• Facebook: a success story. What is Facebook? History of creation

    The Hollywood film tells the story of a Harvard student who needed a service to find and meet girls.

    This version is as far from the truth as possible, Mark Zuckerberg told Matthias Dopfner in an interview for Die Welt am Sonntag.

    At that time, Mark already had a girlfriend - Priscilla Chan, his current wife, and he himself was obsessed with the Internet. Google was a great tool for finding news, Wikipedia was easy to find what you were looking for background information, but that wasn't enough.

    “There was no service that would allow us to find out anything about other people. I didn’t know how to create such a service, so I started working on other, less universal ones,” Zuckerberg told Dopfner.

    He wrote a small app called Coursematch where people could mark what courses they were taking at university. He also created Facematch, as shown in the movie The Social Network. But as Zuckerberg says, it was just a joke.

    Instead, Facebook came about because one student spent too much time programming and too little time studying. This is the story of how Zuckerberg turned a study service into a social network. And why didn't anyone do this before him?

    But how did it become Facebook?

    Mark Zuckerberg: In the end, everything happened thanks to a subject called “Rome of Augusta”, it was a course in the history of art. There were different pieces of art in class, you were shown several of them, and you had to write an essay about the historical significance of these pieces.

    I didn't pay enough attention to the classes because I was programming at the time, and so when the time came for the final exam, I realized that I was finished, because I knew absolutely nothing about the subject.

    That's why I wrote curriculum, which randomly showed you one of the works of art and you had to point out why exactly it was important in terms of history. I sent this program to a general email and said, “Hey, I made a curriculum here,” and everyone started using it. And the program itself was excellent in a social way training.

    In total, during my studies at Harvard, I made about ten similar programs. I thought it would be nice to combine their functions into one application through which people could share anything with others. This is how the first version of Facebook appeared.

    How long did the development take?

    To create the first Facebook versions it only took a couple of weeks since I already had a lot of things ready.

    When did you feel like your idea could become something big?

    I remember quite well the night I launched Facebook at Harvard. We used to go out for pizza with a friend we were doing computer science assignments with.

    And I remember then saying that I was glad that we at Harvard had a network through which we could communicate, and that someday someone would make the same network around the world.

    Then I didn’t even think that it could be us. No one said, “I hope we can turn this into something big.” I had no idea that this would be our doing. We were just students. When I think back over the past 12 years, what surprises me most is that no one has done this before. And I ask myself why this happened.

    And really, why?

    It seems to me that there were always reasons not to do this. At every stage people told themselves, “This is only for young people,” and no one worked on this idea as much as they could. Or “Okay, some people use this service, but it won’t make money.” Or “Yes, it seems to work in the USA, but it won’t work all over the world.” Or “Oh, it works, but it’s unlikely to work.” mobile devices" These are all excuses, as you probably know.

    And you just went and did it

    Yes. This was just the beginning of Facebook. Now, after 12 years of its history, the company is investing in technologies of the future, from artificial intelligence to virtual reality.

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    Facebook History

    Important points biographies of Mark Zuckerberg, programs created by him earlier. Creation of Facebook. Film "The Story of a Star Boy". Facebook headquarters is in Menlo Park. Company shares: their value and purchase. Book "The Age of Facebook".

    Today it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of the Facebook website. This is the most popular social network that unites millions of users from different countries peace. The Facebook founder, when creating this site, could not even imagine that it would soon become so popular. The number of users is growing every day. The founder of Facebook is today a rich and famous person. The whole world knows about him. The founders of less popular sites can only envy him. This man deserves admiration. In general, Facebook developers did their best, thanks to which people got such a wonderful site.

    But let's focus on the main figure, on creator of the site. If you are not yet familiar with the founder of Facebook, you will probably be interested to know about him. Shall we get started? The founder of Facebook, whose biography will be presented below, is quite interesting person. He was born on May 14, 1984 in a town called White Plains, which is located in the state of New York. By the way, the name of the founder social network - Zuckerberg. And his name is Mark. The Facebook author lived in a large family: there were four children. He was born second. The head of the company had excellent educated parents: a psychiatrist and a dentist.

    On his tenth birthday, his parents gave Mark his first computer - Quantex 486DX, it was then that he realized that there are two categories of people - users and programmers. The future owner of Facebook already understood that the former simply use the PC for personal needs, while the latter bring real benefits. Mark was very proud of his new computer and couldn't tear himself away from the monitor. The one who created Facebook many years later, was just beginning to be interested in programming, tired of boring computer games. Soon Mark created a couple small programs, among which computer version famous board game called "Risk". But this was far from his main achievement at that time. He also created the program Synapse. The boy invented it for his own personal use. The program was, in fact, an “intelligent” mp3 player that remembers information about which tracks, at what time and how many times the owner listens, so that he can then automatically turn on exactly what he likes at a certain moment. Information about this extraordinary program reached Microsoft, and they also learned about Mark himself. AOL also showed interest in his personality. But the little prodigy did not want to sell his program and refused to cooperate with these companies. Without any hesitation, Zuckerberg put an end to the opportunity to get a lot of money and become an employee of one of the best IT companies on the planet.

    Now you know who invented Facebook. Amazing biography! And no wonder, because the one who founded Facebook simply must be an extraordinary person. You could say that Zuckerberg is a genius in his own right. Perhaps you will sometimes remember who created Facebook in order to take an example from him in some way. Biographies of great people motivate.

    Creation of Facebook

    Now let's talk about how Facebook was created. This too interesting story. How was Facebook created? It all started with Harvard. The university had an intranet and it had a place where students uploaded their pictures and personal information. And young Zuckerberg suddenly wanted to have some fun: he created a program that selected any two photographs and made a comparison of who was more beautiful. Many students wanted to evaluate their appearance. By the end of the first day, 4,000 students visited the resource. At the moment when the number of visitors to the site reached 20,000, it broke down, unable to withstand such a load.

    But the brilliant site had already been created at that time. When did Facebook appear? February 4, 2004. Now you know what year the site was founded. Quite a lot of time has passed since then. Today everyone understands that the date of creation of the company was a truly significant event. On this day the world changed. Facebook celebrated its birthday quite recently, a few days ago. Many remembered this date and were surprised at the transience of time.

    When the site was created, people had no idea that it would become so famous. And this happened some time later. You can count how old is the social network. Neither more nor less - ten. Zuckerberg initially named the network "The Facebook". It was intended for university students. Young people liked the site mainly because they could be divided into groups, courses and companies that were in the educational institution.

    When the site went live, Mark told reporters that the network was created in just seven days. He just came up with a website and wrote it right away. The owner of Facebook admitted that four people helped him. They also made significant contributions to the creation of the site. The owners of Facebook, except Mark, are E. McCollum, E. Severin, D. Moskowitz, and also K. Hughes. Don't forget these people. The creators of Facebook did their best when creating the site. Thanks to them, we can now spend interesting time talking with friends, reading news and watching videos. The creators of Facebook gave us a brilliant site. Its genius is evidenced by the huge and constantly growing number of users. The creators of Facebook will forever remain in history. After all, they made a real masterpiece. Now you know how Facebook was created. Not in detail, of course, but at least a little.

    "The Story of a Star Boy"

    The history of Facebook, as you already understand, is very fascinating. If you want to know more, watch the documentary about him. It’s called “The Story of a Star Boy” (it’s a documentary, not a documentary, although it’s based on real events and turned out to be quite interesting). This film leaves no one indifferent. It contains the entire history of the creation of Facebook from beginning to end. Take a look and you won't regret it. The history of the creation of Facebook is described in most detail in this movie. From it you can learn what Facebook developers had to go through before they became famous. The film is so interesting that it is impossible to tear yourself away from the screen.

    Facebook languages

    What is Facebook written on? Used PHP, Java Script , ASP.NET, HTML, JQuery and many other languages. So it is impossible to give one answer to the question of what language the site is written in. It should be understood that this is a very large-scale project. Also on at the moment Even special extensions of standard languages ​​have been developed, which can actually be called independent languages: FBML, FBJS, FQL.

    Headquarters and office

    The site's headquarters is located in the city Menlo Park. It's a pretty nice town. The Facebook office is also located here. Needless to say, everything is here top level. The Facebook office gathers many employees within its walls. Despite the crowd, this is a fairly cozy place.

    Company shares

    How to buy Facebook shares? Find them at. They are indicated by letters FB. By the way, Dzhigurda recently bought shares in Facebook. He also said that he wants to meet with Zuckerberg to give him some useful tips regarding the site. 🙂

    Corporation value

    Another topic that interests many is the cost of Facebook. This really sparks curiosity. How much is Facebook worth? From 85 to 95 billion US dollars. Now you know how much Facebook costs. Agree, impressive? The cost of a corporation is incredibly high. Capitalization also occupies the minds of many curious people. The company's capitalization is 123 billion US dollars. This amount is amazing. The social network's income is surprising. Some may not even be able to sleep at night after learning these numbers. Monitoring the company shows that it has very good prospects.

    "Facebook Era"

    Probably, now few people do not know about the existence of the popular social network Facebook. But few people know about the history of creation and who created Facebook.

    Facebook is one of the most powerful social networks in the world. In just a few years, it has managed to transform itself from a service for communicating with a few friends into a huge online platform. Almost everyone is talking about Facebook now and many cannot imagine life without it, especially for the progressive younger generation.

    Who invented Facebook?

    Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook. This is a young man who has an unconventional view of how people communicate with each other. Some believe that Zuckerberg is a selfless genius who managed to make all of humanity happy. Others are convinced that he is a thief who has no principles and only thinks about getting his hands on more money. Well, someone thinks that the guy is just lucky, who managed to create a service for himself, and in the end promoted it, reaching heights. As they say: “How many people, so many opinions.”

    History of Facebook creation

    Those who are interested in the history of Facebook need, first of all, to find out in what year it was created - in 2004 on February 4th. Then Mark Zuckerberg studied at Harvard University, lived in a dormitory and created the website thefacebook.com. It was created specifically for students studying at Harvard and was a . In a few hours, the site gained several hundred users who could register, create their own pages, post information on them, exchange it with other users, and leave comments. At that time, the young man gave people the opportunity to communicate, and today Facebook has become an important part of a third of the world's population.

    We learned about the name of the creator of Facebook, but there are some facts about the history of the social network that will be interesting to know.

    Interesting facts

    The creator of the Facebook network, Mark Zuckerberg, did not think about the name for a very long time. The fact is that at the school where the young man studied, high school students were given directories with addresses, phone numbers and photos of other students. The guys called this directory “The Facebook”. Only a year later, Zuckerberg decided to remove the article “the” when the opportunity presented itself to buy domain name facebook.com, the cost of which cost 200 thousand USD. Those who are interested in why Zuckerberg chose blue as the main color of the website should know that the young man is deutanopic (he can’t distinguish between green and red colors well, blue – well). The young man not only created Facebook, but also became its first user. On September 26, 2006, Facebook became a public social network. From that moment on, each person can register and create their own page, indicating when registering email address.

    It would seem like an ordinary student prank - creating a website for students to communicate. But this is what led to the fact that an ordinary American guy became the youngest billionaire in history. In 2010, Zuckerberg was featured in the March issue of Forbes magazine, where he was recognized richest man in the world. Zuckerberg's capital was estimated at $4 billion, despite the fact that the young man was then a 25-year-old guy. Just six months after this, the publication’s experts estimated Mark’s fortune at $7 billion.

    Today, the guy’s fortune has grown three times more than when Facebook was created - $13.3 billion. What’s most interesting is that the guy still continues to wear jeans and a T-shirt, sneakers or flip-flops. What the guy is trying to show by this remains a mystery. Either that he is just an ordinary student or that they mean nothing to him.

    Facebook is one of the modern times. Despite this, there are people who have not been able to fully understand all its features.

    Facebook: what is it?

    Facebook is a social network developed in early 2004 and implemented at the end of the same year. At first, the site was called Thefacebook and only Harvard University students had access to it. A little later, the network expanded the range of participants to all students in the United States of America, and two years after its launch, anyone who had reached the age of thirteen and had a personal account could create an account on Facebook. With the expansion of the audience, the site slightly changed its name to simply Facebook, under which it continues continues to develop to this day.

    Today, Facebook is a social network that is the largest and one of the most popular on the Internet. It is noteworthy that the Russian-language version of the site was launched four years after the creation of the network, and at the moment the counter of registered participants from different countries of the planet has already exceeded six hundred million people. But despite such an impressive number, people are divided into two camps: these are adherents of this site and those who, to put it mildly, are not entirely satisfied with the functions responsible for how to use Facebook.

    Registration procedure on the site

    In order to get an account on Facebook, you need to go through standard registration on the official website facebook.com. There you are asked to fill out a registration form, all fields of which are required:

    1. surname;
    2. personal email address (will be used to log into the site);
    3. password (must include latin letters and numbers);
    4. date of birth.

    By the way, after registration you can hide your date of birth for viewing.

    After filling out the form, click “Registration”, after which you will be sent an email to the specified email address confirming your registration. Next, the site will ask you to take a few more steps before you start fully using the service:

    1. Search for friends: the site offers to find your acquaintances already registered on the network with whom you communicated by email (mail.ru, gmail.com or other service), as well as via Skype.
    2. Profile information: indicate your school, university and place of work, as well as your name in English and Russian.
    3. Profile photo: You can upload a photo from your computer or take it from your webcam.

    How to use Facebook?

    Facebook is a social network in its classic form. You optionally indicate personal information (country, city where you live and where you have been, age, education, place of work, etc.), add photos and videos, create lists of your preferences (movies watched, favorite music and performers, teams and athletes , restaurants, clubs, events and the like). You can chat with friends, post interesting posts, and also use additional programs within the network (games, polls and other entertainment).

    But you can use the service not only as a standard social network. It is also possible to use it to promote your business on the Internet and attract new clients.

    Relationships between Facebook users.

    Network users have the opportunity to add other participants as friends, subscribe to their pages and even wink at each other.

    1.Adding friends and subscribing to their updates. In order to protect your account, the developers have provided restrictions on adding friends in the form of a limit of 5,000 people. Also, if you do not have common information with a potential friend (for example, school, university, etc.), then you will be asked if you know the user. If not, you will be given a warning. If there is a large accumulation of such warnings, your account may be blocked.

    When you add a friend, you can subscribe to their updates. There is a special button in his profile for this. Until the user confirms their friendship, you are automatically subscribed to his updates. In the future, you can unsubscribe from them, while maintaining your friendship.

    By the way, your friends are divided into groups by default, which depend on the data you specify. For example, friends from school, university, city, relatives and loved ones. If you want, you can create groups yourself, as you wish.

    2. "Wink" function on Facebook. What is it? Why this application is needed remains a mystery. After all, besides the fact that this is a kind of “Hello” to another user, it does not provide any functionality anymore. You can wink at each other an infinite number of times.

    Correspondence on Facebook

    Messages on Facebook are divided into two types: inbox and other. The second group automatically includes those sent from those who are not your friends on the site. This is done in order to reduce the amount of spam.

    For communication between users, a special e-mail"Facebook". What is it? This is your personal Facebook email address, which consists of your name and ends with @facebook.com. For example, [email protected].

    To view the archive of your correspondence, just go to “Messages”. Then a window will open displaying full list your interlocutors. You can also exchange messages on the site via chat. Then each of your correspondence will be open in a small window at the bottom of the browser, and you can further study, for example, your news feed.

    Facebook and your website

    Today you may not have your own website, but almost all entrepreneurs have a group or community on a social network. Many people create an account, and in addition they also create a page with their business. This can be either a company profile or a group for your personal business, for example, if you sew clothes to order or paint pictures.

    If you have both a page on a social network and your own website, then to achieve your goal (distributing information about your business and attracting more clients) it is necessary that these two resources overlap with each other. To do this, a widget for your Facebook community is placed on the site. What is it?

    A group widget is a small block that contains information about your page on a social network, for example, the number of subscribers and the last post posted. With its help, a site visitor can also join a group and be always up to date with your latest news.

    How to add a Facebook widget to a website? To place it, you need to insert a special html code into the page of your website, which can be obtained on the Facebook website in the section for developers.

    There you click on "Lixe Box" and create your widget by simply filling out the form:

    1. Facebook Page URL - paste the copied address of your group on Facebook.
    2. Width - specify the width of the future widget.
    3. Height - specify the height of the widget.
    4. Show Friends’ Faces - check this box if you want the widget to display subscribers’ faces.
    5. Show Posts - check the box if you want the widget to display the latest posts of the group.

    After filling out all the lines, click “Get code” and copy the result to the pages of your site.

    Mobile version of Facebook

    Today, many websites exist in two versions: regular and mobile. Facebook is no exception.

    The mobile version of the service has a more simplified interface. Removed here extra pictures and video, only text remains, which significantly increases page processing speed. How to use Facebook in such a simplified version? It's just as simple! You, as before, can use all Facebook features: view pages, photos and videos, write messages, change status, comment, and so on.

    It is worth noting that more than a third of participants already use predominantly mobile version social network.

    Difference between Facebook and other social networks

    The main difference between Facebook is not the interface, as one might assume. Its peculiarity lies in a number of functions that are not available to other social networks. The most valuable of them is the privacy settings.


    Our goal was not to make a giant social network. Our goal was: to make a site where you could write someone's name and get various information about this person. (Mark Zuckerberg)

    Agree, nowadays many Internet users have their own social pages. This means that they are registered on various social networks. Some in one, some in many at once. It all depends on the specific purpose of your communication.

    This Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, In the Circle of Friends, the world of communication through short statements (like a micro-blog), Twitter and of course Facebook.

    At this point in time, there are many more social services. There we can communicate, exchange information, post our thoughts and look at photographs.

    Music lovers can listen to their favorite music and so on. All the advantages cannot be counted. Social networks make us closer to each other, and this is the biggest advantage of these services.

    Of course, I am also no exception, and I have my own pages on some social networks that I like. (You can find me there if you click on the buttons for these services at the end of the article.)

    I wonder, have you ever thought about which social network appeared first?

    Who created Facebook?

    Facebook is one of my favorite social networks at the moment.

    There I have my own page and many friends who are dear to me and with whom I communicate. By the way, today, on the day the article was published, is the birthday of one of my friends. So happy birthday to him! Respect to him and respect for the help he provides to me and his other friends!

    So who created Facebook?

    The founder of Facebook is a young man who dropped out of Harvard because of his passion for creating the social network Facebook.

    Facebook is currently the largest social network in the world.

    Mark Zuckerberg - born May 14, 1984, White Plains, New York, USA. Zuckerberg's father worked as a dentist, and his mother worked as a psychiatrist. He is the second child and the only boy of four children in the family. He has three sisters - Randi (the eldest), Donna and Ariel.

    During his school years, Mark became very interested in computer programming, developed an online version of the game “Risk” and after graduating from school he entered Harvard University to study psychology. At Harvard, Mark additionally took computer programming courses.

    While studying at Harvard University, Mark lived in a dorm in the same room with his friends - students Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz (future assistants in the development of Facebook).

    The idea of ​​creating Facebook came to young Mark when he was still studying at a prestigious private school in New Hampshire. Every year the school published something like a directory with student contact information.

    This directory contained all the information about the person: his photograph, first name, last name and residential address. And this directory was called: The Facebook, which literally means “face book.”

    One day, student Mark Zuckerberg decided to take the initiative and came up with a proposal to create a similar resource at the University. But, as you know, the initiative is not always appropriate, and the administration of this institution refused him. They simply said that this violates the student privacy policy.

    But this guy was not one of those who gave up his ideas and plans. And, one day, when he was already in his second year, Mark wrote code for the Internet site “Facemash”. It was a website that featured photographs of young people placed in pairs. The site user simply had to vote for their favorite photo. This happened on October 28, 2003.

    This is where his programming knowledge came in handy and Mark calmly hacked into secure sections of the Harvard University computer database in order to copy all the students’ photographs and then post them on the website.

    You can’t imagine, but the Facemash website attracted 450 visitors and 22,000 photo views in the first two hours of operation.

    It was something incredible!!!

    The site quickly gained popularity, but a few days later it was closed by the administration of Harvard University. And Mark Zuckerberg was accused of the following counts: violation of copyright and privacy. For this they threatened to expel him from his studies at the University.

    I don’t know what exactly subsequently influenced the administration’s decision, but the charges were soon dropped. And Mark, with renewed vigor, began work on his initial project.

    Soon he opened a website where his classmates began to share their thoughts about his project.

    In January 2004, Mark Zuckerberg decided to write code for a new website. He was inspired by inspiration and creative flight. There was no stopping Mark. And so, on February 4, 2004, the initial version of the social network Facebook appears at the address: Thefacebook.

    But, a week after the site was launched, three Harvard University students: Cameron Winklevoss, Divya Narendra and Tyler Winklevoss accused Mark Zuckerberg of dishonesty.

    They said he deliberately misled them in order to misinform their understanding of what was really going on. Allegedly, he promised to help them create the social network “HarvardConnection.comHar”, but instead he appropriated their idea and built a competing site. An investigation began, and soon a lawsuit was filed against Mark.

    Meanwhile, more than half of the University’s students were registered on the social network within the first month. The network gained popularity, and soon Mark Zuckerberg was joined by Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Eduardo Saverin (CFO), Andrew McCollum (artist) and Chris Hughes to help promote and improve the site.

    In March 2004, Facebook users increased even more. Students from Stanford and Columbia University joined this social network. A little later, students from other educational institutions were also involved in this.

    Since 2004, Facebook's headquarters have been located in Palo Alto, California. In mid-2004, Facebook registered as a company and Sean Parker became its first president.

    Sean Parker finds the first investors for Facebook. Soon the company already receives its first investments. But, in 2005, Parker leaves Facebook, but does not stop taking part in the development of the company and regularly meets with Mark Zuckerberg.

    In 2005, the company bought a domain name and now it is facebook.com and since September 26, 2006, access to this social network was opened for every user over 13 years old and having an email address.

    In 2007, Microsoft acquired a 1.6% stake in Facebook for $240 million and valued the entire company at $15 billion. Microsoft gains rights to post international ads on Facebook.

    In October 2008, Facebook's international headquarters opened in Dublin.

    In 2010, at the peak of Facebook’s popularity, director David Fincher’s film “The Social Network” was released, which tells the story of the creation of Facebook. Be sure to watch this movie. It will give you a new perspective on the development and creation of this social network.

    On October 4, 2012, a great event took place, which Mark Zuckerberg announced on his page: the social network had its billionth user. This means that according to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet is registered on Facebook.

    The only competitors of this most popular social network are Google+ and Twitter, but they are far behind the leader.

    Only thanks to this site, Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire in the world at the age of 23.

    Do you know that there is very interesting facts Mark Zuckerberg's personality?

    He is deutanopic (characteristic of 1% of people, a form of partial color blindness, usually congenital, characterized by decreased sensitivity to certain colors, mainly green) and distinguishes between red and green colors significantly worse than Facebook's main color - blue.

    In the animated series "The Simpsons", in one of the episodes, Mark Zuckerberg voiced himself.

    Interesting fact: in January 2011, an unknown hacker hacked his Facebook page.

    Back in college, Mark was noticed by Microsoft employees after he wrote the Synapse program, which allowed the computer to independently compose a sequence of musical hits for its owner.

    That's it. You have learned the whole truth about:

    Who created Facebook.

    I hope you found it not only useful, but also interesting to learn the story about a simple guy Mark Zuckerberg, who revolutionized our entire understanding of communication via the Internet.

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