• Making a WordPress template from PSD. Creating a simple theme for WordPress. Removing HTML Files

    We will see how a ready-made WordPress template is created, ready for installation on hosting. To do this, php files are created based on the index.htm file, each of which is responsible for the corresponding part of the WordPress template. In particular, these are files that control the site header, the appearance of the main page, the sidebar, archives, search page, single post, single page and comments. I want to say right away that at this stage it would be nice to have some basic knowledge, in particular, to understand what template tags are.

    Before you start studying this lesson, I want to warn you about one... hmm... trick of the author of the lesson. When I started translating this series of lessons, I was sure that at the end we would have a ready-made template made by ourselves. But everything is a little more complicated. In the last lesson, the author gave WordPress codes not in the form of text, as in previous lessons, but in the form of pictures with explanations. And the entire ready-made template is offered to be downloaded as a ready-made archive for a nominal fee. I could buy this archive and post it here, but I'm not sure if it's legal. In general, this is the situation. So you will probably have to get acquainted with this lesson solely for informational and educational purposes.

    Designed website layout
    So in the first two lessons we will first and then use HTML and CSS tools. Click on the image below to see what the completed site layout looks like.

    All WordPress template files
    Now all that remains is to create a WordPress template based on the layout of the site. The picture below shows a standard set of WordPress template files. In the previous lesson we created a folder images and file style.css. We also have a file index.htm, from which code fragments will be taken and copied to the corresponding files php. And only then in php files are inserted by WordPress commands and thereby formed php WordPress template files.

    Editing the style.css file
    First you should insert it at the beginning of the file style.css information about the template. This is a standard code that can be edited to suit your data (template name, URL, description, information about the author).

    This file is responsible for displaying the site header. The essence is this: a piece of code is taken from the file index.htm(above and including

    ), is inserted into the file header.php and after that they are integrated into the WordPress command code. They are marked in red in the picture. Click on the picture to view in large size.

    This file is responsible for displaying what the user sees on the main page of the site. The file is generated in a similar way index.php. A piece of code is copied from index.htm and filled with WordPress commands. Click on the picture to view in large size.

    This file is responsible for displaying elements in the sidebar. We also cut out the code from index.htm(all div id=”side”) and paste it into the file sidebar.php. Next, as before, insert the WordPress commands. Click on the picture to view in large size.

    Responsible for issuing archived site records. To create this file, copy the entire contents of the file index.php and paste into archive.php, and then insert a piece of code (7 lines) between the lines And

    This file is responsible for search results. To create this file, copy the entire contents of the file index.php and paste into search.php, and then insert a piece of code (1 line) between the lines And . Let's see how this is done in the picture below. Click on the picture to view in large size.

    This file outputs a single post. Click on the picture to view in large size.

    At this stage the theme can be installed and tested. You can create multiple posts to test how your navigation, buttons, and links work.

    Live demo of the template
    If you click on the picture, you can see the ready-made WordPress template online.

    PS. Guard. And you know, in order to start making designs you need to master the tools and functions of Photoshop. In this case, Photoshop courses will help you, which will give you the necessary basic level of knowledge.

    To make your website on WordPress, you will definitely need to add a theme. They are also called templates. This is the basis of any web resource.

    This article will discuss the stages of creating a template and describe the layout of psd files.

    You will also learn about the basic technical requirements for WordPress themes, what a template should be like for it to work on the WordPress core. As a result, you will be able to create a website with your own theme that will exactly meet your requirements.

    Please note that this guide does not include descriptions of adding a ready-made theme - this is a manual for generating your own template. If you have downloaded a theme and don’t know how to install it, then go to the WordPress admin area, to the “Appearance” section and add one of the available designs there. Now let’s take a closer look at what a theme is, why it is needed, and how to create it yourself.

    For what purpose is a theme created manually?

    A theme (template) is a collection of functional and style files that together determine the design of the resource. The theme determines how the site will look, so it is very important to approach the process of creating a template correctly. Many people are now asking the question: “Why create your own theme if you can download a ready-made one on the Internet, and for free?” This is a logical question and there is a completely comprehensive answer to it: “To make the perfect template that fully meets your requirements.”

    When you purchase a design or download one from a free WordPress template directory, you usually sacrifice quality. As a rule, such templates do not have everything suitable for you. But you humble yourself, I think that one or two nuances are not the whole picture, and that later you will edit the topic. But in reality it turns out that the site remains with an unfinished theme that you don’t like. Therefore, it is better to do your own right away. And although layout may seem complicated at first, then, when you learn, you can even create custom templates.

    In addition, after creating a template, you will feel like a WordPress “doctor” - you will know what is inside the site. Understand which elements are responsible for what. Then the site and you will speak in You. Get familiar with WordPress tags, structure, and loops. Or maybe you'll want to do this professionally and start making templates for a living.

    So, here are the main reasons why you should make your own website template:

    • learn everything about HTML, CSS and something about PHP;
    • you will be able to create, because web design is also an art;
    • it will be possible to earn money by selling themes;
    • discover a new skill;
    • create a design that will 100% suit your future website.

    What standards does the theme meet?

    When writing a template, it is very important to follow the official rules. Violating the code, inserting a tag in the wrong place and skipping it can damage the design and completely ruin its appearance. You should become thoroughly familiar with the rules of writing PHP code, as well as HTML if you are not already familiar with these languages. Also, you'll be dealing with CSS Cascading Style Sheets, so remember the basics as well - there's a lot of information on this on the Internet. Well, the last and least important requirement is to create a website like a designer, and not like a schoolboy, so that you get a serious project. Otherwise, there is no point in taking on this matter.

    All WordPress themes are hosted in the wp-content/themes/ folder. Inside this folder there are other folders with individual themes, a file with additional functions (functions.php), style files and images. To find data on a particular topic, you need to go to the appropriate directory. So the “Western” theme will be placed in the wp-content/themes/western/ folder.

    Before you start, you should at least take a few looks at the structure of pre-made themes. The default WordPress site comes with two standard templates that you can browse through. This is the Default and Classic template. Open their files in the desired directory on the server and compare their differences.

    You will notice that the template typically consists of three file formats:

    1. Style.css is a style file responsible for the external design of the site.
    2. Functions.php is a functional file that adds various features to pages.
    3. Other php files that are responsible for the features of displaying the template on the site and integrating the theme with WordPress. It is these files that allow you to convert the PSD layout into a full-fledged template.

    Let's look at each of these files in more detail to understand how the WordPress theme is created.

    Rules for creating a style.css file

    First, it must comply with all the CSS markup features. How your site will look depends on this file. But it will not work if you do not add a description of the created template to it. This is the first feature of WordPress that needs to be taken into account when transferring a psd layout to the WordPress engine. You will have to specify the following parameters:

    1. Template name.
    2. The URL that leads to the topic.
    3. Description indicating the main features of the template. Briefly.
    4. Author's name. In this case, please include your name.
    5. Link to the author, that is, to you. You can provide a link to your profile on social networks.
    6. The name of the parent theme is optional.
    7. Theme version. If you just created it, then v. 1.0.
    8. Full description of the template. You can write in detail.

    To create the simplest WordPress theme, just add an edited version with a single style.css file. In this file, next to the “template” line, specify the name of the parent theme. For example, Classic if you are editing a standard template. Now the created theme will fully correspond to the Classic template. Therefore, you will need to upload the files to the wp-content/themes/classic directory.

    This way, you can create your first, simplest theme, which will be a “descendant” of a ready-made template. But this will not be a full-fledged design of the site, but only an attempt to layout it, so you should continue your research.

    Features of the additional functionality file functions.php

    Templates do not always use a functions.php file, but in most cases it is necessary. It must be placed in a directory with the appropriate theme. Please note that if this file is present in the template folder, it will be taken into account when the theme is initialized. It works like a plugin. And it will perform such functions as you give it.

    The main purpose of the functions.php file is to determine the available customization functions in the admin panel for a given theme. That is, all the functions that you enter in functions.php will be displayed in the admin panel or on the user page. Typically, this means changing the color scheme for a WordPress site, changing the font, and much more. But there are many uses for this file. However, this is a completely different story...

    Features of template php files

    PHP files will be responsible for individual parts of the site. They define both the components of the page and the headings, categories and other sections that will be displayed to the user. Since you are now the theme creator, only you will determine which and how many template files to choose. After selecting them, new functions will appear in your admin panel. The fewer files you select, the faster the site will work, but the less functionality it will have. Think carefully about which files you need and which you can do without.

    If you want to add a minimal theme to your site, or test out your psd layout, then you only need two files in the template directory:

    1. Style.css.
    2. Index.php.

    Experienced webmasters manage to change the index.php file in such a way that it is enough to make settings for the footer, sidebar, search, archive, categories, pages, etc. But you’d better try to make a WordPress template in which each file will be perform the corresponding function.

    Even if you accidentally don't specify any template file, WordPress will automatically add its own default settings to the site. For example, if you do not add the file responsible for comments, the engine will find its own versions of this function in the directories - for example, wp-comments.php. Then “alien” comments will crash into the structure of your site, which will not meet the requirements of the template. To prevent this from happening, you need to add all the main files to display the different components of the page:

    • header.php – is responsible for the site header;
    • sidebar.php – side columns;
    • footer.php – resource footer (its lower part);
    • comments.php and comments-popup.php – comments.

    After generating each of these files, in order for the site to start displaying them, you need to enter data for them in the main template file index.php. To do this, specify tags in index.php that lead to the named files. For example:

    • to add a site header file (header.php) add a tag

      get_header() tamplate tag;

    • For the footer it’s the same, but instead of header, specify footer, etc.

    An example of including one of the template files in index.php would look like this: . You will have to search for each of the specified key template files for separate information. Find manuals for each of the files, as well as samples so that you understand all the functions included in the templates.

    Selecting template functionality

    Over time, you will face a dilemma - which type of template to choose. The engine gives you choice. Either you can choose a template with a Template Hierarchy connected, or a layout with Conditional Tags.

    The first option has already been considered. All template php files are the Template Hierarchy. That is, following the rules of this hierarchy, you gradually generate individual layout files. Thus, you will create a full-fledged template from a number of functional PHP components. The hierarchy in this case works on the principle of loading on demand. For example, if you have a categories file (category.php) and the user requests it, then this particular component of the site will be loaded in the browser. If it is not there, then the key template file index.php will be loaded.

    This way, you can change the appearance of individual parts of the site using the Template Hierarchy principle. Each page has its own specific ID. Add the category-6.php file to the theme directory and when you request a category with ID equal to 6, this design will open. If it is not there, then the settings will remain standard - index.php will expand.

    Sometimes the Template Hierarchy principle is not enough to ensure the most comfortable display of a template. In this case, programmers resort to using the second principle - they introduce Conditional Tags. These tags check the site to see if certain conditions are met, and if those conditions are not met, they change how the site looks. That is, these tags work on the if/else principle. This way you won’t have to add a sea of ​​php files with the number of each category, but will be able to specify the conditions for each ID once.

    How to create a psd layout in WordPress

    Some people like to first create a layout of the future design using various programs, and only then transfer it to a specific engine. This is really convenient, because some applications allow you to generate an excellent design without any skills. If you already have a psd file and you want to layout it for the WordPress engine without using code, then you can use the help of one of the popular services.

    Please note that this is a paid service, so the template will only be half yours. Order such a service only as a last resort, if the layout seems good to you, but you no longer have the strength to layout it. There are many programmers who are ready to transfer psd to WordPress at a low price and literally overnight.

    PSD is a file from the Photoshop application. It's like a graphic representation of your design. To make it up, you need to add html markup in a text editor. Gradually, you will change each of the points of this markup, achieving the final result shown on the layout. Immediately indicate the centering of your template, as well as the sizes of its different parts.

    The next step is to add background images. You can also make them yourself using the same Photoshop application. The easiest option is to create gradient background images. Next, start creating a logo. Gradually solve all the queries that arise - adjust the site header, footer, sidebar and all its parts, according to the layout made. Don't forget to add important template files to the template directory so that the site loads as per your requirements.

    Only in this way, gradually learning the basics of different programming languages, can you learn how to layout a website on your own. Nobody says that you will succeed today or tomorrow. It may take you months to understand all the features of the layout process. But don't worry - for some it takes years. Now you know the approximate procedure for creating a template from scratch, as well as transferring the psd layout into a ready-made theme for an Internet resource using the WordPress engine.

    This article will show you how to create the simplest WordPress theme. Although Codex provides extensive documentation on this subject, I find it a bit complex for a newbie. Therefore, in this “tutorial” I will tell you the principles of how WordPress themes work and show you how to adapt a raw HTML template to them. At the same time, you are not required to know PHP, but it is good if you know Photoshop and CSS to create a design.

    1. Blog Frontend

    Before we get started, let's take a look at a standard WordPress theme and understand what it consists of. Let's mark the elements (header, post title, search form, navigation, footer, etc.).

    Standard Frontpage ( index.php)

    Standard Single ( single.php)

    2. Photoshop layouts

    Based on the look and feel of the standard theme, design Photoshop layouts for your blog. For example, I'm using GlossyBlue, one of my free themes. Download demo.zip to see the finished Photoshop file.

    3. HTML and CSS

    Once the PSD design is ready, create an HTML+CSS template for each page. By following the steps in this tutorial you can use my GlossyBlue HTML files from demo.zip. After unpacking the archive, you will see index.html, single.html And page.html. Next I will use them to turn them into a template.

    Why create static HTML first? This is mainly because it will greatly simplify the development process. Usually I create an HTML file for each template, check their validity (HTML and CSS markup) in all browsers. After that, all that's left is to cut and paste the WordPress code. So you no longer have to worry about errors in HTML or CSS.

    4. How does a WordPress theme work?

    If you go to the default theme folder ( wp-content/themes/default), you will see many php files (called template files) and one file style.css. WordPress usually uses several template files ( index.php , header.php, sidebar.php, And footer.php).

    More details in Codex: “Site Architecture” and “Template Hierarchy”.

    5. Duplicate template files

    Copy the HTML folder from GlossyBlue to the folder wp-content/themes. After that, go to the default theme directory, copy comments.php And searchform.php to a folder glossyblue.

    6. Style.css

    Go to the default theme folder, open the file style.css. Copy the commented text at the beginning of the file and paste it into style.css GlossyBlue themes. If you want, you can change the title and author information.

    7. File separation

    Now we need to figure out where to split the HTML files into parts: header.php , sidebar.php , and footer.php. The screenshot below shows a simplified version of my index file, as well as the principle of its division.


    Open index.html. You need to cut the section from the top to where it ends, paste it into a new php file and save as header.php.
    Go to default theme folder, open new header.php. Copy and replace tags where the php code requires it: title, link, style sheets, h1 and div class=description.

    Navigation menu (wp_list_pages) Replace tags li V ul id=nav on ;

    9. Sidebar.php

    Return to index.html, cut the code from where it starts form id=searchform and until the tag closes div id=sidebar, put it in a new php file and save as sidebar.php.

    • Replace form id=searchform with all content on .
    • Replace tags li categories by
    • Replace tags li archives on

    10. Footer.php

    Return to index.html. Extract the code from there div id=footer inclusive with the tag div id=footer and until the end /html then put it in a new one footer.php.

    Recent Posts Here I used query_post to display the 5 latest blog posts.

    "Latest comments""Latest comments" generated by the plugin (included in the theme folder)

    11. Index.php

    Now in your index.html should only stay div id=content. Save the file as index.php. Enter the lines: get_header, get_sidebar, And get_footer in the order they appear in the pattern.

    12. Parsing the cycle

    The loop displays blog posts sequentially based on your settings. The screenshot below illustrates how it works. Initially, the loop checks for the presence of records and if it does not find any, it displays a message "Not Found".

    13. Copying a cycle

    Go to the default theme directory, open index.php. Copy the cycle from the standard one index.php in your own - between div id=content../div. After that, replace the static text with WordPress template tags: post date, title, category, comments, next and previous link.

    14. Theme preview

    Congratulations! You have created the public part (the main part of the template). Now go to the administrative panel, go to the tab Design, you should see the GlossyBlue theme. Activate it and go to the public part to see the result in action.

    15. Single.php

    It's time to create a template single.php. If you want, you can repeat the steps, transferring the code from the standard theme. But it seems easier to me to use the one I just created index.php, saving it as single.php. Open single.php from the standard theme and copy the template tags to the required places. Next, connect comments_template. The following screenshot shows the changes I made:


    Now new single.php save with name page.php. Remove the date of entry, comment form, next/previous links. That's it, that's all - your template page.php ready .

    17. Removing HTML files

    Remove all HTML files from the folder glossyblue(we won't need them anymore). Technically, this is enough to create a basic WordPress theme. You may have noticed that the standard theme has more PHP files. Well, actually, you don't really need them if you want a simple theme. For example, if search.php or 404.php will not be in the theme folder, WordPress will automatically use index.php to display the page. Read Template Hierarchy for more details.

    18. WordPress Page Template

    Now for the final example, I'll show you how to use Page Template to create an Archive page that will contain a list of all the posts on your blog (useful for a sitemap). Copy archives.php from the standard theme folder. Remove the unnecessary code and get something like this:

    Category: . 4 comments. Published: November 24, 2012.

    Hello, today I decided to publish an article about creating a website layout, which we will then layout and pull onto wordpress engine. Therefore, if you do not want to miss the release of these articles, then be sure to subscribe to blog updates and after the article is published you will immediately learn about it. Creating a psd website layout, and creating a wordpress template, is actually a very simple process and I am sure that you will be able to follow my instructions and get yourself a completely unique template.

    To create a template, we don’t need a lot of knowledge, knowledge of HTML And CSS, just read the articles in the topics on this blog. Particular attention should be paid to the use of DIV tags and SPAN tags.

    Now let's figure out what we need to create a PSD layout and subsequently design this template for the site. In fact, you don’t need much for this, a Photoshop program that can be downloaded on the Internet, I hope that this will not be a problem for you and download the source materials for this.

    I will also be publishing articles soon where I will talk about how to create textures and backgrounds for the site, so subscribe to blog updates.

    Creating a document.

    Now let's start creating the layout and create a new document. Select the file - create. Select dimensions for the document 960 on 1600 pixels.

    We draw two guides, left and right. To do this, simply click on the rulers and draw lines.

    Now we need to resize the canvas. For this we choose Image-Size canvas and select a canvas size of 1200 by 1600 pixels. After that, fill this area with white using the Paint Fill tool.

    Groups for the template.

    Now let's create groups for the site. Let's create standard groups as on all templates and these are: header, menu, content, side column and footer of the site. This is very easy to do; in the layers menu, click on the folder image; to rename the created group, you just need to double-click on the name and enter the desired name.

    Site header.

    Now let's start by creating a header for the site. The first thing you need to do is open the texture with the name "Texture 1". And now we need to crop the black background, this is very easy to do, select the tool "wand" and click on the black background, now right-click on the light area and select “Invert selected area.”

    The next step is to fine-tune our boundaries, select the right mouse button, and select Refine Edge. And set all the settings as shown in the picture.

    Now select " layers – new – copy to new layer" Now we take the layer with the mouse and drag it onto our drawing.

    The next step is to flip the drawing over. To do this, select Edit-Transform-Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise. After this, by pressing the left mouse button, you will need to move your layer, as shown in the figure below.

    Now we need to increase the saturation of our image and for this we go to the tab Images - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation. Now we need to reduce the brightness of the picture to -100. And this is what we should get:

    Now let's write our site logo. To do this we need to install a new font. I think you have already downloaded the source material file and there is also a font file in the archive. The first thing you need to do is unzip the font. Now we need to go to the folder (most often this is Drive C:/windows - Fonts).
    And copy all the font files there. Now restart the program and this font will be available to you.
    Now select the Text tool and select our font, color white and create a logo near the left guide. Here's what I got.

    Now let's create a menu on the right side. It will consist of three main points and these are Home, Contacts and about the author. Select the Text tool again and click them in the desired place. The color is white and the font is Wide Latin and the size is 18 pixels.

    Create a new layer. Now take the straight lasso tool and select the button around one of the labels.

    And fill the selected area with the color 2A2A2A. Now we change the order of the layers, moving the layer with the inscription above the layer with the fill.

    Main content of the site.

    And now we have a menu button after it has been clicked on. Now we need to go to the Content folder and create a new layer in it.

    Opening figure 3 and place it below all layers. Using transformation, we increase the size of the image until it fills the entire space.

    Now we adjust the brightness and contrast of the texture. To do this, press the buttons Ctrl + Shift + U. Select Image – Correction – Curves.

    We set the settings as in the figure.

    Let's create a new layer, and now we'll select the content area with you. Our content area will be white and have dimensions of 660 by 1200 pixels. To do this, select the “rectangular area and style - given proportions” tool, where we must enter the dimensions of the field. And then we need to fill the field with the “Fill” tool.

    Now we need to set a stroke for our field. Select the layer on which our picture is and click on the “Add Layer Style” button, select Stroke from the drop-down menu.

    And set the following settings - thickness 1 pixel and color c8c7c7.

    Now open picture 4, using scaling we reduce the size, it should be about ten pixels larger from the white field on the right and left. The top and bottom need to be indented by 50-60 pixels.

    Now press the button combinations Ctrl + Shift + U to decolorize the texture, and adjust the brightness using curves. Settings as in the picture.

    Select the layer with our white canvas, right-click and select “ Select pixels».

    Now select the gray layer and click selection - modification - compress, and set the shrink to three pixels. After which we need to invert our selection, we have already done this, and it’s easy to do, select Selection-inversion, press the button Del. This is what we should get:

    Now create a mask for the same gray layer.

    Select a black-and-white gradient and, by left-clicking, drag from the middle to the bottom border of the page and thereby smooth out the transition.

    Now let's create the page navigation buttons. To do this, we just need to draw a black rectangle; you can choose the size at your discretion. You also need to write the name of the pages in each button. We use a font for inscriptions Times New Roman and size 18 pixels.

    Now let's open the picture with the icons and add them to the opposite side of the main menu. Now we need to indent the content on both sides by twenty pixels. Now we need to add a title to our first article, the text color is black. For the date and number of comments I used the color cb8154.

    Now to separate the title from the main content of the site you need to draw a line. In order to draw a straight line, you need to select the pencil tool and, while holding the Shift key, draw a line by clicking at the beginning and drawing until the very end of the line.

    Now we need to create a place for the preview. To do this, create a rectangle with the dimensions we need, I decided to make it 165 by 165 pixels, and fill it with black. Let's apply the settings to it: stroke and shadow.



    Now let's add some custom text. This is what we should get:

    Now after finishing the articles you need to separate 30 pixels and gray color (SSSSSS). Then draw four squares measuring 32 by 32 pixels and fill them with red color 8E0A13.

    Draw a search form.

    To do this, we just need to draw a rectangular area of ​​white color and apply an inner shadow to it.

    Now we draw a red button of the same size 32 by 32 and red color and write the word “in white” Search».

    Side menu.

    On a new layer, draw a rectangle 270 pixels wide and fill it with the color 1F1F1F. We also add a header with the same width of 270 pixels and height of 25 pixels, filled with black.

    Now we need to write categories for the blog. The text is in Times New Roman font and 16 pixels in size. You need to add a picture to each menu item. Select " Free figure" and select the shape of the raster point " Ornament 4"and fill it with color 818181.

    Site footer.

    We won’t bother too much with the footer, we’ll just fill the entire field with black and add a menu, font Times New Roman, size 18 pixels and color E6E6E6.

    If you want to download the resulting template, click on the button and a download link will be available to you. This article is over and I think that you now know that the first step to creating a WordPress template is creating a PSD website layout.

    Just a few years ago, a new line of services appeared that offer to automatically convert your website design from a Photoshop file. .PSD into code HTML + CSS for free. This used to feel like a clunky attempt at automation that wasn't the best quality, but these services have now evolved to offer full integration with content management systems (like WordPress).

    In this article I will introduce you to some pretty good services that will help you save time and money.


    The author of this service is Tung Do, an excellent WordPress designer and developer who pleased us with his new product. The service it offers is capable of the following: Theme design, XHTML/CSS coding, XHTML-to-WordPress theme development and site management.

    2.WP from PSD

    A team of professional coders will help you migrate your design to a standard cross-browser WordPress theme. All work is promised to be completed at the lowest prices and in the shortest possible time. We can only trust the guys :)

    3. Coding People

    The service offers work with static XHTML, HTML5 and also offers a ready-made set of templates for an online store. Codingpeople is considered the authority in Germany on code quality.

    4.WP Canvas

    This service assures that it will easily turn your design into a high-quality cross-browser layout that is compliant with W3C Valid WordPress Theme standards.

    5. PSD to WP

    If you have created an excellent website design and need fast and high-quality layout, the PSDtoWordPress service will help you with this. Turn your design into a ready-made WordPress theme with PSDtowordpress.

    6. Pixel WP

    PixelWP.com offers its customers an excellent PSD to WordPress template converter that you can rely on. You can be sure that your design will be implemented efficiently and on time.

    7. PSD to Any

    The service can generate a ready-made WordPress theme from an attached design mockup. If you do not have skills in programming and working with theme files, this service will definitely come in handy!

    8. PSD 2 HTML

    The service was first launched in 2005. P2H.com / PSD2HTML.com was the first of its kind, and thanks to this it managed to attract more than 50,000 clients.

    9. HTML Cut

    HTMLcut is a step-by-step service for implementing ready-made code from your design. You upload the PSD layout, the rest is up to HTMLcut.

    10. Rapid XHTML

    If you want to turn your design into a ready-made blog or CMS website, RapidxHTML is just for you. The service supports such popular platforms as wordpress, Blogger, Drupal, Joomla and Magento.