• What is IMEI on Android: detailed instructions for checking and restoring, photo and video materials. Program for changing imei. How to restore Imei on Android after flashing? Is it possible to change IMEI

    Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will discuss a topic such as changing IMEI on Samsung smartphones. This code not only distinguishes one phone from another, but also allows you to use a mobile message in principle.

    Overwriting of this number can occur due to flashing or downloading programs from the network, so restoring this code will not harm anyone.

    What is the code and how to determine it

    IMEI is a 15-digit code that is automatically transmitted by the phone to the mobile operator's network whenever the device is turned on.

    This is what the police ask for if your phone is stolen. When a criminal tries to use the phone (even with a new SIM card), this information will be sent to the operator, who will inform the police that the device is registered on the network. This will allow you to establish the approximate location of the mobile phone, and with it the criminal.

    How to find out IMEI for Galaxy A5? – Press the key combination *#06# in sequence.

    After this, one or two codes will appear on the screen - it all depends on how many SIM cards your phone is designed for. If the code is erased, you will see a message stating that it is not defined.

    In addition, the IMEI is always indicated under the phone's battery, as well as on the box. Therefore, we advise you to either save the box from your smartphone or write down its numerical combination somewhere so that if necessary, you have it.

    How can I change this code?

    There are two ways to change.

    The first method involves using the so-called engineering menu, and the second involves installing a special program that gives access to advanced features. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Let's use the engineering menu

    Many experts call this method the simplest, because you don’t need to download or install anything. True, you can find out how to call up this engineering menu specifically for your model (for example, S4, S5, S6, etc.) either from the instructions for the phone or on the Internet. This is a simple key combination that gives you access to advanced device settings.

    So, after calling the above menu, you need to perform the following actions:

    • go to the Connectivity tab, and then follow the path – CDS information – Radio information;
    • in the last paragraph you will find one or two sections (according to the number of SIM cards);
    • go to the Phone 1 tab and enter the command EGMR=1,7 “new code” after the letters AT+;
    • after entering this data, you will need to click the Send at Command button;
    • similar steps will need to be done for the second card, if you have one.

    Actually, that’s all the actions that this method involves. Here, the most “difficult” thing is that you need to know the key combination to call the engineering menu.

    We use the Mobile Uncle program

    The second way is to install the Mobile Uncle program, which gives access to the same engineering menu, only without the need to look for a combination to call it. In the language of specialists, the downloaded utility gives rights to your Samsung S6 or S7.

    Download and install it on your phone. Once launched, follow the following instructions:

    • find the tab called “Engineering mode”;
    • then follow the path Connectivity – CDS information – Phone information;
    • go to Phone 1,2;
    • after this, the same menu appears as in the first method - and you need to enter data in the same way as we described above;
    • Confirm the entered code using the Send at Command key.

    This is all! Actually, these two methods are similar, because we use the same mode of working with a smartphone, but we access it in different ways.

    Finally, we would like to say something else about how to avoid the need for a recovery procedure. To do this, never download programs or updates from unverified sources. Along with them, a virus can get into the smartphone, which can simply erase the information. Therefore, trust only official applications and updates to them.

    Do you want to always be aware of useful life hacks for your gadget? – Then subscribe to our blog updates on social networks and YouTube channel! See you soon.

    There was a site with you

    Sometimes it happens that when updating the firmware, IMEI may be deleted - separate identifiers that are embedded in the system part of the communication modules. If the IMEI is deleted, the device will perform all basic tasks except the main one - receiving calls and making calls. This article will look at the solution to the problem step by step, how to change IMEI.

    How to find out IMEI

    At the very beginning, you need to know the IMEI code. To do this, you need to enter the command on the keyboard: *#06#. After typing the command, a special code will appear on the screen (or several, if the smartphone has two SIM cards).
    If the identifier is erased for some reason, the field will display the message “Device IMEI is not defined.”

    Changing identifiers

    Now we will show possible methods for changing IMEI on a smartphone.

    How to change IMEI on Android: Video

    Through the engineering menu

    The combination of keystrokes to activate the engineering menu can be very different for smartphones. If you want to find out which combination is required for your device, then study the adjacent instructions, or visit the forums of other device owners. After activating the engineering menu, you need to go to the section: “Connectivity” - “CDS information”, and then select “Radio information”. The last section will contain sections (the number proportionally depends on the number of built-in SIM cards). Next, go to the “Phone 1” category, and after the AT+ value, manually enter the command: EGMR = 1.7, “here is a new IMEI”. The latter is most often written either on the packaging of the smartphone or under the device’s battery. The command is entered using a key called SEND AT COMMAND. The same manipulation must be done for another SIM card.

    How to determine Device ID on Android: Video

    With ROOT rights

    Using this method requires the user to obtain ROOT access. Next, you need to download the Mobile Uncle application and launch it on your device.

    In the main menu, select the “Engineering Mode” section, go to the engineering menu for your processor.

    The algorithm of actions is no different from the case described above: Go to the “Connectivity” section, select the “CDS information” category, then click on “Phone information” and select a SIM card using “Phone 1, 2”. In the window that appears after this, type the same commands as in the method described above.

    Hello! Today we will touch upon the issue of changing the IMEI of various devices where this is present. As a rule, these are mobile phones and 3G modems.

    I would like to warn you right away that these materials are not a call to action. In some countries, these manipulations are prohibited by law. They can also harm your mobile device.
    Let's start with the theory - what is IMEI?
    IMEI(English) International Mobile Equipment Identity) - international mobile equipment identifier, a number (usually 15-bit decimal) unique for each GSM and UMTS mobile phone. The model and origin of the phone are described by the first 8 digits of the IMEI (the so-called TAC/Type Allocation Code number). The remaining part is the serial number with a check number at the end.

    • IMEI Is installed at the factory during manufacture and serves to identify the device on the network.
    • It is stored in the device’s firmware, usually written on the packaging, in the warranty card, and also under the battery of the mobile phone.
    • Plays the role of the serial number of the device.
    • Broadcast when logging into the network.
    IMEI is used to track devices and to block stolen phones at the cellular operator level (believe me - in harsh Russia this is a myth, I know from personal experience, of course you will get your phone - but if you have connections in the FSB, although it is doubtful that they will get in from -for one phone).

    The accuracy of the determination, according to various sources, ranges from several tens of meters to several meters. Therefore, for special services or law enforcement agencies, if necessary, calculating the location of a person with a mobile phone turned on is not a particular problem (this is so that you know that if you mess up too much, they will find you and stop you).

    Don’t forget that changing IMEI is a criminal offense in some countries (In general, before going somewhere, I recommend being realistic and reading the criminal code).

    Get to the point
    Is it possible to change IMEI? Can.

    The technical aspects of changing IMEI depend on the device model. In some models (most old phones and devices made in Asia-China), changing the IMEI is quite easy - all you need is a special program and a phone-to-computer cable.

    In other models, to completely change the IMEI, you need to replace some of the phone’s electronic components with new ones (processor chips, flash memory, or controller), and then reprogram the device’s flash memory. Some models allow an “incomplete” IMEI change, in which the phone software is modified (a patch to the firmware is installed) so that it transmits the required IMEI number to the base station, and not the one programmed in the phone hardware. In case of an “incomplete” IMEI change, the original IMEI value will be restored after updating the phone software. We will not consider legal aspects.

    However, I would like to note that in actual judicial practice there were cases of both indictments being issued with a sentence of three years of suspended imprisonment, and cases being closed due to the lack of corpus delicti. Depending on the country, the maximum sentences for committing such crimes are quite severe - up to 5-8 years in prison.

    We will look at the example of phones from Samsung. To change the firmware (and change IMEI), we will need a service cable (the kit often includes a data cable, which is not suitable for such purposes). I will say right away that the procedure for changing IMEI is similar on many phones.

    For our work we will need:

    • the device itself
    • correct firmware
    • firmware cable and necessary software.
    I hasten to please you - everything related to software can be found on specialized forums. Don't be lazy.

    Before you begin, you must give a sober account of your actions. Attention! The power should not be turned off until the end of the procedure. Therefore, it is better to sew from a laptop with a pre-fully charged battery. Otherwise, the problems can be very serious (and imagine that half of the operation and the lights were turned off and... the mobile phone will be R.I.P.).

    Let's look at an example Samsung IMEI change r.

    I don’t post this software on purpose (and don’t contact me in private) - it can be found on the Internet (but check it out on VirusTotal!). Make sure the software works with your model!!!


    1. Read the procedure carefully 10 times!
    2. Run test.exe
    3. In the GSM Phone Test Program V1.0 program window that opens, click the Download button
    4. The WTDN RAM Downloader window will open.
    5. Click the Open button and from the TEST directory, open the file corresponding to your phone model. Example: for the N500 model you need to open the N500.axf file (As I said, you need to look for these files in advance, and only for your model).
    6. Click the Line Settings button and in the Comport Line Settings window that opens, set the following values:
    Baud Rate: 115200 (this is the port speed)

    Port: Com1 (attention – the number of the com port to which the cable and telephone are connected!!).

    7. Click OK to close the settings window.

    8. Make sure the cable is connected to the phone and press the Start button.

    9. The download process takes approximately 10 seconds (depending on the model and capabilities of your computer).

    10. After the download is complete, the program will display the message “Downloading operation finished”.

    11. Click OK, the WTDN RAM Downloader window will automatically close and a menu for selecting further actions will appear in front of you.

    12. Press the EXIT button to exit the program.

    13. Attention! If the menu does not appear, you need to check the connections and try again. (look for where you made a mistake, may Google be with you!).

    14. If everything has worked out for you up to this point, congratulations, young phreakers, now let’s not waste time - immediately launch the IMEI.exe program.

    16.In the New IMEI line, enter the IMEI number and press the Change IMEI button.

    17. If the program displays an error message, this means that either the phone is not connected, or it is not in test mode, or the program does not work with this model.

    18. If there is no point 17, then everything is fine

    2. This article is for informational purposes only.

    3. I am not responsible for your actions - you do it at your own peril and risk! Remember this. If the mobile phone is not cheap, buy an old one, practice will only be a plus.

    4. Make backups! Before performing any manipulations, make a copy of your smartphone/modem. Remember that without mistakes, you rarely succeed the first time in the absence of experience, and mistakes are invaluable experience! And if you prudently made a backup before starting all actions, then in 99% of cases even a “brick” can be restored!

    Changing IMEI on Android.
    Now we will tell you about a fairly simple way to change the IMEI of your Android smartphone. You will need to gain root access to the system and install a few simple programs.

    You will need a program IMEI Changer & PRO You can install it from the market using the link:

    This content is protected. To view the content you must log in or register.

    Make sure that XPOSED is installed on your phone. IMEI Changer itself is a module of this software (Xposed).

    Then we launch the program and change your IMEI. Everything is extremely simple.

    Screenshots of the program are presented below:

    Typing on the phone *#06# you can check your current IMEI.

    P.S. This application is not ultimate and does not work on all smartphones. If it doesn’t work out for you, then you can also install Xposed Installer separately and find any other module for changing IMEI.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/imei-na-android-300x205.jpg" alt="have" width="300" height="205"> !} Mobile device users often wonder how to change the IMEI on an Android device themselves. IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) is a series of numbers used to identify devices that use terrestrial cellular networks to transmit data.

    Each mobile device must have its own unique IMA number. In a sense, it can be considered the calling card of the phone.

    Why is IMEI needed?

    There are several possible options for using imei:

    1. As mobile devices become more popular, the number of lost and stolen phones is constantly increasing. If the user knows his name, he can block the missing smartphone so that no one can use it. To do this, just call your mobile operator and report that the phone has been lost. The operator can block a specific device within its network and notify other cellular providers.
    2. The name, consisting of 15 digits, indicates the origin and model of the phone. Typically, the first 8 digits indicate the model and origin, and the last 6 indicate the manufacturer (Samsung, LG, etc.).
    3. If a user has signed up for a mobile device tracking service, they can use imay to locate the phone even if it is using a different SIM card.

    Those who are interested in how to change IMEI on Android should know that the main purpose of this number is to identify the smartphone, regardless of where it is located. This is why some users feel uncomfortable and feel like they are constantly being watched. It is assumed that replacing this number will help you disconnect from the worldwide database and get rid of surveillance.

    How to change IMEI

    It will not be difficult to change your name even if you do not have access rights to Root. Those who want to know how to change IMEI should carefully consider their decision before starting the procedure. Changing your number will delete all files on your smartphone, so you will first need to make a backup copy of all the information you have. To replace IMEI, you must follow these steps.

    IMEI is a unique serial code of a phone or tablet with a call function, which is given by the manufacturer when creating the phone.

    It allows you to track your phone online, i.e. The operator can know your location using this technology. When you dial a number for the first time, your phone code is transferred to the operator's database and remains there forever, even if you change your SIM card.

    It is worth noting that changing the name may be illegal; each country chooses its own approach to this issue. In some places this is prohibited, but in others they turn a blind eye to this shift. And changing the serial number is considered a suspicious activity, because people will not change this number just like that. This may be related to the issue of buying or selling “gray” phones, or maybe not for this purpose.

    We changeImei

    To check your imei, dial the combination *#06# and a window with the serial number will appear.

    In order to change imei, we need to get into the engineering menu. There are several ways to do this.

    Dial code. We dial *#*#3646633#*#* and get to the Android engineering menu. Immediately swipe to the side and go to the menu “ Connectivity».

    After you have entered the menu, go to “ CDS information" and then in " Radio information" Select your phone and go to the menu. You will have a window with various information and an input line at the top. In this window you need to enter a special code: “ AT+ EGMR=1.7,””yoursimei" If you want to restore your serial number, you can find it on the device box and enter it in the line. But this method may not support all mobile devices.

    Second way is based on the use of the mobile uncle program, namely “Mobileuncle Tools”, funny name, isn’t it? You will learn more about how to use its settings in the video. You can download the program in the play market. Enjoy watching!