• What is working via the Internet? Is there a real work from home? Reviews from people. Work from home without investment from affiliates

    The majority of people use the Internet only for entertainment or communication, more than 90%. But there are also those who use the Internet to work and earn money. And every year the trend for making money on the Internet is growing. But how to recognize really working ways to make money without cheating, among the many offers? Yes, so that you definitely get what you earned and don’t waste your time doing some work for pennies.

    This article will cover all the basic issues related to working online. We will talk about what options and types of earnings exist today, what is their profitability, what are the prospects for development in them. In addition, we will talk about specific sites on the Internet where you can earn money from investments without cheating.

    Who is suitable for working on the Internet with daily payment?

    This is perhaps the first question that beginners want to know the answer to. Well, we answer: everyone can earn at least some money online, even those who have almost no experience working with a computer. For teenagers, students, mothers on maternity leave, pensioners— there is also a lot of work available online for these categories of the population. The main thing is perseverance and perseverance, and there is enough work for everyone!

    How much can you earn working from home?

    Much depends on whether you have any professional skills (appropriate education), whether you can navigate well in rapidly changing conditions, whether you have certain knowledge in any areas of knowledge, etc. To put it simply, with profitability everything is the same as in real life. Those who perform work that does not require any qualifications will initially be able to receive 100-200 rubles per day. But an experienced programmer or copywriter will be able to earn 3000-5000 rubles in the same time. Much depends on how much time you are willing to devote to work. Of course, the more you work, the more you earn.

    An example of payment from one of the sites for completing simple tasks

    You can enter a captcha for 600 rubles for a whole month and this money will only be enough to pay for the Internet, or you can master the profession of an SMM specialist in a couple of weeks and have a normal salary of 20-30 thousand per month. There are a lot of nuances, we will talk about this in the article.

    Video: Remote work on the Internet from home without investment or deception: payment every day + 7 vacancies, 4 sites

    TOP 12 Jobs on the Internet without investment and deception with payment every day

    Now that you know that almost anyone can make money online, it’s time to talk about where, in fact, a beginner can start his career. It so happened that the topic of making money online is very popular with scammers, and many newcomers, unfortunately, fall for their tricks at least once. Read about how to protect yourself from scammers at the end of the article, but now we will look at options for making money on the Internet without investments, suitable for a beginner, and specific sites that provide such work, which, at least, definitely will not deceive you with payment.

    Typing on a PC at home

    An excellent way to earn money, suitable for anyone who knows how to press buttons on a keyboard. But finding such a job is not easy now, and the reason for this is scammers who offer to make money by typing and then scam their workers. There are countless numbers of them now, so if you want to make money this way, be extremely careful. Usually they ask to pay for “insurance” before starting work, in case the deadlines are missed and a penalty is paid to the customer. After receiving payment, they disappear. Do not transfer money to anyone, only you should be paid for the work!

    Prices for typing-text.rf

    In the meantime, the work is really very simple. The customer sends you scanned documents, books, manuscripts and other sources from which it is impossible to extract the text automatically; you retype it manually. Payment varies from 10 to 50 rubles per 1000 characters. Much depends on your experience and desire to look for the best deals among customers.

    Sites where such earnings are available:

    • Typing-text.rf
    • Weblancer.net
    • Aveptext.ru
    • MoguZa.ru
    • freelance.youdo.com

    In addition, pay attention to the assignments transcriptions(translation of audio/video into text) on these sites, this is another simple and decently paid job that does not require investment.

    Filling out forms for money

    To conduct social research, large companies conduct special surveys in the form of filling out questionnaires about the product. Few people are interested in completing them for free, but for a small reward this activity becomes much more interesting. Unfortunately, there are also many scams associated with this method. However, there are many proven resources that pay money.

    The good thing about making money from surveys is that it is very simple and does not require the employee to work hard. However, it is unlikely that this method of earning money will be made the main one. As a rule, they pay up to 100 rubles for one survey. Employees are most often notified of new surveys by e-mail. The problem is the number of surveys: employers are not very generous in sending new surveys to employees, which allows you to use this method of earning money as an additional one, but nothing more.

    To avoid getting hooked by scammers, use the following services:

    • I-say.com
    • Anketolog.ru
    • Voprosnik.ru
    • Surveys.su

    All these sites are aimed at residents of the Russian Federation; there is a wonderful site for citizens of other CIS countries Go.Anketka.ru, who also pays money for filling out questionnaires and surveys.

    Earning money from likes and completing simple tasks

    Performing simple paid actions is perhaps one of the most popular types of earning money on the Internet, if not the most popular. People fell in love with it because it does not require professional skills at all. In fact, all the work here comes down to pressing buttons, which makes it extremely simple. However, the wages here are quite modest, but you must admit that it would be stupid to demand a lot of money for such work. But this work definitely does not require investments, and it is definitely without deception, you just perform the necessary actions and get paid.

    Below is a list of sites where you can earn money this way:

    SocPublic.com. A simple and intuitive interface and a lot of work - these two reasons are enough to call it one of the best resources for beginners. The essence of the tasks often lies in navigating through websites, clicking on advertisements, joining groups on social networks, registering on websites, etc.

    You can increase your earnings on Socpublic by moving up the career growth system and receiving achievements.

    Seosprint.net. Also one of the best resources for new workers. In many ways it is very similar to Socpublic. Many people started their earnings journey here.

    Example of simple tasks on the Seosprint website

    . Nowadays, when the ruble is in an extremely unstable position, no one would refuse to earn in dollars. The Globus service gives us this opportunity. The essence of making money here is to watch advertisements that periodically appear on the screen of your computer or phone. To start working, you need to register and install the program. Earning money occurs in a completely passive mode, and appearing advertisements do not interfere with your work at the computer: advertisements can be closed as soon as they appear. Withdrawal is available to Webmoney and Paypal payment systems, the minimum amount is 0.5 US dollars.

    I paid that much for 5 years of work. If converted into Russian rubles, this equals approximately 41 million rubles.

    . This option is good for those who spend a lot of time on social networks. Now you can get money for likes, reposts, and joining groups. Just register on VKTarget, open the list of tasks and start earning money. To work, you can use all popular social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and a number of others. The big advantage of the service is that they often pay much more for one click than on axleboxes. For example, they can pay about 80 kopecks to join a group.

    An example of simple tasks on the VKTarget website

    Earning money by entering captcha

    The method is very similar to typing, but instead of texts, here we are asked to enter a captcha - text from pictures used to confirm that a person is registering on the site and not a robot. Why is this necessary? For example, some advertisers conduct mailings on forums where registration requires a captcha. The registration itself is carried out by robots, but, of course, they cannot pass the captcha themselves. The one who enters the captcha does it for them.

    In the Russian-language segment of the Internet, the RuCaptcha website has gained the greatest popularity. It is worth noting that the payment is quite modest. For a regular captcha they pay from 1 to 6 kopecks, for a recaptcha (picture captcha) - from 6 to 12. However, there are people who manage to earn good money there. To get started, type the following address in your browser - RuCaptcha.com

    Other sites for earning money by typing captcha:

    • Anti-Captcha.com
    • 2Captcha.com
    • Kolotibablo.com
    • MegaTypers.com

    Earning money from clicks, reading emails and surfing

    This method has already been mentioned in the article. Work of this kind can be found on active advertising services (boxes). But it’s worth noting right away that they pay ridiculous amounts of money for it, so you shouldn’t pay too much attention to it - the profit is not the same. Just try it for fun and comparison.

    As you can see, for each of them they offer 3-5 kopecks. Is this money?

    You can make money by clicking, reading emails and surfing on Seosprint, Seofast, Socpublic and others like them, to do this, select a section on these sites with the appropriate name.

    Earn money by watching videos: methods + list of sites

    But this method is already more interesting! The idea is something like this: advertisers offer to watch their videos on YouTube in the hope that you will be interested in their channel and subscribe, and you receive a small reward for watching the video. As in the case of clicks, this work will not bring you a decent income, but it also has its advantages: on some services you can open tabs with videos while you do whatever you want. Thus, it turns out to be a kind of source of passive income without investments.

    You can earn money by watching videos on:

    • CashBox.ru
    • VKTarget.ru
    • VeeDok.ru
    • WmMail.ru
    • ForumOk.com

    Earn money by writing reviews and comments

    Here the employee will have to write short reviews and comments and post them on forums, blogs and other resources on the Internet. The fee for one review can vary - from 25 kopecks to 100 rubles, it all depends on the complexity of the comment.

    Example of a comment writing task

    The only serious problem with this method is that reviews are only paid after it has been reviewed by a moderator. If you make a post on some popular forum, there is a high probability that it will be deleted before the moderator has time to check it. But don’t despair, over time you will learn to leave comments in such a way that they will be deleted less often and thus you will be able to receive decent payment using this method.

    This type of work can be found at:

    • QComment.ru
    • Turbotext.ru
    • Postmatic.ru

    Earning money by writing articles (copywriting and rewriting)

    One of the most serious and most profitable types of online work without investment today. A copywriter is a text writer. Texts can be of different nature (artistic, commercial, etc.) - it all depends on the wishes of the customer. The range of topics is also unlimited.

    There are two main types of work for a copywriter - copywriting and rewriting. Copywriting is about creating completely new texts. Rewriting is a kind of “retelling” of an existing text, presenting it in other words, as a result of which the new text turns out to be different from the original one.

    At the same time, copywriting is much more complicated than the methods of earning money described above. To become a successful copywriter, you need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and clearly, have creative thinking and love your job.

    One of the main advantages of this method is decent wages. On average, they pay 45-70 rubles for 1000 characters without spaces, and even more for experienced copywriters with a reputation. At the same time, there is always a lot of work on copywriting exchanges. In order not to be unfounded, let’s look at the statistics of the Advego resource.

    You can start your copywriting career at:

    • TextSale.ru
    • CopyLancer.ru
    • Text.ru

    Author of school, student and scientific works

    A great way to make money for school teachers, university professors and talented students. The range of work that can be offered here is huge - from simple independent tests and tests to coursework and dissertations.

    Currently the most popular exchanges are:

    • Author24.ru
    • Studwork.org

    Job – Article poster (content manager)

    The essence of the work is to publish articles on customer websites, as well as make small adjustments to their content if necessary. A content manager must be able to format texts with headings, subheadings, lists and include the necessary photographs.

    Example of a content manager vacancy in a specialized group

    As a rule, customers hire content managers to work on an ongoing basis. You can search for an employer at:

    • FL.ru
    • Work-Zilla.com
    • Weblancer.net
    • MoguZa.ru
    • freelance.youdo.com
    • Avito.ru

    Administrator of a group/public on a social network (SMM manager)

    The essence of the work is generally similar to the essence of working as a website content manager, but this time groups on the social networks Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki will have to be filled with content.

    The SMM manager publishes news, monitors order in comments and spam, holds competitions and does everything to make the group look alive and subscribers want to stay in it. You can get paid for working in one group from 3000 to 10000 rubles per month, and if you work in several at the same time, you can earn a good income.

    Earning money from freelancing

    Freelancing is usually understood as the totality of all job offers that exist in a labor market free of contracts and labor obligations. In other words, freelancing can include any work that is performed on the Internet and the terms of which are negotiated between the customer and the contractor. As a rule, such work is one-time, but customers can apply again if they are satisfied with the quality of work.

    Anyone who has professional skills and abilities can make money as a freelancer: programmers, copywriters, designers, video editors, etc.

    For freelancers, there are special freelance exchanges offering work in different specialties. The most popular freelance exchanges these days are:

    • FL.ru
    • Weblancer.net
    • FreelanceHunt.com
    • ToDo.ru
    • MoguZa.ru
    • freelance.YouDo.com

    How to recognize scammers - 5 basic rules

    Unfortunately, many novice workers encounter scammers due to inexperience. However, avoiding their tricks is not so difficult; you just need to follow five rules:

    1. When working with a customer on any service, carefully study his account. See what its reputation/rating is and what reviews other users leave about it. If the rating is low, and there are suspiciously many reviews reporting fraud, it is better to bypass the customer.

    2. Avoid offers with too easy work and too high pay. Believe me, on the Internet, as in a regular job, there is no magic way to earn a huge amount of actions in a few simple actions.

    3. Never send money to the customer as collateral. This will 100% turn out to be a scam.

    4. Try to work through exchanges, where for each order there is a guarantee that the money will eventually end up with you. On classic exchanges, you should first of all look closely at those customers who have a secure transaction option available.

    When working directly, you should always require an advance payment of at least 10-30% of the order value. In addition, you can conclude a civil contract regulating the terms of work and payment.


    As you can see, on the Internet everyone can find a job to their liking, and in order for it to bring a good income, you only need the desire and desire to earn money. As in life, success comes to those who are not afraid to take action. Try different ways to earn money, don’t be afraid to experiment, communicate with those who work on the Internet, and you will definitely start living a new life, full of independence and financial freedom!

    Write in the comments what work on the Internet you have already tried and what results you got. And also be sure to write which methods or sites have stopped working so that others can be warned!

    Greetings, dear friend! With you is Alexander Berezhnov, author and founder of the website “PAPA HELPED”. Today's practical article is dedicated to working on the Internet. For several years now, the global network has been the main source of income for me and my family.

    During this time I managed to earn several apartments, buy foreign car. And this became possible thanks to the World Wide Web. From personal experience, I was convinced that earning several thousand dollars in a couple of weeks is far from the limit.

    I will tell you which remote work vacancies are currently trending, how much you can earn from home, and who is suitable for this activity. You will learn what qualities and skills you need to have to succeed in an online job.

    The material turned out to be detailed, interesting and quite voluminous. If you don't have time to read the entire article, bookmark it so you can return to it later.

    Make yourself comfortable and let's go!

    Even beginners can work on the Internet as freelancers and earn from $200 per month without having any special skills

    Working on the Internet from home - who is it suitable for?

    I’ll answer right away, it is suitable for everyone who has a desire to work and a computer with the Internet.

    1. Schoolchildren. Are you 13, 15 or 17 years old and in school? Great, it's time to start working remotely. If you are close to new technologies and the computer has become an important part of your life, you should not wipe your pants while playing games. If you are interested in photography, programming or creating websites, make money from it. One of my friends, her name is Vika, started writing texts for clients in the 8th grade. A year later I became profitable 12,000 rubles. And this is in free time from school with the average salary of an adult in 25,000 rubles(Stavropol). Vika is 14 years old! By the way, we recently published a separate article about this.
    2. Students and youth. Are you studying at college and looking for a part-time job? Then working on the Internet is an excellent opportunity for you to improve your financial situation. Right now you can master promising Internet professions (I will talk about them below) and earn from 300 dollars per month without leaving home. I have a designer friend, Alexander. He has been working from home for several years. At the same time, the guy finds all orders exclusively remotely. Sanya will draw a banner, and 10,000 rubles already in your pocket! Let me explain why such a lot of money. The fact is that sometimes customers have deadlines, and the design is needed for an important Moscow exhibition. Then Muscovites are ready to overpay 2-3 times, just so that the work is done perfectly and tomorrow. The designer may work late into the night, but the result is worth it. Both sides are happy.
    3. Mothers on maternity leave and housewives. I have friends - a married couple. Her husband Evgeniy runs his own website about government procurement, provides consulting and training in this area, and his wife Alexandra helps him with writing articles and organizational issues while on maternity leave. There are examples when women with children work part-time remotely, and their income is practically not inferior to the “salary”, and sometimes even exceeds it.
    4. Working adults. At a certain point you realize that you want changes, including in the professional field. The ability to work remotely is an excellent alternative to going to the office or production site. All that remains is to choose a field of activity and acquire the necessary skills. Adults who already have experience can transform it and adapt it to a specific Internet profession. My friend Alexey followed the path of professional transformation. He knew English well and was interested in other foreign languages. For some time, Alexey worked as a purchasing manager in a trade organization and had long dreamed of taking up tutoring. Now he successfully teaches languages ​​via Skype, writes books, and is involved in creativity and sports. His income: from 600 rubles in an hour remotely. Moreover, he creates useful websites and services for learning languages ​​that bring him passive income.
    5. Managers and entrepreneurs. Managers and businessmen can very quickly change the nature of their activities or expand projects using the capabilities of the Internet. You can work online as a hired manager, for example, a project manager. Another way is to recruit a team of remote employees for your project. A professional team will take it to a new level in the shortest possible time. Your experience in business or management will help you launch your startup on the Internet much faster, which will make waves throughout the world.
    6. Pensioners. If you are now 60 or 70 years old and have some computer knowledge, you have every chance of securing a good part-time job or even starting your own business. The easiest way is to become a freelancer, for example, start writing texts to order or perform other simple tasks. Watch a short video story of pensioner Alevtina Nalobina. Starting from scratch, she now earns from 15,000 rubles. Once she gets the taste, the businesswoman is not going to stop there, because the appetite comes with eating.

    Dear reader, I have clearly shown that working on the Internet is suitable for everyone. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what experience you have today. You can learn everything if you want.

    Starting in “semi-remote” mode, you can find your first customers even in your own city, and produce the product itself on a computer.

    For example, this format is suitable for novice designers or video editors.

    But is “computer activity” really that good? Is it really without its drawbacks?

    In the table below I have listed the pros and cons of remote work:

    Comparison criterion "Regular" work Remote employment (freelancing)
    Official employment Yes according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (+) Yes, either according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or in the status of individual entrepreneur (+)
    Schedule "Standard" (+-)
    Financial stability and income growth Predictable wages, slow income growth (+-) There is no stability at first, progressive income growth (+-)
    Nature of earnings Linear. Depends more on the time spent at work. Suitable for conservatives (+-) Piecework. Payment is made for the value actually brought. Suitable for innovators (+)
    Form of payment Salary or salary + percentage (+-) By design (+-)
    Growth prospects Career (+) Your own business on the Internet (+)
    Degree of responsibility Average. Limited by job responsibilities (+-) High. You need to be responsible for the final result (+-)
    Mobility Absent (-) You can work from home or travel while working (+)

    As can be seen from the table, remote employment has more advantages, although there are plenty of them in a “standard” job. Here everyone chooses their own option.

    Remote work - how to find your first customers and how much you can earn: I share my experience

    I started working remotely during my college years. Since I studied computer design from the age of 13 and was proficient in Photoshop. With knowledge of this program, I got a job as a freelance designer in one of the framing salons* city of Stavropol.

    This is what an “average” framing workshop looks like in a provincial town

    For reference

    A framing salon is a workshop where custom frames are made for paintings, icons, embroideries, and so on. In our context, a baguette is a picture frame.

    The essence of my work was editing images on a computer that were provided by clients for further printing on canvas and framing in a baguette frame. I was engaged in “substituting” the heads of real people on the computer into portraits of famous artists. I changed the backgrounds of images, restored old and damaged photos, scanning them first.

    My profession was called photo artist. I worked from home and went into the salon every few days to take new orders and receive payment for the work done. I emailed the finished files to the owner of the framing salon, and he and his assistant created a material version of the painting from them.

    This is how my journey began with half-remote work. At that time I was about 20 years old. This part-time job brought me 7,000 rubles to 13 000 per month. Moreover, the average salary in our city at that time was 12-15 thousand rubles . For me, design work became a part-time job that took from 30 minutes to an hour and a half a day.

    That’s when I realized that if you have certain skills, you can work at home. Moreover, I really liked it and brought in a good income for a student.


    Analyze which computer-related skills you have that you can use to make a profit.

    Then I had several attempts at offline businesses that were not successful. I tried with all my might, but it didn’t work out right away. Then I met my friend Vitaly, and we decided to start creating custom websites.

    The logic was simple: I understand design, and Vitalik was interested in layout and programming. Decided - done! We found our first customers in our city and offered them website creation services.

    We didn’t even have a portfolio and our first clients were our friends and their acquaintances. Having successfully completed several projects, we were further recommended as good performers. Clients began to contact us from other cities.

    So our activities moved completely online. We negotiated by phone and Skype. Our clients were mainly companies from Russia. However, we also managed to work with foreign customers. At first the earnings were low, but as I gained experience, the work went faster and there was more money.

    At that moment I had an insight

    Through the Internet I earned money IN A DAY 3 000 , 5 000 and even 15 000! rubles (at that time 500$ ). This is my record income as a freelancer.

    Then it finally hit me and I realized that working online gives me creative freedom and generates income up to 120,000 ! rubles per month, allows you to remotely meet interesting people and engage in exciting projects.

    At this time, we met in absentia with various entrepreneurs in the field of information technology. Another promising direction has opened up for us - content projects*. We got excited and got to work.

    However, this direction has one peculiarity. To create a high-quality and profitable business in the form of a website or blog, it takes many months of hard work. This means you must have a third-party source of income or a solid financial cushion in the form of savings. Prospects are good, but I want to “eat” today.

    We solved this problem simply. Most of the time we made websites for people for a fee, covering current expenses, and in the evenings and free time we worked on a profitable “article book”.

    We worked on it for more than a year without any financial return, but over time the project began to generate good profits from advertising. So “Beaver” became our calling card and “the goose that lays the golden eggs.” To work on this project, we managed to gather an excellent team of like-minded people and create a truly worthy website.

    We sold it in mid-2018 and the site now has a new owner.

    Shortly before the sale of the project, my friend met in Dubai with a well-known businessman in this direction - Roman Puzat. For those interested, you can watch the history of the creation of “Beaver” in video format:


    You can find your first customers through friends and it’s better to start offline, that is, in real life. Finding clients through social networks is also a great option to start with. Only then can you create profiles on special sites and exchanges for employees to work remotely (we’ll talk about them later).

    Having acquired the necessary skills, you will be able to create your own business and hire freelancers - get a step higher and move from contractor to customer.

    Tested by my own experience!

    Here I have described the most popular vacancies for 2019 with functional responsibilities and the approximate income of a specialist in each field. After reviewing the jobs themselves, I've provided some job tips that work.

    Dear friend, if you have not yet decided on the choice of direction of work, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with all Internet professions. After looking through all possible options, you should get "response in the heart" to one of them. Next, start developing in the direction you want "the soul lies" and don't spray!

    Vacancy 1. Copywriter

    Our TOP profession “copywriter” opens.

    I personally know several great copywriters and am partly one myself

    Description of the profession. Copywriting is the process of creating unique texts, and a copywriter is a specialist who is engaged in copywriting. Every website, online store and even offline project needs textual “packaging” and professional presentation of the material through a wordsmith.

    A copywriter is such a master. This profession is in great demand both in the online environment and in the field of marketing in general.

    • the ability to correctly express thoughts through text;
    • knowledge of the Russian language (if you write in Russian);
    • journalistic skills;
    • developed creative abilities;
    • literacy, punctuality.


    • writing texts for search queries (SEO texts);
    • creation of selling texts for the customer’s marketing and promotional materials.

    How much does he earn? A copywriter earns from 30 rubles to 1,000 rubles for 1,000 characters with spaces depending on professional level And type of text to be created.

    For example, such a specialist will write long articles without search engine optimization 50-100 rubles. And small but very effective selling texts can cost 5-10 times more.

    The average monthly income of a good copywriter starts from 50,000 rubles.

    How to become. Take special author training courses or engage in self-education using free materials on the Internet. This is the course - "Copywriting Basics" suitable for beginners, and for those who want to learn how to write effective commercial texts, I recommend taking the course "Commercial copywriting".

    Vacancy 2. Rewriter

    Description of the profession. A rewriter is engaged in taking other people's texts and making them unique, in other words, writing a summary based on them. The fact is that on the Internet, every site needs unique texts. Such requirements are determined by search engine algorithms and are based on common sense.

    I once tried to do rewriting, but I realized that writing texts from scratch is easier for me than rewriting ready-made ones

    If a certain site “steals” text from other web resources, then “search engines” will stop showing it in search results (they will impose sanctions).

    Rewriters take one or more unique texts, read them, and then describe the essence of what they read “in their own words.” So you get the same meaning (unique text) with different presentation.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of the basics of writing SEO texts;
    • knowledge of the Russian language and general linguistic literacy;
    • perseverance.


    • study of original text materials;
    • creation of rewrites of texts indicated by the customer as primary sources.

    How much does he earn? Rewriter's income fluctuates from 20 to 100 rubles for 1,000 characters with spaces depending on the complexity of the text.

    How to become. Take several types of texts of varying lengths and make 3-5 rewrites for each of them. After completing 30-50 test pieces, you can show them to a professional copywriter and ask for feedback. If all is well, then feel free to take on commercial orders.

    Or, to save time and protect yourself from professional mistakes, you can take a training course.

    Rewriting is not a very lucrative profession, but one of the easiest to get your first money.

    Vacancy 3. SMM specialist

    Description of the profession. Creates content for groups and pages on social networks, “forces” visitors to take certain actions, conducts advertising campaigns and evaluates their effectiveness.

    It’s great if you come to SMM already with knowledge and skills in marketing. I know a number of practicing SMM specialists, they earn from 70,000 rubles per month and quickly reach such an income (training for 2-3 months)

    SMM — (S) social ( M) media ( M) marketing. Simply put, it is the “science” of working with social networks to achieve a commercial effect (sale of goods and services) or social resonance of an event through mass outreach to the desired audience.

    The more social activity appears on the client’s pages and groups (orders, likes, reposts, subscriptions), the more effective this “SMM manager” is considered.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of the principles of social networks and the psychology of their users;
    • understanding the purpose of different types of content (event, entertainment, educational);
    • the ability to draw up media plans and follow them (media plan in SMM - a schedule for releasing posts on a social network);
    • proficiency in analytics tools.


    • drawing up a budget for an SMM campaign;
    • creating content and filling customer groups and accounts with it;
    • setting up targeted advertising;
    • development of a marketing strategy to promote the client’s brand, products and services;
    • work with analytics and reporting.

    How much does he earn? A social media specialist can charge a flat monthly subscription fee for their services or receive a piece rate payment based on the amount of work completed. The size of the “subscriber” varies from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles.

    With piecework payment, income can be higher, up to 100-150 thousand rubles full-time remote work with a large employer.

    How to become.Complete SMM specialist training courses or learn the specifics of the profession on your own. Nowadays on job search sites like hh.ru you can often see a vacancy for a social media operator. The area is developing rapidly, just like social networks and instant messengers themselves.

    Vacancy 4. Proofreader

    Description of the profession. Involved in correcting errors in texts, as well as bringing the material to a certain standard specified by the customer. Corrects not only spelling, but also stylistic errors.

    Working as a proofreader is perfect for Russian language teachers who are looking for remote part-time work

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of editorial and publishing standards;
    • excellent knowledge of the language in which the text is written;
    • attentiveness, perseverance, healthy perfectionism.


    • text proofreading and error correction;
    • bringing the text to the desired form (standard);
    • correction of stylistic and semantic deficiencies.

    How much does he earn? A proofreader’s salary depends on the amount of work performed and varies from 30 to 95 rubles per thousand characters of text with spaces, depending on its volume, specificity and number of proofreads.

    How to become. The first option is to complete special courses if you plan to work with a serious publishing house. The second is to become self-taught and learn all the intricacies of the proofreading profession through long-term practice.

    Vacancy 5. Content manager

    Description of the profession. This is a specialist who manages content for the site. Interacts with contractors: copywriters, designers, photographers, videographers and other niche professionals. The content manager's job is to maintain content publishing standards and ensure that it is of high quality.

    It’s a good profession, and such vacancies are now increasingly appearing on popular job search sites

    This is a middle management specialist between the project (site) manager and ordinary performers in the direction of generating project content.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • ability to recruit and manage a team;
    • knowledge of the basics of marketing and sales on the Internet;
    • understanding of the principles of creating texts, graphics and videos;
    • computer skills at the level of a confident user;
    • Knowledge of specialized programs for creating and managing different types of content is welcome;
    • attentiveness, punctuality.


    • selection of a team to create website content;
    • management of a team of performers;
    • checking the released material for errors and its compliance with the correct marketing structure.

    How much does he earn? The rate of a content manager can be fixed (hourly) or depend on the volume of published content. Average CM income varies from 30,000 rubles to 100,000 per month.

    How to become.Take content manager training courses or gain practical experience by working in a large Internet project in different positions: copywriter, administrator, marketer, assistant manager.

    Vacancy 6. Translator

    Description of the profession. Engaged in translations of texts of various types, transcription* of audio in a foreign language. Less often, he simultaneously translates online events.

    The profession of a translator can become a companion for teachers and teachers of foreign languages

    Transcription— translation (reprint) of audio into text.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • excellent knowledge of a foreign language;
    • understanding of the culture, history and mentality of the country whose language is used for translations;
    • ability to communicate with people.


    • oral and written translation of texts;
    • audio transcription.

    How much does he earn? Payment for a translator can be hourly, per page, or for an agreed volume of text. Also, the cost of translations depends on the complexity and specificity of the source material.

    How to become. Take special courses or graduate from a university with a degree in translator. You can join a club of foreign language lovers, live for a long time in a certain country in order to develop a high language level.

    Vacancy 7. Designer (graphic and 3D)

    Job description:

    The designer creates illustrations, pictures, processes graphics, promotional materials, and the appearance of advertising.

    Design is one of the most profitable areas on the Internet. I personally know a designer from Belarus. She is just over 30 years old and earns $5,000 or more a month as a freelancer!

    Designers also design residential interiors, landscapes, cars, clothing and any other objects that have shape, meaning and color content.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • understanding of design principles;
    • developed sense of style;
    • creative thinking;
    • ability to work in graphics programs;
    • sometimes the ability to draw by hand is required;
    • presence of a portfolio.

    Responsibilities (depending on specialization):

    • creation of advertising design layouts;
    • interior design;
    • creation of website design, applications, interfaces;
    • drawing characters and illustrations;
    • creation of logos and other marketing materials.

    How much does he earn? A designer’s earnings while working remotely are based on the volume of completed projects. On average, experienced designers earn 300-500 rubles per hour of work, beginners - from 100 rubles. Pros get in this profession from 1,000 rubles per hour (15-20 dollars ).

    How to become. Get a special education or take designer courses in a specific profile: creating native interfaces, creating interfaces for websites and mobile applications, animation and 3D design.

    Vacancy 8. Photographer

    Description of the profession. He takes photographs of people, objects, interiors, nature, and conducts photo reports.

    Not everyone knows, but photographers can create a source of passive income on the Internet by posting photographs for repeated sale on special sites - photo stocks

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • understanding of the principles of composition;
    • ability to work with light;
    • creative approach to work;
    • Excellent skills in working with photographic equipment.


    • photograph people, objects, nature;
    • advise the customer during the shooting process;
    • correct finished photographs.

    How much does he earn? From 5,000 to 100,000 rubles per month.

    Working on the Internet allows photographers to earn income in several ways:

    1. Collaborate with one employer (publishing house, popular website, magazine).
    2. Conduct photography for various clients (freelance).
    3. Create passive income by posting your works on photo stocks (photo banks).

    How to become. Take video lessons, buy a camera and accessories for it: lenses, tripod, external flash, reflector.

    A photographer needs to constantly practice and collect the best work for a portfolio. It will become your business card and the main sales tool when meeting future clients.

    Vacancy 9. Photo retoucher

    Description of the profession. Processes images for photographers and designers, eliminates defects in digital images, and restores them. The profession of a retoucher is very close to that of a photographer. Although, the first one usually has a lower level and receives less for his work.

    Photo processing is a great option for creative people. It’s easy to master at a basic level and make it a good part-time job

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of graphic file formats and ability to work with them;
    • excellent knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and other editors (if necessary);
    • creative approach to work;
    • perseverance.


    • color correction of photographs;
    • restoration of images (filling in missing details);
    • background replacement;
    • elimination of the “red eye” effect.

    How much does he earn? If a retoucher works in a team with a photographer, then he usually receives payment for a “package” of processed photos. For example, with light correction they pay for one photo 3, 5, 10 rubles. By processing several hundred such photographs per day, you can get 700-1,000 rubles .

    A retoucher earns a month from 10,000 rubles(beginning) to 50 000 (professional).

    How to become. Work side by side with a competent photographer and photo artist or take special retouching courses.

    Vacancy 10. Programmer

    Description of the profession. Creates program codes, writes applications, games, and modifies operating systems.

    A programmer is perfect for remote employment, since 100% of his working time is spent working on a computer.

    Programmers are among the TOP highest paid professions of the 21st century

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • mathematical mindset;
    • developed systems thinking;
    • Proficient in specialized programming languages, such as C++, Java, PHP.


    • create program code;
    • “finish” existing software products;
    • develop website management systems and improve their functionality;
    • create “shells” for databases.

    How much does he earn? Income depends on the level and workload of the programmer and fluctuates from 300 dollars(20,000 rubles )up to $10,000(700,000 rubles) from high-class professionals.

    How to become. Graduate from a specialized university or special courses for programmers. You can learn this profession and work via the Internet, officially become a part of the company's staff, or become a self-employed freelancer.

    Job 11. Web page layout designer

    Description of the profession. A specialist in this popular Internet profession is engaged in “translating” a drawn website layout into program code. At the same time, the layout designer’s task is to ensure that the site is displayed correctly in all browsers and on all devices.

    A layout designer is more of a technical than a creative profession. But anyone can easily master it and take their first paid orders within 2 months

    This is achieved by repeatedly testing the written code and opening the designed web pages in special programs and services, where you can visually see the “correctness” of the layout designer’s finished work.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • Confident use of Photoshop. It is from this that in most cases the layout designer “gets” the graphic elements of the future site;
    • knowledge of HTML and CSS;
    • understanding of layout principles;
    • Knowledge of programming basics is an advantage.


    • web page layout;
    • testing finished sites for correct display.

    How much does he earn? The income of a layout designer depends on the amount of work done and varies from 200 dollars per month to 1,500"green presidents" ( 13,000-100,000 rubles ).

    How to become.Take free layout courses Internet sites.

    Vacancy 12. PR specialist

    Description of the profession. A PR specialist develops and implements a PR campaign in order to create awareness and form a positive image of a company, product (service) or person.

    A PR specialist must have a good understanding of marketing and human psychology, be a creative person with an open mind

    Every large organization has such a specialist. He interacts with the media, accompanies exhibitions, presentations, and posts the necessary information on the Internet.

    You can work as a PR specialist remotely. Then the area of ​​application of your efforts will be Internet PR.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • understanding of the principles of effective marketing;
    • ability to plan, create and implement PR events;
    • possession of tools for analyzing the effectiveness of the work done;
    • knowledge of the basics of consumer psychology;
    • competent oral and written communication.


    • media space analysis;
    • media planning;
    • selection of optimal PR tools;
    • implementation of PR campaigns;
    • working with contractors;
    • reporting.

    How much does he earn? From 10,000 rubles when busy 1-2 hours a day up to 150,000 rubles in large companies. Form of payment: salary or piecework payment for the project.

    How to become: Graduate from a specialized university with specialties in advertising, PR or journalism or take online training. You can educate yourself and, having gained the necessary experience, start working remotely.

    Vacancy 13. Internet marketer

    Description of the profession. One of the most promising professions in the modern world. A specialist in the field of Internet marketing combines knowledge and skills from different fields: psychology, management, design, marketing, sales.

    People who come here from “classical” marketing master the Internet the fastest, since all online techniques work just as well as offline

    Its goal is to attract as many clients as possible from the Internet with minimal effort and budget. And further, so that these clients buy goods and services for as large an amount as possible, become regulars and bring their friends to this company (to the website or online store).

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • ability to analyze the market and segment the target audience;
    • master classical marketing techniques, in particular positioning, the basics of branding;
    • know the principles of operation of Internet sites and their key components;
    • manage a team of contractors: designers, copywriters, programmers;
    • understand perfectly the principle of the “sales funnel” and be able to build it on the Internet.


    • Internet market analysis;
    • testing marketing hypotheses;
    • development of advertising and marketing campaigns on the Internet;
    • marketing budget planning;
    • monitoring the effectiveness of the activities carried out;
    • working with remote employees.

    How much does he earn? Almost always, an internet marketer’s income depends on his performance. If such a specialist works in a company, then he may have a salary plus a percentage of completed projects. If he works for himself, then almost always after a short time he opens his own business on the Internet.

    Having real skills in attracting clients, you can successfully earn money tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month. Particularly experienced specialists can earn millions of rubles without having huge companies, warehouses, cars, offices and other “attributes” of a classic business.

    How to become: Option 1 - take training courses on internet marketing from practitioners in this field. Option 2 - launch your own Internet project, making it successful.

    The second option is for determined and creative people with a clear entrepreneurial spirit.

    Vacancy 14. Contextual advertising specialist (director)

    A contextual advertising specialist can very easily start working for himself as a businessman, and not just sell his services to customers

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • ability to work with analytical services and programs: Yandex.Wordstat, Key-kollector and others;
    • knowledge of techniques for optimizing the advertising budget when conducting advertising campaigns on the Internet;
    • tracking the efficiency ratio of money spent on contextual advertising ROMI (return on marketing investment);
    • deep understanding and ability to build it on the Internet.


    • keyword analysis (semantics);
    • advertising budget planning;
    • development of advertising campaign strategy;
    • technical implementation of contextual projects;
    • tracking performance and increasing conversions.

    How much does he earn? The director usually takes payment as a percentage of the customer’s advertising budget. But you can also work at a fixed rate, for example, 10,000 rubles for an advertising campaign.

    How to become. Take training courses or become an assistant (student) of an existing specialist in setting up contextual advertising.

    Vacancy 15. Analyst

    Description of the profession. This specialist manages information data: analyzes prices, markets, and key indicators of the customer’s business. Its task is to identify certain trends in supply and demand, patterns in the work of the company or certain processes.

    Business analysts are one of the most profitable areas in this profession

    This profession has specializations: web analytics, business, and others.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • mathematical mindset;
    • the ability to find cause-and-effect relationships in various processes;
    • Expert level knowledge of computers and special programs;
    • ability to work with large volumes of information.


    • analyze information provided by the customer;
    • find data independently and make expert conclusions on it;
    • prepare reports according to a specific form.

    How much does he earn? The analyst receives payment for his work in the form of a salary or, working as a freelancer, a fee for the completed project. Earns from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles via the Internet.

    How to become. Graduate from a specialized university in your specialty, for example “ National Research University Higher School of Economics».

    If you are going to work on the Internet as an analyst, then it is often enough to obtain the necessary knowledge by completing online training in specialized Internet areas: BI analyst, data analyst, Data Scientist Analyst.

    Vacancy 16. Video editor (video designer)

    Description of the profession. Video content is gaining popularity every day, and if you understand video editing techniques, you can earn money from 10,000 rubles(in the first months) and above directly from home.

    Video editing skills are becoming more and more in demand every day, as the share of video content increases and the services of specialists related to it will increase in price

    You don’t need to shoot the video yourself; the “raw material” will be provided by the customer. Your task is to assemble a finished product (video) from the sources. This could be an advertisement, presentation, wedding film, interview, and so on.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • creative approach to tasks;
    • ability to work in specialized programs such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Vegas Pro;
    • knowledge of directing and psychology of perception;
    • Ability to work with photos and video stock.


    • create new ones from material received from the customer and videos found on the Internet;
    • come up with scenarios and creative moves while working.

    How much does he earn? Payment for a video editor is piecework, depending on the complexity (volume of the order). On average, from 20,000 rubles Beginning video designers earn per month, and experienced ones receive from 1,000 dollars (65-70 thousand rubles ) and higher.

    How to become.Take a video editing course or work as an assistant videographer. By doing video design and gaining experience, you can open your own studio and increase your profits many times over.

    Vacancy 17. Internet project manager

    Description of the profession. Any project has a manager, and Internet projects are no exception. In offline business, the boss is called the executive director or TOP manager.

    Starting by managing someone else's online project, you will eventually be able to open your own or ask your boss for a share of the profits

    If you are a novice boss and have some experience, you may be hired into a large project as the head of some direction (department). Only all your work will not be done live, but through Skype, social networks, email and other necessary services.

    Like any boss, you will need to find people to perform tasks, supervise them, evaluate their effectiveness, and pay for services.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • ability to work with people (recruit, fire, set tasks, control results);
    • understanding of the principles of functioning of the Internet environment;
    • mastery of modern gadgets and electronic communication programs;
    • excellent knowledge of marketing techniques and features of its application on the Internet;
    • orientation in areas related to e-commerce;
    • possession of negotiation and business correspondence skills;
    • presence of leadership qualities and desire for self-development;
    • manifestation of flexibility of thinking.


    • participate in the development of an online project strategy;
    • recruit a team and work with it: set tasks, monitor results;
    • track achievements of key performance indicators in the directions set by management;
    • test tools for promoting and increasing project profits;
    • draw up reports on the work done.

    How much does he earn? The salary of an Internet project manager usually consists of a salary and bonuses (bonuses) when certain results are achieved, for example, an increase in sales volume for a period.

    How to become. The best way is to get a job in a popular Internet project as a contractor (designer, copywriter, marketer) or become a direct assistant to the manager. Once you gain experience, you can apply for the position of your boss. Especially if he moves to a new project or takes a different position in the current one. If you don’t have this opportunity, I recommend taking a good online course - "Project Manager".

    Job 18. SEO optimizer

    Description of the profession. This specialist is engaged in the promotion of Internet sites. It makes sure that clients go to a specific web resource based on the necessary search queries: a blog, an online store, an information portal, a corporate website.

    What I like about SEO^ is that for once the work done, you constantly receive a return in the form of visitors and income from them

    He does this by creating high-quality and unique content using a certain technology: articles, photographs, videos. This is called internal website search engine optimization. An SEO specialist also works with the external Internet space, placing links on third-party projects so that his site gains more “authority” and ranks higher in search results - these actions relate to external SEO optimization.

    “Seoshnik” helps website owners receive natural transitions from Yandex, Google and other search engines without spending on commercial advertising (“context”, banners on other people’s sites).

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of the principles of search algorithms and the main criteria for ranking web pages;
    • knowledge of website search engine optimization technology: internal and external SEO;
    • basic understanding of the technical aspects of Internet projects: layout and programming;
    • knowledge of “meta tags” and the ability to use them competently for effective promotion.


    • working with special services and programs for analyzing keywords and queries (Yandex.Wordstat, Key-kollector);
    • hiring and managing contractors (if necessary);
    • performing a range of works on internal and external SEO optimization of the site.

    How much does he earn? Payment for a hired SEO specialist consists of a salary and a bonus. A self-employed SEO specialist usually provides services for a fixed subscription fee. Income from 7,000 rubles to 130,000 per month.

    How to become.Take SEO courses or create your own experimental website and “at random” bring it to the TOP of search engines for certain key queries. Having learned search engine promotion of websites, we can create your own profitable content project and earn money from advertising.

    Vacancy 19. Site administrator

    Description of the profession. This is a specialist whose task is to maintain the site in working order, notice and eliminate errors in a timely manner, and renew hosting and domain.

    It is very easy for a site administrator to increase income due to the number of projects served. After all, each requires only a small amount of time during the day.

    Often a site administrator combines a number of other functions: comment moderator, layout designer, programmer, and even marketer and copywriter.

    That is, it is a multi-site machine that ensures the viability of a web project through various actions.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of the principles of the Internet;
    • technical knowledge of website engines at the advanced user level;
    • knowledge of the basics of layout and programming;
    • ability to find and eliminate technical errors that arise.


    • maintaining the site in working order;
    • timely payment for domain and hosting;
    • interaction with third-party technical specialists;
    • performing other tasks assigned by the customer.

    How much does he earn: Most often, the site administrator receives a salary. Depending on the number of functions performed, his salary fluctuates from 5,000 to 40,000 rubles. As you can see, this is not the most profitable profession, but you can get this job very quickly if you are familiar with a computer.

    How to become. Graduate from a university in the field of information protection or computer security or take courses in layout and programming. You can also learn the basics of this profession on your own or switch to it from a related field, for example, programming.

    Vacancy 20. Personal assistant

    Description of the profession. Many Internet entrepreneurs, as well as project managers, need a personal assistant. Such a specialist works remotely, often combining several functions: marketer, sales person, copywriter, secretary, accountant. That is, this is such a business administrator - a jack of all trades.

    Delegation is an important skill for successful people. Today you are carrying out someone’s instructions, and after a while it is possible that you yourself will become a leader and will look for a smart assistant.

    In ordinary life, every serious leader has a secretary; on the Internet, an Internet boss also needs an assistant.

    Most often, a personal assistant performs routine tasks or “puts out fires” that arise while working for the boss.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • ability to multitask;
    • Experience in commercial activities and marketing is an advantage;
    • ability to communicate with people and achieve goals in negotiations;
    • master modern means of communication: social networks, instant messengers;
    • having a broad outlook and a desire for self-development.

    How much does he earn? From 10,000 rubles (for part-time employment) to 50,000 - with full load and diversified skills. Most often he “sits” on a salary. In exceptional cases, he may receive a percentage of some projects of the boss.


    • carry out one-time instructions from the manager;
    • interact with partners;
    • create presentations;
    • search and structure information;
    • work with clients.

    How to become. To become an assistant to an Internet entrepreneur, no special education is required. However, knowledge in the field of marketing and sales, the ability to work with people and documents - these are the skills without which you cannot get this vacancy.

    Vacancy 21. Teacher (tutor)

    Description of the profession. As in the usual sense, a remote tutor provides educational services to its clients. It is especially popular nowadays to learn languages ​​with a teacher via Skype. I had a positive experience learning English from a teacher I knew.

    You are a teacher, then use the Internet as an additional market for your services! Get tutoring via Skype

    Nowadays, both schoolchildren and young people, as well as adults who have long graduated from college, study via the Internet.

    Having knowledge and being able to convey it clearly, you can make good money.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor;
    • in-depth knowledge of the subject being taught;
    • ability to practically apply existing knowledge;
    • tact, love for people;
    • patience and endurance.


    • teach the theory of the subject being studied;
    • teach practical skills in applying theory;
    • broaden the horizons of students in the direction of their subject and related areas.

    How much does he earn? The average teacher earns from 300 to 1,500 rubles per hour depending on the subject and the financial status of the students. For example, in Moscow people can afford to pay up to 3,000 rubles per hour work with a good teacher, and in small towns even 300 rubles not everyone is willing to shell out for a good 60-minute lesson.

    How to become. Graduate from an educational institution in the desired subject profile - in most cases. Another option is to teach yourself skills in a specific area. Then you may not have a diploma, but your real-life experience will attract a lot of interested students to you.

    Vacancy 22. Consultant with specialization

    Description of the profession. If you understand business, beauty, fashion or cars - excellent. Become a consultant and make money from it. Just one big request: First, thoroughly understand this area yourself , where you are going to give paid advice or help your wards.

    With the development of the information space, the consulting sector will only develop. If you feel you have potential, then become a consultant today!

    With the development of such a direction as information business, a dual attitude towards consultants has appeared. Some people really benefit from turning to experienced professionals for advice, while others are sure that they gave their money to charlatans. Everyone has their own truth. Just strive to become the best in your business and the money will definitely come.

    Don't spoil your image.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • deep expertise in a specific area;
    • ability to work with large amounts of information;
    • positive outlook on the world, pleasant communication.


    • solve client problems, giving specific results;
    • help you understand yourself and your experiences (regardless of the consultant’s specialization, he must be a good psychologist);
    • motivate the client to new victories, cheer up.

    How much does he earn: from 1,000 rubles per hour and ad infinitum. It depends on the consultant's experience, area and scale of clients. There are consultants who make money more million dollars per month and consulting is their core business.

    How to become. Complete training courses for consultants in a certain area, find your first clients and bring them to fruition. If you do this, then your further development as a consulting guru will go by leaps and bounds.

    Vacancy 23. Call center operator

    Description of the profession. Each of you at least once in your life communicated with a girl or guy from a remote call center of a bank, mobile operator or Internet provider.

    Girls usually work in call centers, but there are also guys in this profession

    What can I say? My wife worked for VimpelCom (Beeline) for 7 years until she went on maternity leave. Until now, some of her experienced colleagues no longer work in the company’s office, but have switched to working from home and calling subscribers directly from their apartment.

    Call center operator is not a very technically difficult job, but it is quite a stressful job. You have to deal a lot with inadequate people, but the pay here is above average if you work well.

    In some contact centers, the operator also combines the function of a sales manager, receiving a percentage of products (services) sold over the phone.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • excellent communication skills;
    • stress resistance;
    • product knowledge;
    • ability to find a common language with different types of clients;
    • goodwill;
    • ability to multitask.


    • call the client base;
    • receive incoming calls;
    • work with objections and retain “negative” clients;
    • sell over the phone;
    • indirectly raise the company's image through professional assistance to subscribers over the phone.

    How much does he earn? Call center operator earns from 20,000 rubles to 70,000 rubles per month, if he is engaged in additional sales over the phone, then the income of such a specialist can easily be doubled.

    How to become. No special education is required for this work. However, if you are a psychologist or an advertiser by profession, then this will be a plus. You will be gladly accepted for a vacant position as a call center specialist if you have experience working with clients. For example, if you previously worked as a sales consultant or even a waiter in a cafe.

    Vacancy 24. Transcriber

    Description of the profession. The name comes from the word transcription - that is, translation (reprinting) of audio into text. Internet sites, YouTube channels and media often post various materials that represent a beautiful information product (video or article).

    This is where you can really quickly earn your first money, and that’s in transcription

    However, when creating such content, a journalist often relies on source material, such as an audio interview recorded on a tape recorder or telephone.

    It is this audio file that needs to be listened to and typed into text form in order to create new content from it.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • high typing speed on the keyboard;
    • having good headphones (sometimes you need to listen);
    • language literacy;
    • knowledge of a personal computer at the level of a confident user;
    • perseverance.


    • reprint audio material into text format in your native or foreign language.

    How much does he earn? A transcriber does not earn very much, on average 50-100 rubles per hour at average print speed. Comes out per day from 500 to 1,000 rubles. This is rather not a full-fledged profession, but a part-time job for people without special skills.

    How to become. Learn to quickly type on a keyboard without errors, buy good headphones and find clients on remote work sites.

    Vacancy 25. Accountant

    Description of the profession. This is an ordinary accountant, only remote, working from home via the Internet. If you have previously worked in accounting and have the right experience, you can leave your job and provide services to third-party clients throughout the country.

    Counting money is a responsible task. This is why accountants are still in demand. However, more and more people are being forced out of this profession by software algorithms and experts predict that the accountant profession will practically disappear in 10-20 years

    Assistance in preparing documents for opening and closing a company, accounting, reporting, tax deductions - these are popular services.

    Having started as an independent accountant, you can set your sights on opening an entire accounting or consulting company.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • excellent knowledge of legislation;
    • knowledge of accounting programs and ability to work in them;
    • understanding of tax optimization principles.


    • advise clients;
    • maintain accounting records;
    • prepare and submit declarations.

    How much does he earn? The income of a remote accountant depends on the amount of work performed. On average it comes out per month from 15,000 to 60,000 rubles.

    How to become. Complete accounting courses or obtain higher education in the field of accounting and auditing.

    Vacancy 26. Webmaster

    Description of the profession.

    Multiple definition

    Webmaster is a person who develops websites. He creates custom websites, improves existing ones, and so on. As well as a master in ceilings, interior decoration or wood carving and other “earthly” areas.

    A very lucrative profession, especially popular among young people. Website creation is an exciting activity that can generate passive income and develop a person intellectually and creatively.

    However, in the Internet space there is another, more narrow meaning of this profession. A webmaster is also called the owner of a website who makes money from it. For example, our website “PAPA HELPED” is such a project, and I am called the webmaster. Such a specialist can work both in the company’s staff and for himself, earning good money.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • excellent understanding of the functioning of the Internet;
    • knowledge of the site structure and its components;
    • knowledge of the basics of html and css, programming basics;
    • ability to work with website engines;
    • knowledge of the psychology of the Internet user;
    • “commercial spirit” is an advantage.


    • study the Internet environment and track new trends in the IT industry;
    • create websites (blogs, portals, online stores);
    • think over and implement a marketing strategy;
    • hire and manage a team (if necessary);
    • analyze and improve the results obtained.

    How much does he earn? How can a website developer receive from 500 dollars per month or more. Working for himself and launching profitable websites, the profit of such an entrepreneur is calculated tens of thousands of rubles per month and can reach several million .

    How to become. Complete online webmaster training courses or get a basic education at a university in the field of marketing or programming (it will help in this profession).

    Vacancy 27. Information producer

    Description of the profession. This is a relatively new online profession and you will not find such a vacancy on popular job search portals. An information producer finds clients on the Internet for business trainers, teachers, coaches. Helps organize the work process, set up payment acceptance, and administers the educational project of a specific person or company.

    Information producer is a profession for confident and ambitious people. It would be even more correct to say that this is a business, because here you work exclusively for yourself

    This is the same Internet marketer only with an emphasis on promoting consulting and educational services. Like music producers who promote budding pop stars, an Internet producer is dedicated to creating and hosting performances by stars of the training business on the global Internet.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of tools for attracting customers on the Internet;
    • excellent understanding of “sales funnels” and the ability to build them;
    • developed communication skills;
    • competent written and oral communication;
    • entrepreneurship, initiative, healthy adventurism.


    • provide high-quality packaging for the client (design, website, promotional materials);
    • attract customers using marketing and advertising tools;
    • set up payment acceptance;
    • assist the speaker (customer) in organizational and technical issues.

    How much does he earn? An information producer usually works for a percentage of the turnover of the educational project that he promotes.

    This can be clearly understood in numbers using a simple example:

    You attracted 50 clients in a month to study at an online school for website creation. Each of them paid 20,000 rubles per course. Then you can claim 50% of the proceeds. In our case 50 students multiply by 20,000 rubles, it turns out 1,000,000 rubles (turnover), half, that is 500 000 - yours!

    How to become. This profession is not taught in institutions. The best information producers are experienced salespeople with excellent knowledge of marketing and Internet technologies. Therefore, if you decide to become such a specialist, work in the field of Internet marketing for at least a few months. Study the inner workings of all processes, and then find yourself a client - a professional in your field. You will promote it for a percentage. First, practice on simple projects, earn your first money, and only then take on more expensive and large-scale ones.

    Vacancy 28. Engineer

    Description of the profession. Nowadays, the engineer no longer works with drawings, but performs all design activities on the computer. This means that he can create the fruits of his intellectual labor (projects) at home and interact with customers remotely.

    A popular area for remote engineers is the development of design documentation. With this service you can earn from 100,000 rubles per month

    Designing security systems, buildings and structures, and even prosthetics for people with disabilities is the scope of application of engineering.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • technical mindset;
    • ability to work with specialized programs such as Autocad and Archicad;
    • knowledge of SNIPs and GOSTs;
    • availability of specialized technical education;


    • development of project documentation;
    • design of samples and models;
    • creation of drawings;
    • reconciliation of existing projects with engineering work standards;
    • optimization of finished projects.

    How much does he earn? For example, my friend, the namesake of a popular TV presenter from Stavropol, Andrei Malakhov earns more than 100,000 rubles, working as an engineer for himself. He has already established a circle of clients, and it is constantly growing thanks to word of mouth.

    How to become. Graduate from a university with a degree in engineering, work in an offline company in a specialized position.

    Vacancy 29. Trader in financial markets

    Description of the profession. In the modern world, financial exchanges have existed for decades, and speculators - traders - make money on them. Now you can make money by buying and selling cryptocurrency, shares and other financial instruments.

    In the trader's profession, risk and profitability go side by side. On the stock exchange you can earn a million in a day, or you can lose everything. The main thing is not to become addicted to this activity, like some gambling addicts

    The idea is simple - buy a stock or currency cheaper and sell it more expensive. The difference in the purchase and sale prices will be your profit.

    I personally know one crypto trader (cryptocurrency speculator) who earns hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of rubles per month.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • knowledge of economics and market laws;
    • mastery of technical and fundamental analysis;
    • ability to work with programs for traders;
    • Experience in intermediary or financial transactions is an advantage;
    • Availability of financial resources (start-up capital) - from 5,000 dollars(the smaller the capital, the higher the chances of losing it);
    • mathematical mindset;
    • stress resistance;
    • discipline.


    • market analysis, building hypotheses of price movements;
    • purchase and sale of financial assets;
    • management of clients' investment portfolio (if borrowed money is involved);
    • advising clients on investing in certain instruments.

    How much does he earn? Most often, a trader receives a percentage of the client’s portfolio profit if he works with borrowed funds. If a stock speculator works with his own money, then the difference between the purchase price and the sale price will be his “salary”.

    How to become. Among financial speculators there are a lot of self-taught people. Higher economic education is welcome here, but is not decisive. You can start with a symbolic amount of a few thousand rubles to simply practice or “play” on a demo account.

    Vacancy 30. Internet investor

    Description of the profession. If you already have substantial savings and you want to invest them wisely, do not rush to take them to the bank or give them to friends at interest. The World Wide Web provides ample opportunities for increasing capital. Investment funds, startups, IT projects - they all need money.

    A cool head and firm calculation are the main qualities of a successful investor

    However, the risk of losing savings is very high here. On the Internet, a huge number of financial pyramids and other fraudulent projects are disguised as trustworthy financial instruments.

    Real investors are very careful when choosing directions and are in no hurry to part with their money.

    This profession is fundamentally different from all those described above. She is the most profitable, but also the most responsible.

    Professional knowledge and skills (qualification requirements):

    • excellent understanding of the laws of the market, supply and demand;
    • excellent knowledge of various investment instruments, their advantages and features;
    • correct financial habits;
    • a healthy attitude towards risk and understanding of its dependence on the profitability of an investment instrument;
    • deep understanding of business laws;
    • legal literacy.


    • market analysis and search for investment opportunities;
    • drawing up an effective investment portfolio;
    • conducting negotiations with representatives or owners of companies;
    • stable increase in initial capital with minimal risks;
    • consulting clients (their creditors) about the best investment options for them according to their financial goals and strategies.

    How much does he earn? An investor’s profit directly depends on his professionalism and starting capital. The larger they are, the higher his income. Here, the profitability of investments is expressed not in a monthly amount, but in capital gains expressed in percent per annum. The smaller the amount, the more aggressive investments the investor can afford.

    How to become. Not a single university trains specialists called “investors.” And this is not even a profession, but a legal concept. Every person invests his money to one degree or another, the only difference is in the scale and approach. Self-education and communication with gurus from the world of finance is the best path for the “future Wolf of Wall Street.”

    These tips will once again sort everything out for you and lead to your first money in the very near future.

    1. Choose a direction and specialization. For example, design, texts, videos are directions. Accordingly, each of them has many specializations. Design includes logo design, website design, or character drawing. The more specific your specialization, the more professional you will become in it, since you will not be scattered and grab all the proposed orders. It's like apartment renovation services. There are craftsmen who only deal with ceilings, installing doors or plumbing.
    2. Acquire the necessary competencies. To perform quality work in your chosen direction, you need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. This can be done in online courses (paid) or you can find the material yourself and practice in your chosen specialization (free).
    3. Determine your employment method: remote work or freelancing. If you already work for a company or are going to cooperate under an employment contract with a remote employer, there is no problem. The procedure will be standard for you. If you are going to work for yourself, then you will need to resolve several organizational issues - see below.
    4. Set up payment acceptance options. So you've decided to work as a freelancer. The first thing you should do is register Yandex and WebMoney e-wallets. Most customers will transfer your payment to them, especially at first. It is also good if you have 2-3 plastic cards from top banks. Clients who are far from electronic wallets will transfer money to you exactly to them.
    5. “Pack up” and engage in self-promotion. Packaging is about creating a visual image of yourself as a professional. At a minimum, you should have: your own logo or a beautifully written name and surname. Business cards (you will distribute them “offline” to clients). Presentation, preferably in the form of a one-page website or properly designed social network pages. That is, it should be clear that you are engaged in the chosen direction seriously and will perform any service with high quality. The easiest way to pack is for graphic designers - they can quickly draw a corporate identity, logo and website. If your profession on the Internet is not related to design, then find a good freelancer in this direction and order yourself a package. Once you have your personalized promotional materials in hand, distribute and send them to as many people as possible. Showcase yourself as a rising freelancing star! I did this at one time and immediately received several orders.

    Which sites to look for work on the Internet: TOP 10 popular web resources

    This section is mainly for beginners, since the pros have already been familiar with them for a long time.

    Here you will find sites that post tasks of varying difficulty levels and vacancies for remote work.

    I presented the web resources in the form of a table below with a description and a clickable logo:

    A long-time popular Internet service for beginners and more. There are a lot of one-time tasks. Here you can easily earn your first money with minimal experience. Average cost of orders placed here: from 100 to 5,000 rubles.
    A very popular remote work exchange. This is where professionals mostly “live” and find “fat” clients. There are very expensive orders for 50 000 , 100,000 rubles and more. Once, my friend and I also ordered layout and programming services here for the amount of about $1,500 .
    Classic and popular exchange. He has been working in the market for many years. As the service administration states, we are ready to welcome responsible, professional people, free fighters and creative “artists.” Thus emphasizing that they are happy to work with professionals in their field.
    A popular “shop” of freelance services in all popular areas: traffic, design, marketing, website creation. The “lifestyle” section also caught my attention here. Where you can get advice on nutrition, interior design, and even ready-made answers for a test or exam.
    This is an entire portal dedicated to remote work. Here you will find many articles on the topic of freelancing, news and other useful goodies. All this is harmoniously combined with the exchange, where you, as a novice “businessman”, can find your first customers.

    There are especially many narrow-profile freelance exchanges for copywriters.

    If you are passionate about the idea of ​​making money by writing texts, here are popular and reliable exchanges for “scribblers”:

    On this exchange I found copywriters for a previous project. An excellent option for both beginners and pros. To start working here, you need to pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language.
    A good service that combines a platform for copywriters and the ability to check text for uniqueness. Some of my friends started with it and are now successfully working with text.
    Exchange for professionals. Here you can earn money 100, 200 rubles for 1,000 characters of text. It has a powerful built-in service for checking the uniqueness of texts. If you are just starting out, it is better to practice writing texts on other sites, and after gaining experience, come here.
    Good for beginners. First your earnings will be from 10 to 20 rubles for 1,000 characters (rewriting), and then you can apply for more expensive copyright orders. You can write texts here not to order, but for sale. The demand for them will indirectly speak about your level of “pen” proficiency.
    Here, too, the price for 1,000 characters is high - 80-100 rubles, it is possible to sell ready-made texts, as in a store window. The exchange has been around for a long time and has proven itself to be reliable and convenient.

    So, you learned a certain profession, found an order through an exchange or another way, completed it, making the client happy. The best part left is to get paid.

    I will tell you what is needed for this in the next section.

    How to accept payment for remote work and pay taxes

    This section will be especially useful for beginning freelancers.

    There are two fundamentally different ways:

    1. Work officially in a company under an employment contract. It is assumed that you are simply performing some information function at home for the employing company. For example, answering telephone calls as a call center operator. This option involves a standard procedure: you receive your salary on the card, and the employer takes care of all taxes and accounting calculations. This includes deducting income tax from your salary tax 13% and transfers it to the budget. In this case, your employer is called a tax agent in legal language. Therefore, you receive the salary amount “net”, that is, minus tax.
    2. Work for yourself, without registration or by registering as an individual entrepreneur. This is the path of a self-employed specialist or, as they say on the Internet, a freelancer. Here you are your own boss and must organize the receipt of payments from customers and pay tax on the money earned. Many people are scared by this moment. There's really nothing wrong with it. If you earn up to 30,000 rubles ( 500 dollars per month) and have not officially registered your business activity, the maximum you face is a fine for illegal business and forced payment of taxes with penalties. But still, I urge you to register as an individual entrepreneur and work legally. I have already described how to do this in. After registration, customers will look at you more seriously, and you will be able to take on more expensive projects. For the state, you will no longer be unemployed, which is useful if you suddenly decide to take out a loan or mortgage. After registration, it is worth it if you plan to provide services to companies. And in the case of working with individuals, purchase a cash register. Now about taxes. For you they will be 6% from income. That is, if you have earned 100,000 rubles, then you will pay them 6 000 . The maintenance of the individual entrepreneur itself will cost around 5,000 rubles per month. Here I included mandatory pension contributions, bookkeeping by an external accountant and other organizational expenses.

    Who teaches how to work online?

    I personally recommend that you study at the University of Internet Professions “Netology”. This educational institution has a state license and has been successfully operating in the online education market for many years.

    This is an excellent project where you will be given the most up-to-date knowledge on professions in demand today in the digital industry.

    I have known this school for a long time; I know the quality of its teaching materials and the approach of its teachers to their work.

    Company experts teach here Google, Mail.ru And Alfa-Bank.

    Moreover, along with training, there is the opportunity to undergo an internship and get a job in popular Internet projects.

    Netology has a number of free programs. For example, you will learn website layout thanks to course on the basics of HTML and CSS.

    Main areas of study:

    • marketing;
    • business and management;
    • design and UX;
    • programming;
    • Data Science.

    I have been following this project for several years now and often watch its training lessons myself.

    Be sure to watch the video - a virtual walk around the Netology Group office:

    Become a Netology student, get training and join the number of free freelancers.

    Experience of my friends working on the Internet

    Evgeniy Bobyshev, consultant in the field of public procurement, co-founder of the ABC of Tenders school

    He worked in the field of industrial design for about 10 years as a technical director. For the last 5 years, in parallel with my main work, I have been developing two online projects on the Internet. In August 2016, I decided to finally quit my hired job and devote myself entirely to Internet projects. More than 2 years of working for yourself – the flight is normal! As Bill Gates once said, if you are not on the Internet, you are not in business!

    Denis Kuderin, editor-in-chief of popular Internet sites, copywriter

    I have been earning money as a freelancer for more than 5 years. I started as an author of articles, and now I hold the position of editor-in-chief in several Internet projects. I don’t go to the office, I don’t get up on an alarm clock, I decide for myself how long my working day will be and when I have a day off.

    The Internet provides hundreds of options for those who decide to independently manage their time and intellectual resources. At the same time, there are no upper limits for earnings - only you determine how much your services cost and choose those with whom you want to work. Same with self-development - if you want to be more in demand, develop new skills, learn to do better, more and more interesting things than others. And then clients will find you themselves.

    Eduard Stembolsky, TOP manager of the HeatherBober.ru project from 2016 to 2018, co-founder of the PAPA HELP project

    My career started in 2005. Eight years of my career were spent in one of the city management companies as an accountant. Then for two years I was an IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) specialist in a large international company.

    During all the time of offline activity I realized - “I no longer want to be a “mercenary” and work for pennies!” But I didn’t know what to do next. When there is a deep request, fate sends an answer - friends offered to work in the online project “HeatBober.ru”. After which, Alexander (the author of this article) and I opened a joint online project “PAPA HELPED”.

    Dmitry Shaposhnikov, TOP manager of the HiterBober.ru project from 2016 to 2018, entrepreneur

    Worked for more than 2 years in a management position in a popular Internet project. I noticed that the principles of online and offline business are very similar. Hired and fired employees, coordinated the work of the team, and handled sales remotely. I am attracted here by the flexible work schedule, creative growth and good earnings. Now I’m opening my own business, and the experience I’ve gained will definitely come in handy.

    Alex Baihou, foreign language teacher, author of the website baihou.ru and a number of educational online projects for learning languages

    I left my paid job several years ago. I teach languages ​​professionally via the Internet and develop several websites to generate passive income. After leaving work, one incident happened to me. One day in the summer, in the middle of the day, I went out for a walk in the park and sat on a bench to eat ice cream.

    It was about 12 o'clock in the afternoon, at this time all the people are working, and I felt ashamed that I was “idling.” In fact, before lunch, I had already earned money for several days ahead. This is how the realization came that you can earn decent money without leaving home, have a free schedule and freely manage your life.

    Olesya Zaitseva, customer support center specialist at VimpelCom (Beeline)

    I work as a call center employee on a bi-free project. Bi free means to be free. Integration of hiring and freedom from the office. Comfort, convenience, and time saving are the main advantages of remote work. But be that as it may, I really want to switch from hiring to self-employment at a minimum, and then become a full-fledged entrepreneur.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Over the years of my work on the Internet, I have been asked these exact questions dozens of times. Here I answered them “in bulk” and I am sure that now you, dear reader, will receive complete and reliable information.

    Question 1. Is there a job on the Internet without investment or do you have to invest money to get it? Anna, 28 years old, Yaroslavl

    Anna to work in 99% of cases no investment is required. This also applies to remote employment. If they ask you for money under various pretexts so that you just start doing certain tasks, run away from such would-be employers as quickly as possible.

    Honest customers will never ask for advance payment or any other type of compensation for providing you with work.

    On the contrary, it is you who will receive money for putting your creative, physical and intellectual efforts into solving the problem. Therefore, never transfer money to anyone under any pretext.

    Now let’s figure out what is included in that rare 1% of cases when you still have to pay money to “get” a job.

    The only time you may be asked to spend money is on improving the technical equipment of your workplace (buying a more powerful computer or new software).

    The employer may also tell you that they cannot hire you yet because your qualification level is insufficient. You may be asked to undergo training to improve your professional skills.

    Under no circumstances can the customer (employer) himself be involved in your expenses. That is, you can purchase any software or a new, more powerful computer anywhere, or take any courses of your choice.

    Question 2. Does working via the Internet require special training or can it be done without experience? Roman, 24 years old. Moscow

    Roman, you can work remotely without any special skills, just by owning a computer. But then your income level will be significantly lower. Also, the range of tasks that you can take on will be greatly reduced.

    For comparison, if you professionally “draw” on a computer or write texts, you will be able to receive from 100 to 500 rubles per hour. Having “general computer” skills (without qualifications), your income will not exceed 50-100 rubles for the same time.

    Conclusion: to earn more and be in demand as a specialist, you must take one direction and choose a specialization in it.

    Then more valuable clients will come to you. And since you don’t spread yourself thin, you will know your business perfectly well. At the same time, the image of your specialization will work for you. All your friends, acquaintances and satisfied customers will know that “Vasya” is a good specialist in such and such a field.

    Question 3. In real life there is a job with daily payment, but is it possible to find it on the Internet? If yes, then what will you have to do? Ivan, 31 years old, Barnaul

    Ivan, in order to receive payment every day on the Internet, you will have to fulfill inexpensive “last minute” orders. You can receive payment the very next day for the following types of tasks:

    • audio transcription (translation of an audio file into a text version);
    • text rewriting;
    • collecting or sorting information according to a predetermined template;
    • calling the customer base to update it.

    After completing such tasks, you will receive payment almost immediately: from a few minutes to several hours (up to a maximum of 2-3 days). This is very reminiscent of doing unskilled work in real life: washing someone’s car, unloading a carriage, working a shift as a waiter in a cafe with an hourly daily pay. They don't pay very much for this, but they pay quickly.

    Question 4. My friends were deceived on the Internet by offering them jobs. How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers, what to pay attention to? Daria, 32 years old, Izhevsk

    Daria, the first rule is not to send your money to anyone under any pretext.

    Golden rule

    YOU are paid for the work, not you are paid for the opportunity to get it.

    The Internet scam has already set teeth on edge, offering job seekers a job collecting fountain pens. You buy parts: rods, bodies, caps, plugs, and so on, at a price of, for example, 5 rubles per set, and they promise to buy ready-made pens for 10-15 rubles.

    Naturally, after purchasing a set for 3, 5, 10 thousand rubles, enterprising “employers” disappear without a trace, and the naive applicant is left “without a nose.”

    In the best case, they will actually send you the parts and may even buy a trial batch of the assembled product in order to cheat you into a larger investment.

    Second rule

    Find out everything about the future customer, especially if you plan to work with him constantly.

    If this is a company, collect information about it from open sources, read reviews on the Internet of its former employees. Only after a thorough check should you begin to cooperate.

    How to protect yourself as much as possible - it is best to work with clients through a secure transaction on popular exchanges for remote workers, for example on fl.ru

    The essence of a secure transaction is that the customer and the contractor are guaranteed a successful outcome of their cooperation. The customer enters money into the system on the website, and it is “frozen” there until the contractor fulfills his obligations. If you, as an employee, have completed the order in full, then the contractor’s “frozen” money will be transferred to you, and he will definitely not cheat you.

    And if you, as a contractor, did not fulfill your obligations or placed an order of poor quality, the money will be unfrozen and returned to the customer. This way the latter insures himself against dishonesty on your part.

    Question 5. What remote work vacancies on the Internet can I apply for immediately after college? Inna, 22 years old, Lipetsk

    Inna, immediately after college you can apply for any online job if your professional skills and knowledge are suitable for it.

    It doesn’t even depend so much on the specialty you received, but on the real value (skills) for which you will be paid here and now.

    For example

    If you studied to become a psychologist and during your studies acquired real skills in your specialty, engage in psychological counseling on Skype.

    Perhaps you graduated from a university with a degree in design or journalism. Then becoming a designer or copywriter remotely will not be difficult for you.

    Whatever Internet profession you choose, there are certain universal requirements:

    1. Computer skills at the advanced user level.
    2. Ability to work with instant messengers, social networks, email and other means of communication.
    3. Mastery of basic marketing, self-presentation and sales techniques, the ability to win over your interlocutor (client).

    Question 6. I want to do typing work for money, where should I start? As I understand it, these are vacancies for a copywriter and rewriter? Ruslan, 25 years old, Krasnodar

    Ruslan, first, create accounts on popular copywriting exchanges, for example, text ru or contentmonster. Offer your services on these exchanges as a rewriter, practice. Along the way, find several texts on the Internet and make 2-3 rewrites for each. This is how you get your first experience.

    Notify your friends and acquaintances that you have decided to start writing texts. At first, complete several free orders for reviews and recommendations.

    Once you hone your skills as a rewriter, take up copywriting. It costs several times more.

    Question 7. I want to work as a freelancer from home, since I’m on maternity leave, what do I need for this? Inna, 27 years old, Bryansk

    Inna, first, you need to decide on the direction of your activity. This can be understood based on 3 main criteria:

    1. Your favorite activity.
    2. Your professional experience and knowledge.
    3. Market demand for the first 2 points.

    Question 8. I see a lot of advantages in Internet work, but does it have any disadvantages, because everything cannot be as sweet as they say? Vladimir, 25 years old, Saransk

    Vladimir, yes, working on the Internet has its disadvantages, or rather, its peculiarities. The first feature is you need to be able to motivate yourself . At a regular job, the system does this for you: the employer, a clear schedule, clear tasks for the day.

    At home, there is a temptation to relax, be lazy and perform tasks chaotically, without planning anything. This will sooner or later lead you to collapse.

    Another feature is multitasking . You must be a jack of all trades, combining the responsibilities of a salesperson, marketer, executive, director, accountant, and system administrator.

    Most people are accustomed to performing only one function at work and getting paid for it.

    And the third feature - lack of live communication . Often a person goes to work not only to earn income, but also to communicate. This is especially true for women. The “home office” mode is not suitable for pronounced extroverts and those who are used to being visible most of the time or participating in events.

    Question 9. How technically does interaction with the employer occur when working remotely? Share your experience. Anton, 31 years old, Sochi

    Anton, if you work in a large company under an employment contract, then there are practically no differences. You undergo an interview, sign documents and are enrolled in the company’s staff as an official remote employee. You provide your payment details and receive wages, bonuses and other payments in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    On April 5, 2013, Law No. 60-FZ was adopted, according to which all the rights and obligations of remote workers are equal to “ordinary” ones. This means that they have the right to vacation, sick leave, pension and other benefits

    The money comes to your card, the purpose of the payment indicates that this is a salary from such and such an employer.

    Things are a little different if you work for yourself as a self-employed professional. First, you will need to register several electronic wallets to accept payments, necessarily WebMoney and Yandex.Money. It is also good to have 2-3 plastic cards from different banks.

    As your income increases, you will need a current account and registration as an individual entrepreneur. Then you will completely calmly enter into an agreement and accept money. Yes, you will now have to pay taxes as an entrepreneur. But don't be afraid, they make up only 6% from your income under a simplified taxation system.

    When working with individuals (accepting payments from them to your electronic wallets), you will need a cash register (online cash register).

    This applies to formalizing relationships with customers and accepting payments.

    You will also need a marketing strategy to attract customers. It’s good to use all advertising channels here: personal connections, accounts on remote work exchanges. Over time, you can create your own promotional website.

    The more actively you declare yourself, the faster clients will contact you based on recommendations from past satisfied customers.

    Question 10. Can I officially work for an organization from home and not come to the employer’s office if the specifics of my activity allow this? Inga, 28 years old, Vladimir

    Inga, by law you can enter into an official employment contract with your employer and work remotely from your home or from anywhere in the world.

    In 2013, amendments were adopted to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which remote employees received official status on an equal basis with regular employees. That is, you retain all the usual social guarantees: pension, length of service, vacation, sick leave, and so on.

    Talk to your employer, and if he doesn’t mind, then you will join the community of remote workers in the very near future.


    Working on the Internet is available to anyone whose activities are related to information. The main thing is desire, because you can learn any Internet profession in a few months at most, and start earning money comparable to the salary in your city, without leaving home.

    The “PAPA HELPED” project team wishes you success in remote employment!

    If you devote several years to this direction and awaken healthy ambitions in yourself, you can radically change your life. Tested for yourself!

    It doesn't matter how old you are or what you did before. The Internet and new technologies are changing the world, new professions are appearing, old ones are dying.

    According to recent studies, those specialties that were taught in universities a few years ago are either becoming obsolete or are being transformed into new ones. But the fact is that now not a single specialist is considered such if he is not comfortable with the computer, the Internet, marketing and other modern areas of business communication.

    It doesn’t matter whether you plan to work for hire, become a self-employed specialist or open your own business. Without knowledge and skills in the IT industry, you will not advance far.

    Now even experienced craftsmen who are far from computer technologies need to actively study them. After all, competition in all areas is only growing. And the more competent you are in different areas, the more valuable you are in the market and the higher your income.

    In addition, working on the Internet is very prestigious, convenient and, most importantly, promising. This direction will only develop in the coming decades. It is worth looking at the leading and most valuable companies in the world: Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple. Their activities are related to information technology and Internet marketing. These companies earn billions of dollars a year, and their founders are the richest people in the world.

    Moreover, now many successful companies are willing to cooperate with freelancers.

    Take the first step, and I assure you, you will not regret it! Who knows, maybe in a few years you are destined to become an Internet millionaire, whose name will be known throughout the world.

    PS. Dear friend, have you ever wanted to work on the Internet, maybe someone you know is making progress in this direction? Share your opinions in the comments under the articles, ask questions, and I will definitely answer them.

    With respect and faith in your success,

    founder of the online business magazine “PAPA HELPED”, (5 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    Working from home is quite an interesting activity. Reviews about this type of employment of the working-age population can now be found absolutely everywhere. But which ones are real and which ones are not? To be honest, this can be very difficult to judge. After all, each person at home can perform completely different tasks. And with all this, he may not be able to do what others do. This is where disagreements arise. Plus, work from home, which we are now learning about, includes various vacancies. And different types of fraud. Let's try to understand how realistic the dreams of making money from home are.

    Handle assembly

    The first option that you can come across is working on assembling handles at home. Reviews about this vacancy are now literally overflowing the World Wide Web. But before we get to know them, let's figure out what you and I will have to do.

    Our only task is to collect ballpoint pens at home. And then send them to the customer. Working as a pen assembler at home, reviews of which we will learn a little later, as a rule, guarantees quick and good income without stress. It is enough to work only 4 hours a day. All materials are sent to your home, and you assemble them into a finished product. Next, send it to the return address and wait for payment.

    That's it. This is the job of assembling handles at home. The reviews here, to be honest, are negative. After all, we are dealing with a very subtle fraud. The first thing the employer will ask is to make an insurance contribution (from 250 rubles). He will justify his demands by the fact that unscrupulous workers have already taken orders and then disappeared. You will also be reimbursed by insurance with the first completion of the work. And so every time. But as soon as you transfer the money, the employer disappears. Thus, work from home (pens) receives extremely negative reviews. They are written exclusively by deceived users. This is how scammers make money from people’s naivety.

    Of course, working as an assembler at home sometimes receives reviews that are both suspiciously strange and positive. You should not believe such words - they were either written by the employer, or the scammer paid someone to create a whole “package” of flattering words about the vacancy. As you can see, work from home (assembly) did not receive particularly good reviews. But there are still so many vacancies! Which ones exactly? Let's try to figure this out.

    PC operator

    For example, the second very popular vacancy is a PC operator at home. Similar advertisements can now be found everywhere. So, let's try to figure out what's what here.

    They say that this position requires simple typing at home with editing. You will have to retype handwritten text (or photographed text printed on paper), then edit it according to the rules and send it to the customer. This type of work from home has received mixed reviews. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

    The thing is that the material for work will be sent to your home. Doesn't remind you of anything? And, of course, you will have to pay the insurance premium again. How do you think this will all end? Of course, by deception. After all, working as a PC operator is just another scam.

    However, not always. You can try contacting print publications and asking if they need a typesetter. If the answer is yes, then you can get a job with them. There will be no investment required, and earnings will be credited quickly to the card (or in cash). If the publishing house is in your city, you can personally pick up the printed text or order courier delivery. As a last resort, receive it by mail. And this is why reviews about PC operators are mixed. But mostly negative. They are also written by deceived people. In general, it is better to abstain from this vacancy so as not to end up “without your nose.”

    Sales Manager

    The truth is, remote work does exist. For example, sales manager is a very popular vacancy among all ages. You will just have to look for clients and make purchases on specialized sites (online stores). And your employer will pay a small salary for this (about 5,000 - 6,000 rubles), as well as 10% of the order amount.

    This type of remote work from home is already receiving positive reviews. True, the user’s income will depend solely on the intensity of work and searching for clients. Do you know how to sell? Then this activity is right for you. If the salary is sufficient, then you can simply place several orders a month - and all problems will be solved.

    Usually, sales managers meet on social networks - there they have work pages that redirect to the online store. Honestly, it's very convenient. Only some employees complain about the great competition. However, reviews remain generally positive. They do not require any investment from you, and, as a rule, they give a discount on the purchase of employer goods.


    There is also such work from home, reviews of which are available on almost all review sites. This is nothing more than a home operator. In truth, this vacancy is not suitable for everyone. In particular, such work is carried out by those who have the opportunity to talk using a computer during the day. And they usually hire girls for this position.

    You undergo a short training and then do your work using Skype. This is either making “hot” calls or making “cold” calls for the purpose of advertising and selling any services. Quite often, you simply inform customers about new products, as well as ongoing promotions. It is the operator without sales that is the most profitable and successful offer. True, you can earn in this way, as people say, about 15,000 rubles.

    But in cases of working as an operator for the purpose of selling services, in addition to the salary, you will receive 10% of the order amount. So some manage to earn 50,000 rubles a month. This is work from home without investment, the reviews of which are only encouraging. However, it is not suitable for shy people, as well as for those who do not want to “push” a product onto a potential client. Plus, if you don’t have the ability to communicate using a computer, you can forget about the vacancy.

    Selling "handmade"

    There is also a job that involves selling your own goods. In other words, handicrafts. This is called "handmade". All you need to do is create a product you sell yourself, and then find buyers. Typically, sales work well using social media.

    This type of work from home has received good reviews. If you have “golden hands”, then you can easily make furniture, dishes, jewelry, toys, clothes, works of art and interior design, and then sell them online. Plus, if things go well, you can always make something specific, to order.

    True, you shouldn’t expect mountains of gold here right away - it takes time to make good money. Although the average starting income, as a rule, for people in this business is about 10,000 rubles. Not much, but stable. And with great success, some are able to receive both 50,000 and 60,000. It all depends on you. And there is no deception here.

    How long do you work? People say that it also depends on each person, individually. Maybe the work will take you 4 hours, or maybe it will take you a week. Depending on the nature of the handicraft and its cost. Nevertheless, many generally engage in this activity without interrupting their daily routine.

    Selling cosmetics

    Cosmetics are what every woman needs. And therefore, our next fairly successful vacancy is a cosmetics seller. This is a very popular work from home job. Reviews about it are spread all over the Internet. Moreover, they are positive.

    You will need to place orders for cosmetics from a specific company. Usually, social networks are used to simplify the search for clients. After you place an order, you get about 10% from it in your pocket. Plus salary. It ranges from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles. And, of course, your total monthly earnings depend only on you.

    It is also worth considering that the employee will receive a discount when purchasing goods that he sells himself. This makes many girls very happy. Sometimes the discount is very large. You should only work about 4 hours a day. The work does not require any investment. True, some sellers complain about competition and the difficult process of finding clients. I usually use this vacancy as a part-time job. In case of great success - as the main source of income.


    Here's another work from home without cheating. As a rule, few people leave reviews about it. And this is done only because you don’t really want to make competition for yourself. After all, we are talking about working as a translator.

    The point is that this vacancy is very successful. You can now find quite a lot of “free places” on the World Wide Web. Translations are usually required either from English or German. And the salary of a translator varies from 25,000 rubles to 60,000. Some work 4-6 hours to receive the specified amount per month. And, of course, no one wants to create competition for themselves.

    Thus, this work from home rarely receives reviews. But positive. The main thing here is to know languages, as well as to have perseverance. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can try. It's not as scary as it seems.


    Editor is another very popular job on the World Wide Web. And, to be honest, it doesn’t require any investment from you. This “place” also gets the best reviews. After all, all that is required of you is to edit the text and then send it to the customer.

    The salary here is usually about 20,000 rubles. And this is taking into account work of approximately 4 hours a day. A very good vacancy for women on maternity leave, or those who are involved in education. And with modern tools for working with text on a computer, working as an editor becomes more than simple. Most applications automatically correct errors and also offer you possible options for the development of events. In addition, some simply highlight suspicious passages of the test, drawing special attention to them.

    Payments occur once a month. The only thing you can see complaints about is that you have to really work for these 4 hours. That is, “kicking the bulldozer” will not work. After all, you will be paid for the work performed. However, for a conscientious employee this is not a problem.


    Teachers and instructors are needed everywhere now. So this vacancy became available even remotely. Distance education is precisely what gave the main impetus to the creation of such vacancies.

    There are two options: a private teacher or a hired one. The second option, as users say, is mainly used in universities. You receive exactly the same salary as a teacher, but you conduct all your lectures at home. It is very convenient for both you and the students. But a private teacher has great opportunities. After all, he can teach not only academic subjects, but also various clubs. There are handicrafts, carpentry, language learning, cooking - everything your heart desires.

    To be honest, reviews of private teachers say that it is best to recruit whole groups of students. This way you can work less and get more. If in educational institutions a teacher receives about 15-20 thousand rubles, then a private owner can earn 2 times more.


    The next vacancy is a webmaster. This employee, as a rule, must create and maintain websites. This used to be a fairly common office job. But now there is an opportunity to work remotely.

    This is work from home without cheating. She receives different reviews. As many users emphasize, the main difficulty here is writing the site code. If you are a pro in this matter, then you shouldn’t even start worrying.

    A webmaster's earnings are decent. Usually they charge from 10,000 rubles for 1 order. And with all this, about 60-80 thousand come out per month. Plus website support - about 5,000 rubles. A very profitable, but difficult occupation. It is not suitable for everyone. But the main thing is that this work is safe. And that is why the vacancy receives, for the most part, positive reviews.

    Writing texts

    The latest common online job is writing. Usually limited to copywriting and rewriting. What is this? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

    The first term means writing your own original articles on a specific topic. The second is the processing of the finished text into your own, with high uniqueness. In other words, we are talking about writing articles to order. This kind of work from home receives extremely positive reviews. After all, there is no deception, fees or any special conditions. Just find a customer, agree on payment (they usually charge 30-40 rubles for 1,000 printed characters), and then do your job.

    How much is required for this activity? From 4 hours. This time is enough to earn 15,000 per month. More is possible. People advise looking for orders on special websites. They are called freelance or copywriting/rewriting exchanges.

    As you can see, working from home exists. The main thing is to know what to pay attention to. Finding something suitable for yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Set a goal and move towards it - success will definitely await you. The main thing is to remember that working as an assembler at home receives negative reviews and is a scam. And also do not forget about other types of virtual fraud. And then everything will work out for you.

    Employees are required to work from home using a computer. Special knowledge and experience are not required. Internet access is required. Requirements: viewing advertisements on websites, as well as performing various tasks of advertisers. You make your own work schedule. Age from 14 years. Place of residence and education do not matter. Payment is piecework. Possibility of combining with study or main job. Please contact us by email and be sure to include your name.
    Salary: from 15,000 rub. up to 30,000 rub. (per month)
    Requirements for the applicant
    Internet access is required. Requirements: viewing advertisements on websites, as well as performing various tasks of advertisers. High school students, students and anyone over the age of 14 can work. You will learn everything on the job.
    Conditions, work schedule
    Free schedule. Payment is piecework.
    Contact information:

    Information on the website http://lets-try.ru/http://zarabotay-na-domu.ru/c52-23332.html

    Hello, dear visitors of my Internet resource! Every day, more and more users are joining and appreciating its clear advantages. If you also want to work online without risks and much effort, then this article is for you! Today I will tell you about various simple ways to earn extra money, advise you on how and where to start your business, and what nuances should be taken into account. You will learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of working on the Internet, and understand what requirements are put forward for beginners. Also in this article you will get access to a list of common projects that can bring you both additional and main profit. With the right approach, you can reach your desired level of income in the shortest possible time.

    Basic requirements for working online

    First of all, it is worth saying that this type of activity is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status. Those who already have a main job will be able to earn extra money online and earn additional income. Others may find a type of employment that will bring them a good full-time income.

    The requirements for users are minimal. So, you will need:

    1. A computer connected to the Internet and the ability to use a browser, as well as standard programs.
    2. Work email (I recommend having a separate mailbox that you will use exclusively for work purposes).
    3. The presence of one or more, to which you will subsequently transfer money earned on the Internet. I advise you to familiarize yourself with such payment systems as WebMoney, Yandex Money, Paypal, Qiwi. These are the most popular services offering favorable terms of cooperation and low commissions.
    4. Several free hours every day. Yes, you can work on days that suit you. However, if you plan to get the most out of this side hustle, I recommend devoting some time to it every day. Getting organized is the first step towards success.

    If you have the time and desire, registered an E-mail and created a virtual wallet, then all you have to do is choose your field of activity. There are many ways to earn extra money on the Internet, so you need to choose one or more options that you will devote time to.

    It is worth noting that many methods of online work can be very successfully combined. So, for example, filling out surveys is an activity that will only take you 15-20 minutes. And since these surveys do not arrive every day, you can do other activities in your free time.

    Having chosen your preferred type of employment, all you have to do is get acquainted with the most. Next you will need:

    • choose the most interesting and profitable site (or several, if you want to increase your profits), study in detail the terms of cooperation it offers;
    • register in the selected project, if necessary, provide all the necessary information about yourself;
    • following all instructions and rules, carry out the proposed work;
    • receive a reward for your efforts and withdraw it to an electronic wallet or other available methods.

    Taking surveys for money

    This is one of the simplest methods of earning additional income online. Users are only required to be at least 18 years of age (and in some cases, persons under 18 but over 14 years of age are also allowed to work) and provide honest answers to all questions.

    All questions in surveys usually relate to consumer products and services that are used by a large number of people. Such tests are ordered by manufacturers of certain products to find out the opinions of their potential customers.

    This will help them improve the quality of their products in the future. This is an excellent opportunity for you to express your opinion online, influence the production process of goods and receive a small reward for the work done.

    Pay levels may vary here. from 20 to 150 rubles per study. The number of questions in the questionnaires always varies; the topics can also be different (from food and hygiene products, to pet products, airline services, etc.). You will spend from 10 to 30 minutes completing the test, and the reward in many projects is accrued instantly.

    However, such work requires performers to comply with certain rules, among which:

    • mandatory filling out of your personal profile immediately after registering on a particular site;
    • creating no more than one account in the project;
    • providing honest answers about yourself and the purchases you make (answering questions should be based on your personal experience);
    • completing the questionnaires to the end (otherwise the reward for the study may not be credited).