• Google play wifi timed out. How to fix internet connection problems on Android devices. Changing router settings

    When you try to update or download any application from the Play Market, you can sometimes encounter the “Waiting for download” error. In this article we will tell you why it occurs and how to fix it.

    The indicated error can appear for various reasons, ranging from an unstable/slow Internet connection or incorrect operation of an external drive to a serious failure in individual (pre-installed) applications or the operating system as a whole. Next, we will consider all the options for eliminating the “Waiting for download” error in the Google Play Store, moving from the simplest to the complex and even emergency.

    Note: If your Android smartphone uses an antivirus or firewall (pre-installed by the manufacturer or downloaded from the app store yourself, it does not play a role here), before you begin solving the problem stated in the title of the article, disable it, or even better, delete it. The error may also occur due to their fault, and if this is the case, then following the recommendations below will not give a positive result.

    Most errors can arise from a minor glitch in the system, which can be corrected by simply rebooting the gadget. Restart your device and try downloading or updating the app again.

    Method 2: Finding a stable Internet connection

    Another reason could be that the Internet on the device is not working correctly. The reason for this may be the end or end of traffic on the SIM card or a break in the WI-FI connection. Check their operation in the browser and, if everything works, then move on to the next method.

    Method 3: Flash Card

    Also, the operation of the Play Market can be affected by the flash card installed in the device. Make sure it is stable and operational using a card reader or other gadget, or simply remove it and try downloading the desired application.

    Method 4: Automatic updates of applications in the Play Market

    When downloading a new application, a waiting message may also appear due to the fact that previously installed ones are currently being updated. This can happen if auto-update is selected in Google Play settings "Always" or "Only via WI-FI".

    Now let's move on to more complex solutions.

    Method 5: Clear Play Market data

    Method 6: Removing and adding a Google account

    1. To erase Google account data from your device, "Settings" go to "Accounts".
    2. The next step is to go to "Google".
    3. Now click on the button in the form of a basket with a signature "Delete account", and confirm the action by tapping the corresponding button again.
    4. Next, to resume your account, go to "Accounts" and go to "Add account".
    5. From the proposed list, select the item "Google".
    6. Next, the add account window will appear, where you can enter an existing one or create a new one. Since you currently have an account, in the appropriate line enter the phone number or email to which it was previously registered. To go to the next step, click "Next".

    The "Timed Out" error typically occurs when your instance of the SQL Server Database Engine fails to start, the server name is incorrect, or there are network and firewall issues.

    Error message text

    In SQL Server Management Studio, notifications for this error may include the following:

    "Unable to connect to ".

    “The waiting time has expired. The timeout period expired before the operation was completed, or the server is not responding. (Microsoft SQL Server, error: -2)"

    Program sqlcmd may return the following errors.

    "SQL Network Interfaces: Error searching for the specified server or instance."

    "Sqlcmd: error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client: Client cannot establish a connection."

    "Sqlcmd: error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client: Login timed out."

    "Unable to open connection to SQL Server."

    “An error occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server, this error may be caused by the fact that SQL Server does not support remote connections in its default configuration."

    Typical causes of this error

    The server name specified is incorrect.

    Try entering the server name again.

    The SQL Server service is not running on the server.

    Start an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine.

    The TCP/IP port of the Database Engine instance is blocked by a firewall.

    Configure your firewall to allow access to the Database Engine.

    The Database Engine is not listening on port 1433 because the port has been changed or because the component is not a default instance and the SQL Server Browser service is not running.

    Either start the SQL Server Browser service, or establish a connection by specifying the TCP/IP port number.

    The SQL Server Browser service is running, but UDP port 1434 is blocked by the firewall.

    Either configure your firewall to allow access to UDP port 1434 on the server, or establish a connection using the TCP/IP port number.

    The client and server cannot select the same network protocol.

    Using SQL Server Configuration Manager, configure the server and client computer so that at least one common protocol is available to them.

    The network module cannot resolve the server name to an IP address. This can be checked using the PING program.

    Fix a problem with computer name resolution on your network or establish a connection using the server's IP address. This issue is not specific to SQL Server. If you need help, consult your Windows documentation or contact your network administrator.

    Connection using an IP address is not possible. This can be checked using the PING program.

    Troubleshoot the TCP/IP protocols problem on your network. This issue is not specific to SQL Server. If you need help, consult your Windows documentation or contact your network administrator.

    Unusual errors

    Server with multiple IP addresses

    Clients running in may receive this error when connecting to a named instance of SQL Server that is installed in a cluster or on a non-clustered machine with multiple IP addresses. This issue can occur in all versions of SQL Server.


    When connecting to a named instance on a remote computer to obtain the connection endpoint (TCP port number or named pipe), the client uses UDP to connect to the SQL Server Browser service on the SQL Server computer or cluster.

    Firewalls on clients do not allow free source mapping for the UDP protocol. This means that the response must come from the IP address to which the request was sent. If the response comes from an IP address other than the destination, the client firewall will drop the packet. This issue may occur when connecting to a clustered server or a single computer that has multiple IP addresses.

    The following table describes combinations of operating systems that may cause UDP packets to be dropped. This prevents connections to a named SQL Server instance or to a default SQL Server instance that is not listening on TCP port 1433.

    Client operating system

    Operating system on which SQL Server runs

    Result in SQL Server 2008

    Result in SQL Server 2005

    UDP packets are not allowed through.

    UDP packets are not allowed through.

    Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2003

    UDP packets are not allowed through.

    UDP packets are not allowed through.

    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

    Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (x86, IA64)

    UDP packets are not allowed through.

    UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.

    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 (x64)

    UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.

    UDP packets are skipped. Connection is not possible.


    To work around this issue, you must do one of the following:

    Turkish or Azerbaijani language

    Connection attempts may fail if the current language is Turkish or Azerbaijani and the server name contains the letter "I". To avoid this problem, connect to the server using an IP address. If the instance name contains the letter "I", specify the TCP/IP port number when connecting. To connect to a specific port, use an alias.

    Connection timed out on Google Play (Google Play) on Android.

    Option 1

    Option 2

    Option 3

    In file /etc/hosts

    Option 4

    Option 5

    1 . Remove Freedom ;
    4 /system/ets/

    Quite often, when trying to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, the following message appears: “The connection has timed out.” Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

    Option 1

    The error may occur due to the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource the user is accessing. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing Set DNS on the device and selecting GoogleDNS in the settings (superuser rights are not needed in the PRO version of the application; you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, just specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

    Option 2

    You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in problems occurring in the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Please also take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (for new models, the firmware may be unfinished and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative option, earlier and guaranteed to work).

    Option 3

    In file /etc/hosts There may be extra addresses. There should be only one line - localhost, and everything else must be deleted, then saved and checked the operation of Google Play. To clean the /etc/hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our website).

    Option 4

    The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market, but also other Google services do not work - the validity period of the certificate has not yet arrived. The solution is simple - set the correct date.

    Option 5

    Connecting to Google Play is impossible, since the device has a fake Freedom program installed for hacking games, which allows you to get money (items, resources) dishonestly. This program modifies the hosts file located in /system/ets/ (we already wrote about it in paragraph 3). Hence the impossibility of establishing a connection. And now step-by-step instructions for solving the problem:
    1 . Remove Freedom ;
    2 . Obtain superuser rights (root rights), if they have not been obtained previously;
    3 . Install Root Explorer and give it superuser rights;
    4 . Find the hosts file in the directory /system/ets/ using Root explorer, open this file using a text editor, then erase everything written there and enter only one line: localhost;

    5 . Execute saving;

    If the message " The gateway timed out waiting for a response. Check your network settings", follow these steps:

    1. Check Internet access

    To resolve the situation, check whether the Internet using a web browser Internet Explorer. If access to Internet no, please contact your provider for more information. Try activating the program again after operation is restored Internet.

    2. Configure Firewall correctly

    If you have installed on your computer Firewall, add an allowing rule for the process in it avp.exe or disable Firewall fully.

    Firewall (firewall) designed to ensure the security of your work on local networks and the Internet. Firewall is a software package that checks data transmitted via the Internet or local network, and, depending on the parameters Firewall, blocks or allows this network activity.

    3. Check the system date on your computer

    You can find out how to check whether the system date is set correctly on your computer in article KB3508.

    4. Try activation again in an hour

    5. Contact Kaspersky Lab Technical Support

    Quite often, when trying to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, the following message appears: “The connection has timed out.” Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

    Option 1
    The error may occur due to the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource the user is accessing. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing GoogleDNS on your device and selecting it in the settings (superuser rights are not needed in the PRO version of the application; you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, just specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

    Option 2
    You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in problems occurring in the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Please also take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (for new models, the firmware may be unfinished and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative option, earlier and guaranteed to work).

    Option 3
    In file /etc/hosts There may be extra addresses. There should be only one line - localhost, and everything else needs to be deleted, then saved and checked how Google Play works. To clean the /etc/hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our website).

    Option 4
    The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market, but also other Google services do not work - the validity period of the certificate has not yet arrived. The solution is elementary - set the correct date.

    Option 5
    Connecting to Google Play is impossible, since the device has a fake Freedom program installed for hacking games, which allows you to get money (items, resources) dishonestly. This program modifies the hosts file located in /system/ets/ (we already wrote about it in paragraph 3). Hence the impossibility of establishing a connection. And now step-by-step instructions for solving the problem:
    1. Remove Freedom;
    2. Obtain superuser rights (root rights), if they have not been obtained previously;
    3. Install RootExplorer and give it superuser rights;
    4. Find the hosts file in the /system/ets/ directory using Rootexplorer, open this file using a text editor, then erase everything written there and enter only one line: localhost;

    When working with the Play Market service, glitches often occur. At the same time, a warning appears about a server error or lack of connection. Dissatisfied users write messages to the support service: “I can’t log into the Play Market.” This article will discuss possible causes of such failures and ways to resolve them.

    Reboot OS

    Users often complain: “I can’t access the Play Market on Android.” The fact is that the OS often freezes on mobile devices. In order to solve the problem, you need to restart your smartphone. In a similar way, you can eliminate malfunctions of this service and other applications.

    Removing unnecessary information

    A large amount of unnecessary information stored on your phone can cause errors in the Google Play program. The user needs to reset the utility settings:

    • To do this, you need to open the device menu.
    • Then you should go to settings.
    • Then you need to switch to the “applications” tab and select the Play Market program.
    • A control window will pop up. The user needs to click on the “erase data” button.
    • In order for the system to recognize the changes made, you need to restart your mobile phone.

    Removing installed updates

    What should users who post messages on forums like: “I can’t access the Play Market on Android” do? You can try to resolve the problems by removing installed updates:

    • To do this, as in the second method, you need to go to the menu.
    • Next, open the settings and select the “applications” line.
    • Then you need to mark the Play Market program in the list and click on the “uninstall updates” link.

    The application will be returned to its original state.

    Resetting the Google Services utility settings

    How to access the Play Market if the methods described above do not work? Sometimes resetting Google Services settings helps solve the problem.

    To perform this activity, you need to go to settings. Then you need to check the “applications” item. In the list of installed programs you need to select “Google Services”. Next, click on the “clear cache” button.

    Enable the Download Manager app

    If this utility is deactivated, then errors in the Play Market program will occur constantly. To enable the Boot Manager, you need to open the device menu. Then you need to go to the “settings” section.

    Here you need to mark the “applications” line and switch to the “all” tab. In the list of installed programs, select “Download Manager”. If the application is stopped, then you need to click on the “enable” button. After completing these steps, you need to restart your mobile phone and check the operation of the program.

    Deleting a Google Account

    It is worth considering that when you deactivate your account, all important and necessary information will be erased. Before performing this procedure, you should create a backup copy:

    • To do this you need to go to settings.
    • Then you should switch to the “accounts” tab and select the desired account in the list.
    • Then you need to click on the mailbox address. The synchronization menu will open.
    • The user needs to check the required boxes. Using this menu, backup copies of personal data and contacts are created.
    • In order to save important information on the device, you should click on the “options” button and check the “sync” option. The system will create backup copies of all utilities.

    After synchronization, you need to deactivate your Google account. How to log into the Play Market after deleting your account? Upon re-authorization, the user will be prompted to restore the backup. You need to click on the “ok” button. After deleting and reactivating the account, the operation of the Play Market utility should be normalized.

    Troubleshooting program compatibility issues

    One of the possible reasons why Android device owners write “I can’t access the Play Store” is the presence of conflicting applications. Users install such utilities themselves. Among the malicious programs is the Freedom application, through which users make free purchases of game currency.

    Editing the "hosts" file

    In search of interesting utilities, newbies go to unverified sites. After such visits, thousands of requests appear on the forums: “I can’t access the Play Market from my phone,” “the money in my account has disappeared,” and so on. In order not to resort to a complete reset of all device settings, you need to edit the “hosts” file:

    • The user needs to go to the “settings” section, check the “applications” item and switch to the “installed” tab.
    • You should select the malicious program from the list of utilities.
    • Next, you need to click on the “disable” button.
    • Then delete the application.

    You cannot erase files without first stopping the utility. After rebooting the device, you need to check the changes made.

    Factory reset

    What to do if the above methods did not help solve the problem? In order not to bother the support service with numerous messages on the topic: “I can’t log into the Play Market,” you can try to fix the problems by resetting all settings. This is a rather radical solution. This procedure will help eliminate most problems associated with the operation of installed programs and the system itself:

    1. First, go to the “settings” section.
    2. Then you need to check the “restore and reset” box. A new window will open. The user needs to click on the “reset settings” link.

    Before you begin this procedure, you must back up your important data. Information saved to the memory card will remain intact. Next, you should restart the device and restore the backup copy of your contacts.

    Checking your network connection

    Most often, users send messages to support with the text: “I can’t log into the Play Market, it says there’s no connection.” In this case, the cause of the failure is the lack of Internet connection. You need to check your network settings and restart the router.

    Enabling Google Account

    Problems with the Play Market often occur due to a disabled account. In such cases, users send requests to technical support like: “I can’t log into the Play Market, it says I need to log in to my account.” In order to activate your account, you must open the device menu. Then click on the “settings” icon.

    Next, you need to check the “accounts” item. Here you need to click on the “add” link. The user must provide an email address and password. After completing these steps, you need to check the operation of the Play Market application.

    Checking time and date settings

    If you don’t have a stable connection to the network, you don’t need to panic and create topics on the forums: “I can’t log into the Play Market, it says server error.” First, you should check your time and date settings. The user needs to go to the menu.

    Then you need to check the “settings” item. Here you need to select the “date and time” line. Next you need to set the time zone and time. In this case, you need to enable synchronization with the network.

    Disabling proxy settings

    Seeing the message about the lack of connection, users enter the following queries into the search: “I can’t log into the Play Market, it says the connection timeout has expired.” Don't waste your time. In such cases, the first thing you need to do is check the Wi-Fi operation. If other sites and programs open without problems, then the user needs to disable the proxy server. To complete the task, click on the “settings” button.

    Next, you should make sure that the word “no” is displayed next to the “proxy server” item. In this case, the “advanced options” option must be activated. If there is no inscription, then the user needs to disable the proxy server settings.

    Setting up static DNS

    If the above methods do not work, then you need to try to fix the problem in the following way. The user needs to return to the “Wi-Fi” section. Having selected an access point in the list, you need to click on the “change network” button. Then you need to check the box next to “advanced options”. Next, you should check the box next to the “static IP configuration” line.

    At the bottom there are two DNS fields. You must fill them in with the numbers and Then you need to click on the “save” button. Next, you need to restart Wi-Fi on your mobile device and recheck the operation of the Play Market application.

    Changing router settings

    Setting the MTU - 1500 parameter in the router software is usually carried out automatically. For this reason, some applications do not start at all. This problem occurs on all devices connected to the access point. You can change the MTU settings manually. This will save the user from having to create requests: “I can’t go to the Play Market, Google Play doesn’t work.”

    In order to change the MTU parameters, you need to go to the router settings and open the “network” section. Next, you should switch to the “WAN” tab. At the bottom you can see the line “MTU size”. You should enter 4 numbers in the empty field next to the inscription. A user who is unable to contact the provider should indicate one of several options: 1420, 1460, 1500.

    Next you need to save the settings and reboot the router. To change the MTU in the Asus software, you need to open the “Internet” section. Next to the line “additional pppd parameters” you can see 2 fields. You need to enter the number 1460 in them.

    Quite often, when trying to download an application from Google Play or get updates for already installed programs, the following message appears: “The connection has timed out.” Today we will try to find out the reasons why this bug occurs and find ways to fix the problem.

    Option 1
    The error may occur due to the fault of the provider due to incorrect operation of DNS servers, when the server cannot match the IP address of the device requesting information and the domain name of the resource the user is accessing. In this case, you can solve the problem by installing GoogleDNS on your device and selecting it in the settings (superuser rights are not needed in the PRO version of the application; you can download it for free). If you access the Internet using Wi-Fi, just specify as the DNS server in the router settings.

    Option 2
    You can try changing the connection method by switching from Wi-Fi to 3G mobile Internet or vice versa. Perhaps the cause of the problem lies in problems occurring in the network that you are currently using to access the Internet. Please also take into account the fact that when working via Wi-Fi, an error may occur due to incorrect operation of the router (for new models, the firmware may be unfinished and contain bugs, so it is worth installing an alternative option, earlier and guaranteed to work).

    Option 3
    In file /etc/hosts There may be extra addresses. There should be only one line - localhost, and everything else needs to be deleted, then saved and checked how Google Play works. To clean the /etc/hosts file, you need root rights (we have repeatedly described the procedure for obtaining them for various devices on the pages of our website).

    Option 4
    The reason for the lack of connection may be an incorrectly set date on the device. In this case, not only the market, but also other Google services do not work - the validity period of the certificate has not yet arrived. The solution is elementary - set the correct date.
    Option 5
    Connecting to Google Play is impossible, since the device has a fake Freedom program installed for hacking games, which allows you to get money (items, resources) dishonestly. This program modifies the hosts file located in /system/ets/ (we already wrote about it in paragraph 3). Hence the impossibility of establishing a connection. And now step-by-step instructions for solving the problem:
    1. Remove Freedom;
    2. Obtain superuser rights (root rights), if they have not been obtained previously;
    3. Install RootExplorer and give it superuser rights;
    4. Find the hosts file in the /system/ets/ directory using Rootexplorer, open this file using a text editor, then erase everything written there and enter only one line: localhost;
    5. Execute saving;
    6. Delete Google account;
    7. Clear the cache, delete data from Google Play and Google ServicesFramework applications;
    8. Restart your smartphone or tablet;
    9. Go to Google Play and re-add your Google account.

    We hope that the information provided here will be useful to you and help you solve the problem of refusal to connect to Google Play.

    In this article, let's figure out why Google Play Market is not working today and what to do. We will perform actions with the phone in order until the access problem that has arisen is completely resolved. Read to the end.

    This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

    Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

    What about the Play Market and Google servers

    Before you start diagnosing Android, make sure that the Play Market works on other devices. Try logging into Google Play through a browser on your computer. If there is an error everywhere - for example, the device says “Waiting time has expired” - then the problem is clearly on Google’s side. Wait a moment and then try again.

    Reset settings and remove updates

    If the Play Market does not launch on your phone or tablet:

    1. Open Android settings.
    2. Go to Applications or Application Manager.
    3. Find Play Market.
    4. Click "Memory" -> "Clear cache" and "Erase data".
    5. Reboot your device.

    If a problem occurs after updating the Play Market, for example, the screen lights up and goes dark, then roll back to the previous version. Also go to the application settings and select “Uninstall updates”.


    Clearing the cache and deleting data sometimes has to be done for the Google Services Framework, which is also related to the operation of the application store.

    Reboot and check the Internet

    If the error appears for the first time, reboot the device. Perhaps the Play Market does not start due to a minor system glitch, which can be resolved by restarting Android. To reboot your phone:

    1. Press and hold the Power key.
    2. Hold until the shutdown window appears.

    If you see when you launch the Play Market, check your Internet connection. There may be no connection and that's why you can't access the app store. Launch your browser and go to any website to make sure the Internet is working.

    In April 2018, Roskomnadzor began to ban Telegram and Google’s IPs were targeted. As a result, some services, including the Play Market, became unavailable for some residents of the Russian Federation. Make sure this is not your case, regardless of the date, because... a similar situation can be repeated at any other time.

    Also, make sure that the date and time are set correctly. Enable auto-detection using network data or setting the correct date manually.

    Play Market is the main source of Android applications. If it does not work, for example, it writes “Error RH-01” or “Login failed,” then the user is deprived of the ability to quickly install new programs. The reasons for the failure may be different, but most often they can be identified and eliminated yourself.

    Enabling Google Accounts and Download Manager

    For the Play Market to work, Google Accounts and Download Manager must be in the list of running applications. To find them, in the Applications section, go to the All or Show system applications tab.


    If the program does not work, click the "Enable" button. At the same time, clear the cache and data, if any.

    Account problems

    1. Open settings, find the “Accounts” section.
    2. Select a valid Google account.
    3. Manually synchronize all data so that it is saved on Google servers.
    4. Return to the previous menu and select "Delete".

    After deletion, add your account again by entering your login and password. The synchronized data will be returned to your phone automatically.

    Application conflict

    If the problem occurred after installing Freedom, an application to bypass license verification and commit free transactions, then you need to remove it.

    1. Open the list of applications in settings, go to the “Installed” tab.
    2. Find Freedom and click Stop.
    3. After stopping, remove Freedom
    4. Reboot your device.


    Another application may be causing the problem instead of Freedom. If the error occurs after installing a program, disable it and uninstall it.

    Cleaning the hosts file

    The operation of Freedom and other applications can bring another problem - adding entries to the hosts file that block connection to Google servers. To remove the restriction, you will need root rights.

    1. Launch the Root Explorer application
    2. Find the system folder.
    3. Go to the etc directory and set the permissions to R/W.
    4. Select the hosts file.
    5. Grant superuser rights to the application.
    6. Remove all extra lines, leaving only localhost.