• What does it mean to follow on Twitter. Twitter: first steps. Communication and new acquaintances

    Almost every Internet resource has its own slang. The terms are in English, so not everyone immediately understands what we are talking about. Beginner users often wonder who followers are and what they are needed for. To get real benefits from Twitter, you need to understand the question: “Followers - what are they, or rather, who are they?”

    Followers are subscribers who read a specific account and follow the news displayed in the feed.

    People who want to make money from their page understand that they need followers on Twitter. They will bring information to the masses, follow links, “like” and comment. To develop a significant base of subscribers and followers, you will have to work hard.

    How to promote a page on Twitter?

    • Using a specific board. This method is quite simple, but not cheap: for a specific amount the account is followed. After the user understands who followers are, what they are and what they are needed for, he himself indicates how many of them he needs.
    • Mutual assistance. This method is free, but labor-intensive. The user follows other accounts and writes them a message asking them to follow him. Since this takes a lot of time, it is easier to apply masfollowing by checking the “follow everyone” checkbox. But this method does not guarantee reciprocity, since other users may not have specialized programs.

    It makes the most sense to follow those who are guaranteed to follow you back.

    How to identify reliable followers?

    Having understood the concept of “followers” ​​- what they are and how they can help - you can get down to business. There are certain software that provide 2,000 subscriber accounts as a bonus. Thanks to such programs, you can independently prepare lists of pages for mass following. Today, the undisputed leader is Twidium, which is easy to use and effective.

    For those who don't want to buy anything, there is another way. You need to find an account that has approximately the same number of following and followers. Most often, followers make up this list. After masfollowing, most will follow back. But you must remember that there are restrictions on free promotion: you can invite no more than 2,000 users.


    Using hashtags, you can get the opportunity to increase the number of followers. By using the hashtag #sledui in combination with a nickname, you can increase your tweetkarma. There was also a good result in increasing friends.

    How to use your Twitter page and how will you build followers? This is the choice of each user. But no measures will help if the account is boring and insipid. If you manage to interest the public, an increase in the number of followers will not be long in coming.

    How to attract followers on Instagram?

    When creating a profile, you need to make sure that it is completely filled with original and interesting information. It is more advisable to choose English as the main language. It is very important to set the right avatar; it should attract followers.

    So that users who are interested in the account can find out more information about the owner, you need to leave a link to your personal website, blog or page on another social network.

    Finding your path

    In order to increase followers on Instagram, you need to find your direction and your style. It will be great if the photos have a common theme. In this case, it is easier to find users with similar interests.

    Communication and new acquaintances

    A great start would be to find your friends from other social networks. Information about your Instagram page should be visible, you can send messages to everyone. In the settings, you should set a special mode aimed at ensuring that all photos are automatically reposted, which will help a wide audience appreciate them.

    On social media, “likes” are the official currency, so you need to visit other people’s profiles, comment and “like” photos. You need to regularly check in on the pages of the users you like, this increases your chances of being noticed. It’s good if the photo doesn’t get more than 10-15 “likes”, in this case the user will definitely want to find out who was interested in his photo.

    Praise is considered one of the most effective strategies. Warm words and compliments are pleasant to people from all over the world, so there is a high probability that the user will want to make friends and become a follower. But criticism and rudeness should be avoided; it is more advisable to spend time on something creative and constructive. Don't forget about emoticons. They set up their interlocutors in a friendly manner, without obliging them to anything.

    High-quality and original photographs

    Understanding who followers are, what they are and what they are needed for will not help if the photos are of poor quality and completely uninteresting. For an account to become popular, the pictures must be original and creative. Don't be afraid to experiment; photos can be processed with various filters and special effects added.

    Following is a term related to the Twitter system and means the ability to receive information in the form of tweets from a person or company. To follow means to follow an account and receive its updates at any time.

    Accordingly, unfollow is the opposite action of following or following. That is, by unfollowing a user, you stop reading his feed.


    Twitter itself says that there is no limit to how many people can follow you. But the system itself monitors how aggressively users follow each other. Thus, the service wants to make sure that following occurs naturally, without the use of cheating scripts.

    Twitter monitors all aggressive users, but if you don't follow hundreds of accounts a day and don't use third-party software for following, you can rest assured about your account

    Aggressive following

    Following users is an opportunity to observe their news feed. If you like the account, follow it. Many users receive email notifications that someone has followed them. If an account starts aggressively following hundreds of users to gain rank, Twitter begins to take a closer look at that user.

    Aggressive follower charn

    If a user follows someone and then suddenly changes his mind, then everything is fine. But when an account constantly alternates between following and unfollowing accounts in large numbers, this is called a follow charn. This behavior can negatively affect the user's rating and he may even get banned.

    1 Due to the fact that today people very actively use all " delights"social networks, many new concepts and words appear that were simply not needed before. Initially, social networks were a place for communication between like-minded people, but over time and the development of the Internet, more and more people are trying to make money from their visitors. Therefore, for commercial use, Facebook , Twitter or VK, the number of subscribers or, as they are also called Followers, is very important. Today, as you may have guessed, we will talk about another mysterious Englishism, this. Follow, which means you can read a little lower. On this resource you can find decodings for a variety of terms, sayings and expressions, the meaning of which you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask. Therefore, be sure to add our website to your bookmarks to always have access to useful and important information.
    However, before you continue to get acquainted with this word, I want to bring to your attention a couple more interesting publications on the topic of Internet slang. For example, what does Oldy mean, how to understand the word Login, what Karma is, what Plagiarism means, etc.
    So let's continue Follow, meaning? This term was borrowed from the English language "follow", which can be translated as " follow", "follow", "stick to".

    Follow- it’s just to be subscribed to a person’s account (Twitter, Instagram) and receive updates at any time.

    Synonym of follow: subscribe, follow.

    Following- on Twitter means the ability to receive various information in the form of tweets, that is, read his feed and see all the updates.

    Unfollow(unfollow) - means stop reading a particular user’s feed due to loss of interest in a blog that has become useless to you. In order to unsubscribe, you need to go to the page and move the mouse pointer to the button " I'm reading", and after " will be highlighted"red button" cancellation", feel free to click on it. You can unfollow " bad" users at any time, but if you need to unsubscribe from a huge number of accounts, you can use special services.

    A follower differs from a friend in that he does not strive for reciprocity. On Twitter, followers are a kind of indicator of your popularity on the social network; they are usually bragged about to friends.

    Follow on Twitter- this concept is equivalent to likes or pressing the button " I like", that is, in a similar way you approve the followed account of a specific person or a certain brand.

    Followback- is to become a follower of a person, expecting that in return he will become your subscriber. This method is used to quickly promote your page, although recently it has not worked very well; many people do not want to become followers, and would rather add an annoying visitor to the blacklist.

    Before you follow this or that account, think carefully about whether you really need this person, and if you do, then why? Will he be able to bring friends to you? Do his needs match your interests? Will he be able to become your buyer if you are selling something on Twitter?
    However, if you are really interested in this citizen, then you can safely subscribe to him without even thinking about it. Pay attention to those people who have become your followers, perhaps these are your friends or acquaintances who were able to find you on this social network.

    In order to start following, you need to log into the user's account and click the " read". It is after this that you turn into his follower, and you will immediately become subscribed to updates, and his activity will be displayed in your feed. You should know that “mutual following” is not welcome on Twitter, and when you start adding a little to yourself or not every person, this will arouse suspicion among the administration. Too active following is controlled by admins, and they carefully monitor those people who add new users to themselves, so that they add them in return.

    After reading this informative article, you learned what does follow mean?, and now you won’t find yourself in a difficult situation if you discover this word again.

    Have you come across the words “following” and “followers” ​​many times on social networks, but don’t understand what they mean? Today we will understand these terms, and everything will become clear to you right away!

    The origin of “following” and its use

    Literally translated from English, the word “following” (verb: to follow) means "follow"(following someone or something), respectively, “followers” ​​are people who follow someone/something. In Russian (in the context of the Internet), the above terms are often translated as "subscribers", despite the fact that it would be more correct to interpret this as “followers” ​​or “like-minded people.”

    As we have already said, in most cases this applies to the social networks Twitter and Instagram, implying that one or another person follows and follows updates on the other person’s account.

    What are “followers” ​​for?

    Surely you have already noticed more than once that on the Internet there are those who have many followers (that is, subscribers), as well as bloggers/musicians and other famous personalities with an audience of millions. And most likely with the same frequency they asked the question: how to attract followers and why is this actually necessary?

    The fact is that, so to speak, the status of a user of any social network is determined by the presence and, of course, the number of his subscribers (in other words, people who are interested in his work and activities in general).

    This is precisely what can explain the desire of some people to increase the cherished number of those who subscribe to you and watch your news. To achieve the desired growth of subscribers, such “purposeful” Internet users use completely different methods. Here are some examples:

    • Content improvement. Some do it completely honestly, but sometimes this results in slower audience growth, however, this is the best way: improve the quality of content, increase the frequency of publications.
    • Others manually “wind up” their own followers, that is, they themselves subscribe to accounts with similar topics, like and write comments, hoping for reciprocity. A couple of years ago this method was very popular, especially on Instagram. But it has one significant drawback: it takes a lot of time, plus your efforts are not always justified, but it’s up to you to decide.
    • And the third method of attracting and growing an audience is not the most honest, and in some cases even ineffective. In most cases, the so-called dead audience is attracted (that is, invalid accounts, users who are unlikely to show any activity). So, this is drugging followers using special services, fortunately there are many of them on the Internet now. We do not recommend resorting to such methods.

    Let's summarize:

    “Following” is a word that came to us from the English language, literally meaning “to follow” someone or something. In the context of social networks, “following” is being subscribed to updates on a person’s account.

    “Followers” ​​are those who “follow”, subscribe, in other words, subscribers.


    Followers on Instagram. How to easily gain followers on Instagram

    The account has been created and configured, the interface has been studied, what next? Next are the 4 first steps on Twitter that will help you avoid stupid mistakes and waste of time.

    1. How to follow Twi?
    The first thing you need to do is learn how to follow Twi. You must be logged in to Twitter. Go to http://twitter.com/uatwiter - a microblog where you will find useful links and recommendations regarding Twitter. Here you will see something like the one in the screenshot:

    Under the avatar, on the left, there is a Follow button. That's what we need. Click. We get the result:

    So, you have followed the first user. Politeness is an important aspect of communication on Twitter. After some time, you will receive a personal message (Direct Message) from uatwiter thanking you for your followership. I described in the article “” what role politeness, simple gratitude and a little help play in the Twi community.
    Having learned how to follow Twi, we move on to the next step.

    2. Decide on topics.
    You can easily and quickly gain a fairly large number of followers. Everyone tweets about topics that interest them personally. And if you follow the path of following everyone indiscriminately, what will happen in your general feed will quickly begin to resemble a mess. You are not yet accustomed to Twitter, you have not mastered its pace, principles, specifics, so you will simply drown in the flow of information. Start wisely, otherwise your Twitter trip will end in disgust.
    First of all, write down the topics that interest you most. Write it down on paper or in a file - it makes no difference. Sort topics by importance. The 2-3 topics that matter most to you are where you should start diving into Twitter. After the topics have been written down and the most significant (key) ones have been selected, it makes sense to adjust the Bio field in the account settings. Describe each key topic in 1-2 words. This is quite enough. When you follow a person, he will see you in the list of followers and, quite possibly, view your profile. If your interests coincide, you will be followed back more often.

    3. Find “your crowd.”
    First of all, you have a direct route to http://search.twitter.com/advanced. Here you will find an advanced search on Twitter with quite rich customization options (described in detail in the articles "", "" and ""). Yes, there is no search by biographies here yet, but by region and content of tweets you can easily select those who are worth following first.
    So go ahead - find those who write on topics that interest you. Follow these people. Browse their friends. To do this, while on the page of a specific person, find in the right column, at the top, a line with three numbers and link signatures: following, followers, listed. You need the following link word. Click and you will be taken to a page where those followed by the Twi you follow are listed. Select those who also write on topics that interest you.
    Screenshot No. 3. "Friends" of dsolnc, those whom dsolnc follows.

    Finding Twis that interest you and searching on Twitter in general is described in more detail in the articles “”, “” and “”.

    4. Before you write.
    Twitter is an environment of constant self-education. Here you automatically learn to think faster and more clearly, optimize time, and express your thoughts concisely. You learn to keep track of what’s important, quickly learn what you need and not get stuck. You can simply read other people's thoughts endlessly. But that's not interesting. It's interesting to live. It's interesting to chat. It's interesting to give hints and learn. Guide others and improve yourself. Act. Move. Be. Man rules here. Therefore, it’s time to remember that you are also a Human. Not forgetting, however, that you are a new person on Twitter. While operating in its vast expanses, learn. Read the article dedicated to "