• Request for the latest paid actions of mts. How to find out the latest charges on a megaphone

    Many subscribers, making calls, sending SMS and using other MTS services, sometimes do not notice where the funds from their money go personal account. One way to check the latest money leak is to look at the details. But to obtain it you will need to go online or visit the service office. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to check today’s actions on MTS - this is quite enough to understand most of the issues.

    A little earlier, this tool was called “Information about the last five actions.” Today it is called “Costs for today” and allows you to get acquainted with the costs from 00:00 of the current day until the moment the request is sent.

    Of course, if we use cellular communications in the most active mode, That this function will be relatively useless - we often notice a leak of funds when a considerable amount of time has passed since the money was spent. In this case, only detailed detailing will help..

    But if the leak was discovered literally after the last call or any request, then information about the latest debits from the personal account will be very useful.

    Check recent activity on your home network

    So, funds have disappeared from your account and you are trying to figure out what they were spent on? The last call resulted in a huge amount being written off? No need to get upset and run to the office to make a printout. You also don’t need to remember the login and password for your Personal Account - you can find out the latest actions on MTS for today using other methods, for example, using the USSD command. All we need is our mobile phone.

    Detailing recent actions for today on MTS can be ordered using mobile portal in the USSD menu *152#. By typing this combination and pressing the pound key, we will see several menu options. One of these items is “Expenditures for today”. Having selected this item, we will need to wait for an incoming SMS message, which will indicate debits for the current day. Information is sent only for the last 24 hours - from 00:00 until the time of request.

    Once we receive the latest activity report, we need to analyze the information received and take action to prevent large write-offs. To do this, costs are optimized by connecting or disconnecting additional options. On how to check and cancel MTS subscriptions, special instructions are posted on our website.

    If the latest charges were due to paid subscriptions, we will be able to disable them immediately. To do this, we dial the same USSD command *152# and select the “Infotainment subscriptions” item, after which we select the next item – “Unsubscribe from everyone” and refuse paid MTS services.

    Finding out the cost of recent actions on MTS is also very easy - all costs will be indicated in the received SMS message. By the way, in order to simplify obtaining information and get rid of choice additional items menu, we can use the USSD command *152*1#.

    Checking your latest roaming activity today

    We already know how to find out about the latest actions for today on MTS. But we considered this issue in relation to home network. Is it possible to find out your last actions in international roaming? Of course it is possible - The above USSD command works in all countries of the world. But it should be remembered that in some countries communication services are charged with some delay.

    Cost of checking recent activity

    How much does it cost to check recent activity? The USSD command *152*1# is not charged - a mini-statement about the latest actions for today is requested absolutely free. The same applies to requests sent from international roaming.

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    Quick answer:

    Using the "L" option easy control" Can find out the last 5 paid actions , which were performed by the user. The report comes in the form of an SMS notification where it is located active link With detailed description tariff plan. You can check your expenses only after activating the service. You can do it like this:

    • USSD command *122# .
    • USSD command *110*1401# .

    Important! From the moment the request is sent until the service is activated, it may pass 24 hours.

    Most Beeline subscribers carefully control their cellular communications expenses. This approach helps to avoid additional charges for accidentally activated paid subscriptions, and also find out in time about changes in tariffs for the selected service package. There are several ways to check charges on your current number. One of these services is the “Easy Control” service, which shows the last 5 Beeline charges.

    How to check the last 5 charges

    Using the “Easy control” option, you can find out the last 5 paid actions performed by the user. The report comes in the form of an SMS notification, where there is an active link with a detailed description of the tariff plan. You can check your expenses only after activating the service. You can do it like this:

    • USSD command *122#.
    • USSD command *110*1401#.
    • “Personal Account”, section for managing services and subscriptions.

    Important! It may take 24 hours from the moment you submit your request until the service is activated.

    The operation is available in any region of Russia; sent commands are not subject to tariffs. After processing the request, the system sends the user an SMS notification, which displays the following information:

    Order details
    1. Name of options and subscriptions.
    2. Duration of use of the service.
    3. The five most recent actions indicating the amount.
    4. Link to tariff plan.

    It is worth clarifying that you can view such detail in regional and international roaming.


    The “Easy Control” service is activated free of charge, subscription fee There is no charge for access to the service. The operator imposes some restrictions on the number of requests to the system. In particular, you can access the service no more than 10 times a day.

    The service cannot be disabled; the service is a system one and is included as standard in all service packages cellular communication. The option is activated the first time you access the system.

    Additional features

    Beeline offers several options for detailing the bill for different periods of using the tariff plan. Get detailed information You can find out about your expenses here:

    • Company sales office.
    • “Personal account”, finance and detail section.
    • System utility "My Beeline".

    Important! All methods of checking debits from a personal account are free. In addition, the subscriber can independently indicate the period about which information needs to be obtained.

    In addition, you can order detailed expenses via SMS. To do this, you need to send a message to number 1401. In the SMS you need to indicate the email address where the expense data will be sent. The write-off period in the report is 30 days, the number of calls to the service: no more than 10 times a day.

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    The “Easy Control” service is the best way quick receipt information about debits from your personal account. The report form displays the last 5 paid actions performed by the subscriber. It is worth noting that this also includes the cost of Internet traffic, in the form of the total cost of megabytes consumed.

    Thanks to the call detailing service, every client mobile communications MTS has the ability to obtain data on calls made by it, as well as incoming ones. Sometimes there are situations when funds supposedly disappear from the balance. In fact, they may be charged for making toll calls. Detailing the calls will help you determine exactly where the money went. How to find out last calls on MTS? There are several options for using the service.

    Options for receiving call information

    If a client needs information on how to find out the latest incoming calls to MTS, he can use in different ways.

    1. Personal account. When logging into the “Internet Assistant” you must provide a phone number and password. If personal account is missing, it needs to be created. From the general list of options, select the “Conversation details” section. It indicates a period of no more than six months. Data is sent to email or viewed in your personal account. The client independently chooses the place where the information will be sent. It is also possible to select the report format. When everything you need is selected, you need to click “Next”. The cost of the service will depend on the client’s tariff plan. It takes time to process the data, so the report is not sent immediately.
    2. Visit to the customer service center. Another way to find out the last 5 calls to MTS or full information about all completed operations - visit the contact center. It is necessary to provide personal information for identification, after which the specialist will fill out the appropriate application. As a rule, such a service is paid. You can get information for free in your personal account.

    Many are also interested in how to find out the cost of recent calls to MTS? To do this, just dial the combination *152*1#. By calling *152# you can find out all expenses for the day. The client is provided with information about write-offs made during the day, which is very convenient and makes it possible to correctly distribute funds by refusing unnecessary services.

    The most in a simple way How to find out the latest calls to MTS for free is to fill out a request in your personal account. It takes a minimum of time and does not require much effort.

    If the user does not know how to find out the latest outgoing calls to MTS, help will come still the same detail of calls. A printout of all completed actions for a selected period makes it possible to view all types of calls. It is also possible to see the number of messages sent and other information as requested.

    Many people have made it a rule to track where their money is flowing from cell number MTS, and for good reason.

    The obvious benefit of knowing the costs of MTS

    Since it has now become fashionable to use the autopayment function, which is made directly from bank card, then it’s worth remembering that such a convenient action can turn out to be quite costly in case of negligence, because often mobile operators under the pretext free add-on they introduce products to people that, after a while, suddenly become paid. You won’t even notice how funds will begin to be debited from your account. To avoid such consequences, you should monitor the expenses of your cell number, and this can be done very simply, and you don’t even need to get up from the couch.

    The first way to find out the costs of MTS

    You can check your expenses directly from your phone, completely free and very quickly:

    • Enter this combination: *152*1#, then press call.
    • Wait for the SMS. The message will send you the cost for the last five actions. All dates and the specific cost of each action, such as a call, will be indicated.

    The method is simple and allows you to monitor expenses even while lying on the couch, but it does not show the full picture, only expenses for the last five actions.

    The second way to find out the costs of MTS

    Perhaps you feel that money from your mobile account is “going the wrong way,” for example, many users of the MTS service eventually learn that when calling their number, people always hear different melodies (the beep function, which costs a lot of money). If you don’t have time to go to an MTS salon for a thorough investigation, then you can check all active subscriptions in a matter of minutes and directly from your mobile device:

    • Open the dial pad on your phone.
    • Enter this combination: *152*2#, then press call.
    • The corresponding panel will open (look at the image below). On it you can not only view all active subscriptions, but also disable them by simply selecting the third option “Unsubscribe from all”. Unsubscriptions will be instantly disabled and money will stop be debited from the account.

    Find out the costs of MTS using the website

    The best way to check your mobile expenses– go to your personal account on the MTS website. If you haven't registered yet, now is the time! On the site you will not only be able to track your expenses, but also manage your bonuses and keep up to date with the latest promotions and services. However, let's consider this method checking expenses step by step:

    • To begin with register on the MTS website, the procedure will not take more than 10 minutes. The main thing is to keep your phone handy, you should receive an SMS with an activation code for your account.
    • In your Personal Account (see image below), select “Account status and current expenses”.
    • A page will open where all your expenses for the given period will be detailed. The time of withdrawal, the amount, and the service for which the funds were debited are indicated.
    • For a more convenient or specific view of expenses, select “View expense history.”
    • If you want to receive detailed details of all conversations for a certain period of time, then follow the link “Order conversation details”. You will need to select the desired period of time, the method of obtaining the details and the format of the document in which it will be provided to you. The service is completely free.
    • In the same way, you can see the detailed expenditure of funds for current month. By choosing the document format and method of receipt, you can find out absolutely all the information about expenses. Where the funds were written off, the exact date and name of the service for which the money was spent.
    • If you need to check your expenses for the past month, select “Expenditures for past months.” This option the most convenient, as it will show information immediately on the page.

    Are you suspicious that money from your phone balance is disappearing in an unknown direction? If so, and you are a subscriber mobile operator MTS, then control consumption cash won't be difficult. Details of write-offs can be obtained by any user. In addition, you can carry out control for the period of interest to you, for example, a day or a month, using one of the tools that are accessible from a phone, a tablet, or a computer.

    • Mobile assistant by logging into your personal account;
    • A company employee by contacting the operator’s company salon;
    • Phone using the appropriate USSD commands.

    Attention! Detailed details will be available to you if you order it at the MTS office or through your personal account. Information received by sending USSD allows you to find out the current balance and money spent over a short period.

    Personal account on the MTS website: how to check the expense of funds?

    The mobile assistant is very functional, because thanks to it you can connect new services to your number, disable outdated options, change the tariff plan, and also check your balance and find out how much money has been credited to your account and how much has been spent. In other words, this is a convenient management tool provided by MTS.

    In order to generate detailed expenses, you need to go to the “Account-Expense Control” section. There you will see three items:

    • Expense for the current month. By selecting this item, you can find out how much money was spent on MTS services for a specified time period. IN automatic mode a detailed report will be generated indicating all deposits made to the personal account and a list of minutes and megabytes spent, text messages sent, USSD commands, the cost of which will be written in the appropriate field;
    • Expenses for the past months. This item allows you to find out how much money was spent on telephone number for past periods. It is an excellent tool for analysis, thanks to which you can optimize your own mobile communications costs;
    • Details of conversations. This item exists so that the subscriber can check how much he spends on outgoing calls, SMS and Internet traffic.

    Attention! The MTS company generates reports on spent funds absolutely free, so everyone can control the spending of money from their account, regardless of whether their balance is positive or negative.

    I would like to say that your personal account is convenient because you can see full list subscriptions and, if necessary, disable them, because they are often the ones that increase the cost of money.

    Debiting money from an MTS account: additional ways to obtain information

    The USSD service is another convenient tool for controlling the expenditure of funds. If, for example, you notice that during the last 24 hours a certain amount has disappeared from your account without your knowledge, then you can find out about the latest debits by dialing the combination *152*1#. The response to the sent request will be text message, containing complete information about what services MTS withdrew money for. It's completely free. Adding a special option is not required.

    Attention! It won’t be difficult to track your USSD spending while in international roaming. This, again, is free, but there is one caveat: the response SMS often arrives with a slight delay.

    Contacting the MTS company salon

    If you recently topped up your account, but the money was quickly debited, and you want to find out why this happened, then you can order details at the mobile operator’s office. The only requirement is to present your passport, because the salon employee is obliged to check it. If the phone number is not registered in your name, then you will have to control the expenditure of funds through your personal account. There are no other options in such a situation.

    Call to MTS call center

    If you are not able to use the Internet assistant to track the receipt of money into your account and its expenditure, then, if necessary, you can find out information about the cost of the latest services by calling help desk(number - 0890 or 8-800-250-0890). The operator who contacted you is obliged to check your account and report everything about the expense of funds for the time period you are interested in.