• Free hosting minecraft forever. Free Minecraft server. But it's better to choose MyArena

    Greetings, dear readers.

    In this article I will try to tell in detail how schoolchildren can launch their own personal Minecraft server with full access included. This article applies only to one game, but by analogy you can apply the knowledge of this article to another game. If you need an article on starting a server for another game, write. Let's go into the step-by-step system:

    Step 1. Preparation
    Are you sure you have everything ready? Then let's go through the list. So, the list of “What is useful and necessary for a game server”:
    Server idea(server name, developments, website or group on social networks).
    PuTTY program- perhaps the most functional SSH client. I recommend it. (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html)
    FileZilla program- file manager without brakes. Connects via FTP and SFTP protocols. (http://filezilla.ru/get/)
    Server core desired game.
    Wish spend a whole hour on this.
    If you are ready to go, look further.

    Step 2. Order a free server
    So, you are on the right track. Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a normal hosting, but there is one. Vps.me, that's what it's called. Open the vps.me website and register (Register button at the top). Indicate only reliable information in the “Phone number” field, since the number needs to be confirmed, and this, let me tell you, is not so easy. There are a lot of hosting “excuses” that often come up when confirming a number. I will talk about them further.

    After entering the data, we are asked to complete the registration. And indeed, after clicking on “Register” we find ourselves on the main page of the control panel (the simplest banal billing).

    Nothing interests us here, since the free server was hidden from schoolchildren. But how then can you get a free server, you ask? By following this link! - vps.me/order/free-vps. There you need to go through a short procedure for creating a server. Just select the OS and set the server name. You can wait with the server name (just don’t fill it in, you can change it later), but choose the OS template wisely, because the first day the OS is prohibited from changing (then - as many as you like). The free server resources are as follows:

    384 MB RAM
    1 core 0.6 GHz
    5 GB regular disk
    10 GB traffic

    After creating the server, you will be asked to confirm the number. There are a lot of excuses that can be presented to you. Here are some of them:

    Clickatel: Cannot route message- I can’t send a message.

    Clickatel: No credit left- no money? P.S. They do not charge any money to confirm your phone number.
    Solution: Create a new account with a different phone number.

    Step 3. Software installation
    Everything is simple here: using FileZilla, upload your server files using the sftp:// protocol. We install the necessary programs (default-jre, mc and nano), and start the server.

    For schoolchildren beginning sys. administrators:
    I understand that this may seem very complicated, but it is quite simple. If you are interested in installing a Minecraft server, watch this old video. It contains a lot of comprehensive information.

    Not that hard, right? For free you can make an excellent server located in America.

    Tags: minecraft, bukkit, vps, free

    This is a guide on how to create a Minecraft server on various platforms. By the end of the guide, you will know how to install a Minecraft server on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems.

    Overall, Minecraft is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang. It consists of ranking the most popular games on streaming sites such as Twitch. The game can be played independently, but there is also a multiplayer mode with a large community of players.

    To enjoy multiplayer mode, players will need to either set up their own Minecraft server or use a hosting provider. In this guide, we will focus on the solution to installing your own Minecraft server on Linux, Windows and Mac. If you have it on Hostinger, you can use these instructions and play with your friends and family!

    How to create a Minecraft server on Linux

    Let's see how to create a Minecraft server on the two best Linux distributions - Ubuntu and CentOS. Although the process is very similar on both systems, there are some differences in the process of installing the required packages.

    Setting up a Minecraft server on Ubuntu

    First of all, we will create a Minecraft server using a VPS running Ubuntu 16.04 OS. The whole process consists of three simple steps.

    Before you begin, you need to connect to your server via SSH. To log into the server, open a terminal (or use if you're on Windows) and enter these commands:

    Ssh username@ipaddress

    As soon as you log in, you can begin installing your Minecraft server. Please note that installing a Minecraft server requires Java installed on your system. Java may already be installed on your system. To check this, run the following command:

    Java -version

    If you receive a message that says Java was not found on your system, you can continue to follow these instructions. Otherwise, you can end the current section and move on to step 2.

    Run these commands in your terminal to download the latest software packages to install on your system, including Java:

    Sudo apt-get update

    Now you need to install Java. We are installing Java 7 for this tutorial:

    Sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

    If you need the latest version of Java, you can run this command instead of the previous one:

    Sudo apt-get install default-jdk

    Here we also need to install screen, which will keep your server running in the background even if the connection is lost. To do this, enter the following command:

    Sudo apt-get install screen

    You now have Java and Screen installed on your system.

    Step 2 – Install Minecraft Server on Ubuntu

    Let's now see how to create a Minecraft server on Ubuntu VPS. It's always best to keep your files and programs clean and organized. To avoid chaos, let's create a new directory in which all Minecraft files will be stored. This step is optional, although for clarity we highly recommend it. To make a new directory, run:

    Mkdir minecraft

    Once created, go inside the directory:

    Sudo apt-get install wget

    Now download and install your own Minecraft server:

    Wget -O minecraft_server.jar https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.11.2/minecraft_server.1.11.2.jar

    At the time of writing, the latest available version is 1.11.2. You need to replace this number with the version that is most recent at the moment. You can check the version using the link.

    Accept the Minecraft User License Agreement:

    Echo "eula=true" > eula.txt

    First, let's run screen so that we can start the server in the background:

    Screen -S "Minecraft server 1"

    We named the current session 'Minecraft server 1', but you can use any other name.

    That's all - you have successfully installed your custom Minecraft server on Ubuntu.

    Now you only need to start the installed server. To do this, run the following command in the terminal:

    As you can see, Minecraft requires 1024MB or 1GB of RAM available to run the server. Since these are the minimum requirements, we recommend that you have more random access memory (RAM) available for better performance. To allocate more memory for the server, simply replace 1024 in -Xmx And -Xms parameters for 2048 (2GB) and so on. This is what you will see after running the command:

    And now there you have it: your own Minecraft server in just a few minutes. The server is running in the background since we are using screen. To turn off screen, click CTRL+A, Then D. You can roll back the operation and open the screen window again by typing screen -r in the terminal. You can experiment with the server settings in the properties file:

    Nano ~/minecraft/server.properties

    Installing a Minecraft server on CentOS 7

    Let's see how to create a Minecraft server on a VPS running CentOS 7. The process is not too different from Ubuntu.

    Step 1 – Install Java and Screen

    First, you need to install Java, since Minecraft is completely built on it. Next screen , since it is needed for the Minecraft server after ending the SSH session. Connect to your VPS server via SSH (Windows users can use the client for this) and run the installation of these two packages:

    Yum install java screen -y

    Step 2 – Install Minecraft Server on CentOS 7

    To streamline the installation, let's create a new directory:

    CD minecraft

    Download Minecraft server packages:

    Wget -O minecraft_server.jar https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/1.10.2/minecraft_server.1.10.2.jar

    Run screen with the correct name:

    Screen -S "Minecraft server"

    Accept the EULA by changing the value from false to true in the eula.txt file:

    Nano eula.txt

    Step 3 – Starting the Minecraft Server

    Now you can start the server using this command:

    Java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

    The result should be something like this:

    Server Minecraft has been launched successfully, you can exit screen using the keyboard shortcut CTRL – A + D.

    Server settings can be changed by editing this file:

    Nano server.properties

    How to create a Minecraft server on Windows

    You can also install the Minecraft server on your Windows PC. We will try to cover everything you need for this in three steps.

    Step 1 – Install the latest version of Java

    Since Minecraft is based on Java, you need to install the latest version and make sure everything is running correctly. You can use the command line to check compliance. Run the following command:

    Java -version

    Then make sure that your version matches the latest Java version on the official website. Download and install if your current version is older or if you don't have Java at all.

    Step 2 – Install Minecraft Server on Windows

    Now you need to select the location where you want to install your Minecraft server. To properly organize the storage of all the necessary files, we recommend that you create a special directory. Once you create it, download the latest Minecraft server software installation from the official website.

    Move the file .jar to the directory you created earlier and double-click on it.

    Before you continue installing the Minecraft server, you must agree to the terms of the license agreement EULA. This can be done by editing the file eula.txt and changing the parameter eula=false on eula=true.

    Step 3 – Starting the Minecraft Server

    You can start the Minecraft server using the Windows command line. Use this to navigate to your Minecraft directory. For example:

    Cd Desktop/MinecraftServer

    Start the Minecraft server by running the command:

    Java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

    Or you can double-click the left mouse button again on the file with the extension .jar and this will lead to the same result. You will need to allow access to the Minecraft server through the Windows firewall.

    If you see a screen like this, it means your Minecraft server has started successfully:

    How to create a Minecraft server on Mac

    Last but not least, let's look at installing a Minecraft server on MacOS. Solving the problem in three steps.

    Step 1 – Install Java and Screen

    Java enabled default, if you are using the latest version of MacOS. You can double-check this by entering this command in your terminal:

    Java -version

    If you find that it is not available, you can download traditional versions of Java from Apple's website.

    Step 2 – Install Minecraft Server on Mac

    To keep everything neat and organized, the best choice is to create a directory for your Minecraft server. Once you have created it, download the Minecraft server setup from the official website.

    Download it to the created directory. Then open a text editor and set the format to plain text: Format › Make Plain Text. Paste the following into the file:

    #!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")" exec java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

    Save the file as startmc.command V in the same directory,where the Minecraft server installation files are located. To make it work, you need to change the access rights. You can assign them from the Terminal, which can be found in ApplicationsUtilities. Once the terminal opens, go to your Minecraft directory. For example:

    cd Desktop/MinecraftServer

    You can assign access rights with the following command:

    Chmod a+x startmc.command

    Step 3 – Starting the Minecraft Server

    If all steps were completed correctly, you can start the Minecraft server by double clicking on the file startmc.command. After this, a new terminal window will appear.

    You may notice warnings about several missing files or directories when you first run it. Don't worry about this, it's completely normal!

    In conclusion

    Congratulations! By completing this tutorial, you have learned how to create a Minecraft server on various platforms and operating systems.

    What would happen if, for example, you came to a bakery and asked to give away a delicious cupcake without paying for it? Most likely, you will be kicked out the door. Why will this happen? Because you can’t just demand a cupcake. Technology and human resources are involved in its creation, and you have to pay for the work done by someone. With such a lyrical digression, I brought you to the topic of the article - free Minecraft hosting.

    I first heard about this recently and was surprised how this was possible. How can you buy or rent a server and give away space on it for a kind “thank you”? How to maintain the equipment? How to pay salaries to employees? Why should owners receive dividends? In general, there are more questions than answers. It is them that we will analyze today.

    What can be free hosting?

    As it turns out, many project owners simply attract potential clients with such loud expressions. Of course, many people want to take their cream without giving anything away. But this does not happen, my dear subscribers. And I would like you to learn one good rule: “free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.”

    By the way, I have already discussed a similar topic, but it was related to.

    In fact, free hosting may not be free. Very often, under a loud description, they offer:

    • Offers with a test period. Many companies give new customers a 30-day trial. This is positioned as giving the opportunity to get acquainted with the quality of the services provided without spending your own money. If an organization makes such an offer, it is good and you can work with it in the future. But you need to understand that the test period is not given forever;
    • Cheap. For some reason, some companies decided that if they ask for a penny payment for their services, then it is free. For example, 1 slot / 1 ruble. So you don't have to pay here? I will give the company 30 rubles for 30 places on my server - this is no longer free! If you are faced with a similar project, then it is better to refuse cooperation. I would not work with a person who deceives me from the first word.

    Aternos does not ask for payment for servers?

    While collecting material for this article, I read about many similar projects. Many of them had strict restrictions: servers were available 2-3 hours a day, few resources were provided, a minimum number of settings, etc. I came across Aternos by accident. The first thing I liked was the cute website ( Aternos.org. The main page contains basic information. In general, the owners of the resource have prepared a good selling landing page.

    The next stage is reading reviews. Mainly Minecraft sites and forums. To my surprise, there are practically no negative opinions. The organization’s official website contains information that it offers flexible configurations, the ability to install servers with mods, good protection against DDoS attacks, and much more. You can familiarize yourself with it in the “Features” section:

    If you are interested in this project, try working with him personally. Then don’t forget to leave a review about Aternos in the comments to this article.

    But it's better to choose MyArena

    I already talked about it on my blog. Today I just want to remind you of him. No free projects can outshine a good company with reasonable prices.

    And why? Because every employee receives fair pay for their work. This motivates you to work even better, which improves the quality of the services provided. WITH MyArena that's exactly the story. The guys perform well and ask for a fair price for their work.

    This hosting can be classified as “cheap”. 20 rubles for 1 slot per month is the average market cost. You can create your own server in a few minutes; installing the modification will take the same amount of time. The output is a ready-to-use project. There is also payment for resources. That is, you rent not a number of slots, but a certain capacity of server equipment. This option is beneficial for large projects; costs can be reduced.

    In general, I advise you not to save money, but to spend a few hundred rubles on cooperation with a large company. All MyArena servers, including version 1.8, operate 24/7, support quickly responds to new requests and provides comprehensive support to its customers.

    How do free hosting live?

    If there is no payment for equipment rental by customers, there must be other sources of income. Without this, no project will work for more than 1-2 months. And if it works, then this is some kind of charity. The first source of income is advertising. Starting from the website to the servers of our clients. The degree of debauchery depends on the greed of the company owner: players can see a couple of neat banners or suffer from an endless amount of advertising (often unthemed).

    Even if we take Aternos, which I described above, then in the header there is:

    The second source is the provision of paid services. On the Internet you can find a huge number of services (we’re not just talking about hosting), where basic functionality costs 0 rubles, and to get add-ons you have to pay extra.

    A good example is uCoz , . Here you can create a website for free and use it as much as you like. But in order to promote it to the status of a “major portal”, you will have to pay extra for auxiliary tools. That is, the basic functionality is first demonstrated, and then additional functions are unobtrusively offered, with which “it will only be better.”

    In general, if you have several thousand rubles in your pocket, then I do not advise you to get involved in this environment. Working on a server is a painstaking and complex process. It requires a lot of capital to open. Don’t think that you are renting power, install the mod and the players will trample in droves. To lure them, you need advertising. And in order for a permanent audience to appear, the project must be special, have a unique modification. And the work of a programmer and marketer is not a cheap pleasure. It's better to choose a different direction.

    I already told you... Read this article and start putting the tips into practice today!

    Coming to the end of today’s article, I want to ask you again: if you are planning some new business, do not try to save, especially on the little things (everything is built on them). Everything needs to be done perfectly at once. If you buy cheap equipment today, it will fail in a year, and you will lose even more money than if you bought expensive equipment (it will work for many years). Don't forget to subscribe to my blog!

    Andrey Zenkov was with you, see you again.

    Minecraft is probably one of the most successful implementations of sandboxes with elements of survival in the virtual world. That is why the game is deservedly popular in all countries of the world. As of 2015, it has officially sold 30 million copies on PC alone (over 80 million in total).

    Today Minecraft has been ported to almost all platforms, has hundreds of mods, thousands of plugins and dozens of imitations from alternative developers. Yes, now Minecraft is already a whole gaming universe.

    Why do you need Minecraft hosting?

    Any player sooner or later faces the fact that he gets bored with the single-player mode, or he wants to play surrounded by his friends or loved ones without prying eyes and according to his own rules.

    Some even make money by providing their Minecraft game server for online play (multiplayer) to other players.

    All this becomes possible only if you have sufficient power to support the gaming experience.

    What does the service site offer?

    We do not provide game server hosting services, do not sell software, etc.

    All we do is help those who need to choose the right server for the game.

    Here you will find a large number of existing hosting providers, each of which is defined by a set of key characteristics.

    Choosing a game server service provider comes down to filtering by specified parameters or refining the search using the tag panel.

    For each individual hosting, you can read real customer reviews and see the degree of trust (based on the ratings received).

    What is the difficulty in choosing Minecraft server hosting?

    Essentially, any hosting is the rental of hardware and software with network access for specific tasks.

    Ideally, for the average person, game hosting should look like this:

    1. Payment for the service.
    2. Obtaining the necessary parameters to access the admin panel.
    3. Receiving data for connecting players.
    4. Game.

    In reality, such a result is difficult to achieve or has a number of limitations. The choice of Minecraft server hosting is complicated by the fact that the service provider imposes a number of restrictions on the consumption of server resources (processor time, amount of consumed RAM, connection channel, hard drive space, etc.), on the set of pre-installed software, technical support, etc. d.

    All this directly affects the price of the service.

    As a result, you may end up with a situation with a virtually bare server on which you can install any software, but to properly configure it and balance the load you need special knowledge and experience.

    Let's consider typical situations

    Free hosting. Yes, some service providers provide free access to their servers. But most often this is done as part of attracting a new audience (which will later be monetized in other ways). The service has a number of serious limitations, including the fact that all your data can be deleted from the servers at any time without a trace and without consequences for the service operator (the fact is that the absence of a fee excludes property relations and does not fall within the legal field of the relevant regulatory organizations, there is no money – there is no purchase and sale agreement, which means there are no claims to the consequences). Companies are quickly abandoning this method of promoting their products due to the low quality of the customer base they receive.

    Sometimes access to servers is provided free of charge during a trial period, so that a potential user can evaluate all the delights of the service.

    Cheap hosting most often, oddly enough, provides a large set of pre-installed and configured software (users are required to have a minimum of knowledge and configuration steps), but it is very limited in resources. That is, if you decide to gather a large number of users in one place and exceed the planned load on the equipment, you will most likely simply be disconnected (or your account will be blocked).

    Solutions based on real (dedicated) servers are very reliable, you get full control over the software, you can install and configure the game server at your discretion, and it is possible to simultaneously connect a large number of players. The disadvantages of dedic servers include the need for a one-time purchase, payment for installation in a server room rack (connection to a data link, power supply, etc.), knowledge and experience for proper configuration. You may need to purchase licensed software (depending on the platform and solutions used)

    VDS (virtual) servers provide the same capabilities as real ones, but without the need to purchase hardware (sometimes software) and regular payments for the use of rack space. The price of such convenience is the high cost of rent per month. On the other hand, you can order a VPS/VDS server for exactly as long as you need.

    In both of the latter cases, you may need the technical support services of the hosting provider or a third-party specialist to set up and run the server.

    How to choose Minecraft server hosting

    If you need hosting for a small number of players, pay attention to inexpensive web hosting.

    If you want to launch a serious long-term project with great prospects and plans, your choice is dedicated servers for Minecraft.

    If the load is planned to be rather large, but you are not yet sure about the future of the project, choose VDS/VPS or cloud solutions.

    You can filter the search results in more detail using the options available from hosting providers, such as:

    • Payment for slots/resources,
    • Pre-installed game server control panel,
    • A set of ready-made plugins and game mods,
    • Russian technical support,
    • Protection against DDoS attacks,
    • Affiliate program to attract new clients,
    • Fast SSD (solid state) drives
    • Etc.