• FGUP for Lighthouse Pokhlebaev. Pokhlebaev Mikhail Ivanovich - biography. – That is, it was a difficult choice for you then. Why

    The office of the general director of PA Mayak, at first glance, bears little resemblance to the workplace of the first head of the city-forming enterprise of the nuclear closed administrative unit. Sports cups in cabinets and on tables, hockey uniforms in a prominent place and sticks with autographs of famous players of the Metallurg hockey club... And Mikhail Ivanovich himself does not strive to give the impression of a closed person. He talks a lot about his vision of what Ozyorsk and the Urals should be like, where the Pokhlebaev family has lived for almost three centuries, the PA “Mayak” led by them today, and all of Russia. Mikhail Pokhlebaev surprised FederalPress journalist more than once during the conversation with his openness and willingness to express his personal view on issues that were far from production-related. Details are in the exclusive interview with the general director of Mayak PA on the expert channel.

    “I won’t go there voluntarily...”

    – Mikhail Ivanovich, when you first came to Mayak in 2014, some media wrote that the decision to change the post of head of the Instrument-Making Plant in Trekhgorny to the position of general director of Mayak was not an easy one for you. And they even quoted your words: “I won’t go there voluntarily if they only order... The question is what is required of me there and how much does this correspond to my principles as a manager and a citizen...” Didn’t the journalists get it wrong, that’s what happened?

    – That is, it was a difficult choice for you then. Why?

    – Well, can you imagine: Trekhgorny has a population of 30 thousand, the plant is ten times smaller than Mayak, everything is fine with production. There are no environmental problems. I have a house built, age 60. Basically, for an ordinary person – that’s all, what else?

    - And then an offer comes from Kiriyenko, right?

    I regarded the proposal from Sergei Vladilenovich as a military order. And there were no more applicants for this place. Either they did not suit the opinion of the head of Rosatom, or they themselves refused. But I made the decision only after talking with Kiriyenko.

    – At that meeting, you could not help but discuss the future of the plant. Tell me, how do you see Mayak in a few years?

    – This is an enterprise that produces half of the isotopes in the world for various irradiators. This is an enterprise that processes up to 1000 tons of fuel per year, produces all components for ammunition and has revenue of 50 billion rubles per year. Where there are smiling staff and people live in nice houses. Of course, so that there is a spiritual life and a better environment.
    And these are not dreams. Our prospects are good. Mayak is in demand not only within the nuclear industry, but also beyond it, in the field of high technology. And when you are financially and economically stable, when you have high scientific and technological potential, you can outshine any competitor.

    – Does the company also operate on the foreign market?

    - Yes. We will process fuel from Bulgaria. They fought for this echelon for almost three years. They thought for a long time whether to transport the fuel or store it. Nuclear power plant fuel is stored in many places in Europe. But even our Russian market with its number of Mayak reactors is quite enough. Plus there is Bushehr (a nuclear power plant in Iran near the city of Bushehr, built with the participation of Russia - ed.) and many power units under construction around the world, the fuel of which we have to process. In two to four years we will have a lot of this work. The fuel will rest in the station pools and can be transported for processing. Plus, we will further confirm our processing capabilities for the secondary involvement of fuel [in production].

    “I have a certain energy, and it pushes me to action”

    – Tell us, how is the implementation of the project for obtaining the status of a TASED (Territory of Advanced Socio-Economic Development. - Ed.) going on for Ozyorsk?

    – In short, now everything comes down to legal casuistry, since today the status of a PSEDA and the status of a single-industry town seem to be incompatible. As soon as it is resolved, I hope a resolution will be signed immediately according to which Ozersk will receive the status of a PSEDA. We are highly prepared. It is possible, roughly speaking, to organize a new production facility in two months.

    - Why does the city need TASED status at all?

    It so happened that the closed cities of Rosatom were created for the nuclear industry enterprises under construction. The best specialists from all over the country were selected here. And the next generations after them are the gene pool of those best specialists. In the 90s and subsequent 2000s, many left here. And last year, for the first time, the outflow of population was less than the influx. But the question arises: what to do with [those who come]? That is why, in addition to Mayak and the existing enterprises in the city, we need new companies with new jobs, intellectual and knowledge-intensive, attractive to young people and everyone who comes. This is why we need TASED.

    – Do you want to make Ozyorsk not just a closed city that was once built around a top-secret enterprise, but a territory attractive for business?

    - Yes. And it will also be a business incubator, an incubator of ideas. The brains here are good. The people are right. They want challenging tasks and they will get them. In particular, thanks to TASED projects.

    - It’s clear about business, but what is the interest of ordinary Ozero residents here, can you explain? Why do they need this?

    - “Mayak” is not all of Ozyorsk. But we want those who do not work for us to live as well as possible. We feel responsible for life in the city and region. If we wait for someone to come and do it, we will get nothing. Everyone still has to contribute a little bit. I don’t feel this responsibility on paper, I just have a certain energy in me, and it pushes me to action.

    “Businessmen cannot participate in local government”

    – Now the city is headed by people from Mayak, your recent subordinates are the head of the administration Evgeny Yuryevich Shcherbakov and the chairman of the meeting of deputies Oleg Vyacheslavovich Kostikov. In essence, the plant took on political responsibility for the city. Isn't that a burden?

    – The load doesn’t press at all. You see, if you are weak, then you will never grow to responsibility. If you are strong, then it matches your life, pace, efforts. Of course, it takes a lot of time to overcome the resistance of people who would like to stop us. Unfortunately, there are such people in Ozyorsk.

    -Where does this resistance come from?

    Maybe it’s because of my belief that in our current situation, businessmen cannot actively participate in local government. Because they immediately begin to solve their problems. How was it just recently? They went into any office and, hiding behind the status of a deputy, solved their problems. This situation needs to stop. It is necessary that people [in power] be relatively independent, who do not do something for the sake of their business.

    – Does Mayak currently take part in city programs? I know that the plant actively helps the city in road construction.

    – Last year the city didn’t have the most favorable picture: Ozyorsk’s budget was shrinking, the overall dynamics were negative. And in order to somehow improve life - roads were in the first place among other problems - we decided that we could take on city roads and make them for little money. We have our own asphalt-bitumen plant and road equipment. We did not need the profit from these works.

    – Does Mayak maintain social programs? How much are they valued at today?

    Even when the situation was rather bad, we did not reduce the volume [of assistance]. There is a basic social program, let’s call it “Mayakovskaya”. Its size is just under 400 million rubles. This includes assistance in purchasing housing in the form of an interest-free subsidy, compensation for half the mortgage rate, various payments to pensioners, preferential trips to the dispensary for children and pensioners, and a voluntary health insurance program for all employees. There are various sponsorship programs. There can be a variety of reasons and circumstances. Someone needs help with a trip to the World Checkers Championship, someone with an expensive medicine. This program is open to not only Mayakovsk workers and veterans, but also any resident of the city.

    “We still have thousands of years to live with Karachay...”

    – Mikhail Ivanovich, “Mayak” remains the flagship of scientific and technical thought for everyone, it is one of the largest, most powerful enterprises. But many people, after the well-known events of 1957, continue to associate it with an environmental problem. Tell us what is being done to overcome the consequences of those years?

    – You see, our problems are all in plain sight. The largest of them is Karachay, where waste was dumped in large quantities in the first years of the nuclear project. There are two Chernobyls buried there. There is the Techa cascade of reservoirs, where waste was also dumped, without knowing or understanding what to do with it at that time. In the West, by the way, in those years they did approximately the same thing: they poured waste into deep rivers, and then it was all carried into the ocean and dissolved there. But the Techa River turned out to be not such a suitable reservoir into which waste could be dumped relatively painlessly. We have completely closed the Karachay water area. But it’s like a sleeping tiger, with which you will have to live for tens and hundreds of years, and which you need to constantly monitor.

    – So, Karachay, despite the fact that it was buried, should be monitored? And this period will be indefinitely long?

    We cooperate with various organizations that are great specialists in the field of hydrogeology, because a lot of us [waste from the plant’s activities] actually lies underground. And based on [their recommendations], we organize our activities to ensure a safe environmental future. We control not only Karachay. The territory that we have covered by monitoring is larger in area than the Leningrad region. Sensors are installed in 1.5 thousand special wells, the readings of which are monitored around the clock. So environmental control on our vast territory is set at the highest level.

    “Let’s go and have a drink!”

    – I know that you were interested in the history of your family, you even compiled a family tree of your family. If I'm not mistaken, a significant part of your ancestors are connected with the Urals.

    I was able to document the history of the family on the paternal side until the 1740s, where there is a clear birth record. Accordingly, the father of this child was born around 1707-1708. In general, my dad is from the village of Karaulovka, Katav-Ivanovsky district. And to this day, all my ancestors on his line are from there. It is curious that the village of Karaulovka was taken from somewhere in the central part of Russia back in the 16th-17th centuries. Maybe someone lost peasants to someone else at cards, I don’t know. They all pronounced “ts” instead of “ch”: “Let’s go, let’s have some tea” - it was an interesting conversation. It was so surprising to me: I came to them as a boy in Soviet times, and they had a “tsai” there... It was a large village: 1,700 people, of which 900 were parishioners, 800 were women. That is, almost everything. And there was some kind of sect there, 17 people. Now there is nothing in that place, only Christmas trees in the fields.
    My grandfather was accused of being a kulak. Those who dispossessed it wore rubber boots on their bare feet in winter. And my ancestors, as I read, were respected for their hard work and ingenuity: my grandfather had either a seeder or a winnowing machine, which he built himself, and several horses and cows. And for this his family was treated with fists and destitute.
    And my mother is completely unknown where she comes from. During the war, children from front-line areas were taken to the Urals, so it ended up in the Chelyabinsk region, in the Katav-Ivanovsky district. As I later found out, there was first one adoption, then another. Even her date of birth in the documents is random: it was written down as November 7th.

    – Were you in the archives yourself?

    - Wife. Well, can you imagine: if the husband is a director, then no matter where the wife gets a job, they will definitely say, they say, through connections. That’s why we cut it all off at the very beginning, so that there wouldn’t even be any conversations. The wife takes care of the house, and if necessary, the grandchildren, and that’s it. Well, and more research. And my wife also has friends who work at the Aksakov Foundation in Ufa (the memorial house-museum of the writer Sergei Aksakov in Ufa - ed.) and they helped read and disassemble ancient documents.

    – While still working in Trekhgorny, you supported the construction of a local church and the creation of a Sunday parish school. Is this so important to you?

    – People are increasingly coming to understand that patriotism always goes hand in hand with spirituality. When we left Trekhgorny, there were not enough places for children in the parish school. And here about the same thing happens. Here, look: Andrey Ilyich Komarov (co-owner of ChelPipe, a native of Ozyorsk - ed.) built a temple here, which is fully equipped. And there is a church school, the flock is growing. Of course, here too we will contribute to these processes to the best of our ability. Because all our work, both through social programs and through supporting the religious self-awareness of people... everything should work for the mill of Russia’s revival. This sounds pompous, but we all need to work hard in order to become better ourselves and revive Russia.

    Photo by Evgeniy Potorochin

    If you have witnessed any event, send messages, photos and videos to the editorial office, or through, as well as to our group

    Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region since September 13, 2015
    Faction: United Russia
    Constituency: Ozersky constituency No. 4
    Member of the committee: Legislative Assembly Committee on Industrial Policy and Transport
    Born on May 25, 1958 in Zlatoust. Graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N.E. Bauman (1981), radio engineer. Completed a course of study under the EMBA program “Strategic Finance” at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (2005-2008).
    Served in the Armed Forces (1982-2004): engineer of the military assembly brigade group, assistant, district engineer, senior expert of the special department, head of the general technical and conversion department, deputy head of the Department of Nuclear Munitions Industry of the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy.
    He worked as Deputy Head of the Department of Nuclear Ammunition Industry of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (2004-2008), Deputy Director of the Department of Nuclear Ammunition Industry, Acting Director of the Department of Nuclear Ammunition Industry of the State Corporation Rosatom (2008-2009).
    In 2009-2014 - General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Instrument-Making Plant" (Trekhgorny).
    Since December 2014 - Acting General Director of FSUE PA Mayak, and since April 2015 - General Director of FSUE PA Mayak.
    Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology, State Advisor of the Russian Federation 3rd class, colonel. Award "Gratitude of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region".
    Married. Two daughters, seven grandchildren.
    Hobbies: tourism, hunting, photography, beekeeping.
    State awards and insignia:
    Order of Honor, medal “300 years of the Russian Navy”, badge “E.P. Slavsky", anniversary medal "50 years of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense", medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Participant in the elimination of fires in 2010", medal "55 years of military unit 3442", badge "90 years of the Military Commissariats of the Russian Ministry of Defense", medal of the Russian Ministry of Defense "For Merit in nuclear support", medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "XX years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia", medal of the FSTEC of Russia "For strengthening the state information security system", anniversary medal "200 years of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For the Commonwealth in the name of salvation", breastplate RP RAEP badge “For interaction and social partnership”, II degree, commemorative medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “Marshal Vasily Chuikov”, insignia of the State Corporation “Rosatom”, “For services to the nuclear industry” II degree, Honorary diploma and the highest award of the International Foundation of Slavic Literature and culture - medal of Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles, anniversary medal of the RF Ministry of Defense “100 years of the Air Force”. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology, laureate of the All-Russian project “Effective Personnel Management”.
    Awarded with gratitude from the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

    We hope our readers remember the epic with attempts to get answers from the general director of Mayak PA and deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly Mikhail Pokhlebaev to the questions asked to him by Ozersk residents.

    Let us briefly recall that in the spring of this year the editors of the site announced an information campaign “People's Question”, during which questions asked to him by city residents were collected and transmitted to M. Pokhlebaev’s reception on May 11. A month later, without waiting for answers, the editors sent a letter to the prosecutor's office of the ZATO city of Ozersk with a request to conduct an investigation into the violation of citizens' rights to provide information and, if necessary, take prosecutorial response measures.

    A response was received to this letter signed by... O. city ​​prosecutor, senior justice adviser V. Kravtsov.

    « When checking the questions attached to the letter, it was found that they do not meet the requirements... Art. 7 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.” In this connection, the above issues are left without consideration. In addition, according to the response of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PA "Mayak" to the request of the prosecutor's office sent as part of the inspection, some of the statements that are designated as questions from readers are offensive in nature... Thus, during the investigation by the prosecutor's office of the ZATO of Ozersk, no investigation was found regarding your appeal grounds for taking prosecutorial response measures...»

    In addition to M. Pokhlebaev’s “insults” in response to direct questions from his constituents, the prosecutor’s office saw a violation of the procedure for citizens’ requests in the fact that the questions were asked not from a specific person with a very specific address to which an answer could be sent, but from a certain indefinite group of people – “readers” .

    Paragraph 3 of Article 11 of the Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” says: “ A state body, local government body or official, upon receipt of a written appeal that contains obscene or offensive language... has the right to leave the appeal unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it and inform the citizen who sent the appeal about the inadmissibility of abuse of rights».

    That is, even if the questions asked to Pokhlebaev by the residents of Ozersk really seemed offensive ( although it is not customary to be offended by the truth), he was still obliged to answer. At least write something like “I don’t like your questions, and I spit on you.” And do it ( don't spit, but answer) within 30 days from the date of registration of the written request.

    Okay, we are not proud, we tried again. Now, in accordance with all the rules of appeals, a letter with questions to M. Pokhlebaev’s reception was submitted from a very specific person - one of the editorial staff, indicating his home address and telephone number. As expected, there was no response from Mikhalvanovich again. We are writing another appeal to the prosecutor’s office - in exactly the same way, in accordance with all legal requirements. And the prosecutor in Ozersk had changed by that time, we think - let him show his integrity, this is just a convenient opportunity for this.

    And then the other day an answer came, already signed by the new prosecutor, Justice Advisor Alexei Vakhrushev. As they say, guess twice what is written there? That's right - refusal again. Only the version is different, read more carefully.

    “...The goals of the activities of FSUE PA Mayak, according to the Charter of the enterprise, are the development and manufacture of certain types of products, the implementation of scientific and scientific-technical activities, the use of property and making a profit. FSUE PA "Mayak" is not an organization that carries out publicly significant functions... Accordingly, the general director of FSUE PA "Mayak" cannot be classified as one of the officials whose procedure for considering appeals is regulated by Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 "On Procedure consideration of appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation..." There are no objective grounds for taking prosecutorial response measures based on the results of the inspection..."

    There it is, Mikhalych! M. Pokhlebaev - it turns out that he is not an official and does not perform publicly significant functions, and therefore there can be no demand from him. Interestingly, is being in the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region also not “exercising publicly significant functions”? After all, among the questions asked to him by Ozersk residents were those that directly related to his deputy activities. What law will you adjust this to, gentlemen, prosecutors?

    09 August 2017

    The office of the general director of PA Mayak, at first glance, bears little resemblance to the workplace of the first head of the city-forming enterprise of the nuclear closed administrative unit. Sports cups in cabinets and on tables, hockey uniforms in a prominent place and sticks with autographs of famous players of the Metallurg hockey club... And Mikhail Ivanovich himself does not strive to give the impression of a closed person. He talks a lot about his vision of what Ozyorsk and the Urals should be like, where the Pokhlebaev family has lived for almost three centuries, the PA “Mayak” led by them today, and all of Russia. Mikhail Pokhlebaev surprised FederalPress journalist more than once during the conversation with his openness and willingness to express his personal view on issues that were far from production-related. Details are in the exclusive interview with the general director of Mayak PA on the expert channel.

    Mikhail Ivanovich, when you first came to Mayak in 2014, some media wrote that the decision to change the post of head of the Instrument-Making Plant in Trekhgorny to the position of general director of Mayak was not an easy one for you. And they even quoted your words: “I won’t go there voluntarily if they only order... The question is what is required of me there and how much does this correspond to my principles as a manager and a citizen...” Didn’t the journalists get it wrong, that’s what happened?


    That is, it was a difficult choice for you then. Why?

    Well, can you imagine: Trekhgorny - 30 thousand population, the plant is ten times smaller than Mayak, everything is fine with production. There are no environmental problems. I have a house built, age 60. Basically, for an ordinary person - that’s all, what else?

    And then an offer comes from Kiriyenko, right?

    I regarded the proposal from Sergei Vladilenovich as a military order. And there were no more applicants for this place. Either they did not suit the opinion of the head of Rosatom, or they themselves refused. But I made the decision only after a conversation with Kiriyenko.

    At that meeting, you could not help but discuss the future of the plant. Tell me, how do you see Mayak in a few years?

    This is an enterprise that produces half of the isotopes in the world for various irradiators. This is an enterprise that processes up to 1000 tons of fuel per year, produces all components for ammunition and has revenue of 50 billion rubles per year. Where there are smiling staff and people live in nice houses. Of course, so that there is a spiritual life and a better environment.

    And these are not dreams. Our prospects are good. Mayak is in demand not only within the nuclear industry, but also beyond it, in the field of high technology. And when you are financially and economically stable, when you have high scientific and technological potential, you can outshine any competitor.

    Does the company also operate on the foreign market?

    Yes. We will process fuel from Bulgaria. They fought for this echelon for almost three years. They thought for a long time whether to transport the fuel or store it. Nuclear power plant fuel is stored in many places in Europe. But even our Russian market with its number of Mayak reactors is quite enough. Plus there is Bushehr (a nuclear power plant in Iran near the city of Bushehr, built with the participation of Russia - ed.) and many power units under construction around the world, the fuel of which we have to process. In two to four years we will have a lot of this work. The fuel will rest in the station pools and can be transported for processing. Plus, we will further confirm our processing capabilities for the secondary involvement of fuel [in production].

    Tell us how the implementation of the project for obtaining TASED (Territory of Advanced Socio-Economic Development) status for Ozersk is going on? - Ed.)?

    To put it very briefly, now everything comes down to legal casuistry, since today the status of a PSEDA and the status of a single-industry town seem to be incompatible. As soon as it is resolved, I hope a resolution will be signed immediately according to which Ozyorsk will receive the status of a PSEDA. We are highly prepared. It is possible, roughly speaking, to organize a new production facility in two months.

    Why does the city need TASED status at all?

    It so happened that the closed cities of Rosatom were created for the nuclear industry enterprises under construction. The best specialists from all over the country were selected here. And the next generations after them are the gene pool of those best specialists. In the 90s and subsequent 2000s, many left here. And last year, for the first time, the outflow of population was less than the influx. But the question arises: what to do with [those who come]? That is why, in addition to Mayak and the existing enterprises in the city, we need new companies with new jobs, intellectual and knowledge-intensive, attractive to young people and everyone who comes. This is why we need TASED.

    Do you want to make Ozyorsk not just a closed city that was once built around a top-secret enterprise, but an area attractive for business?

    Yes. And it will also be a business incubator, an incubator of ideas. The brains here are good. The people are right. They want challenging tasks and they will get them. In particular, thanks to TASED projects.

    It’s clear about business, but what is the interest of ordinary Ozersk residents here, can you explain? Why do they need this?

    - “Mayak” is not all of Ozyorsk. But we want those who do not work for us to live as well as possible. We feel responsible for life in the city and region. If we wait for someone to come and do it, we will get nothing. Everyone still has to contribute a little bit. I don’t feel this responsibility on paper, I just have a certain energy in me, and it pushes me to action.

    Now the city is headed by people from Mayak, your recent subordinates are the head of the administration Evgeny Yuryevich Shcherbakov and the chairman of the meeting of deputies Oleg Vyacheslavovich Kostikov. In essence, the plant took on political responsibility for the city. Isn't that a burden?

    The load does not press at all. You see, if you are weak, then you will never grow to responsibility. If you are strong, then it matches your life, pace, efforts. Of course, it takes a lot of time to overcome the resistance of people who would like to stop us. Unfortunately, there are such people in Ozyorsk.

    Where does this resistance come from?

    Maybe it’s because of my belief that in our current situation, businessmen cannot actively participate in local government. Because they immediately begin to solve their problems. How was it just recently? They went into any office and, hiding behind the status of a deputy, solved their problems. This situation needs to stop. It is necessary that people [in power] be relatively independent, who do not do something for the sake of their business.

    - Does Mayak currently take part in city programs? I know that the plant actively helps the city in road construction.

    Last year, the city did not have the most prosperous picture: Ozyorsk’s budget was declining, the overall dynamics were negative. And in order to somehow improve life - roads were in the first place among other problems - we decided that we could take on city roads and make them for little money. We have our own asphalt-bitumen plant and road equipment. We did not need the profit from these works.

    Does Mayak maintain social programs? How much are they valued at today?

    Even when the situation was rather bad, we did not reduce the volume [of assistance]. There is a basic social program, let’s call it “Mayakovskaya”. Its size is just under 400 million rubles. This includes assistance in purchasing housing in the form of an interest-free subsidy, compensation for half the mortgage rate, various payments to pensioners, preferential trips to the dispensary for children and pensioners, and a voluntary health insurance program for all employees. There are various sponsorship programs. There can be a variety of reasons and circumstances. Someone needs help with a trip to the World Checkers Championship, someone with an expensive medicine. This program is open to not only Mayakovsk workers and veterans, but also any resident of the city.

    Mikhail Ivanovich, “Mayak” remains the flagship of scientific and technical thought for everyone; it is one of the largest, most powerful enterprises. But many people, after the well-known events of 1957, continue to associate it with an environmental problem. Tell us what is being done to overcome the consequences of those years?

    You see, our problems are all in plain sight. The largest of them is Karachay, where waste was dumped in large quantities in the first years of the nuclear project. There are two Chernobyls buried there. There is the Techa cascade of reservoirs, where waste was also dumped, without knowing or understanding what to do with it at that time. In the West, by the way, in those years they did approximately the same thing: they poured waste into deep rivers, and then it was all carried into the ocean and dissolved there. But the Techa River turned out to be not such a suitable reservoir into which waste could be dumped relatively painlessly. We have completely closed the Karachay water area. But it’s like a sleeping tiger, with which you will have to live for tens and hundreds of years, and which you need to constantly monitor.

    That is, Karachay, despite the fact that it was filled up, should be monitored? And this period will be indefinitely long?

    We cooperate with various organizations that are great specialists in the field of hydrogeology, because a lot of us [waste from the plant’s activities] actually lies underground. And based on [their recommendations], we organize our activities to ensure a safe environmental future. We control not only Karachay. The territory that we have covered by monitoring is larger in area than the Leningrad region. Sensors are installed in 1.5 thousand special wells, the readings of which are monitored around the clock. So environmental control on our vast territory is set at the highest level.

    I know that you were interested in the history of your family, you even compiled a family tree of your family. If I'm not mistaken, a significant part of your ancestors are connected with the Urals.

    I was able to document the history of the family on the paternal side until the 1740s, where there is a clear birth record. Accordingly, the father of this child was born around 1707-1708. In general, my dad is from the village of Karaulovka, Katav-Ivanovsky district. And to this day, all my ancestors along his line are from there. It is curious that the village of Karaulovka was taken from somewhere in the central part of Russia back in the 16th-17th centuries. Maybe someone lost peasants to someone else at cards, I don’t know. They all pronounced “ts” instead of “ch”: “Let’s go and have a drink” - such talk was interesting. It was so surprising to me: I came to them as a boy in Soviet times, and they had a “tsai” there... It was a large village: 1,700 people, of which 900 were parishioners, 800 were women. That is, almost everything. And there was some kind of sect there, 17 people. Now there is nothing in that place, only Christmas trees in the fields.
    My grandfather was accused of being a kulak. Those who dispossessed it wore rubber boots on their bare feet in winter. And my ancestors, as I read, were respected for their hard work and ingenuity: my grandfather had either a seeder or a winnowing machine, which he built himself, and several horses and cows. And for this his family was treated with fists and destitute.
    And my mother is completely unknown where she comes from. During the war, children from front-line areas were taken to the Urals, so it ended up in the Chelyabinsk region, in the Katav-Ivanovsky district. As I later found out, there was first one adoption, then another. Even her date of birth in the documents is random: it was written down as November 7th.

    Were you in the archives yourself?

    Wife. Well, can you imagine: if the husband is a director, then no matter where the wife gets a job, they will definitely say, they say, through connections. That’s why we cut it all off at the very beginning, so that there wouldn’t even be any conversations. The wife takes care of the house, if necessary, the grandchildren, and that’s it. Well, and more research. And my wife also has friends who work at the Aksakov Foundation in Ufa (the memorial house-museum of the writer Sergei Aksakov in Ufa - ed.) and they helped read and disassemble ancient documents.

    The holiday did not take place

    Over the past couple of months, Mayak PA has undergone several inspections. And there were plenty of reasons for this. Since the fall of last year, information began to leak into the press that something was wrong in the kingdom of Denmark, that is, Pokhlebaev’s. Mikhalyvanvch is stirring up something, cheating on contracts, feeding his beloved friend Kumar with orders for capital construction, and even pays him for unfinished work in specie coins, he planned to produce Korean machines, but still won’t release them, and so on. We won’t even mention such a trifle as Pokhlebaev’s ten-year guarantee for asphalt that hasn’t lasted even ten months.

    It is with a feeling of deep satisfaction that we will say that our editors have made a significant contribution to debunking the myth about the “industrialist of the year” Pokhlebaev, clearly showing where and what he actually does. Let us recall a short list of our publications:

    Well, after the already famous letter from the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for the Ural Federal District, Yuri Ponomarev, to the head of Rosatom, Alexei Likhachev, appeared in the press, it became clear to even die-hard Pokhlebaev fans that the matter was rotten. Let us recall fragments from this message.

    “The results of the analysis showed that at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PA Mayak, with the connivance of General Director Pokhlebaev M.I. An unacceptable practice of ineffective management of an enterprise’s funds has been formed, characterized by gross violations of mandatory norms of federal legislation and provisions of corporate law, entailing the creation of privileged conditions for certain commercial organizations and their unjust enrichment to the detriment of the rights and legitimate interests of FSUE PA Mayak...

    Thus, the current situation at the enterprise requires the immediate intervention of the State Corporation Rosatom. I propose to organize a departmental audit of the financial and economic activities of FSUE PA Mayak, based on the results of which, if there are grounds, to resolve the issue of the responsibility of the general director of the enterprise M.I. Pokhlebaev. and other guilty persons, including the possibility of their continued holding in their positions..."

    It was after this letter that inspections at the plant began. What are their results? Of course, these departmental documents are confidential, but in general, according to our information, the painting is by no means an oil painting. If we were talking about a less significant enterprise and, accordingly, not such a large figure as its general director, then a manager of a lower rank would have long ago been polishing the bench in the pre-trial detention center and humiliatingly asking for a deal with the investigation.

    All this gives us reason to assert that Mikhail Pokhlebaev, popularly referred to as Misha-Prazdnik, will very soon leave his post as general director of Mayak, to which he brought so much harm, however, most likely, his resignation will not be loud and public, as this and accepted by Rosatom. Mikhalyvanovich will apparently go into honorable exile, but the appropriate wording for this will be chosen.

    But even if Pokhlebaev is dismissed (and this is inevitable), he, unfortunately, will remain a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region. His attitude towards his voters is evidenced by the fact that Deputy Pokhlebaev never reported on his work to the voters, the residents of Ozersk. Moreover, he did not even deign to answer the questions asked of him by the residents of Ozersk, considering them “offensive.” Mikhail Ivanovich, aren’t you at all offended by the fact that you have to live with us, with the common people, in the same city and breathe the same air?

    However, like it or not, you have to pretend to be a deputy. So Mikhalyvanich has become more active lately and began holding meetings with voters. On June 26, even together with the head of the administration E. Shcherbakov, he held an on-site reception for citizens in Novogorny. Meanwhile, these belated attempts to be closer to the people do not bring results and certainly will not bring any results. How do we know this?

    There is such a site sluga74.ru. Go to it, don’t be lazy. The resource contains a rating of State Duma deputies from the Chelyabinsk region, a rating of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region, etc. The ratings were obtained through online voting by readers. So, among the sixty deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the last, sixtieth place is occupied by Mikhail Pokhlebaev. Moreover, he ranks by a huge margin: at the time of writing this article, Mikhalyvanovich’s anti-rating was -538 (“10 people voted for him, 548 voted against him”), his closest pursuer was more than two hundred points behind him! And here Pokhlebaev was ahead of even his advisor Vanka: he was at least eleventh from the bottom in his ranking of applicants, and his owner was first!