• What is SMM? Concept and features. What is SMM and how it will help promote your business

    As you know, all work in Social Media Marketing is based on the proposal and generation of valuable content for the user, which can be text, photos or videos. Different social networks favor different types of content. And if we certainly associate YouTube with videos, Twitter with text messages, and Pinterest and Instagram with photos, then Facebook and VKontakte, for example, give everything away at once.

    Choosing a venue SMM-campaign, of course, depends on your goals and the audience you need to work with. However, in most cases, it is advisable to use not one, but several tools at once to attract the attention of the target. In other words, it is recommended to establish a system of complementary actions in different social networks, which will ultimately form into an effective SMM strategy.

    Rules and tips for SMM marketing for dummies

    So, here are 30 tips and rules for working with social media (SMM marketing), which are designed to help attract audience attention to your brand. Some of them may seem obvious to some, but this is a kind of list of necessary actions that can strengthen your online presence in a leading position.

    1. Try to increase the number of subscribers. The more there are, the better for you.
    2. Attract bloggers from your niche using servicesTweepi.com or Twellow.com . This will help you find the most influential microblog authors.
    3. Regularly and systematically post links to posts by bloggers who are considered experts in your field.
    4. If you share a link to interesting information, be sure to give it a short description.
    5. Share the content of influential Twitter users and notify them about it, including their nickname (Oleg Ivanov) in the message.
    6. Automate some processes on Twitter using the service

    Svetlana Kornyushina
    SMM manager, Uniap
    "I'm preparing delicious content"

    Over the past 10 years, social networks have replaced most of the “functions” of the Internet for users of the World Wide Web. For many they have become the only source of information. Watch a movie, listen to music, find out the news, play games and just chat - all this can be done on social networks.

    In addition to entertainment, social media offers various services and allows you to follow the latest news from your favorite brands. Now it’s hard to imagine that any company, even the smallest one, doesn’t have a page on social networks. Some companies do without a website at all and limit themselves to a public page. Therefore, promotion on social networks is extremely necessary for modern business.

    Managing a brand's presence and promoting it on social channels is called SMM marketing. Social Media Marketing is the effective use of social platforms as channels for business promotion, aimed at working with the target audience on social networks. SMM is the most promising method of promotion and at the same time quite affordable in price.

    This type of marketing is aimed at working with subscribers in corporate groups and expanding them. The main task of SMM is to create high-quality and interesting content that users will rate, comment and distribute on their own, thereby increasing their knowledge about the brand, its reputation and the number of readers.

    The SMM manager is responsible for promoting the brand on social networks. His tasks include increasing audience coverage, creating a positive client image, and working with negativity. This specialist determines in which social networks the company will be promoted and by what methods the promotion strategy will be built.

    What problems does SMM marketing solve?

    Social Media Marketing solves a whole range of problems related to brand promotion:

    • branding, brand promotion;
    • growing popularity of the brand;
    • increasing traffic to the company website;
    • increasing audience loyalty to the company;
    • increasing the number of site visitors;
    • increasing the number of subscribers;
    • obtaining company leads;
    • informing about promotions and discounts;
    • receiving feedback;
    • creating a personnel reserve for the company;
    • brand reputation management.

    Basic SMM marketing tools.

    1. Development and creation of pages, groups, public pages and blogs on various social platforms.
    2. Filling with materials and designing social networks.
    3. Attracting new subscribers, stimulating audience interest in the community.
    4. Supporting discussions, responding to comments, hidden marketing, conducting discussions on behalf of the company.
    5. Website promotion in communities.
    6. Advertising in thematic communities and on the pages of famous bloggers.
    7. Working with negativity, creating a positive brand image.
    8. Viral marketing.
    9. Creation of applications, games and their promotion among social media users.
    10. Analytics and creation of a brand promotion strategy.
    11. Ability to customize targeted advertising.
    12. SMO - optimization of Internet resources for social networks.

    How to create content for social networks?

    Social networks differ from each other both in their audience and in the types of content that are interesting to this audience. To create the right content, specialists from Europe have developed the so-called “golden content formula”.

    Engaging content – ​​40%

    Engaging content allows group readers to communicate, watch photos and videos about the company, participate in promotions and competitions, and receive bonuses. All these actions increase loyalty and interest in the company or brand. For group members, such content is interesting because it contains useful information.

    Brand content – ​​30%

    Brand content is the content of “brand advocates”. This type includes customer reviews, interviews with company employees, videos about the life of the company, blogs about events within the company, photographs from meetings or conferences, answers to questions. Subscribers are interested in learning information about the company first-hand; such information is more trustworthy than advertising.

    Educational content – ​​25%

    Educational content helps group members learn more about a company or brand. It includes: company history, various studies, information about new products and products, links to useful information, industry news. Publications may be advertising, but must contain useful and educational information.

    Advertising content – ​​5%

    Advertising content contains direct advertising of a company or brand. The following may be presented here: advertising videos, booklets, posters; company innovations, information with a call to purchase, facts about products. The most important rule is not to post this type of content constantly, as this may affect the loyalty of subscribers.

    It is worth paying attention to the quality of content and group design. All channels of communication with the audience must have the same style. In addition, viral marketing is important in social networks - these are bright headlines, beautiful images, interesting videos, clear text information for subscribers. Thanks to this, the group members themselves will spread information about you - word of mouth will work. Each social network requires different materials, so forget about the “ctrl + c” and “ctrl + v” keys.

    Social networks suitable for SMM promotion

    Today, there are a large number of social media, so SMM promotion is possible on any social network. But there are more popular social resources in which the level of views and coverage, clicks, likes and reposts will be higher. The most popular social networks include: Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Twitter.


    To summarize, it should be taken into account that today there are practically no free methods for promoting a company or brand on social platforms. If you plan to do promotion yourself, then you can’t do it without investments. Creating content, advertising in communities and bloggers, targeting requires additional costs, and not every company employee has the skills to promote on a social network. Therefore, for competent and effective promotion of the company, contact professionals in their field.

    Uniap company knows everything about SMM and even more. Our specialists will develop a competent strategy for promoting your company, create high-quality and interesting content and bring you a large number of subscribers who will become your clients.

    Leave a request on our website, and our manager will answer any of your questions and tell you how to get a 20% discount on our services.

    What's happened SMM promotion? How can it be used effectively when promoting your website, your brand, your ideas, products and services?

    Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

    This saying very accurately characterizes the essence SMM promotion.

    Hello visitors. I decided to take a closer look at such phenomena as social networks, SMM promotion, SMO promotion and everything connected with it.

    Social media are becoming increasingly popular on the Internet. Their number is growing every day. At the same time, the most popular ones register new users every day. A simple conclusion can be drawn from this. Social networks are becoming more influential and significant.

    The question arises of how you can use them in your business, to advertise your services and products. Let's try to figure it out.

    What is SMM promotion?

    There are two terms

    SMM (Social Media Marketing) promotion
    SMO (Social Media Optimization) promotion

    SMO promotion involves optimizing the site itself, filling it with interesting, high-quality content and ensuring comfortable addition of this information to social networks.

    SMM promotion These are already the actions of the marketer in the networks themselves. Participation in forums, discussions, posting publications, recommending interesting articles, events, activities to friends.

    But in fact, these two terms are, in the vast majority of cases, synonymous. When people use them, they mean the same thing. Most often, work on the website and activity on social networks. It’s just that some masters use one term, others another, but everyone understands perfectly well what they are talking about.

    Now let's move on to the definition. Purpose of SMM promotion similar to the goals of good old traditional SEO. But, if SEO promotion is aimed at interacting with a search engine, that is, with a program, then SMM promotion should influence people, take into account their psychology, mood, habits, interests. You also need to take into account which social network you want to advance in. Each network has its own characteristics, rules of conduct, and its own audience.

    Benefits of SMM promotion.

    Now let's discuss what advantages promotion on social networks has over traditional SEO promotion, contextual advertising and other types of promotion.

    Low cost.

    Attracting one visitor costs significantly less than using other methods. Low cost of entry into your business niche. Recruit friends, create your own group, event, cover an important event for you. You don't need to invest a lot of money for this. Basically, there are time costs to create information and bring it to the attention of potential customers of your goods and services.

    High virus capacity.

    In a short time, you can get thousands of visitors to your website due to the viral effect of spreading information. If you posted interesting material, then it can attract the attention of 10 people, they will share it with their friends, and friends of friends with theirs, and so on. And after a short time, this material was already viewed by thousands of people. When using traditional SEO, this is very difficult to achieve on an unpromoted site; when using contextual advertising, it will cost orders of magnitude more.

    Good development prospects.

    I repeat once again, social networks are actively developing. Almost all new Internet users in our time begin their acquaintance with the World Wide Web from some social network. And then, maybe they will use some search engine.

    Low competition.

    Disadvantages of SMM promotion.

    Now let's talk about the main disadvantages inherent in promoting on social networks.

    Undeveloped analytics.

    It is very difficult to analyze the actions of visitors, where they came from, for what queries, and how they behaved on your page. There is no such data provided by analytics services such as Yandex.Metrica, Liveinternet or Google Analytics. There are general numbers, but we act well in this case, but in the other it’s not very difficult to say. This is determined by indirect signs and depends on the experience and intuition of the marketer.

    Control by network moderators.

    With high activity, you can easily fall out of favor. You may be blocked or your activities limited in some way. This happens differently in all social networks and you need to be well versed in all these rules and traditions in order to effectively promote your interests.

    Availability of a well-promoted brand or website.

    If you have a well-established brand, it is much easier to convey your information to potential clients. It is clear that it is much easier to gather readers on the page of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Dmitry Medvedev or Angelina Jolie than on the page of a mere mortal. Having a website with good traffic will also be a good help.

    Need for administration.

    To support the life of a social group one has to devote a lot of time. Especially if the group is large and has thousands of people. In this case, it is necessary to allocate a person for administration.

    There is no possibility to accept payment.

    Social networks do not allow you to accept payment for your services or products. During the time when a person goes from your page to the payment system, he may change his mind several times about purchasing your product, or he may come across another offer.

    Using SMM promotion.

    Let's summarize. To successfully use social media promotion, you need to do the following things.

    Be active on social networks.

    This means that you need to recruit friends, create groups, create publications, initiate various discussions, and be visible.

    Create your website.

    Using a website or blog it is much easier and faster to convey your information to users.

    Using social networking buttons on the site.

    These buttons can be placed at the beginning of the article, at the end of the article, or in site widgets. It is necessary to organize data exchange between the site and social networks

    We must understand that time and effort work on social networks will require no less than working on the site, or even more. But these actions pay off, since the popularity of your services and products will greatly increase, which means sales will go much better.

    I wish you all success, health and good mood.

    Last time the topic of Social Marketing (abbreviated SMM from Social Media Marketing) has become so popular that it is used by anyone who is not too lazy - it is practically impossible to find a site that, one way or another, would not try to promote its position using popular platforms such as Facebook, Tweete, Vkontakte, etc. But really, the temptation is extremely great! Social networks are simply teeming with potential clients, customers, and simply loyal visitors.

    Let's explain in simple terms how social marketing works - I think that for most novice money makers this will be extremely useful.

    First, the classic definition:

    SMM is the process of driving traffic or attention to a brand or product through social platforms.

    Let's start with the basics and outline what a social network actually is.

    It would be quite correct to turn to an analogy by modeling ordinary, non-network, social activity of citizens.

    Let's imagine that a very large crowd of people has gathered and is expecting some events - for example, a concert is planned, a distribution of gingerbread cookies, or, at worst, a starfall. The event has not yet started, and people are standing, shifting from foot to foot and chatting about all sorts of little things. In principle, this is the very social network that marketers of our day look at with such appetite. The difference from real life lies solely in the fact that people do not stand in the air and under the blue sky - they sit at home at their computers, which are connected to the same server.

    Now let's look - how can we sell something to all these people who have gathered in the same place?

    The answer is simple - you need to interest him in something, suggest some topic, declare your presence.

    How can this be achieved?

    In theory, the most ideal option would be to approach this crowd and attract their attention - " hello, I have something to do with you"or something like that.

    In SMM this is called registering on a social platform and becoming active.

    Let's take for example Facebook- the ability to create groups and attract new members to them is the crowning feature of any social marketing implemented on this platform. In principle, in almost all social networks you can create groups and gather people around you, telling them something interesting.

    You can start attracting people to yourself in different ways, but the most effective way, of course, is to invite, for starters, your friends - they certainly won’t refuse. Accordingly, having started an interesting conversation with them, you have already gathered a small group around you, separating it from the general mass of people gathered in one place.

    Now about the qualities that you should have so that your group does not dissolve.

    As is clear, in such a situation, it is necessary to tell people something necessary and, of course, this should be done eloquently, so that those passing by would stop and join your team. This is very important - because Our goal is for the group to grow.

    To do this, you need to be very sociable, easily make contact with strangers and be able to force them to join a joint conversation - after all, the fact that they stand silently will be of very little use (after all, we need it to be visible from the outside that something interesting is happening in our group). Accordingly, in order to stir up interest, we should say original things that are not often heard, for example, on the radio.

    Now, let's take all this to the Internet, to a real social network.

    How can you attract new members to a newly created group?

    Of course, you need to contact those visitors who visit your website or, alternatively, use your service. To do this, of course, you need to invite them. This can be done not only by announcing the creation of a group on the main page of the site, but also through private correspondence, mailings and other invitational events.

    Well, now a very important point.

    Your presence on the Internet is the official website of the company (or what have you?), and the reason why you create a group on a social network is the desire to attract users to your site and interest them in your offers.

    As is clear, in order for people to be interested in your group, you should think over a strategy for its development - the group must be interesting to users, it must contain content that, one way or another, would motivate participants to go to the main page of your site and, in fact, would serve his ultimate purposes. And this is an extremely important point!

    Unfortunately, most online business owners who want to promote their products on social media forget about this. Most often, groups created by companies are not popular precisely because they are filled with completely uninteresting information of an official nature, which can easily be found on the company’s main website. In social networks, topics are needed that are informal, that can be discussed, and it is these discussions that should motivate users to make transitions, share information, etc.

    Another option for attracting users to your social group is to integrate the main site into the social network.

    Everything about buttons, by type, Like And Subscribe, must be present on your resource. There are other methods of website socialization and collectively they are called SMO (Social Media Optimization). But we will not dwell on this special section of marketing now due to the length of the article.

    In general, the created group must be constantly promoted so that it constantly increases its contingent.

    Of course, if you managed to attract a considerable number of users who are active and, thus, participate in the dissemination of your content, then the group will grow on its own, but you still shouldn’t let it out of sight.

    The ideal option for a well-functioning social group is posts containing interesting descriptions of your new products (as an option - news from a niche business), their discussion and, of course, the opportunity to make a purchase in the form of targeted links to the landing pages of your website.

    Now about the difficulties that almost all companies that promote themselves using SMM methods face.

    • Firstly, the most important problem is search for interesting content and, of course, the presence of a person who would format this content in the right way for the company. Large companies have full-time employees whose job is exclusively to promote brand pages on social networks. Small businesses can rely solely on their own strength, imagination and, of course, market conditions.
    • Second problem - competition. Here you really have to work hard, because... There are practically no non-competitive niches left in social media and it will take some time to promote your group.
    • The third problem is inadequate and, often, the total hostility of some social media users. Basically, everything here is the same as in ordinary life - you approach a crowd, want to tell them something, and stones fly at you. The situation is quite real and you need to come to terms with it - restraint, correctness, wit, etc. qualities will help you cope with difficulties. By the way, admitting your mistakes works very effectively - with this move you can attract a considerable number of people to your side.
    That seems to be all. As a conclusion, we would like to note the fact that, according to numerous statistical data, product promotion on social networks today is growing by leaps and bounds. Don't miss your chance, because... If you don’t occupy your niche today, tomorrow it will already be occupied by your competitor. Achieving brand awareness on social media is becoming more and more difficult every day.

    In future publications, we will touch on a number of key aspects of Social Marketing in more detail - stay tuned to our website!

    • How to build up link mass (we pump up the site with incoming links)
    • Using video hosting and file sharing services to promote your website
    • The relevance of Twitter as a tool for website promotion
    about the benefits of a site map- use of the site map use and promotion of the forum- how to promote forums what else can be useful?- materials on what else you can do to promote your site

    We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


    SMM (Social Media Marketing) is. An effective tool that helps bring people to your website through social networks.

    More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

    It is on these platforms that there are different target audiences, among which you can find your own and interact with it. Social networks allow you to attract traffic to your website, increase attention to a product or company, and form a loyal audience.

    SMM - what is it and how does it work?

    Imagine that a concert of your favorite band is taking place in the city, and you want to go there. But you are not her only fan. It makes sense that there would be an impressive crowd of people at the venue. They also want to listen to the performers and look forward to their appearance on stage.

    Until X's time has come, the audience is discussing all sorts of things in anticipation. Many people are buying T-shirts, CDs, posters, mugs and other things with images of the music team.

    The object of interest may be your product or company. At the same time, potential clients do not need to go anywhere - you are always a couple of clicks away.

    SMM is about creating “buzz” around a brand. This generates and fuels the curiosity of the audience and helps lead them to purchase.

    SMM: what do social network specialists do?

    To start working with potential buyers, it is important to prepare the ground for this. You can do this yourself or entrust it to an SMM specialist. This person knows exactly how social networks work and how to get more clients from here.

    The most popular platforms now are:

    Companies create pages on several social networks at once to get maximum audience coverage. Over time, according to statistics, it becomes clear which of them works better than the others. On it, people are more active in subscribing, liking, commenting and reposting posts, writing messages, etc.

    SMM examples

    The main task of maintaining accounts and groups on social networks is to engage, warm up and retain potential clients. That is, every published post is a brick in the powerful walls of trust in your brand.

    How to build them? Consider the official LEGO page. There are no children in the world who have not played with this construction set at least once in their lives. It would seem that there is no longer any need to work on recognition, because products already fly away like the wind.

    Yes, the brand has many fans. This is confirmed by the number of his followers on Facebook.

    But companies pay a lot of attention to working in. This is a perfect example of SMM that gives great results.

    What the company does:

    • He talks brightly and cheerfully about construction kits, showing funny videos.
    • Congratulates the audience on the holidays by posting themed videos.
    • Demonstrates that it follows trends by creating new products based on acclaimed films, for example.
    • Shares news.

    And no one is asking you to buy. This is important, because people come to social networks to chat and take their mind off their worries. The page seems to focus on entertaining content. Thanks to him, fans of block construction sets are aware of all the new products and are already looking forward to their release.

    SMM tools: what will help you work more effectively on social networks

    – a long and complex process. It is important to organize it correctly so that it does not turn into a chaotic movement in an unclear direction. There are various useful tools for this:

    Of course, these are not all the tools that can be used. But everyone forms their own ideal set themselves, based on their needs and skills.

    SMM promotion on social networks: where to start

    Before launching a group or page on your chosen social network, you need to plan and think through everything.

    Analyze your audience and competitors

    This will allow you to understand what, how and for whom to post, as well as how to do it better than other companies on the market and stand out from them. Knowing this, choose the platforms where you have the most potential customers and the least active other sellers. There is no point in working where there are few possible buyers.

    Create a promotion strategy

    In it, write down your main goals and a plan for moving towards them. For example, like this: receive 20 applications a day from social networks. To do this, publish posts of different formats in the morning and evening. Of course, this is short and just an example. In fact, there will be several ways to achieve your goal, based on the characteristics of your niche and product.

    Plan to create quality content

    It is important to decide on:

    • Formats – text, video, photo, quote, joke, meme, etc.
    • Presentation – friendly, businesslike, informal, but so that it resonates with the needs of the audience.
    • Regularity – it’s optimal to make 1-2 posts a day so as not to overload your subscribers’ feeds.

    The main thing is that everything you post is catchy, useful and interesting to the people you need.

    Have a dialogue

    Pay attention not only to publications, but also to feedback, because sooner or later visitors will start commenting on your posts and writing messages to you. Try to answer as quickly as possible, be polite and friendly. With every response you give, encourage people to continue the conversation: ask questions, add calls to action, etc.

    Be prepared for negativity. Use all your charm and wit to neutralize the haters and talk only on a positive wave.

    Analyze your work

    When performing this or that action, track how it affects the behavior of your subscribers. To do this, periodically review internal statistics: coverage, geography, activity on the page.

    If you need to find out how many people come to your site and from which posts, use UTM tags. Calculate conversions, average bill and income to understand how your promotion is going.

    Promoting your business on social networks is an important part of your marketing strategy. After all, it is with the help of these platforms that you can increase popularity, win the trust and loyalty of customers, warm up their interest, and also better understand their desires in order to better meet demand in the future. It turns out that these sites give you a lot of benefits that only the lazy would not take advantage of.