• Glossy or matte monitor, which one to choose? Which laptop screen is better: matte or glossy?

    What do we think about when choosing a laptop or monitor for a home computer? Who said "price"? In this case, we are more concerned with a set of user properties, and the more often we use an element, the more important it is for us.

    So, for example, the writing speed of an optical drive will rank somewhere in the tail, since few people burn CD-Rs these days. But the screen is the element that is literally constantly visible. Therefore, user experience and comfort depend very seriously on its properties.

    One of the most common questions when choosing a laptop or monitor: is a glossy or matte screen finish better? Of course, this question cannot be answered unequivocally. If gloss was better in everything, no one would offer matte screens, and vice versa.

    Both glossy and matte screens have their advantages. So your choice ideally depends on where and how you'll be using your laptop or monitor.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a glossy screen

    Glossy screens today are more often installed in laptops, although you can also find monitors for desktop computers coated with a shiny reflective layer. What are the advantages of such displays?

    • Higher contrast. Text and pictures look clearer on glossy displays.
    • Bright colors. The glossy finish does not dampen the monitor's natural light as much, making colors appear brighter and more saturated. It also guarantees deep, truly black color. This is especially effective when watching videos. Watching films with abundant night scenes or shadowed images on such screens is a real pleasure!
    • Spectacular appearance. On store shelves and in studio photos, devices with shiny displays look very attractive.
    • Protection. What shines like glass is sometimes glass. It will better protect the screen from minor scratches than a cheap plastic “protector”. But even if it’s just a film with improved reflectivity (and this is most often the case), it’s still additional reliability.
    • Less battery consumption (for a laptop). The film provides a subjectively brighter picture, which means the screen can be less backlit.
    • If necessary, you can stick an anti-glare film on a glossy screen to make it matte. It can not only eliminate glare, but also hide the contents of your screen from prying eyes on the side. If necessary, the film can be removed, the screen will not be damaged. But you won’t be able to make a matte screen glossy in this way.

    It is worth mentioning here that the advantages also have a downside:

    • The glossy screen reflects light very well. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the sun, a bright electric lamp or point light sources - they will be reflected perfectly on the screen, regardless of whether it is on or off. Even if you turn on your laptop at full brightness in the sun, you risk finding that your screen is more like a mirror: you can be seen in it better than the image.
    • The gloss is whimsical to the angle of inclination. You may have to tilt the screen in one direction or another every second to find a comfortable angle and see at least something on the screen other than your face.
    • Gloss is a criminologist's dream. He shows fingerprints without even trying to disguise them. This is especially annoying if your laptop has a touch screen and you use it extensively.

    Pros and cons of a matte screen

    As soon as gloss came into fashion, users began to actively protest. Apparently, they protested not because they seriously thought whether a matte or glossy laptop screen was better: they were simply left with no choice. Some have even switched from MacBooks to Windows devices. This is not surprising, since Apple is always at the forefront of change, sometimes leaving the user no chance to enjoy the “good old times.” If you want to remember the intensity of those debates, read what they are now writing about the new iPhones without an audio jack.

    However, matte screens have a number of advantages, thanks to which they have never stopped being offered:

    • Nice job on the light. If your laptop has a matte screen, you can safely take it to the beach, work on the terrace of a cafe or in a hall filled with lights. All that brightness won't stop you from focusing on the image on the screen.
    • Less sensitivity to tilt angle. A glossy laptop or monitor will have to be turned a lot to find a comfortable angle. Matte frees you from this unnecessary fuss.
    • Conservative style. Matte screens are often equipped with business laptops, for which functionality is more important than design delights. There, the user does not have to watch videos and photos so much as work with documents and the Internet.
    • Resists dirt well. You will still have to wipe it from time to time, but it takes a lot of effort to scratch such a screen until it looks unbearable.

    The disadvantages of matte displays directly follow from their advantages:

    • Less vibrant colors. More precisely, less catchy. The absence of a reflective film strangely turns out to be more visible than its presence. When watching videos and photos, because of this, the picture turns out to be not so rich, and the black color is not “radically black” at all.
    • Grain. With the same low pixel density on a glossy screen, it will be less noticeable than on a matte one.
    • Irreversibility. You will not make a matte screen glossy by gluing a film on it (but the opposite is possible).


    You should choose a matte or glossy laptop screen based on where, how and how much you use your computer or laptop. Glossy screens are generally better suited for multimedia and entertainment purposes, while matte screens are better suited for working with documents, the Internet, design or video editing, as they provide more “honest” colors.

    And remember that a glossy screen can be made matte using a special film, and then removed. Therefore, the difference between these two types of screens is quite subtle and easily overcome.

    The article vehemently calls for the purchase of matte monitors, but is not substantiated at all! I use both matte and glossy monitors regularly, depending on the occasion (I own a large computer company, there is no shortage of monitors). I prefer glossy, the glare doesn’t interfere at all, but when working with graphics, especially with small drawings and working with web design, when every pixel is important, you can’t think of a better glossy monitor, it smooths out the image, while matte makes the image lumpy and you can work with it efficiently impossible, especially when there is a difference of 1px or 2px. In addition, on a glossy photo it looks realistic, especially with a good matrix, on a glossy photo ALL photos look unreal, and the same IPS matrix only adds unreality on a matte monitor, overexposing the colors and they don’t even look close to the images in comparison, for example, with a CRT . It’s primitive to sit on a matte one in a browser and it’s fine in Word; for serious tasks, only glossy.

    March 16, 2012 at 10:48 am

    “It’s primitive to sit on a matte one in a browser and it’s fine in Word; for serious tasks, only glossy.”


    “and the same IPS matrix only adds unreality to a matte monitor”


    “The article vehemently calls for the purchase of matte monitors”


    Since matte films for Apple monitors are on sale, that means there IS a demand for them (this is the law of sales). Therefore, even at such elite monitors it is impossible to sit normally in a brightly lit place. If you don’t believe me, read here: “Yes, the screen glares in the light, but high brightness (375 cd/sq.m.) largely compensates for this drawback.”

    Moreover, I have two laptops of the same price category and practically the same characteristics, and I got rid of the glossy one a long time ago. This time! Secondly, they sell excellent calibrated and tuned matte monitors. I don’t know, no text there is small or cloudy, apparently your EC was completely off scale on matte.

    December 16, 2014 at 5:33 am

    It’s just that you don’t hear me. You draw a conclusion based on just two laptops and even decided to write an article after that! But how can you be so biased, because there are many more monitors and laptops. And you need to take at least a dozen of them for comparison. This is what I did in stores, as well as in the offices of my friends (choosing a monitor for myself) to really see all the pros and cons.

    Are they selling films for Apple monitors? So these are questions for the Chinese. Few people buy them for a monitor for 60,000 rubles, believe me. And those who buy it only for the sake of experiment or when sitting clearly in front of a window or lamp.

    Understand that the matrix is ​​not initially matte at all, but the matte coating is applied (micro-irregularities), they help prevent the monitor from reflecting, but at the same time they block light. And increasing the brightness will not help here, alas. A cloudy picture and flat colors are the price to pay for the lack of glare.

    Here's some advice for you - take a matte film and stick it on the screen of the same iPad or some smartphone. Yes - there will be less glare on their glossy screens, but the image will also deteriorate. This is even more noticeable on monitors.

    Julia Ria:
    December 16, 2014 at 9:15 am

    No, not two laptops. Again an example of your hasty conclusions.

    And you don’t want to accept the fact that on matte monitors there can be a very small ke, which means no haze. I admit the fact, and I already wrote in the comments, that if it’s glossy, it’s only expensive. If you choose from a budget or mid-price category, then a matte screen is better.

    Moreover, it all depends on the sensitivity of the eyes. Some people can read well in the dark, so I think there’s no point in talking in your key...

    December 16, 2014 at 9:48 am

    Vasya, how much of an expert are you in this matter? If you have something to say, but with links to verified sources, you are welcome. Additional information from specialists is never included if it helps the buyer decide what is best to buy. I can publish your article/note on this issue (if you are somehow related to monitors).

    Choose a glossy or matte laptop screen when purchasing

    1. Introduction
    2. Pros and cons of glossy and matte screens
    3. Conclusion

    So, introduction

    What kind of screen (or more precisely the coating) of a laptop will be decides a lot. After all, having chosen once, a glossy or matte laptop screen, you will be faced with either a successful purchase or disappointment. (Plus, we advise you to pay attention to the issue of timely cleaning your laptop from dust).

    These two types of coating are very common in models of various laptop manufacturers. This is because they have their own strengths and weaknesses (or, more precisely, directions).

    Let's say more, in order to release any laptop model, the manufacturer develops it for specific tasks and purposes, so that users, having purchased it, can make maximum use of it in the workplace or at home.

    Pros and cons of glossy and matte laptop screens

    • Pros of glossy screens:

    Better color rendering and contrast. And this is not an exaggeration. This coating really has brighter and clearer colors. Which will be very preferable for those who are involved in image processing and editing and other similar areas of work with colors and shades.

    • Cons of a glossy screen:

    Glare on the screen due to light sources falling on it (lamps, lamps behind you, or you are just outside on a sunny day). And this is not an easy nitpick; this type of coating really reflects the light falling on it unpleasantly (unlike matte).

    Plus, some users complained of eye fatigue, which is not surprising since light glare can strain the eyes. But whether this is a big drawback is up to you to decide, since many users are hardly bothered by this. Although, if, for example, your workplace is always brightly lit, then you should not pay attention to this nuance.

    It's better to see how one of your colleagues with a glossy or matte screen is doing in a bright room, so you can determine what is acceptable for you. Let’s just note that for many this is an important parameter of a laptop, without taking it into account, after the purchase they greatly regret that they were in a hurry.

    Also, on the glossy screen, various marks are very visible (handprints, fingers, food and anything else that comes into contact with it). And this is true; fingerprints are very noticeable.

    In a dimly lit room it may not be so obvious, but in a lit room you will be able to see everything that came into contact with the screen all day. This can be corrected either by wiping the surface with a napkin or by carefully using the device without touching it numerous times.

    • Pros of a matte screen:

    The main advantage (as opposed to glossy ones) is that the matte coating does not reflect light reflections. That is, in view of this, it is very convenient to work with it in a well-lit room or on the street. This also results in less eye fatigue if you have to work for a very long time. Typically, a matte finish on laptops is recommended for office work with text or numbers.

    Another noticeable advantage of a matte finish is that it is not as easily soiled as a glossy finish. Or rather, it’s almost not noticeable at all, no matter how you touch it, unlike the glossy one.

    • Disadvantages of matte finish:

    Noticeably worse color rendering and contrast. And this is not an easy nuance; it really is so and is not noticeable to the naked eye. Therefore, this type is not recommended for work related to editing and processing color images.

    Conclusion based on pros and cons

    Based on these advantages and disadvantages, you can decide exactly what type of laptop screen you should give preference to. Because from them it turns out that if you work with color editing most of the time (photography, postcards, design, etc.), then you are better off considering laptop models with a glossy screen finish.

    If, on the contrary, your daily activity comes down to working with texts, numbers, and Internet searches, then most likely you should choose a matte one (although this is at your discretion, since this is not so important). Why do you think a laptop starts to make noise over time? The answer is simple, it can be found in the note the laptop started making noise, how to fix it.

    It is important to understand that in any case it would be a good idea to independently consider a specific model. Judging only by reviews, you should not randomly order a laptop (or not) to your home. It’s better to come to the store and ask to put two types of screens next to each other and include different types of files on them (pictures, videos, games, and so on).

    This is the surest option to make a good purchase, since everything may be written accurately and correctly on the manufacturer’s website (or, according to reviews), but this does not mean that you will like it. It contains only technical information for a number of models, and you can only find out exactly how it looks and functions by touching it with your own hands.


    In conclusion, I would like to say that buying a laptop should be accompanied by an integrated approach. For example, you can search for information about it on the Internet (reviews and recommendations), ask friends for advice, or seek help from specialists. This way, you can take into account the greatest number of nuances when purchasing and not make a mistake when choosing a glossy or matte screen for a laptop.

    When you buy a laptop or monitor, you are faced with a choice: matte or glossy? Which screen coating is better? The thing that turns into a “mirror” in the light of the Sun, or the one on which the colors seem faded?

    We hope this article will help you decide.

    Glossy vs matte

    Where did this opposition come from? After all, both glossy and matte monitors use the same LCD panels.

    However, manufacturers produce glossy and matte monitors, and buyers are faced with the agony of choice.

    Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each coating.

    Glossy displays are more “bright”. They have more saturated, intense and contrasting color rendering; especially deep black color. That's a plus.

    However, they shine in the Sun. This is a minus. If you often work outdoors or your workspace is near a window, glare may bother you.

    Matte displays have an anti-reflective coating that reduces glare. Therefore, in rooms with bright artificial or natural lighting, it is more comfortable to work with such monitors.

    The disadvantage of matte displays is their fading. The colors look a little duller on them.

    The pros and cons of glossy and matte monitors are clearly demonstrated by the photo on the cover. On the left is matte Dell, and on the right is glossy Apple.

    What to choose?

    It all depends on your goals.

    If you're looking for a desktop monitor and the room isn't very lit, you'll probably want a glossy finish with more vibrant colors.

    If you are buying a laptop and plan to often work outdoors (on the terrace on a sunny day), then look for a matte display. Similarly, when buying a monitor for a desktop computer in very good lighting conditions (table by the window, powerful lamps). But remember: the AR coating of a matte display will not protect you from glare 100%, but it will be slightly less noticeable than on a glossy screen.

    Of course, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for the entire life of the screen (especially if we are talking about a laptop). Today your desk is far from the window, and tomorrow you have been moved to an office filled with sunlight. Therefore, when choosing a glossy or matte display, you are making a compromise in any case.

    (The photo shows not only laptops with a matte (left) and glossy (right) finish, but also different models from different generations. Please do not make direct comparisons.)

    If it were possible to make a monitor where, at the click of a finger, the matte finish would change to glossy (and vice versa), many would be happy. After all, this would allow you to “tune” the monitor to specific conditions. But this is impossible.

    Therefore, the opposition “glossy vs matte” will probably continue to exist. After all, how many people there are, so many opinions.

    The confrontation between matte and glossy monitors looks no less epic than the struggle between good and evil, or light against darkness. Which displays are still better? Read the article from m.ua.

    Glossy and matte monitors operate on the same matrices: IPS, PLS or TN. The difference between them is the type of coating applied to the surface of the display. Both matte and gloss are popular among users, so there is no reason to assume that one type of monitor will replace the other in the near future.

    You can have both matte and glossy displays. On the MagaZilla portal you can compare the prices of online stores and the characteristics of the models you are interested in, which is very convenient. Well, now we will simplify the process of choosing a monitor for you by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of screens with matte and glossy finishes.

    Glossy screens: pros and cons

    If you have a good IPS or PLS matrix, glossy displays will provide impeccable color reproduction. Deep black color, high brightness, contrast and clarity, large viewing angles are their advantages.

    Unfortunately, gloss has a high reflective ability, so in the presence of bright lighting (primarily sunlight), glare forms on the screen, tiring the eyes and impairing the visibility of the picture. In addition, every speck is visible on glossy displays, which interferes with normal operation.

    Matte screens: pros and cons

    The anti-reflective coating of matte monitors does not glare or reflect well-lit objects. Even if you sit by the window on a sunny day, you will clearly see the image on the display. Matte monitors put less strain on your eyes, so you can work with them longer.

    At the same time, displays with a matte finish are inferior to their glossy counterparts in terms of brightness and color reproduction, which is especially noticeable when using a TN matrix. It costs less than an IPS matrix, so it is used in most budget monitors.

    Which monitor should you choose?

    Before purchasing a monitor, it is important to set your priorities correctly. Determine your priority and less important purposes for using the display. If you are buying a monitor or laptop for gaming, watching movies, working with graphics and other multimedia tasks, we recommend choosing displays with a glossy finish. The picture on them will look bright, rich and rich. You can partially compensate for glare by increasing the brightness of the screen.

    Matte displays, in turn, will be the best choice if you use a computer to work with texts and numbers (journalists, programmers, accountants, secretaries, etc.). The image on the screen will not be as colorful, but during work the eyes will be less tired, and there will be no glare that impairs readability even in bright natural light.

    Finally, we note that recently the popularity of laptops and monitors with anti-glare coating has been rapidly growing. These are glossy displays, on the surface of which a thin matte layer is applied, eliminating most of the glare.