• How to charge a non-removable battery without charging. How to charge your phone without charging - all the ways

    The battery in a car is designed to supply power to the starter. Therefore, it depends on the battery charge full-time job all vehicle systems. Do not allow the battery to be completely discharged and charge the battery in a timely manner. In the absence of a special device that is designed to charge the battery at home, sooner or later every motorist has a question: how to charge the battery without charger?

    Since the matter is quite serious and requires care and strict adherence to instructions, we will consider the main methods used in force majeure situations.

    How to start a car without charging in an emergency

    When faced with this problem in a “dead” place, do not be upset. A regular charged battery removed from:

    Having opened the hood, you should find the wire going from the battery to the generator, which supplies the latter with the necessary signal when turning the key. Having broken this wire, you should insert a battery in its place, push the car, preferably down a hill, and, jumping on the move, turn the ignition key. After the car starts, the battery is removed with the engine running.

    In some cases, it is enough to shake the battery thoroughly so that the liquids are distributed evenly in it. Remember that shining a light with a lighter or a match when you look inside the battery is extremely dangerous and can lead to dire consequences.

    If you have enough time, in the absence of a specially designed device, you can independently assemble a primitive analogue from several components.

    How to charge a car using a homemade charger

    You can assemble a simple battery charging device from the following elements:

    When constructing a circuit, keep in mind that the light bulb will burn at half power, since the diode cuts off part of the amplitude of the transmitted AC. The absence of a light bulb may indicate that the circuit is assembled incorrectly or that the battery is fully charged, which is very doubtful, because The voltage at the terminals is sufficient, but the current is small.

    Do not use a lamp whose power is more than 200 Watts - it can burn not only the semiconductor, but also the battery itself. Remember to touch bare hands circuit elements are only possible when the circuit is disconnected from the power supply, since all its parts are under high voltage.

    Typically, charging takes approximately 10 hours. Do not forget to turn off the power at the end of the process, otherwise the battery may “boil”, which will cause it to malfunction. It will be useful for any motorist to have a device that checks the charge of the battery. It will help prevent damage and promptly detect a drop in charging, which usually occurs in the most inappropriate cases.

    Alternative charger made from scrap materials

    The second fairly effective way to charge a dead battery is to create at home a household analogue of a device specially designed for this purpose.

    Automotive as well acid battery in children's cars you can also charge in the following way. You will need:

    1. car light bulb (or from a motorcycle, moped) 12V;
    2. 2-3 pieces of wire;
    3. laptop charging power supply.

    Plug in the power supply. We connect the assembled and soldered wires with the light bulb into the socket, from which we feed the positive cable to the positive of the battery. From the negative of the socket the wire goes to the negative of the light bulb, and from the positive of the light bulb the wire goes to the negative of the battery. When the circuit is correctly assembled and connected, the light should light up.

    Leave the device turned on for half an hour - an hour. The battery may not be fully charged, but at least for a children's car the charge will be enough for normal use. For an adult car, it will be enough to start the car, and then the battery can be charged from the generator.

    Charging the battery in cold weather

    If the battery is discharged in the cold, it can be restored to functionality without using any devices. You need to remove the battery from the car and bring it to a warm place to warm it up.

    This should be done carefully, without rushing to extremes like pouring boiling water. This is quite dangerous and can completely damage the battery. Warming of the battery should occur gradually and evenly.

    Shaking the battery can also help in such cases. This one is pretty effective way helps to evenly distribute the liquids inside the battery. Carry out the process carefully, without trying to look inside.

    Is your smartphone's MiniUSB socket broken? Or do you only have a battery on your hands without mobile device? Figure out how to charge your phone battery without a phone. This can be done directly. But precautions must be taken. This way you will keep the device in working condition. And you will use it even if the USB connector breaks down.

    IMPORTANT. “Extreme” charging harms the gadget. It's just not designed for that kind of connection. As a result, the device may fail. It's better not to experiment. Don't do it just for fun.

    If you're wondering how to charge your battery without your phone because it's broken, take it in for repair. It is better to repair the device rather than damage the battery. The direct charging method is a temporary solution. It is suitable when you urgently need a “mobile phone”, and power it in the usual way it doesn't work. But you cannot constantly charge the battery separately from the smartphone.

    There is a safe alternative - transferring energy literally through the air. The technology appeared recently, so older smartphone models do not support it. For wireless charging, you need a set of equipment: a charger (a source of an electromagnetic signal) and a receiver that is attached to the phone battery. The receiver itself may already be built into the gadget.

    This is not best option, since it is impossible to charge a smartphone battery without a smartphone. And it will be replenished slowly. But if your mini-USB slot just doesn't work, wireless transmission energy will be easier and safer. Nothing will break or explode with it. Significant disadvantage - necessary equipment is expensive. Other methods, although risky, are available to everyone.

    To decide how to charge the phone's battery directly, you need to remove it from the case. If it is not removable, you won’t be able to “get” to the contacts. And you shouldn’t manually refill the battery while it’s in the smartphone.

    Probably every car owner has encountered the problem of a dead battery. This trouble can happen to any driver if you do not pay enough attention to the car's power source.

    We'll talk about why they discharge car batteries, as well as about the features of charging them at home.

    Why does the battery run out?

    Typically, the service life of a modern automobile is 5-6 years, provided that it is used correctly and maintained on time. After this time, the power source wears out, and it is almost impossible to restore it.

    However, it often happens that even relatively new battery stops working. There may be several reasons for this:

    • automobile long time stood motionless, especially in the cold season;
    • insufficient quantity and density of electrolyte in banks;
    • malfunctions in the electrical equipment of the car;
    • destruction of battery working plates, etc.

    If the car for a long time stands motionless, the battery, not receiving a charge, is discharged. This happens especially quickly in the cold. It is enough for the car to sit like this for two or three weeks, and you will no longer be able to start it.

    During battery operation, the electrolyte gradually evaporates. And if you do not control its quantity, over time this will lead to the battery losing its properties.

    The cause of discharge can also be various problems with electrical equipment. This may be a lack of charging caused by problems with the generator, etc.

    If the working plates are damaged, it is better not to use the battery - this may cause internal short circuit, which is fraught with failure of other electrical equipment and even fire.

    How to prepare a battery for charging

    If still battery discharged, there is no need to rush to take it to the service center. You can charge it yourself, of course, if you have a charger, plus you know how to charge a car battery. But first the battery needs to be prepared for this.

    First, you need to remove it from the car by disconnecting the terminals. If the battery has been left in the cold for some time, it must be taken indoors and allowed to warm up for several hours before charging.

    You can charge the battery at home without removing it from the car, but this should only be done in a dry, warm place, preferably in a garage.

    If the battery is serviceable, before charging you need to unscrew the lids of the cans and check for the presence of electrolyte. If necessary, it should be topped up. And only then, without tightening the plugs, start charging.

    And one more thing. Before charging the battery with a charger, you need to know its capacity. It is usually indicated on the label and measured in ampere hours (Ah, A/h). This value will be needed to calculate the optimal charging current.

    A few words about security measures

    Before you charge your battery at home, it’s a good idea to know a few things. simple rules, which will protect you and your loved ones during this process.

    • Firstly, the room in which charging will take place must be well ventilated. The fumes released during the process (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen, etc.) are unsafe for health.
    • Secondly, charging the battery is prohibited near open fire and heating devices.
    • And thirdly, any charger operates from the mains, so it is not recommended to leave it unattended for a long time.

    Charging methods

    There are three main ways to charge a battery:

    • constant voltage (voltage 14.5-16.5 V with current decreasing from 45 to 20 A);
    • DC(charging current is equal to 10% of the battery capacity);
    • combined method (first with direct current, then with constant voltage).

    After selection optimal option DC voltage you will have to wait 24 to 48 hours. In the first case, the charging voltage is set to 16.5 V, and in the second - 1.4 V. The battery, while charging, gradually “gains strength”, leveling out the difference between the performance of the battery and the charger.

    The method allows you to charge the battery at home in 10 hours. It is important to accurately determine the charging current. As already mentioned, it should be equal to a tenth of the battery capacity. In other words, if your battery capacity is 55 A/h, you need to set the charging current to 5.5 A. At the same time, when the battery voltage reaches 14.4 V, it needs to be reduced to 3 A, and at 15 V - to 1.5 A.

    The combined method combines the first two and is considered the best today. For this method, there are special ones that can be used without constant supervision.

    If you do not want to figure out how to charge the battery with a charger using the methods described, use the tips below for quick and full charging. They do not require special knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, and therefore are suitable even for a beginner.

    Fast way to recharge

    A car? There is no clear answer to this question. For every case you will need different times. It usually takes 12 to 24 hours to fully charge the battery. However, you can charge the battery at home faster. This, of course, is not entirely correct, but if you don’t have time to wait, use the quick method.

    To do this, you do not need to remove the battery from the car; just disconnect it by removing the terminals. We unscrew the lids of the cans (if it is a serviceable battery) and check the amount of electrolyte. If there is a need and opportunity, we top it up.

    After 30 minutes, charging is stopped. This time is enough for a working battery to recharge and be able to start the engine. Its further charging is the job of the generator, unless, of course, we are dealing with electrical equipment problems.

    Fully charged

    If you have time, it is better to make full charge batteries using low current. This method will allow you to charge the battery at home in a gentle mode to the maximum.

    We remove the battery from the car, having first disconnected the terminals. Place it on a flat surface. We unscrew the plugs and check the electrolyte. We connect the terminals of the charger, remembering to observe and check the polarity. We connect to a 220 V network and set the charging current at 10% of the battery capacity. Leave for 10-12 hours, not forgetting to check the progress of the process.

    How do you know that the battery is charged? You often hear that you can check with a voltmeter. There is, they say, 12 V - that means everything is charged. This is actually a false way. The battery charge can only be determined by the capacity indicator, and for this you need a hydrometer.

    If you don't have one, you'll have to be content with approximate indicators. Most modern batteries have indicators on the case that can be used to determine whether it is charged or not.

    But if there is no indicator, just look at the device's ammeter. How bigger battery discharged, the more current it consumes during the procedure, and as it charges, its value will gradually decrease. The battery can be considered charged when the ammeter needle points to zero. That is why, in fact, the question of how much a charged battery should show can be answered with confidence - not at all!

    Is it possible to charge the battery without a charger?

    What if there is no charger? The easiest way in this case is to ask someone to “light” his car. A cable is used for this high voltage with special clamp terminals. They are placed on the battery terminals of a running car and on the terminals of a discharged battery connected to the electrical equipment of another car, observing the polarity. After this, you need to wait some time (5-10 minutes) so that the discharged battery is slightly recharged, and start the engine. When the car starts, the cable is disconnected. The battery will begin to charge from the generator.

    But how to charge a battery without a charger if there is no way to “light it”? In such a situation, you can try charging using a laptop adapter, but there are several nuances here. Firstly, most of these devices do not produce a current of more than 2.5 A, so they will take a very long time to charge. And secondly, there is a high probability that the adapter will not withstand the oncoming current load and will burn out.

    Be that as it may, it’s still worth a try, especially if there is no other choice.

    How to charge a mobile phone without a charger? Many people have to deal with the situation when the battery is charging cell phone ran out, but the battery cannot be charged. IN at the moment I don’t want to go to the store to buy a charger, but I need to call urgently. You may be on a train or at work, and as luck would have it, your colleagues don’t have the same model as you. In general, a charger is a very fragile thing; it can fall under your feet at any time. Or your charger broke after falling from a height. It may happen like this: in the dead of night you need to call a very important matter, on which your future fate depends. You can wait for an opportunity to buy a new one, but you should try charging without a charger, as there are several ways to do this.

    • The first way to charge your phone without a charger is to charge using a computer. To do this, you need to have a desktop, laptop or tablet at home with a USB connector, and, of course, you need to have a suitable adapter for the connector of your charger to USB. Nowadays, many manufacturers have connectors based on mini- and macro-USB standards, so users have several identical cables. You need another PC, if you don’t have one, you can ask your neighbor - and the job will be done.
    • And now the second charging method mobile phone without a charger, this method requires a little effort in performing several sequential steps.
    • First step of the second charging method. This technical method charging a cell phone. To do this, you need to take any charger from a long-lost or broken phone. Everyone has several of them lying around at home unnecessarily.
    • Second step. You need to cut off the phone connector on this charger. Then, using a sharp knife, you need to make a circular cut and remove the insulation so that two bare blue and red wires remain.
    • Third step. The next step is to connect the wires to the battery and secure them. Next, you will have to remove the battery from your cell phone and carefully examine the golden-colored contacts marked “+” plus and “-” minus next to them. Then you need to lean it against the +plus contact - wiring blue battery + plus contact of your charger, and - minus contact of the red wire to the minus of the battery. Press the wires tightly to the contacts and secure them with insulating tape or tape. If your actions are correct, the battery begins to charge after connecting the charger to the network. Do not touch exposed wires to avoid shock electric current, although not strong.

    The third method can be called finger-based, how to charge a phone without a charger. You are going on a hike or a business trip. You've often encountered the problem of charging your phone's battery during multi-day hikes, so you'll have to prepare accordingly. You can take a spare battery to charge your phone in hiking conditions. You can use a third way to charge your mobile phone. If you have the opportunity and time to prepare, you can use a homemade device to charge your phone, which is based on conventional AA batteries. To create homemade device You will need a similar box in a radio parts or electronics store and solder the required connector to it, although you can make it yourself from spare parts. This charging method mobile battery without a charger is only suitable for those who have a mini-USB connector or an appropriate adapter.

  • Life often makes its own adjustments to people’s plans, forcing them to look for ways out of sudden difficult situations. It is very uncomfortable for a modern city dweller to be left with a non-working smartphone, especially if they need to make or receive an important call/email soon. And at the most inopportune moment, the gadget turns off, but there is no charger with you or it is faulty. So you have to rack your brains - how to charge your phone battery without a charger? There are actually a lot of ways - from other devices or batteries, and even using the operating principle of a mobile battery. The question is whether it is possible to charge the battery safely for a smartphone and not shorten its life. In fact, it is quite possible - just be careful and attentive.

    Use different batteries

    Using this method you can.

    To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Open the cover and remove the battery from the mobile phone . Models with this feature do not have this option, which means the described method will not work. In most smartphones on Android and Windows, such an opportunity is provided by design, but trying to remove back cover from Apple devices it is not worth it, the manufacturer does not provide for this.
    2. Find several AAA, AA or nine-volt batteries . Their internal energy is completely identical to that found in the phone battery, in contrast to the current from the outlet, which is characterized as alternating. Why you shouldn’t try to directly use AA batteries instead of your own battery phone? Because its fine design and settings are very sensitive to the characteristics of the incoming energy, and deviations in them, characteristic of the connected elements, can irreparably damage the device.
    3. Figure out which of the contacts on the found batteries and on the charged element itself are positive and which are negative . If you look closely, you can see icons clearly showing the charge sign. With a telephone battery, it is sometimes difficult to disassemble them; as a rule, the contact with the “plus” sign is located closer to the edge, and the contact with the “minus” sign is further from it. You should pay attention only to the outer protrusions; the central ones serve for other tasks.
    4. Assemble the batteries so that their total voltage is equal to that required for charging . On average for modern phones DC charging must be carried out at a voltage of at least 3.7 V. 9 V batteries are available and can be used. The usual AA or AAA voltage is only 1.5 V, so you will need at least three pieces so that their total voltage is greater than the required value.
    5. Get two pieces of wire, preferably insulated along the entire length except the ends - there should be bare metal there.
    6. Connect the battery and the battery being charged with a wire, secure the connection tape or something else. Then put the structure down and wait while the battery charges. If several batteries are used, they can be connected in parallel to each other. To do this, a metal piece of wire is attached to all the negative terminals of all small batteries on one side, and a second wire is attached to the positive terminals on the other.
    7. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a large charge . The battery will not be fully charged, but the little that is there should be enough to make an urgent call or other important action.


    You need to remove the battery from the phone and Start rubbing the element hard and fast with your palms, creating a lot of heat and friction. This should last for at least thirty seconds, and preferably several minutes. After - input the battery back into the smartphone. The resulting energy is enough for a very short operating time, so it needs to be used as efficiently as possible.

    Some believe that this trick relies on creating static electricity, which slightly charges the battery. This assumption is wrong. In fact, the technique works thanks to the device itself and. Chemical reactions, as a result of which an element accumulates energy, proceed better at higher temperatures. high temperatures, so active friction can be said to become a catalyst for increasing electrical conductivity.

    Using other technology

    To charge in this way you need:

    • to have access to a computer, laptop, tablet and another device powerful enough to charge your phone;
    • this device and the phone have USB connectors ;
    • corresponding adapter Fortunately, there are no problems with adapters, because most phones have standard micro USB.

    The procedure is very simple - connect the phone to the charging equipment using a wire and wait until a certain amount of energy accumulates. It is not even necessary to switch the smartphone into USB connection mode with a computer; the charge will flow in any case. You can also carry with you or ask someone for a special device for powering your mobile phone without charging.

    There is such a thing technical means for charging the phone battery directly, which is called “”. He has special contacts, to which the discharged battery is attached, taking into account the polarity. If everything is done correctly, a signal will light up on the “frog”. It will take up to three hours to replenish the entire battery charge, but the advantage is that the charging device will automatically turn off and stop supplying energy. The completion of the charging process will be indicated by a lit light.

    Urgently charge your phone using a knife

    This method is a unique variation of the friction trick; it can be used even far from the city. However, it is fraught with troubles with the device, so it should be used only as a last resort.


    1. Remove the battery from the smartphone .
    2. Find or make some kind of large heat source , like a barbecue or at least the flame of a lighter.
    3. Heat the knife blade on this flame.
    4. Place the battery on the hot blade with the contacts facing it .
    5. Wait until the element warms up slightly (not too much!) , and a little charge will appear in it.
    6. Put the battery back .


    • Before removing the battery from your mobile phone, you must turn it off - otherwise some settings may be lost.
    • Never try to charge using any of the above methods. regular batteries, which are not marked “rechargeable” and which are not intended for reuse.
    • Make sure that the incoming charge does not exceed what the battery can hold , it's explosive.

    There are a lot of possibilities on how to charge a phone battery when left without a charger, and if you have knowledge about them and about the possible dangers associated with certain methods, then the likelihood of finding yourself somewhere without the ability to get in touch is minimal.