• Additional amplifier for home theater on TDA1555Q (TDA1554Q). Additional amplifier for home theater on TDA1555Q (TDA1554Q) Installation and connection

    • 10.04.2019

      Previously, on the page https://site/?p=57658, an example of using the TDA7419 audio processor on the Arduino platform using a TFT 2.4 LCD display (SPFD5408) was considered; on this page, an example of using the LCD1602 LCD display based on the HD44780 controller will be considered. The main goal when developing the tone and volume control on the TDA7419 was simplicity and ease of control. The audio processor contains many settings...

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      The converter circuit is shown in Fig. The basis of the device is a single-cycle self-oscillator with transformer coupling and reverse connection of the diode. The converter generator is made on VT2. The germanium transistor has a low saturation resistance, and this ensures easy startup and normal operation of the converter at low supply voltage. VT1 assembles a base current stabilizer for transistor VT2, designed for ...

    • 29.09.2014

      The range of the radio microphone is more than 300 meters outdoors. Despite the low supply voltage, the 3V radio microphone is quite powerful, the signal is confidently pressed from it to the radio receiver across 3 floors of the building. The frequency range of the radio microphone is from 87 to 108 MHz. Radio signal reception is possible on any FM radio receiver. The coil (L1) is 3mm in diameter, has 5...

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      Using a miniature (2*2*0.75mm) LTC4069 chip (download ltc4069), you can make a small-sized charger. The USB port can be used as a power source (3.75…5.5V). The maximum charging current is no more than 750mA, the output voltage error is no more than 0.5%. In standby mode, the charger consumes a current of no more than 20 μA. The circuit uses a thermistor (R4), it is necessary...

    CHIP TDA1554Q

    The dimensions of the TDA1554Q chip are shown in Figure 8.

    Drawing 8 - size of the TDA 1554Q chip Description of the connection circuit of the TDA 1554Q chip: 1 - non-inverted input 1; 2- inverse input 1; 3 - general signal; 4- earth; 5, 13 and 14 - connect to the standby switch; 6-OUT1; 7.11 - general nutrition; 8-OUT2; 10 - OUT3; 12 - OUT4; 16 - inverse input 2; 17 - non-inverted input 2

    The connection diagram for the TDA 1554Q chip is shown in Figure 9.

    Figure 9 - connection diagram


    The ULF is made on an integrated circuit TDA1554Q, containing four identical ULFs of 11 W each. To double the output power at the same load and at the same supply voltage (2x22 W option), the amplifiers are switched on in pairs using a bridge circuit. The dimensions of the device are specially designed for use in conjunction with a computer radiator from Pentium family processors. The heatsink is installed perpendicular to the board. The electrical circuit diagram of the amplifier I made is shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 10 - electrical circuit diagram of the amplifier on the TDA1554Q chip

    Capacitors C1 and C2 are decoupling capacitors that serve to prevent direct current from the power source from going to the load. Capacitors C3 and C4 - filter and voltage smoothing during bass.

    An audio signal is supplied to inputs X1 and X2; in my case, I take a signal from an mp3 player. Then the signal is fed to two stabilizing capacitors with a capacity of 0.22 μF. Capacitor C2 goes to legs 1 and 2 of the TDA1554Q microcircuit, and C1 to legs 17, 18. Legs 3, 7 and 11 of the TDA1554Q microcircuit go to the common wire. The input voltage X5 goes to a stabilizing capacitor with a capacity of 0.1 µF and an electrolytic capacitor with a capacity of 2200.0 µF / 25V. The negative of the electrolytic capacitor goes to the common wire and is grounded. The positive output of the electrolytic capacitor goes to pins 5, 13 and 14. The output signal for the left speaker is removed from pins 6 and 8 of the TDA1554Q microcircuit. From pins 10, 12 we output the signal to the right speaker.

    Switch SW1 is used to select amplifier operating modes:

    Operating mode - SW1 closed;

    Standby mode - SW1 is open.


    Low-frequency amplifiers are an integral part of almost any audio system, regardless of its level of complexity and scope of application. There are many factors that make it possible to characterize and divide ULF into categories according to operating methods and operational properties. These include the type of amplification elements used (semiconductors or tubes), transmission coefficient (usually voltage in dB), reproduced frequency range, level of nonlinear distortion, efficiency, current consumption and supply voltage, intrinsic noise level, input/output parameters, maximum permissible operating modes and many others. In addition, power amplifiers can be classified by purpose, namely, automotive ULF, ULF for home and outdoor use.

    Traditionally, when constructing ULFs, a discrete element base and numerous proven circuit solutions are used.

    Today, the level of development of integrated semiconductor technology makes it possible to create integrated ULFs with characteristics that are in most cases equivalent to discrete power amplifiers, and sometimes even an order of magnitude better. Such integrated ULFs have a number of undeniable advantages: they are disproportionately smaller in size and significantly cheaper than their discrete analogues. In addition, as practice shows, such ULFs satisfy the needs of almost any user.

    This article will describe the amplifier based on integrated circuits TDA1554q TDA1555q TDA1558q. The amplifier can be assembled both for sounding a room and for use in a car. Also, depending on the connection diagram, it can be a quad amplifier (4 channels), a three-channel amplifier (left-right and subwoofer) and two-channel (connecting two modes with different output powers).
    The amplifier based on these microcircuits provides protection for the output stage against short circuits, an on/off mode for the input signal (Mute), as well as protection against “clicking” when turning the power on/off.

    Characteristics of TDA1554, 1555, 1558 series microcircuits, with index Q

    Frab. ........................ 30-16000 Hz
    Frab. (for tda 1558q)......... 20-15000 Hz
    Upit. ........................... 6-15V
    Kharmon.(no more)..... 0.1%
    Iconsumption (without supplying an amplifying signal) 30 mA
    Rн (not less) ........................ 2 Ohm
    Pout. for 2 Ohm load
    Pout. (Rн=4Ohm)......................... 4x11 W
    Pout. (Rн=4Ohm)......................... 2x22 W
    Pout. (Rн=4Ohm)............1x22 and 2x11 W
    Uin (sensitivity)............... 500 mV
    Rin................................. 60 kOhm
    Chip housing......DBS 17 P

    Rice. 1 Appearance of the microcircuit (the legs of the microcircuit are arranged parallel in two rows.
    The 1st row towards you from the side when you look at the markings has odd leg markings from left to right.
    Row 2 has even markings from left to right, if you look at the chip designation)

    The current consumption of the microcircuit is 3-4 A, this must be taken into account when choosing the cross-section of the supply wire, it must be at least 0.75 mm2. The microcircuit must be installed on a radiator with a developed area of ​​​​about 500 square meters. see All input signal wires must be shielded. Do not route input signal wires near power wires.
    Correctly assembled circuits do not require adjustment.

    Diagram of a two-channel amplifier based on TDA1554Q, TDA1555Q, TDA1558Q chips

    This diagram is presented for a two-channel connection. It is worth noting that since independent amplifiers (4 separate ones in the microcircuit) operate in antiphase, when the microcircuit is connected, the output power will be maximum, that is, 22 W, unlike if each individual channel is connected to ground. That is, when connecting 6-ground and 12-ground speakers, we get a two-channel amplifier with a power of 11 W.

    Rice. 2 Two-channel amplifier circuit

    Three-channel amplifier circuit based on TDA1554Q, TDA1555Q, TDA1558Q chips (left-right channel and subwoofer)

    This circuit is interesting because in addition to a two-channel amplifier, we also get an amplifier for the subwoofer, with twice the power on the channels. That is, the left, right channel is 11 W and the subwoofer is 22 W. It is worth noting that the speakers in the channels must be turned on oppositely, that is, when installed, their polarity must be different. If BA1 is connected to ground with a plus, then BA2 must be connected with a minus.

    Rice. 3 Three-channel amplifier circuit

    Four-channel amplifier circuit based on TDA1554Q, TDA1555Q, TDA1558Q chips (quad)

    This circuit reveals the full potential of the chip. Four amplifiers each work on their own channel. This is a classic scheme for sounding a car, when there are two front speakers and two on the rear shelf.

    Fig. 4 Quad amplifier circuit with 4 output channels and 2 input channels

    Rice. 5 Circuit board for the circuit in Figure 4. Minor modifications to the board will allow it to be used for any of the circuits published in this article. Board size 85*47 mm.

    This solution repeats the diagram in Figure 4, with one exception that for each individual channel its own input channel is connected. This use of the microcircuit will require a certain sound carrier (quad), otherwise you will not be able to take advantage of all the advantages of this connection.

    Rice. 6 “Pure” four-channel amplifier based on TDA1554Q, TDA1555Q, TDA1558Q chips

    Additionally: It was mentioned above that the microcircuit can operate in Mute mode (temporarily muting the sound), this function can be implemented by disconnecting pin 14 from the power supply (as shown in Figure 6). In this case, the current consumption of the microcircuit is reduced to 100 μA." This microcircuit is a mono bass amplifier.

    Schematic diagram of a simple homemade power amplifier on a TDA1555Q (TDA1554Q) chip, bridge mode - 22W, separate mode - 11W. In the simplest case, a home theater consists of a DVD player, TV and ULF.

    At the same time, many modern DVD players can perform the functions of a digital TV set-top box and a preliminary ULF, since they have a built-in digital TV tuner that allows you to record TV shows on a flash drive, and a preliminary ULF with all the adjustments from the remote control. In this case, the antenna is connected to this DVD player, and the signals from it are sent via low frequency to the TV and to an additional ULF.

    Schematic diagram

    Here is a diagram of this additional ULF, which can work on a developed acoustic system consisting of four mid-HF acoustic systems and two low-frequency acoustic systems. However, the number of speaker systems may be smaller, for example, only two broadband ones.

    Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of the UMZCH on the TDA1555Q (TDA1554Q) chip.

    The circuit is built on a single TDA1555Q chip (or TDA1554Q, which is basically the same). The microcircuit contains four UMZCHs, two of them are direct, two are inverting. If you apply a signal simultaneously to the input of the direct amplifier and the input of the inverting amplifier, then between the outputs you can turn on an acoustic system without a capacitor - there will be a bridge circuit.

    Additionally, from each of the outputs of the four ULFs, you can remove a signal through a capacitor to additional speakers, mid-high frequencies. Which, in fact, is what was done.

    In the diagram, power and speaker systems are shown connected through terminals 1 to 14. 12V power is supplied to terminals 1 and 2. To turn the microcircuit into operating mode, you need to apply a logical one to pin 14. This can be done through connector X1 from an external control device, or through a switch or jumper to connect the “+” of connector X1 with +12V.

    Installation and connection

    Powerful speakers, low-frequency or broadband, are connected to terminals 5-6 and 9-10. Additional MF-HF-AS are connected to the remaining terminals.

    Output power for bridge outputs (terminals 5-6 and 9-10) is 22 W each. The remaining outputs are 11 W each. The resistance of the speaker systems is at least 4 ohms each. All capacitors must be at a voltage not lower than the power source. The power supply voltage can be from 6 to 16V, and the output power changes accordingly.

    Installation is carried out without a printed circuit board. The microcircuit is mounted on a massive radiator, which is the rear wall of the ULF housing. And the installation is done directly on its terminals. Electrolytic capacitors are additionally fixed in the housing using Moment glue.

    Designed for operation in cascades connected in a bridge circuit, and has the following technical characteristics (according to the chip manufacturer and measurement results): sensitivity - 0.5 V, input resistance - 600 Ohms, nominal load resistance - 4 Ohms, nominal (maximum) output power 4x15 (4x22) W) with a nonlinear distortion coefficient of 0.25 and 10%, respectively, reproducible frequency band - 30...16000 and 15...25000 Hz with frequency response unevenness -1 and -3 dB, respectively, supply voltage - 14.4 V, maximum current consumption - 14 A, quiescent current - 0.3 A, current consumption in standby mode - 0.001 A, readiness for operation when turned on - 5 s.

    The diagram of the left channel of the amplifier is shown in Fig. 6. The right channel is completely identical to it. Elements C1-C5 and R1-R5 form separation filters. The amplifier is turned on when a control voltage of 12 V is supplied from the radio. When disconnected from the radio, the amplifier goes into standby mode. The main supply voltage is not switched, since the current consumed by the amplifier in standby mode is less than the self-discharge current of the car battery. Circuit R6C9 provides a turn-on delay. LC filters are used to filter noise in the power supply circuits of microcircuits. The high-capacity capacitor C10 in the power filter prevents voltage drop during power peaks and is installed directly in the amplifier housing. The input signal is supplied via a shielded cable with a BNC bayonet connector.

    The power amplifier is assembled on a printed circuit board, the filters are mounted. The microcircuits and the board are placed on a duralumin corner - a heat sink. Cooling of the amplifier chips is forced using a fan from the computer power supply. The amplifier is installed in the front part of the cabin on a shelf under the glove box.

    If the amplifier will be connected directly instead of the dynamic heads of the radio, its signal level should be adjusted very carefully, starting from zero, so as not to overload the inputs of the microcircuit.

    In the case when the device with which the amplifier is supposed to be used has an output stage made according to a bridge circuit, oxide capacitors with a capacity of 10 μF must be connected between its output and the filter board, and their positive terminals must be connected to the input jacks.

    When installing the amplifier, fixed resistors MLT-0.25 and variable resistors SP3-12a can be used. The amplifier's oxide capacitors are K50-18 (C10) and K50-24 (C7-C9), the rest are any ceramic ones. The power filter coil L1 is wound on a ring magnetic core with dimensions of 20x10x8 mm made of 2000NN ferrite and contains 5 turns of mounting wire with an internal core cross-section (without insulation) of 1...1.5 mm2.

    The L1 coil of the acoustic system is wound on a 2000NN ferrite rod with a diameter of 8 and a length of 20 mm and contains 15 turns of PEV-1 1.0 wire. Capacitors C1-C2 - KBG-MN, C3.C4 - K50-24, resistors PEV - 5 W.