• iPad time is wrong. Setting the date and time on iPhone

    If you are the owner Apple iPhone, then you probably know that there is a clock here, just like in any other mobile device. Of course, if you just recently purchased a new device, then you have large number a wide variety of questions, including how to change the time on iPhone 4. In order to find out necessary information on this device, you only need to press the special button once Home button, which is a screen lock. After this action, not only the time will be presented to you, but also the real date. If your mobile device is in unlocked mode, then you can find the clock at the top of the screen, it is located in the very center of the sidebar, and the month and current day of the week are also located under this indicator. If the standard shell is installed, the date display will be available in the calendar. Today we decided to talk about how you can set the time on iPhone 4. The topic is even currently relevant for many users of this product.


    Many users, looking for a solution to the question of how to set the time on an iPhone, launch standard application“Clock”, but in fact it is impossible to achieve the desired result using this tool. Therefore, you should not try to perform this procedure using the given element. In order to change the time parameters, you will be required to visit the settings section, because only there you can set these parameters. Don’t worry, the question of how to change the time on iPhone 4 is very simple, and now we will provide detailed information for you.


    As you can probably already understand, the first thing you need to do is visit the settings section, and when you find yourself in this menu, you need to select the “Basic” type, since only there you can make the necessary changes to your device, or rather , install right time and date. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to select the required section. It is called “Date and Time”, and this is where the settings will be made.


    When the section we need is open, you will be able to notice the time settings; more precisely, you will be asked to select one of the hour formats; it can be either 24- or 12-hour. Also in this section you can set the automatic switch to winter and summer time, it is recommended to activate this feature so that in the future there will be no need to do this in manual mode. You already practically know how to change the time on iPhone 4, but you also need to know about some other important points that we recommend considering.

    Additional options

    Now you will be required to set your time zone. Choosing the right option is not so difficult, since you will be presented with a large list in which you can find your country and even city. Once you are done with the time zone, you will need to move on to the next section, which is called Date and Time. In its settings you need to set the day, month, and also year, this is done at the bottom of the screen. To install exact time, you will need to click on this option and use on-screen keyboard set correct settings. As you can see, the question of how to change the time on iPhone 4 is not so difficult, and if you perform a similar procedure several times, then you will be able to further set the given parameters without auxiliary instructions.

    All novice users Apple technology make the same mistake: if they want to change the time and date, they go to the application " Watch” and begin to explore it for a suitable section. Finding ways to set the time through this program will not bear fruit - without visiting " Settings» it is impossible to make such adjustments on the device.

    To change the date and set the time on your iPhone, follow these instructions:

    Step 1. Open " Settings" and proceed to the section " Basic».

    You will see a screen like this:

    Step 3. Set the time format to 24-hour or 12-hour. Americans are more accustomed to the second option: they count 12 hours before noon and 12 after it. Therefore, the 12-hour format is the default. If a Russian wants to switch to a more familiar 24-hour time format, he needs to switch the corresponding toggle switch.

    Step 4. Deactivate the slider " Automatically» . If you enable this option, the iPhone will independently select the time zone and determine the date/time, based on the data it receives through geolocation and from the Internet. There are a number of reasons not to use this option:

    • Time may change spontaneously on days when most countries switch from summer to winter (or vice versa). What does this mean? At the very least, being late for work.
    • Time is determined incorrectly when iPhone owner travels and overcomes several time zones. This is due to the fact that the SIM card constantly loses signal and cannot provide the device with location data.
    • The option requires the inclusion of geolocation services, which in turn leads to rapid energy consumption.

    Step 5. Select your time zone - click on the appropriate field.

    Then enter “ Russia» and select the city in which you live or which corresponds to your time zone. We choose the option " Moscow, Russia"and set Moscow time ( UTC +3).

    Step 5. Click on the line in which the date and time are written in blue, and manually set the necessary parameters by scrolling through the peculiar reels. You can find out the exact time for any city, for example, using the Yandex service.

    There is no drum that would be responsible for setting the year. Therefore, if you want to move the date back or forward several years, you will have to try.

    After that, continue to use the gadget and don’t worry about the time being lost.

    The year is displayed incorrectly - what is the reason?

    Trying to change the time, an iPhone user may find himself living in the year 28 Heisei era.

    This means that the device is not activated Gregorian calendar (which we all use), and Japanese. It’s easy to set the correct calendar: you need to return to the “ Basic" settings, then go to the subsection " Language and text"(located not far from " Date and time»).

    In the menu " Calendar» should be preferred Gregorian chronology Japanese And Buddhist. Then the time settings will display your usual year.

    How to “kill” an iPhone using a watch?

    "Forum members" of the blog Reddit.com discovered a curious vulnerability in Apple devices with 64-bit processors (iPhone 5S and newer models). If you set the date on the gadget January 1, 1970 until 3 a.m., after rebooting the device will turn into a “brick”, and it will not be possible to bring it back to life using any software - even through the mode DFU.

    What is remarkable about this date? This is where the so-called UNIX era, which is also called computer time. From midnight on the 1st day of 1970 to the present moment, UNIX time is counted in seconds without breaking down into days, months or years. The “capriciousness” of Apple technology can be explained simply: if you set, for example, 2 a.m. in the time zone UTC +3(Moscow time), the UNIX counter will go into minus.

    There are several ways to protect yourself from this security breach. Owners of gadgets with jailbreak are recommended to download the tweak BrickingDate, which blocks the ability to set a “death” date. Other iPhone owners should simply update their gadgets to iOS 9.3.1 after which only dates from January 1, 2001 will be available.


    Statistical fact: 60% of people watch the wrong time wristwatch, and on cell phone. This is why it is so important to ensure that the iPhone is accurate. Automatic time adjustment on Apple gadgets is, alas, still a clearly unfinished function; For users who prefer to travel and move between time zones, it only confuses them. It is more efficient to set the clock on your iPhone manually, relying on data from popular online services, such as Yandex.Time.

    Nowadays, a considerable number of people have become owners of devices running operating system“Ayos.” This OS is installed on devices manufactured by the famous American company Apple. An important role was played by the optimized software, aimed directly at potential device owners. Thus, engineers and programmers simplified it as much as possible. But even so, there are still people who don’t know how to change the time on an iPad. Today we will talk about this.

    In what cases do we encounter a similar problem?

    It should be noted that the question of how to change the time on an iPad is only a special case of the situation under consideration. In other words, sooner or later, owners of absolutely all tablet computers. Nevertheless, the question of how to change the time on an iPad is especially often asked by lovers of outdoor activities and travel. This is primarily due to changes in time zones, as well as the translation of hands. Often the question of how to change the time on an iPad is asked after the operating system software fails. Actually, there is nothing super complicated in the process of changing time. However, there are certain nuances here, and you need to be aware of them in order to avoid incorrect results of the operation.

    How to change the time on iPad? Installing correctly

    This tablet has a special built-in help desk in case the user absolutely does not understand what and how to do to use the device. Nevertheless, setting the correct time is not so difficult, and using references for this is something out of the realm of fantasy. So, first you should press the button called “Home”. This will take you to your desktop. From there we go to the main engineering menu. In it you need to pay attention to the item called “Settings”.

    What to do next?

    Next, we will need a tab that the engineers called “General”. In fact, it contains tools that allow you to manipulate the date, as well as time. To start the operation, press with a short tap on the clock. After this, a new window should open. It will be possible to notice special menu. It will offer to scroll through the minutes along with the hours to set the indicators we need. If the date does not correspond to the actual one, then you can change it in the same way. Actually, after the change, all that remains is to save the values ​​​​previously set by the user. To do this, you can touch the screen anywhere where there is no setup menu. And to cancel changes, you can use the right key of the device.

    Setting additional settings

    You can always activate some additional settings, to make working with the device a little more convenient. Note that this also includes changing the date and time display format. For example, residents of the United States of America, as well as countries of the European Union, use a twelve-hour clock. You can also activate it using a menu containing additional date and time settings. Typically, this function is used by people who often travel abroad. Special icons will show the countdown: either before noon or after noon. To avoid making mistakes in the parameters, you can instruct the system to determine the time automatically. To do this, you just need to go to the appropriate point engineering menu device and activate the function. After this, there will be no need to constantly worry about changing time zones.

    Changing the date and time is simple procedure, which usually does not cause any problems. But many novice iPhone users still face difficulties. For example, they try to change these settings through the Clock app when it should be done through Settings.

    Therefore, in this article we will consider this task in as much detail as possible. The material will be relevant to everyone iPhone models, iPhone including 4, 4s, 5, 5s, se, 6, 6s, 7, 8 and iPhone X.

    To change the date or time on iPhone, open the Settings app and go to the General section.

    Then open the “Date and Time” section, which is located towards the end of the list of settings, next to the keyboard, language and region settings.

    As a result, a screen with time and date settings will appear in front of you. By default, automatic selection of time zone and time is enabled here. In order to be able to change the time and date, you must first disable this option.

    After shutdown automatic detection time zone and date, these settings can be configured manually. To do this, click on the current time zone value.

    Then enter the name of the city into the search and select the proposed time zone option.

    In a similar way, you can change the date and time; to do this, simply click on the date.

    And select the desired date and time

    Time and date settings are saved automatically. Therefore, after changing these settings, you can simply close the Settings application.

    Possible problems when changing time and date

    It should be noted that on mobile Apple devices With 64 bit processors there is a date related vulnerability. If you set the date on such a device to January 1, 1970, then such a device will freeze and turn into a brick. At the same time this problem can't even decide forced reboot devices and have to contact service center. This problem may have already been fixed, but to avoid unnecessary problems, it is better not to check this.

    Besides this, there is another problem related to the calendar. Sometimes, users find that their calendar mentions the "Hensei Era", the year 2559, or something else in a similar style.

    This is usually due to the fact that the device uses the Japanese or Buddhist calendar. To solve this problem, open the iPhone settings, go to the “General – Language and Region – Calendar” section and select “Gregorian Calendar”.

    After changing the calendar, you will need to return to the “Basic – Date and Time” section and change the time and date there.