• What are dead pixels and how to deal with them. What to do if dark or light dots appear on the monitor screen

    The appearance of a dead pixel on your phone, monitor or TV is guaranteed to ruin your mood. You may not notice it for many months, when suddenly an epic horror in the form of a dot is revealed on a solid fill of the screen with a single color!

    The pixel remains a thorn that is always an eyesore, even if it is in the corner and generally difficult to distinguish by those who do not know about its existence. But we know!

    Dead pixel vs. dead pixel

    Dead pixel doesn't "burn" at all. Never and in any color. It is black against any background. There is practically no chance of its recovery.

    Dead pixel (stuck) displays two colors out of three, less often one out of three. This distorts white. The dot will be black on a red, blue or green background. Such defects have every chance of returning to their original state.

    Dealing with a stuck or dead pixel requires some effort and free time. And no, you don’t have to disassemble your smartphone. Let's see what can be done on LCD (TFT-TN, IPS, VA) or AMOLED matrices.

    Dead pixel on iPhone or iPad. How to remove?

    Correction by software method

    1. Without downloading anything, you can open the jscreenfix.com web page in Safari and click “Launch JScreenFix”.

    2. This will open a small window with a stimulating effect for a certain area of ​​the screen.

    3. We set it so that it covers the area with the broken pixel and wait at least 10 minutes (the longer, the greater the chance of correction).

    4. We do a test for dead pixels. If it doesn't work, then try a few more times.

    Correction by mechanical method

    1. If software stimulation does not help, then you should try to correct the defect mechanically (do not rush to throw your iPhone at the wall!).

    2. Clean the display from dust and hair and turn it off (by locking it, for example).

    3. Take a lint-free cloth (so as not to scratch the protective glass) and lightly massage the defective area with your finger or eraser for 3-10 minutes.

    4. Turn on the display and check the result. If it doesn’t help, then try to do the same operation with the screen turned on without overdoing it with pressing force (you can damage neighboring pixels).

    The heating method also eliminates dead pixels

    1. If mechanical action does not help, then we will resort to warming up.

    2. Heat the water until it is close to its boiling point (when it starts to bubble).

    3. Take a lint-free cloth and place it in a plastic bag, securing it with an additional layer.

    4. Taking care not to burn your hands, pour a little hot water into a plastic bag, saturating the fabric with it.

    5. Using a makeshift “heating pad”, knead the problem area in a circular motion for about 5 minutes.

    Dead pixel on a smartphone or tablet. How to fix it?

    Get rid of it programmatically

    1. In the same way as in the case of the iPhone, go through the Google Chrome browser to the jscreenfix.com website and follow the step-by-step instructions indicated above.

    2. But you can also use a special application from the Google Play Store called Dead Pixel Detect and Fix with advanced functions.

    3. Using a special tool, check the color against which the dead pixel will appear black.

    4. Press the “FIX IT” button for the selected defective area.

    5. The application runs for 30 minutes by default - make sure your smartphone or tablet is charged.

    6. We check for dead pixels with the same program.

    Mechanical method of disposal from a dead pixel and temperature influence The instructions for the iPhone are completely identical.

    Dead pixels on a computer monitor represent points that are not working. They can be represented by luminous or extinct dots. Pixels that are not working at all have a black tint. They can only be seen against a white background. This type of pixel is the most harmless for a monitor. However, it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

    The most common problem is dead subpixels. They are constantly glowing points of various shades, which can be represented by green, blue or red colors. The most unpleasant of all are the burnt-out red dots. These pixels are called stuck pixels.

    It should be noted that in some situations, dead pixels may form on the monitor and then disappear. Many consumers very often notice on new monitors a cluster of dots in the central part of the screen. However, you don’t have to worry about this, because they can be almost invisible if the monitors are created on an MVA matrix.

    How to get rid of dead pixels

    This article will not mention methods in which high-tech laboratory methods must be used to get rid of pixels. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to remove dead pixels at home yourself is positive. Many have already checked this on their devices. In total, two methods have been created for removing dead pixels: using special programs and mechanical. Initially, many do not believe that it is possible to use special programs to solve this problem.

    How to use programs to eliminate dead pixels

    Removing dead pixels using programs is carried out by rapidly changing the shades of pixels located nearby. Using this method makes it possible to supply more energy to dead pixels. It is thanks to this that they begin to come to their senses. This method makes it possible to fix up to 80 percent of dead pixels.

    It should be noted that each situation will require a different amount of time. In each specific case, it is necessary to experiment with the speed of color changes of adjacent pixels.

    A pixel that has returned to normal may eventually stop working again. Especially if the room temperature becomes very high due to hot weather. In this situation, it is recommended to use the program again. There are situations when it is no longer possible to remove the dead pixel problem.

    Program for treating dead pixels

    The first program that can be used to solve the problem with dead pixels is Bad Crystal. It is available for download and purchase on the official Internet resource. Its free version can function for one month. It works with a limited set of functions. It does not have the ability to use more modern technologies. If you use version 2.6 of this program, you can work without restrictions, but its only drawback is that after a minute of use, a blackout appeared on the monitor.

    However, to correct this situation, it is possible to use one very interesting trick. You need to move the program screen and hold down the left mouse button constantly. To do this, you can use any available items. In this position, the program window will function normally for any amount of time.

    The program begins with choosing the type of device. You can choose a computer monitor, TV screen, tablet or mobile phone screen.

    To work with mobile devices and game consoles, you must use a video file that is suitable for the resolution of the device. To work with a plasma TV monitor, you need to create a DVD with the corresponding recording. It can also be used on a computer monitor in full screen mode.

    In order to go to the additional menu, you need to move the mouse to the left side at the top of the program window. In a free program of this type, only two operating modes are available, which are Common Clearing and Personal Protection. The paid version also includes System modified and Complex Force. These two programs provide a greater chance of pixel recovery. It should be noted that Common Clearing mode is automatically enabled.

    To start the work process, you need to click on Launch and move the program window to the place where there are faulty pixels. Then you should wait up to 10 minutes and check. If you still couldn’t fix the pixel, then you need to increase the speed. To do this, click on Speed ​​Up. After this, you must wait at least 10 minutes.

    If the situation does not change, then it is necessary to set the entire process at maximum speed. It is necessary to do the work for the time it takes for the pixel to completely disappear. In the most advanced cases, this process can last at least ten hours.

    After fixing a stuck pixel, it is necessary to enable the appropriate mode for preventive purposes. Thanks to it, the colors on the monitor will change over a period of time. It is necessary to carry out such prevention at least twice a month at a time when no one is using the computer. You should not start this process manually, because it will be difficult to disable it later.

    Using JScreenFix

    The next program that is used to fix dead pixels is called JScreenFix. It's a stretch to call it a program because it's more like a standalone Java application that won't function without Java installed on your computer device. Until some time it was provided free of charge. Today you need to spend $3.25 to purchase it.

    It differs from the previous program in that it starts working from the moment it searches for the location of the dead pixel. Its window is painted in a dark shade and should be moved across the monitor to determine the location of the stuck pixel. To do this, click on Locale. You can also use full screen mode.

    Then the work begins, which is classified as paid. This program works in the same way as bad Crystal. The official website allows you to download video files that do not require payment. They are played by various players on any device. It should be noted that their resolution does not allow achieving maximum efficiency.

    The developers of these programs advise using some preventative methods for their screens. To do this, you need to run the recovery procedure from time to time. It may be most useful for plasma TVs.

    Mechanical pixel removal method

    This method has a large number of reviews on the Internet. This is a kind of massage for the device screen. To do this you need to use an ear stick. It needs to be moved to the location of the monitor where the dead pixel is located. During the “massage” you should not press very hard on the stick. You need to make sure there are no stains. This procedure may take up to half an hour.

    You should be happy if you manage to cope with the problem. However, if the situation is the opposite, then you must additionally use the Bad Crystal program. You can continue to use the wand with it. Finally, the Bad Crystal should be left to function for approximately 10 hours.

    Video: Software restoration of dead monitor pixels

    Hello friends! Today we will learn how to detect and revive dead pixels on an LCD screen.

    If you find a dead pixel on the screen of your LCD monitor, this does not mean that it has truly “died” and cannot be restored. You can try to fix this defect yourself.

    A pixel is the smallest image element in raster graphics, or the physical element of a display matrix. The image you see on your monitor is made up of many dots called pixels.

    In a modern monitor, each pixel is controlled by a thin-film transistor, and when it fails, an inactive point is formed on the screen - a dead pixel. As you understand, this problem can only be solved by replacing the corresponding transistor. This procedure is carried out in specialized laboratories and is not available to the average user. However, there is another type of dead pixels – stuck pixels.

    How to detect dead pixels?

    There are many different programs that cycle different colors on the screen. The main feature will be any dot of a different color on a solid background. The pixel seems to be stuck in one position and does not respond to changing images. Such defects can be restored through some programs and physical manipulations.

    How to repair a dead pixel?

    Let's look at a hardware (software) method that can be used to identify and try to “revive” a dead pixel. Examples of such programs are Bad Crystal, JScreenFixDead and Dead Pixel Tester.

    Dead Pixel Tester is a free utility that is designed to test and repair broken pixels (dataproductservices.com).

    To do this, open the Dead Pixel Tester utility and run it. In the “Pattern” column, select the “Solid” option opposite the “Auto color cycle” column, check the box and set the time: 2500 ms. Leave the program to run for one to two hours.

    The operating principle of this application is to stimulate supposedly “dead” pixels with alternating colors. It happens that as a result of such color activity, faulty pixels begin to function normally.

    If this does not help, you can use the mechanical method. Take a cotton swab or microfiber cloth (some people prefer to use an eraser), and then, with slight pressure, swipe the area of ​​the screen with the defective pixel from left to right and from bottom to top.

    Repeat this process several times. If this procedure also did not help, then the pixel is really damaged. Now you know what a pixel is and how to fix such defects. See you in new articles. Good luck! I would be grateful if you share this article with your friends.

    Monitors have become an integral part of our lives. Society observes their presence every day on various devices and gadgets: mobile phone, computer monitor, laptop screen, etc. Despite the abundance of models, all screens differ in two parameters: manufacturing technology and pixel density. The quality of the picture depends on them. But regardless of progress and the latest technologies, a person is not immune from various breakdowns, one of which is a dead monitor pixel.

    A dead pixel is a part of the monitor (point) that does not match the color gamut of the displayed picture. As a rule, this is a dark pixel that is clearly visible against a light background. This type of malfunction does not require repair and, if the equipment is under warranty, it can be replaced.

    But the most unpleasant damage is brightly glowing dots of different colors: red, white, green, etc. Often such spots appear suddenly and disappear imperceptibly. Popularly this problem is called “stuck” pixels. Unlike the first option, this problem can be treated in two ways: programmatically or mechanically. To work, you do not need any special devices or laboratory conditions. All steps can be performed at home.

    How to find dead pixels on the screen?

    First you need to check what condition the monitor is in. Sometimes the indicators can surprise owners, forcing them to abandon the idea of ​​​​restoring dead pixels. You can often find “dead” pixels on the screen. Yes, we can say that such breakdowns can be corrected under warranty, but there is a clause in the law that indicates the permissible number of dead pixels on monitors. Therefore, you have to correct the deficiency yourself.

    There are a huge number of tools to check this. They can be executed as a separate program with a set of functions, or as an online service that can be used via the Internet.

    A good example is the free service Onlinemonitortest. It invites its visitors to select monitor tests from the list:

    • checking for dead pixels;
    • checking the backlight;
    • color rendering;
    • text readability test and much more.

    This service is a useful resource not only for identifying faulty pixels, but also for adjusting various parameters on the monitor.

    Among the useful programs, we note the TFT test. This program has an intuitive interface and does not require installation on your computer. It will be enough to simply download it. A large number of tests included in the program can identify all screen defects and configure it for comfortable operation.

    Recovery methods

    After you have been able to check and evaluate the condition of the monitor, you can determine the restoration method, which can be of two types: mechanical and software.

    Software method

    The result is achieved by quickly changing the colors of neighboring pixels. As a result, more energy falls on the “stuck” pixel, and it is restored. This method is able to cure the problem in 80% of cases. This may require more time, experimentation with the duration of the program and the set of colors.

    Sometimes, restoring dead pixels in this way brings only temporary results, and after some time, multi-colored dots may appear on the monitor again. If this happens, the procedure should be repeated. Some pixels cannot be permanently cured.

    Mechanical method

    If treatment with the software method fails, you should use the mechanical one. The process of such restoration looks like a normal wiping of the monitor. You can use a cotton swab and rub it with sufficient force on the part of the monitor where the dead pixel is located. The pressure should be such that streaks appear on the screen. This process may take up to 30 minutes.

    The same procedure can be repeated with the monitor turned off. Another way is to lightly click your fingernail on the area where the dead pixel appears.

    If the mechanical method does not help, you can combine it with the software one. To do this, you need to run the program on your computer and simultaneously “massage” the dead pixel for about 15 minutes, then leave the program running for a long period of 5–10 hours.

    Description of programs that restore pixels

    It is worth saying in more detail about the programs that are used in the software method. The most popular programs that repair dead pixels are Bad Crystal, JScreenFixDead and DeadPixelTester.


    This program is used most often. It is widely available on the Internet and can be downloaded or purchased. The free version only works for 30 days and has restrictions on a number of services. You can find a previously released version of BadCrystal 2.6. It is also free and works without limitations, but lasts only one minute. In order to eliminate this nuance, you can use a kind of “crack”: hold down the left mouse button and move the program window, without releasing the button, press it down with some object (book, glass, keyboard). In this situation, the program will run indefinitely.

    To start working with the software, you need to decide on which device the dead pixels will be repaired: a monitor, a mobile phone screen, a game console or a plasma panel.

    To repair mobile phones and game consoles, a video file is used, which must be pre-generated, then it is played on the equipment in multiple repetition mode.

    For a plasma panel, the same video can be recorded to disk or you can use the FullScreen mode and run the program on your computer.

    So what should you do? Open the additional program menu by moving the mouse to the top of the window. This displays the four modes that are available: Common Clearing (CCM), System Modified (SMF), Complex Force (CFV), Personal Protection (PPM). If you use the free version, you can only use CCM and PPM. SMF and CFV modes provide a higher percentage of pixel restoration.

    The default mode is CCM. Launch it by clicking Launch. Move the program window to the area where the luminous dots appear, let the program run for 5–10 minutes, after which you need to check the result. If no changes occur, repeat the procedure with increased speed, for which you need to use the active SpeedUp button. Leave the program to run for 10–15 minutes.

    Therefore, you can repeat attempts, using an increase in speed to the maximum. You can also experiment with the duration of the program. So, in the most difficult cases, repairs can take up to 10 hours.

    To avoid recurrence of such problems with pixels, it is recommended to run the automatic prevention mode. In PPM mode, the colors on the monitor change. This procedure should be repeated several times a month to completely remove all problem areas.


    This is a Java application that can be used without installation on your computer. You cannot download it for free; only a paid version is available on the Internet.

    Getting started with the program involves finding an area that needs repairs. To do this, select the Locale button in the menu and the program window turns black, move the window in search of luminous points. There is also a FullScreen mode that allows you to check the entire monitor. It's available for free.

    Next, you can move on to a paid service - this is the repair of dead pixels. The principle of operation here is the same as in BadCrystal. Also on the site you can download ready-made video files demonstrating the algorithm of the program. This feature is provided free of charge. Such tracks can be played using a player convenient for you on any device, but the effect of this treatment will be less due to the difference in picture resolution.


    This is an application that allows you to find and repair dead pixels. The program can be downloaded on the Internet. To start working with the service, select the Solid option in the Pattern menu. Here you need to check the box next to Autocolourcycle and set the time interval to 2500 milliseconds. Then we leave the program running for several hours. This program allows you to remove false pixels on your laptop or computer monitor. It is NOT always possible to cure all stains; they either remain or may appear again some time after they disappear.

    Repairing this problem, like dead pixels, can be done at home, without resorting to complex technologies and specific methods. Which of the proposed methods to choose is your decision.


    The first method involves physical impact, namely, gently massaging the defective area of ​​your monitor. The monitor must be . Do not perform this operation with your fingers or use any hard or sharp objects. Otherwise, the anti-reflective coating may be damaged and new pixels will appear. Massaging the display should be done with something soft, for example, a cotton swab.

    The second method of removing stuck pixels is hardware-based, and therefore does not require physical intervention and is absolutely safe. There are a number of programs that remove dead pixels. And many can be launched directly from the site. One example of such programs is the jscreenfix utility.

    Look for information about which program copes with its responsibilities better, enter its name in the search window and go to the official website of the program. In the window, click on the link to launch the program. As soon as the program starts, a small window with flickering pixels will appear. You just need to point it at the defective area of ​​the display and wait for the result.

    Removing dead pixels using such programs, as a rule, occurs in about 20 minutes of the utility. But if the pixels are not removed, try leaving the program on for a few hours. What is the operating principle of these programs? They change the colors of individual pixels at a very high speed. This allows stuck pixels to occur at the software level.


    • how to remove dead pixel in 2019

    Tip 2: How to check your LCD TV screen for dead pixels in 2019

    When purchasing an LCD TV, you may receive a unit with dead pixels on the screen. Returning such a TV to the store will not be easy. Therefore, it is important to know how to check a TV for dead pixels before purchasing.

    A pixel is a cell involved in the formation of an image on the screen. The main pixel consists of three subpixels: green, red and blue. By combining these colors, you can achieve different shades and colors.

    When the matrix is ​​working properly, the screen is free of defects. If a pixel or the transistor that controls it is damaged, a defect appears, which is called a “dead pixel”.

    Dead pixels can be either non-burning or burning. An unlit pixel appears as a black dot. A lit pixel glows white continuously. They appear against a contrasting background. Another defect is a broken or “stuck” subpixel. It appears as a glow in one of the primary colors - blue, green or red.

    Why check your TV for dead pixels?

    The presence of dead pixels does not affect overall performance. Most manufacturers allow a certain number of defective pixels on the screen. This amount depends on the class of the monitor and is usually indicated in the warranty documentation.

    If you do not check the LCD upon purchase and only discover the presence of dead pixels at home, it will be very difficult to return such a device to the store. If their number does not exceed the standard established by the manufacturer, the TV will not be accepted at the service center.

    The manufacturer does not consider this a malfunction or breakdown. And dead pixels are impossible in most cases. Therefore, check the TV directly in the store, where you can refuse the purchase if you find a defect.

    How to find dead pixels

    Checking for is quite simple. Since faulty pixels have a constant color, they appear well against a contrasting background. You will need to display several colored fills in sequence.

    How to do this? Preferably a TV connected to a computer or laptop. This will allow you to use special programs to check