• How to overclock a processor - the right way. Increasing processor performance

    When a laptop no longer meets our needs, it's time to think about buying a more modern and faster machine. But this will hit your wallet to some extent. It is possible to overclock the laptop processor, thereby increasing its performance. We'll look at how to overclock a processor on a laptop in this article. It is important to know that overclocking a desktop processor personal computer and laptops have a number of differences. And you need to follow a series necessary conditions For safe overclocking your car. It is possible that if you do it incorrectly, your computer will fail. Therefore, you need to think carefully before increasing productivity, unless you specifically want to damage the device and purchase a new laptop with a clear conscience. In the article we will tell you through BIOS.

    Possible options for overclocking a laptop

    The overclocking process itself is quite easy, and even manipulation can be done regular user. But it is worth keeping in mind that increasing system performance can both improve processor performance and harm the laptop. It is highly recommended that you think carefully and weigh the pros and cons before you start overclocking.

    Laptops do not have extensive BIOS settings, which will undoubtedly add complexity to the work. Problems will also arise due to the lack of jumpers on the motherboard, which will raise the question of the bus frequency. All mobile devices are designed to last longer than after overclocking. This can lead to unscheduled failure, as some nodes will be forced to work under greater load. The overclocking process involves changing the characteristics of the video card, processor and RAM. How to overclock the processor on a laptop? This issue remains acute in the improvement of hardware.

    There are several options for overclocking the processor:

    1. Via BIOS.
    2. Using special programs.

    Improving processor performance through BIOS

    The central processor interacts with the RAM through the bus. Of course, in this case, you can go for the easiest way - increasing its frequency. But most manufacturers mobile devices block this function in BIOS.

    To enter the BIOS while turning on the computer, you must periodically press the DEL or Delete key.

    Increasing processor performance through BIOS

    To do this, you must:

    • reduce memory frequency;
    • set a fixed frequency;
    • increase the system bus frequency.

    Let's look at each point in more detail.

    Setting the minimum frequency

    • In BIOS, open the Advanced Chipset Features tab.
    • Use the arrows to select the Memclock index value function and confirm by pressing the Enter button.
    • Select the smallest value from the list that appears.
    • Open the Memory Timing tab and set the parameters higher than the default.
    • Press the F10 key to save the changes.
    • After all the manipulations done, the device must be rebooted.

    Set a fixed frequency

    • In BIOS open the Power section BIOS Features.
    • In the AGP/PCI Clock tab, set the value to 66/33 MHz.
    • Decrease the value in the HyperTransport option.
    • Save changes by pressing F10.
    • Reboot your laptop.

    After all the changes made, your device should show better performance.

    Increasing the parameters of the FSB system bus

    • Go to BIOS.
    • In the POWER BIOS Features section, select CPU Clock.
    • Change the value to 10 MHz.
    • Press F10 to save changes.
    • Restart your computer.
    • Next we need the Everest program, in which we need to monitor the temperature central processor. Values ​​exceeding 70 °C should not be allowed. If the indicators are still high, you need to lower the FSB frequency.
    • If the laptop shows stable performance, you can increase the value by another 10 MHz.

    If, after all the operations performed, the laptop is unstable, you need to reset the settings in the BIOS. To do this, we restart in the Load Optimized Default item, after which the system will return to factory settings. The question of how to overclock a processor through BIOS is asked by most users who want to increase the performance of their mobile device. If you do not abuse the improvement of parameters, your laptop will last for many more years.

    Overclocking the CPU using programs

    How to overclock the processor on a laptop if for some reason you cannot use the BIOS settings? On help will come software created specifically for such purposes. Overclocking potential depends on large quantity factors. All existing programs today are not suitable for all types of processors. To overclock the “heart of the computer,” the program must be suitable specifically for your hardware. When choosing a utility, you need to rely primarily on the processor manufacturer. Let's look at the most common solutions.

    AI Booster

    The program was created to overclock AMD Athlon processors. Upon startup, a small window will appear in which the current frequency is written. There is an arrow at the bottom of the control panel. If you click on it, a tab with percentages will open. In this field you need to enter a value that determines by what percentage you need to increase the processor's work. After this, the action must be confirmed, and the computer will reboot. After the restart, the changes will take effect. The main advantage of this program is that when unstable work laptop after overclocking, the program itself will return the system to original condition. As a bonus, this utility has a nice and simple interface.

    AMD OverDrive

    The program is suitable for both beginners and professionals. Software created specifically for AMD Phenom. It is based on two modes. The first one is for novice users, where you just need to specify the value for overclocking. The second is for experienced programmers. In this mode, you can increase the performance of each core individually, control the bus frequency and other parameters. The program has a built-in status monitor, which can be used to track core performance and temperature. Additional tests will help diagnose the system before and after overclocking, thereby comparing the values. The software has an automatic overclocking option. It will calculate the maximum possible frequency and collect information about the processor, motherboard and cooling system. The program will take some time to complete all manipulations.

    Intel Desktop Control Center

    To increase performance Intel processors created Intel program Desktop Control. With its help you can control the operation of the processor in full. There is a function for switching laptop parameters between overclocked and standard. Like the AMD utility, there are a huge number of system tests. Before overclocking, you need to take care of a good cooling system, on which the performance of the processor will directly depend; if necessary, purchase an external cooling pad. You can also increase the rotation speed of the cooler. How to properly overclock the processor can be read in the instructions included with the program.

    How to increase the processor on a laptop without harming the device? The answer is simple, you need to select a program that will monitor the condition of the device and, if necessary, reduce the frequency automatically. This is not the entire list of overclocking software that exists today. If we compare overclocking through BIOS and through utilities, then the second method is safer and easier. Smart software will automatically analyze the configuration of the laptop and select optimal parameters for overclocking. If you need to quickly overclock the processor, the program will help you.

    Overclocking the processor on Android

    Every mobile device owner wants to increase processor performance. How to overclock a processor on Android if there is no BIOS? It is recommended to overclock gradually and check the parameters using additional utilities after each addition of frequency. It is worth remembering that overclocking the processor is done at your own risk, but if you just raise the parameters a little, nothing bad will happen. Before you begin, you need to make sure you have Rott rights.

    To overclock the processor on Android, there is a SetCPU program. Using this utility, you can not only increase its speed, but also reduce it. Lowering the clock frequency is mainly important to extend the time between device recharges. The functionality of the program is also great. It is possible to create profiles and set maximum and minimum frequency values ​​for each device state. For example, at a certain charge level and temperature, the application will select the optimal speed. It is worth considering that overclocking may not be possible on a standard core. But on a modified kernel everything will work out.

    Many people will ask why overclock the processor. A huge number of laptops are produced every year, and their configuration and power are constantly improving. Buying a new device every year is at least impractical. If the computer no longer meets the performance needs, you can increase the settings. This article explains in detail how to overclock the processor on a laptop. It is important to remember that the miser pays twice. There is no need to strive to increase the performance of the processor by 100%, this will only lead to damage to the laptop. But increasing productivity by 10-15% is quite possible. It is worth considering that when greater load the processor will heat up more, and therefore, for it normal operation necessary good cooling. We hope this article will help you increase the processor performance on your device.

    It’s probably no secret to anyone that the performance of a computer can be increased not only by replacing a part with a more efficient one, but also by overclocking the old one. If it’s still a secret, then I’ll explain.🙂

    Overclocking, overclocking- this is an increase in the performance of PC components (processor, , and), due to an increase in their standard characteristics. If we are talking about a processor, then this means increasing the frequency, multiplier coefficient and voltage thereof.

    2 Frequency increase

    One of the main characteristics of a processor is its frequency. .

    Any processor also has such a parameter as a multiplier (number), which if multiplied by the FSB bus frequency, you can get the real processor frequency.

    Therefore, the simplest and safe way Overclocking a processor through bios is an increase in the frequency of the FSB system bus, due to which the processor frequency increases.

    In all variants the processor frequency will be 2 GHz

    — bus 166 and frequency multiplication factor 12;

    — bus 200 and frequency multiplication factor 10;

    - bus 333 and frequency multiplication factor 6.

    The simplicity lies in the fact that the FSB frequency can be changed directly in the BIOS or programmatically in 1 MHz steps.

    If earlier, this method could easily end sadly for the processor (burning out). Then for today kill multi-core processor, simply increasing the frequency is very problematic.

    As soon as a novice overclocker goes too far with the processor frequency, the system will immediately reset its settings to default and after a reboot everything will be fine.

    To change the bus frequency you need to go to BIOS and find the CPU Clock value there, as shown in the picture.

    Press Enter on this value and enter the bus frequency. next to it you can see the processor multiplier and the effective processor frequency of 2.8 GHz.

    Please note that the processor multiplier in the example is quite high - 14x at FSB 200MHz; in this case, I would recommend increasing the FSB in steps of no more than 5-10MHz (that is, the frequency will increase by 70-140MHZ).

    For other multiplier and frequency values, increase the bus frequency in increments of no more than 10%. There is no need to rush when overclocking, and with this step it will be easier for us to calculate the most optimal frequency for your CPU in tests.

    If you want to achieve tangible results when overclocking. Then you cannot do without a good cooler, pay attention to the Zalman cooler.

    We carry out tests with temperature measurements and maximum load per processor. This can be done with programs such as Everest, 3D Mark.

    If the temperature at maximum load is above 65-70 C, then it is necessary to either increase the cooler speed to the maximum or reduce the FSB frequency.


    The processor multiplier can also be changed. This will affect the increase in CPU frequency. For example, at frequency:

    - bus 133 and frequency multiplication factor 10; (1.33 GHz)

    you can change the coefficient to 15 and as a result you will get 2.0 Ghz instead of 1.33 Ghz. Not a bad increase, right?

    There's just one thing, your processor must be unlockedmultiplier, such processors are usually labeled as Extreme if the processor is Intel and Black Edition AMD processor.

    But even if you don’t have the extreme version, you shouldn’t be upset. After all, when the right approach The first option can achieve excellent results. Although, most likely, you cannot do without...

    4 Voltage increases

    The principle is simple. If you apply more voltage to a light bulb than it needs to glow, it will burn brighter. A processor is a more complex thing than a light bulb, but the meaning is approximately the same.

    Increasing the voltage allows you to more seriously overclock the processor. To achieve stable processor operation, with more high frequencies, it is necessary to increase the voltage on it. There are several points to consider here:

    - be sure to install a good cooler.

    - do not increase the voltage by more than 0.3 V.

    To do this go toBIOS (Del key when starting the PC), after that go to the Power item Bios Setup=> Vcore Voltegeand increase the value by 0.1 V. Next, set your cooler to maximum and set the FSB frequency higher.

    We test, if everything is fine and the performance suits you, then you can stop there.
    When you reach a critical level of processor performance (that is, if you increase the frequency by 3-5%, a reboot will occur), I advise you to reduce the frequency by 5%, this way you will secure your overclocking stable work for a long time.

    Overlocking is a subtle process of configuring computer components, causing natural bewilderment and even fear among uninformed users. And all because of vaguely compiled information taken out of context from various sources. Strengthen your knowledge and understand the question “how to overclock a processor” Intel Core"It will be done in just five steps.

    Collecting processor information

    Convert modern processor into a piece of scrap metal in a matter of minutes, armed with the wrong methods is impossible. After all, the system is protected at the hardware and software level from any unforeseen events.

    But it’s better to evaluate the potential for overclocking right away:

    • Information. About the system maternal memory and the overclocked “stone” will have to collect all the data, for example, factory clock speed and voltage. This will help to determine the initial state of things in advance and limit future potential. If you climb under the lid of a personal computer or into BIOS menu no time, then CPU-Z will resolve all issues.
    • Temperature. CPU cooler should perfectly dissipate thermal energy even before acceleration. It’s better to immediately forget about the box type of cooling (usually supplied with the processor) and move on to heat pipe systems that perfectly remove excess energy. Hence the conclusion - what more powerful cooler, the higher the potential for future overclocking.

    Processor overclocking methods

    The normal operating mode of the chip is 50-80% of maximum power, this is due to restrictions introduced to increase service life, increase stability and averaging temperature conditions.
    Overlocking allows you to increase productivity, at the cost of additional costs - time for selection ideal characteristics(frequency, voltage), money to purchase cooling and a guarantee for a positive result. There are too many nuances, like the Intel Core family of processors!
    There are three ways to increase processor performance:

    1. Set the desired frequency.
    2. Change multiplier.
    3. Raise the supply voltage.

    But not all at once - easy introductory information will help you understand the basics and understand once and for all everything about the state of things. So, FSB is a system bus that interacts from the chip side with all components connected to the computer.

    The interaction occurs at a certain frequency and it is the FSB that adapts to each type of component using multipliers and dividers. For example, information exchange with RAM occurs at a frequency of 333 MHz. A clock frequency processor 2664 MHz. So the multiplier is 8.

    Hence the conclusion - you can increase the clock frequency by changing the system bus settings or adding multipliers.

    Everything is easier with tension - motherboard is capable of independently distributing the load, you can set the settings manually for correct and full support clock frequency or set multiplier. Without changing the voltage, malfunctions may occur!

    CPU overclocking via

    There are several methods for overclocking an Intel processor - it all depends on access to the multiplier, the user’s skills and the risks assigned to the process. It’s better to start with something simple – increasing the system bus frequency.

    Let's go to the BIOS. Find the parameter CPU Speed ​​or Lock, CPU (HOST) Frequency and change the numerical value to 20, 30, or maybe 50 MHz. It’s difficult to say or give precise advice - there are many systems, boards and chips, and everyone is different.

    After increasing the frequency, you will have to save the settings and reboot to check stability. If software problems arise, you will have to gradually reduce the bus frequency or increase the voltage in the CPU Voltage panels.
    Attention! You should not raise the voltage by more than 0.3 V from the nominal value!

    With a free multiplier, everything works in a similar way: go to the BIOS, search for the CPU Clock Ratio value, get acquainted with the basic values ​​and then gradually increase the parameter in steps.

    To increase your confidence in success, you should disable all additional gadgets, such as “Turbo” modes and accelerators that automatically increase processor performance.

    Multiplying the bus frequency by a user-specified number can produce amazing results, the main thing is to find the golden mean.

    If problems arise with stability, changing the voltage will help - accessing the CPU Voltage indicator averages the indicators and displays required power to carry out other operations.

    The BIOS can also change the voltage - just set the corresponding setting in the menu to AUTO.

    Do not forget about the huge number of limiters that affect the overclocking process - bad option processor with a locked multiplier, limits of component capabilities, unsuitable motherboard, unstable voltage supplied by the power supply.

    Even RAM can refuse to work at the wrong frequency. Well, the temperature - for quality results, go to the store for a new cooler.

    And you should definitely monitor all indicators while overclocking your computer:

    AIDA64 and CoreTemp for monitoring, OCCT checking the interaction of memory and processor, Sandra Lite - obtaining information about the system, 3Dmark - ideal option load the system and identify failures.

    Using programs to overclock the processor

    Help eliminate interaction with the BIOS and simplify the overclocking process special utilities, suitable for both a wide range of systems and specific ones.


    a modern tool for complex chip configuration and monitoring of individual components. Fully translated into Russian, supports a lot motherboards.

    To work, you will need a few settings - selecting component models, changing the frequency and multiplier, saving parameters before and after reboot.

    SoftFSB utility

    Allows you to configure everything at once literally on the fly. There is no need to introduce functions, the interface is clear, the menu is detailed. You can control frequency, temperature and voltage by moving the sliders.

    ASRock OC Tuner

    A utility designed for ASRock motherboards that combines a huge range of overclocking, monitoring and configuration functions.

    MSI Control Center II

    A tool with a self-explanatory name. Performs all functions declared by competitors. Easy to use.

    ASUS Turbo V EVO

    CPU overclocking software: instantly change parameters, easy setup, support for various components.

    Overclocking a laptop

    Changing the power mode

    An affordable option for increasing productivity that does not require additional knowledge or extra responsibility.

    To get the desired result, just set “ High Performance" in the "Power Options" section.

    Software way to increase productivity

    Firstly, you should get all the information about the system in advance using CPU-Z utility. Chip name, performance indicators, voltage.

    Secondly, you should not count on record performance indicators - you will be able to speed up the system by 10-15% from the nominal indicators.

    Next, install the SetFSB utility and proceed to a slow but steady increase in the processor clock frequency in small steps. Upon completion of the work, it is better to perform additional tests with Prime 95, monitoring changes in real time in CPU-Z. If you have problems with freezing and the appearance of " blue screens death" is not detected, then the frequency can be increased.

    Overclocking an Intel processor via BIOS

    In the extensive settings menu, you need to find the names CPU FSB Clock or Frequency, indicators responsible for increasing the bus frequency. Again, a small step, a confident check of functionality, tracking the results. In case of problems, it is better to reduce the set values.

    Mode Turbo Boost. Automatic overlocking option, activated through the OS interface or in the BIOS menu.

    You can set the “Minimum and Maximum processor state” indicators to 100% in the “Power Options” tab under the “ Additional options nutrition."

    Or reset all settings in the BIOS to factory settings using the “Load Default” function.

    When increasing the processor frequency, it is worth remembering safety - increased processor power consumption will increase the load on the battery and reduce the operating time without a network.

    It will also raise the temperature several times, and this is completely unsafe, because it is definitely not possible to comprehensively change the cooling method on a laptop without losing its portable qualities.

    Clock frequency is the number of oscillations that occur in one second. The number of synchronizing cycles, if we talk about a personal computer, is operations (instructions program code) that the processor executes during this period of time. The performance of a PC directly depends on the clock frequency and it can be overclocked by increasing the number of oscillations.

    « Hertz" - this is the name of the unit with which frequency is measured. This unit of measurement was developed by Heinrich R. Hertz. At the end of the 19th century, a physicist conducted a special experiment that proved the wave nature of light. According to Hertz's theory, light is nothing more than an electromagnetic wave propagated by special waves. And the longer electromagnetic radiation(wave), the brighter the light we see. The color of light directly depends on the wavelength.

    There are two types of clock frequency - external and internal. The board, processor, and RAM exchange information (data), and the external frequency is responsible for this. But how quickly and correctly the processor itself will work depends on the internal one.

    If you overclock the processor, all programs (operations) will run much faster than if this is not done. Overclocking is used when the user is no longer satisfied with the performance of his computer and wants to increase standard number synchronizing cycles. What does this procedure give to the user? The opportunity not to spend money on new processor and continue working with the old one, which after overclocking can still last longer time. Your computer will become more productive without replacing hardware, and that’s a fact.

    Once you overclock your processor, you will encounter some problems, quite significant ones. After completing the procedure, your personal computer will begin to consume more electricity, in some cases the increase is very noticeable. Overclocked processors suffer from increased heat dissipation. And most importantly, devices break down faster, because they have to work in extraordinary mode. Along with an overclocked processor, the number of oscillations (clock frequency) of the RAM also increases, therefore, it can also quickly fail.

    What should you do before overclocking?

    Overclocking reserve is the maximum clock frequency. If this maximum is exceeded, the device will fail. Almost all processors are overclocked without consequences up to 17% higher than the original data. And there are devices that can be overclocked for even less. Intel has a special series of processors that have an unlocked multiplier (it is possible to change it in the BIOS). These devices are the ones that overclock best.

    Maximum clock speed is bad. On the one hand, a personal computer increases its performance significantly, and on the other, when the processor heats up to the maximum permissible value, it reduces the temperature by skipping oscillations (cycle). Therefore, if you want to overclock the device to the maximum, then you must take care of a good cooling system. Without cooling, you will not get the maximum percentage by which you overclocked the processor. It will decrease due to the fact that it will skip cycles, trying to lower the temperature. Also, do not forget that electricity consumption also increases. In order for an overclocked processor to work efficiently, you need to install new block nutrition.

    Before overclocking your processor, follow these three steps:

    1. The computer's BIOS must be updated to the latest version.
    2. You should know how the processor cooling system works: whether it is installed securely and whether there are any malfunctions.
    3. Determine the processor clock frequency and its initial value by looking in the BIOS, or using special programs.
    You can use, for example, RMClock Utility or . With these free utilities you can conduct benchmark tests and measure the maximum clock speed of the device. Both programs are free and can be downloaded from official websites.

    Also, check how your processor performs under extreme load. To carry out tests, you can use the program. This free, easy-to-use but functional utility will check the stability of your device and display the results on the screen.

    Only after this you can start overclocking the processor. Below we will look at three programs that can be used to do this safely.

    Review of programs for overclocking Intel processors


    Using the first program is very simple, and even inexperienced users can master it. True, the developers do not recommend it to beginners in order to avoid critical errors. This utility will very quickly and easily overclock the central processor without rebooting the system. One move of the slider in a specialized utility and you're done.

    With this specialized program You can overclock any processor model, but only if the motherboard is suitable. Not all models are supported by it. And when overclocking the processor, the motherboard has great value. After all, during the procedure, the system clock frequency also increases. And this leads to an impact on the clock generator, which is located on the motherboard.

    Before using this utility, go to the official page and check if there is a model for your personal computer in the list of approved motherboards. The advantages of this program include its light weight (only about 300 kb), ease of learning and management, high operating efficiency, and regular updates.

    Recommendation! The developers of the program do not recommend using it for beginners who do not understand the dangers it may pose. And besides, an inexperienced user is unlikely to be able to independently find out what model of clock pulse generator is in his computer. It is specified manually.

    Overclocking the processor using the SetFSB utility:
    • What model of clock generator is on the motherboard? Select it from the "Clock Generator" drop-down list.
    • Click "Get FSB". You will see two frequencies - the device itself and the system bus.
    • Move the slider carefully, constantly measuring the processor temperature. This can be done using a specialized utility.
    • When the slider position is optimal, click Set FSB.
    The most interesting thing is that the settings are valid as long as the computer is running. The next time you start, you must set the frequency again. The developers recommend that experienced users run the program not independently, but from startup.


    One more effective program, allowing you to overclock all models of Intel processors. The utility is not free and can be downloaded from the official developer page. The program is included in specialized tool, which allows you to overclock the processor and monitor its stability. If you couldn't use the first program, SetFSB, because it didn't support your motherboard, then this one might work. Since more motherboards are supported here.

    In addition, it is more convenient here user interface: there is support for the Russian language. As for overclocking itself, these two programs work the same way: they increase the system clock frequency.

    How to overclock a processor using CPUFSB:

    • Find your motherboard model in the drop-down list.
    • Find the PLL chip model in the drop-down list.
    • Click on “Take frequency”. You will see the initial frequency of the device and system bus.
    • The frequency increases in the same way: with careful movements until the required level is reached. Do not forget to monitor the processor temperature using a special program. Once the desired values ​​are set, click “Set Frequency”.
    Settings similar to the first program are valid only for the duration of operation. Turning off the computer cancels all configured settings.


    The program also allows you to quickly and easily overclock the processor, has a simple user interface and is easy to learn, although English. The only negative is that it is no longer supported by the developer, and therefore it is not clear whether you will be able to use it. The utility can be downloaded on the official page for free. With this program you will overclock a processor with any model of motherboard and clock generator.

    This program is also intended only for experienced users, knowledgeable about motherboard models and clock generators.

    How to overclock a processor using SoftFSB:
    • Find your clock generator and motherboard model.
    • Find out which one at the moment bus and processor frequency.
    • Gently move the slider until you find the desired frequency. At the same time, do not forget, as in similar programs, to monitor the processor temperature.
    • When the optimal number of clock cycles is selected, click on “SET FSB”.
    This is how three work universal utilities. If you are afraid to use them, download programs from motherboard manufacturers. They are safe to use and suitable for inexperienced users who are afraid of harming the computer with their actions.

    These utilities, which you met above, can be used for both personal and laptop computers. But when overclocking the processor on laptop computers, you should be as careful as possible so as not to harm or damage the processor. The system clock speed should not be increased to the maximum value.

    Not enough. The solution to this problem is to replace components with more modern ones. But in some cases you can do without updating. For example, you can overclock it, increasing its clock frequency, and, as a result, its performance. without consequences?

    An interesting question that many people, especially gamers, have probably asked. You need to understand that by overclocking your device, you take full responsibility for this action. Using it in abnormal mode is not intended by the manufacturer; this may result in complete failure of the device. If you're ready for this possible consequences, then welcome to the world of overlocking.

    Overlocking is an increase in the standard characteristics of the device, as a result of which the overall characteristics increase. When overclocking a processor, as a rule, the multiplier coefficient, voltage and frequency increase. In order for the device to work more for a long time, manufacturers reduce its power - leaving a reserve of about 30 percent. That is, if we take as an example specific numbers, then it looks like this: a processor with a clock speed of 1.8 GHz can be overclocked to 2.8 GHz without harming it. Naturally, there are no guarantees; all overclocking manipulations are not provided for by the manufacturers.

    How to overclock a processor?

    The main characteristic indicating the speed of the central processor is the clock frequency. It is calculated by multiplying the FSB bus frequency by a multiplier. To overclock the processor, we recommend using the BIOS capabilities. This option is the most stable.

    In the recent past, when processors did not have high-quality protection against various factors, changing the multiplier coefficient sometimes led to the device burning out. Today's processors have a number of limitations and various types of protection that will prevent the overlocker from going too far with overclocking.

    To change the bus frequency, you need to find the CPU Clock value in the BIOS. In the window that opens, enter the frequency. To increase the clock speed, you can change the value of the multiplier located in the CPU Ratio column. How to overclock a processor more efficiently? Remember that you need to change a number of values ​​to achieve stable operation. Changing the multiplier value is not enough; most likely, you will need to increase the voltage. This measure allows you to overclock the processor more, but the whole difficulty lies in adjusting the stability of operation.

    After overclocking the processor, you need to do tests in special programs. They will help you determine the level of stability of your computer.

    We found out how to overclock the processor. You can also speed up your video card. This is not necessarily done through BIOS, but, for example, through third party software. Another thing is, is it worth overclocking a video card if you are not a gamer? I think the answer is obvious.

    When performing the steps described above, first of all think about which cooler to install on the processor.