• Good build of Minecraft 1.7 server 2

    High-quality Minecraft server build from the author Kron. The build is based on the productive Spigon core and contains only the necessary plugins for stable server operation and comfortable gaming.

    All plugins and core have been translated into Russian. The Minecraft Server build is suitable both for playing with friends and for creating a project based on this build.

    Assembly core: Spigot
    Kernel version: 1.5.2 (R1.1) / 1.6.4 (R2.1) / 1.7.9 (R0.1)
    Build version: 1.5.6

    Features of Minecraft Server Build

    — Damage to blocks from any explosions is disabled, the lighter and the lava bucket are blocked.
    — Auto-restart of the server in case of crashes.
    — Only the most necessary plugins for the server! - nothing superfluous.
    — Run on any OS. (Windows/Linux/Mac)
    — All main plugins are configured.
    — Regular updates.
    - Productive Spigot core.
    — The core and plugins are entirely in Russian.
    — Included built-in kernel: Anti X-Ray and AutoSave.
    — GroupManager is configured for 6 groups: Player, Vip, Supervip, Premium, Moder, Admin.

    List of plugins

    AuthMe— Authorization plugin (Rus)
    AutoMessage— Automatic messages (No translation required)
    ChatGuard— Protection against spam, obscenities, advertising (Rus)
    ClearLag— Optimization of server operation (Rus)
    Essentials— A set of commands and functions (Rus)
    EssentialsSpawn— Working with spawn (Rus)
    EssentialsChat— Chat plugin (Rus)
    EssentialsGroupManager— Setting up rights for players (Rus)
    LokiPost— Protection from poles and holes (Rus)
    McJobs— Works plugin (Rus)
    NoCheatPlus— Anitichit (Rus)
    NoobProtector— Protection of newcomers from PvP (Rus)
    CPFix— Correction of Russian characters (No translation required)
    Vault- API for some plugins (No translation required)
    ProtocolLib— Required for some plugins (No translation required)
    WorldBorder— Limiting the size of the world (Rus)
    WorldEdit— Editing the world (Rus)
    WorldGuard— Protection of territories and peace (Rus)
    ClearWorld— Cleaning the server from old regions (No translation required)
    WGFix— Automatic setting of flags (No translation required)

    Frequently asked questions and answers

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    IN: How to add a player to a specific group (Vip, Supervip, Premium, Moder, Admin)?
    ABOUT: Open the users.yml file in the GroupManager plugin folder (worlds\world) and add a player to the group according to the example, or enter the command manuadd [Nickname] [Group] in the console.
    IN: Where can I change/add auto messages in chat?
    ABOUT: In the config.yml file, in the AutoMessage plugin folder.
    IN: Where can I change the message when entering the server (/motd) and rules (/rules)?
    ABOUT: In the Essentials plugin folder, in the motd.txt and rules.txt files.
    IN: Where can I change group prefixes?
    ABOUT: In the group.yml file, in the GroupManager plugin folder.
    IN: Where can I add/change item sets (/kit starter, vip, etc.)?
    ABOUT: In the config.yml file, in the Essentials plugin folder, on line 211.
    IN: How to enable block damage from all explosions?
    ABOUT: Open the config.yml file in the WorldGuard plugin folder and replace true with false on all lines that contain the word block-damage.
    IN: How to reduce or increase autosave time on the server?
    ABOUT: Go to the bukkit.yml file, find the autosave line and replace 36000 with the number in ticks you need. There are 20 ticks in a second, 10 minutes is 12,000 ticks. It is not recommended to set it for less than 10 minutes.
    IN: How to disable built-in X-Ray protection (orebfuscator)?
    ABOUT: Go to the spigot.yml file, find line 71 and replace enable: true with enable: false.
    IN: The server does not restart using the /restart command, and auto-restart does not work in case of crashes. How to fix this?
    ABOUT: Rename the server startup batch file to start.bat.
    IN: Is it possible to install mods on this server build?
    ABOUT: It is possible if you replace the Spigot core with MCPC+. Current Russian You can always get the version here.
    IN: How to disable checking IP addresses for presence in the SpamHaus database?
    ABOUT: Go to the spigot.yml file and replace prevent-proxies: true with false.
    IN: How do I allow players to use a lighter and/or lava bucket?
    ABOUT: The lighter can be enabled by entering the command /rg f __global__ lighter allow, or by downgrading the WorldGuard version to 5.7.4. Lava can be resolved by removing the following from the blacklist.txt file (in the WorldGuard/worlds/world folder):


    Classic SERVER 1.7.2 - 1.8.x

    Assembly on the productive Spigot core with full Russification (except for the console).
    The assembly contains only the most necessary plugins (in my opinion). This is a ready-made assembly, you can immediately install it on your hosting! Report any shortcomings to the topic, I will correct them!
    P.S need to edit messages and whales to taste!
    Copyright: When using this assembly on third-party sites, using it as a basis for your own assembly, please indicate the author and leave a link to this topic.

    Assembly info

    Kernel: spigot 1.7.10
    Version: 1.7.2 - 1.8.x
    Build version: v1.1

    v1.0 - first working build.
    v1.1 - added launchers for LINUX, MAC.

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    Advantages of the assembly

    • Only the plugins you need
    • All plugins are in Russian
    • All plugins are configured
    • Protection against bot attacks
    • Hidden messages about player entry/exit/death
    • Kits for donation groups are set up with high quality

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    Groups and their rights

    1.Player - main player. /kit start, bonus.
    /feed - feed yourself
    /hat - can put any item on the head
    /sethome - can set 2 home points
    /kit GOLD - individual kit
    /fly - can fly
    /more - can increase an item to a stack
    /god - turns on god mode
    /heal - can heal itself
    /repair - can repair things
    /tree - can grow a tree at a specified point
    /getpos - find out the player's coordinates
    /sethome - can set 3 home points
    /kit Diamond - individual set
    /unlimited - can set unlimited items for himself
    /eco - can issue money
    /weather - can set the world's weather
    /exp - can give itself exp
    /home - can teleport to everyone's house
    /sethome - can set 5 home points
    /tp - can teleport without prompting
    /up - can go up the specified number of blocks
    /hpos - can indicate selection points by looking at them
    /kit Emerald - individual kit
    This is an admin assistant, almost all functions are available to him.

    has access to all functions.
    P.S Op [Creator] is a separate group, not OPKA!

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    Q. How to give yourself a group?
    A. Write pex user group set in the console.

    Q.How to change messages in AutoMessage?
    A. You need to go to the Plugins/AutoMessage/Config.yml folder, this is where you can change these messages.

    Q. Commands such as Op, plugins, pex, etc. are not allowed on the server, how can I allow them?
    O. Plugins folder, then the NoCheatPlus folder, then Config.yml - line 34.

    Q.How can I change group prefixes?
    A. You will need to go to plugins/permissionsex/permissions, then under permissions for groups you can find ""prefix"" there and change

    Q.How can I limit the world?
    A. You need to write /wb set 20000 (the best number of chunks) in the console; if you want to load them immediately, write /wb fill, this will help the server work in the future, it will lag less!

    P.S. Everything will be replenished over time, I just don’t know what to add!

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    Assembly based on the productive Spigot kernel version 1.7-1.8. All plugins in the assembly are Russified, most of them are Russified personally by the author. This assembly is suitable for both beginners and experienced users. This is not a base assembly, it is a completely ready-made assembly that you can immediately install on your server. It only contains plugins that I found useful. There will be no dupes, creative groups, trampolines, seats on steps, dupes, or other rubbish. There are 27 plugins in the assembly, including auxiliary plugins.

    Server Features:

    • Good stabilization, tested on 3 server machines.
    • Absolutely all plugins are configured.
    • All plugins have been Russified.
    • Explosions and block burning are disabled.
    • PeX is configured for 4 VIP groups, 1 default group and 2 administration groups.
    • Built-in X-Ray core
    • Protection against bot attacks.
    • A more convenient ban plugin is MaxBans than Essentials.
    • Messages about player entry/exit/death are hidden.
    • Auto-recovery of the server when it falls.
    • Complete absence of residual files and other garbage. Only a clean server!
    • Protecting the server by disabling potentially dangerous commands. + Protection of the administrator's area. Because only you can remove it, through the console.
    • Frequent updates and bug fixes in the assembly.
    • Items falling out when relogging during PVP (Optionally configurable, disabled by default)! And also disabling /god and /fly during battle. Only honest PVP!
    • Maximum vertical expansion of the region, from 0 to 256, + prohibition of lava flow in the region, and shift by pistons. The regional vulture has been completely eradicated!
    • The kits for donation groups have been configured with high quality; in fact, here are the kits themselves:

    Kits screenshots:






    Q: How to register a group for yourself?
    A: There are a total of 7 groups in the assembly, including the default one. You can register a group with the following command: /pex group [group name] user add [nickname].
    Group names: Default, Vip, SuperVip, Premium, GoldenVip, Moderator, Admin

    Q:How can I change the prefixes of a group?
    A: You need to go to the plugins folder, find the PermissionsEx folder there, and in it find the Permissions file, which is where all the groups are located. The prefix is ​​located after the rights, in the example of the player it is line 50.

    Q:How can I change messages in AutoMessage?
    A: You need to go to the Plugins folder again, and find the AutoMessage folder there, there will be a Config.yml file, and that’s where you can change these messages.

    Q: I want to change the names of the local and global chat, how do I do this?
    A: You need to go to the Plugins folder again, then find the ChatManager folder there, and the Config.yml file in it, I think there will be no further questions.

    Q:I want to enable display of players entering and leaving the server, how do I do this?
    A: As always - plugins folder, HideStream, Config.yml, line 10, the following options are similar.

    Q: By default, commands such as Ver, Pl, ?, Plugins, etc. are prohibited, how can I allow them?
    A: The Plugins folder, then the NoCheatPlus folder, then Config.yml - line 34.

    Q: I want to border the world using the WorldBorder plugin, how do I do this?
    A: You need to enter the command /wb set [Boundaries of your world. For example 5000.]

    Q: I want to give VIPs more points at home, how to do this?
    A: Plugins folder, Essentials folder, Config.yml, line 406.

    Q: I want to give VIPs more regions, how to do this?
    A: Plugins folder, WorldGuard folder, Config.yml, line 36.

    Q: I want to reconfigure sets for VIP groups, how to do this?
    ABOUT: Plugins folder, Essentials folder, Config.yml, line 210.

    Q: I can’t fall off and remove the flask for other people, how can I fix this?
    A: By default, the OP command is only available to people in the Admin group and the server console. This is done in order to increase protection against hacking. Even if your OP is hacked, they will not be able to give it to someone else or take it away from you.

    Q: How can I remove the protection of op, deop, save-all, etc. commands?
    A: Folder Plugins --> NoCheatPlus --> Config.yml line 56, set to False. But think before you disable these commands, because one day they can save your server from crashing!

    Q: How can I enable items to drop out when exiting pvp?
    A: Plugins ---> CombatLog ---> C0nfig.yml, line 102. For example, you can only give a short-term ban for leaving pvp (5-10 minutes), and save things. If you are against this plugin at all, remove it.

    Q: I can’t log into the server, what should I do?
    A: Go to the server folder, open the server.properties file, find the line online-mode=true, and change true to false. It should look like this online-mode=false.