• How to remove the restriction on outgoing communication on the body2. Communication limitation - what is it and how to solve the problem



    Cellular communication is an integral part of everyone's life modern man. Often subscribers are interested in what does “communication restriction has been set” mean, Megafon? Our article is devoted to a description of this particular service. For those who managed to figure it out, this publication may also be interesting.

    What is the communication restriction service on Megafon? What does it mean if it is installed?

    This service allows you to limit various types outgoing calls for employees of your organization. It includes three options available for ordering, namely:

    a) a ban on ordering entertainment and informational services;
    b) the so-called “black” and “white” lists;
    c) restrictions within a certain office area.

    Blacklist restrictions can be used to block outgoing calls to entire destinations or specific numbers. For example, employees will not be able to make calls to other cities or abroad. As for “white” lists, they, on the contrary, allow calls to specific numbers/directions. For example, employees will only be able to call numbers specified by the corporate client.

    Both “black” and “white” lists can be determined for a group of employees or individually for each. In addition, such restrictions are possible only on certain time– for example, for some days of the week, hours, etc. It is possible to create a personal schedule.

    Office zone restrictions imply restrictions on an employee's outgoing calls depending on where he is located. In other words, if he leaves the office area, they will no longer operate. It is allowed to take into account several such zones. It is also possible to set restrictions for some time, for one or several employees, etc.

    A ban on entertainment and informational services means a ban on outgoing requests for short numbers, providing similar paid services, to which it does not apply. This is very convenient, for example, if our employees often order this content.

    So, we managed to find out what “communication restrictions have been set” from the Megafon operator means. Now let's talk about how you can connect it and how much it costs.

    The cost and features of the “Communication Limitation” service from Megafon, as well as what to do if it is installed on another subscriber

    Mobile communications are an integral part of human life. Without it, we can no longer work or simply live, but it happens that sometimes Megafon reports that a certain communication limitation has been established. For many people, it is very important to solve this problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, because sometimes a lot can depend on communication.

    Why is there a problem?

    If a communication restriction is set, this means that Megafon has limited various outgoing messages from subscribers. This service is mainly used by companies and organizations that want to reduce their mobile communications costs and do not want to working hours employees called for reasons other than work.

    This service includes three options:

    1. the restriction is carried out only within the selected office;
    2. “white” and “black” lists are connected;
    3. It is prohibited to order services from short numbers.

    Subscribers independently choose the appropriate option.

    More about restrictions

    If we are talking about restricting communications based on a “black” list, then it is prohibited to make calls to certain numbers or entire directions. For example, it is established that employees cannot call abroad or other cities.

    If we talk about “white” lists, then employees can call certain directions or numbers that are allowed. In some cases, only those numbers that are indicated by the client in Megafon are included in the “white” list. Both list options can be defined for each company employee individually or in groups. It should also be noted that these restrictions apply only for a certain period of time (hours, days, weeks, and so on). You can also create a special personal schedule for such communication.

    When communication is limited at the office level, Megafon, at the request of the subscriber, limits the number of outgoing calls from a company employee depending on his location. In other words, if the subscriber leaves the office premises, then they cease to operate. The operator can simultaneously offer clients several such zones. In addition, it is proposed to limit calls by time for one or more numbers, etc.

    A ban on short numbers involves “closing” all outgoing requests for various paid and free short numbers. This applies to those numbers to which the Megafon coverage card does not apply. This is a very convenient solution in cases where company employees order various content.

    Price and connection

    The cost of this Megafon service for all three points (listed above) is only 50 rubles. The fee is charged on the first of each month. However, to activate the service you will have to pay an additional 30 rubles. To connect or disconnect this service you need to visit a service center that works with corporate clients. But before that, it’s worth studying in detail the terms and conditions for the provision of the service, which can be found on the operator’s website. It should be noted that such restrictions apply only to outgoing requests. Order this service not possible in roaming. This also does not apply to sending SMS messages. This service is only available in corporate rates Megaphone.

    It often happens that you are trying to call your friends or relatives and suddenly discover that you have a connection restriction. Megafon offers such a service. Sometimes a limiter is installed for a reason you don't understand. It is important to know how to eliminate this discomfort. The first thing you need to figure out is why unavailable numbers from phone book. This will help eliminate its consequences and prevent recurrence.

    Reasons for limiting communication on Megafon

    When selling SIM cards to subscribers, the provider reserves the right in some cases to limit the communication of its clients. This is stated in the contract. However, Megafon strives to ensure that its customers always have excellent quality communications. This is what makes the network popular and competitive. Communication may become unavailable for the following reasons:

    1. Insufficient funds in the account. This is the most common reason. In order not to lose access to mobile communications, simply replenish your balance in a timely manner, make sure that there is always enough money on your mobile phone to make calls;
    2. GSM communications in some regions operate selectively and provide access to the network only to those, for example, who are registered in a given region;
    3. An outdated, worn-out SIM card that will soon fail. As a rule, cards function without interruption for about 7 years. After this period, it is advisable to replace them, as they begin to malfunction.

    These are the most common reasons, but not the only ones. Communication restrictions may be related to the actions of the provider, or to the order of the subscriber who has decided to control his expenses. Or, if we are talking about the head of a company who has decided to control the actions of his employees.

    Other reasons for introducing connection restrictions

    There are other prerequisites that the client does not have the opportunity to call certain numbers in certain regions. For example, you may have Megafon communication restrictions set due to:

    1. Setting a call limit on your phone. This service is called Stop Call. It is connected in order to limit the debiting of funds from the subscriber’s account.
    2. Availability of a password. This is typical for corporate numbers. Restrictions may be placed on some call directions. When dialing, the system informs the subscriber of the reason for the connection restriction.
    3. Fraud attack. Modern technologies allow fraudsters to use other people's phones to commit various illegal frauds. In such cases, the phone is blocked until all the circumstances of the attack are clarified.
    4. Roaming Outside the country, restrictions may apply to both incoming and outgoing calls.

    Communication may be limited for various reasons. How to bypass the ban?

    How to remove the restriction on communication with other subscribers?

    If Megafon has limited your capabilities, there is always a way to return the ability to make calls anywhere. The method depends on the reason for the restriction. For example, if you have “0” in your account, just top up your account and the problem will automatically go away. If you are convinced that everything is in order with your money, and you don’t see any other reasons, the first thing that comes to mind is to call the operator. This is the right decision. If you manage to reach the hotline, all you have to do is follow the operator’s commands, after which the cause of the restrictions will be eliminated.

    It happens that you cannot reach the hotline. This means that there are communication restrictions for some subscribers in the region. In this case, you need to come to the office in person.

    Office restrictions

    Very often there are restrictions associated with ordering a service from a specific organization, whose administration includes “white” and “black” lists. “White” lists give access rights in certain areas. “Blacks,” on the contrary, limit communication.

    It is possible to activate a service that applies only to certain numbers, that is, to certain groups of employees. You can also make communication unavailable for a certain, for example, working time. Such restrictions usually apply in the area of ​​the office. As soon as a company employee leaves his territory, he gains access to all previously closed subscribers.

    When is a ban necessary?

    Sometimes a ban is a necessary measure. For example, you are planning to travel abroad or relax on the beach. In roaming, communication becomes more expensive. You have to pay not only for incoming messages, but also for outgoing ones. You are ready to communicate with some subscribers, but, like the law of meanness, everyone will call, ruining your phone account.

    In such cases, it would be quite justified to enable the prohibition function.

    How to enable restrictions

    Prohibitions may vary. On:

    • incoming messages when you are roaming;
    • outgoing in roaming;
    • outgoing international;
    • all incoming;
    • outgoing within a region or within the entire country.

    Each type corresponds to a specific code. Before ordering the service, you need to disable forwarding. Only one prohibition is allowed. If you connect another ban, it automatically removes the previous ban.

    The service costs 50 rubles. Its activation is also paid - 30 rubles. Activation can be done at the operator’s office, or independently. To do this, dial *service code*service management password#. The default password is "0000". The code, if you want to block all incoming calls while roaming, dial “351”; if you want to block foreign outgoing calls, dial “332”. All numbers except Russian ones are blocked. International communications blocked with code “331”. Code “35” will block all incoming calls, code “33” will block all outgoing calls. You can block SMS messages with the code “16”.

    Disabling the service

    Disabling is carried out by dialing *service code*password for service management#. If problems arise, you can always contact the specialist on duty at hotline provider. Those who are not used to carrying out commands from a distance can contact the office in person.

    “Communication Limitation” is a service that will help control employee communications on their work phone.


    Have you provided your company's employees with mobile communications for business purposes, but are not sure that employees use their mobile phones for business purposes only? The "Communication Limit" service will help you control their conversations. Now you can set restrictions on outgoing communications for your employees.

    As part of this service, you will be able to limit communications depending on the location of the employee (in the office or outside of it), prohibit calls to paid entertainment numbers or simply to certain unwanted numbers.

    The "Communication Limitation" service includes the following options:

    - "Office zone restrictions";
    - "Black / White lists";
    - "Ban on infotainment services."

    The "Office Area Restrictions" option will help you set call restrictions based on the employee's location. As part of this option, you can create several “office zones”, for each of which you can assign your own restrictions. Bans can also be imposed when an employee is outside the “office areas.” A building or territory of an enterprise can be selected as an “office zone”. This area must be designated to an employee subscriber service, through which you connect this service.

    This option can be set for a specific employee, for a group of employees, or by time of day and days of the week.

    The "Black/White Lists" option will help you set bans on outgoing communications depending on the direction of the call or block calls to a specific number.

    The Black List can include numbers that an employee should not call. For example, these are long-distance and international numbers. IN " Whitelist"You can enter those numbers that are not prohibited for outgoing communications. These could be, for example, numbers of office employees.

    This option can be enabled for a specific employee, for a group of employees, or depending on the time of day.

    The "Ban infotainment services" option will allow you to prohibit an employee from using paid entertainment services. This option will be automatically enabled for all employees who have the "Communication Limit" service activated.

    Options can be connected according to your wishes

    *service is provided by the mobile operator Megafon

    **the service is not provided in roaming and does not apply to SMS. All prohibitions apply only to outgoing calls



    The "Communication Limitation" service is available for connection to companies that are served on