• Voice keyboard for computer for Yandex browser. How to set up Yandex voice search

    As you may remember, Google recently abandoned the project to introduce voice search functionality in Chrome. But the Yandex company decided “not to shepherd those in the rear,” and provided a similar function for its users, creating the “Yandex.Stroke” project. This module does not require installing a browser from Yandex, and it is available absolutely free, which adds another huge “plus” to developers. In this article I will tell you how to enable voice search Yandex for a computer, laptop and how to use it.

    So, install the Yandex.Stroke service on your computer. To do this, go to the official project page and download the plugin for voice search. After installing the plugin, a new line appears in the taskbar where you can enter text and voice commands. As we said earlier, the plugin works completely isolated from the browser, so to use the search, you do not need to install the Yandex web navigator first.

    It is worth saying that with this application you can ask not only regular search queries, but also search for the names of sites and applications. To set a voice request, click on the microphone icon on the right side of the plugin and say the key phrase. The search engine will process your speech and the request will appear in the search bar in the Yandex.Stroke program.

    It is important to note that the interpreter does not always correctly recognize your phrase. Sometimes the module simply replaces your actual request with the phrase that is closest in pronunciation, after which you have to use regular typescript.

    Another useful option: by clicking on the search bar below, you will see a list of the most frequently visited sites, from which you can select the resource you need and instantly go to it. The bottom of the window displays your most recent query and its most popular interpretations from the search engine.

    Let's take a closer look at the main functionality of the application. We activate the voice mode by clicking the microphone icon, and instead of the usual request, say into the microphone: “Listen, Yandex!” A list of the main capabilities of the module will appear on the screen, from which you can find out what actions the application can perform and what commands it can be given to process. For example, from here we can find out that using the voice engine you can execute the command “Restart (or turn off) the computer,” listen to music, open any application, and do a lot of other things.

    Now a few words about the application settings. The context menu for Yandex voice search settings is called up by right-clicking on the search bar. The first item in this menu is determined by the “Settings” element. What optional features are in store for us here?
    First of all, this is a hotkey combination for calling the Yandex search line. The default combination is “Ctrl + e”, but you can set a better option by entering it in the appropriate field in the “Hot Keys” section.

    The next category, “Working with files,” is responsible for what actions will be taken by the application if the name of the file you are looking for is entered by voice. By default, the file found based on the received request will be opened and launched, but you can limit the actions of the described service to simply opening the folder with the file.

    Another point is opening web search results. If you search for a site name in Yandex.String, by default the found values ​​are displayed in the default browser. Instead, you can display the web search results in the service window, which may be less convenient because when you open the link in the browser, you can open it immediately, but you will have to manually transfer it from the application window to the browser.

    A few words about usability. You can also change the location of the panel and place it not next to the Start button, as it looks in the default visual settings, but close to the clock, i.e. on the right side of the taskbar.

    The last available option in Settings is Voice Activation. By default, it is activated when saying the phrase “Listen, Yandex!”, but we can disable it, limiting ourselves to text commands only.

    As you can see, the functionality of voice search from Yandex is very extensive. We can search not only on the Internet, but also set commands to perform actions on our computer (such as launch a certain program, turn off the computer, find the corresponding file, etc.).

    The only noticeable drawback is that the program does not “learn” to correctly recognize your requests in accordance with individual auditory intonations and timbre. If in voice search from Google on Android you could correct incorrectly entered commands by adapting the voice engine to the characteristics of your voice, then in the service described in the article the adaptation options are quite limited. But in general, the functionality of the module is worthy of the highest praise.

    One of the largest search engines, Yandex, presented users with a new development - Yandex voice search. Using this feature, which, by the way, has been implemented by Google for a long time, you can enter search commands using your voice. It’s worth taking a closer look at how to set up Yandex voice search on a computer, laptop, tablet or phone.

    Additional settings for the Alice voice assistant

    The beauty of “Alice” is that it does not have a large number of additional settings.

    Among those available are:

    1. Disable voice activation. To do this, on the taskbar you need to click on the “Alice” search bar or the microphone icon, and then click on the gear symbol. After this, it remains to disable the “Voice activation” option. Now you can talk to “Alice” only by clicking on the microphone icon on the taskbar.

    2. Disable voice responses. The procedure is similar. You just need to turn off “Alice’s Voice Replies”. After this, the program will stop responding out loud, but will still accept voice commands.

    3. Change microphone. To do this, in the settings in the “Microphone” section you need to select the necessary equipment.

    4. Set the display mode. In the settings in the “Appearance” block, you can select your preferred display mode on the screen. There are three of them: in the form of a microphone icon, in the form of a small search bar, and compact.

    5. Enable search suggestions. You need to activate the corresponding function in the settings.

    6. Pin your favorite sites. To do this, click on the microphone icon, then click on the square icon. Next, you need to right-click on the desired widget and select the appropriate site.

    7. Work with found files. In the settings in the “Working with files” section, select the most convenient option.

    8. Set up hotkeys. In the settings in the “Hot keys” block, select the desired sequence. “Alice” can be called by the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + ~”.

    Important! However, the product is ready to use immediately after installation. You can configure additional options for greater ease of use.

    Installing Alice on a phone or tablet

    Video - Installing the Alice voice assistant from Yandex

    And it will be discussed in this material.



    Although this function does not yet have many fans and is not very widespread, some users have already appreciated its convenience and functionality.

    • This is a free module that does not require installation to function properly. An extension from Yandex is enough, which can be installed in any browser;
    • This module is distributed free of charge;
    • It is well compatible with any browsers, and works properly even on old computers with low hardware resources;
    • The module exists in several variations - for correct operation on a computer, modular devices, etc.;
    • The module works quite correctly, voice commands are recognized clearly and correctly (although a lot depends on the hardware, for example, on the quality of the microphone);
    • Typing a search query by voice saves a significant amount of time, and is also convenient when your hands are busy (or in the cold).

    From the above, we can conclude that this function is suitable for everyone who is used to using the search query function, but prefers to use Yandex rather than Google.


    The most significant drawback of this service is its fairly high dependence on microphone parameters.

    If you say your request too far from it or the sound quality is poor, the system will not be able to correctly recognize your request (while this happens quite often).

    In this case, it will replace it with a phrase that is closest in sound to those that are often used from your computer. Or popular among users.

    After such incorrect recognition, the only way to make a request is to enter it manually from the keyboard.


    The module discussed above is a Yandex extension. Line. After installing this extension on your computer, an input field will appear on the bottom panel of the desktop.

    It will be present not only during, but also when working offline.

    This line is convenient in itself for users who frequently use search queries. In addition, Yandex voice search is implemented only with its help.

    Yandex. Line

    How to install this extension. To do this, follow a simple algorithm:

    • You can download it from the developer’s official page, to do this you need to follow the link;
    • Find the yellow Install button on the left side of the page and click on it;

    <Рис. 2 Установка>

    • Confirm the download (click the button Save in popup window);

    <Рис. 3 Скачивание>

    • Wait for the download to finish and start the installation;
    • Complete the installation by following the prompts of the Line Installer;
    • After the installation is complete, it should appear at the bottom of the screen, in the panel with shortcuts and program buttons;
    • If this does not happen, restart your computer.

    After you installed the Yandex.Strova program, voice search automatically became available to you using this extension.

    The search, just like the string, will work both when working with programs offline.

    As mentioned above, you do not need Yandex Browser for the line to work properly. This module is not a browser extension and works completely isolated from it.


    If you work on a personal PC, then for the module to work correctly you need to connect an external microphone.

    Connect the device and configure its settings through device Manager.

    On laptops, sometimes you also need to make some adjustments to the microphone and allow it access to external applications.

    How to use this application and the line as a whole? First of all, the line can be used as a standard search engine.

    That is, enter a search query into it from the keyboard.

    After pressing the Enter button, the system will automatically open your default browser, and in it - the results of the search query in Yandex.

    Of course, this requires that the Internet be connected to the computer.

    In order to ask any request, follow the algorithm:

    • Find the button with the microphone icon on the right side, installed on the bottom panel of the Yandex search bar, and click on it;
    • Say the key phrase;
    • The module engine processes the voice command, after which it appears in the line (this happens very quickly);
    • Next, press the Enter button and use the results in the same way as with a regular keyboard request.

    Search algorithms through a string are no different from standard Yandex algorithms. In the same way, a list of results for a query is built.

    And all other search parameters are also completely characteristic of the Yandex system.

    A convenient feature is its own automatically created bookmarks bar. It is formed from the most frequently visited sites.

    It can be seen by clicking on the search bar at the bottom of the window.

    Also at the bottom of the window you can find your last search request through the Yandex.Stroke system. It also presents his most popular interpretations received from other users.

    <Рис. 4. Закладки>

    In order to become familiar with the main functionality of this application, you need to press the microphone button and say “Listen, Yandex”.

    After this, a window will open listing the main functionality of this application.

    After this, for example, it becomes clear that the line interacts not only with the Internet, but also with the computer.

    For example, you can restart your computer or another program using this application.

    <Рис. 5 Функционал>

    Technologies do not stand still. Especially if they relate to the virtual Internet. IT specialists are constantly developing various new products, which are later used by the whole world.

    Recently, Yandex has pleased us with the advent of voice search. It should be noted that they developed this function simultaneously with Google.

    What is Yandex voice search.

    Everyone is familiar with a simple search, when the user enters data into the search bar. It has been around almost since the founding of the Internet. To date, it had no analogues. Although in some cases it was inconvenient.

    After all, users do not always search for data using a computer. Smartphones, tablets and laptops are used, and activities may not take place in very comfortable places.

    Let's say on the road or while walking. Yandex voice search will help you find important information simply by saying a question into the microphone of a digital device. The program immediately processes it and produces results. In some cases, the answer may also come in verbal form.

    How to use Yandex voice search.

    Advanced users learn new things on the Internet very quickly. But there is an audience of people who may face difficulties. To solve the question of how to use voice search, it must be said that you will need to perform the following steps:

    Click on the “microphone” icon on the right side of the search bar;

    say the request clearly. Speak into the microphone. The request can consist of one word or an entire phrase;

    view the results and if they are not satisfactory, repeat the request again. In general, there are no differences from regular search, when the query is typed in a line.

    Are there any special features of using the Yandex voice search function?

    Answering the question - are there any peculiarities of using Yandex voice search, it should be noted that yes. Firstly, errors and inaccuracies may occur. The feature appeared recently and is currently being actively improved. Secondly, only Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish languages ​​are supported. In the future, the list will be replenished with new ones.

    Download Yandex.String for free. The latest, updated version of the program for voice search on your computer and on the Internet is available for download.

    Yandex.String is a new, convenient voice search application. It is used on computers with Windows OS and allows you to find the necessary file on a disk or any information on the Internet, you just need to say a voice request or a specific command. You no longer need to be distracted by typing, the application will do everything for you, and the best part is: it works with the Russian language!

    How the application works

    To enable Yandex.Strings, say " Listen, Yandex"or just click on the microphone icon. The application will be activated and you can give it any request:

    1. Launch this or that program, for example: “Open”;
    2. find information on the Internet;
    3. turn off or restart your computer;
    4. open file;
    5. many other commands - everything you would normally do physically using a mouse and keyboard.

    The program is customized for each user individually and has several modes: as a line or as an icon. A convenient interface with quick access buttons will help you instantly go to the most frequently used services: search, weather, news, traffic jams, market, Yandex.Disk and others. However, if you don't use them, you can easily hide them by selecting a different mode.

    Yandex.Stroke works quickly due to a special indexing system: the application creates a database of your files once and searches through it instead of scanning the entire hard drive again each time. You can speed up your work even further by specifying specific folders and drives that you will search on your computer or removable media.

    Download Yandex.String to your computer

    To install Yandex.Strings, the technical requirements are very simple: you only need a computer or laptop with the Windows 7 operating system or higher, as well as a microphone for voice control - a built-in one or the simplest computer one will do.

    This application greatly facilitates working with data and optimizes your working time, allowing you not to be distracted by small tasks and control your computer without even touching the keyboard.

    Yandex.String is a unique program for Windows, thanks to which you can search on your computer and on the Internet. Check out all the features of the application in the full news.

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    For free!
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