• Pros and cons of the Android operating system. The undeniable advantages of Android over iOS

    The choice of a smartphone or tablet is an entirely individual matter, but the main choice that absolutely every buyer has to make is the operating system. In 2016, the most popular operating systems are Android and iOS, which have attracted millions of fans.

    Android fans are confident that iOS is too limited a system that does not provide iPhone owners with iPod Touch and iPad no choice. Owners of Apple devices, in contrast, insist that Apple creates ideal devices that will not let you down at the most important moment, and iOS functionality is sufficient to solve almost any everyday tasks.

    We tried to familiarize ourselves with the two operating systems in as much detail as possible and name the main and most important advantages of Android before iOS.

    Advantage 1. The Android operating system is completely open, that is, having received root rights, the owner of a smartphone or tablet becomes a real ruler, but even without this, you can store absolutely different types files, download them from the network and even share them via instant messengers. Unfortunately, iOS owners can only transfer photos or files from iCloud Drive(iOS 9 only), and one can only dream of downloading files from the network using standard methods.

    Advantage 2. If in iOS work If something doesn’t suit you, then nothing can be done about it. Apple doesn't really give iPhone and iPad users a choice. Device owners on Android based can download from the Internet or Google Play programs, allowing you to change various parameters and interfere with the operation of the OS, increasing its functionality or removing unnecessary functions.

    Advantage 3. This advantage of Android follows from the previous one. It is included in this list only because it is for this reason that many people refuse to buy iOS devices and choose Android products. The point is that the best system for customization appearance is exactly Android. By installing a third-party launcher and replacing standard fonts, the operating system is changing beyond recognition.

    Advantage 4. Running apps in the background on iOS is significantly limited. You cannot launch a download manager, hide it and use another program. In this case, the download will be interrupted after some time. Android owners can run any programs in the background and they will remain active until the device runs out of free space RAM or the download process will not complete completely. To achieve this functionality on iOS, you have to keep the program active until the file is completely downloaded from the network to the device.

    Advantage 5. It is not possible to connect a flash drive, wired keyboard or mouse to an iPhone or iPad, since Apple forces you to purchase special accessories with exorbitant price tags, the choice of which is not large. To connect almost any peripheral device from a computer to Android you only need to purchase an OTG cable, costing about 100 rubles. After this, you can even connect to your smartphone or tablet hard drive 500 GB and enjoy watching a movie directly from it.

    Advantage 6. If Apple moderators decide to remove an application from the store App Store, then 99% iPhone owners and iPad will not be able to install it. Of course, you can jailbreak and install the corresponding tweak, but lately You have to wait half a year for a hack to be released, and not everyone is ready to bother installing it. Android users just find the one you need on the Internet APK file and install it on the device without any problems, bypassing the company store Google Play.

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    1. Openness of Android OS
    Android is a completely open OS, which allows you to develop freely. From a practical point of view, this provides greater accessibility various applications and games. Unlike products offered in the AppStore, they can be distributed everywhere through networks, Google and content providers.

    2. Integration with Google online services
    By choosing Android OS, you get full support for services such as Gmail, Google Docs, Calendar, Maps, etc. In the future, Google plans to improve and expand the range of its services. Course on civil law video lectures on civil law. .

    3. Android Market- excellent software base
    Despite the fact that the AppStore software base is the largest and most organized, the situation may soon change dramatically in favor of the Android Market. This prospect is made possible thanks to a simpler and more tolerant placement of software on the Android Market, as well as a simpler application installation algorithm.

    4. Unlimited choice of mobile operator
    More recently, most interesting mobile devices distributed exclusively through telecom operators. Today, you can freely buy a smartphone with Android OS and separately purchase a SIM card under your preferred terms and conditions for the provision of operator services. Greater flexibility usually brings in entire armies of fans.

    5. Support the most various formats

    Most users are disappointed in Apple mobile products only because of a number of restrictions introduced by the company. Android provides the ability to support a large number of formats, which will certainly play a big role in increasing the army of fans of this OS.

    6. Possibility of Flash support
    Today, many websites use Flash, and you need to adapt to this. Apple abandoned the idea of ​​supporting this technology, while Android, in turn, developed a version of the Flash player.

    7. Widgets for quick access to device functions
    Android OS actively uses such widgets as Twitter Widget, People Widget, Messages Widget. Using widgets provides greater functionality than the alphabetic icons on the iOS desktop.

    8. Possibility of storing personal data on the Internet
    The majority of personal data can be stored on the Internet, which will save users from frequent synchronization mobile device with computer. This, in turn, can be very useful if you lose the device itself or local data from it.

    9. Simplified system update
    In order to update the device firmware, there is no need to synchronize the device with the computer. Updates are now downloaded directly to the device.

    10. Low price for devices with Android OS
    Despite the fact that the platform has existed relatively recently, the market has already formed a wide selection of economical and functional devices at reasonable prices.

    11. Introduction of a large number of Android devices
    On Android platform every day there are more and more more gadgets, including tablets, e-books and netbooks. In the future, this will help expand the functionality and flexibility of this operating system.

    12. Wide selection of device models in different price categories
    Apple supplies the market with a fairly limited number of device models. Devices on the Android platform are presented as very cheap and quite expensive models, which is certainly an important advantage.

    13. Availability of a real or virtual keyboard
    Unlike the iPhone, in Android devices there is an alternative to choosing a smartphone with only a screen or a physical one. full keyboard QWERTY.

    14. Ability to customize the Android interface
    Manufacturers, focusing on their taste, can introduce Android different versions user interfaces. For example, HTC Sense on Hero and Tattoo.

    15. Ability to customize the device as much as possible
    Android OS offers a wide range of options for creating and customizing multiple desktops. You can also configure how the device reacts to various events.
    And don’t forget to tell your friends about this OS.

    You can compare iPhone with Android smartphones endlessly. Ultimately, it is worth recognizing that both platforms have positive features, and it all comes down to what of these features the user needs and what not. Most of our readers have probably chosen the iPhone, and you don’t need to talk about its advantages. Instead, I suggest reading about positive qualities Android smartphones, thanks to which they can be superior to Apple smartphones in some ways. Colleagues from ZDNet listed all the remaining ones.

    Wide selection

    Before you buy an iPhone, it's worth considering how much memory and screen size you need. iOS in different models is no different, and the design of the device changes every two years. When choosing an Android smartphone, you can choose something according to your needs and preferences. Maybe you want an optical zoom camera like the Galaxy S4 Zoom, or maybe you want a compact screen. You can choose a smartphone from any materials, any color and at any price.

    Memory expandability

    If you bought an 8 or 16 gigabyte iPhone and filled in all free space, the only way to store more information locally is to buy another iPhone with more storage at a higher cost. Many Android smartphones, including flagship models, support maps microSD memory, the volume and quantity of which you can choose according to your needs. Store as much information as you want.

    Google integration

    Services Google are popular not only among owners of Android smartphones. However, on their native platform, support Google Apps, Gmail and Hangouts are implemented better and more convenient.

    There would be two more items on this list: widgets and third-party keyboards. Gradually, Apple is moving towards allowing users to customize their smartphone for themselves. However, iOS is still far from Android in this regard. Users of Android smartphones are able to change the interface of the device beyond recognition, according to their own wishes.

    Data access

    It's about file manager. Apple did everything to make users forget the concept of a “file”, but Windows sits deep in our heads, and many have become accustomed to the sight of a naked file system. Android is not going to break these habits.

    Cheap cables and chargers

    Original cable for the iPhone is expensive, and Chinese analogues do not last very long, if the device allows them to charge itself at all. The microUSB connector is standard on most devices from other manufacturers, and there is no problem with charging cables. They are lying around everywhere, and any of them will fit any Android smartphone.

    Based on materials from ZDNet

    The Android operating system is currently the only mobile platform, created on Linux based. It turned the world of mobile gadgets upside down, seriously pushing clumsy and expensive communicators to the wall. Windows Mobile, Symbian and iOS.

    The popularity of Android OS continues to grow literally every day. Almost every month we hear about the release of dozens of new devices running this operating system. In this article we will try to highlight what is good about Android and what has become the key to its popularity.

    Open platform

    A huge advantage of Android OS is the openness of the platform. This operating system has open source, which allows literally anyone to modify it, create certain assemblies, “write” software... An important aspect is that Android is free, which is why many people have grabbed it Chinese companies and began to install it on their products.

    Constant updates

    Android developers release updates, new shells, and software products much more often than other representatives of the operating system market. This allows us to say that Android OS is developing by leaps and bounds. The developers do not stop at their achievements and strive to make their product better and better.

    No connection to content stores

    As you know, a specialized Google Play store has been created for Android OS, which has collected hundreds of thousands of applications and games for Android devices. Despite this, consumers are not obliged to use exclusively the service described above. They can download software products anywhere, recording them in the form special archives. In general, as many applications as for Android have probably not been created for any existing OS. This is especially true when it comes to deciding which is better: Android or Windows. For a device running under Android control, you can easily find programs of almost any type, which has a positive effect on the functionality of Android smartphones and tablets.

    Replacing system applications

    In other OS it is not always possible to replace certain system applications. Android allows you to almost easily get rid of software products that you don't like, or replace them with alternatives. If you wish, you can even change the standard SMS messenger to a more progressive product, in your opinion.


    The Android operating system has an incredibly flexible desktop, which cannot be said about the rigid and primitive iOS and Windows Phone. In Android, you can literally do anything you want with the desktop thanks to a number of customization options. In addition, this OS provides special shell programs that you can easily change on your device. In a word, Android is maximum freedom as in external design, and in program “life”.

    Synchronization with Google

    As you know, Android is an operating system closely integrated with Google services. This helps a lot if you actively use Google mail, contacts, photos, schedules... In addition, Android provides convenient access to many entertainment Google services, such as Google Talk, Youtube, etc.


    The Android operating system provides decent multitasking. Thanks to this, you can launch and use several applications on your device at the same time. It is difficult to say how many tasks Android can handle, since it all depends on the hardware capabilities of a particular tablet or smartphone.

    Huge selection of manufacturers

    Than Android better than Windows phone, BlackberryOS and iOS, it is also because it is used by dozens of manufacturers. This does not limit the potential buyer to specific brands. So, for example, you will find iOS exclusively on devices Apple, and BlackberryOS – only on smartphones of the same name. On Windows Phone list somewhat wider, but, nevertheless, it is quite far from Android. In turn, Android smartphones and tablets are produced by all and sundry. With equal success, budget Alcatel for 90-100 dollars, and ultra-modern HTC and Samsung Galaxy. Thanks to this, Android becomes accessible to users of any financial means. It’s hard to say the same about iOS or Windows Phone, given the minimal cost of devices running these operating systems.

    In general, it must be said that Android is a platform for the Internet. Offline it has fairly average functionality, but everything changes when connected to the network. Therefore, use tablets and smartphones running this OS without having unlimited mobile internet or WI-FI points, is, if not a sin, then at least an incorrect approach to the capabilities of devices.

    Now you know what's good about Android. All that remains is to once again analyze all the pros and cons and make your choice. We hope it will be correct and you will get the most out of using your new gadget.

    Almost 10 years have passed since Android OS began to take over the world. In the depths Android company Ink. in 2002, the development of an operating system began, which subsequently exploded the IT market. Today, tablets, smartphones, communicators and others mobile gadgets, running under this OS have about 40% of the market. While the once sales leaders in this part of the market, Symbian and IOS, gain a little more than 2% in total. What makes Android so successful? We will try to answer this question in this article.

    On the eve of the publication of this article, there was a heated debate among the administrators of our site about why Android has the positions it has? Of course, if Google had not bought a small company at one time, most likely nothing would have happened, but this does not detract from the ideas of the developers who made their brainchild quite convenient.

    One of the advantages of Android today is the wealth of choice of gadgets where it is installed. This operating system works with Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, HTS and other leading companies. Today you can buy tablet computer, smartphone or player, which will be decorated with the logo of this OS.

    This is more of a tribute to demand. But as we know from economics courses, demand creates supply. Although this is a false statement, it is 100% true in this case. But would devices be in demand if they did not meet the requirements for comfortable work? Of course not, so another plus of Androida is convenience. This OS is easy to set up, although you do need to have some technical knowledge about the functionality.

    Many people, speaking about the advantages of this operating system, note its relationship with Linux. But, the fact that Android is made on Linux kernel, it also gives him a 100 handicap point. Although I can already feel the angry cries of the fans of this OS flying towards me. I have nothing against the “penguin,” but it’s still not right to point out the relationship of the “green robot Andy” with him as another plus.

    Now about another engine of progress of Android OS, namely large quantities applications, which now number more than 200 thousand. Naturally, even the most convenient operating system will not become popular without applications. Without various kinds of programs it will simply become unnecessary.

    Installing and uninstalling programs is very easy. They can be downloaded on the Internet, although not all have free access, but this is already given to capitalism. Developers also want to eat.

    Android is a living operating system. What do I mean by this phrase? The fact is that updates that improve the operating system and close detected flaws in it are released quite often. But this advantage of the operating system quickly turns into a disadvantage if you have an expensive Internet access plan. You can quickly waste your budget without even noticing it, just due to updates.

    Android is a very convenient and popular operating system for mobile devices. Gadgets are no longer so much a tribute to fashion, but rather very useful devices that can make our lives not only better, but also brighter. And operating systems play an important role in this.