• What is wi fi direct technology. What is Wi-Fi Direct and what is it for? Wi-Fi Direct, how it works

    Wi-Life comment: this technology is intended for personal use or use in small groups, and, one might say, speaking on this topic, we are somewhat deviating from the main direction of the resource. Nevertheless, Wi-Fi Direct may well become a widespread and convenient addition to corporate Wi-Fi network infrastructures, so we decided to cover this topic on our website.

    The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct™ certification mark identifies devices that support new technology that allows devices to connect directly. This makes it possible to significantly simplify tasks such as printing documents, sharing documents, synchronizing and displaying information. Devices bearing this mark can connect to each other directly and without the need to join a traditional home or office WiFi network.

    Mobile phones, cameras, printers, computers, and gaming devices can now connect directly to transfer content and collaborate with applications quickly and easily. Connecting Wi-Fi Direct certified devices is easy and done at the touch of a button. In this case, only one device must have Wi-Fi Direct support. Any other wireless equipment can be used to connect to it and subsequently exchange data. All WiFi Direct connections are secured using WPA2, which is the latest Wi-Fi radio security technology (). Wi-Fi Direct allows devices to communicate with each other directly without an access point, and there is no longer any need to search for an Internet connection.

    In what cases is it usedWi- FiDirect

    Devices with Wi-Fi Direct can be used for all types of applications - sharing content (sharing information), synchronizing data, communicating on social networks, playing games, listening to music or watching videos, etc., i.e. do all the same things you do with Wi-Fi devices today, but easier and without the need for an Internet connection. Wi-Fi Direct certified devices can form connections with almost all certified and standardized Wi-Fi devices that your friends or acquaintances already have. You only need one device with WiFi Direct support to form a group. Now networks based on the Wi-Fi standard are not just an access medium with the main task of accessing the Internet, but it ensures the interaction of you with your friends everywhere.

    According to recent research, users around the world said they would like to use Wi-Fi Direct to chat, share photos, display photos from portable devices on a monitor or TV screen, use video chat and play video games together outside the home, for example , in public transport.

    How Wi-Fi Direct works

    It is important to say again that using Wi-Fi Direct possible without the presence of any network Wi-Fi. You only need to have at least two devices. You can see available devices and request to connect to them, or you can receive a join invitation message from another Wi-Fi Direct device.

    This uses the search functions for devices and services Wi-Fi Direct: Wi-Fi Direct Device Discovery and Service Discovery , which allow users to set available devices and services before a connection is established. For example, if a user wants to print a document, he can find out which Wi-Fi networks the printer supports.

    A device certified for Wi-Fi Direct can establish peer-to-peer connections such as P2P, and can also participate in infrastructure-like scenarios. Wi-Fi Direct devices can join standard networks Wi-Fi, like regular Wi-Fi devices. Wi-Fi Direct devices can form point-to-point (one-to-one or peer-to-peer) or point-to-multipoint (one-to-many) topologies. The latter option is similar to the BSS model.

    Devices certified for Wi-Fi Direct , and simply having the usual Wi-Fi certification. However, only the device can form and maintain a group Wi-Fi Direct. Regular Wi-Fi devices can only be clients in a given group.

    When two or more Wi-Fi Direct certified devices establish a connection, they form Wi-Fi Direct group using technology Wi-Fi Protected Setup (simplified establishment of a secure connection in Wi-Fi ( approx. Wi- Life. ru) and the most modern security mechanisms Wi-Fi . For safe use Wi-Fi Protected Setup either simultaneously press the corresponding buttons on both devices, or enter PIN -code. After this, you can start doing everything that is necessary.

    P2P technologies (Peer - to - Peer ) play an important role in cases where it is necessary to establish a fast connection.

    Let's look at some examples of using Wi-Fi Direct to provide additional capabilities to users:

    A student in the dormitory must print out the assignment before coming to the auditorium. Her laptop has permission to access the university Wi-Fi network, but she does not have permission to connect her printer to the Wi-Fi network and use it. In this typical situation, a student can print documents directly to a printer using Wi-Fi Direct and, at the same time, check email through the university Wi-Fi network.

    Friends have gathered for a party, filming each other with their smartphone cameras and sharing photos with everyone.

    -A company employee was on a business trip with his tablet or lightweight netbook, and then upon arrival he easily synced the files he created with his corporate laptop

    In all these cases, Wi-Fi Direct will be an excellent technology that simplifies life.

    One of the main sources that served as the basis for this article is (English).

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    Previously, only Bluetooth was used for fast file transfer, but today technology such as Wi-Fi Direct has appeared, which is a good alternative to Bluetooth. So, what is wifi direct on a phone?

    What kind of technology is this

    Any person who has at least once encountered setting up Wi-Fi at home without using the default settings knows about the “ad hoc” mode, created so that two computers connect to each other without the help of a router.

    This mode is needed so that you can easily transfer data from one computer to another. What does Wi-Fi Direct have to do with it?

    And despite the fact that Wi-Fi Direct is an “ad hoc” mode, adapted specifically for mobile devices, because, as you know, transferring files via Bluetooth can take a significant amount of time, when the new technology allows you to quickly transfer a bunch of new ones from phone to phone songs or photographs.

    How does this technology work?

    • For Wi-Fi Direct to work, you need two modern mobile devices, each of which must be equipped with a Wi-Fi module.
    • To quickly transfer data, each device will need to create its own access point to which another device can connect.
    • Moreover, the phone will create the point “on its own,” that is, the user will not have to enter addresses, invent keys, or do any other complex things.
    • The owner of the phone will simply have to press a few buttons and enter a PIN code, which will make the connection between the phones secure. After all the manipulations done, the devices will be able to easily exchange various data with each other.
    In conclusion, we can say that wifi direct was designed specifically to make data exchange between two mobile phones faster, but can this technology completely replace Bluetooth?

    That's the question! Although there are prerequisites for this, because wifi direct not only has a high data transfer speed, but also makes it possible to connect several others to one device at once, which would be almost impossible to do using Bluetooth.

    Wi-Fi Direct technology - what is it? This is a cutting-edge set of software protocols that allows you to transfer files without an Internet connection. Devices that support this certificate can connect to each other and send data over a distance of up to 200 meters. The transmission speed reaches high levels - up to 250 megabits per second. It is also worth noting that this network has high channel security. Wi-Fi Direct technology is very similar to the well-known Bluetooth standard, but it is superior to it in many ways.

    This data transfer method greatly simplifies the work of users

    Progress does not stand still, and today you have the opportunity to perform unimaginable operations that you could only dream of before: print files directly from your phone, watch videos from your tablet on the TV screen, send photos from your smartphone to your laptop, openly use data on your computer via TV. And all this without wires, waiting time and multi-step setup.

    Features of wireless technology

    1. This set of protocols is developed, certified and supported by the Wi-Fi Alliance.
    2. After enabling this function on devices, they automatically detect each other.
    3. To create a Direct network, you do not need a router. A router can be useful if you want to access the World Wide Web.
    4. You can create a connection of gadgets “1 - 1” or “1 - many”. Paired devices include smartphones, laptops, computers, printers, keyboards, VCRs, routers, scanners, cameras, digital frames and other equipment.

    1. Supported by Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Android platforms.
    2. Devices with a platform lower than Android 4.0 do not contain this function.
    3. Only those devices that have a special chip will be able to join this function. Most equipment manufactured no earlier than 2015 contain this chip. Developers of global tech brands have announced that in 2016, all smartphones will be able to connect wirelessly and support DLNA.
    4. The devices communicate with each other using a peer-to-peer “Ad-hoc” wireless connection.
    5. After the first successful attempt to connect devices over the Direct network, this process can be repeated wherever and whenever convenient.

    1. To prevent unauthorized intrusion into your network, the technology includes a Wi-Fi Protected Setup application.

    How to establish a connection via Direct network

    There are two simple ways to connect equipment to each other:

    1. By enabling the Wi-Fi Direct function in the network settings of one device, then the other. The devices will find each other and begin exchanging data.
    2. After the gadgets find each other, they will request a special PIN code to confirm the operation. One device automatically creates this code, and on the other the user enters it.

    Programs to enable new Wi-Fi Direct features

    Having established a connection using one of the two methods suggested above, you will need a special program to carry out the desired operation. There are 4 services developed by the builder:

    1. The wireless network itself allows devices to send messages and attached files, for example, you can send a video from a tablet.
    2. Miracast allows you to view videos, photos, presentations and play games on large TV screens. Setting up this feature on Windows 10 and 8 is easy, since Miracast is built into them: Devices - Projector - Add a wireless display. On Windows 7, it is hardly possible to enable this service; it is easier to use an HDMI cable for connection.

    1. DLNA service for viewing files from one device on another. Using this program, you can connect a PC running Windows 7, 8 or 10 with a TV, open access to files and set up a utility on the TV special for such a connection.

    1. Wi-Fi Direct Print allows you to print files located on a smartphone, tablet or any other gadget.

    After connecting the Direct function, the device itself determines the compatible equipment and its software to carry out the necessary operations. For example, if you want to play videos from your tablet on your TV, you will need Miracast pre-installed. In the search, your device will display gadgets supported by this service.

    Today we got acquainted with such a set of software protocols as Wi-Fi Direct. This certificate has great prospects because it eliminates the need to work with a router. Once you connect your devices via a wireless network, you can transfer data and receive files anywhere and at any time without an Internet connection. Don't lag behind technological progress one step and then you will gain new opportunities for a bright and interesting life.

    Wi-Fi is new and has turned everyone's heads, but science doesn't stop with this discovery. Everyone is used to connecting to the Internet without any interfering computer wires and not having to wait forever for the mobile Internet to download something to your phone. Now all this technology uses Wi-Fi.

    A small router that can distribute the Internet to several devices at the same time - these are the technologies of reality. This type of Internet access has already become a habit throughout the planet and it is difficult to imagine your life without using it. When we come to stay with someone, our first question is what the Wi-Fi access point is called and its password.

    Wi-Fi Direct - a few words about technology

    Now the Wi-Fi Direct wireless connection (also called Wi-fi Peer-to-Peer) is gaining popularity very actively. Now we will describe in detail what type of connection this is and how it should be turned on.

    Why was this new product created?

    It is necessary to exclude the router from the data transmission chain. This means that you can connect one device to another without using a router. If you have no idea what Wi-Fi Direct is, then you need to remember how file transfer via Bluetooth happened. This new product can be used on almost every new device. It is also possible to enable Wifi Direct on Windows 10. If you have a laptop, this feature will be very convenient.

    Wifi direct windows 10 - how to enable

    If the adapter supports this technology, then you can enable wifi direct on Windows 10 by entering the network connection properties.

    1. Let's say your printer has such a function, then on a computer that supports it, look for a network and select the printer as the network. You must connect to it by entering a password. After this, you can safely start printing the information. This is the main goal of the technology, which will help you connect directly, without unnecessary headaches.
    2. You can also connect a TV and enjoy watching movies on the big screen without using a router. For such a connection, only a couple of factors are required: the presence of this function on both devices and on your PC, providing shared access to its folders.
    3. You can connect not only two devices, but also create entire groups of devices. So, for example, the owner of a laptop can be connected to a group and, using this unique technology, distribute the Internet. There is nothing complicated about connecting; you just need to press one button.

    Many computer users confidently say that wifi will soon become less popular than wifi direct. Its main advantage is considered to be connection in places with problematic communications.

    Everyone already knows what Wi-Fi is, how it works and how to use it. After all, Wi-Fi is the main way phones and other mobile devices connect to the Internet. But, in the characteristics of some gadgets you can find such an option as Wi-Fi Direct, information about which is not so widespread. In this article we will talk about what Wi-Fi Direct is, what it is used for in phones, and how to enable and use it.

    Wi-Fi Direct is a standard built on Wi-Fi that allows Wi-Fi devices to share data without using a Wi-Fi access point or router. This means that two Wi-Fi Direct-enabled phones can connect and exchange data even where there is no Wi-Fi network. Before the advent of Wi-Fi Direct, this was impossible; Wi-Fi-enabled devices necessarily needed a Wi-Fi network.

    According to the logic of its operation, Wi-Fi Direct is very similar to Bluetooth. After all, in order to connect two devices via Bluetooth, you do not need any routers, access points or other additional devices that will service the wireless connection. You simply turn on Bluetooth, search and pair the devices. Wi-Fi Direct works about the same way.

    At the same time, Wi-Fi Direct retains most of the advantages of conventional Wi-Fi networks, so it compares favorably with Bluetooth. Compared to Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct technology provides: higher data transfer speeds, longer range, and the ability to connect more than two devices at the same time.

    The Wi-Fi Direct standard is being developed by a group of companies called WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance). This is an alliance of wireless device manufacturers that develops Wi-Fi network standards (IEEE 802.11 specifications).

    What is Wi-Fi Direct for?

    Wi-Fi Direct can be used to connect any devices that support this technology and need to exchange information. For example, Wi-Fi Direct can be used for:

    • Connections between two phones;
    • Printer connections;
    • Keyboard or mouse connections;
    • Connecting a TV or projector;
    • Connecting a camera or video camera;

    How to enable Wi-Fi Direct on your phone

    In order to enable Wi-Fi Direct on a phone with the Android 8.1 operating system, you need to open the settings, go to the “Network and Internet - Wi-Fi” section, turn on regular Wi-Fi there and go to the “Wi-Fi Settings” subsection.

    And go to “Wi-Fi Direct”.

    This will start searching for other devices that support Wi-Fi Direct.