• What is web of science. Web of Science platform resources. Mandatory requirements for publications

    April 14, 2016

    Mandatory requirements for publications

    The author's place of work must be indicated in the publication:

      for publications in Russian: Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry named after. N.N. Vorozhtsova

    • for publications in English: N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry Of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

    How to check that a scientific publication is included in the international citation database?

    You can check whether a publication (journal) is indexed in the Scopus database and find out its scientometric indicators (Hirsch index, citation rate, etc.) follow the link .

    Scientific journals from the ISI Web of Knowledge database (Web of Science database) can be found.

    Scientometric databases (access to Scopus and Web of Science is provided only from the Institute’s IP addresses):


    How to make sure that a scientific journal is included in the international citation database through open access?

    • List of Russian journals included in Scopus. Access mode:
    • Check form and list of all journals indexed by the Scopus database - you can download a list of all journal titles in one file, and also check one specific publication step by step
    • You can check whether the journal is indexed in the Scopus database (including citation indicators) here
    • The list of journals included in the Scopus database can be viewed on the SCImago Journal&Country website. Here you can view on-line or download as an Excel file both a complete list of journals and a sorted (on-line) list of journals by country, field of knowledge, year, H-index, SJR, etc.
    • register (for free) on wikimediawww.journalmetrics.com/values.php and download a file containing a list of Scopus journals and their main scientometric indicators: SNIP and SJR.
    • You can check the author's H-index in the Scopus database here. The presence of a journal in the database is checked using the ISSN. To do this, you need to select the database you are interested in (Arts&Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index).

    Russian journals indexed by Scopus and WoS.xls, 2012


    Analysis of results

    Use this feature to group and rank records in a result set by retrieving data values ​​from multiple fields. Use this feature to find the most famous authors in a particular field of study or to create a list of organizations ranked by number of records based on your search query.

    Click the Analyze Results icon link Analysis of results"displayed on page" Results", "Citing articles", "Related Posts" And " List of marked publications" to start the session.

    This tool is available in:

    • BIOSIS Citation Index
    • Data Citation Index

    Note. This tool is not available on the page " Results" search all databases. You must select an entry on the results page for all databases and then select " Analyze results"on page" Full entry" of the selected entry.

    Click the Search by Author link that appears on the Web of Science Core Collection menu bar to go to the Search by Author Name page, where you can search by author names. The search results appear on the Unique Author Post Collections page, where you can view and update the collections of results associated with the author name you searched for.

    Citation map

    A citation map is a graphical representation that displays citation relationships (cited references and citing articles) between a document and other documents using a variety of visualization tools and techniques.

    Click the icon Citation map"displayable on any page" Full entry" And " Article references"to go to page" Setting up the creation of a citation map for a literature record" and start a session. This tool is available in:

    • All databases
    • Web of Science Core Collection
    • BIOSIS Citation Index
    • Chinese Scientific Citation Index

    Citation and h-index report The Citation Report provides overall citation statistics for a selection of search results. These statistics include the total number of search results, the total number of citations for all entries, the average number of citations for any entry, and so on.

    Click the Create a Citation Report link and the Create a Citation Report icon displayed on the page Results", "Citing articles", "Related Posts" And " List of marked publications" to start the session.

    This tool is available in:

    • All databases
    • Web of Science Core Collection
    • BIOSIS Citation Index
    • Chinese Scientific Citation Index
    • Russian Science Citation Index

    Search by article bibliography

    This feature allows you to search for articles that have cited previously published work. Click the Search by Article Bibliography text link that appears in the menu bar at the top of any search page in a citation product database.

    This tool is available in:

    • Web of Science Core Collection
    • BIOSIS Citation Index
    • Chinese Scientific Citation Index
    • Data Citation Index
    • Russian Science Citation Index

    Collections of publication records with a unique author (Web of Science Core Collection only)

    Clarification of results

    Refine your search results by selecting topics from the " panel Clarification of results"which appear in the left column of the page" Results".

    Search results

    Refine your results by entering new terms in the " field Search results"located in the left column of the panel" Refine results"on page" Results".

    Sort by number of citations

    Select this sorting option from the "menu" Sort by"on page" Results". This menu appears at the top of the list " Results" on the right side of the page.


    Fill in the fields: First Name(Name), Last Name(Surname), Email(Email address), How did you hear about us(How did you find out about us).

    After filling out the fields, a link to the registration form will be sent to the specified e-mail.

    Open the received letter and follow the link.

    In the newly opened window, fill in the required fields: First/Given Name(Name), Last/Family Name(Surname), Email Address(E-mail), Institution(Organization), Address Line 1(Address), City(City), Country/Territory(Country).

    Create a password and enter it in the field Password. Please note that the password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one number and one symbol (! @ # $ % ^ &() ( ) | \ _). Select a security question ( Security Question) and write the answer in the field Security Answer. You must also provide a verification code ( Verification Number). These are any 4 numbers. This data is necessary for possible recovery of information in case of loss of the password.

    Please indicate your position ( Select Role), choosing from the proposed options: student ( Student), faculty ( Faculty), administrator ( Administrator), librarian ( Librarian), researcher ( Researcher), engaged in teaching activities ( Academic) or not engaged ( Non-Academic), applicant ( Postdoctoral Fellow), graduate ( Graduate Student), student ( Undergraduate Student), other ( Other).

    The last step is to accept the terms of the User Agreement " Accept" After registration, you will be assigned a personal identifier, this will be your ResearcherID, used when searching for publications in databases on the Web of Science platform.

    The system will prompt you to link the ResearcherID and ORCID profiles (read what the ORCID scientist identifier is here):

    If you do not have an ORCID ID yet, you can select "No, thank you".

    Researcher ID Homepage:

    The ResearcherID Home Page (HOME) provides a number of features:

    • My Researcher Profile
    • Proxy Institution
    • Refer a Colleague (Offer for cooperation)
    • Create a Badge
    • Logout

    The navigation bar is shown at the top:

    • Home
    • Manage My Profile
    • Refer a colleague (Offer for cooperation)
    • Logout
    • Search
    • Interactive Map
    • EndNote (Link to EndNote)

    MANAGE YOUR PROFILE (Manage My Profile)

    Function Manage My Profile allows you to correct information about personal data, registration information and the list of publications.

    In the tab Publication List provides information about the list of your publications. Please note that the parameter Public will make your page data public (open) for everyone. By deselecting Public, the information on the page will be private. In addition, in this section there is an opportunity to avoid duplication of works in the list. To do this, use the functions Allow Duplicates.


    My Researcher Profile(My Research Profile) contains information about the researcher's profile and allows you to create a list of your own publications. Using the button Add Publications You will be taken to a page containing options for creating a list of your own publications.

    It is possible to search for your publications on Web of Science. The Last Name and First Name fields are required. Review the search results and mark those publications that you are the author of. Please note that new articles indexed by Web of Science will not be automatically linked to your ResearcherID, so the linking process will need to be repeated periodically.

    Another way to find your publications is to search in EndNote Web. Search is carried out through EndNote Web from catalogs of various libraries, including the Russian State Library.

    If a list of your publications has already been created in EndNote Web, follow the Go to Endnote Web link. This link allows you to transfer tagged works from Endnote to Researcher ID.

    Publication data can also be downloaded in RIS format. This is a format for presenting bibliographic data from EndNote, RefMan and other similar systems.


    Finding researchers is one of the important features of Researcher ID. You can find researchers in your areas of interest as long as they are registered with Researcher ID.

    To improve the search capabilities of Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics acquired startup Kopernio. The Kopernio web browser extension finds the full text of documents. It works not only with Web of Science, but also with other search engines. Kopernio searches for full text first in the organization's own subscription, then in public repositories and then in Google Scholar, with which Clarivate Analytics has a partnership agreement. If Kopernio finds the full text of a publication, a pdf document icon pops up at the bottom left of the page with the publication record, and when clicked, the user goes to the document. Thus, with the help of this service, the number of full texts available to users increases significantly, and, importantly, without violating copyright laws.

    Full publication record in the Web of Science Core Collection and full text found by the Kopernio plugin

    EndNote Online – a tool for working with bibliography

    Web of Science users have access to another resource called EndNote Online for free. This tool allows you to save publications that the author plans to refer to in your work directly from the Web of Science interface into your portfolio, and then select a template for designing an article bibliography for a particular publisher. This way, a bibliography will be easily created for publication in the required format.

    Tools for assessing scientific productivity

    How to use Web of Science Core Collection to assess scientific performance? The resource allows you to build a citation report for any data set of up to 10,000 documents and calculate the following indicators for it:

    • number of publications, including by year;
    • number of citations, also with the possibility of breakdown by year of publication of the citing publications;
    • number of citations excluding self-citations;
    • average citation per article;
    • Hirsch index.

    ITMO University Citation Report in the Web of Science Core Collection

    The system also shows the number of citing documents. As a rule, there are fewer of them than total citations, since the same publication from the citing data array can refer to several publications from the cited array. But these are, first of all, links that allow navigation between the citing and the cited data array.

    The 10 most published Russian scientific organizations in the Web of Science Core Collection. Screenshot from the InCites analytical system

    Identification of scientific organizations and authors using ResearcherID

    Citation rates can be calculated for both an organization and individual authors. But here the question arises: how to evaluate publication activity or citations, if both the organization and the author can be reflected differently in different journals and in different publications? This is a common problem for all abstract databases, and the owners of each of them solve it differently.

    There are two stages in compiling profiles of organizations: computer algorithms carry out the initial sorting of spelling options for the names of institutes and universities, and the main work is done by real people to eliminate algorithmic errors. To create profiles of organizations in Russia and the CIS countries, Clarivate Analytics representatives work directly with representatives of organizations and jointly check the spelling variations of their names. This, on the one hand, excludes the accidental mixing of two different organizations (for example, Kazan Technical and Kazan Technological Universities or the Institute of Systems Research and the Institute of Systems Analysis), and on the other hand, it eliminates the possibility of manipulation of numbers by the organization itself.

    As of this writing, the Web of Science Core Collection has created profiles for more than 600 Russian organizations, and the company continues to work on creating new ones.

    Comparison of ten Russian universities in terms of normalized average citations of publications

    The situation with author profiles is much more complicated, since the number of authors in the world is several orders of magnitude greater than the number of organizations. A computer algorithm clusters authors based on last name and initials, subject areas in which they work, their organizational affiliation, years of work and some other parameters.

    But the resulting clusters may still not fully reflect the real number of publications of the scientist of interest, and here another free addition to Web of Science, available to both system subscribers and any external user, comes to the rescue - ResearcherID.

    In this system, any author can register and receive his unique number, and then upload a list of his works directly from the Web of Science interface. After some time, the author’s cluster of publications in Web of Science will come into agreement with his set of documents in ResearcherID, and a search will be possible both by the author’s last name and by his unique ResearcherID identifier.

    Russian Science Citation Index Database

    Separately, it is necessary to mention the Russian Science Citation Index database on the Web of Science platform. This is a joint project between Clarivate Analytics and eLibrary, operator of the Russian Science Citation Index. As part of the project, a database of 770 of the most authoritative Russian scientific publications, selected on the basis of bibliometric and expert assessment, was formed.

    According to Clarivate Analytics, the database serves two purposes. Firstly, this way Russian science can be assessed using a more representative sample. Now, out of more than 20,000 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, 325 are Russian. Thus, in total, the array of Russian periodicals for analysis exceeds the bar of 1000 journals. Secondly, the database helps promote Russian scientific results abroad, because the audience of Web of Science users worldwide is more than 20 million people.

    Currently, this database is not included in the national subscription, and Russian organizations subscribe to it individually.

    Web of Science Core Collection and Russian Science Citation Index are two different databases, but if you have access to both of them, you can search through them simultaneously. Another nice feature: for any document, the Web of Science platform calculates citations within the database to which it belongs, but also shows its citations in other databases for reference. This allows, for example, to see which foreigners cite documents that are indexed only in the Russian Science Citation Index.

    Journal Citation Reports database and journal impact factor

    It is impossible not to mention another system for authors - the Journal Citation Reports database. It includes data from Clarivate Analytics' annual journal citation analysis, which calculates the most common indicator of the importance of a scientific journal - its impact factor.

    As of the summer of 2018, this report is not included in the national subscription, but dozens of scientific organizations in Russia subscribe to it independently.

    The report allows you to filter journals by subject area of ​​interest to understand where the journal ranks among similar publications in terms of impact factor. Also, starting from this year, it is possible to analyze where citations for publications in a particular publication come from. If you have a subscription to Journal Citation Reports, the Web of Science Core Collection search results also allow you to view journals' impact factors and rank in their subject area. In general, only the journal's quartile impact factor value is displayed, which, in general, is a slightly rougher, but much more universal metric of its authority and significance.

    InCites system for advanced bibliometric research

    Finally, for advanced bibliometric research there is InCites. It generates convenient reports and infographics from the Web of Science Core Collection data array and adds dozens of modern bibliometric indicators not available in Web of Science to its analysis capabilities. InCites allows you to build rankings of scientific organizations across the country or the world, compare indicators of scientific productivity, analyze trends in science, and conduct your own bibliometric research.

    Trends in publication activity in Russia, Brazil, Switzerland and Iran by year

    The Moscow office of Clarivate Analytics is actively involved in training users both to work with the Web of Science system and to solve applied research problems. At free webinars you can learn how to calculate the citation rate of an author or organization, how to choose a journal to publish your work, and how to insure yourself against publication in an unscrupulous journal.