• Restoring a tablet after unsuccessful firmware: options for solving the problem. How to restore bricked Android at home

    After unsuccessful firmware Chinese tablet, the bootloader is flying. After this, the device stops turning on and the LED blinks sadly. This has been written and rewritten everywhere, but no one answers main question: What to do? Recover SPI Flash bootloader.

    I also went through this rake and posted instructions on how to restore the bootloader on the forum http://forum.china-iphone.ru, after which I was bombarded with questions. Since I don’t do this professionally, I had to refuse help to many. Nevertheless, the flow of questions did not decrease and I decided to do step by step instructions, so that those suffering can restore their device.

    So the first thing you need is a soldering iron and straight hands. Next, we solder the simplest LPT programmer - the price is 35 rubles (we buy an LPT connector (with pins, aka “male”) in radio components + 4 150 Ohm resistors). LPT pinout diagram. Instructions for making a programmer (in Czech, Google translator rules!) - here. I just used 4 150 ohm resistors, no capacitor, and an LPT connector. The wires are a piece of IDE cable, about 10 cm long. The power was connected externally, from regular battery BIOS, i.e. I simply taped two wires to the battery with electrical tape. Please note that the battery must be fresh, with a voltage of at least 2.8-3.3 Volts. There is nothing complicated, you just need to solder the wires to the LPT block in a certain sequence and then solder them to the SPI-Flash chip. I made my own block for convenience. Now I just extend the legs of the mikruhi and insert them into the block.

    Programmer circuit:

    Photos of the programmer (the image is not clickable, but an enlarged photo is available with the right mouse):

    The required chip looks like this:

    I was marked F40-100GCP

    Warning questions: the legs of the microcircuit are numbered in a circle, the first leg is indicated by a dot or dimple on the top of the body. You can solder without removing it from the board; before soldering, you MUST disconnect the device’s battery.

    Now we collect the firmware for your device. First of all, download the ORIGINAL firmware from the tablet manufacturer’s website. For me it was the EKENgroup website. Next, from this firmware, take 2 files u-boot.bin and w-load_DDR3_700M_1066M_16bit_1_256MB_0150001.bin (there are 4 similar ones, this one suited me, yours may be different).

    We download the bin file editor, I used BinEditor, but unfortunately I don’t remember where I got it, so we download Hex Editor Neo.

    We check that the cursor is on the first line at address 00000000. Then click Edit -> Insert File and select our u-boot.bin. Some numbers and letters will appear, which means the file has been downloaded. Then click Edit -> Go to Offset and enter the address 00070000. The transition should occur to line 00070000 (to the left of the cursor), click Edit -> Insert File on it and select our second file w-load_DDR3_700M_1066M_16bit_1_256MB_0150001.bin. We save the result under the name spiflash.bin

    The bootloader is ready, now we take the programmer, solder our spi-flash to it and run the spipgmw program in the console (Start -> Run -> Cmd) (the difference in SPIPGM and SPIPGMW is only that the first is under DOS, the second is under WIN)

    We do spipgmw /i without a programmer and with a connected programmer. If the program output changes, then everything is fine, the flack is detected.

    Further accordingly:
    1) Disable the write protection bit - spipgmw /u
    2) Erase the small circuit - spipgmw /e
    3) Upload the firmware - spipgmw /p path to the file with the firmware
    4) Read the microcircuit - spipgmw /d path for saving a firmware dump from the microcircuit
    5) Compare the dump file with the firmware file (right mouse on the file, properties, checksums, compare) if everything is ok, then solder it in place, if not, go back to step 1.

    In my case, I damaged the leg of the spi flash chip while desoldering; the replacement was an MX flash drive from a netbook with a size of 1 MB. 512 is not directly sewn there, so with the command “copy /b filesize.bin + filesize.bin dblsize.bin” I merged 2 files into 1 the right size. Everything went off without a hitch.

    And most importantly, before turning on the device for the first time, check that a flash drive with the ORIGINAL firmware is inserted into it! After switching on, flashing to factory firmware will begin IMMEDIATELY.

    Good luck everyone!

    Many of us are familiar with the operating system “Android”. All owners of devices running this shell know that using Android is simple and convenient: your favorite applications, useful functions are always at hand, and the interface is so flexible that you can almost completely change it at your discretion.

    "Brick" - what is it?

    “Android” began its journey back in 2009, and since then the developers have been promoting and improving the shell, without sleep or rest. Updates and new versions are regularly released. As a rule, a user buys a gadget with an operating system already installed on it, and throughout the entire “life” of the device, the firmware of this version (operating system version) remains. But sometimes it needs to be reinstalled due to technical problems or at will user. Then you have to carry your favorite device to service center, to an experienced technician, and some take on the flashing on their own.

    There are many novice users here who are familiar with Android at a level no higher than installing applications with Play Market, "wings grow." They, having read various instructions in the vastness of the World Wide Web, they think that reinstalling the OS is not difficult and that they can handle it themselves. In addition, they will save a certain amount that they would have taken at the service center. But soon such users realize that they exaggerated own strength and the flashing cannot be completed properly.

    In this case, there are different scenarios for the development of events. The most unfortunate of them is when the phone turns into a brick. You may have heard this phrase before but didn't understand what it meant. "Bricking" or "bricking" a device means that it partially or completely stops working. That is, it does not turn on, does not respond to pressing buttons or connecting to a computer. Is it possible to restore bricked Android? Of course you can. Hence the name - brick, because the functionality of the gadget is now no more than that of a stone, and now you can only crack nuts with it. It is quite difficult to bring the device to such a state; it requires talent. But we hasten to please you - the device is in any case subject to restoration, if you did not take the idea about nuts seriously, and the device itself is safe and sound. So, how to restore an Android brick?

    Why can a device become a brick?

    In order to understand how to restore an Android brick, you first need to understand the mechanism by which the device turns into it. So to speak, go from the opposite. And once again it would be nice to prove to users that without physical intervention in the case and internal structure A smartphone or tablet cannot be completely “killed” and can be returned to work in ways that we will discuss below. We will explain in simple language. Your device has it. It is located in internal memory and has no points of intersection with the operating system, that is, these are two independent substances. And even if failures, malfunctions or errors occur during the flashing process, this same console will remain intact and you can use it to reinstall the firmware again. In addition, on this console you can do backup copy OS with all the necessary information.

    Don't panic

    The question arises: “What if there is something wrong with the console itself and it disappears?” Liquidation of the console occurs quite rarely, but even if it happened, operating system will remain in place, and already from it with the help special utilities It will be possible to restore the console. There are practically no cases when both the console and the operating system “fly away”; you just need to have incredible luck to destroy these two shells at the same time, but recovery is possible in this case too.

    How to restore bricked Android at home

    If you are well versed in technology, but for some reason you turned your device into a brick, you can restore it at home. There are several options in which scaling occurs. Let's look at each case separately.

    Unable to log into the operating system

    That is, the gadget itself shows signs of life, you can turn it on, but the firmware freezes endlessly, resets, or you simply see a loading or power-on window on the screen, but in fact nothing happens. Firstly, don't rush to conclusions. For example, people who do not understand how to restore a Chinese Android brick begin to panic just a few minutes after the power-on screen appears, but such a device still needs more time for “reflections” than a quality apparatus. You can only come to the realization that something went wrong 10-15 minutes after turning it on.

    Then your actions are as follows: turn off the device completely and log back in recovery mode(the system console, being in which is an integral part of the flashing itself, so there is hardly any need to talk about what it is and how to get there). After this, you can try again to install the same firmware as the first time (Install zip from sdcard-> Chooze zip from sdcard) or do system backup (Backup and restore -> Restore). Please note that if after the first attempt to reflash the device you were unable to log in, then perhaps the OS itself was of poor quality or not intended for your gadget, and there is no need to “install” it again. Choose another version or restore the old one. The same problems may occur if there was not enough battery power to complete the process or memory to install new system(device model is outdated for new version firmware).

    It is impossible to enter recovery mode after flashing

    There is also an option that after flashing the OS itself works fine, but you cannot access the console. Everything is fixable and much simpler than you think. On the Play Market of the same name you can find special programs, designed to return you to recovery mode. For example, applications such as TWRP Manager or Installer does an excellent job. If your device is specific and similar utilities did not help you, then there are other ways to restore the “Android” brick of console mode.

    You "killed" both the firmware and the console mode

    This happens very rarely, and if you were looking for how to restore an Android brick through a computer, then your time has come. You can't do this without a PC. You will need to go into fastboot mode and perform a series of simple steps. We do not focus on this point, because each device model has its own way to enter this mode, and it is the type of gadget that determines everything further actions user. How to restore an Android brick on a tablet? The series of actions is not much different from the procedure with a smartphone.

    We told you about how to restore an Android brick. Bring your gadget back to life and use it with pleasure!

    (root access) or, the device stops functioning. This manifests itself as an inability to log in mobile device and even load the environment Recovery. This state of a phone or tablet is popularly called “brick”.

    No matter how serious the problem of “scrapping” may seem, in most cases you can revive the gadget at home. Let's look at how to restore Android if it has turned into a brick.

    Methods for resuscitating Android when “bricked”

    There are three effective methods Restoring Android if it loses its functionality:

    • using the standard recovery environment Recovery;
    • through a computer and special software.

    Which method to use directly depends on the state of the system on the device.

    Restoring a brick using standard Recovery

    If you try to log in work area devices are monitored constant reboots or the phone freezes on the system logo, but the Recovery environment is working, which means you are in luck, since you can restore the Android firmware through it. To do this you need:

    After rebooting, the smartphone should display factory settings. If it doesn’t help fix the problem, we try to revive Android after unsuccessful firmware using a previously created system backup or a file with firmware downloaded from the Internet.

    When deciding to gain root access or perform other potentially dangerous actions, it is recommended to create full backup devices. In this case, even after “bricking” you will be able to return all user data and old firmware.

    To restore Android from a previously created backup, you need to do the following:

    If you did not take care of creating a return point in advance, then you can return Android to your tablet or smartphone using the downloaded firmware. IN in this case We revive the gadget as follows:

    Once the Android “brick” has been restored, the downloaded file can be deleted.

    Using custom recovery

    If the “bricking” led to the crash of not only the operating system, but also the standard Recovery, then you can restore the system using a custom recovery environment - the program CWM Recovery.

    Before restoring a brick on Android, you need to install a recovery mod on the problematic device:

    It will begin CWM installation Recovery, at the end of which you can disconnect the smartphone from the computer and proceed directly to resuscitation:

    After completing these steps and rebooting, the phone (tablet) should work.

    Reanimation of a “brick” via a PC and special software

    When considering how to restore Android after being bricked, it is worth noting specialized software developed individually for each manufacturer mobile devices. Thus, the FlashTool recovery program is used for gadgets from Sony and some other brands, and

    Of course, many users have encountered difficulties associated with incorrect work gadgets. Often it freezes due to incorrect actions of the owners. Most common problem is ignorance of how to restore a tablet after unsuccessful firmware. Before running to the service center, let's try to figure out why it doesn't work.

    First of all, or it does not turn on because unofficial firmware is installed. The owner will have to repair the device himself, since the gadget broke down due to his fault. The warranty is void in this case. However, there are tools that will help bring the tablet back to life. But before that, you need to determine the nature of the breakdown.

    There are two types of failures of unsuccessful firmware. First view characterized the following signs:

    • The tablet does not turn on, or rather, the screen saver does not light up;
    • After unsuccessful firmware, some functions of the device do not work: it does not respond to the sensor, programs freeze, folders and files do not open, the display is mirrored;
    • They appear and disappear, but when connected to a PC, everything remains safe and sound.

    A non-working tablet is possible if one of the above situations occurs to you. For example, gadgets Chinese companies revived by downloading the zero or first firmware, which is traditionally installed upon purchase. But with an Apple tablet, the situation is much more complicated, since it is practically impossible to restore at home. It is better to contact a service center immediately after a breakdown. If it comes to other traditional brands, then restoring and reflashing them will not be more difficult than their Chinese counterparts using updates.

    The second type of failure indicates the following:

    • The tablet does not turn on or lights up white screen and immediately goes out;
    • When connected to a PC, files, folders or none at all are displayed.

    A tablet with such problems is usually already dead, but even in such a situation you can help.

    How to restore your tablet yourself?

    First case: the computer sees the device

    As already mentioned, it is the easiest to restore. To do this, you should find the manufacturer's official website on the Internet, download updates for your device and install the first firmware. Remember that you need to download the first version; under no circumstances use the one you tried to install before. Before flashing your tablet, it is important to make sure that it is fully charged, otherwise problems may arise again.

    For electronic devices of traditional brands, you first need to find updates and download zero firmware. However, you should not perform the installation right away. Before doing this, the firmware file must be renamed “update.zip” (it is important to write this word correctly, since the execution of the entire further process depends on it). After that, it is placed in the root folder on the flash drive. Exactly file placement in our case plays an important role.

    Before flashing the tablet, make sure that it is fully charged, insert the USB flash drive and turn on the device (hold down the “volume +” and “power” keys for a few seconds), after turning it on, wait until the installation is complete.

    Second case: the computer does not respond to the device

    This type of breakdown after an unsuccessful flashing is much more serious and, most likely, you will not be able to do it without outside help. Not everyone can disassemble the tablet and properly close the flash memory contacts on their own.

    First, you need to figure out what happened, since a failure could have occurred not only in the system, but also in the tablet’s memory (for example, in the bootloader). Such restoration takes more time and effort, so it is best to take the tablet to a service center where professionals will take care of it.

    However, if you decide to finish the job, then you will need a soldering iron and an LPT programmer (it connects to the chip), after which you need to perform the following steps:

    1. Find and download the tablet diagram;
    2. Find and unsolder the SPI memory (it is responsible for installing the software);
    3. Connect the chip to the programmer and flash it with the old bootloader;
    4. and turn on the tablet, as in the first case.

    This method is universal for any tablet, but before flashing the device, you should remember that the circuit boards in each gadget are different, so try to find exactly the one that it matches. After this, there will be no old programs and files left, so everything will have to be restored.

    Some recommendations and precautions when performing repairs

    There may be some consequences to the above method, so be sure to check out how the professionals do it.

    Problems that often arise when repairing a device:

    • If the system reports that the memory is corrupted, then before flashing the device, you will have to format it;
    • Install the drivers correctly in the tablet, it may not start 3 to 6 times, so try, install, uninstall, etc.;
    • The contacts should be closed by pressing the power button, so be careful when making the connection;
    • Pay attention to the legs and contacts as they may have different type and close in different ways, so watch the diagram;
    • The PC can see the device only if you hold down the power button on the tablet, so you will have to constantly hold the button down until the installation is completed;
    • Long USB cords can only interfere with flashing the firmware and bringing the tablet back to life, so use a 10–15 cm cord.

    Perhaps this is the main thing to remember. In any case, if something seems incomprehensible or complicated to you, it is better not to take risks, but to entrust knowledgeable people to restore the tablet after unsuccessful firmware.

    In a world where rapidly developing high technology, a huge number of people have become tablet owners. These compact and powerful devices are excellent assistants on long journeys, away from home. Modern tablet is able to cope with almost any task, many now cannot imagine their life without a tablet, and are lost if it happens that the tablet suddenly refuses to start. So, what should you do if the tablet does not work? Why does it happen that these devices break down?

    Possible causes of failure

    Why doesn't the device work? The device may refuse to start due to “software” problems, as well as due to hardware problems.

    Problem type Causes of the problem Ways to fix the problem
    "Software" problem Occurs due to failed update firmware; due to installed new program, which turned out to be problematic and does not allow Android to start normally Do Hard Reset; if it doesn’t help, start flashing the device
    "Iron" problem Occurs due to serious physical malfunction, in particular: damage to the board, microcircuit, wire, battery failure Try connecting the tablet to the network and charging it (the device may be completely discharged and will not turn on); if that doesn't help, you'll need to resolder the chip

    The simplest ways to solve the problem

    These methods do not always help, but you should always start with this. So, try turning on the tablet and just wait 2-10 minutes. Your device may be completely dead, but it is still working. Sometimes it happens that the battery is 100% discharged, and nothing works even when connected to a 220V network. short time. Just connect the tablet to the network and do not touch it for ~10 minutes. If this does not help, then you will have to take a more complicated route and resolder the SPI memory.

    Please note that if you do not have sufficient experience in resoldering microcircuits, it is better to return the non-working device to a service center; You perform all actions at your own peril and risk!

    If in your case the boot freezes, perform a Hard Reset. Instructions for performing Hard Reset:

    1. Remove SIM and microSD;
    2. Press “Volume+” and Power, release only after 10 seconds;
    3. Once you hear vibration, press Settings using the Volume +/- buttons to scroll. Then click “Format System” => “ Reset Android" All data will be deleted and settings will be reset.

    Restoring a tablet after unsuccessful firmware

    First of all, it is necessary to understand why such failures happen, what the reasons may be; which possible consequences unsuccessful firmware may occur. Possible reasons failures: a user with no experience tried to install it himself unofficial firmware. Possible consequences:

    1. The sensor stopped responding to touch;
    2. Wi-Fi stopped working;
    3. The image appears upside down on the display (like in a mirror);
    4. The device freezes while loading.

    If you have one of the above problems, do not rush to take your tablet to the landfill! You can still try to fix everything.

    There are also more severe cases when the tablet does not work at all, does not start, or its display turns on only for a couple of seconds. Although this is a more serious problem, you can also try to fix it yourself. True, this may require a little more experience and some technical equipment.

    The tablet stopped functioning normally

    You have unsuccessfully flashed the device, and you have one of the four problems described above. In this case, you will need to re-flash the tablet, but only now to “zero” firmware. If you do everything correctly, the device will restore its functionality again. There are thousands of tablet models in the world, and dozens of manufacturers; each device is firmware differently and requires various files firmware, firmware programs. However, there is general principle firmware, which is applicable to most models, in particular: via Odin (applicable only to Samsung tablets).

    First, download the “zero” firmware from the website of the manufacturer of your tablet. Since there are so many manufacturers, it is not possible to list all their websites.

    Please note that the battery must be 100% charged before starting the process!

    You will need drivers (the disk comes with your device). When installing drivers, be sure to run the files as administrator!

    Please pay special attention that this program Suitable only for Samsung gadgets; If you try to flash other devices with it, your device will be irrevocably damaged!

    Deactivate the antivirus on your PC, turn off the Internet. Copy the contents of the firmware archive to any folder, give it a name from English letters. Open Odin, and then follow one of two paths. If the firmware for your tablet consists of one single archive, click “PDA” in the program, and then specify the file storage location. If the archive includes 3 files, then indicate PDA, PHONE, CSC, then selecting the files you have.

    Selecting the required files

    Turn off the tablet, wait a while, then press “Volume +” and Power (for some tablet models you need to press “Volume minus”). Keep the keys pressed until the menu is displayed. To confirm, as a rule, you need to press “Volume minus”. After confirmation, synchronize your PC and tablet.

    Use only original cable; don't use cheap ones homemade cables from the radio market; check if the contacts are moving away during synchronization; if the contact comes off during the process, your tablet will now completely and irrevocably turn into a “brick”!

    Odin will now begin to determine COM port, if completed successfully, a green square will appear. Click Start and you will see the program begin the process. Through sound notification Odin informs the user that the process was completed successfully. PASS will also appear. Only now can you disconnect the cable.

    Inscription PASS,

    The tablet won't turn on anymore

    The device does not start, the screen does not turn on (or turns on for 2-3 seconds and goes out), the PC does not detect the tablet. Why did this happen, perhaps an unsuccessful flashing, a power surge, a faulty charger, unstable voltage in the network. There are other reasons. This is a more serious problem, which in most cases is associated with a damaged bootloader. The procedure for independently resoldering SPI memory:

    1. Disassemble the tablet;
    2. Unsolder the SPI memory;
    3. Connect this chip to the programmer;
    4. Flash using factory bootloader;
    5. Solder the chip back;
    6. Assemble the device;
    7. Flash with “zero” firmware (according to the instructions in the previous section).

    Chip that needs to be desoldered

    Tablet won't turn on