• Reboot and force shutdown the MacBook. What to do if your MacBook freezes

    Mac computers known for their stability, thanks to which their owners are much less likely to encounter crashes and system freezes. However, sometimes this still happens with computers. Apple. This is usually caused by an application that crashes or freezes.

    To restore operation, sometimes it is enough to start again. However, in rare cases, the Mac freezes completely and macOS does not respond to any command. The computer freezes until the user intervenes and reboots the system.

    How to Restart Any Frozen Mac Using the Power Button

    This method is almost identical for all modern Macs. The only difference is the location of the physical button - on the back or on the keyboard (in a MacBook). Anyway, forced reboot is to turn off and relaunch Mac. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this measure should be resorted to only as a last resort, if the computer is completely frozen and unresponsive.

    How to Force Restart MacBook Pro (2016 and Later)

    With the release of the updated MacBook Pro in 2016 year Apple deprived the laptop of the usual physical power button. In its place is now located touch sensor ID.

    You can turn off the laptop by holding down the Touch ID key for a few seconds. To turn on the laptop again, you need to close and open the lid again.

    How to Force Restart MacBook, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro (versions before 2016)

    If the computer's power button is on the keyboard of Apple laptops, to restart you need to:

    • Press and hold the power button until your MacBook turns off completely (this may take about five seconds).
    • Wait a few seconds and turn on the computer again.

    How to Force Restart a MacBook with SuperDrive and Physical Power Button

    On earlier MacBook and MacBook Pro models that have an eject button and SuperDrive, the power button is located in the upper right corner. The restart procedure is the same as for new laptops from Apple.

    If your Mac freezes during operation and is unresponsive, a force restart should help. To do this, press and hold the power button until Mac screen does not go off, and then turn on the computer as usual.

    Attention! With this shutdown, unsaved data in applications will most likely be lost.

    2. Removing removable media

    Eject (⏏) or F12

    When a Mac with an optical drive and a disk inside crashes, the system may fail to boot from it and freeze. To eject media, press the ⏏ (Eject) or F12 button on your keyboard, or press and hold your mouse or trackpad button.

    3. Selecting a boot disk

    If your Mac has multiple drives installed and you can't boot the system from the default drive, you can call up the boot drive selection dialog and manually select the desired media. To do this, press and hold the ⌥ (Option) key immediately after turning on the computer.

    4. Boot from CD or DVD

    In a similar way you can give Mac command boot from disk from the built-in or external optical drive. In this case, press and hold the C key on your keyboard.

    5. Download from server

    ⌥N (Option + N)

    When the local one has a NetBoot server on which boot image system, you can try to start your Mac using it. To do this, press and hold the key combination ⌥N (Option + N).

    This boot method does not work on computers with an Apple T2 processor.

    6. Run in external disk mode

    If you don’t want to start your Mac, you can switch its mode external drive and copy important files, connecting to another computer via a FireWire, Thunderbolt or USB-C cable. To start in this mode, press and hold the T key while turning on.

    7. Run in detailed logging mode

    ⌘V (Command + V)

    By default, macOS does not display a detailed startup log, showing only a loading bar. If problems arise, you can enable a detailed log, which will help you understand at what stage of the download the error occurs. To do this, when turning on, press the combination ⌘V (Command + V).

    8. Start in Safe Mode

    When Mac won't boot into normal mode, it's worth trying to start safe mode. It checks the disk and turns on only the basic components of the system, which allows you to determine which specific programs or services are causing errors. To download to safe mode Press and hold the ⇧ (Shift) key.

    9. Single-player mode

    ⌘S (Command + S)

    This mode launches the system in an even more stripped-down version - only command line. Nevertheless, with its help, specialists will be able to diagnose and correct errors if they exist. To launch in single-user mode, press the key combination ⌘S (Command + S).

    10. Run diagnostics

    macOS has built-in hardware diagnostic software that can help identify hardware problems. To run diagnostics, press and hold the D key.

    11. Running network diagnostics

    ⌥D (Option + D)

    If boot disk is damaged, you will not be able to run the diagnostic test. In such cases, network diagnostics will help, allowing you to run the test via the Internet. To do this, press the combination ⌥D (Option + D)

    12. Recovery mode

    ⌘R (Command + R)

    When booting into recovery mode, you can access disk utility, reinstall macOS, and also restore data from the created backup copy. To enter recovery mode, press and hold ⌘R (Command + R).

    If your Mac has a firmware password, you will be prompted to enter it.

    13. Network recovery mode

    ⌥⌘R (Option + Command + R)

    Similar previous mode, which, if you have an Internet connection, allows you to reinstall macOS by downloading the system distribution directly from Apple servers. To use it, press ⌥⌘R (Option + Command + R).

    14. Reset NVRAM or PRAM

    ⌥⌘PR (Option + Command + P + R)

    If you're having problems with your display, speakers, cooling fans, or other parts of your Mac, you can try resetting them NVRAM memory or PRAM. To do this, at startup, press and hold the ⌥⌘PR keys (Option + Command + P + R).

    If your Mac has a firmware password set, this method will not work.

    15. Reset SMC

    A more radical reset method is to return the system management controller (SMC) to default settings. It is used if the previous method did not help. Depending on your Mac model SMC reset performed differently.

    On desktop computers You need to turn off your Mac, unplug the power cable and wait 15 seconds. Then reconnect the cable, wait five seconds and press the power button to turn on.

    On laptops with removable battery You need to turn off your Mac, remove the battery, and then press and hold the power button for five seconds. After this, you need to install the battery and press the button to turn it on.

    On laptops with non-removable battery You need to turn off the Mac and simultaneously press and hold the power button for ten seconds Shift buttons+ Command + Option. After this, release all keys and press the power button to turn on.

    On a MacBook Pro with Touch ID, the sensor button is also the power button.

    If your MacBook freezes, don’t be scared or panic. Almost every owner of an Apple laptop experiences a similar situation at least once in their life. It manifests itself in the fact that the software does not respond, and instead of a cursor, a spinning wheel is displayed. In this case, the laptop does not respond to key presses.

    All these troubles are corrected by rebooting. How to perform this operation without harming files and the operating system - read this instruction.

    1 The procedure is implemented using an analogue of the “Start” element. It pops up when you click on the Apple symbol in the top left. If you don’t find one, most likely the mode is active full screen. Place the courses at the very top of the display - a menu bar will appear. At the top left you will see the Apple company's logo. As soon as the cursor is removed from the menu line, the line itself will be removed - only the window will be saved. 2 If you find this method unsuitable for yourself, exit full screen mode. Place the cursor at the top of the display and click on the 2nd arrow at the top. The open window will curl up and become smaller. A line with Apple symbols will again appear at the top. 3 Next, place the cursor on the Apple company icon and click on the left mouse element. If you use a touchpad, a single click anywhere will be enough. A menu will pop up with sections for sleep mode, reboot and other elements. Of course, select reboot and click on the left mouse element. The device will reboot. Keep in mind that not all files will be lost - the corresponding window will notify you about this. 4 Do not rush to reboot if any software is frozen. Wait a while for the cursor to turn into a spinning ball. This usually happens within 2-3 minutes. If the software still does not respond in any way, use the Finder’s force termination option (it is also activated in the menu at the top). A window will appear where you can select the “frozen” software and close it with the appropriate element. 5 It happens that the device itself freezes. At the same time, he does not react in any way to any actions of his “master”. The cursor does not move, keyboard shortcuts do not help. The only way out of this situation is to force the operation. To do this, you need to click on the MacBook's power button and hold it for several seconds until the display goes dark. After this, you can turn on the device again.

    As you can see, reboot macbook, if it freezes, the matter is quite simple. You can restart your MacBook in the usual way or forced. The operation is forced if the keys MacBook keyboards Pro, MacBook Air or any other device model do not react in any way to touch. In any case, a forced system restart is performed only in extreme cases.

    If your MacBook is not functioning well: other reasons

    When developing laptops, Apple undoubtedly tried to create a device that was comfortable to use. The company was concerned not only with broad functionality, but also with consumer convenience. By purchasing new mac Air (or any other line), you can rest assured that it will serve you for at least 3 years without any problems. But even if the load on the system is high and something goes wrong in the operation of the gadget, the problem can always be corrected.

    If your MacBook freezes when running several types of software at the same time, there is probably a lack of RAM. Whether this is true or not is easily determined through the “System Monitoring” application (look for it in the memory item). The latter displays a message about the RAM used. And if there is almost no empty space, the trouble lies precisely in this.

    To free up space for other software, close all unnecessary applications. This applies to browsers, instant messengers and the like. Restart the software you are using. Largest quantity RAM is “stealed” by browsers, as well as video and graphics software. But if the device “slows down” precisely due to a lack of RAM, it is better to install larger RAM elements.

    The performance of the MacBook may also be reduced due to problems with the hard drive or its slow functions. If the laptop freezes when opening files on a specific location on the hard drive or when copying, you need to check the status of the drive in the disk element (built-in). Here you can also perform disk recovery if the cause is a software problem.

    The functioning of the device is successfully accelerated through clearing free space on the drive. Statistics show that even when it is 50% full, problems begin. The device begins to slowly freeze.

    If the hard drive fails, it is better to replace it as quickly as possible. The best performance will be ensured during installation solid state drive as main or backup storage. This will not only remove any lag, but will also improve overall productivity.

    If the MacBook is “buggy” after updating the operating system or the system performance has noticeably decreased after this operation, the source of the trouble may lie in Spotlight indexing. Since the disk search process requires large quantity time, Spotlight indexes files to quickly identify them. But the indexing operation, as noted earlier, is very lengthy. And it will inevitably lead to decreased productivity. During the operation, a window with information about the current stage will pop up.

    The loss of performance during indexing is most typical for hard drives, and the period of operation depends 100% on the amount of free space. When using an SSD, Spotlight indexing does not impact performance.

    If it is not possible to wait for the operation to complete or you need to work on your laptop right now, you can disable Spotlight for a while and then resume its operation. To do this, you need to enter the characters “sudo mdutil -a -i off” in the terminal. Enabling is done with the symbols “sudo mdutil -a -i on”.

    The presence of a huge number of files on the desktop can also cause a loss of performance. Since the MacBook operating system loads previews for all desktop elements from the very beginning and stores this information in memory, to prevent freezes, it is necessary to clear the desktop of “garbage” - unused documentation, pictures, and the like.

    The most common cause of freezes is the accumulation of dust and small debris in the cooling system. If the laptop operates slowly and overheats greatly under normal loads, and even if it has not been cleaned for a long time, the problem definitely lies there. Accordingly, it will be easy to resolve - you only need to thoroughly clean the device from dust.

    If the problem is still not resolved, go to a repair shop for diagnostics. Since the reason for the decrease in performance may be hardware problems, this can lead to even more dramatic problems. Few people can fix such breakdowns on their own; this requires the help of a specialist, because you will have to hide the MacBook case.

    And if you know that nothing serious happened to your MacBook, and it just decided to freeze due to lack of free disk space, just try restarting it. Most likely, the problem will be resolved.

    What computer equipment has a “habit” of freezing, absolutely everyone probably knows. However, not everyone knows what to do correctly when such a problem arises. For this reason, sometimes actions are taken that lead not to a positive result, but to aggravation of problems. To prevent this from happening, it is useful for beginners to familiarize themselves with the recommendations on how to turn on, turn off and restart a MacBook.

    To successfully work with a MacBook, you need to know how to turn on, turn off and restart your MacBook.

    Armed with such knowledge, the user will never panic in the event of a technical failure, but will calmly carry out all the simple steps to restore the successful functioning of your MacBook.

    Basic ways to work with a MacBook

    We are sincerely happy for you if you become the owner of such modern device, like the MacBook, which is a product of the famous Apple. To ensure that your acquaintance with a new device is always accompanied by positive moments, we recommend that you immediately familiarize yourself with the principles and methods of working with such a laptop.

    Absolutely every owner will be able to turn on the device, since he can easily find the power button on the keyboard, accompanied by an icon identical to what is on the keyboards of others computer devices. Just press the power button and the device will start and delight you with its work.

    ADVICE. This is not difficult to do, but we only recommend that you initially pay attention to the cursor. If at this moment he looks like a spinning multi-colored ball, then just step aside so as not to “heat up” your irritability with forced anticipation, not to bring it to the “boiling point” state. Know that a spinning multi-colored ball indicates that your MacBook is trying to fulfill the specific request you asked it.

    If you do not see such a ball or you do not have time to wait for the processing of your request to complete, then we suggest that you forcefully close the program. This can be done in two ways. The first method involves holding down two keys at the same time: Command and Q. Entering such a combination directs the gadget to close the current software application.

    You can also use the second method. To do this, pay attention to the menu bar. It is always located at the top of the screen. Don't be alarmed, if you don't see it, it means you opened the last window in full view mode. Just move your mouse cursor to the top edge of the screen and the menu bar will immediately appear. You can also move your mouse cursor to the upper right corner and click on the icon with two arrows. In this case, the window will go into normal mode and the menu bar will no longer be hidden. Now click on the second Finder option.

    In the list that opens, you will find the “Force Quit Finder” option, click on it. After these actions, a new window will appear, which will list the processes running at that moment on your device. All you have to do is choose the problem software application, select it and click on the “Finish” button. In a few seconds the problem will be resolved. If you still need this program, you just need to re-enable it.

    Shutdown rules

    If your device is functioning successfully and there are no glitches, then the moment you need to turn off your MacBook, you should use special function devices.

    To do this, click on the “apple” icon in top line menu. In the list that opens, select the “Shutdown” option, click on it, everything else is in automatic mode The operating system will do it on its own, you just have to wait. By the way, using this method, you can not only turn off your device, but also, if necessary, restart it and put it into sleep mode. It all depends on what tasks you need to complete.

    However, unfortunately, it often happens that your “obedient” device suddenly refuses to perform those actions that you actively direct it to. Simply put, your MacBook begins to freeze, not responding to mouse movements or pressing certain keys. In this case, you have to perform actions that lead to forced shutdown gadget.

    Many experienced users gave this process the name “hard restart”. It involves pressing the power button and holding it for several seconds. There is no specific amount of time during which you need to definitely hold the button, it is important to do this until the screen turns black. If you still need to continue working, then you can turn your device back on.

    So, the principles of turning a MacBook on and off are not at all complicated. It is only important to perform exactly these actions, and not be guided by the advice of false experts who recommend removing the battery, leaving a frozen MacBook on, waiting complete discharge battery Such actions can provoke even more serious problems, so do not give in to amateurish calls.

    If your Mac is running sluggish or otherwise behaving strangely, you can try a restart. A restart may also be required under other circumstances, such as installing a new software or some updates. Luckily, it's quite simple!

    Here are some ways reboot Mac and how to do it quickly!

    Method 1: Menu button

    Method 2: Shutdown window

    You can use a keyboard shortcut to restart your Mac Command+Eject:

    You can also use a keyboard shortcut to restart your Mac Control+Command+Eject:

    How to automatically open applications after reboot

    If you need to restart your Mac but want to keep your apps and windows, OS X gives you that option too.

    This option can be very handy if you need to restart your Mac while working on a large project or want to get your windows and tabs to show up again while browsing the web. If you'd rather just start with clean slate, uncheck the box.

    How to Restart a Mac If Another User is Signed In

    If you try to restart your computer while other users are logged in, your Mac will ask for their usernames and passwords before it can restart.

    You can also restart your computer remotely. To do this, do the following:

    1. Click the "Menu" button on the left top corner screen and go to “System Preferences” (as in the picture below).

    2. Click on the “Sharing” icon.

    3. Where “Remote Login” is located, check the box and close the window.

    4. In Google search, enter what is my ip.

    5. Google will show your IP address (as in the picture below). Write it down.

    6. Log into another computer that is on the same network.
    7. Open the Terminal application.

    8. Use your IP address and enter ssh username@ip_address as in the picture below (to log into your computer remotely).

    9. In a terminal window, type reboot and press Enter to restart your computer.

    Other options for restarting your Mac

    If you want to troubleshoot your Mac, you may need a more specific reboot process than the default for OS X. Here are some of the most common reboot options for fixing errors or otherwise cleaning up your computer. In order to use them during the reboot/shutdown process, you will have to hold down one of the following hotkey combinations.

    List of additional keyboard shortcuts that may be useful.

    Keyboard shortcutFunction
    OptionReboot into the boot manager, which allows you to choose which drive you want to boot from if you have multiple drives
    CReboot and boot from optical or USB drive
    DReboot into Apple Hardware Test (pre-2013 Mac OS) or Apple Diagnostics"(Macintosh after 2013). This troubleshooting program can help with identifying any problem that may be occurring on your system
    Option+DReboot into the online version of Apple Hardware Test (or Apple Diagnostics)
    NRestart from a compatible NetBoot server (if you have one)
    Option+NUse the boot image (default) on the NetBoot server
    Command+RReboot into the OS X Recovery Utility (macOS Recovery System), which allows you to reinstall, repair, or restore your Mac
    Command+Option+ RReboot into online system macOS recovery
    Command+Option+R+PReboot and reset NVRAM, which may help resolve speaker, screen resolution, or disk startup issues
    Command-SRestarting in Single User Mode to Troubleshoot
    TReboot into target drive mode, which allows you to connect one Mac as a drive for another
    XForced Mac startup OS X
    Command+VReboot into verbose mode(with details) for troubleshooting

    How to force a Mac to reboot if it's frozen or slow

    If your Mac is frozen, slow, or otherwise won't allow you to restart when you want it to (and nothing else works), then you can force shut it down and restart it. When you restart, you will lose any data that was not manually or automatically saved.

    Note! If a program freezes and does not respond, you can use the keyboard shortcut Command+Q and close the application (so as not to restart/turn off the computer).

    It is better to wait a little before closing a frozen application. It may be that this application is trying to process your last request. The cursor in this case looks like this.

    Important! If your Mac does not respond to anything and is frozen because nothing helps, not even hotkeys, then you will have to resort to a hard restart or emergency shutdown.

    To do this, hold down the Power button for 5 seconds until your Mac turns off.

    Press the power button to turn your computer back on.

    Video - Mac OS X won't boot, problem solution