• ICloud: what is it and what is it used for? How to connect iCloud on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Windows computers. What is iCloud Drive and how easy it is to work with it on Windows, Mac or iOS

    Among the many branded services Apple created companies exclusively for its users, there are a number of them that are managed in mandatory Everyone should be able to. One of these services is cloud iCloud storage.

    Don’t know what a “cloud” is yet? Then read this article, in it we will tell you what it is cloud storage and how to use iCloud on iPhone.

    Cloud storage (cloud) is a remote server/servers third party company, which, under certain conditions, provides users with the opportunity to store their data on them. Using the cloud, you can be sure that even if your device is lost or stolen, the information will be restored.

    iCloud is a cloud storage created by Apple for users using Apple products. 5 gigs per Apple servers is provided to users free of charge. If you need more space you have to pay.

    iCloud: initial setup

    iCloud does not require special installation; it is already integrated into iOS, and not in the form separate program, but as a special section in the “Settings” menu. In order to start using the Apple cloud, you need to specify the Apple ID parameters in the appropriate section.

    If installed on iPhone iOS version 10.3 or later platform version, then to log into iCloud:

    If you have, say, an iPhone 4 or 4S, or even more old model(well, you never know), then iOS 10.3 is no longer available to you. This means that the iCloud login scheme will be slightly different:

    However, perhaps you have, say, an iPhone 5S or even an iPhone 6, but you have not updated to the latest available iOS, then the second instruction will also work in your case.

    iCloud Management

    Well, we found iCloud, “registered”, now let’s start studying the functionality and setting the necessary parameters.


    IN iCloud menu we see a bunch of incomprehensible sliders that can be turned on or off. All this is great, but what to do with all this? Look, the main option of iCloud is synchronizing your data using your Apple ID, this means that the information that appears on your iPhone is automatically transferred to the cloud, and, in addition, to all other gadgets on which your Apple ID is registered. If you have only one Apple device, the information is synchronized only with remote storage.

    Using sliders, you set the types of information that need to be synchronized and which not. That is, if the numbers phone book you need to store it in the cloud, the “Contacts” slider is activated. But, say, you don’t want to store reminders, which means the slider remains turned off. Of course, the temptation to store everything at once is great, they say, everything will be useful in the household, but you need to remember that there is only 5 GB of free space.

    As you explore the iCloud menu, you'll quickly notice that some items have subsections rather than just an activation/deactivation slider opposite. Such items in present moment four - “Photos”, “Keychain”, “Find iPhone” and “iCloud Backup”. Also on a separate line iCloud Drive. Let's look at each of these sections in order.


    There's really nothing special in this section. It is similar to other “slider” items - contacts, calendars, etc. Simply, since photos weigh a lot, the user is given the opportunity to make additional settings.

    For example, there is a slider “Upload photo series”. If you take photos in burst shooting, by default, only the most successful frames are added to the cloud, to save space, of course. Is it possible to have all burst photos uploaded to iCloud? Yes! But then you should activate the “Upload photo series” slider.

    Bunch of keys

    But this is a more interesting “thing”. There is only one slider in this section, “Keychain Access in iCloud.” By activating it, you automatically transfer all passwords and payment information from the iPhone on which you enable the option to other devices on which your Apple ID is registered. When activating the option, you must confirm the action from a “friendly” device.

    Find iPhone

    Further - more, “Find iPhone” is perhaps the most useful additional section iCloud. This option implements two mechanisms. The first one will appeal to forgetful people. Imagine this: you set your smartphone to silent mode, put it somewhere and conveniently forgot where. Now you need it, but how to find it?

    If you managed to set the “Find iPhone” slider to the active position before losing it, then:

    Do you agree, this is a great opportunity? However, the second option “Find iPhone” is even cooler. If you lost your device outside your home, and you don’t know where, or it was stolen from you, then with the help of iCloud.com you can use the “Lost Mode” button to leave a message and your contacts to the person who found the device. This will lock your iPhone and display the message you left on the lock screen.

    Moreover, if the smartphone was stolen, the thief will most likely try to bypass the lock screen and reset the lost mode by restoring the device through iTunes. However, if the “Find iPhone” option is enabled, after recovery (as well as after updating and resetting parameters), you will be prompted for login and Apple password Owner ID. If you do not enter the parameters, you will not be able to use your smartphone. There is no way to bypass this request. Thus, the device in the hands of a thief turns into a piece of unnecessary metal and the only way to make money from theft is to return it iPhone to owner for a fee.

    iCloud backup

    Another interesting section iCloud. By going into it, you can activate the “iCloud Backup” slider, which will enable automatic creation backups - they will be performed whenever the iPhone is charging and connected to Wi-Fi. If you want to create backups manually, leave the slider turned off and click “Create a backup copy” - do not forget to periodically return to the menu and click this button again if you want the data in the copy to be updated.

    However, we hasten to note that it is possible to backup- this is already an unnecessary measure, because by setting synchronization parameters using the main menu sliders, you are actually duplicating important information in the cloud. The only point is that when backing up to the cloud it is sent more types data than during synchronization, but not all of it is actually necessary. No, of course, if free space in the cloud were unlimited, why not store everything at once. But if you save space, why store all your correspondence in instant messengers, but they also go to a backup copy. So think about it, maybe just synchronization is enough for you.

    iCloud Drive

    And finally iCloud Drive. This option, having appeared in the iCloud section, confused everyone quite a bit. However, very quickly everyone figured out what was what. Just above we already mentioned the site iCloud.com, where, by specifying the Apple ID parameters, you can view the synchronized information. However, users for a long time complained that it was not very convenient and it was high time to create something like Dropbox or Yandex.Disk for iCloud. And so Apple came up with iCloud Drive.

    To start using iCloud Drive, you need to move the corresponding slider in the iCloud menu on your iPhone to the active position, and then use the levers below to indicate information from which programs are allowed to sync with iCloud Drive.

    Now go to the Home screen, look for the application of the same name on it and open it. If you've ever used Dropbox, you'll immediately recognize the interface. Here you can create various folders and drop the contents of allowed programs into them.

    For example, you created a document in Pages on your iPhone, but want to continue on your iPad or Macbook - just drop the file into the iCloud Drive app and open it on the device you want to edit or complete it on, of course, through the same app. On all Apple devices, it is installed by default. If you want to use the drive on a Windows PC, you will have to install it first.

    Let's summarize

    Well, as you can see, iCloud functionality is quite wide. The main functions of the service are synchronizing data with the cloud and creating backup copies, however additional options no less interesting and some deserve a separate article. You can read more about the iCloud service in a special section of the Apple website, and if this or that moment raises questions, you can always turn to the Russian-language support service of the Apple giant for help.

    Apple has created quite a few branded services for iPhone users, which are successful to varying degrees - some are popular, some are not so popular. iCloud cloud storage definitely falls into the first category. However, there are users who do not understand what iCloud is and how to use it. It’s a pity, because this service contains a lot of useful options.

    In this article we will talk about the functionality of the service and its subtleties.

    Today, users store a lot of useful and useful information in their smartphones. important information and, having lost the device, the owner often regrets not so much about material damage, how much about lost data. This state of affairs forced IT companies to come up with cloud services. In the cloud, the user can store a backup copy of important data and restore it if the gadget is lost necessary information on another device.

    iCloud is one of the services cloud storage information that is available by default to all iOS users. Having purchased an iOS device of any model - iPhone 4 or iPhone 6 S, iPad Mini 1 or iPad Pro etc., the user automatically receives 5 GB in the “cloud” ( more space- for an additional fee).

    Physically, the “cloud” represents the company’s remote servers; in other words, it is a huge hard drive, owned by Apple, where the company shares space with each user.

    Synchronization or backup

    iCloud has two main functions - sync and backup. Don't you see the difference between these two concepts? And it is significant. Let's take it in order.


    A backup can be created automatically or manually. In the first case, copying is performed whenever the device is charging and connected to Wi-Fi networks. In the second, the user decides when to make a backup. To create a copy:

    That's it! Pretty simple, right? Now, if automatic backup is configured, you can never return to this menu, but if you select manual mode, periodically go to the section and click “Create a backup copy”.

    In reserve iCloud copies Almost all types of information that is available on the iPhone are saved, that is, both useful data, such as phone book contacts, and not so useful data can go there - for example, some messages from Whats App and other instant messengers. Of course, if you bought additional space in the cloud and you have much more than 5 GB there, such waste is not very worrying, but if we are talking about 5 GB, the approach of storing everything at once does not seem very reasonable.


    This is where synchronization comes to the rescue. If you return to the iCloud menu, to the level where the “Backup” item is located, you will see a bunch of other items, opposite each of which there will be a slider.

    If the slider is active, synchronization with the cloud is automatically performed. For example, if the slider next to the “Contacts” item is green, then all phone book numbers are synchronized with the “cloud” via the Apple ID, which is registered in this iPhone. This means the following - if you lose this iPhone, buy a new one and register your old Apple ID in it, you will find all contacts from the lost device, even if initial setup On the device, the option “Restore from backup” was selected, but “Set up as new”.

    So, in essence, backup and sync are capabilities that give the user about the same practical outcome - the data is attached to the Apple ID and is easily restored. But! Synchronization can be controlled by turning on and off the corresponding sliders, rationally using space in the cloud.

    Find My iPhone and iCloud Drive

    We said a little higher that iCloud has two main options and looked at them. However, the service also has additional functionality. It's quite broad, but as part of this introductory article, it's important to mention two specific options.

    Find iPhone

    With Find My iPhone, Apple has implemented anti-theft protection. In some iPhone moment they began to steal so often that it was simply impossible to sit idly by. And then “Find iPhone” appeared. If you turn it on, the so-called Activation Lock. Every time after an update/restore/reset, an iPhone with Activation Lock enabled will prompt you for your Apple ID password.

    What does this give? Look, a thief has stolen your device. The first thing he does, of course, is dump the information, because he won’t be able to sell a smartphone with someone else’s data. And after the reset, a surprise awaits him - a request for Apple ID parameters, which cannot be bypassed without knowing the login and password of this account. What remains? Only return the device for spare parts or return it to the user for a fee.

    You can also activate Lost Mode using Find My iPhone. To do this you need:

    When Lost Mode is activated, the iPhone is locked and a message from the user is displayed on the lock screen.

    Another fun option is “Find iPhone”, which will certainly appeal to forgetful people. Next to the “Lost Mode” button, there is a “Play Sound” button; click on it if you don’t remember where you put your smartphone. And even if he's on silent mode, a loud beep will sound.

    To enable “Find iPhone”, go to the iCloud menu, find the “Find iPhone” item, tap it and activate the slider of the same name in the menu that opens. This option activation method is relevant for everyone iPhone models- both the old 4 S and the new 6 S and “sevens”.

    iCloud Drive

    And finally, let's talk about the iCloud Drive option. In general, it’s easier to say that this is not an option, but an application; it is simply configured through the main iCloud menu.

    The iCloud Drive application is pre-installed on iPhones with iOS 9 and later versions of the platform. This is, in fact, DropBox from Apple, or if you are not familiar with DropBox, it is a kind of file manager. Documents can be uploaded here manually, or you can configure automatic transfer - to do this, in the iCloud menu, move the corresponding sliders under the iCloud Drive item to the active position.

    Unfortunately, not all users understand why iCloud Drive is needed on an iPhone and what to do with it. In our opinion, the easiest way to understand is with an example.

    Let's say you started working on a file on your iPhone, but want to continue on your computer or iPad - you simply drop the document into iCloud Drive on your smartphone, then open this application on the device from which you want to continue working, and... actually, continue!

    Moreover, directly from iCloud Drive you can upload a document to the desired program. That is, if a file supports, say, working with six programs that are installed on a PC or iOS mobile gadget, you can click on the file and hold your finger on it to select the one you need from all six programs.

    Let's summarize

    iCloud is a very cool and useful service, and its functionality, of course, goes far beyond the scope of this article. However, now you know at least approximately what iCloud is on an iPhone and, for sure, you have a desire to get to know the service better. Detailed instructions and help in managing the service can be obtained on the official Apple website by reading the relevant sections or by contacting the company’s support service.

    The main purpose of the cloud iCloud service– synchronization of information between PC, Mac devices, iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad. This will especially make life easier for owners of several Apple devices. With iCloud, all new information from your iPhone automatically and instantly reaches all your other devices as long as they are connected to the same iCloud account.

    Now you don’t need to connect each device to your computer and synchronize with iTunes in order to transfer applications, photos, contacts, etc. back and forth. As soon as you purchased or added something, for example, to an iPhone, this data will immediately go through the cloud to, for example, an iPad. No clutter or confusion - every device has the same content. You can use iCloud on computers, there are versions for Mac and Windows...

    What can you sync via iCloud?

    1. iTunes Content. Cloud iTunes automatically downloads purchased music, apps, and books to any of your devices.

    2. Mail, calendars, reminders, contacts, notes, bookmarks also synced via iCloud.

    3. Photo stream(Photo Stream). All photographs taken with Apple devices, are automatically uploaded to Photo Stream and transferred via iCloud to other iOS devices, immediately after closing the Camera app and while connected to a Wi-Fi network. (Through cellular network photos are not transferred to the cloud).

    Please note that you can store up to 1000 photos in the cloud, and all subsequent ones will be overwritten in place of the old ones.

    But all the photos are stored on the computer, not just 1000. You can view them on a Mac computer - through iPhoto or Aperture, on a PC - in the Photo Stream download folder, by default this is the folder C:\Users\Apple\Pictures\Photo Stream\My Photo Stream.

    4. Documents(iWork). If you work with texts, tables and presentations through the Pages, Numbers and Keynote applications, then they can also be synchronized with all iOS devices, as well as with documents in the Mobile Documents folder on Mac computers. When you edit a document on iOS, its “version” is automatically updated on all iOS devices.

    5. Backups. Backups are now created automatically when your iOS device is plugged into power and connected to Wi-Fi and sent to iCLoud. The backup includes device settings, the location of icons on the screen, messages, application data, photos and videos, ringtones, purchased music, programs, books and TV shows. If you want, you can use a backup copy so as not to lose data.

    6. Family Sharing. With this option, users can share content from iTunes Store, iBooks Store And App Store with family members - up to six people.

    In general, the iCloud cloud service allows you to maintain all the information on all your iOS devices and associated computers in an up-to-date form, quickly and conveniently transfer new applications and files between them. The iCloud service was introduced in mid-2011. Over the past time, the Cupertino team has significantly expanded its functionality.

    Deleted from iPhone information stored in iCloud for 30 days. How to restore deleted files read .

    How much do you need to pay to use iCloud?

    All account holders Apple records IDs automatically receive 5 GB free cloud space in iCloud. It can be used to store backups, application files, important documents, etc.

    If necessary, users can expand the available capacity by 50 GB, 200 GB or 1 TB. Depending on the chosen “package”, the cost of the service will also change. When purchasing an additional 50 GB, users will need to pay an additional 59 rubles per month, and when purchasing 1 TB – 599 rubles per month.

    It is worth noting that relatively recently the company has slightly reduced the cost of “packages”. Just last year, one additional TB of cloud space cost 200 rubles more.

    How to set up iCloud

    How to use iCloud and how to set it up. There is nothing complicated here. However, depending on the platform, it has its own nuances.

    Setting up iCloud on iPhone

    1. On your smartphone or tablet, go to Settings - iCloud.

    2. Enter your Apple ID login and password. Instructions.

    3. Select one of the two proposed options - merge or not merge Safari data on mobile device and in the cloud.

    4. Activate geolocation for the Find iPhone function.

    Setting up iCloud on Mac

    1. In OS X, open System Preferences – iCloud.

    2. Enter your Apple ID login and password and click Sign In.

    3. If necessary, activate the “Find Mac” function, as well as transfer contacts, calendars, reminders from Mac to iCloud.

    Setting up iCloud on Windows

    How to make iPhone photos available on iCloud

    As mentioned above, iCloud can act as a cloud storage for pictures. Moreover, photos can be automatically moved to the cloud and become available both on other Apple devices and in the web version of iCloud - this feature is called “iCloud Photo Library”.

    To use iCloud Music Library you need:

    On a mobile device running iOS 8.3 or later, go to Settings - iCloud - Photos and activate the item “ iCloud Photo Library».

    On a Mac running OS X 10.10.3 or later, go to System Preferences - iCloud - Options, and then select iCloud Photo Library.

    After activating all the necessary options, photos and videos will begin to be uploaded to the cloud. To do this you need a constant Internet connection. It is worth noting that the speed of downloading files and their appearance in the Photos application on iOS and OS X, as well as in the Cloud web version, directly depends on the speed of the Internet connection.

    iCloud also has a web version - iCloud.com, from this site you can access all synchronized documents.

    Sign in using your Apple ID account. The five main sections include Contacts, Calendar, Documents, Find My iPhone, and mail account. Through the web service, you can fully use iCloud: upload documents and edit information in your calendar, contacts, and mail. All changes will be immediately transferred to your iOS devices participating in the cloud.

    In addition, in the web version you can delete photo stream data. To do this, click on your account in the upper right corner, select “Advanced” and “Delete photo stream data.” This action will remove all photos from iCloud, but they will remain on all your iOS devices and computers. And iCloud will free up space for a new 1000 photos available for synchronization via the cloud.

    Before we look at the question of how to use iCloud Drive correctly, let's learn more about the service itself. Perhaps you don’t even need it, and you’ll be in vain connecting it. We will also look at regular service iCloud, which should never be confused with Apple's cloud storage. Well, first things first.

    How to enable and add files?

    So, you and I already know why cloud storage was created, but without practice we will not be able to consolidate the material. Therefore, now we will learn how to enable iCloud Drive, add files there, and how this service works using an example. It is worth noting that the process is similar on iPhones, and it changes only on Mac and Windows computers, but more on that later. Let’s also say right away that the storage requires an Internet connection to operate. If you're ready, let's get started:

    How to add files to iCloud Drive

    Now let's talk about how to add files to iCloud Drive. To do this we need to look at an example:

    1. For example, an image was sent to you by email. Long press and click on it to open context menu bottom of the screen.
    2. Among the black and white buttons there will be a cloud icon and the inscription: “Save attachment.”
    3. After this, all that remains is to select a folder in iCloud Drive and click on the “Export here” button at the bottom. Your image is now stored in the cloud.

    It is worth noting that some data does not need to be transferred manually at all. For example, text files from Pages are automatically transferred to cloud storage, so you can simply go there and upload the document. The same goes for Numbers tables and Keynote presentations. are also synchronized, so in some cases there is nothing to worry about. What is the convenience of this service?

    So, you urgently need to report to school. You started doing it at home, but it’s time to go out and go to school or university. Then you simply transfer it to iCloud Drive on your computer and then launch it on your phone. Here you can edit it, and then print it in some salon. It's worth noting that Pages documents can be exported to Word format, if you are afraid that there are no Apple computers in the place where you will be printing.

    Answers to the most popular questions

    1. How to transfer photos if it is not enabled iCloud Photo Library? Let's say right away that regular means You can't just transfer photos or videos from your iPad to cloud storage. This will require using third party program Documents from developer Readdle. Launch the app and tap on the Photos folder, select the folder, then tap and hold required file. Without releasing it, move your finger to the left top corner screen and hold until the main menu of the program appears. Now move your finger to the iCloud folder. Ready!
    2. How to save a file from Drive to the memory of a tablet or iPhone? Open cloud storage and click on the file you need. Then click on the arrow button in the lower left corner of the screen. Depending on the file type, click on the appropriate button. For example, if it is a video, it will say “Save video.” For books, use the “Copy to iBooks” button and so on.
    3. How to open files on a computer under Windows control? To do this, go to www.icloud.com and enter your details account. Then just click on the iCloud Drive icon. Or download the application of the same name from the official Apple website.
    4. What to do if files don't sync? Make sure

    A year and a half ago Apple company launched one of its most powerful Apple services for its users - iCloud online storage. Recently, the storage service received the status of “broken” among i-device owners. Many began to blame iCloud for discovering shortcomings. Every iCloud user with their own Apple ID gets 5 free gigabytes to back up apps and more. iPhone settings, iPad and iPod Touch. Among the main key capabilities The online service includes synchronization of photos, documents, email from your Mac and mobile devices. When developing and introducing the service to the circle of apple lovers, the idea pursued by sunny California engineers was the ability to access all your data, regardless of what device you use. For many, this storage and interaction with it may seem confusing, however, like any other product, you need to get the most out of it. Here are some tips for you to get the most out of your cloud service Apple.

    • Two-stage verification system

    The first thing you should do is create a two-step verification system that adds an extra layer of security to your cloud account. Using appleid.apple.com, sign in to your account with the email address and password you use to download apps. Next, in the lower left corner, visit Password & Security. The first option involves a two-step verification, so click “Start” (“ Get Started"). You'll have to wait about three days before the two-step verification starts working, but it's worth the wait.

    • Activate iCloud on Mac

    Make sure it's "apple" iCloud cloud activated on all your devices. Here's an example of how you can activate the service on a Mac: go to System Preferences and select iCloud, enter your Apple ID and password, check all the items you want to sync: photos, contacts, e-mail etc.

    • Activating iCloud on iPhone, iPad and iPod

    Here's how to activate iCloud on your mobile device (iPhone/iPad/iPod): go to the settings section, go to the iCloud menu, after activating it, select what you would like to store in the cloud.

    • Synchronization

    Now that you're a full member of iCloud, make sure you sync the items you care about most. We especially recommend syncing your contacts, notes, reminders, and bookmarks so you can access them across any of your devices and across the web.

    • Use iCloud storage just like Dropbox

    There is a way you can “trick” iCloud by using virtual folders to store any file. If you use Dropbox, you're probably pretty familiar with the general concept. To make iCloud online storage as close to Dropbox as possible, first make sure Documents & Data is included in iCloud settings systems. Next, open Finder and press Ctrl + Shift + G. A dialog box will open inside Type ~/Library. This will allow you to discover your hidden folders libraries. Once you're inside, scroll down Mobile Documents. You don't need to change anything inside this folder because the files belong to the apps your iCloud storage is already using. However, you can now leave yours here own files and folders. Items located in this folder will be available on any other device accordingly.

    • Take full advantage of Docs in the cloud

    You can store any documents in the cloud using your account, including Word and Excel tables. Make sure Documents & Data is synced with iCloud. This will allow you to download text documents, presentations, drawings, and more on iCloud. Plus, there are third-party application developers who also provide the ability to save material to your account. Once your documents are saved to iCloud, you can access them from iCloud.com, from your Mac, or from your iPhone and iPad.

    • Sync reading lists from Safari

    If you suddenly left an unread article on your computer, you can always “pick up” it on your iPhone or iPad. To do this, enable the Reading Lists function in the Settings of both your computer, smartphone and tablet. Make sure to check your bookmarks on all devices. This function works using the glasses icon only in the Safari browser.

    • No need to connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC over and over again

    The iPhone and iPad backup feature is the most useful feature of iCloud. Whenever your device connects to a Wi-Fi network, it will automatically sync settings, apps, music, photos, etc. with your iCloud account. If you ever feel the need to restore something, all you need to do is sign in with your Apple ID and download everything you need from iCloud. In the storage settings, you will find a backup option.

    You only get 5GB of free space when you get an account, so use it wisely. Here's a way to check how much space is left available. On your Mac, go to system settings, select iCloud, then Manage in the lower right corner. Seeing the number of saved items, including backups, game files, and documents, will give you a clear idea of ​​how much space you have left. If necessary, you can always buy more space. This section can also be accessed from your iPhone or iPad via Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage.

    You can free up space by deleting old backups, deleting backups of applications that are not important to you.

    • Possibility of purchasing additional memory

    Apple gives you 5GB of free cloud storage. If you have multiple devices or simply need more space, you'll have to fork out some cash. Apple offers 20GB for $40 per year or 50GB for $100 per year. It's pretty cool price compared to Google Drive, which gives you 25GB for $2.50 per month ($30 per year). And Dropbox gives you 100GB for $100 per year. You can purchase additional storage space on your Mac in System Preferences or through your iPhone or iPad in iCloud Preferences.

    • Use iCloud to download apps and music across all your devices

    In iTunes, in preferences you can specify your Mac for automatic download music, programs, books and other purchased goods in iTunes store. In the same way, you can activate the option on your mobile device.

    • Take Advantage of Photo Stream

    Photo stream is one of the most elegant ways automatic synchronization photos with other devices. Photos from your iPhone or iPad will automatically appear on your Mac. This option also needs additional activation in the settings.

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