• What is an iPhone and a smartphone? What is the difference between an iPhone and iPad from an Android smartphone and a regular phone? Smartphone, phone, iPhone, Android: what's the difference? Is the iPhone a smartphone? iPhone or smartphone: which is better, cooler, more expensive?

    What an iPhone is, what makes it unique and its main advantages is not clear to every user. Essentially, this is the same smartphone as many others presented on international markets, only with a proprietary Apple logo. However, if you “dig deeper”, it becomes absolutely clear that this is much more unique product than it seems at first glance.

    iPhone: what is it?

    The history of the brand has repeatedly become a script for filming films and is known to almost everyone, so it is likely that you know what Apple is. This is an American brand of world-famous gadgets and the “brainchild” of Steve Jobs himself, who, together with a team of developers, came up with a whole line of devices and technologies for various purposes.

    The iPhone is a unique product from Apple, the first version of which was first introduced to the world in 2007. The famous prefix “i” (“Ay”) is not commented on by the manufacturer in any way (at least in official Apple sources), however, it quite likely corresponds to one of the following hypotheses:

    1. “i” in English means “I”, which means it could be a reference to the personification of the user. It’s not for nothing that the brand’s slogan is “Be different.”
    2. “i” – “Internet”. In 1996, phones combined with Internet modems were first released and were called I-Phone. But the manufacturer was not Apple, but Tranbon Electronic Industrial Co., which for some reason decided not to patent the now famous name of the gadget. Apple Company She did not miss this chance and registered this name as her intellectual property.
    3. “i” – “Individual”.

    How is the iPhone different from other smartphones?

    If you know, then you will understand the essence of the iPhone: most of the functions are quite similar and do not have fundamental differences, however, some of them are still important:

    1. Operating system iOS. This is also a unique Apple product that is only applicable to iPhones. Everyone else modern smartphones, usually run on Android OS or Windows OS. Thanks to it, the entire range of functions and useful applications is fundamentally different from similar functions and applications of the same Android. You will not find the iOS operating system in any other device or gadget except in products from Apple.
    2. No viruses. Yes, yes, an iPhone cannot be infected with viruses. All applications can only be downloaded through the AppStore, which is also controlled by Apple. That, in turn, does not allow dangerous, malicious or simply suspicious files to pass through the application store.
    3. Design. For a long time, the highlight of iPhones was their unique design, but as Chinese smartphones You won’t surprise anyone with a metal body and glass panels.

    Over the ten years of the existence of such a thing as the “iPhone from Apple,” 7 generations of this device have already been released. amazing gadget(in addition to improved versions with the prefix S, Plus, etc.), however, the release of “

    Now anyone who wants to purchase a “smart” phone that will not only receive calls, but also have Internet access, as well as many other additional functions, is faced with a choice: whether to buy a smartphone or an iPhone. In fact, the iPhone is a smartphone; its only difference from similar devices is that it was released by Apple. Of course, there are other features that distinguish gadgets from each other. We will consider them further.

    A little history

    In 2007, Apple first introduced the world to its first iPhone. This is a super new product and today it is significantly different from the first mobile phone, find out what it was like. For that time, the functionality, as well as the appearance of the gadget, was revolutionary and was technically ahead of devices from other manufacturers by several years. The developer called the gadget a smartphone, in other words, a “smart” phone. In addition to the fact that it was possible to make and answer calls from it, it received the following additional features, as an opportunity to watch movies on it and listen to music from the network.

    Of course, the iPhone almost immediately gained well-deserved popularity among consumers. This could not go unnoticed by other manufacturers, who soon took advantage of the developed Google operating Android system to release their own models that could compete with the iPhone in functionality.

    What are smartphones and iPhones?

    Thus, the first difference between a smartphone and an iPhone is that the devices run on different operating systems. However, do not forget that an Apple gadget is a type of smartphone, so it will be difficult to find significant differences between the devices. In other words, a smartphone is a means of communication that combines the appearance and functionality of a mobile phone with a PDA.

    The iPhone is a type of smartphone from the manufacturer Apple. Today there are five generations of this gadget, several variants of the same model. He works in the operating room iOS system, and has all the functions that are typical for devices of this class.

    Distinctive features of a smartphone and iPhone

    If we talk about technical differences smartphone from an iPhone, it should be noted that there is a non-removable battery. On the one hand, this raises concerns among consumers that they may need to frequently contact service center. But in fact, users rarely resort to the services of specialists, since with a gadget that is different high quality, there are rarely any technical problems. In addition, its additional strength is provided by the one-piece body.

    Speaking about what other differences between a smartphone and an iPhone exist, let’s note the brand name, a bitten off apple on the back panel. Of course, such a logo is a symbol of Apple, and no other manufacturer dares to try it. In addition, the iPhone does not have a memory card slot. However, if you have damaged card memory and you want to download all the contents to your phone, then first read the article on how Manufacturers wisely decided that users would have enough built-in memory, which in some models can reach up to 64 GB.

    The Apple device only works on iOS. Smartphones from other manufacturers may have different operating systems installed.

    It’s impossible to say unequivocally which is better, a smartphone or an iPhone. Don't forget that the iPhone is just a type of similar device. Hence, it is equipped with the same features as gadgets from other manufacturers. This also applies preinstalled programs on an iPhone, you’ll have to rack your brains a little before you start using them. For example, in order to figure it out you will have to use a little Internet. But no one doubts the quality of Apple devices, which influences the higher cost of the device. For many users, the iPhone is a kind of status symbol. Which smartphone to choose is a matter for everyone to decide for themselves.

    Users often ask how an iPhone differs from a smartphone? The question is really interesting, although it is posed incorrectly - after all, the iPhone is also a smartphone. It’s just that in recent years its name has become a household name, as, for example, in the case of copier, because Xerox is the name of a company that also produces photocopiers.

    Smartphone(from English smartphone, that is " smart phone") - This mobile phone, which successfully combines the functions of a pocket computer. With it, you can not only call friends, but also play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the Internet and much more.

    iPhone is a series of smartphones produced by Apple.

    And what happens? And by calling an iPhone a smartphone, you won’t be wrong at all!

    What is the difference between smartphones and iPhone?

    Now let's talk about what makes the iPhone different from other smartphones.

    Perhaps the first and most important thing is the operating system. Our website has already talked about it. This operating system is interesting because it is used exclusively on devices from Apple, so you will not find it on smartphones or tablets from other manufacturers. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is bad. It’s good, because Apple polishes its operating system to perfection, so it often works much more stable than other operating systems. The bad thing is that it is impossible to install it, for example, on an LG phone.

    The second important difference is the small model range. Yes, long Apple time released only one model, which was later joined by the iPhone 5c. The same applies to the screen size, although in the sixth generation two devices were released at once - one with a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches, and the second - 5.5 inches. Now look at the huge selection of devices based on the Android OS - the difference is simply fantastic. So if you don't like the look of the iPhone, you don't have much choice but to start looking at devices from other manufacturers.

    As for appearance, there is nothing unusual here. In previous years, Apple could shock appearance of your devices (remember, for example, the iPhone 4 with glass back cover), now it's regular smartphone. Of course, it is distinguished by the presence of expensive materials, but all this invariably affects the cost of the device. But on the back there is a corporate logo - a bitten apple.

    iPhones do not have a memory card slot. This, one might say, is an Apple signature feature. Of course, you can always choose an iPhone with a large amount of memory, but the price difference will be several thousand rubles, while the cost of a fast and high-quality flash drive does not exceed a thousand rubles. However, in fairness, we note that many manufacturers are now refusing memory card slots. Fortunately, not all.

    Some disadvantages include the non-removable battery in the iPhone. In our opinion, this should not be considered a disadvantage. Firstly, in most modern smartphones the battery cannot be replaced (except by service), and secondly, it lasts 2-3 years, while the average replacement period for a smartphone is only one year.

    As for everything else, including characteristics, availability of applications, shooting quality, etc., in this regard, the iPhone is no different from other devices on the market. Android based or Windows Phone. What's better? It's up to you to decide. You can go to some electronics hypermarket and compare the iPhone with another smartphone you like.

    Be that as it may, we found out that the iPhone is also a smartphone that has its own characteristics.

    The question you see in the title of this thread is lately I hear more and more often. The most interesting thing about it is that it was set completely incorrectly. Why, you ask? Yes, at least because any iPhone- this is a smartphone! Don't believe me? I'll prove it to you right now.

    So that you can be convinced of the correctness of my words, I will give you the following fact: a smartphone is a mobile phone, supplemented with the functionality of a pocket personal computer. Now tell me, does the iPhone, so beloved by many, fit this definition? Undoubtedly! Another thing is that this gadget is very different from other smartphones. I would like to talk about some differences in more detail.

    What are the differences?

    • Where to start? Perhaps this is why: on at the moment Apple actually produces only one single smartphone (I do not take into account the previous generations of the model, since they are sold in a limited number of countries). There is an opinion that the future one will receive two variations at once with different sizes screen (4.7 and 6 inches, respectively), but so far these are just guesses. Now look at any competitor, for example, Samsung or HTC - they have a lot of models in stock for every taste and budget. This, however, does not prevent Apple from earning billions - its miracle of technology is enjoying phenomenal success all over the world.

    • The next very significant difference is operating system: Apple exclusively uses iOS, which appeared even earlier than Android platform, which is installed on 90% of smartphones today. Which is better? I talked about this a while ago. Personally, I choose Android (for those who will be indignant, I’ll write: I have a very long experience of using the iOS platform - since 2009, while I’ve been using the Android axis for just over six months at the moment), because I don’t want to be tied to your computer (you can’t even delete a song from your device without iTunes). I can change the shell at any time, of which there are thousands, while with iOS such a number will not work. Although this platform itself is very interesting and convenient. In general, it all depends on your taste.
    • Another significant difference, in my opinion, is the absence of a memory card slot. Yes, if you have a 16 GB iPhone, you simply cannot increase the space. However, there is one BUT - recently, many manufacturers using the Android axis have stopped adding a slot for a flash drive, and therefore it will not be possible to increase the space either. Why? Yes, if only because the difference between devices with 16 GB and 32 GB of memory can reach several thousand rubles, while a 32 GB flash drive costs from 300 rubles. As they say, feel the difference. Personally, I think that this is not the most the right way profit from device owners, but hardly anyone will hear my words.
    • In addition to a slot for flash cards, Apple phones are equipped non-removable battery. Although I personally think that this is not necessary - when the battery starts to hold a charge poorly, you will probably want to change the phone to a newer one, and this will happen no later than in a year (as statistics say).

    • “iPhones” differ quite seriously in their appearance from other smartphones - the latter often look like a black “bar”, which is no different from a similar one from a competing company. B too iPhone time looks fresh, fashionable and stylish. But, again, each company has its own stylish smartphone(most often this is a flagship), which not only has excellent characteristics, but also looks very good.
    • With equal characteristics, iPhone gadgets usually more expensive than their competitors, which, however, does not stop buyers. Moreover, the difference sometimes reaches very large amounts, especially if we talk about true ones, which have always been distinguished by powerful hardware and relatively low cost.
    • I would also like to say that the iPhone is a kind of symbol of prestige in our country, in our country it is fashionable, we adore it. You could even say that this is the most fashionable smartphone at the moment and, I think, this situation will not change for many years. However, I won’t get ahead of myself.

    I repeat once again: the iPhone is the same smartphone as Samsung, HTC, Nokia, and so on. Its name simply became a household name. It has the same basic functions as a similar device from any other company, although it is endowed with its own signature features that allowed it to become so successful. Which is better? And it’s up to you to decide, dear users.

    Today there is a real struggle between iPhones and smartphones. Users of modern devices argue every now and then about the advantages of this or that device. But before we say which is better, it’s worth understanding what distinguishes one from the other. Let's go:

    iPhone VS smartphone: who wins?

    The success of iPhones is largely based on the popularity of the brand, although many smartphones can give it a head start

    One of the main differences between the devices is cost. Many people are sure that the iPhone is just a device with good advertising. Apple, first of all, made a good marketing move, thanks to which now even those who frankly cannot afford their products buy their products. While many modern smartphones have surpassed phones with the Apple logo in quality.

    So, what is the difference between these devices:

    • Materials. Used to make iPhones tempered glass and durable plastic, making these gadgets quite resistant to mechanical damage. Of course, some smartphone companies also use similar materials, but they do not do it systematically, and in Apple products this feature is part of the overall brand concept.
    • Battery. All iPhones have a battery built into the body of the device, that is, it cannot be removed; you need to contact a service center. It's different for smartphones. Today, more and more manufacturers are following the same trend.
    • Memory card. A specific feature of iPhones is that you cannot insert an SD card into them, since these gadgets have built-in memory. Its quantity can reach 64 GB. Memory cards with a similar capacity are practically not used on smartphones, so this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage of Apple phones.
    • Appearance. If smartphones exist in thousands of different design variations, then for the company's products Apple design a precisely defined one is used - each subsequent model is supplemented with design elements, but the basis remains the same.

    You can talk for a long time about which device is better, but in the end it all depends on your needs and financial capabilities.