• Email outlook com. Installing and configuring Outlook: home mailbox

    To configure the program Microsoft Office Outlook To work with your mailbox, you need to add a new account.

    To set up your account you will need the following information:

    • your name, which will be displayed in the "From" field for the recipients of your correspondence.
    • Mailbox address: your mailbox address in full with domain (for example, [email protected]).
    • Login: the name of your mailbox without the domain (for example, user).
    • Password: password for your mailbox.
    • : for example, smtp.km.ru / Port: 25 (STARTTLS encryption can be used) or port: 465 (SSL encryption can be used). An SMTP server for sending mail requires authorization, it must be enabled in the outgoing mail server settings.
    • Incoming mail server (POP3): for example, pop.km.ru / Port: 110 (STARTTLS encryption can be used).
    • Incoming mail server (IMAP): for example, imap.km.ru / Port: 993 (SSL encryption can be used).

    The process of adding a new account is similar for different versions of Microsoft Office Outlook. There may be differences in the organization of the main menu and some of the names of the settings fields. Below is an example of setting up a mailbox in the interface Microsoft Office Outlook 2013.

    If you are using a different version of the program, it will also be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the example. To proceed to creating a new account in other versions of MS Outlook, carefully look through the main menu and find the item. For example, for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, in the main menu, select "Service", then "Setting up accounts...". In the window that appears, click the button "Create..."(see Fig. 2), subsequent settings will be similar to the example described below.

    You can also go to setting up MS Outlook accounts via Windows control panel. To do this, click on the menu button "Start", select item "Control Panel". In the list that opens, find "Mail"- a window will appear "Mail settings - Outlook"(see Fig. 1). Click the button "Accounts"- a list of current accounts will be loaded. To add a new account, click the button "Create..."(see Fig. 2).

    Rice. 1. Setting up mail - Outlook.

    Rice. 2. Setting up accounts.

    Setting up Microsoft Office Outlook 2013

      Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2013. There are two options: You are running the program for the first time after installation, or You have already used the program before.

    1. You will go directly to setting up a new account, enter the data (see Fig. 6):

      • In the field" your name"Indicate your first and last name - this is the name that the recipients of your correspondence will see.
      • In the field" Email address" - the full address of your mailbox indicating the domain.
      • In the field" Password" - the password for your mailbox, then confirm it in the " field Password verification".

      Rice. 6. Setting up a new account.

      You can use automatic account setup, in this case press the button successively "Next" until setup is successful. The program itself will determine the necessary parameters for working with your mailbox; this process will take some time. At the end, a window will appear with a message about successful setup and a button "Ready", click it to start working with the mailbox (see Fig. 7).

      Rice. 7. Automatic account setup.

      Or you can use manual configuration, to do this, set the switch to the "Manual configuration or additional server types" position and press the button "Next"(see Fig. 8).

      Rice. 8. Manual account setup.

      When manually setting up an account, in the next step you need to specify the service - set the switch to "POP or IMAP protocol"(see Fig.9) and press the button "Next".

      Rice. 9. Manual account setup - Selecting a service.

    2. At the next step of manual configuration, you need to specify the connection parameters (see Fig. 10). Some fields will be filled in in accordance with the data specified in the first step of setting up a new account.

      • In the dropdown list "Account Type" select "POP3" or "IMAP".
      • In the field" Incoming mail server"enter the server name in accordance with the template pop.[domain].ru (for example pop.megabox.ru), if you selected the "POP3" protocol and in accordance with the template imap.[domain].ru (for example pop.megabox.ru ), if you chose the "IMAP" protocol. The domain can be km.ru, bossmail.ru, boymail.ru, girlmail.ru, freemail.ru, megabox.ru, safebox.ru - use the domain of your mailbox.
      • In the field" Outgoing mail server (SMTP)"enter the server name in accordance with the template smtp.[domain].ru (for example, smtp.megabox.ru). The domain can be km.ru, bossmail.ru, boymail.ru, girlmail.ru, freemail.ru, megabox.ru, safebox.ru - use the domain of your mailbox.
      • In the field" User" - the name of your mailbox without specifying the domain.
    3. In the field" Password" - password for your mailbox. Check the box "Remember password", if you don’t want to enter a password every time you start the program. If you do not check the box, you will be asked for a password when you start the program and account.
    4. Tick ​​" Secure Password Verification (SPA)" does not need to be set. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive correspondence.

    5. Rice. 10. Manual account setup - Account settings.

      Then click the button "Other settings...". In the window that appears, select the tab "Outgoing mail server" and check the box "SMTP server requires authentication", leave the switch in position "Similar to incoming mail server"(see Fig. 11).

      Rice. 11. Manual account setup - Other settings 1.

      Go to the tab in the same window "Additionally" and check the port numbers:

    6. If in the 4th point you chose to configure using the “POP3” protocol, then set the POP3 server to port 110, SMTP server to port 25 (see Fig. 12).
    7. If in the 4th step you selected the setting using the "IMAP" protocol, then set the IMAP server to port 993 and select the SSL encryption type, SMTP server - port 465 and the SSL encryption type.

    8. Rice. 12. Manual account setup - Other settings 2.

      Click the button "OK"- the additional settings window will close.

      You can run account verification by clicking on the button "Account verification...", or immediately press the button "Next". When checked "Automatically check your account settings when you click Next" the scan will start automatically.

      If you have configured your account using the "IMAP" protocol and use a domain other than km.ru, then when checking your account settings, a warning window "The server with which the connection is established uses a security certificate that cannot be verified" will appear in the field "Should I continue using this server?" answer "Yes".

      Wait until the scan is completed. If setup is successful, you will see a message "Congratulations! All checks completed successfully, click the "Close" button.". Click the button "Close"(see Fig. 13).

      Rice. 13. Manual account setup - Account verification.

      If errors are found during the check (Fig. 14), close the check window and carefully check all the settings; perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

      Rice. 14. Manual account setup - Account verification error.

    9. In the next window you will see a message about successful account creation (see Fig. 15). Click the button "Ready" and you will proceed to working with your mailbox.

    10. Rice. 15. Adding a new account.

      If you have problems setting up your mail program, please contact

    Hello, site readers!

    I already wrote once that I prefer to use Windows Live services for email correspondence and working with documents and files. In my humble opinion, this cloud service is the best of everything currently offered on the market.
    Read this and you will understand that its possibilities are really very extensive. And most importantly, they are free :-)

    So this is what I wanted to tell and show today. Yesterday I went into my mail settings in this service and saw a new menu item:

    Without thinking twice, I clicked and... ended up in a completely new version of Windows Live mailer called Outlook.com

    But first, a cheerful suggestion popped up to try the new mail:

    I, of course, agreed (we’ll go back later, if anything)

    Outlook.Com interface and settings

    Absolutely new and very ascetic appearance. This is what immediately catches your eye. It is clear that it is intended not only for ordinary computers, but also for tablets and smartphones.

    It's called Metro-Style
    Everything loads very quickly. But there were some troubles - read below. It is clear that the shortcomings will soon be eliminated, but still. Maybe we were in a hurry?

    Friends, I specifically created a new mailbox for screenshots for this article. I won’t show you my real account, of course :-)

    If you don’t like the default color, you can set your own color scheme in the interface settings.

    I love orange color.

    By clicking the “Other mail settings” menu item, you will see a standard set of settings as for many other similar mail services. (eg gmail.com)

    Nothing special, except for one point. It's called “Creating an alias for OUTLOOK”

    I really, really liked this setting. It allows you to create multiple email addresses within one Windows Live account (however, it was also in the old live.ru interface)

    Click on the line “Creating an alias for Outlook”

    They ask you to enter a password - enter it!

    It was immediately suggested to create a folder for this mailbox (convenient, but I chose to land these letters in the “Inbox”)

    It's really very convenient. You can use one mailbox name for personal purposes, and another name, for example, for communicating with clients.

    When you write a letter, you just need to choose the desired pseudonym and don’t bother with a bunch of accounts on different services.

    Integration with social media networks

    Naturally, MicroSoft is integrating its email with popular social networks with all the might of hell.

    For example, if you follow the path: Profile Name – Edit Profile(see below),

    then you can quickly connect to well-known social networks. But Russian social networks are not there yet, unfortunately.

    Friends, there are many settings there and they are all intuitive. I will not write a huge manual on this topic, because it is unrealistic and pointless. I can only say one thing - the new email service from Microsoft is very flexible.

    And there are just a lot of opportunities there. For example, 7 GB for storing files in the SkyDrive service. Works very correctly with my tablet and Android smartphone.

    Well, okay, we persuaded you :-) I’ll show you a couple more screenshots :-)

    If you click on this inconspicuous icon, which is highlighted in a red circle, you will see a quick access panel to:

    — Access to the calendar

    — Access to SkyDrive is my favorite feature in Windows Liv. Very convenient and strongly recommend.

    Let me go over these points very briefly:


    A very convenient calendar, not overloaded with unnecessary functions. It even shows the weather :-) Just don’t forget to indicate your city first.

    You can set up event reminders by email and recurring events. For example, renewing a domain for 100 years in advance :-)


    Everything is clear here - we communicate with friends. Directly from here you can connect to your other accounts.


    Again, my favorite feature in WL.

    Very convenient to store files. Please note that you can create documents here.

    By the way, I often use this opportunity. The fact is that when I create, for example, an Excel table here, I am sure that it will open on a regular computer without distortion. I had problems with Google Docs a couple of times and eventually I gave up on it. (From Google)

    — MS Word – text documents

    — MS Excel — tables

    — MS Power Point – presentations. As soon as I remember how many presentations I drew, being a marketer, I don’t come here :-)

    — MS OneNote – notes (can be synchronized with the desktop version of OneNote)

    What else is good?

    And a lot of things! After all, here I am reviewing the web version. And there are also Windows Live applications for a regular computer. And there are already available:

    - parental control function

    — Working with video

    — Working with photos

    — Free antivirus

    In short, you get a whole set of programs and services for everyday work.

    What are the disadvantages of Outlook.Com?

    - This is still a beta version. She glitches. For example, a couple of times my navigation buttons disappeared and I had to log in from the browser address bar.

    — Let's face it, the settings are very, very cleverly hidden. That is, you can set it up without problems, but you won’t find them right away.

    — Periodically throws it into the old Hotmail interface

    — Sometimes you can get lost and it’s not always clear how to return to the main page of the service.

    — Problems with Opera. Obviously, not everything will work correctly in all browsers. Everything works fine in Internet Explorer.

    I didn't like it! How to return back to the previous Hotmail interface?

    To be honest, I played around a little and... returned to the old version. I am working in it “blindly”, and am not yet ready to tolerate the shortcomings listed above.

    When they finish it, I’ll move on completely. If you remember how the first version of this service was launched (2008?), it took almost two years to perfect it.

    Here's how to switch back - just select "Switch to Hotmail":

    What's next?

    - They promise to eliminate all the shortcomings

    — They will add the ability to call on Skype. Let me remind you that Microsoft bought Skype

    — The calendar will be finalized

    — Even closer integration with other MS products (Office, XBOX, Windows, WindowsPhone)

    — All users will be transferred to the new version. But it won't be soon.


    I liked it!

    It is obvious that a GIANT job has been done. But you need to understand that if you expect the same functionality as Outlook from the MS Office office suite, then you will be disappointed. These are completely different products.

    A little more jigsaw work and the product will be perfect. Well, in the meantime, in anticipation of eliminating the shortcomings, I’m sitting on old stuff :-)

    Let's say thank you to Brian Hall - Lead Product Manager

    The most common among them is Outlook.

    The mentioned manager became so widespread thanks to the components that are part of the Microsoft Office office suite.

    It is an effective and easy to use email account manager. Its use significantly improves the convenience of working with emails.

    Using Outlook significantly increases the efficiency of working with email correspondence:

    • All mailboxes are viewable and editable in one program;
    • Dynamic updating allows you not to miss an important email;
    • Sorting by priority and other parameters organizes a large volume of incoming messages;
    • The ability to send messages using the program client makes correspondence more efficient;
    • Backing up received and sent messages eliminates the consequences of force majeure.

    And this is only a small part of the useful features of the program. If you need to effectively manage large volumes of email, then installation is inevitable.

    Operating system compatibility

    Since 1997, many versions of the program have been released. The following table will help you correctly determine the compatibility of the program version and operating system:

    Mail client version

    Windows version

    95 98 Me Xp Vista 7 8
    + + + - - - -
    + + + + - - -
    Outlook 2000 (9) - + + + + - -
    Outlook 2002 (10, XP) - - + + + + -
    Office Outlook 2003 - - + + + + -
    Office Outlook 2007 - - - + + + +
    Office Outlook 2010 - - - - + + +
    Office Outlook 2013 - - - - - + +

    There are also several versions of the program for Mac OS. Versions from 2000 to 2010 in MS Office: mac is replaced by the Entourage program. Outlook was returned to the eleventh version of Office for Mac OS.

    Setting up the Outlook Express email client

    Advice: If the program is already installed and you need to add another mailbox, then the steps are as follows: go to the “File” menu, in the upper left corner of the screen, select “Information” in the drop-down menu, then click on “Add account”.

    Simply filling out this form is not enough for the service to work properly.

    Therefore, you need to check the checkbox next to “Manually configure server parameters or additional server types,” as shown in the illustration above.

    The next window offers three options for connecting a new service:

    You can correctly connect existing e-mail addresses only using the first “Internet E-mail”.

    It is selected by default, so all that remains is to click on the “Next” button.

    In the form that opens after this, the main part of attaching the first or additional

    Back in 1997, Microsoft launched the free email service MSN Hotmail, which allowed users not only to communicate via messages, but also to access various company services. There is no doubt that “MSN Hotmail” has attracted a huge number of users and within 15 years has become the leader in the number of registered users. How to create an email account in MSN Hotmail?

    How to log in to hotmail.com

    First, we need to go to the official website of the service, which contains a link Login to mail.

    We click on it and a page appears in front of us on which we are asked to enter our information to log into your account.

    A logical question arises here - why are we talking about the “MSN Hotmail” service, which includes the domain name @hotmail.com, and Outlook is listed on the page?

    The fact is that this email service is a new version of MSN Hotmail, launched by Microsoft in 2013.

    It is worth noting that users who have an email address that contains the @hotmail.com domain are automatically moved to the new service, so feel free to enter your data and continue working with mail in Outlook.

    For those who do not have an account with Microsoft, and therefore a mailbox in this service, we suggest registering right now, since the whole process takes just a few minutes. So let's begin.

    As you have already noticed, the @outlook.com domain is not the only possible option for registration; fortunately, the service is able to support other addresses. So, fill out all the fields, enter the captcha and click on the Create account button.

    When entering a password for your account, you should take into account the fact that you need to use not only numbers but also upper and lower case letters of the English alphabet.

    In this way, the service minimizes the risk of your account being hacked by third-party users. As you noticed, not all sections can be filled out; for example, I did without a postal code and entering a phone number.

    However, it is worth considering that in this case you need to fill in lines for alternative data, such as the address of another mailbox and date of birth. Belonging to a particular country also does not matter.

    After we clicked Create an account a window of our mail service appears in front of us.

    Now we save in a separate file the login and password for logging into the account, which opens up for us the possibilities of not only the Outlook service, but is also useful for activating some functions of a smartphone and laptop that work with Microsoft applications.

    Outlook.com is Microsoft's free web-based email service. Having an Outlook.com account (even if it ends in @hotmail.com, @live.com, or @msn.com) gives you the ability to read and send mail by signing in to the Outlook.com website.

    Outlook is the Office email application on your computer. Outlook works with Office 365 as well as all leading email providers, including Gmail and Outlook.com. With Outlook, you can send and receive mail through Outlook.com, and view your calendar and contacts. The following options are available in Outlook:

    • Open messages you have already received, regardless of whether you are connected to the Internet.
    • View multiple accounts in one place (not only mail, but also calendars and contacts).
    • Work with other Office applications, such as sending emails in a OneNote notebook.

    You don't have to choose just one thing. You can use both: the Outlook.com website when your computer is not available, and the Outlook application when it is at hand.

    • Effective personal mail
      Free Outlook.com email gives you more ways to stay connected than ever before.
    • Order is easy
      With the cleanup feature, you can archive and delete hundreds of messages in seconds. You can also set up purge rules to automatically delete or block unwanted emails before they reach your inbox.
    • Skype for Outlook.com
      Connect with friends and family over amazing HD video quality with just a click.
    • Planning made easy
      You can view your Outlook.com calendar directly from your email, so you'll always be up to date. Subscribe to online calendars, import events from other calendars, and share your plans with your family to keep everyone in the know. Send invitations, follow up on confirmations, and set up notifications to stay on schedule.
    • Office Online free
      View and edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents right in your inbox for free. To do this, neither you nor your recipients need to install Office - the original document formatting will be preserved even if the corresponding applications are not on the device.
    • Improve your Windows device
      Outlook.com is a powerful, personalized email service that's perfect for Windows. Sign in to Mail in Windows 8.1 with your account and discover unique and powerful email organization tools, automatic sync with Calendar, OneDrive, People, and more.

    Additional features

    Outlook.com Basics

    Below are simple instructions for performing some common tasks.

    • Print message
      On the main menu bar, click the ... (ellipsis) symbol and select Print.
    • Reply to all or forward one message
      Click the down arrow next to the Reply button and select Reply all or Forward.
      Set Reply All as the default option
      2. In the Read email messages section, select the Reply Options link.
      3. In the Automatically send a reply to everyone section, select Yes and click Save.
      4. To return to your mailbox, click the Outlook logo in the top left corner.
    • Create a new message
      Click Create. To add a recipient, do one of the following:
      1. Click the To link and select a recipient from the list of frequently used contacts.
      2. Click in the field below the To link and start typing their name or email address. When the contact you want is displayed, click it.
    • Spell check
      Spell checking in Outlook.com is done by your browser.
      - Most modern browsers check spelling continuously as you type. Words not found in the spelling dictionary are underlined in red. To perform an action, right-click a word.
      - In older versions of browsers such as Internet Explorer 7 or 8, spell checking is started manually. Select Check Spelling from the Outlook.com menu bar. When the spell check is completed, a message will appear at the bottom of the browser. In the message, words that you should pay attention to are underlined in red. To perform an action, right-click a word.

      Spell check options
      - If the correct spelling is present in the list of words, select it.
      - To ignore the selected word when checking spelling in future messages, click Add to dictionary.
      - To have the spell checker ignore the word in the entire current message, select Ignore or Ignore All.
      If spell check isn't working, try updating your browser.

      1. Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then select Settings.
      2. Under Read email messages, select Group by conversation and preload messages.
      3. Select Show messages separately, and then click Save.
      4. To return to your mail, click the Outlook logo.

    • Font and signature
      Change the default font or signature for outgoing mail
      1. Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then select Settings.
      2. In the Email Composition section, select the Formatting, Font, and Signature link.
      You can change the font and create a personal signature. To change the font size in your inbox, adjust the zoom in your browser settings.
    • Changing the appearance of your mailbox
      - To change the color, click the Options icon and select a color from the palette.
      - To change the font size in the mailbox, adjust the zoom in your browser settings.
      - To see the Reading Pane and read messages in it without opening them, tap the Options icon and under Reading Pane, select Right or Bottom.
    • Changing your password
      1. Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then select Settings.
      2. In the Account Management section, select Account Information (password, aliases, time zone).
      3. Sign in (this will help protect your account information).
      4. In the left area, select Password.
      5. Enter your current password. Provide and confirm a new password and click Save.
      6. To return to your mail, click the Outlook logo.

      If you don't remember your password or it doesn't work, go to the page.
      To help us confuse attackers, enter a few letters or numbers that are shown in the picture. Letters are entered case insensitive.

    • Changing settings
      1. Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then select Settings.
      2. On the Settings page, you'll find settings for managing your account, composing messages, fighting spam, setting automatic replies, and more.
    • Navigate to People (contacts), Calendar, and OneDrive
      1. Click the down arrow next to the Outlook logo.
      2. Select People, Calendar, or OneDrive.

      To switch back to Outlook.com, use the same method.

    • Entry and exit

      Click your name in the top right corner and then Sign Out.

    • Working with folders

      To move messages to a folder, do one of the following:
      - Drag the message title to the folder.
      - Check the box next to one or more messages, click the Move to button, and select a folder name.
      - To move messages in one motion, set up a quick action.

      To rename a folder, right-click it and select Rename.
      To add a new top-level folder, right-click the Folders link (top left) and select Add New Folder.
      To add a subfolder, right-click the folder in which you want to create a subfolder and select New Subfolder.
      To delete a folder, right-click it and select Delete. The Inbox, Junk, Drafts, Sent Items, and Message History folders are not deleted.
      To delete all messages from a folder, right-click it, select Empty Folder, and then click Empty.

    • Keyboard shortcuts
      To see a list of keyboard shortcuts that you can use in Outlook.com, press SHIFT+? (question mark).

    Outlook.com for mobile devices

    Use Outlook.com on Windows Phone or Android devices, iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

    Windows Phone

    1. From the Home screen, swipe left to the apps list, tap Settings, and then tap Mail+Accounts.
    2. Click add service.
    3. If you have Windows Phone 8, click Outlook.

    If you have Windows Phone 7, click Windows Live.

    4. Enter your Outlook.com address.