• Elegy 102 01 stereo. Redesigned column from the inside

    A very, very trashy thing a long time ago, back in Soviet times, we had a stereo system. Player + radio "Elegy - 102 stereo". But all this was catapulted by our ancestors a long time ago.

    However, columns from this whole affair remain. Perhaps the most survivable technology is the acoustic system. I don't remember it ever being buggy. Well, in short, despite the tenacious acoustics, this Soviet elegy was then produced much better than now, and there is no doubt about it. It is able to pass and withstand even more load than required. These speakers, if I’m not mistaken, are already 28 years old, and they still work without any problems. And they are made superbly. Nowadays you will hardly come across acoustics whose body is made of wood. Although no, of course there are now made of wood, otherwise they would simply produce poor-quality sound, or rather the plastic would ring. But just like this, not only is the wood not hidden under black plastic, as is done now, but it is also varnished. The speaker has 2 speakers. 1 main, responsible for low and high frequencies, 2 purely voice. Their total power is 9 W. But the lower one itself can take on about 16 W of power. At least that's what the instructions say.

    Video review

    Checking the column from "Elegy 102" Melody 104-stereo radio block

    The Tale of Ivan the Self-Made Man, Empatric Gusli and Loudspeaking Decks

    Once upon a time there lived Ivan the self-made man in the glorious city of Kostroma.
    And then one day his brother-in-law, his wife’s brother, came to Ivan. He came and said: Oh, you goy, my relative Ivan, help my drop-dead misfortune! I have empatric harps, but they are only audible to me. I can’t, good fellow, invite red girls to a dance party, I can’t stretch my frisky little legs!
    And make me, Ivan the self-made man, loud-speaking, actively singing decks!

    Ivanushka became thoughtful and became confused. Ivan had speakers from “Elegy 102”. And Ivan had a hot soldering iron, clean hands and cold calculations. There is nothing to do.
    Ivan the self-made man said: I will remake for you, brother-in-law, my wife’s brother, my Elegy into actively singing loud-speaking decks. Soon the fairy tale will be told, but not soon the deed will be done!

    Ivan took the Basurmansky TDA2030A microcircuit, and hung it in our own way, and in a unipolar way.
    Yes, I replaced a couple of droning speakers. Empetrish harps were chained to the entrance of the decks.
    So it became like a disco at my brother-in-law’s place.
    And Ivanushka the self-made man says: hey, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, my friend, have fun! And when you burn the infidel microcircuit, come again. After all, I have up to a dozen of them!
    And I was there, poisoning the board.
    The rosin flowed but didn't get into my nose...

    (C) 2008 Fairy tale written by Igor Kotov


    One fine day, my wife’s brother (a 14-year-old guy) came to me and said, I want the speakers to play from my MP3 player. I scratched my head and said, okay, it will be.

    We began to think about what and how. My gaze fell on the Soviet speakers “Elegy 102”. They look beautiful, sound good, and for MP3 they don’t need anything better.

    An autopsy showed that the insides of the speaker are simple: HF - 3GD-3, LF - 6GD-6, HF is fed through a 1 µF capacitor. They decided to replace the LF with 25GDN-3-4, and leave everything else alone.

    A simple TDA2030A circuit was chosen as an amplifier

    Main characteristics of TDA2030A

    Supply voltage, V 12...44
    Peak output current, A 3,5
    Current in quiescent mode, mA 50
    Long-term output power, W at KG = 0.5%, Up = 32 V and Rн = 4 Ohm 18
    Long-term output power, W at THD = 0.5%, Up = 32 V and Rн = 8 Ohm 12
    Long-term output power, W at THD = 0.5%, Up = 38 V and Rн = 8 Ohm 16
    The total value of the nonlinear distortion coefficient at Up = 32 V, Rн = 4 Ohm, F = 40 - 15000 Hz, Pout = 0.1...14 W 0.08
    The total value of the nonlinear distortion coefficient at Up = 32 V, Rн = 8 Ohm, F = 40 - 15000 Hz, Pout = 0.1...14 W 0.08
    Voltage gain Au, dB 26
    Input impedance, kOhm 100
    Reproducible frequency range, Hz 20...25000

    Scheme of unipolar connection of TDA2030A in the amplifier

    Amplifier parts used

    C1 0.47 µF
    C2 2.2 µF, 50 V
    C3 22 µF, 50 V
    C4 1000 µF, 50 V
    C5, C7 0.1 µF, 50 V
    C6 2200 µF, 50 V
    DA1 TDA2030A
    R1, R2, R4, R5 100 kOhm
    R3 4.7 kOhm
    R6 1 ohm
    VD1, VD2 1N4001

    Why these MCs? Because I once bought 15 pieces and now I’m slowly collecting them. Since everything should be played from an mp3 player, it was decided not to bother with the volume control, although it was possible to simply install a variable resistor.

    View of the assembled board

    Redesigned column from the inside

    The finished blocks, as you can see, are located on the sides of the body.

    The amplifier is powered by a transformer with one secondary winding of 22V, this is quite enough.

    Rear panel

    The rear panel turned out to be ascetic - only a connector for the power cable, a switch and a jack for connecting a second speaker.

    Personal impressions

    What impressions from the work: they play perfectly, there is no background! Which is surprising, because I did not shield the amplifier blocks. Once upon a time, somewhere I read that unipolar activation of this MS kills the sound - don’t believe it until you do it yourself and understand.

    A little bit of tar!

    But there is always a fly in the ointment - the walls of the housings are too thin (10-12 mm), and at high volumes they begin to ring.

    But in general - one evening of work and the active monitors are ready.

    Elegy 102 stereo

    First class stereo radio Elegy 102 stereo produced since 1981 by Murom RIP.

    The radio is made entirely of semiconductor devices, which increases its compactness and reduces power consumption.

    Radiola Elegy 102 stereo consists of 4 separate blocks: a radio receiver, a player and 2 loudspeakers (AS).
    Blocks can be arranged in the most convenient combination.
    The radio receiver operates in the following bands: DV, SV, HF and VHF.
    In the VHF range it is possible to receive stereo broadcasts.
    The receiver is equipped with a fixed tuning for 3 radio stations in the VHF range.
    3-speed ECU is capable of playing mono and stereo records.

    Main technical characteristics

    Sensitivity, µV in the ranges LW, SW, HF - 150, VHF - 5.
    Rated output power in each channel is 2x6 W. Maximum 2x20 W.
    Power consumption when receiving 45 W, when playing recordings 55 W.
    Audio frequency band in the AM range is 63...4000 Hz, FM - 63...12500 Hz.
    Receiver dimensions 624x318x171 mm, player 316x409x170 mm.
    Total weight - 30 kg.
    Price - 310 rub.

    "ELEGY-102" stereo"

    The stereo radio "Elegia-102-stereo" was developed on the basis of the serial model "Melody-101-stereo" and differs from it in increased output power, improved tone control and external design. “Elegy-102-stereo” is designed to receive programs from radio broadcasting stations in the DV, SV, HF, and VHF bands, has a fixed setting for three radio stations in the VHF band, filters that reduce noise and crackles when playing records. The radio uses an 11EPU-74S electric player. “Elegy-102-stereo” operates on two labyrinth-type loudspeakers, each of which has two dynamic heads 10GD-34 and ZGD-31.

    Nominal range of reproducible hours -

    /■f V C| ■ ULI » »

    World Cup 63. 12,500

    Rated output power, W 2x6

    Power consumed from the network, VA 45

    Dimensions, mm

    radio *. 824x318x171

    attractor.... 406x316x170

    loudspeaker 353x184X188

    Weight of the entire set, kg 30

    Approximate yen, rub. . . 250


    The portable radio receiver "Alpinist-415" is designed to receive broadcasts from radio broadcasting stations in the range

    nah DV and NE. The new model is based on the Alpinist-407 receiver.

    A microcircuit is used in the Alpinista-415 low-frequency amplifier circuit, and a piezoelectric filter is used in the IF circuit. A built-in rectifier has been introduced for power supply from a mains voltage of 127 and 220 V. When powered autonomously, two 3336L batteries or six 343 elements are used. The receiver operates on a dynamic head I GD-39.


    Sensitivity when receiving from the internal magnetic antenna, mV/m, in ranges.

    Nominal range of reproduced frequencies, Hz 200-3,550

    Rated output power, W 0.4

    Dimensions, mm. 26lxl62x7f

    Weight, kg. 1.7

    Approximate price, rub. 36


    The portable four-track stereophonic tape recorder "Kometa-214" with linear output is developed on the basis of the commercially produced tape recorders "Kometa-209" and "Kometa-212".

    “Komet-214” provides two-channel monophonic synchronous recording from microphone inputs, overlaying a new recording onto an existing one, and remote start and stop of the tape. There is an automatic stop at the end of the tape, a meter counter, separate indicators of the recording level by channel with light indication of the recording mode, tone control for higher and lower audio frequencies, and a protection device against short circuits in the load. The tape recorder operates on two dynamic heads 1 GD-40.


    Magnetic tape type... A4407-6B

    Belt speed, cm/s 19.05 n 0.53

    Coil number 18

    Nominal range of reproduced frequencies, Hz, at speed, cm/s:

    #,05 . . 40 18 000

    9,63 ... 63. 12 500

    Rated output power, W 2

    Power consumed from the network, VA 50

    Dimensions, mm 405X372X170

    Weight, kg 11.8

    Approximate price, RUR 260