• Acoustic characteristics of headphones. ⇡ Differences in cup design. Open and closed headphones. Maximum power - this parameter is in theory

    Many of us are accustomed to choosing technology based on its technical characteristics. Is this approach applicable to choosing headphones? Let's figure it out... First of all, let's see what the list of technical characteristics of headphones is all about. Let’s immediately make a reservation that we should consider such parameters as dimensions, weight, form factor, principle of operation and acoustic design we won’t do it now - simply because, with the exception of the operating principle, the meaning of all these parameters is obvious. And the story about the various principles of action would be quite long, and could result in a separate article.

    Text: Ivan MUSINOV

    We will consider only those characteristics that are directly related to headphone emitters. There are only four such characteristics:

    • Frequency range
    • Resistance
    • Sensitivity
    • Maximum input power

    Let's look at each of these parameters in more detail.

    Frequency range: does size matter?

    In ordinary circles, this parameter is often given great importance great value- sometimes even from sales consultants you hear that it is the main indicator of the sound quality of headphones. And you can notice the following practice among headphone manufacturers: for their more expensive and high-end models, they, as a rule, indicate a wider frequency range than for simpler and budget ones.

    In fact, the range of reproduced frequencies not only has no relation to sound quality, but in general does not carry any semantic meaning. Why? - We'll figure it out now.

    It has not yet been established exactly what range of sound frequencies a person can hear, however, the approximate boundaries of this range have been determined - from 20 Hz to 20 KHz. In fact, it makes no difference to a person whether the headphones are capable of reproducing anything outside this range, but it is important that everything that falls within this range is reproduced with a variation in volume that does not exceed reasonable limits (with a uniform volume level throughout the entire range, no headphones do not play).

    Here it should be said that some manufacturers intentionally increase this spread by “raising” or, conversely, “dampening” certain parts of the frequency range, trying to give the sound of their headphones a certain, “proprietary” character - for example, recently the practice of “raising » certain part of the range high frequencies in expensive headphones - so that their sound seems more detailed and legible. In any case, the range of reproduced frequencies does not give us any information about this variation in volume, rises and falls in different parts of the “frequency”.

    In addition, it is worth noting that very few modern headphones are capable of reproducing high frequencies without “blockages” - for most models, in the region above 14 KHz, an intense decline in the volume level begins. So don’t be alarmed if your headphones have a stated range that does not reach the upper limit of 20 KHz (this often happens with headphones built on the basis of armature drivers).

    By the way, no matter how wide the frequency range of the headphones specified by the manufacturer is, the headphones are capable of reproducing sounds of any frequency that are beyond its limits - only with a very large “blockage” in volume. And what kind of “blockage” should be considered large enough to designate it as the limit of the declared frequency range? 20 decibels, or maybe 30, or even more? In fact, there is no single standard in this regard, and each manufacturer is free to designate the boundaries of the range literally wherever he wishes. In such conditions, there can be no talk not only about the usefulness of such a characteristic as the range of reproduced frequencies of headphones, but also about its correctness or truthfulness.

    Impedance matters for music from tablets and smartphones

    This indicator means nothing more than the amount of electrical resistance of the headphones. It is usually recommended to pay attention to resistance for those who are going to use headphones with “low-power” sound sources - portable players, laptops, tablets, smartphones, as well as computer sound cards.

    It is believed that with a sufficient level of sensitivity of the headphones (we will discuss what sensitivity is considered “sufficient” later), the optimal value of their resistance for portable players, smartphones, and tablets is no more than 50-70 Ohms, and for laptops and computer sound cards - no more than 100 Ohms (numbers, of course, are approximate and averaged). At the same time, it is not recommended to use headphones whose impedance is lower than the output impedance of the source (this applies to any, not just the “low-power” devices described above) - at a minimum, this is fraught with losses in sound quality, and at maximum, damage to the source. The latter, however, is only possible in extremely advanced cases.

    It would seem that everything is simple - we look at the resistance and decide whether the headphones are suitable for our source or not. In reality, things are somewhat more complicated.

    Headphone drivers actually have two characteristics that are similar to each other: impedance DC and impedance (complex resistance), which reflects the resistance of the headphones to alternating current. Since the sound signal coming from the player to the headphones is just alternating current, of these two characteristics we are interested in impedance.

    Isodynamic headphones have linear impedance - their resistance does not depend on the frequency of the alternating current. But for dynamic and reinforced headphones, the impedance depending on the frequency of the current supplied to them (and, accordingly, on the purity of the sound they reproduce) can be different.

    Moreover, while some headphones have an insignificant impedance spread in frequency, for others it reaches serious values ​​- and this can have certain consequences for the sound quality. If in any part of the frequency range the impedance of the headphones is too low (lower than the output impedance of the source), a loss of resolution and an increase in the level of distortion will occur in this area. The situation is similar when a “low-power” source cannot cope with an overly high impedance of the headphones.

    A small example - many owners of popular portable headphones Koss Porta Pro, who use them with players, note among their shortcomings that they are slow, “indistinct,” although powerful bass. Yes, these headphones are not record holders in terms of speed and bass intelligibility, but probably if their owners tried to connect them to a sufficiently powerful amplifier, they would notice a significant improvement in this parameter. But the thing is that although the stated resistance of the Koss Porta Pro is only 60 Ohms, which is quite normal for portable headphones, in the mid-bass area it increases to 140 Ohms - and most portable players give in.

    Now the question is - why do most headphones have impedance indicated by only one number, and what is the use of this number? Answer: this figure, in most cases, reflects the impedance value at around 1000 Hz - it is believed that it is by this purity that the user determines and sets the volume that is comfortable for himself. The meaning of this figure is as follows: for most headphones, the “spread” of impedance depending on frequency is still not very large, and therefore this figure can serve as some kind of guideline when choosing headphones.

    Headphone manufacturers rarely advertise full impedance graphs, but if you want to know everything about the impedance of a particular headphone model, you will most likely be able to find necessary information online.

    Sensitivity reflects sound pressure level

    In other words, the volume that headphones are capable of developing when a signal of a certain level is supplied to them. Talking about the uselessness of the “reproducible frequency range” characteristic, we have already mentioned that the volume of the headphones varies throughout the frequency range they reproduce - the headphones reproduce some parts of it louder, some quieter.

    Based on what part of the frequency range is sensitivity measured? As a rule, this is the 1000 Hz mark - just as in the case of impedance.

    The sensitivity of headphones is indicated either in decibels per milliwatt (dB/mW) or in decibels per volt (dB/V). Sensitivity expressed in dB/V is convenient in that it can be used to compare with each other without paying attention to resistance different models of headphones, and in particular, determine how suitable a particular model is for use with portable devices. The optimal sensitivity level for such headphones is at least 90 dB/V.

    Knowing the resistance value of the headphones, you can convert the sensitivity expressed in dB/mW into sensitivity expressed in dB/V. There is the following formula for this:

    Sensitivity (dB/V) = Sensitivity (dB/mW)+20Lg(1/),

    Where R is the resistance of the headphones.

    Maximum power - this parameter is in theory...

    This parameter, in theory, should reflect the maximum power electrical signal, which can be fed to headphones without the risk of damaging the emitters. As a rule, it is very underestimated and does not carry any practical meaning.

    What headphone parameters indicate how the headphones sound? Alas, none - therefore, comparing the technical characteristics various models, choosing from them the most suitable sounding option will not work.

    We have already said more than once that the most the right way choosing headphones means coming to the store, and after listening to several “candidates”, making a choice. If you do not have such an opportunity, we can recommend that you collect as much information as possible - reviews, measurements, reviews - about those models among which you are looking for “your one and only”, and make a decision based on them.

    When buying headphones, it is important to understand that any choice you make will be a compromise in some way. Only the right priorities will allow you to find the optimal solution that satisfies the main requirements. Conventionally, we can distinguish three criteria from which we will have to build. It's about accessibility, portability and, of course, sound quality.

    These three terms can be represented in the form of a triangular petal diagram, where the growth of one petal means the contraction of the other two.

    Thus, choosing the best sound quality implies a maximum price tag and a rejection of portability. Likewise, an ultraportable wireless headset won't provide the best sound, nor is it likely to be cheap. That is why it is important to highlight at least one of the criteria that you are willing to sacrifice.

    2. Decide why you need headphones

    Headphones, like any gadget, are bought for specific tasks and purposes. You need to understand when and how you will use them. The choice of headphone type depends on the usage scenarios.

    For home and office

    For use at work and at home, full-size headsets are usually purchased, which provide full coverage of the auricle and the most comfortable fit on the head. This type is ideal for long-term listening to music.

    You can also consider over-ear headphones, which, due to their smaller ear cups, are usually more compact than full-size ones. They do not wrap around the auricle, but are placed on top. A striking example is .


    The most popular among office headphones are closed-back models. acoustic type. They have better sound insulation, so your music will not be heard by others. The open type is suitable for home use. These headphones have holes on the outside of the ear cups that allow sound vibrations to travel in the same way as in a natural environment, making the sound more realistic.

    When choosing over-ear or on-ear headphones, don't underestimate the importance of ear pad material. Velor or even synthetics make your ears not sweat as much as faux or natural leather.

    For the city

    For simple walks, it is quite possible to use the previously mentioned on-ear headphones. But if we are talking about moving on the subway and traveling in another public transport, then the best choice would be in-ear headphones, also called plugs. They are compact, extremely convenient to use and do not create problems when moving in a dense stream of people. One of the best in terms of price and quality ratio can be called.


    Headphones of this type are usually complemented by silicone ear pads various sizes, so that each user can choose the appropriate ones. Also very popular are tips made of porous foam, which, heated by body heat, adapt to the human ear canal. Compared to silicone ones, they are less durable, but they hardly distort the sound.

    The braid of the wire also plays an important role. One of the most practical is fabric, like, for example, . This prevents the wire from tangling and reduces the risk of damage due to accidental pulling.

    Separately, we can highlight completely wireless headphones like. Accessories of this type provide maximum freedom of movement, but their price is quite high. In addition, there is a high risk of simply losing them.

    For sports

    Commonly used for running and gym wireless headsets intrachannel type. They may have neck-mounted arms or ear pads with hooks for better fixation inside the auricle or on its outer part, as is the case with.

    Many of these headsets are protected from sweat and even complete immersion under water, which allows you to swim without interrupting your favorite music.


    IN lately Increasingly, Bluetooth sports headphones are equipped with sensors to track physical activity, as is the case with. Such headsets allow you to replace the usual fitness trackers, but they are also much more expensive than their classic counterparts.

    For travel

    If you often fly and like to listen to music on the road, it makes sense to think about a headset with active noise cancellation. Most often these are large over-ear headphones, which can be either wired or . Their ability to block out external sounds allows you to immerse yourself in your favorite music, even if a restless child is sitting next to you.

    An important feature of travel headsets is their foldable design. It allows the headphones to take up much less space and reduces the risk of damage when transporting in a bag. Dear models For better protection often accompanied by a hard case.

    For games

    The choice of gamers is full-size, over-ear headphones with a built-in or detachable microphone. An important criterion when choosing is the availability of technology surround sound like some models. Simulating a 5.1 or even 7.1 configuration will be a big advantage in 3D action games, where you often have to navigate in space by ear.


    Most gaming headphones have a long, 2-meter wire. It is important that it has a reliable braid and rigid bulges at the plugs, eliminating kinks and possible breaks.

    Noise reduction too important parameter. In this case, this applies to both headphones and microphone, so that you are not distracted by external factors, and you could be heard well.

    3. Assess the basic characteristics

    Regardless of the type and class, all headphones have basic technical characteristics that allow you to form an idea of ​​​​the sound capabilities. When choosing relatively inexpensive headsets, you shouldn’t take such numbers too seriously, but you also shouldn’t ignore them.

    Frequency range

    This parameter characterizes the spectrum of sounds that the headphones can reproduce. The standard range is 20 - 20,000 Hz. The human ear simply does not recognize more, although in the description of headsets one can often find meanings that go beyond these limits. There's nothing bad about this, but an indisputable advantage it cannot be called.


    Sensitivity tells how loud the headphones will play, all other things being equal. The relationship is direct: the higher the sensitivity, the higher and maximum volume. 95-100 dB or more is considered good for normal use.


    This parameter also affects the headphone volume ceiling, but it should only be taken into account by bass lovers using stationary amplifiers. In a duet with a high-quality sound source, headphones with high power allow for brighter and richer sound. If you are going to listen to music mainly from a smartphone, you are unlikely to be able to unlock the potential of high power.


    The nominal resistance at the headphone input, also called impedance, affects both volume and overall quality sound. You need to focus on this parameter in accordance with the device with which you are going to use the headphones. For smartphones and portable equipment, you should select headsets with a lower impedance - up to 32 or even 16 Ohms, and for stationary devices - with a higher one, from 32 Ohms.

    frequency response

    The amplitude-frequency response is demonstrated in the form of a graph and characterizes the quality of transmission of various frequencies.

    The minimum number of sharp bends in the frequency response curve indicates a balanced sound and accurate transmission of the original audio material. The height of the curve on the graph reflects the volume in a specific range. “Hump” at the beginning of the frequency response curve, at low frequencies ah, speaks about the bassiness of the headphones.


    It should also be noted the connection method wired headphones. Most models on sale have a mini-jack plug (3.5 mm). A regular jack (6.3 mm) can be found on professional-level headsets, and a microjack (2.5 mm) has been very rare lately. Nevertheless, pay attention to what kind of plug the headset has and whether there is an adapter included.

    4. Listen and read

    Of course, you shouldn’t blindly focus on all the numbers in the characteristics, especially if you choose relatively inexpensive headphones. Two headsets with equal parameters can sound completely different, since the quality is affected by many other features that are not always indicated by the manufacturer in the description.

    You can find out for sure whether the selected headphones are suitable for you by listening to them first. This applies to covering and overhead headsets, which specialized stores often allow you to test before purchasing. This is a chance to evaluate not only the sound, but also the ease of fit on your head.


    Also, before purchasing, you should definitely refer to reviews and full reviews that can be found on the Internet. Such feedback allows you to get at least some idea of ​​the real sound quality, design features and possible weak points of the device identified after long-term use.

    Buyer's checklist

    1. First of all, decide on the maximum price and main use case.
    2. Next, based on the purpose, select the type of headphones: over-ear, on-ear or in-ear.
    3. Select several models of a specific type that fit your budget.
    4. Evaluate the important features of the selected models: ear pad material, wire braid, headband design, and so on.
    5. Study the technical parameters that characterize sound quality.
    6. Check out reviews and reviews online, and see if there's somewhere you can test the headphones before purchasing.
    7. Make your choice.



    Audiophile's Software

    Sooner or later, each of us faces the question of choosing headphones. These are either headphones for listening to music on the road, in transport, in ambient noise, or for listening to music at home. One way or another, headphones are a means for exclusively individual listening to sound material, and everyone has individual requirements for them, in each specific case.

    In this article I will briefly talk about the main design and technical and electrical characteristics of the headphones, because They will allow you to choose the model that ideally suits your requirements.


    The main types of headphones by design can be called the following:


    The most popular type of design. Almost all audio players and phones are equipped with headphones of this type (“out of the box”). They have a rounded membrane shape and are literally inserted into the auricle (hence the name).

    Due to the loose fit to the ear canal, significant power losses occur in the low frequency region. Also, due to the specific design this type has resonances in the area of ​​high hearing sensitivity (mid frequencies) and when listening at high volumes, such headphones can negatively affect hearing. Also, most often they do not have any sound insulation, and the sound of music is heard by people around you, just like the sounds around you.

    In-channel (“vacuum”)

    This type of headphones is placed directly inside the ear canal. This provides the possibility of more accurate transmission of low (and not only low) frequencies, as well as significant sound insulation. To seal the headphones in the channel, special rubber attachments are used, which are often removable. The difficulty is that some people's ear canal is quite thin and it can be difficult to find the right tip. Doctors also point out that this type of headphones can irritate the ear canal and also negatively affect hearing.


    An example of this type of headphones is the popular KOSS Porta Pro. They are placed on the ear, but do not completely cover it. They are pressed to the ear by the elastic force of a special metal or plastic bow, which usually passes over the head (options are possible). The specificity of this type of headphones is that the sound source is located not inside, but outside the ear, which gives the sound some naturalness. Due to their design features, this type of headphones usually has low noise insulation (although some models still suppress ambient noise quite well).


    This type is an uncompromising option, i.e. These are already full-size headphones that reveal all the possibilities of high-quality playback. The membrane is not in direct contact with the auricle and thus does not put pressure on it, which is a plus. Ear pads, especially if they are made of leatherette, can provide good sound insulation. Sound insulation is also achieved in the case of closed-type over-ear headphones.

    This type of headphones usually has membranes with diameters of 40-50 mm, which allows you to receive high quality sound over a wide frequency range.

    Open and closed headphones

    Typically, closed-back headphones are of the enveloping type. The essence of closed headphones is that they do not allow the sound coming from the membrane (mainly emitted by its rear part) to spread outward. This is achieved using closed lid, dense high-quality ear pads, as well as an internal design that promotes sound absorption.

    The advantage of such headphones is isolation from surrounding noise, as well as low sound radiation to the outside. The disadvantage, or rather, the difficulty in this case is the correct design of the headphones - so that sound waves directed outward are actually damped and absorbed, and not reflected back in the direction of the auricle. Low-quality closed-back headphones may have increased levels of distortion.

    Open-type headphones are designed in such a way that the sound from the back of the membrane spreads freely outside the headphones. This eliminates the need to create conditions for sound absorption and allows you to get the highest quality, balanced sound. Monitor headphones are often open-backed.

    Electrical characteristics

    Frequency range and frequency response

    The amplitude-frequency response (AFC) gives an idea of ​​the relative balance of frequencies in the sound signal emitted by these headphones. Essentially, the characteristic demonstrates the dependence of the relative transmission coefficient (signal level at the output to the signal at the input) on frequency, expressed in decibels. The reference level (0 dB) is usually taken to be the coefficient in the 1 kHz region. Further, the lower the frequency response goes, say, in the low-frequency region, the lower the level of low frequencies reproduced by these headphones, etc.

    However, headphone manufacturers and store owners usually limit themselves to only indicating the frequency range. According to the standard, the frequency range is the range within which the deviation from the reference level is not less than -3 dB. In fact, this is the border bottom and border high frequency, within which the attenuation is no more than -3 dB. In practice, we usually deal with frequency response irregularities of +/- 6 dB in almost the entire frequency range (although some dips in the midrange are a necessity), and manufacturers indicate a frequency range with a tolerance of almost -12 dB. Thus, in our time it is highly not recommended to navigate the specified frequency range.

    Impedance (resistance)

    Impedance is the total active (direct current) and reactive (alternating current) resistance of the headphones. Impedance, accordingly, depends on the signal frequency and is more correctly represented in the form of a graph, but usually the characteristics of headphones only indicate the nominal impedance value (typical for most of the frequency range).

    The impedance determines the playback volume and the level of power consumption of the headphones. The higher the impedance, the quieter the headphones will sound (at the same sensitivity), and the lower the power consumption will be. High impedance also improves playback quality by improving the signal-to-noise ratio.

    Since on portable devices The output voltage level is strictly limited; the sound volume (which depends on the current) can only be increased by using low headphone impedance - 32 or 16 Ohms. In stationary conditions sound cards Typically designed to match impedance with high impedance headphones (up to 500 ohms).


    Characterizes the efficiency of headphones in terms of energy consumption. Usually expressed in dB/mW - i.e. what volume level the headphones provide when 1 mW of power is applied to them. Thus, headphones with high sensitivity will provide higher volume while consuming less power.

    It should be noted that sensitivity can also be indicated in units of dB/V, then sensitivity in dB/mW also depends on resistance (impedance). Due to such ambiguities, as well as different methods for measuring sensitivity by manufacturers, this parameter does not always play a decisive role when comparing different models.



    It should be noted that high prices for headphones are by no means an indicator of their high quality playback. Firstly, the price on the market is determined not only by the cost, but also by such factors as demand, elitism, and “promotion” of the brand (take, for example, the ubiquitous Monster Beats). Moreover: some manufacturers deliberately inflate the price, depending on the target buyer. This is an important psychological factor - after all, no self-respecting audiophile will buy headphones that cost less than $400 ;)

    You can always find prices for headphones in the Aport product catalog (Aport.ru) at the link above.

    Subjective factors

    It should be noted here that important point. Even the best headphones in terms of characteristics (and reviews) may not be suitable for you personally. Either the ear cup coverage is small, or the sound does not correspond to personal preferences - there are actually a lot of options. This is why I strongly recommend not buying a pig in a poke. Before buying headphones, you should not only familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics, reviews and testimonials, but it is also highly advisable to listen to them personally - ideally on your equipment and musical material, which you will mainly play. Without a doubt, the subjective factor is decisive, and even if the headphones have a perfectly flat frequency response, what’s the point if you don’t like their sound or your ears are simply tired of them.

    Wireless headphones are used for listening to music, gaming and computer activities. Features of the products: independence from the computer and phone, the need for recharging, large range.

    How to choose wireless headphones

    • Pay attention to the type of headphones: earbuds, earplugs, on-ear, monitor.

    The classification is based on the distance the speaker is located to the ear. In-ear headphones are small in size, held in the ear by elastic force, but have poor low frequency reproduction.

    Vacuum headphones provide clean and high quality sound and have a soundproofing effect, so they are used for listening to music in transport and noisy rooms. The disadvantage of such products is the high load on the ears.

    • On-ear headphones with a special mount are suitable for gamers; they are expensive. Full-size devices cover the ears completely, can be closed or open, and provide good sound insulation. Disadvantage: large dimensions.
    • Choose headphones depending on the purpose. To listen to music you will need compact devices with a good playback frequency.

    Gamers and recording studio workers are recommended to buy full-size closed-type ones. For sports, models with moisture resistance and frost resistance are required.

    • Be sure to consider the size and weight of the headphones. The most compact are earbuds and vacuum devices weighing 5-30 grams, overhead models weigh 40-100 grams, and monitor models weigh 150-300 grams.
    • Duration of work is another important criterion.

      Good models provide operation without recharging for about 30-40 hours, and work in autonomous mode for 2-4 days.

    This indicator depends on the type and functionality of the device. The optimal time for recharging is 2-3 hours.

    • Pay attention to the package contents of the product, the presence of a warranty card, and instructions for use. Buy devices from trusted manufacturers.

    • Buy headphones with high frequency sound reproduction. As a rule, our ear detects frequencies from 15-16 Hz to 18000-20000 Hz.

    In order to listen to the entire spectrum, choose models with a frequency of up to 20 GHz. High frequencies are harmful to the human ear.

    • Pay attention to the sensitivity of the device. The standard indicator is up to 100 dB.
    • The resistance characteristic for portable equipment ranges from 16 to 50 Ohms. The impedance for a computer is 32-80 Ohms; for working in the studio you will need headphones with an impedance of 200-300 Ohms.

    The power of the model should be from 1 mW to 5000 mW.

    • Sound distortion is a characteristic that determines sound quality. Choose products that distort sound by no more than 1 percent.
    • Pay attention to the shape of the model of overhead and full-size products; they should fit tightly on the head, but at the same time be comfortable. To do this, select devices with a streamlined shape and durable mount.
    • When choosing headphones for your computer, consider the presence of a microphone and volume control.
    • It’s good if the products have a noise-absorbing effect, then nothing can distract you from your favorite activity.

    • Choose the color of the products and design according to your preferences, it doesn’t matter.
    • As a rule, modern models designed to operate within a radius of 10 meters. This indicator is quite sufficient. But headphones for a metal detector should have a higher performance – from 20 meters.

    The best all-round wireless headphones

    SoundSight equipped with 5-megapixel cameras with the ability to record video, six microphones, there are functions voice control and gyroscope.

    With these headphones you can see live broadcasts, process content and upload it to social media, it is available for iPhone and Android users.

    Compact headphones fit comfortably on your head and allow you to record video at 60 frames per second.


    • frequency range – 16-20000 Hz;
    • operating time – 4 hours, without noise absorption – 18 hours, standby mode – 24 hours;
    • camera – 30 frames per second, video – 60 frames per second;
    • equipped with a USB connector.


    • The camera is reliably protected from moisture and dust;
    • multifaceted and rich sound;
    • functionality;
    • comfortable mounting on the head;
    • practicality and durability.


    • high cost;
    • short duration of operation when all functions are activated.

    The best small wireless headphones

    AirBeats YE-106
    Maybe AirBeats YE-106, this is the smallest headphones in the world. Used during development latest technologies Intelligent DSP noise reduction and echo cancellation.

    Bluetooth technology allows you to connect two phones simultaneously within a radius of 10 meters without obstacles.


    • type – plug-in;
    • functions (microphone, noise reduction, answering calls);
    • work for 6 hours, standby mode – 2-3 days;
    • power – 110-240 W;
    • dimensions – 22.3 by 25 mm;
    • transmission distance – 10 meters;
    • frequency – 24000 Hz;
    • weight – 6.5 grams;
    • kit (ear clip, Bluetooth headset, USB cable).


    • comfortable listening to audio;
    • high transmission range;
    • lightweight, easy to carry;
    • functionality, reliability;
    • comfortable and compact.


    • very small, easily lost.

    The best gaming wireless headphones

    HyperX Cloud Stinger
    Compact headphones HyperX Cloud Stinger with high sound quality are equipped with 50 mm speakers that direct sound directly to the ear.

    The device features intuitive volume control and is compatible with different gaming platforms. Equipped with a noise-canceling microphone.


    • closed full-size headphones;
    • frequency range – from 50 to 18000 Hz;
    • sensitivity: 102 dB;
    • weight – 275 grams;
    • power – 500 mW;
    • resistance – 30 Ohm;
    • color (black, red).


    • accurate sound reproduction;
    • intuitive volume control;
    • rotate the headset 90 degrees;
    • reliability and durability of the product;
    • the device is compatible with different gaming platforms;
    • Convenient microphone mute.


    • high price.

    Best Wireless Gaming Headphones

    Astro Gaming A50 Wireless
    Astro Gaming A50 Wireless used by professional players and amateurs. These are universal devices with which you can also listen to music or watch movies. Equipped with a built-in noise suppression system.

    The headset connects to PC, Mac, PlayStation 3. The product is equipped with a docking station, USB cable and stand.


    • type – full-size open;
    • sound reproduction frequency – 20-21000 Hz;
    • weight – 363 grams;
    • sensitivity – 104 dB;
    • impedance – 48 Ohm;
    • accessories (noise-canceling microphone, USB);
    • functions (volume control, surround sound mode).


    • functionality;
    • compatibility with different gaming platforms;
    • equipped with a built-in volume control and a noise-canceling microphone;
    • comfortable head mount;
    • surround sound in surround mode;
    • high frequency and sound power.


    • volumetric equipment (wires, stands, parts);
    • Need a lot of space to store accessories.

    The Best Wireless Headphones with Active Noise Canceling

    Bose Quiet Comfort 35
    Bose Quiet Comfort 35 provide freedom of movement, and the noise suppression system guarantees high audibility on the street and in noisy rooms. The product body is made of lightweight materials and has a convenient control system.

    The devices operate up to 20 hours without recharging. The device is equipped with a dual microphone, remote control, and timer. The headphones are made in silver and black colors.


    • work without recharging – 20 hours;
    • Bluetooth and NFC support;
    • dimensions: 18 by 17 by 8.1 cm;
    • weight – 310 grams;
    • equipped with an active noise reduction system;
    • complete set (adapter, audio cable, cable, USB, case);
    • additional functions (dual microphone, control panel, voice prompts, timer);
    • color (silver, black).


    • work in two modes: wired, wireless;
    • high sound insulation;
    • smooth adjustment of noise reduction effect;
    • convenient fastening;
    • control the device using the remote control;
    • equipped with a dual microphone;
    • work for a long time without recharging.


    • slight sound distortion due to active noise reduction system;
    • Bluetooth malfunctions.

    The best wireless headphones for sports

    Jabra SPORT
    Jabra SPORT with high-quality rubberized coating allow you to practice different types sports The left and right headsets of the device are connected by a flat cable. They work for 3-4 hours of sports activities.

    The LED shows how much battery power is left. Equipped with FM radio, the set includes an iPod and USB mount. The headphones are certified according to US military standards, protected from moisture, dust, and with high impact resistance.

    They are comfortable and practical, easy to put on, and fasten tightly.


    • dimensions – 43.2×63.4×12.4 mm;
    • weight – 24 grams;
    • support A2DP, AVRCP, Hands free, Headset, Bluetooth 3.0;
    • equipment (headset, network charger, instructions);
    • functions ( voice dialing, Radio, Call Hold, Multipoint).


    • fit snugly to the ear, secure fastening;
    • do not hinder movements;
    • protection from dust, moisture;
    • high impact resistance, not afraid of falling from a height;
    • comfortable size;
    • stylish design;
    • comfortable and practical.


    • sharp and strong sound;
    • In the cold the pulse sensor gets lost.

    The best wireless headphones for your phone

    Plantronics BackBeat GO
    Plantronics BackBeat GO Suitable for listening to music and watching videos. The headset gives surround sound, has a high noise reduction effect. The products are equipped with built-in controllers that regulate calls and volume.


    • duration of operation in offline mode – 10 hours, in active mode – 4.5 hours;
    • weight – 13 grams;
    • sound range – 10 meters;
    • frequency range – from 20 to 20000 Hz;
    • sensitivity – 104 dB;
    • support for A2DP, AVRCP, Hands free, Headset profiles;
    • equipped with a sound insulation system;
    • kit (stabilizers, charging cable).


    • compact and light-weight devices;
    • long operating time;
    • high sound insulation;
    • functionality;
    • special P2i nano-coating protects the product from sweat, moisture, and accidental spills of liquids;
    • Convenient volume control.


    • don't stay in the ears well.

    The best wireless headphones for your computer

    Bluedio H Hurricane H-Turbine
    Bluedio H Hurricane H-Turbine Bluetooth 4.1 Headphone are full-size closed headphones with high reliability and stylish design. The device is synchronized with the phone using NFC module. The product is compact, practical, and features a comfortable fit on the head.

    A capacious battery charge ensures long-lasting operation – 45 hours. Equipped with a volume control with a noise-canceling effect.


    • type – closed;
    • frequency range (20000-25000 Hz);
    • sensitivity indicator – 110 dB;
    • duration of work – 45 hours;
    • weight – 200 grams;
    • resistance 16 ohms;
    • functions (volume control, noise reduction);
    • complete set (headset, USB cables, AUX 3.5 Jack-Jack).


    • hold a charge for a long time (up to 45 hours);
    • good noise reduction;
    • convenient buttons for switching music;
    • high sound quality, soft bass;
    • compact and lightweight;
    • convenient equipment.


    • break when exposed to moisture;
    • The ear pads fit a little tight, and after a while my ears begin to hurt.

    The best wireless headphones for metal detecting

    Ritmix RH-437 BTS
    Ritmix RH-437 BTS Quick to put on, light and compact, practical to use. The stereo headset is functional and wirelessly transmits music, voice streams and digital data.

    Operates at a distance of 7-8 meters from the transmitter, which is equipped with a power indicator. The range of the device is 20 meters.


    • duration of work – 10 hours;
    • operate within a radius of 20 meters;
    • frequency – 2402-2480 GHz;
    • built-in battery – Li-Pol;
    • equipment (transmitter, USB adapter, charger);
    • supports profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, Hands free, Headset.


    • easy connection to any sound source;
    • The headset is compatible with all phones equipped with Bluetooth function;
    • convenient control keys;
    • functionality;
    • large range of action.


    • high cost;
    • mini-usb connectors, special cable required;
    • fragility, poor assembly.

    The best wireless headphones with microphone

    Logitech B750 Wireless
    Logitech B750 Wireless with built-in semi-open microphone. The devices are distinguished by high-quality, clear sound, are conveniently mounted on the head, and have a noise-isolating effect.

    They are equipped with a microphone and charge for about 2-3 hours, but the charge does not last long - only 6 hours. Practical equipment, products are presented in black and silver colors.


    • type – semi-open;
    • dimensions – 18.7×16.5×6.7 cm;
    • weight – 0.556 kg;
    • operating time without battery charge – 6 hours;
    • frequency range – 100-10000 Hz;
    • sensitivity – 62 dB;
    • operate within a radius of 10 meters;
    • equipment (USB receiver, stand for USB receiver, power supply);
    • color (black, silver).


    • comfortable fastening with adjustable headband;
    • high sound insulation;
    • high-quality clear sound;
    • equipped with a microphone;
    • does not take long to charge;
    • practical equipment.


    • weighty products;
    • does not last long, requires constant recharging.

    The best wireless headphones with a memory card

    TTLIFE with high frequency range– from 15 to 25000 Hz, excellent audibility within a radius of 10 meters. The devices operate without recharging for 5 hours, the kit includes instructions and USB. The model is impenetrable, simple and practical to use.

    Sounds are reproduced with high precision, smooth volume adjustment. The headphones support TF, MP3, WMA memory cards, have a stylish design, are compact and lightweight.


    • frequency range – from 15 to 25,000 Hz;
    • resistance – 32 Ohm;
    • transmission range – 10 meters;
    • operating time without recharging – 5 hours;
    • waterproof;
    • kit (instructions, USB).


    • light and sporty;
    • support MP3, WMA;
    • smooth volume control;
    • bass effect, many options for customizing the sound;
    • Support TF memory card;
    • waterproof;
    • stylish and practical design;
    • high fidelity sound reproduction.


    • short duration of work.

    The best wireless headphones for TV

    NCAR HP2-408
    NCAR HP2-408– these are two-channel wireless stereo headphones operating within a radius of 10 meters, equipped with instructions for using the product and a case. For recharging, 2 batteries are used.

    The design of the headphones allows them to be firmly fixed on the head. Sound distortion is small - 0.5 percent. Additional keys provide practicality.


    • dynamic, overhead;
    • 2 batteries;
    • equipped with volume control;
    • weight – 0.5 kg;
    • dimensions – 40 by 160 by 160 mm;
    • complete set (case, instructions).


    • high-quality and clear sound;
    • equipped with a volume control and additional keys;
    • practicality and durability;
    • convenient folding design.


    • weighty device;
    • low functionality.

    All presented models are functional, practical, and have their own purpose. Let's compare the main technical parameters of the devices:

    • In terms of the range of sound frequencies, the Plantronics BackBeat GO and Bluedio H models are considered the best. These products provide listening to a wide range of sounds.

    High sensitivity indicators gaming models HyperX Cloud Stinger, Astro Gaming A50 Wireless.

    • The Bluedio H is distinguished by its battery life, while the other models have average performance. Small products (AirBeats YE-106) do not work for long without recharging.
    • Almost all selected models have good resistance indicators (30-80 Ohms), in this they are inferior to the Bluedio H model. All models have a high range (10 meters), the Ritmix RH-437 BTS headphones exceed the norm (20 meters).
    • Bose QuietComfort 35 and HyperX Cloud Stinger are distinguished by convenient fastening and proper fixation on the head.

    The compact Jabra SPORT and AirBeats YE-106 provide ease of use. Logitech B750 Wireless and INCAR HP2-408 are large and weighty.

    • The best in-ear headphones are the AirBeats YE-106; among full-size models, choose the Astro Gaming A50 Wireless.

    Anyone who buys cheap headphones is often forced to experience disappointment in their purchase. After some time, a crackling sound appears in the headphones, extraneous noise and other unpleasant effects. Very often it becomes clear that headphones rub the ears, are uncomfortable and do not fit firmly on the head, and have a number of other negative qualities. How to choose headphones that would satisfy your specific request?

    Many of us have been faced with the question of how to choose headphones. But for the final decision-making, and, most importantly, the right choice, it is desirable to have the appropriate knowledge. To begin with, it would be a good idea to decide what kind of headphones you need and how much you are willing to part with. You should also think carefully about why you are buying headphones.

    For flash player or mobile phone For example, in-ear headphones that fit into your ears are suitable. But no in-ear headphones can produce the same sound quality that over-ear headphones provide.
    If you need good sounding headphones for stereo systems, That the best option On-ear headphones will become just like this. There are two types: closed and open. The former are distinguished by maximum durability and fit to the ears, which allows you to avoid almost all third-party sounds. The second (open) type of headphones is different in that it still allows a small amount of outside noise to pass through. This makes the sound more realistic than closed headphones.

    Headphones also differ in the principle of signal transmission - wired and wireless. The advantages of headphones into which sound is supplied via wires include high sound quality, while the disadvantages include stiffness of movement and the presence of a wire that limits the area of ​​your movement. Wireless headphones allow you to move freely, but at the same time, their sound quality is worse.

    If you need absolute sound insulation(noisy office/street, traveling on public transport) pay attention to in-ear headphones. These headphones completely isolate the ear canal from noise and allow you to listen to music even on the subway. Headphones Koss The Plug and Sony MDR-EX71 are recognized leaders in this class.

    To get maximum sound quality You can use some small monitor headphones with the player. Folding and lightweight, the Koss UR40 will change your idea of ​​"player" sound. These headphones are simply versatile.

    In-ear headphones, or “droplets”, are extremely compact in size. Unfortunately, such minimalism is not the most in the best possible way affects the sound quality. As a rule, the diameter of the sound-reproducing membrane does not exceed 1 cm, and this inevitably deprives the sound of low frequencies.

    X-woofer- new to the market - an incredible device that will change your idea of ​​how to watch DVD movies, play games and listen to music. Previously you only heard the sound - now you will feel it!

    ibud headphones from Japanese developers Thanko are designed in such a way that the owner can choose what length of wire he needs. They are ideal for use with mobile devices on the road, for example, with an iPod.

    For active movement For example, running or cycling, special “sports” headphones, for example, Aiwa HP-JB211 or Koss P5, are suitable. These are in-ear headphones with a vertical arm. These headphones are very practical and fit well on your head during sudden movements.

    What should you pay attention to when choosing headphones?

    Frequency range
    The human ear is capable of hearing sounds with a frequency of 20 Hz. Average good headphones must cope with specified frequencies without any problems. High-quality models from well-known companies, as a rule, go beyond this scope, but very few people will actually be able to hear the entire range, for example, from 12 Hz to 22 kHz. Especially when using MP3 players, music in this format is deprived of high frequencies even at the compression stage. And even if you are a brilliant sound engineer, you still won’t hear anything. To listen to MP3 (and other compressed formats), even at the highest quality, a range of about 20 Hz - 16 kHz is sufficient.

    Sensitivity. This is an important characteristic when choosing headphones, because the sound volume depends on it. We advise you to buy a device with a sensitivity of at least 90-110 dB. This will ensure good volume even in a noisy street.

    Resistance. Most devices are designed for 16 ohms. High-end headphones have an impedance of 200 ohms and higher. The larger this parameter, the quieter, but more distinct the sound will be at equal sensitivity. Headphones with high impedance use more energy. Please note: when using them with a player, you will have enough power for less time.


    As for the cable length, you need to imagine in advance where you will use the purchased device. If you want to move freely around the room while the player is on the table, a long cable will come in handy. If headphones are purchased exclusively for carrying with you, then it is better to choose a shorter cable. Now many manufacturers make headphones “with an extension cord” - a standard cord with a length of just over a meter can easily be extended to some distance using the supplied cable segment. There is, however, one subtlety here that your humble servant did not pay attention to at the time. It so happened that, in combination with a two-meter height, the 60-centimeter cable turned out to be short, and the one and a half meter cable was too long. So, despite the apparent convenience of the innovative design, even here you can make a mistake.

    Convenience and comfort of headphones- another very important detail. There are lots of little tips to give here. If headphones rub your ears, do not use earbuds, but use on-ear headphones or monitors. To prevent headphones from spoiling your hair, use headphones with a headband located behind the neck.

    Look at weight headphones - even those that seem light at first glance, some models can cause discomfort after several hours of continuous use. Use in-ear headphones with a headband or other models that distribute their weight evenly. Pay attention to what the earcups are made of, how ergonomically they are designed, how well they can be adjusted to fit your head diameter, etc. The presence of a volume control on the cord, a storage box and similar little things can make life much easier and make listening to music much more enjoyable.