• Google com create a new account. How to create an account on Android - step by step. Is it possible to use Google services without a profile?

    Using a modern smartphone running Android is unthinkable without a Google account. After all, only if you have it will the Google Play online store work. By the way, we wrote about installing this client. Without this service, you would have to download applications from third-party resources, installing them at your own peril and risk. Need I say that this is inconvenient and unsafe? It’s also worth creating an account, if only in order to then facilitate authorization and registration in other services.

    The good news about new devices is that they have never run an operating system before. You understand that you will be the first owner of the device. This also makes the process of creating an account much easier, since it can be done within a minute or two after the first launch of the smartphone. You won't even need to dig into the settings. So, you have to perform the following steps in order to successfully and quickly create a Google account on Android:

    Step 1. Turn on the device by holding the power button for a few seconds.

    Step 2. Select the firmware language and perform other actions required by the smartphone.

    Step 3. Connect to a Wi-Fi network. This step is not necessary if you have already inserted a SIM card into the device. Click the button Next».

    Step 4. Gradually you will be taken to a standard page dedicated to your Google account. Here you need to follow the link " Or create a new account».

    Step 5. Enter your first and last name, then click the " Next».

    Step 6. Please indicate your gender and date of birth. The latter is required in order not to provide you with access to those games that are intended for older people. Click the button Next».

    Step 7. Enter a unique username in Latin letters. This way you will create your e-mail on the Gmail mail service. Click " Next».

    Step 8. Create a password by repeating it in the bottom line, then feel free to click on the “ Next».

    Step 10. Accept the rules for using your account. This is done by reading the rules to the end - only after that the button “ I accept».

    This completes the main steps! Congratulations, you have successfully created an account on Android!

    Creating an account on an already working smartphone

    If, after purchasing the gadget, you skipped the point about creating a Google account, then you will not be able to buy anything in the Play Store, and you will not be able to download applications from it for free. The system will persistently prompt you to register. Don’t hesitate with this matter, as you can create an account without much difficulty:

    Step 1. Go to the device menu. In our example, all applications are sorted alphabetically. Don't be alarmed by this, you may have a different sorting - the essence will remain the same.

    Step 2. Select " Settings».

    Step 3. Find in this section the item “ Accounts" or " Accounts».

    Step 4. In this subsection you need to click the button “ Add an account" or " Add account».

    Step 5. From the list provided, select Google.

    Step 6. Then perform all the actions described above. That is, click on the link “ Or create a new account", enter your first and last name, create a password, etc.

    On smartphones with the latest version of Android, the procedure will be different. The names and locations of some items may have different names or be in different subsections. Instructions:

    Step 1. In settings, select "Google". As a rule, it is at the very bottom of the list. A page with the details of your current Google account will open. Here click on the email address and in the new window select "Add account".

    Step 2. If the device is protected (PIN code, pattern key, fingerprint login), then you will need to confirm the login. After this, a page will open where you can enter the account information of an existing Google account, or create a new one.

    Is a new account always needed?

    If this is not your first time using an Android smartphone, then there is no need to create a completely new account. Use the old one. All you need to do is enter your Gmail email address and your password. These steps will allow you to transfer contacts from, as well as quickly download those applications that you have already used.

    Smartphones based on the Android operating system are linked to a Google account. Thanks to this, users are identified and data is synchronized. It is often observed that some users manage to do without binding, losing many of the features provided by the Android operating system. How to create an account on your phone and take advantage of all the advantages and advanced functionality of this OS?

    What is an account and how to create one

    When we install Windows on our computer, we create accounts for one or more users so that each of them can customize the operating system to their liking. As for the Android operating system, it is designed differently, and each device is personal. And in order to remember the personalization parameters, Google accounts are used. What are the capabilities of a Google account?

    • Synchronization of contacts with Google cloud service;
    • Saving application settings;
    • Creating conditions for migration with your data and contacts to other mobile devices;
    • Saving browser history and saving bookmarks;
    • Saving information about installed applications;
    • Identification in Google services – Youtube, Disk, Play Movies, Play Press, Play Music and many others;
    • Identification in the Google+ social network.

    Google account is also used to identify players in “Play Games” - an excellent opportunity to save your achievements in your account. If the user changes his smartphone or tablet, it can migrate to a new device with almost all of its data– with mail, photos, videos, contacts and other information. Much of this is stored in cloud services, which ensures that free space is saved on smartphones and tablets.

    The most interesting feature is saving the phone book. Previously, we had to transfer contacts almost manually, copying not only names, but also additional data fields. As a result, the transfer took hours and sometimes days.

    There were also programs for synchronization, but they did not allow transfer between phones of different brands. Today, when most devices run on the Android operating system, transferring contacts takes just a minute as they are stored on Google servers.

    How to create an account on an Android phone

    To create an account on an Android phone or tablet, you can use your phone or computer. If you chose to register from a computer, go to the Google website, click on the “Login” menu and proceed to create a new account. The following data is indicated here:

    • Login and password;
    • First and last name;
    • Date of birth;
    • Mobile phone;
    • Country;
    • Spare email address.

    Mail and telephone are used in the future to restore access to the account in case of loss of the password. After registration, the user receives an account in the form of an email address in the gmail.com domain, for example, [email protected]. As soon as your Google account is ready, you need to add it to your smartphone.

    If you want to register an account through a smartphone or tablet, turn on the device, go to “Settings - Accounts” and click on the line with the Google icon. Next, the system will prompt you to create a new account or enter the details of an existing account. We choose to create a new one and proceed to registration by analogy with the above instructions.

    If you purchased a new smartphone or tablet, you can create a new account when you start the device, after first connecting it to the Internet.

    After you link your device to your Google account, all services and email will automatically be linked to this account (it has the same address as the account itself). And by setting up data and phone book synchronization, you will ensure that all your files and contacts are securely stored in Google cloud storage.

    After purchasing a new Android device, resetting the settings or reinstalling the system, many phone users ask themselves:

    How do I create an account on my phone to be able to take advantage of the additional benefits that Google provides to registered users?

    What opportunities does registering with Google provide, and whether you need to create a profile at all, this article will tell you.

    Why create an account on your phone?

    Registering with Google allows you to use additional features in the Android system, such as:

    • Mailbox.
    • Saving and managing files in Google Drive.
    • Sync information from your phone and transfer it to another device, including contacts and email messages.

    In addition, creating a profile on an Android phone allows you to log in to third-party resources that use the Google API.

    Are we creating a Google account?

    Before creating a profile, make sure that your phone has access to the Internet; without it, registration cannot be carried out.

    After that, open the “settings” menu and find the “accounts” submenu.

    Click “Add account” and select “Google” in the menu that opens.

    We indicate your data, first and last name, this can be done in Russian or English.

    Please note that by default these will appear in emails to recipients of your emails as sender information.

    You can change the data later in the Google service settings on the website or on your phone.

    Now you need to come up with a combination of characters for your profile; you should use only Latin characters, dots or dashes.

    Come up with a combination that you can easily remember and also that you like, for example, your first and last name, separating them with a dot, etc.

    After a short wait, during which Google will check whether the login you created is available, you will be offered one of the options:

    1. Come up with a new login, since the one specified is already used by someone.

    Advice! In order not to go through login options a large number of times, use original combinations of symbols. Please note that usersGooglealready hundreds of millions, and the chance that the combination of symbols you came up with is already in use is very high. Use numbers along with letters in various combinations to make your login more unique.

    When your original login is found, come up with a unique password and enter it in the appropriate field.

    The password must consist of Latin characters and numbers. The more complex the password, the more secure your profile will be.

    Try not to specify a too short password, alternate letters with numbers and use different letter cases.

    We repeat the password again to make sure that you remember it well, and click the “next” arrow.

    You will then be prompted to configure your password recovery options.

    You can skip this step, but it is better to take a little time and protect yourself from losing your password and the risk of losing all your data due to simple forgetfulness. Click “configure settings”.

    We accept the company's terms of use and privacy policy.

    In the next step, you may need to enter characters to protect against automatic registration. Type the letters and click the “next” arrow.

    After exchanging data with the server, the installation program will prompt you to set up payment details.

    It should be noted that payments through Google services are quite secure.

    However, after linking the card, there is a risk of accidentally paying for content that will be offered to you by advertising banners in programs and the browser.

    To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is better to skip this step. Moreover, you can always return to it later. Click “no, thanks.”

    The next step is to mark the information that you would like to transfer from the data storage to the new device.

    Since you need to create a new profile, there is nothing to synchronize yet, so just click the “next” arrow.

    Now the account creation on your Android phone is complete.

    You can freely use Google services, synchronize contacts, mail and data, and take advantage of other benefits of being a registered Google user.

    These instructions are suitable for all Android devices, including allowing you to create a profile on Samsung phones and tablets.

    Write down your username and password for your profile on a sheet of paper in a place where it cannot fall into the hands of strangers.

    If necessary, you can restore all your data to a new device or when you reset the Android operating system to factory settings.

    Video on the topic:

    Android: How to create a google account for android and install the program on your phone

    How to create a GOOGLE account on your phone: Detailed guide

    G o o g l e - this is a word that almost all inhabitants of our planet know. It has many offices in various countries. The place where almost every IT specialist dreams of working. And of course, if you have heard about this name, but have nothing to do with it yet, then today’s topic will be devoted specifically to how to create your account on Google and start taking advantage of all the unique opportunities of the world giant.

    What is a Google account and why is it needed?

    So, have you decided to create an account for yourself? Firstly, you should ask yourself, what do you need it for? Maybe it's email, or you bought yourself an Android phone and want to start using popular applications from Google Play. In general, Google has a lot of services, and all of them require an account, but don’t worry, the beauty is that you can use everything related to Google under one created profile.

    Download the current version of Google Chrome for all devices:

    Installing a browser Google Chrome, you will be able to solve many problems, synchronize bookmarks, log into various accounts on other sites, without entering your login and password, because Chrome remembers it for you. And in order for your Chrome browser to start collecting all this information, you need to enter the login and password of your Google account into the browser itself. That is, log in not to your account, but specifically to the browser, in the upper right, before the “Collapse”, “Expand” and “Close” buttons, you can see a word such as “ Login". Click and enter your Email and password.

    I will repeat myself and give an example that this is done so that while sitting in the office, at a work computer and visiting various pages, registering on various sites, adding interesting films to bookmarks, you can come home and see the same thing on your home computer. You can view statistics on your synchronization. My synchronization is on the right in the screenshot, click to enlarge.

    If you think a little and try to find all the products that Google produces, then only one answer suggests itself - this is “Space”. This is a huge number of services, various applications and devices. Yes, we can notice only a small part on the CIS market, even, to put it simply, the most necessary. Why? Because Google is more aimed at users from the USA, it’s like Yandex for us, in truth, I have never heard of Yandex products covering the USA so much. I in no way want to offend Yandex. This is a very powerful and quite competitive network for Google. But the fact that Google comes first in almost all positions remains a fact. This also applies to security, by the way, a very important factor in today’s Internet.

    For those who recently bought a phone, the question of how to create an account on Android is relevant. All modern devices are equipped with Google applications. When you turn it on for the first time, the smartphone will ask for registration. If you have an account, you must enter your email address and password. Otherwise, you need to create a profile.

    Instructions for creating an account

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://androidkak.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/image6611241-e1501248366914.jpg" alt="Google account" width="300" height="169"> !} This action is necessary to make using your phone easier. There will be access to use free programs to download applications, games, music and books. A single account on Android will allow you to use several programs at once. Creating a profile will help you synchronize YouTube, Chrome, Gmail on multiple devices. The system is secure; login and password are required to log in. It is impossible to access the data without this.

    Most likely, the registration process will take place the first time you turn on the phone. If for some reason this does not happen, you can create an account at another time.

    1. To register, open the phone menu and select “Settings”.
    2. You need the sub-item “Accounts” -> “Add account”.
    3. A new window will offer one of two actions: enter the details of an existing account or create a new one.
    4. The first case should not raise questions, so let's consider the second option.
    5. Continue to the next step and enter your first and last name, then select Next.

    Jpg" alt="Attention!" width="50" height="50"> !} Create a login. To make it easier to remember, you can enter your first and last name together in Latin. If such a profile exists, the phone will report this. Once registered, you will use your nickname when entering your email address (before the “@” symbol). Remember the final username and move on to the next step.

    Create a password, enter it and enter it again in the appropriate field. This principle will eliminate the possibility of an error or typo. It is safe to use a complex password consisting of upper and lower case letters and numbers.