• What kind of program is news. News Republic: personal news feed. What is Content Push News

    Recently in Russia (on Android , iOS And Windows Phone) application appeared News Republic. According to the developer, it focuses on the program’s learning ability: over time, it begins to guess the user’s preferences and offer materials that are interesting to him. In the personal feed of a gadget lover, the main emphasis will be on technical innovations and news from the world of high technology, while a football fan will receive more information about sports.

    News Republic- not a new application; It’s just that Russian localization has appeared only now. Before this (since 2008), the program was actively used all over the world. The developer claims 2.2 million users and more than 12 million downloads. Localization of NR is not limited to just translating the interface into Russian; declared support for more than forty domestic information resources of various directions: political, entertainment, IT, etc.

    So how does it work News Republic? First, you will need to select from the proposed list several topics or news formats that are most interesting to you. For example, we mark “main news”, “music” and “technology”. For the less picky, there is a “all news” item. Registration is possible, but not required.

    After selecting themes, the first stage of introducing the application to the tastes of its user begins. You can read the general news feed, which includes materials in selected categories, as well as the most important messages. The feed itself has a convenient layout and is divided into blocks with a news headline and illustration. Each page contains 4–5 blocks, and you can scroll through them using the usual swipe left/right.

    Separately, it is worth noting the convenient navigation: in order to move from news to news, there is no need to return to the main page each time. When you first launch the application, it will tell you which gestures are supported, how to change settings or search for themes. Another plus is a convenient tag cloud (one for each news category).

    The second stage of dating begins when the user profile (“My News Profile”) is filled out. You can monitor the status bar: when it reaches 100%, the application will begin to recommend certain publications that, in its opinion, should be of interest to you. The more actively you use the application, the faster your profile fills out. Then the guessing process is honed and polished. In total, it takes about a month for the application to determine as accurately as possible what to offer you.

    An important point: in parallel with the personal news feed, the general one will also be available. That is, nothing important will be hidden from you. You'll receive periodic notifications about the latest important events, but you can turn this feature off at any time in your settings.

    The “cherry on the cake” is the RSS aggregator feature. You can add a link to any resources to the application and read your own RSS feed without installing additional software.

    What we are considering Content Push News is a three-part malicious advertising application that changes your browser settings to suit itself. It is worth noting that after the virus appears on your PC, you need to immediately remove Content Push News.

    If, while working on the Internet, your computer begins to slow down, various advertising windows and banners mentioning “Content Push News” suddenly appear, your computer hangs and slows down, this means that your computer may be infected with a similar adware class program. In this article I will tell you what this program is and how to get rid of Content Push News on your computer.

    As mentioned above, this application qualifies as adware (malicious advertising application), and its purpose is to promote various online advertisements on the network (pop-up advertising windows, links to sites required by the application, and so on). Malignant Content Push News software gets onto your computer as part of various utility programs with viruses; it can be accidentally downloaded from various pirated torrent trackers, porn sites, and so on.

    Typically, the Content Push News program does little to change the browser settings for itself (changing the address of the start page, adding additional extensions, etc.), but it also registers its autorun in the operating system registry, activating every time you start your computer. Therefore, the Content Push News removal point in our article is the main one.

    How to clear your computer of Content Push News

    To remove Content Push News, this malignant software, you need to perform several operations. Let's list them in order.

    1. Go to “Remove Programs” and carefully check what is installed on your computer;
    2. If you see any suspicious names (“Chrome Search”, “ADClick”, “Save”, “Mediapass”, “Handler Service”, etc.), I recommend removing them;
    3. If in doubt, Google the name of the suspicious program; often behind such odious names there are viruses.

    We use the functionality of antivirus programs

    Programs such as “AdwCleaner”, “Dr.WebCureIt!” or “Malwarebytes Anti-Malware” showed good results in the fight against Content Push News level malware. Download and install one of the specified antivirus programs, run a scan for malware on your computer, and after the program finds and removes malicious software, restart your PC.

    How to use "Malwarebytes AntiMalware» for uninstallationContent Push Newsyou can see it here:

    Remove unknown browser extensions

    Go to your browser settings, select “Extensions” (for Google Chrome) and look at the list of installed extensions. If you find something unfamiliar with a strange name, for example: Content Push News, delete it. I also recommend that you restore the address of your preferred start page and default search engine (for example, Google) in your browser settings.

    Make sure your browser shortcut is correct

    1. Hover your mouse over your browser shortcut on your desktop and right-click.
    2. In the menu that appears, select “Properties”, on the “Shortcut” tab in the “Object” line, check if there is anything unnecessary, for example Content Defender.
    3. If, for example, after “firefox.exe” or “chrome.exe” there is a long line in the form of an Internet address, then delete this address, leaving only the path to the browser file.
    4. For example, it should all look like this: “C:\Program Files\MozillaFirefox\firefox.exe”.
    5. Don't forget to click "Ok" and save the changes.


    The malicious advertising application we are looking at, Content Push News, is just one of hundreds of similar ones found on the Internet. The functionality of such an application is aimed at promoting various sites and products, and the user often has to endure the dysfunction of his computer caused by the operation of such adware.

    I can recommend using high-level anti-virus programs to clean your computer from Content Push News, not trusting automatic installation of programs, and carefully monitoring the speed and stability of your PC. If advertising windows start to appear in your browser, or your computer crashes and slows down, then perhaps it’s time to use the tips indicated in this article.

    A couple of months ago, another Chinese program began to appear on phones and tablets running Android - UC News. Many immediately drew analogies with the popular Chinese browser UC Browser, whose developer is UCWeb; they were the developers of this wonderful news software. We have collected the most up-to-date information about this application, and you will find out what it is and why many people want to remove UC News from their device.

    What is this program

    UC News is a news application containing current news from around the world. The program contains many thematic sections, interesting videos and allows you to track sports results and events online. There is no Russian language support.

    This application is already installed by default on many models of Android devices (Xiaomi, Lenovo, Meizu and others) coming from Asian countries. The program may also appear on phones that use the latest updates for all applications. In general, it is not clear why you should distribute your advertising products on the RuNet, which are doomed to be deleted in advance. For example, they have long been trying to popularize the Nine Store or all kinds of cleaners. Perhaps it's just an automatic mailing

    This Android program has many negative sides:

    • advertising notices;
    • news pop-ups;
    • changing the start page in UC Browser;
    • cannot be removed in the standard way.

    How to remove UC News from Android

    So, as we have already noted, it is impossible to simply and standardly remove this application. This is due to the fact that device manufacturers are well paid to fill their devices with such software and protect it. So to speak, they serve faithfully. You can still remove the program; to do this, you will need to root the device, or use third-party programs. Here are the tips I will give to remove UCNews.

    After installing News Republic on Android or iOS (the app is free, by the way), you will be asked to register to sync your profile across different devices and operating systems (Android, iOS and Windows 8). If you know for sure that you will read news in News Republic on only one device, then you can skip registration.

    News Republic home screen, iPad version

    We installed the application on an iPad, kindly provided by Apple, and an Android smartphone. The versions for these two mobile platforms differ slightly, so our review will mainly focus on the Android version.

    News Republic for Android will greet you with a screen with visual tips for organizing columns. By default, the most current news blocks are added to the main screen of the application - “Main News”, “World”, “Politics”, “Economy” and so on. Categories are presented in the form of tiles that can be freely moved, resized, or deleted. To perform all these actions, just press the block and hold it for a while. The most interesting sections can be stretched across the entire width of the screen, and those that are less relevant to you can be made into smaller “squares”. Completely unnecessary ones can be deleted by dragging them to the trash can at the bottom of the screen.

    Organizing news blocks “to suit your needs” is implemented in News Republic just perfectly - all manipulations are performed directly on the main screen by dragging or stretching the selected block beyond the frame. The description looks even more complicated than it does in the application itself.

    If you want to add any more news blocks, then scroll to the very bottom of the screen, and then “tap” on the empty block, which opens a powerful news category. For example, in the “Russia” section you can select news from your city, in “Politics and Economics” - blocks for individual keywords, such as “Finance”, “President” or “Legislation”. Anything that interests you can be added to the main screen by tapping on the plus sign in the corner of a specific category. Additionally, news topics and sources can be searched using text search.

    As for sources, I did not find a complete list of news providers in News Republic (there is only a short one), but a search for the word “newspaper” returned as many as six publications, plus a dozen more RSS feeds. For example, the application contains news from such popular portals as Gazeta.ru, Russia Today, Kinopoisk.ru, Hi-Tech.Mail.ru and even small independent tech blogs like chezasite.com.

    What should you do if your favorite site is not listed as a news provider in News Republic? It turns out that almost any site with an RSS feed can be added to the application by entering its address or name in the search. Depending on the RSS settings on the site itself, the news may not be fully loaded, but this is not a complaint against News Republic. You can also remove any publications from news blocks. For example, you can remove Vesti.ru from the “Main” news, leaving RIA Novosti and other agencies.

    Do you prefer to read news in English, French or, say, German? Then select the appropriate language in the settings, and the application will restart with a pool of news and sources in the language you need. In addition, RSS of foreign publications can be added to the Russian version by typing the name of the site you need in the search (for example, BGR or Bloomberg).

    Almost all news in the application contain illustrations, and some even videos. Illustrations can be opened on a separate screen, where they can be easily scaled by pinching. Here you can express your opinion on the news. It is commendable that News Republic is not limited to a banal “like” or a rating on a five-point scale. The news may be “indifferent” to you, cause you to be “surprised”, “concerned” or “regretted”, or you may be “satisfied” with it. The ratings contain a counter of reviews from other users and a “smiley” that expresses the opinion of the majority. We have never seen such an unusual review system before, and we can safely call it an excellent find by the application developers.

    If you read about fifty news items and rate the news a dozen times, then News Republic will make for you an automatic digest of personal news, accessible by swiping to the right on the main screen. The more news you read and rate, the more accurately the automatic selection will match your news preferences, filtering out the unnecessary.

    And the last “trick” of News Republic that we would like to focus on is tags or keywords. They are highlighted in news texts, and by tapping on such a keyword, the application opens a list of similar news with the same tag. In addition, tags are available in the form of a cloud (list) in individual sections and articles using the button with the application icon in the upper right part of the screen. Keywords are another way to search for news on topics that interest you - for example, using the iPhone tag you can find all the relevant news that mentions this smartphone from Apple.

    And finally, briefly about other useful functions of News Republic. In the application, you can save news for offline reading, and also sort materials in categories not only by date, but also by opinions (ratings) or the presence of videos. You can also adjust the font size within a fairly wide range and turn on the “night” mode for comfortable reading in low light (in the Android version the background changes to black, and in iOS the brightness is reduced). If you don’t want to miss the latest materials, you can set up notifications about updates in selected categories, which will be displayed in the notification panel.

    Our verdict

    Of all the news reading apps we've come across, News Republic is easily the best. Do you want to customize news blocks completely for yourself? No problem. Add RSS from your favorite, even little-known site or blog? Please. Do you want to add French content to Russian-language news? Voila. Should you remove some sources from the selection? Easily. Plus the ability to read materials by keywords, express your opinion, watch videos and view a personal selection automatically generated by the service in accordance with your preferences. Let’s not forget to mention the most powerful rubricator, which sorts all the news into dozens of different topics.

    If you read news on your smartphone or tablet at least a couple of times a week, then under no circumstances should you pass by the News Republic application, especially since it is free. You won't find a more convenient way to read news on a mobile device.

    Just a few years ago, the main problem for Internet users was viruses that stole or destroyed their data. The malware segment is developing, and now the most common are Malware and Adware viruses. In other words, these are unwanted programs that strive to show the user as much advertising as possible, slipping it into each browser tab. A common virus program of this kind is Content Push News, and this article will discuss how to remove advertising from it and remove the virus from your computer.

    What is Content Push News

    Advertising on the Internet is on a grand scale, and each view or click on it brings a certain income to the person who placed the advertisement on his website. Since creating and promoting your own website is not an easy task, virus developers take a different route. They install applications, such as Content Push News, into the user's browser against the will of the user, which add additional advertising blocks to website pages.

    The situation is aggravated by the fact that normal advertisers will not go to the creators of viruses to advertise their product or service. Accordingly, the advertisements produced by the Content Push News program and others like it most often lead to viral resources, various casinos, malware, and so on.

    The Content Push News virus application changes browser settings - the start page, bookmarks, and the number of installed extensions. The virus starts simultaneously with the computer, and it manifests itself not only in the default browser, but also in others.

    How to remove Content Push News

    To completely remove the Content Push News virus from your computer, you will need to go through several steps. Before starting the procedure, download and install the following software from trusted sites: AdwCleaner and UnHackMe. Both applications will be needed in the future to completely remove the Content Push News virus from your computer, as well as other malicious software, if it is present on your computer.

    To remove Content Push News, do the following:

    At this point, cleaning your computer from the virus that causes Content Push News advertising banners can be considered complete. It would be a good idea to clean up temporary files from your computer using the CCleaner application when finished. We also recommend that you scan your computer for viruses using regular antivirus applications; situations are possible when one of these programs downloads Malware and Adware viruses from the Internet.