• What does inverter split system mean? Inverter split systems: device features and advantages over conventional split systems Non-inverter wall split systems

    The modern market offers potential buyers a wide range of air conditioners equipped with various functional sets. With each warm season, the popularity of such equipment increases more and more. At the moment, air conditioners equipped with an inverter drive are becoming increasingly popular. What is this? What does inverter split system mean? What are the fundamental differences between these devices and conventional standard models? By answering these and many other questions, you can easily decide on the whole variety of air-conditioned devices.

    Currently, there are two types of devices in the respective markets: conventional air conditioners (start/stop function with constant power) and air conditioners equipped with an inverter drive, which can independently regulate the power level. Of course, inverter split systems are much more expensive, but this is easily compensated by their excellent technical characteristics.

    Differences between inverter air conditioners and standard models

    Conventional air conditioning units cool the air temperature in the room until it reaches the set parameters. Then they turn off spontaneously and, after a few minutes, begin to work further. Thus, their work is based on a cyclical, repeating process of switching on and off.

    An inverter-type split system works a little differently. The device operates in dynamic mode until the desired temperature is established in the room, after which the air conditioner switches to a lower power mode. That is: the device continues to operate, but with a minimum amount of energy consumed.

    Moreover, in some models such a system allows you to program the device for a certain turn-on time, allowing you to create a comfortable temperature at the required moment.

    Advantages of inverter air conditioners

    Of course, the most important advantage of an inverter split system is its ease of use. In fact, you can turn on the air conditioner once and enjoy comfortable temperature conditions. Such devices operate almost silently, unlike standard models, the operation of which resembles the sound of an old refrigerator. In addition, the operating principle of inverter air conditioners is based on economical energy consumption, that is, having reached a given temperature, the device switches to another operating mode: it maintains the specified temperature, but using much less electricity.

    In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting one more feature of such models designed for air conditioning. Working in silent mode, they are an excellent option for bedrooms and children's rooms, as well as other rooms where excessive noise is unacceptable. In addition, an inverter-type wall-mounted split system can be installed in kindergartens, hospitals and other similar institutions. Everyone knows that standard air conditioning systems often provoke drafts, which entails corresponding consequences.

    The temperature range of inverter air conditioners differs by 2-3 degrees from the similar one, only in conventional devices. This means that it is impossible to catch a cold in such rooms.

    Disadvantages of inverter air conditioning systems

    Compared to the inherent advantages, there are not so many disadvantages of inverter air conditioning systems:

    • The first and perhaps most significant is the cost of such devices. As a rule, it is an order of magnitude higher than the price of standard models. If we take average values, the difference is approximately $200.
    • The second disadvantage of inverter split systems is their “delicacy and sensitivity”. The technical characteristics of such devices are due to the sensitive filling of the internal mechanism, which is particularly sensitive to voltage changes. In urban environments, and outside the city as well, power outages are not a rare occurrence, and this can damage the air conditioning system.

    How to choose the right air conditioner with inverter drive

    Despite the listed disadvantages of inverter split systems, their popularity in Russian markets is growing every day. And the point here, perhaps, is not at all that the principle of their operation allows saving energy consumption by almost 30%. These devices create the optimal temperature in the room in a much shorter period of time and maintain it until the device is turned off.

    Having understood what an inverter split system means, you can proceed directly to choosing such a device. The modern market for these products offers a wide variety of models, among which you can find both foreign and domestic manufacturers.

    It is worth noting that all inverters can be divided into two types:

    1. Technology from American manufacturers Digital Scroll;
    2. Japanese development DC Inverter.

    It’s not worth going into details about which of these two types is better. But, for a more complete understanding, it is worth noting that Japanese technology is somewhat better than the American Digital Scroll and much more effective than a standard device with a start/stop function.

    When choosing inverter air conditioners, it is necessary to take into account one more important point: air conditioners and inverter split systems are complex technical devices that in no case should be repaired independently; this matter should be entrusted to qualified specialists. Although with competent and correct operation there will not be a need for this as such.

    To summarize, we should once again clearly outline the pros and cons of the inverter split system.

    • Significant energy savings due to special manufacturing technology. The air conditioner operates at low speeds after the room has reached the desired temperature.
    • Additional characteristics that create comfortable operating conditions for the device are minimal noise levels, as well as optimal temperature conditions that do not create drafts throughout the room. This quality of split systems with inverter drive allows the installation of such air conditioners in bedrooms, children's rooms, hospitals and other premises of the corresponding type.

    • Stable maintenance of temperature within the range of specified parameters.
    • A significant advantage of inverter air conditioners is also that such systems allow you to warm up the room at an external air temperature of -12 C to -15 C.

    It’s worth dwelling on the last property in a little more detail. Standard models of air conditioning systems are also often equipped with a heating function. But how does a split system differ from conventional air conditioners?

    The fact is that inverter devices have much greater heating efficiency. So, for example, the inverter indicator ranges from 3.6 to 4.2, but for standard start/stop type air conditioners the same indicator is 3.1-3.5. Moreover, conventional air conditioners only work when it is 5 to 7 degrees below zero outside. Wall-mounted split systems equipped with an inverter drive can operate at lower thermometer readings (from -12 Co to -15 Co).

    Of course, this type of air conditioning system has many more advantages compared to already familiar devices. Yes, the cost, of course, can be alarming, but can it really compare with the comfortable conditions created by split air conditioning systems.

    Moreover, this market is currently mainly filled with products from foreign manufacturers. Already at present, domestic manufacturers are developing similar devices, which, of course, will cost much less compared to foreign analogues. This means that soon inverter multi-split systems will become even more accessible, creating a comfortable temperature regime in every room and in every room.

    If you are interested in an inverter-type split system, then you can first consider a non-inverter type device. This unit works as follows: on the remote control you set a temperature that is comfortable for you, after which the device begins to cool the room. After the room has been cooled to the required temperature, a shutdown occurs and the system switches to a rest state. When the temperature inside the room increases by a specified amount relative to the one set in the air conditioner, the relay is activated. The compressor then turns on again, continuing to cool the room. It turns out that the operation of such systems can be designated as cyclic alternating operation with constant power.

    An inverter-type split system does not turn off when the room is cooled to a certain set temperature, and its compressor runs further, but with a lower power level, which allows it to maintain the set temperature level. It turns out that such a system works on the principle of variable power and constant operating time.

    An inverter-type split system has certain advantages. The set indoor temperature is maintained more accurately compared to classic air conditioners. Electricity is spent more economically. The main flow rate is caused by the moment the device’s compressor is turned on. Saves about 35% or more. An inverter-type split system, reviews of which deserve attention, can be installed on longer communications. The compressor in such devices lasts much longer. For such an air conditioner, the nominal operating life of the compressor is 10-15 years, while for a conventional air conditioner it is no more than 9 years. Inverter climate control equipment is capable of operating in winter at lower temperatures compared to classic ones. An inverter-type split system provides reduced vibration and the vibration of the external unit is also much lower. In forced mode, the device can operate with power exceeding the rated power.

    An inverter-type wall-mounted split system with a capacity of 2-7 kilowatts is the most inexpensive and common type of climate control equipment. Cassette and channel type devices, as well as other types of devices, will cost buyers significantly more. The development of inverter systems is quite expensive for manufacturers, so equipment of this level cannot be sold cheaper than traditional models. That is why the cost of a split system can become one of the indicators of its quality. Cheap devices may well turn out to be fake. As a result of such a purchase, you may be very disappointed. Therefore, when choosing a device, you should focus not only on its characteristics and description, but also on the price.

    Inverter air conditioners offered on the market today stand out. Their advantages are as follows:

    • High operating efficiency.
    • Small fluctuations in room temperature.
    • Low noise level.
    • High degree of air purification through various filters, including fine HEPA filters.
    • The possibility of continuous ionization and humidification of air, which exists due to its continuous flow.
    • Increased service life.

    For some reason, the opinion has taken root among buyers of climate control equipment that an inverter air conditioner is the one that is capable of not only cooling, but also heating a room. This opinion is completely wrong. Air conditioners that can not only cool but warm the air are available both among conventional and inverter air conditioners. The difference between them is not in functionality, but in design features. In order to understand this, you will have to delve a little deeper into the theory.

    How does a regular air conditioner work?

    Electric current with a voltage of 220 Volts and a frequency of 50 Hertz in a household air conditioner is supplied to the electric motor through a relay controlled by an electronic unit. Powering electronics requires constant voltage. It is obtained from the network, stepping down with a transformer and converting with a rectifier.

    The air temperature is measured by a sensor. If it is higher than the set value, the electronic unit turns on the engine and the air is cooled. When the temperatures equalize, the engine turns off. This scheme has been worked out for decades, it seems as simple and functional as possible. But, in fact, everything is far from so good.

    Any electrical appliances experience serious overloads when they are turned on and off. We have all observed many times how incandescent lamps burn out when turned on. Electric motors burn out much less often, but it happens to them too. Generally speaking, continuous operation is safer for an electric motor than endless on-off switching.

    But if the air conditioner motor runs continuously, how to regulate the temperature? It would be possible to regulate the air flow, but AC motors are designed in such a way that their speed can only be changed by changing the frequency of the supply voltage. This design flaw does not make it possible to smoothly regulate the air flow by simple means.

    What is an "inverter"?

    An inverter is an electronic device that converts direct current into alternating current. The inverter power circuit looks like this: the mains voltage is rectified and supplied to a controlled frequency generator. The voltage from its output is supplied to the motor. When the generator frequency changes, the rotation speed of the fan and compressor changes. The frequency is controlled by an electronic unit with a temperature sensor. Inverters are used not only in air conditioners; for example, power supplies for computers and laptops are built using this design. It provides a significant gain in weight and volume, since the high-frequency transformers used in this case are much smaller and lighter than conventional ones.

    What are the advantages of an inverter split air conditioning system?

    • The compressor runs continuously and not in start-stop mode. This increases its service life by approximately 30%
    • The engine is designed for round-the-clock operation.
    • Depending on the air temperature, power consumption varies from 5-90%.
    • Electricity consumption is reduced by up to 50%.
    • The air conditioner does not cool the entire volume of air in the room every time it is turned on, it only maintains the set temperature.
    • The accuracy of temperature control is up to one degree.
    • Low noise level.
    • No drafts.
    • Environmental safety.
    • Possibility of heating in severe frosts.

    The last point requires clarification. A conventional split system must not be turned on when the outside air temperature is below −5 degrees. This is explained by the fact that the oil in the switched off compressor flows down and thickens. Start-up occurs with an almost “dry” compressor. The result of such actions is unpredictable, from ordinary jamming to fire. The compressor of an inverter air conditioner operates continuously, as a result of which the refrigerant is constantly in operation and retains its properties. This allows you to safely operate air conditioners of this type at −15, and some even −25 degrees below zero outside. Apparently, this fact is the basis for the belief that only an inverter air conditioner can work as a heater.

    What are the disadvantages of an inverter split air conditioning system?

    There is one drawback, but quite significant - the price. On average, inverter air conditioners cost 40 percent more than conventional air conditioners. This difference quickly pays for itself by reducing energy costs.

    What is the main quality parameter of an inverter air conditioner?

    This is the motor frequency adjustment range. In cheap models it does not exceed 40-70%. But all the advantages of using an inverter are revealed with an adjustment range of no less than 25-80%. This is a specific parameter in the list of characteristics; when choosing an inverter air conditioner, you need to pay special attention to it. The latest models, using newly developed superinverter circuits, achieve control depths of 5-90%.

    What additional features do inverter air conditioners have?

    On the control panel of a conventional air conditioner, you can increasingly see an “Eco mode” button, although no one knows exactly what it is. The inverter air conditioner operates in this mode constantly; it uses a refrigerant that does not poison the atmosphere and does not destroy the ozone layer. Any air filters can be installed in such systems, including fine HEPA filters. One of the Japanese companies has patented a Nano Titanium Wasabi filter with wasabi extract, which kills 99.99% of germs. Infrared systems for tracking the movement of people in a room make it possible to direct a flow of cooled air exactly to the area where the person has moved. Such a system is already closer to a car's climate control than to a conventional air conditioning system.

    It is becoming increasingly popular to install ionizers and humidifiers in air conditioners. This option helps disinfect the room atmosphere from fungi, bacteria and germs, and eliminate household odors. An inverter air conditioner cleans the air and saturates it with ions constantly.


    An inverter split system should be installed in rooms with increased requirements for comfort and health safety - bedroom, living room, children's room. For industrial premises, where the unpretentiousness of the equipment and its cost are more important, a conventional split system is sufficient.

    Inverter split systems are no different in appearance from conventional wall-mounted air conditioners, except for the stickers. In fact, there are fundamental differences, but they are all internal.

    Many people ask the question, what does an inverter split system mean? This concept comes from the Latin concept “inverto”, which means to turn over, change. It was this change that formed the operating principle of such compressors, which can operate with variable speed. Thanks to this, the air conditioner has become more economical. In addition, such a split system can also operate at sub-zero outside temperatures.

    Inverter system: operating principle and device features

    The operating principle of an inverter split system is to regulate the operation of the compressor depending on the air temperature in the room. When the specified air parameters are reached, the compressor does not turn off, but continues to operate, maintaining the temperature of the air mixture.

    Thanks to these features, less noise is created and the service life of the compressor is significantly increased, since fewer starts occur. Running itself wears it out quite a bit. The thing is that after the compressor stops, the oil contained in it to lubricate the rubbing parts flows into the crankcase, and when starting, the compressor operates for some time in “extreme” conditions.

    The main device of an inverter-controlled split system is a compressor. Most often it is called the “heart of the air conditioner”. Thanks to it, freon is compressed. In addition, thanks to the compressor, gas moves through a closed pipeline. But without other devices, the air conditioner cannot operate.

    1. Evaporator. It is here that the transition of freon from liquid to gaseous form occurs. At the same time, the temperature of the heat exchanger itself, and accordingly the surrounding air, decreases. The evaporator is located in the internal block of the split system.
    2. Capacitor. In this device, the reverse process of transition from the gaseous state of freon to its liquid form occurs. When condensing, the gas releases heat into the outdoor air masses.
    3. Throttle, or as it is also called, a throttling device. It is designed to sharply compress freon before the evaporator. This device is located in the indoor unit of the air conditioner.
    4. Fans. As a rule, there are two of them, one is located in the external, and the second in the internal block of the split system. They are designed to create air flows that blow over the evaporator and condenser.

    There are also inverter-type multi-split systems. Their main difference from conventional air conditioners is the presence of several indoor units. They are designed to create comfortable conditions in several rooms at once. Depending on the type of multi-split system, it can work perfectly with two, three, or even seven indoor units.

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    Like any climate control technology, such systems have their undeniable advantages, but also some disadvantages that will be discussed. Advantages:

    1. More accurate temperature maintenance within specified limits compared to a conventional air conditioner.
    2. Lower noise level compared to classic type air conditioners.
    3. They cool the room much faster, since from the moment of start-up until reaching the set temperature regime they work at full capacity.
    4. Much more economical than their classic “compatriots”, due to the absence of peak loads when starting the compressor.
    5. Have a longer service life. This is due to fewer compressor on/off cycles.
    6. They can operate at fairly low outdoor temperatures.

    The disadvantages include their high cost compared to classic air conditioners. In addition, they are very sensitive to voltage surges, so if there is such a problem in your home, you need to take care of installing devices that smooth out voltage surges in the electrical network.