• Making an invisible nickname in Steam. How to make an invisible nickname in CS GO (CS GO) Invisible symbols for a nickname on Steam 07.2017

    For many gamers, the Steam service is a full-fledged social network where they communicate, share achievements and statistics in games. Therefore, the function of freely changing a nickname is always in demand in this community. You can make an invisible nickname in Steam in order to stand out among your friends, clear your name history, become invisible during matches, and so on. Let's figure out how to get such a nickname in your profile.

    Two main questions will be discussed in detail below:

    • all methods of setting an invisible nickname;
    • use of the “invisibility” function and its description.

    If you are wondering about changing your nickname, then the application itself or the official Steam website should be familiar to you. Changing the profile name is done through them. It’s worth saying that both options are completely identical in terms of functionality and interface, so let’s look at one instruction:

    1. Log in to the website or official application. Then open the profile page. To do this, click on the old nickname and select the marked item.

    1. We see a personal page in front of us. On the right side, click on one of the marked buttons.

    1. In the first line you can change the profile name. If you simply erase all the characters and try to save the result, an error will appear. Therefore, you need to select the special character “๋” without quotes, copy (Ctrl + C) and paste it (Ctrl + V) into the Steam window. It will not appear in the field. Save the changes using the button at the bottom of the page or the Enter key.

    1. We return to the profile section and see that the nickname has disappeared (1). This is how it will look to your friends. However, the same special sign (2) will be displayed in the Steam application interface.

    The described method is relevant at the time of 2018-2019. Previously, Steam developers allowed a similar trick to be performed using a combination of the Alt key and the number 255. Now this function is blocked. Instead of the symbol presented in the instructions, you can put “็”. The option of copying an empty field also works. To do this, follow the link and in the “RAW Paste Data” field press Ctrl + A to select.

    Then paste the copied invisible text into the Steam Profile Editor. The result will be exactly the same.

    How can I get my nickname back?

    There is one peculiarity in changing the nickname to the opposite state. If you want to rename your account, first erase the invisible character in the “Profile name” line using the Backspace key. And only then enter a new nickname.

    If you do not erase the invisible sign, then after saving the result will be as follows:

    How to use stealth on Steam?

    “Invisible” was introduced into the Steam status system not so long ago. Previously, this function was performed by the “Offline” mode, but it greatly limited the user’s functionality. For example, in this mode you did not see your friends online, you could not track their activities and communicate in chats. With “invisibility” the situation has changed: you can hide yourself, but correspondence and your friend list will remain accessible. To enable this mode, in the main application window, click “Friends and Chat”, in the list that appears, click on the arrow next to the image and select “Invisible”:

    Video instructions

    We invite you to watch our video, which tells in detail about invisible nicknames on Steam.


    We looked at important Steam functionality. Now you know how to remove your nickname completely, and you also figured out how to use hidden mode. Both options can be useful when using the service!


    Steam is one of the most famous digital services that distributes games and programs. Today, almost every Internet user knows about it or has heard of it at least once. This is not surprising, since the number of active accounts on Steam exceeds 125 million.

    As with any online service, on Steam each user has their own personal profile. It indicates the user's nickname, real name and country of residence (optional). You can also optionally set an avatar, provide information about yourself and other individual data.

    How to hide your nickname on Steam

    If you no longer like your nickname on Steam, do not despair. It can be changed, and this can be done an unlimited number of times. But what should you do if you want to completely hide your name on Steam? The reason for this decision may be either a desire to prank a friend, or a simple need to turn on the “invisibility” mode. Luckily, there are several workable ways to hide your profile name.

    Method 1: Using the "๋" symbol

    As a result, you will get a name as shown in the screenshot.

    Although you will see your nickname as such, your profile name will not appear in all Steam games.

    Method 2: Using the "็" symbol

    For the second method, you need to follow similar steps described above. The only difference is that in the field "Profile name" you must enter the symbol “็” (copy it without quotes and paste). As a result, your name will look like in the screenshot.

    As in the first case, the name will be completely hidden in games.

    Previously, you could hide your profile name in several other ways. For example, the combination alt+255 and others. But later Valve, which owns Steam, closed this possibility. However, as you can see, there are still working ways to do this.

    Steam nickname is used instead of a name. Players use nicknames to identify each other online. Nicknames can also be used to find players you like and add them as friends. However, if you change your nickname, those who are not added as friends will not be able to find the user on the servers or on the network.

    To make an invisible nickname in Steam, you need to go to your profile and select the function to edit it. Then you need to open a text document and write three spaces in the quotes. After this, copy and paste the empty space, without quotes, into the field to fill in your personal data.

    If you simply erase the data in your profile and try to save it, Steam will throw an error. And editing must be done exclusively in the client, and not in the browser.

    Stealth mode

    If you want to hide your activities in the open spaces of a network client, then you can disappear from view and continue going about your business.

    To do this, look for the “Friends” button in the client, which is located in the lower right corner and opens. At the very top is the nickname of the account owner and next to the inscription “Online” there is an arrow - click. After this, a list of statuses will appear, where you need to find and select “Offline”.

    The user will be displayed to his friends and all Steam users as inactive. And the player can continue to go about his business in the open spaces of Steam, for example.

    Sometimes you want to add a bit of originality to your profile, such a solution could be changing your nickname... Today I will show you, yes, yes, none of the players will see your name!

    Making an invisible nickname

    The procedure itself is very simple; first you just need to go to the settings of the Steam client itself. You can find these settings in the upper left corner, in the “Steam” tab. After which you will see a multi-factor menu and in the table you need to select the “Friends” item, but if you have the English version, then “Friends”.

    Now there's nothing left. Near your mini-avatar there is a line “Nickname”; in it we have to enter a mysterious symbol that makes your nickname completely invisible, neither to you nor to your opponents. The job is done, now click on “OK” and go to the profile, or the game. Now you can see absolutely nothing in the NickName column. Questions about how to make an invisible nickname in cs go, must now fall away, because the secret has been revealed.

    Now you can see absolutely nothing in the NickName column. This anomaly is caused by that very symbol.


    This is the end of the article about how to make an invisible nickname in cs go, thank you for reading this material, I hope that my instructions helped you and now there is emptiness in your nickname line. Let me remind you that there is still a lot of interesting things on our PlayNTrade portal, I wish you all good luck. See you again on the Internet!

    is a world-famous digital trading platform, the brainchild of Valve. Every PC gamer knows exactly what this service is, especially since the number of its participants has now exceeded 125 million and continues to grow, replenished with new users. It is the latter who often have questions about certain intricacies of using Steam. One of them is “How to make an invisible nickname?”, and we will answer it in this article.

    Making your Steam nickname invisible

    In order to use Steam on a PC or mobile device, the user needs to create a personal profile. It is in it that not only the real name is indicated, but also the nickname. The remaining parameters can also be set/changed - in general, everything happens the same as in most other online services.

    Just in those cases when the user doesn’t like his nickname or simply wants to hide it from prying eyes, the instructions below will help. In addition, an invisible nickname on Steam is a good opportunity to prank friends or simply become “invisible” for a while. All this can be done in several simple ways.

    Method 1: Using special characters

    One of the methods to make a user's nickname invisible involves the use of certain characters, which will need to be entered in a special field.

    1. After launching the Steam client, pay attention to the control panel located at the top. At its conditional end, find the line that indicates your current name and click on it.
    2. In the drop-down list, select the item with the name "Profile".

    3. The next step is to go to the section "Edit profile"(or "Customize profile").

    4. Now delete your current nickname - just erase with the key BackSpace or Delete item content "Profile name", after clicking on it and selecting (if necessary) with the mouse or keys Ctrl+A.

    5. The symbol should be inserted into the line freed from symbols «๋» . Just highlight what's inside the quotes and click Ctrl+C.

    6. Note: If you can’t select the symbol separately, select it along with the quotes, copy and paste it into the required field, and then simply remove the quotes from it - the symbol will remain.

    7. Now go to the bottom of the profile settings page and save your new, invisible name. To do this, click the button with a laconic name "Save changes".

    8. As a result, your nickname will look like the image below.

    It is important to understand that you will see your nickname exactly like this - a symbol that was previously copied and pasted into the desired field. However, it will not be displayed in Steam games - this field will appear empty. This is exactly what we added initially, so the task can be considered solved.

    However, this method has another variation. The list of actions that need to be performed is no different from those described above, the only difference is that you will need to use a slightly different symbol.

    As with the previous option, your nickname in games will appear invisible to everyone, but you will simply see the symbol shown above in this field.

    Method 2: Keyboard shortcut

    This method can be safely called “for reference”, since currently it does not work entirely correctly, and for many users it does not work at all.

    We wrote above about how to go to the section for editing profile settings, where you can change your nickname. Now you just have to clear this field and do the following:

    1. Hold down the key Alt on the keyboard.
    2. Without releasing it, press the numbers sequentially on the number pad 2 5 5 .
    3. Release the key Alt.
    4. As mentioned above, there are no guarantees that this method will work. But you have at your disposal a workable first method - using special characters.

    These are all the ways (or even the method) by which any user can make his Steam nickname invisible to others. Although, in this case it is correct to say “empty”. We wish you a good time in gaming and success!