• Storing information online. Network data storage. Search engine - Rambler

    Every person has at least a little bit of information or data that is very dear to him. This information may not always have material value; remembering the same videos, childhood photos or photos from a wedding - all this is very expensive. But many do not realize that the disk on which all this is recorded can become unusable in just one decade and nothing can be read from it. If you want to save such important information for as long as possible, then this article is for you.

    We will share our experience in working with different drives and tell you which ones are reliable and which ones are better not to store anything valuable. You will learn how to keep your data safe and secure for at least a century.

    General rules for storing valuable information

    There are several rules that apply to any information that is important to keep safe and sound. If you do not want to lose dear photographs, important documents or valuable works, then:

    • Make as many copies as possible. This way, you will insure yourself with several spare copies, and if one copy is lost, you will still have a couple of other copies.
    • Store data only in the most common and accepted formats. You shouldn’t resort to exotic things and use little-known file types, because one day you simply won’t be able to find a program to open it (for example, it’s better to store texts in ODF or TXT, rather than DOCX and DOC).
    • After making several copies, place them on different media; do not store everything on the same hard drive.
    • Do not use data compression or encryption. If such a file becomes even slightly damaged, you will never be able to access it and open the contents. For long-term storage of media files, use uncompressed formats. For audio this is WAV, for images RAW, TIFF and BMP are suitable, video files are DV. True, you will need a medium with a large enough capacity to accommodate such files.
    • Constantly check the integrity of your information and create additional copies in new ways and on newer devices.

    Such simple rules will help you preserve important documents, expensive photos and video recordings for many years. Now let’s look at where the information will be safe and sound for the longest time.

    About popular media and their reliability

    The most common and popular methods of storing digital information include using hard drives, Flash media (SSD drives, flash drives and memory cards), recording optical discs (CD, DVD and Blu-Ray discs). Additionally, there are a lot of cloud storages for any data (Dropbox, Yandex Drive, Google Drive and many others).

    Which of the following do you think is the best place to store important information? Let's explore each of these methods.

    1. Hard drives are used in most desktop PCs today and have also found use as portable data storage. Typically, such a carrier works properly for 3-10 years and its service life depends on many external factors and the quality of workmanship itself.
      If you do not regularly use such a disk, but only write down everything you need on it once and hide it in a secluded corner of some bedside table, then the information will be stored on it for the same period. Such discs do not withstand any external influences very well; they should not be beaten, shaken or exposed to strong magnetic fields - all this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
    2. Flash drives and SSD drives - such devices, on average, work properly for about five years. Many flash drives can break even much earlier, because they may not survive a power surge or static discharge when connected to a PC.

      If you record valuable information and do not use the media, the data can be stored for approximately 7-8 years.
    3. Optical discs are the well-known CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays. Perhaps this is one of the most long-lasting ways to save information; in some cases, such a disk will reliably store all recorded data for more than 100 years. But here it is important to take into account many different points, and not all discs can boast such longevity.

      Therefore, a whole section in this article will be devoted to them later, where we will look at everything in detail.
    4. Cloud services - it’s difficult to say how high the reliability of such storage is. It is quite possible that data will be stored in such places as long as it is commercially profitable. If you read the license agreement (which is provided upon registration), you may note that such companies will not bear any responsibility for the loss of your data.

      It is also confusing that you can lose control over your storage due to scammers and attackers who gain access to it.

    As you understand, among the most accessible methods, it is best to store your data on optical disks. But not all of them are able to cope with the passage of merciless time, and then you will find out which ones are better suited for our purposes. In addition, a good solution would be to use several of the mentioned methods at the same time.

    Let's use optical discs correctly!

    Some of you may have heard a lot about how long information can be stored on optical discs such as CDs or DVDs. Some probably even wrote certain data to them, but after a while (several years) the disks could not be read.

    In fact, there is nothing surprising here; the storage life of information on such media also depends on many factors. First of all, the quality of the disk itself and its type play an important role. In addition, you must adhere to certain storage conditions and the recording process.

    • Do not use rewritable types of discs (CD-RW, DVD-RW) for long-term storage; they are not designed for this purpose.
    • Testing has shown that statistically, CD-R discs have the longest storage life of information and it exceeds 15 years. Only half of all DVD-Rs tested showed similar results. As for Blu-ray, it was not possible to find exact statistics.
    • You shouldn’t chase cheapness and buy blanks that sell for pennies. They are of very low quality and are not suitable for important information.
    • Burn discs at minimum speed and do everything in one recording session.
    • Discs should be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight, at a stable, room temperature and moderate humidity. Do not subject them to any mechanical stress.
    • In some cases, the recording itself is also affected by the quality of the drive that “cuts” the blanks.

    Which drive should you choose for storing data?

    As you already understand, there are different discs. All the main differences are related to the reflective surface, the type of polycarbonate base and overall quality. Even if you take products from the same company, but manufactured in different countries, even here the quality can vary by an order of magnitude.

    Cyanine, phthalocyanine or metallized layers are used as the recording surface. The reflective surface is created by gold, silver or silver alloy coating. The highest quality and most durable discs are made from phthalocyanine with gold plating (since gold is not subject to oxidation). But there are wheels with other combinations of these materials that also boast good durability.

    To my great disappointment, I tried to find special disks for storing data; it’s almost impossible to find them here. If desired, such optical media can be ordered via the Internet (not always cheap). Among the leaders that can preserve your information for at least a century are DVD-R and CD-R Mitsui (this manufacturer generally guarantees up to 300 years of storage), MAM-A Gold Archival, JVC Taiyu Yuden and Varbatium UltraLife Gold Archival.

    Among the most ideal options for storing digital information you can add Delkin Archival Gold, which are not found anywhere in our country. But as already mentioned, all of the above can be ordered without much difficulty in online stores.

    Of the available disks that can be found with us, the highest quality and capable of ensuring the safety of information for at least a decade will be:

    • Verbatium, Indian, Singapore, UAE or Taiwan made.
    • Sony, which are created in the same Taiwan.

    But the fact that all these disks can store information for a long time does not guarantee that it will be preserved for a long time. Therefore, do not forget to adhere to the rules that we outlined at the very beginning.

    Take a look at the following graph; it shows the dependence of the occurrence of data reading errors on the time the optical disk is in an aggressive environment. It is clear that the graph was created specifically for the marketing promotion of the product, but still note that it contains a very interesting Millenniata, on the disks of which no errors appear at all. Now we will learn more about her.

    Among the products of this company are the M-Disk DVD-R and M-Disk Blu-Ray series discs capable of storing important data for up to 1000 years. Such amazing reliability is achieved by using inorganic glassy carbon as the basis for the discs, which, unlike other discs that use organic materials, is not subject to oxidation or decomposition under the influence of light and heat. Such discs will easily withstand the ingress of acids, alkalis and solvents, and also boast higher resistance to mechanical stress.

    During recording, small windows are literally burned on the surface (on ordinary discs pigmentation of the film occurs). The disc base is similarly designed for more severe tests and is able to maintain its structure even when exposed to high temperatures.

    We were unable to find such discs for sale, but they can be freely ordered online at a very affordable price. Optical discs of this series are perfectly readable by any modern drives. It is quite possible that over time they will begin to appear for free sale in our country.

    Despite the fact that such media can be read by any drive, in order to burn DVD-R you need a special drive that is certified and has the M-Disk logo. This is due to the need to use a more powerful laser. To burn such Blu-Ray discs, you can use any drive capable of recording these types of optical media.

    As you understand, the need to use a special drive (which is also rare in our country) is a serious disadvantage. But on the other hand, sometimes valuable photos, videos and other information are much more important and you can get a drive for these things.

    In any case, when storing important information, adhere to the mentioned rules and then you will be able to preserve memories of any event for a long time, and save an archive of important documents.

    The data center stores absolutely all information posted on the network. These are your personal photos, downloaded documents, recordings of Skype conversations, comments on blogs and other important and unimportant data. In essence, a data center is a large bank, a content repository. By creating such storage facilities, the developers pursued several goals: round-the-clock availability, access protection, preservation of information and file integrity.

    Since valuable information exists, there will definitely be those who want to steal it. It is not the military or soldiers who are responsible for the security of data centers, but highly intelligent high-tech security guards working under the sight of video surveillance and control systems. The duty of security guards is to ensure confidentiality and complete integrity of the content.

    Technical conditions of the data center

    There are strict rules governing the operation of data centers. Enterprises must be provided with uninterrupted electricity. Tier4 (fourth level) data centers receive power from two power plants at once. Such double insurance is needed in order to eliminate the possibility of a power outage in the event of a failure of one of the power plants.

    Data centers are equipped with modern gas fire extinguishing systems. Gas fire extinguishing systems provide for filling the ignition source with carbon dioxide powder to avoid damage to other equipment. Carbon dioxide powder is traditionally used in fire extinguishers to extinguish electrically connected equipment.

    Much attention is paid to climate control. During operation, hard drives and servers generate heat, which is removed using air conditioning and ventilation systems. In summer, cool filtered street air is used at night; in winter, frosty air is mixed with warm indoor air.

    How do “information custodians” make money?

    Data centers operate on a commercial basis. They rent out space on network storage or hard drives. If you wish, you can rent an entire server, rack space for your own server, or rent a box. In the latter case, the cost of electricity is added to the rental price (with a small markup).

    Recently, a service such as renting a piece of software has gained popularity. Data centers buy licensed programs, install them on their servers and rent them out in parts. Another popular service is renting a virtual server, that is, a certain share of the server resource.

    1. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet is a person carrying out activities to ensure the functioning of information systems and (or) programs for electronic computers that are intended and (or) used for receiving, transmitting, delivering and (or) processing electronic messages Internet users.

    2. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet is obliged, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, to notify the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of media, mass communications, information technology and communications, about the start of the activities specified in Part 1 of this article.

    3. The organizer of information dissemination on the Internet is obliged to store on the territory of the Russian Federation:

    1) information about the facts of reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, written text, images, sounds, video or other electronic messages of Internet users and information about these users within one year from the date of completion of such actions;

    2) text messages of Internet users, voice information, images, sounds, video, and other electronic messages of Internet users up to six months from the end of their reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing. The procedure, terms and volume of storage of the information specified in this subparagraph are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    3.1. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet is obliged to provide the information specified in Part 3 of this article to authorized state bodies carrying out operational intelligence activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, in cases established by federal laws.

    (see text in the previous edition)

    4. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet is obliged to ensure the implementation of the requirements for equipment and software and hardware used by the specified organizer in the information systems operated by him, for these bodies, in cases established by federal laws, to carry out activities in order to implement the tasks assigned to them, as well as take measures to prevent the disclosure of organizational and tactical methods for carrying out these activities. The procedure for interaction between organizers of information dissemination on the Internet and authorized government bodies carrying out operational investigative activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    4.1. The organizer of information dissemination on the Internet is obliged, when using additional encoding of electronic messages for receiving, transmitting, delivering and (or) processing electronic messages of Internet users and (or) when providing Internet users with the possibility of additional encoding of electronic messages, to provide to the federal executive body in the field of security, information necessary for decoding received, transmitted, delivered and (or) processed electronic messages.

    4.2. The organizer of the dissemination of information on the Internet in the event of carrying out activities to ensure the functioning of information systems and (or) programs for electronic computers that are intended and (or) used for the exchange of electronic messages exclusively between users of these information systems and (or) programs for electronic computers, in which the sender of the electronic message determines the recipient or recipients of the electronic message, does not provide for the posting by Internet users of publicly available information on the Internet and the transmission of electronic messages to an indefinite number of persons (hereinafter referred to as the organizer of the instant messaging service), is also obliged :

    1) identify Internet users, the transmission of electronic messages of which is carried out by the organizer of the instant messaging service (hereinafter referred to as users of the instant messaging service), by the subscriber number of the mobile radiotelephone operator in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, on the basis of an identification agreement concluded by the organizer of the instant messaging service with the mobile radiotelephone operator, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law;

    2) within 24 hours from the moment of receipt of the corresponding request from the authorized federal executive body, limit the ability of the user of the instant messaging service specified in this requirement to transmit electronic messages containing information the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation, as well as information distributed in violation requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    3) provide the technical ability for users of the instant messaging service to refuse to receive electronic messages from other users;

    4) ensure the confidentiality of transmitted electronic messages;

    5) ensure the possibility of transmitting electronic messages at the initiative of government bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    6) prevent the transfer of electronic messages to users of the instant messaging service in cases and in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    4.3. The organizer of the instant messaging service, which is a Russian legal entity or a citizen of the Russian Federation, has the right to identify users of the instant messaging service independently by determining the mobile radiotelephone subscriber number of the user of the instant messaging service. The Government of the Russian Federation may establish requirements for the procedure for determining the subscriber number of a mobile radiotelephone communication of a user of an instant messaging service by an organizer of an instant messaging service who is a Russian legal entity or a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    4.4. The organizer of the instant messaging service, which is a Russian legal entity or citizen of the Russian Federation, is obliged to store information about the identification of the subscriber number of the mobile radiotelephone communication of the user of the instant messaging service (hereinafter referred to as identification information about the subscriber number) only on the territory of the Russian Federation. Providing identification information about a subscriber number to third parties can only be done with the consent of the user of the instant messaging service, except for cases provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws. The obligation to provide evidence of obtaining the consent of the user of the instant messaging service to provide third parties with identification information about the subscriber number of this user of the instant messaging service rests with the organizer of the instant messaging service.

    A hypertext document is a document containing so-called links to another document. All this is implemented via the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

    Information in Web documents can be found using keywords. This means that each Web browser contains specific links through which so-called hyperlinks are formed, allowing millions of Internet users to search for information around the world.

    Hypertext documents are created using HTML (HyperText Markup Language). This language is very simple; its control codes, which are actually compiled by the browser for display on the screen, consist of ASCII text. Links, lists, headings, pictures, and forms are HTML elements that allow you to click to view another document.

    There are two ways to create hypertext documents. You can use one of the WYSIWYG HTML editors (for example, Netscape Composer, the basics of which are discussed in the section "Text Processing on a Computer", Microsoft FrontPage, HotDog, etc.), to work with which you do not require special knowledge about the internal structure of the created document. This method allows you to create documents for the WWW without knowledge of HTML. HTML editors automate the creation of hypertext documents and eliminate routine work. However, their capabilities are limited, they greatly increase the size of the resulting file, and the result obtained with their help does not always meet the developer’s expectations. But, of course, this method is indispensable for beginners in preparing hypertext documents.

    An alternative is to create and markup the document using a regular plain text editor (such as emacs or NotePad). With this method, HTML commands are manually inserted into the text. By creating documents this way, you know exactly what you're doing.

    As already noted, an HTML document contains character information. One part of it is the text itself, i.e. data that makes up the contents of a document. The other is tags (markup tags), also called markup flags, - special HTML language constructs used to mark up a document and control its display. It is the HTML language tags that determine in what form the text will be presented, which of its components will act as hypertext links, and which graphic or multimedia objects should be included in the document. Graphic and audio information included in an HTML document is stored in separate files. HTML document viewers (browsers) interpret markup flags and arrange text and graphics on the screen accordingly. For files containing HTML documents, the extensions .htm or .html are accepted.

    There is no difference between uppercase and lowercase letters when writing tags. In most cases, tags are used in pairs. The pair consists of an opening (start tag) and a closing (end tag) tags. Opening tag syntax:<имя_тега [атрибуты]>

    Direct parentheses used in syntax descriptions indicate that the element may be missing. The name of the closing tag differs from the name of the opening tag only in that it is preceded by a slash:

    Tag attributes are written in the following format: name [= "value"]

    Quotes when specifying the argument value are optional and can be omitted. For some attributes, a value may not be specified. The closing tag has no attributes.

    The action of any paired tag begins where the opening tag is encountered and ends when the corresponding closing tag is encountered. Often the pair of opening and closing tags is called a container, and the portion of text bordered by the opening and closing tags is called an element.

    The sequence of characters that makes up text can consist of spaces, tabs, newlines, carriage returns, letters, punctuation, numbers, and special characters (for example, +, #, $, @), except for the following four characters , which have a special meaning in HTML:< (меньше), >(greater than), & (ampersend), and " (double quote). If you need to include any of these characters in your text, you must encode it with a special character sequence.

    Special characters include the non-breaking space. Using this symbol is one way to increase the space between certain words in the text. Regular spaces cannot be used for these purposes, since a group of consecutive spaces is interpreted by the browser as one.

    Here is a list of online information storage services that I know of:

    It is possible to synchronize a folder with the server and different computers, which is convenient when using several computers. To synchronize, you need to install the Yandex.Disk program on your computer - it will create a folder that will be synchronized. Plus, installing this program increases the initial volume of the Disk, but then you can delete it and it will become your external file storage. By the way, if you make yourself a Disk using my links, you will receive an additional volume of 1 GB, and I will receive 0.5 GB ( provided you install the program on your computer) - this is how Yandex promotes its repository. I already use this service - it’s very convenient, I recommend it!

    3. QIP files – http://file.qip.ru. Free storage of 2 GB of free space for files of absolutely any type for a period of 30 days. To extend the period, you need to download the file at least once. To increase the duration and volume of stored information, there are paid premium accounts in which you will be given 100 GB of space for $25. To access the service you need to have a QIP account, and to directly download from your QIP client you need to install QIP-Infium. It is also a convenient opportunity to remotely access information from anywhere in the world. The service has stopped working

    4. Files ex.ua – Ukrainian FREE service for storing UNLIMITED VOLUME of information. Files can be ANY size and ANY format. To access, simply go to the service page and click the Create button, upload your data and write down the key and link to access your data. The system itself remembers your computer and subsequently only from it you can edit or delete your information. With the link you will have access from anywhere. The shelf life is limited to 30 days. To renew, simply download your files once. Very simple and convenient service!

    9. is also a way of storing information, and it is not only free, but also profitable. Since all file sharing accounts are yours, you always have access to your information, in any volume and from any location. File-sharing services have their own limitations on volume, terms and conditions, so you will familiarize yourself with them in more detail in each of them.

    This is how, using the vastness of the Internet, you can store files on the Internet, keeping your hard drive free and easy.

    P.S. Read more and you will have 100 25 GB of absolutely free space for storing files on the Internet from the mail.ru service

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    Best regards, Alexey Goncharov.

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