has long passed the first ten years, but the percentage of its use remains at a high level:
      1. Click the “Start” à “Run” button. IN open window write the command " cpl" and presses the “Enter” key.
      2. In the open “Add or Remove Programs” window, find the option Installing components
      3. In the new window that opens, select the option “ Network Services" and look at "Composition". Let's celebrate everything network services partially installed. Among them will be UPnP. We rearrange the components and reboot the computer.
    • Windows 7, 8 and 10. In subsequent Windows versions, UPnP connection becomes even easier:
    1. “Start” à “Control Panel”.
    2. In the list we look for the option “ Network and Internet", and go further to " Network Sharing Center».
    3. Change additional access parameters and enable “ Network Discovery". We confirm. UPnP is enabled.

    How to enable UPnP on a router?

    The UPnP motto was put by the creators into the name of the technology - “plug and use.” For example, when help Universal Plug and Play computer transmits data to the printer for printing, and through the LCD panel you can view photos on your smartphone.

    The router provides instant connection of all devices into one network. Let's look at how to enable UPnP on a router:

    • Examination . Often, on all modern routers, Universal Plug and Play is enabled by default. You can check this by going to the router settings. Using a browser (address, go to options and check the status “ UseUPnP».
    • Enable . If the status is Disable, what does it mean « prohibit", then the user should change this item to Enable - “use”. That's all. We save (some models require a reboot) and use the service.

    Use in Torrent and DLNA

    At the end of 2004, Swedish programmer Ludwig Striegeus began creating a new BitTorrent client. The goal was that the application had to be efficient, but at the same time use a minimum of PC resources. In 2005, the world saw the first version of μTorrent.

    Using the BitTorrent client, tens of millions of users can exchange information with each other: movies, documentaries, games, etc. But how can you make sure that an attacker doesn’t get into your computer? For this, there is a tandem consisting of a router and a μTorrent client, and UPnP monitors the status of the ports.

    For a small local network, Torrent gives way DLNA technologies - home server, which for the purpose of accessing various files, will connect everything together digital devices. The server is a computer with home videos or photos stored on its hard drive.

    Now all family members can view the same files from different devices: laptop, tablet, smartphone. DLNA is based on Universal Plug and Play technology, which will provide you with necessary information to a specific addressee.

    Using UPnP: Pros and Cons

    Any technology has both pros and cons. The UPnP service was no exception. What is the main danger in using Universal Plug and Play:

    • Programming errors . Technology has been around for many years, and the protocol service is improving every day. All vulnerabilities were fixed within a few years of UPnP's initial release to the market. But nevertheless, the danger remains, and it lies in programming errors of a particular device. Attackers, by injecting malicious code, bypass the protection and become the owners of confidential information.
    • Community networks . In this case, the culprit is the reckless owner of the device. Connect to public networks(unprotected Internet), information becomes easy prey for a hacker.

    However, UPnP has much more advantages. Here are some of them:

    1. Easy to set up . The user does not need to manually configure ports. Launching a new network game or connecting a printer to a computer, UPnP will do all the dirty work.
    2. Speed . The rate of information exchange between P2P clients has long crossed the 100 megabits per second mark.

    3 interesting facts related to technology

    1. Universal Plug and Play technology was developed at the end of 1999. The following year, more than 120 IT device manufacturers began implementing the new service into their products.
    2. UPnP is based on three standards: XML, TCP-IT and HTTP. This allows you to connect devices that are completely different in their functionality.
    3. In 2015, large corporations such as AEG and Siemens began to think about implementing UPnP in household appliances. So far, research is not being accelerated, but this does not mean that in the very near future we will not see a refrigerator with the UPnP protocol implemented in it.

    Now you know what for automatic connection smart devices, there is a set of network protocols UPnP. What does know-how give? This is a quick unification of everyone technical devices in one local network. At the same time, the user does not have to be a computer guru - all the dirty work is taken care of

    Video: how to set up DLNA on a router

    In this video Alexey will tell you about the setup home media server UPNP, how to do it correctly:

    First of all – what is UPNP? This is a Universal Plug and Play service that allows you to automatically find and configure any devices on your local network. First, let's look at how to enable upnp on the router, then on the computer. All popular programs: uTorrent, ICQ, Skype - work correctly with this service, you just need to “turn on” UPNP... All other settings (ports and IP addresses for running programs), the system “takes over”. That is, you don’t have to configure anything, in each new program– UPNP is turned on, and the router provides “address” and “port”. However, everything is in order.

    What will enabling UPNP do for your local network? High speed work on torrents, without having to configure a router. UPNP technology is “understood” by most modern programs. There is no need for port forwarding. Manually, setting up port mapping for each program is difficult; and without it, there will be no response to the “external” network (important for FTP-server, Skype, ICQ).

    To enable the UPNP service, first we will make changes to the router settings.

    Setting up the router

    Log into the web interface of your router. Need a tab with " additional settings" Using dir-300 as an example: “Advanced Network” -> “Advanced”.

    By checking one checkbox “Enable UPNP”, save the settings with a reboot (“Save Settings”).

    On the D-link 500T, you need to enable UPnP (Advanced tab -> UPnP) and DHCP-1-34 (and then click Apply).

    The meaning, in general, is clear: in most routers, the service is turned on with one tick (“UPNP”), with saving data and rebooting. Other examples will be discussed further.

    Changing settings on the computer

    In the "Control Panel", in the "menu" Network connections"- you need the item "Additional components":

    In a new window, look at the “composition” of “Network Services”:

    This is where the “UPNP interface” is turned on.

    After which, among the “Network connections”, a new one (“Internet Gateway”) will appear:

    “Network connections” window

    At this point, the setup is complete. We perform similar actions on each computer.

    Note: Sometimes a PC reboot is required for the service to start working.

    Setting up programs

    Finally, we must configure the programs themselves “for service”.

    For example, let it be u-Torrent:

    In the “Settings” menu, click “Program Settings”. Select "Connection". And set it up as in the picture. After “OK” -> “Apply”, the torrent will work with UPNP.

    You can verify this by going to the “Properties” of the connection in the “Gateway”:

    In “Properties”, you need to click “Options”:

    Connection Settings – Property

    In which, we see that the rule for “u-Torrent” appeared automatically:

    Note: if u-Torrent is installed on several “stations” of the network, in each u-Torrent, you set “your own” port:

    For example, possible values ​​are: 64400, 64399, etc. Moreover, in no case should you use the “Random Port”.

    Setting up the u-Torrent client is complete.

    Let's start setting up the Skype program:

    Here's how to set up UPNP in Skype (by checking one box - "UPNP"). As a result, we get a local network that works like this.

    Your program will become accessible from the external network using the “external” IP address (in the “external” IP: its “port” pair). You only need to ensure that the “port” values ​​do not intersect (in different programs; on different PCs). Perhaps this is the only thing that is required from the user.

    Additionally: enabling the “UPNP” service in routers

    In Zyxel keenetic (v1):

    Tab " Home network" -> "UPNP", you need a checkbox - "Allow". By clicking “Save”, you will save the settings without rebooting (which, it seems, is not necessary).

    Or, in dir-620:

    Here UPNP is on the last “Networks” tab (check the box, save, reboot).

    In Zyxel 330 W-EE:

    Check the box (WAN tab) and save the settings (“Save”).

    The list of models can be supplemented (by leaving your message in the “comments”). We hope all the information will be useful to our readers.