• Flexible body sagai. Flexible body. This is a combination of vibration massage with stretching, due to which the muscles warm up, relax, muscle spasms go away and old injuries are rehabilitated. Stretching using the Bizon-vibro simulator allows you to strengthen

    The obstacle to a healthy lifestyle is most often toxins and wastes that accumulate in our body over many years. Saturation of body cells with negative substances promotes aging. Cleansing the body of toxins and rough waste can be done using simple physical exercises. The Flexible Body program will help you prolong your youth and health through physical exercise. The program includes several complexes of therapeutic and preventive gymnastics, each of which is aimed at a specific muscle group or part of the body. This is the so-called cleansing and rejuvenating gymnastics. The complex includes a number of stretching exercises, which gives flexibility to the muscles and allows you to keep your body in good shape.
    Rejuvenating gymnastics, when performed systematically, helps cleanse the body's cells and saturate them with oxygen. The effect of such physical activity includes two important aspects: physical - strengthening the musculoskeletal system of the body, improving flexibility, metabolism, removing toxins and waste, normalizing blood circulation; and a psychological factor: classes do not require special physical and moral preparation, there is no need to force yourself to grueling exercises, all techniques are performed easily and in one breath, bringing moral satisfaction and relieving stress. Cleansing and rejuvenating gymnastics is a smooth path to health and prolongation of your youth

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    Reading time: 8 minutes

    If you think that by regularly doing fitness, you can neglect exercise, then this is an erroneous judgment. High-quality morning exercises within an hour after waking up activate all important organ systems, tone the body and improve immunity. We offer you 11 different videos for morning exercises at home with Olga Sagay.

    But before moving on to reviewing the video with morning exercises, you need to understand what the benefits of exercise are and why it is so important to do light exercises after waking up?

    Benefits of morning exercises:

    • Charging helps the body transition from sleep mode to wakefulness mode and activates all physiological processes in the body.
    • Morning exercise helps saturate all tissues of the body with oxygen and, very importantly, the brain. This increases concentration and speeds up thought processes.
    • Morning exercise will improve your mood and reduce the likelihood of irritability throughout the day.
    • Regular home exercises improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which means it promotes the development of coordination and a sense of balance.
    • Morning exercises perfectly invigorate, improve performance and provide vitality for the whole day.
    • Exercise increases blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system and brain.
    • Regular exercise helps strengthen the immune system and increases the body's resistance to the negative influences of the environment.

    As you can see, exercise not only improves your health, but also helps you spend your day as efficiently as possible. You can do morning exercises using videos, especially since now there are a large variety of them offered from various trainers. We invite you to pay attention to exercises at home from Olga Sagay.

    Video with home exercises from Olga Sagay

    Olga Sagay is the author of the Flexible Body series of programs. However, her videos are aimed not only for the development of flexibility and stretching, but also for the improvement of the body as a whole. On her video channel you can find complexes for opening the hip joints and improving the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. Olga has also created a number of videos for home exercises that can be performed after waking up.

    Programs last 7-15 minutes, but you can combine several classes or do one video over several repetitions if you are looking for a longer time-based home workout.

    1. Morning exercises for easy awakening (15 minutes)

    A gentle practice for awakening will help you feel a surge of strength and energy for the whole day. This video for home exercises is especially useful for improving posture, strengthening the spine and opening the thoracic region.

    2. Morning complex "Cheerfulness and Slimness" (9 minutes)

    This complex will not only invigorate your body, but also help you gain a slim figure. A dynamic video with morning exercises consists of the most popular asanas for toning muscles and strengthening the spine.

    3. Effective home exercises - leg warm-up (11 minutes)

    If you are looking for a video of morning exercises with an emphasis on the lower body, then try this complex. The suggested exercises will help you warm up your leg muscles and increase the mobility of your hip joints. This program can also be performed as a warm-up before the splits.

    4. Complex "Awakening" (8 minutes)

    A short wake-up routine will improve your back flexibility and correct your posture. You will find a large number of bends forward and backward, which helps to stretch the spine and restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

    5. Morning energy-charging complex (12 minutes)

    This video for morning exercises is primarily aimed at warming up and improving the functioning of internal organs. You will find a large number of body rotations, as well as exercises for the flexibility of muscles, ligaments and tendons.

    6. Morning exercises “Plasticity, mobility and balance” (9 minutes)

    This video for morning exercises at home is aimed at developing mobility of all major joints. The set of exercises is also perfect as joint gymnastics.

    7. Morning strengthening complex (10 minutes)

    The program is suitable for advanced students. Olga Sagay included strengthening exercises for toning the muscles of the arms, back, hips and buttocks in the video on home exercises. Vertical fold, garland pose, static plank pose with raising arms and legs await you.

    8. Home exercises and stretching for every day (7 minutes)

    A short video of morning exercises begins with effective exercises for stretching and flexibility of the spine. Then you will find several exercises for balance and flexibility of the joints of the lower body.

    9. Morning complex “Energy and flexibility” (16 minutes)

    The video will help you get a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day, as well as increase joint mobility. The first half of the class is spent sitting cross-legged, then you will move to a downward-facing dog position.

    10. Complex "Soft awakening" for beginners (14 minutes)

    And this is a video of exercises at home for beginners, which will help improve joint mobility and flexibility of the spine. The suggested exercises will also improve the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles of your body.

    11. Spinal exercises for back pain (10 minutes)

    This option for charging at home will help you strengthen your spine, restore the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, and develop flexibility in your back. This video is especially recommended for those who are worried about back pain.

    Try all the suggested videos for morning exercises or choose the one that is most interesting to you based on the description. Olga Sagay is a true professional in the field of joint gymnastics, developing flexibility and stretching, and relieving back pain. Start exercising regularly in the morning for at least 10-15 minutes, and your body will thank you.

    See also our other selections.

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    Flexible body program - This is a unique system of exercises that will help you master longitudinal and transverse splits and develop back flexibility in a short time.

    Classes are taught by masters of sports in gymnastics, professional ballerinas, certified yoga instructors, so exercises from gymnastics, ballet and yoga are used in different classes.

    ♦ Stretch Cross twine

    The lesson is aimed at warming up and stretching the leg muscles, developing the mobility of the hip joints, with an emphasis on working out the muscle group for the cross splits; the lesson also provides a set of exercises for the back and shoulder girdle.

    ♦ Stretch Longitudinal twine

    The classes are aimed at warming up and stretching the leg muscles, developing the mobility of the hip joints with an emphasis on working out the muscle group for longitudinal splits; the class also provides a set of exercises for the back and shoulder girdle.

    ♦ Stretch Full

    A set of exercises for all muscle groups. The splits will not be the main goal here. In this class we work on flexibility of the whole body.
    Ease and good health after such a workout are guaranteed to you.

    ♦ Healthy back

    This class includes a set of exercises aimed at working the muscles that hold the spine in the correct position.
    Exercises will improve and restore mobility of the spine, relieve excess tension and relax inactive areas of the back.

    ♦ MFR (myofascial release)

    The lesson is aimed at muscle-fascial relaxation. The exercises performed relax the muscles and fascia and relieve tension.
    This allows for better stretching of muscles, improved joint mobility and improved flexibility.

    ♦ Aerostretching

    This is a combination of yoga, Pilates, gymnastics and aerial acrobatics exercises performed in hammocks.
    During the hammock class, static-dynamic exercises, intense stretching, acrobatic flips are used, and there is a therapeutic effect on the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and blood circulation.
    The hammock is quite unstable and requires good concentration and involvement, this helps develop coordination and trains the vestibular apparatus.

    A hammock is an excellent antidepressant, helping to relieve the body and mind, turning the world upside down, freeing you from mental and psycho-emotional problems. Exercises in hammocks relieve stress on the spine, improve stretching, increase blood circulation in the brain, and help improve coordination of movements. With this load, stabilizer muscles are worked out perfectly.

    Classes are held in a group of up to 7 people.

    ♦ Exercises on the bison-vibro simulator

    Bison-vibro- a simulator that allows you to speed up the stretching process and make it more effective with less effort.
    This is a combination of vibration massage with stretching, due to which the muscles warm up, relax, muscle spasms go away and old injuries are rehabilitated. Stretching using the Bizon-vibro simulator allows you to achieve results tenfold faster.
    Classes are held individually or in a mini-group of two people.

    ♦ Acrobatics

    Acrobatics is a direction for those who want to master such gymnastic elements as cartwheels, bridges, handstands and forearms, flips, lifts in pairs, somersaults, scorpion pose, back puff (dancer pose), etc. Acrobatics classes include exercises on agility, flexibility, jumping ability, strength, coordination and balance.

    Discover new abilities of your body!


    Sooner or later, the comfort zone for any person turns into a factor that slows down his development and deprives life of the thrill. Remember the most interesting and brightest moments of your life. Surely most of them are connected precisely with those cases when you did something unusual, extreme, beyond the usual routine. We stepped out of our comfort zone.
    So why not do it again? Unfortunately, our comfort zone is sometimes the fruit of self-deception. We think that there is no better alternative to our current situation, that we have spent too much effort to build it, that it is already too difficult to change anything in life... And we stop at one, albeit quite convenient, place and with our own hands bring it to nothing all the magnificent prospects that life throws at you. And then the comfort zone turns into an end point for us...?? You can always get a magic kick at INTEGRITY????

    Yaroslav Bogdanov

    My favorite teachers are Alexandra Koshelkova and Natalya Makhno? The coolest and most effective workouts? Will they quickly stretch into all the splits?‍♀ Do they create the most favorable atmosphere for stretching and select very effective exercises? Do exercises with them bring a lot of joy and benefit???

    Svetlana Glagoleva

    I have been training with Sasha Koshelkova for 5 years) Sasha is the most sensitive coach who knows what you need and how to achieve it. My goal was and is to maintain body flexibility. During this time, I sat in both longitudinal splits and stretched the transverse one well. Sasha is very attentive to injuries and always tries to help continue training without harm to the body) for me this is the main thing in a coach)

    Alexandra Koshelkova is a trainer of fine mental organization. She believes that everything in a person should be beautiful and through her work she makes this “beautiful”. All exercises in her classes are done until there is a “characteristic squeak”. If you don’t squeak, that means you can still squeak (don’t think that if you have a bass or baritone, you’ll squeak in a bass voice. Everyone squeaks with the voice of a chicken). But at the same time, she will never harm you, she will always remember your sprained knee in the third grade and remind you to take care of it in a dangerous exercise. Each lesson takes place in a fun kindergarten atmosphere. Sasha is a born sadistic coach. She'll make you look like a piece of cake, even if you've always been a bagel! Anna Weilert

    Anna Weilert

    Alya (Sasha Koshelkova) is not just a coach, Alya helps you believe in yourself, that you can do something that you previously didn’t even understand how people do in pictures. Acrobatics is one of the greatest joys in life for me. I can’t say that I came to Alya in completely bad shape. There was something. There was a bridge from a lying position, on not the straightest arms. Of course, it was scary to learn tricks and it was not always pleasant to pull the back and the splits. But step by step I can do 4 different types of bridges from a standing position and back, I can flip over the splits from this very bridge and do many other things that make my body wonder and my soul sing. Alya was there for every successful moment and every failure.

    Coach Angelica inspires in her body ballet classes. She knows what elements and figures to give each girl to make her feel like a princess. After all, at first things don’t work out for everyone. And with Angelica everything works out. At first she gives you a simple element, but you look so beautiful in it in the mirror that you want more and more. And the further you go, the more complex the figure. And now the element is already complex, but you are still very beautiful in it. Delicately and neatly, Angelica combines a girl and the grace of a ballerina.

    Yulia Zarina

    When I came to class with coach Sasha Koshelkova, I was already doing 2 splits, but I had weak spots that I couldn’t stretch for years! After 3 lessons, I was already sitting on the longitudinal with cubes, and the result of the transverse splits has greatly improved! Very competent approach and great exercises, Alexandra clearly understands how the exercise should be performed from the point of view of Rehabilitation.

    Ballet training from coach Angelica, from the outside it may seem that it is not difficult, and the training is practically without additional weights.. But there are so many cool exercises for strengthening the muscle corset, good posture, beautiful lines.. and they are all complex and effective.

    Thanks to Yulia Zagainova for the individual approach! If you cannot do an exercise, for reasons of physiology or poor preparation, you will always be given a replacement exercise. Everyone feels comfortable working during the class, and the results are not long in coming)

    Alina Kiseleva

    I go to splits classes. And I really like the teacher Larisa, who teaches split yoga. He pulls well, is always positive, has his own aura. Even the pain seems more pleasant. But Larisa only pulls the transverse one. I would also like to mention Yulia and Angelica for stretching, I like how they pull the longitudinal one. These 3 teachers suit me the most.
    Larisa’s classes always have such an atmosphere that you definitely won’t get bored. She constantly tells you something, even comments on what you are doing wrong will say something in her own way. When you are in pain and want to scream, she always says “you need to say “high” and does it really help?

    Faina Nugaeva

    Who is my favorite coach? Zagainova Julia. This is a person who puts his soul into his work and will help you get the maximum result. Julia will not only push you to the limit, and even a little more, she will support you and instill hope for success, she BELIEVES that you can! And you can! I'm not talking about personal qualities here - easy to communicate - the whole group laughs during training, we all love pain! :) Julia is a coach I trust! And when we trust our mentor, we can relax and do more! Everyone go to Yulia!

    Maria Dobrynina

    Over two years of stretching, I experienced 50 shades of pain, I was surprised to learn that the nervous system is omnipresent and got acquainted with its structure on a living model - that is, on myself, I realized that in addition to exhalation there is also inhalation, I learned to exhale in the place where it hurts the most and relax when ordered, I found out that the most unstable word in the Russian language in terms of length is the word “ten” (can reach from 2 to as many as 15 seconds in a row), I acquired an unconditioned reflex in any incomprehensible situation to straighten my knees and pull my feet towards myself.
    And when, at the age of 29, I sat on the longitudinal splits for the first time in my life, although under the yoke of Sasha, but on both legs at once, I was indescribably delighted.
    By the way, I got the sweetest trainer Alexandra Koshelkova. She will always tell you which of the two legs is right, will always listen to the screams and decide whether you are faking or not, and will press in accordance with her feelings (her feelings, by the way, have never failed, unlike mine). Sasha is so super responsible for your splits that you involuntarily begin to think about starting to treat your splits with the same responsibility. In addition, he leaves super cute cosmic messages from the numbers on your stopwatch, will discuss any question from the category of everything about everything, so you definitely never get bored and will always rejoice at your achievements not only in the field of splits.
    So my splits are more of Sasha’s merit than mine. Thank you!)

    Anna Shahin

    I came to the studio already having the splits, and I think that I can do a lot and even more! But just a couple of months of classes with Natasha opened up new possibilities for me in my own body. I started doing the splits with different numbers of cubes, stretched my back, and straightened out the overall picture). I like the strict style of the teacher, who is focused on work

    Victoria Reshulskaya

    Plasticine, now Integrity, has become an integral part of my life, which I am very happy about! I’m glad not just for the opportunity to practice stretching, yoga, acrobatics and dancing, but also for how lucky I am with the trainers, who are not just wonderful people, but high-class professionals who give incredible motivation and self-confidence! I love Sasha Koshelkova! I trust her 250% and believe that with her everything will work out for me, even if not quickly? Bye bye?, I also love the graceful Gayatri, her classes are just super! After them, the body acquires tone, lightness, strength and flexibility! Larisa’s classes for a healthy back are something! They helped me recover and get rid of discomfort and back pain after physical activity, I didn’t even notice at what point this happened and why I came in the first place? Now I understand that we need to work on ourselves more, and how much it turns out we don’t know about ourselves and the capabilities of our body when we just start training - the more interesting it is! I also love Natasha Averchenkova’s classes, of course! She is also so charming that she creates a special atmosphere in class. And also Anya and the strip, and Natasha Granzhe. In general, the entire coaching staff is unique! I love and appreciate you???.

    What is T-Tapp? Or Teresa Tapp's training system

    T-Tapp is a physical therapy approach to fitness because it increases muscle density rather than volume. T-Tapp is an excellent recovery tool for people with sore knees and hips or low back pain; it is also good for upper back, neck and shoulder pain.

    The movements in the exercises look simple from the outside, but, in fact, they are very complex in structure, because each exercise involves both ends of the muscle, instead of involving only one end and the belly of the muscle.

    T-Tapp relies on comprehensive and complex muscle movement in a specific sequence, taking into account the neuro-kinetic flow of energy, maintaining the correct anatomical location of the skeleton and following the principles of isometric muscle work combined with stimulation of lymphatic flow. Other forms of exercise, such as aerobics, strength training and yoga, are primarily “isotonic” (that is, they work one end of the muscle and its belly).

    T-Tapp allows you to achieve high aerobic exercise And without having to jump or rely on barbells and dumbbells. With the T-Tapp system, the stronger a person becomes, the less exercise they need to do to maintain results.

    In other exercise systems, the stronger a person gets, the more they need to increase the load or number of repetitions in order to reach a higher level of fitness or achieve greater weight loss. With the T-Tapp system, you will never have to rely on dumbbells or repeat a movement more than 8 times. The exercises will continue to be difficult for the body as its strength and toughness increases.

    Efficiency of T-Tapp

    Yes, T-Tapp is effective for both people with a sedentary lifestyle and athletes. The techniques in the T-Tapp system allow you to achieve maximum muscle movement and muscle fatigue, regardless of whether the person is a weightlifter, an aerobics instructor or a grandmother who has just started training.

    Clinical testing conducted by Ph.D.s in the field of sports physiology has shown that fat burning begins 7-10 minutes after the start of T-Tapp exercises. In addition, even exceptionally trained individuals achieve 75% of their maximum heart rate during a forty-minute full T-Tapp workout for beginners and rehabilitators.

    T-Tapp doesn't just burn calories and excess fat, it overhauls fundamental body functions such as neuro-kinetic flow, resting glucose utilization rate and cognitive brain function. Many people report immediate improvements in digestion, absorption and bowel function, as well as increased mental clarity and energy levels within a week of starting T-Tapp.

    Main focus of T-Tapp

    T-Tapp focuses on reducing body size rather than reducing weight. When exercising with T-Tapp, a rapid reduction in body volume occurs due to the way T-Tapp forces the muscles to work.

    Developing muscle density allows muscles to tighten, contract, and sculpt new body contours. This type of muscle development allows you to achieve a rapid reduction in volume. Most people reduce their waist, belly or hip size by 3 cm in one week. Additionally, most people drop down to a smaller clothing size by the end of the first month of T-Tapping every other day... without restricting their diet at all.

    The main goal of the first 30 days of training is “getting the human body machine moving” properly to overhaul metabolic functions so that the body can more easily lose weight and, better yet, MAINTAIN the weight loss achieved without dieting or intense exercise.

    T-Tapp trains the right and left hemispheres of the brain, both the body and the mind. This training system was created with the goal of equally involving both hemispheres of the brain in cognitive work. This is very important for maintaining healthy brain function.

    T-Tapp is great for both children (for example, children who have problems with learning) and older people (slows down the loss of cognitive functions that comes with age and Alzheimer's disease).

    T-Tapp helps the body maintain hormonal balance . Many women have significantly improved their menstrual cycle and menopause experience thanks to T-Tapp. Women of all ages say that they no longer swell so much, they no longer suffer from pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain associated with female hormones.

    “Treat your body like a car!” That's Teresa Tapp's motto. , health specialist, trainer, sports physiologist, nutritionist and thriving business owner. Teresa knows how a woman's body functions, especially a woman's body after thirty. Over the past twenty-five years, she has observed her own body and collected data from hundreds of clients, allowing her to develop a new approach to women's health and exercise. Teresa has worked with many fashion agencies, including Ford Metropolitan and Paige Parkes, as a personal trainer for fashion models and as an agent for recruiting, developing models and finding new talent. Having worked for many years in the beauty industry, where perfection is so important, she knows how to achieve a beautiful female body, regardless of age or fitness level. Her exercise system T-Tapp system , is the best on the modern market! Today, Teresa openly shares her precious knowledge with women of all ages. Teresa herself is a living example of the fact that a woman’s body after forty can be a slender, well-oiled and harmoniously functioning machine without any need to spend hours training in a sports club. Many of Teresa's clients have better bodies in their fifties than they had in their thirties. Truly, T-Tapp is the most effective home workout program available to women today!


    Teresa believes that there is no need to pay attention to the scales. Let's face the facts, ladies and gentlemen, it's the sizes that matter, not the pounds! Mannequins are measured, not weighed, because no matter how much they weigh, if their hips are too big to model clothes, they won't get the job. Teresa guarantees you a loss of 2-3 centimeters in your waist or hips in a week. Most women become one dress size slimmer in 30 days. Since Teresa stopped working in modeling houses, she has helped hundreds of women approaching menopause achieve the same results as fashion models: increased energy levels, vigor, hormonal balance and body-level knowledge of how to get results quickly ! Now you can do it too! Exercises in the T-Tapp system give maximum results with minimal effort, all the while maintaining the body in the correct anatomical arrangement of its parts. The movements created by Teresa “repair” the body and restore it after injury; They look simple from the outside, but will give you a completely unique workout, unlike anything you've experienced before. Just ask any of her past or current clients and they will tell you that it is, in fact, comparable to the intense workload given to army recruits at camp.

    While Teresa loved her fast-paced lifestyle and work in the beauty industry, nothing compares to the satisfaction she gets from hearing the success stories of real, everyday women, especially those over 35. Her proven methods are unique and cutting-edge, yet At the same time, they are affordable and accessible to all women of all ages. Teresa's thorough understanding of the female body and its specific nutritional needs allowed her to create a program that suits all women. She likes that her program is simple and she clearly explains to us how and why our body works like a machine. This way, we understand the meaning of each movement or training method Teresa creates and how it affects our body machine. Today, thanks to videotapes, audiotapes, and Teresa's forthcoming book, these secrets are available to everyone, so that all people, not just fashion models, can get into perfect shape and find harmony: harmony of body, mind, spirit and soul.

    To be continued...