• How to get back a girl you broke up with. How to get your ex girlfriend back

    Where to start?

    Broke up with your girlfriend? I sympathize... If you are reading this article, if you are looking for an answer to your question in search engines, then most likely you broke up on her initiative. I understand your condition, I am well aware that you are tired of advice in the style of “fuck 10 others, then he will let you go.” You want your ex back, you want it to be the same as before. Especially for you, I have prepared some specific tips on what to do.

    IMPORTANT! This article discusses the situation when you broke up after a relationship, that is, you, among other things, had sex. If you didn’t have sex with this girl, it means you failed to seduce her. In this case, look for answers to your questions in the “Seduction” section.

    So, first, let's analyze the current situation. Let's start with her.

    She left for some reason. We don’t know now for what reason (what she said during the breakup was most likely complete nonsense), but there was definitely a reason. There was something that didn't suit her about your relationship. Now she has negativity. Moreover, it is important to understand that negativity is precisely your relationship. That is, she may treat you completely normally, but at the thought of your relationship she has a gag reflex.

    How to get your ex-girlfriend back? How stupid and stubborn we guys can be. Quite often we simply don't value our relationships. And we think about how dear the girl is too late. Of course, many move on without looking back at all the mistakes they have made. And those who understand that they have lost a lot begin to think: “How to get your ex-girlfriend back”?

    No one can say with certainty what will happen tomorrow. It’s the same with relationships: if a guy wants to bring the girl back, it’s far from a fact that he will succeed (unless of course). Despite this, I will still try to provide some tips that will help bring your soulmate back into your arms.

    Reasons for breaking up with your loved one

    At the very beginning, it is worth remembering exactly under what circumstances the separation occurred. Who took the first step in this direction: she or you? Of course, if the guy is the one who initiated the breakup, then the task becomes more difficult. If for some reason it was the girl who left, then you will need to work hard on yourself in order to fundamentally correct the whole situation.

    Why do I want her back

    It’s worth thinking a little about, why should I return our relationship? Of course, now I miss her, remembering with sadness how good it was with her. Despite this, everything was not as smooth as it seemed. Even if you manage to get back together, perhaps very soon the time for separation will come again. If you have firmly decided and realized that you cannot live without your beloved for a single minute without thinking about her, then, of course, you need to act.

    What caused the breakup

    If I try to say that the reason for the breakup was a quarrel, then these are just excuses. In fact, this is far from being a cause, but rather a consequence. You need to really strain your brain to remember what exactly was wrong in the relationship. Perhaps she didn’t like some of my habits, which were simply infuriating. Because of them, eternal disputes arose, which ultimately led, in fact, to separation.

    Perhaps we did not agree on our personalities or our views on life, which is why we could not agree on the same opinion. When it is possible to determine the exact cause of the breakup, you can consult with a representative of the opposite sex regarding this issue. By the way, I personally did just that. At the same time, they allowed us to look at everything a little differently. You can talk with both your friend and your sister. It is necessary for this person to provide his opinion regarding this issue.

    It takes time

    You don’t need to run to your ex almost a week later to ask for forgiveness or try to talk to her. You shouldn’t constantly call her or bombard her with numerous SMSs. There is no need to send millions of roses or write “Forgive me” at the entrance. You should give her time to step away from everything. If it was you who initiated the separation, then perhaps she still holds a grudge against you, so you shouldn’t irritate her again. Moreover, it’s better not to catch her eye at all for now.

    You should let the girl get bored a little, because she definitely still has some feelings. But in no case should you ignore her if you did manage to meet her by chance somewhere in a store or park. You just need to say hello and smile sweetly.

    Thus, she will understand that life does not end with separation from her. It is worth noting that some girls are somewhat offended by this behavior, so they often don’t start a conversation with their ex. Therefore, there is always a chance for such a development of events, which will significantly facilitate the task of “How to get your ex back.”


    If the initiator was a girl, then you should definitely change for the better so that she notices it and can appreciate it. I want to say that I am personal experience I'm convinced that this helps. For example, you should think about your work, trying to move up the career ladder. It's no secret that every girl loves and respects successful young men. You should constantly work on yourself. For example, you can go in for sports if you have never done it before.

    The most important thing is for your ex-girlfriend to know about all your successes. How to do this? For example, I asked my friends to mention me in a conversation among themselves, while keeping her in close proximity. It is worth noting that it is advisable for a girl to know that her ex-boyfriend is not dating anyone now, which will provide a couple more points in the piggy bank in case of resumption of a romantic relationship.

    The most important thing is to never give up. You shouldn't get drunk every day to drown out your mental pain. Try to remain yourself, no matter how hard it gets. Also, try to stop talking less about your incredible problems with your girlfriend. If you tell your friend every day how bad you feel, then after a while he will simply begin to ignore you. To be honest, I saw a couple of living examples when guys simply retreated into themselves, having lost not only their girlfriend, but also their friends. Don't repeat their mistakes

    Mysterious surveillance

    Under no circumstances should you lose sight of your ex. It is advisable to always be aware of any important events in her life. But, of course, she shouldn’t guess about this. What is the best way to monitor? If, for example, her friend liked you as a friend, naturally, then you can ask her for this favor. This will be the most best option. After all, it is a close friend who knows most of her personal life. In addition, you can ask your other friends or send your sister into reconnaissance.

    Who else might be aware of the personal life of an ex-girlfriend? Her parents. Personally, I knew everything through them. Maybe I was lucky, because they still had sympathy for me, so I could ask them about my daughter’s personal life. Believe me, such help cannot be neglected.


    If you have a good tongue, then you are lucky. After all, in good hands the words look really convincing. Later certain time Having learned that your ex has no one, while she still has some feelings directly for you, you should move to the next step. We need to meet her and have a heart-to-heart talk.

    If necessary, then do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. I’ll be honest: I personally did just that. I invited her to go for a walk in the park, where we could have a good heart-to-heart talk. I showed her that I completely understood her decision to separate. I showed that I was holding calm, because my life did not end with this separation.

    You shouldn’t tell her how crazy you miss her, and how much you’ve changed just for her. The girl must come to this conclusion on her own. Who knows, maybe after this conversation it will be possible to resume everything. The most important thing to remember is that an attempt to get your ex back must be done at a time when the girl has cooled down and does not feel any anger at all.

    If you didn’t manage to get back together right away, then you shouldn’t sprinkle ashes on your head. After all, you need to start regaining her trust, and most importantly, slowly winning her free time. You can send funny SMS messages on unrelated topics, send funny links via social media– she must get used to the fact that you are present in her life again. You need to become a close friend to her at the moment.

    Only directly as a friend, not as a lover, which is very important. If this succeeds, then, believe me, with a great degree of success, your old relationship will resume again. I want to say with pride that after we became friends, as well as a little courtship on my part, within a couple of weeks our previous relationship was resumed again.

    What if someone also likes her?

    The following situation may arise: another guy is interested in his ex-girlfriend. No, don't catch him in a dark alley and punch him in the face. All these actions will not be in your favor, because this will definitely become known to everyone, including your ex-girlfriend, who may simply not understand this and it will be much more difficult to return her. One of my friends beat up a guy in a similar situation, after which the girl ended up with the other guy. That's it, don't repeat the mistakes.

    You need to be smarter. After all, you met once, so you know almost all of her preferences, tastes and interests. All these weapons can be skillfully used while the enemy still does not know anything about it. Now we need to act more decisively to avoid defeat. And since you are confident in yourself, you will definitely win.


    You should never make your ex-girlfriend jealous. After watching enough Hollywood romantic films, many try to follow the same path, but in most cases this method does not work. Moreover, he will only push his ex away, after which it will be almost impossible to get her back. There is no need to persuade your friends to talk about what you have beautiful girl, in the hope that the former. These words will stick. And they will definitely hook her, after which she will make sure that parting was the right decision.


    Every representative of the fair sex simply adores strong men. They love the very men behind whose back they feel safe complete safety. They love men who are ready to do the most daring and ridiculous things for her sake. So become this very man. After a certain time, try giving her a bouquet of flowers. And no need to say that she doesn’t love them.

    Absolutely all girls love flowers, because they are not only beautiful, but, first of all, a sign of attention. Try to take small but confident steps. You need to constantly surprise her so that she understands that you have completely changed, and most importantly, that you did it only for her sake. Perhaps his appearance she won’t show anything, however, she will definitely appreciate it all inside. If she doesn’t mind communicating, then you can try asking her out on a date.

    Always be a man

    It should be remembered that even if a conflict situation arises, you should be as calm as possible, after all, you are a man, after all. Therefore, you should always control yourself and not lose your temper. You should never shout or insult her. Such actions are simply unworthy for men. Let the girl feel one hundred percent right in a certain situation, even if this is far from the case.

    I hope that the above is my advice based on real examples, will tell you how to get your girl back. Good luck to you on this difficult journey.