• What is windows system rollback? Windows System Restore

    When you launch your personal computer every day, you inevitably bring something new to it. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re just surfing the Internet or installing new programs. After all, by visiting any web page, you may well catch a virus there or install, without knowing it, a malicious program. Today we will talk about how to roll back Windows XP.

    Forewarned is forearmed

    A fairly well-known saying takes on a very clear and specific meaning in the context we are considering. Remember, there is only one way to restore your system, and it requires mandatory preliminary preparation. This tool is a utility built into the OS. But in order to use it to return the computer to its previous state, you need to make sure in advance that such a point exists. Many users find that the system takes up a lot of hard drive space. This is partly true, but all discontent disappears at once when a situation arises in which restoration may soon be required. Therefore, before rolling back the Windows XP system, let's clarify how to create a restore point.

    Starting position

    As already mentioned, we will need to create a specific starting point to which we would like to return our computer if it breaks down or becomes infected with a virus. Of course, you can choose when to install the OS on your computer, but what's the point if it would be easier to reinstall the entire system?

    So, to create a restore point, do the following. Go to the "Start" menu - "Programs" - "Accessories" - "Utilities". There, select the item In the interface that opens, select creation and wait until the computer completes the entire operation. Now you will have somewhere to return in case of problems with your computer.

    If you are a user of a newer generation OS, for example, Windows 7, then you should not be concerned about this point in the question of how to roll back the system. Windows XP, unlike Windows 7, does not create copies automatically and during installation does not include the automatic creation of such backup states.


    Finally, we got directly to the question of how to roll back Windows XP. To do this, you will need to repeat all the steps indicated in the previous paragraph, with the exception that you will need to select the “Restore the computer to an earlier state” sub-item in the program itself. In this case, you will be offered a list of all available states over the past time. How to roll back Windows XP? You need to choose the appropriate state. By default, the most recent available position will be highlighted in bold. Having selected the required item, click “Next” - “Finish”.

    In fact, no one knows what guides a personal computer when restoring a system. He can remove installed programs, or he can leave them. Your recent photos will disappear... Or they won't. Anyway, don't forget to back up your files. This, by the way, is another way to roll back the system. Windows XP Professional allows you to use third-party utilities to save the system state.

    Independent programs

    1. There are many programs designed both for saving some of your computer files and for creating images of hard drives as a whole. For example, "Acronis". By saving data with it, you can reinstall the entire system at any time, and then restore the contents of your hard drives.
    2. Special Of course, with their help it is impossible to restore the system to its true value, but it is very possible to return some files. It is recommended to use File Rescue Pro.

    System disk

    If you still have the installation disk of your operating system, you can perform a system recovery using it. To do this, insert it into the drive and restart the computer from the disk. The operating system installer screen should appear in front of you. How to roll back the system? Windows XP itself suggests a solution. At the bottom of the screen we see the inscription “R - restore”. Click the corresponding button.

    The computer will search for installed operating systems. After this, a menu will appear in which you must select the system to be restored. We indicate the OS we need to restore, enter its number and press Enter.

    After that, enter the password, if necessary, and proceed to recovery. To do this, we need to enter the command to restore Fixmbr partitions. We confirm the action. Then we need to restore the boot area with the Fixboot command. After that, enter exit and reboot.

    In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you are looking for instructions on how to roll back a Windows XP system via BIOS, then know that this is in no way possible. Any changes you could make using the BIOS will not directly affect the OS. The maximum that can be advised is to remove the coin cell battery from the motherboard. In this case, all BIOS settings will be reset, the computer password will be lost, and some recent changes will disappear.

    – Igor (Administrator)

    Sometimes, installing programs or drivers, and in some cases simply using them, can lead to problems in Windows 7. System slowdown, inability to start normally, glitches, etc. Microsoft is also well aware of this, so it is not surprising that the Windows 7 operating system contains a very useful System Restore tool. Using the latter, you can restore successful configurations and settings without the need for reinstallation, provided that this function was enabled (enabled by default). And in this article I will tell you how to roll back system Windows 7 and I will give some tips and warnings.

    Note: Remember that you can often get rid of errors, problems and glitches by simply cleaning the Windows 7 registry, so this operation should be performed periodically and without any special reason.

    But, before I tell you the instructions, I would like to warn you that restoring the Windows 7 system may lead to the loss of data that was entered after creating a restore point. So before following these instructions, it is recommended that you take care of creating a backup copy of your files.

    So, here are the instructions on how to restore a Windows 7 system:

    1. First, we need to open the System Restore tool itself. To do this, open the Start menu and type "recovery" in the search bar, and then select the appropriate tool from the list of programs, as shown below.

    2. The "Restore system files and settings" wizard will open. Its first screen is a regular splash screen, so you just need to click the “Next” button.

    3. Now, you need to select a restore point to which you want to roll back the Windows 7 system. I advise you to roll back to the last known good configuration, since some of the data is lost during a rollback. Once you have selected the desired point, click the "Next" button.

    4. The final confirmation screen of the wizard appears, showing general information about the point. To start the process, click the "Finish" button.

    5. A warning window will appear indicating that this operation cannot be interrupted. Confirm the restoration.

    6. Wait for the process to complete. After this, the computer will restart.

    Now, you know how to roll back the system in Windows 7. Please note that while the recovery process is running, you cannot restart the computer, turn off anything, or perform other actions. Otherwise, the system may be damaged and this may even lead to the need to reinstall Windows 7. And I remind you once again that all important data should be saved to another drive just in case. For example, specialized directories such as "My Documents" can be changed. The measure may seem cumbersome, but it is better to spend 10 minutes copying data now than to be surprised later by the absence of important documents.

    By the way, you can also restore the Windows 7 system in safe mode, so if the operating system does not boot, then you need to go into Windows 7 safe mode and perform all the same steps that were described in the instructions.

    If the user has some kind of problem with the computer (which usually happens as a result of recent changes in the OS or a virus infection), there is no need to rush to reinstall it. The first, and often helpful, action is to perform a Windows 7 system rollback. What does this mean? This means returning to the previous state of the OS and restoring its settings and system files to the time when there were no failures in the computer.

    Rollback points

    Rollback points (TO) or in another way restore points (TV)- this is what the Windows 7 system is rolled back from in the event of any malfunctions in its operation. Everyone can ask where they come from. And they are created in two ways:

    • They are created automatically by the operating OS itself;
    • They are created by a person who cares about the “healthy” state of his computer.

    The OS independently creates TV when critical changes are made to the OS, for example, when installing new software (programs and drivers).

    This process cannot be controlled, so further we will consider only the actions of a reasonable user to maintain the working state of his computer.

    User receiving TV

    Any person who is thinking about preserving the performance of their pet should be advised to create new TVs in the following cases:

    • Before installing any new software;
    • Before changing critical OS parameters (for example, operating modes of audio and video drivers, changing BIOS settings, etc.);
    • Before editing the OS registry;
    • Before cleaning the OS by any of the programs that perform this action.

    To create a TV (both your own and automatic), you need to perform a number of steps.

    Click “Start”, right-click “Computer”, then “Properties”, then “System Protection”, a window like this appears:

    This is a multifunctional window with which you can manage both the creation of a TV and the restoration from a previous maintenance. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the protection function is enabled on the system disk, that is, the ability to receive maintenance and TV and restore from them. If it is not enabled, you will have to click “Configure” and in the pop-up window specify the disk for which this protection function is needed and the size of the area allocated on it for creating TO.

    Creating a TV in this window is done by clicking “Create”, and the following window is displayed:

    in which you need to give a description of the TV being created (for example, “Before reinstalling the AUDIO driver”) and click “Create”. After a short time, the OS will finish receiving TV and display a corresponding message in which you need to click “OK”.

    The total size of such points is difficult to predict (especially if they are created automatically), so you should set the size of the TV area within reasonable limits, for example within a few GB, depending on the total size of the OS boot disk.

    Rollback to previous state

    This action is performed in the same window in which the TV was created, only now you need to click the “Restore” button. When you click it, a window appears:

    which contains a list of previously created TVs. Usually in this list there is only one automatic TV created by the OS. To see a complete list, you should check the “Show other recovery points” checkbox in this window. After this, a complete list of them will be displayed, which is shown in the figure.

    In this window you need to select the appropriate TV and click “Next”. Then the system will restore its state with the specified TV, reboot and display a message confirming the completion of the completed task, which should be answered by clicking “OK”.

    Other recovery methods

    There are several other ways to solve this problem:

    • If the OS does not boot and it is impossible to roll back using the method already described, then this can be done by booting into safe mode;
    • Use TVs created by third-party programs, for example, Acronis True Image Home, but this requires installing it and running this program to create another TV. This will take some time, depending on the speed of the system.

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    So, today we will talk to you about how to perform a system rollback in Windows 7. The thing is that modern viruses and Trojans can cause all sorts of malfunctions. Then the computer stops working normally. This is where the need to make “kickbacks” arises. Let's learn how this is done.

    If there is no choice

    But when is a system rollback necessary for Windows 7? Let's try to figure it out with you in this difficult matter.

    To begin with, it is worth understanding that such “things” are not done just like that. You must have good reasons for any manipulations with your operating system. The first option when a user may need a system rollback for Windows 7 is a banal clutter that cannot be corrected using normal methods. Moreover, this option is suitable only when the computer begins to slow down due to “junk”.

    The second reason why you may need to roll back your Windows 7 system is constant crashes and factory resets.

    Of course, we cannot ignore such a scenario as introducing a virus or Trojan onto your computer. Sometimes it is rollbacks that help to cope with problems. So, now let's see how to properly prepare and carry out the “operation”.


    Of course, after you notice that your computer has stopped “obeying” and is constantly slowing down, a completely logical conclusion comes to mind - do a rollback. After all, it returns the computer to the state it was in on the selected date. Very convenient. True, if you decide to perform such an action, then you should be well prepared. In Windows 7, a system rollback can be performed in several ways, which we will talk about today. But for now we are just getting ready.

    You will need to save all your data that is important. Of course, personal information, as a rule, is not affected by rollbacks, but in the event of a “failure” during the process, you can “lose” Windows along with all the data. So, it's better to be safe. In addition, it is advisable to scan your computer for viruses. Some Trojans can interfere with the recovery process. So, if you are not afraid, then all that remains is to choose how to roll back the Windows 7 system, and then proceed to action. Let's see what's available for this.


    Well, the first and most popular method is to restore the operating system using built-in functions. This is very convenient to do in Windows 7. The system rollback will occur quite quickly, however, you will need to enable the function of setting “rollback points” in advance. It is enabled by default.

    But how can you roll back the operating system once it has been logged in? To do this you will need a "recovery tool". It can be found in the Start menu. From there, go to "Standard" and then select "Service". Next, all you have to do is click on “recovery tool”. Now let's do a system rollback in Windows 7 together.

    After you click on the button, a window will open in front of you, which will warn you that the system will inevitably return to the state that you have “installed” now. Just agree with him and move on. Now you need to select a restore point. As a rule, they are done automatically. If there are none, then you are out of luck - if successful, all settings will drop to zero. Click next and wait for the process to finish. During this process, the system may reboot several times. Now you know how to perform a system rollback in Windows 7. But this is only the first option. It’s worth talking about others too.

    Command line

    Of course, you can’t escape anywhere without the so-called command line. It is she who will help us implement today’s idea. However, you will need to carry out the process correctly so as not to lose important data.

    First of all, you will need to start the system in safe mode. Did you do it? Open the command line (by pressing Win + R), then enter a special combination. The command “rstrui.exe” is suitable for performing a system rollback in Windows 7. Now press "Enter". The already familiar “restorer” window will open in front of you. In it, select a rollback point and confirm your actions. Now all that remains is to wait for completion. In Windows 7, rolling back the system when booting into Safe Mode is another very popular method used by system administrators. But there is another option for the development of events. It won't suit everyone. Let's get to know him.

    Installation disk

    So, the next way you can perform a system rollback in Windows 7 is using the installation disk. If you already have it, then great. No? Then it is better to use one of the already familiar options. After all, the whole problem is that the computer will refuse to work with a disk that is not identical to your OS.

    In the case when the user uses a pirated version, especially one he installed himself, there should be no problems. In general, let's assume that we already have a disk. Now you need to set up your computer and get started.

    Insert the disk into the drive and go into the BIOS. There you need to set the boot from the DVD-ROM first. Save and restart the computer. Wait until the Windows 7 installer starts to open. You will see the system rollback immediately.

    Look at the lower left corner of the window - there will be “recovery” there. In the window that opens, select “System Restore”. Read the information about the irreversibility of the process and click "next". Now you should choose a rollback point. If the computer has been configured correctly, then you will already have at least 2-3 pieces. Have you chosen? Click "next".

    In the window that opens, click “Done”. A warning from the series “did you think well?” will pop up. Yes, we had a good time thinking about it! So, feel free to click “yes” and watch how our system will be restored. After this, just click on the “reboot” button. That's all - you know how to rollback using all possible methods.

    Doesn't always help

    True, very often it turns out that in Windows 7, rolling back the system does not help. Moreover, it can start, and then “stall” in the middle or, even worse, at the very end. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t get the recovery tool to work. What then?

    In this situation, the only risk is a complete reinstallation of Windows. So, keep a close eye on your computer and make rollback points so that you are prepared in case you need to perform a restore. Good luck!

    You can rollback your computer for many reasons, for example, you reinstalled the drivers, but they don’t work properly, or you installed a lot of programs and games, many of which were installed incorrectly, or you made an update after which the system didn’t work properly, or Windows simply won’t start. This can be done in different ways. Some methods by which you can roll back and restore the system are universal, and some are suitable specifically for a particular reason.

    How to roll back to a restore point

    If Windows does not start on your computer, then this method is not suitable, but it is suitable for rolling back the system to Windows after installing games or programs, after an unsuccessful experiment with the settings in the system, after an unsuccessful update or after removing drivers. A restore point is created automatically, usually after installing a program, but you can create a system restore point manually. To see all your recovery points, you need to open them by simultaneously pressing two WIN+X keys on your keyboard. A context menu will open in which you need to select Control Panel.

    Using the Control Panel you can roll back your Windows 7 system

    In the Control Panel window that opens, enter the word in the search field recovery. After this you need to click on Recovery which appeared at the very top of the Control Panel.

    By selecting this item you can roll back the Windows system.

    In the next window there will be several items, and you need to click on the item Starting the recovery system to roll back your computer. If you need to create a restore point manually, then you need to click on the System Restore Settings item and in the next window click on the Create button located at the very bottom of the window. A new Restore system files and settings window will open in which you need to click Next.

    Windows 10 rollback point

    In the next window, Restoring the computer to a previous state, to restore the computer retroactively, you need to check the box Show other restore points. Then click on the date when everything was fine with your computer and click Next. After this, perform a system rollback and after rebooting, the computer will return to the state of the selected date.

    How to roll back from Windows

    This method, like the previous one, is not suitable if Windows does not start. Using this method, you can roll back the system to factory settings with the loss of all data or partial loss of data. As in the first case, open the Control Panel and go to the Recovery window.

    To open computer settings, click on the last line

    In this window you need to click on the item If your PC is having problems, you can restore it in PC Settings. After this, a window will open on your computer Computer settings on the tab Recovery.

    Windows 8 system rollback

    There are three recovery options on this tab:
    Recover your computer without deleting files. In this case, after restoring the system, files and all programs will be lost except for files located in the system folders Music, Video, Documents, Downloads and Images, and programs and applications that were installed from the Windows Store will also be saved.
    Removing all data and reinstalling Windows. In this case, a clean reinstallation of the system will occur and all files will be deleted from the system disk and you will have to perform data recovery after reinstalling the system.
    Special download options. In this case, you will need an installation disk that was used to install the system on your computer.
    After selecting the desired option, click Next, and after going through the recovery procedure you need to reinstall your favorite programs.

    System Restore via Command Line

    Usually they do a system restore if Windows stops starting on the computer. This method is also called system recovery via BIOS or system recovery via cmd. To start rolling back the system through the BIOS, you need to press the Start button on your computer and immediately hold down the F8 key on the keyboard, and when the boot menu appears, release it.

    How to restore a computer via BIOS

    Next, to restore the system via bios, you need to select the item using the arrows on the keyboard Safe Mode with Command Line Support and press ENTER on your keyboard. A command line will open in which you need to enter %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe and press the ENTER key on your keyboard. After this, the system rollback will begin in safe mode. When the system rollback is completed via the command line, you will need to restart the computer and it will start in normal mode.