• What does an HTML layout designer do? Layout designer. Who is a Layout Maker? Description of the profession. General information about the profession

    An experienced layout designer should have the following skills:

    • technically competent and fast work in major layout programs;
    • working with raster and vector graphic editors such as Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw;
    • the ability to find new ideas and develop a publication plan;
    • possessing artistic taste;
    • knowledge of classical typography;
    • proficiency in retouching and color correction;
    • availability of basic knowledge of pre-press preparation of layouts.

    An additional advantage for an applicant, especially in a small company, will be computer skills at the level of a high-level system administrator, as well as a basic art education. In addition, the progressive development of the information industry leads to the fact that a specialist must always be aware of new techniques and work methods.

    Pros and cons

    A definite plus The profession is the creative nature of the work, which allows you to learn from many talented people. In addition, in a situation where the customer only has a general idea of ​​what the publication should be like, but has no layout plan, ready-made texts, or illustrations, a specialist can fully realize his artistic abilities. “Faced with unorganized material, the layout designer has the opportunity to show the creative sides of his nature,” notes Che"Gevar Geldiev, “making sure that, based on a raw set of data expressing the vague intentions of the customer, a logical and complete publication emerges. Create a mosaic, everyone an element of which will be in its place.” Another step in your career will be the transition to designers, art directors and build editors - these professions are paid much higher.

    Plus One can also consider the high demand for representatives of this profession in the labor market, the opportunity to work at home and the relatively good level of wages for a qualified specialist. “If you don’t mind working after work, then the possibility of freelancing can be considered a plus,” says Sergei Fomin, head of the prepress department at Promade. “A good layout designer, who does not disdain part-time work, gradually acquires a clientele, and then you don’t really need to look for work - it looks for you.”

    Among cons You can highlight irregular working hours (when you need to deliver an urgent order), sedentary nature of the work and a high level of responsibility.


    The salary depends on the city and region in which the specialist works. Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the level of wages in the regions. Thus, in Ufa, the average salary of a beginning layout designer with a normal working day is 10-12 thousand rubles. “The salary of an experienced specialist largely depends on the level of his training and authority and starts from 15 thousand rubles,” says Che” Gevar Geldiev. “A layout designer in a color magazine can count on a monthly income of up to 30 thousand rubles, and with an irregular working day - up to 40-50 thousand, but multi-universalism (color correction, retouching, planning and design of the publication, layout, pre-press preparation) will be a prerequisite, when the full cycle of work on the publication is concentrated in the hands of one person.”

    In the capital, the wage level for a beginner specialist ranges from $500 to $1000, and for an experienced professional - from $900 to $2500.


    The prospects seem to be very diverse and depend on the employee’s ambitions. By developing organizational skills, there is an opportunity to grow to the head of the layout department, and by improving technical knowledge and comprehending the intricacies of editorial processes - to a producer of additional modules for programs. You can also move into consulting or teaching.

    Another step in your career will be the transition to designers, art directors and build editors - these professions are paid much higher. As a horizontal development, it is possible to engage in web development. “Don’t be shy about changing jobs more often,” advises Sergei Fomin. “The more places you work, the more you will learn, the more subtleties you will master.”

    There are two types of layout designers - some work in the web industry and create websites and web content, others work in the advertising and printing field and prepare printed products for printing.

    HTML coder

    An HTML layout designer (or web layout designer, website layout designer) is responsible for ensuring that the site is displayed equally in all popular browsers, and that all interactive and dynamic elements work correctly.

    When creating a website, the layout designer creates html templates from the design layout, which are later used when installing a content management system. He gets to work after the web designer and before the PHP programmer. Often a specialist creates all the interactivity on the site (event handlers, forms for sending messages, pop-up messages, tricky scrolling, tasty chips, etc.)

    Layout designer (printing)

    A layout designer designs and typesets (prepares for printing) booklets, posters, leaflets, calendars, materials for outdoor advertising, packaging and other printed products. Sometimes a specialist takes photographs and processes the photos.

    Places of work

    The position of layout designer is present in Internet agencies, web studios, online media, advertising agencies, printing houses, television, as well as in the IT departments or advertising services of some organizations.

    History of the profession

    The profession of a layout designer appeared around the time of the birth of printing. The first specialists prepared machines for printing texts and pictures by hand. With the advent of computers and special graphic editors, the demand for layout designers has increased greatly. When the Internet appeared, HTML coders were needed - specialists who knew the hypertext markup language HTML.

    Responsibilities of the layout designer

    Job responsibilities of an HTML layout designer include:

    • Layout of templates for stationary monitors and mobile devices (based on ready-made PSD layouts).
    • Layout of e-mail newsletters and promotional pages.
    • Integration of templates into CMS.
    • Programming in JavaScript and AJAX.

    Sometimes the tasks of an HTML code designer include consulting clients (technical support), SEO optimization and improving the usability of websites.

    The job responsibilities of the layout designer are as follows:

    • Design and layout of printed materials (catalogues, posters, booklets, calendars, etc.).
    • Preparing layouts for printing.
    • Processing of photographs and pictures.
    • Sometimes the responsibilities include the photography itself.

    Requirements for a layout designer

    The basic requirements for an HTML layout designer are as follows:

    • Good knowledge of HTML, CSS (knowledge of block and table layout).
    • Knowledge of JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX.
    • Basic knowledge of Photoshop (usually at the level of cutting layouts)
    • Ability to design websites validly and cross-browser (IE inclusive)
    • English at the level of reading technical literature

    Sometimes a specialist is required to:

    • Knowledge of XHTML, PHP, MySQL.
    • Knowledge of Illustrator, CorelDRAW.
    • Experience in designing templates for popular CMS (Joomla, 1C-Bitrix, Drupal, WordPress, UMI.CMS and others).
    • Knowledge of plugins (most often for Firefox) for testing layout.
    • Ability to work with CSS preprocessors (STYLUS, SASS/SCSS, LESS and others).

    The requirements for a layout designer are more modest:

    • Knowledge of design, layout and pre-press programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, etc.).
    • Experience in preparing layouts for printing.
    • Knowledge of composition, shape formation, color combinations, typography.
    • Having artistic taste and creative thinking.

    Layout designer resume sample

    How to become a layout designer

    As a rule, higher technical education is required, but compared to layout experience it is valued less.

    To become an HTML coder, you need to know three basic things: html, css and be able to layout a template based on a design layout made in Photoshop.

    The first layout skills can be obtained in any course (short or long-term) or in any tutorial found on the Internet. Having basic HTML layout skills and a small portfolio of your projects (3-4 designed websites), you can get a job on the staff of an Internet studio as a junior specialist. It is quite possible to become a good layout designer in 2-3 years of work.

    To become a layout designer You must be able to come up with a design for printed products and create design layouts ready for sending to production. You can learn how to prepare layouts for sending to a printing house in specialized courses. Also, quite often companies agree to hire specialists with on-the-job training.

    Layout designer's salary

    The salary of a layout designer ranges from 15 to 75 thousand rubles per month. The main factor in the level of earnings is the specialist’s experience. In second place is the region (for example, in Moscow they pay significantly more).

    The average salary of a layout designer is 50 thousand rubles per month.

    What an HTML website designer should be able to do. Every year the requirements for layout designers are growing, new technologies, new software, etc. appear. And of course, every customer wants to find the most competent contractor. There are general requirements that will help beginners and not only. Here you will learn what a layout designer should know and be able to do, but still you shouldn’t stop only at this, there is always and will be something to learn.

    An HTML coder must know:

    • HTML and CSS 100%. It is with the help of these markup languages ​​that the page is laid out from the designer’s layout. At the same time, the layout designer must take into account all the features, preferences and versions of these languages ​​in order to layout pages of any complexity;
    • JavaScript or jQuery. JavaScript (jQuery) is used to implement various dynamic elements on the page (sliders, calculators, etc.). jQuery - a set of ready-made functions written in JavaScript (the so-called framework);
    • Photoshop. The layout designer must be able to work in Adobe Photoshop and have knowledge of web design in order to, when analyzing the layout before layout, point out to the designer his errors and, if necessary, quickly make corrections to the layout without much effort;
    • PHP programming language. The layout designer should have an understanding of the PHP language and how the programmer will implement the layout of the site on the engine;
    • How the CMS and its API works. Typically, a website is designed for a specific engine and in most cases is installed on a free CMS. Knowledge of how a CMS works, as well as its features, is necessary so that the person who will work with your layout does not have problems when “stretching” it. The only advantage would be perfect knowledge of the API of one or more CMS. For example, a client can order the production of a template using a CMS from you.
    • SEO optimization. An HTML layout designer must be knowledgeable about SEO, because site optimization begins with the first lines of the layout designer.

    What an HTML coder should do:

    • Cross-browser layout - taking into account the features of displaying web page code in all browsers of any operating system.
    • Valid website layout - writing HTML and CSS code that meets W3C standards (a company that develops and implements Internet standards) and passes the test on a validator.
    • Semantic layout. Meaningful arrangement of code fragments on the page, correct use of tags, clear names of classes and identifiers.
    • Optimization for search engines. From the layout designer you should receive a fully optimized layout, starting from the presence of title, description, keywords tags to the presence of alt in pictures and title in links.
    • Optimize site loading speed:
      • By reducing the amount of code, but not at the expense of readability and performance;
      • By reducing the weight and number of pictures (the so-called sprite layout).
    • Be able to work with CMS and its API. Even if you do not need to receive a ready-made template from a layout designer, but you plan to use its layout to make a template for the CMS you need, the layout designer should still know the requirements for the layout of this CMS.
    • Note:

      • Layout of a template for a CMS implies the production of a simple layout (HTML + CSS) taking into account the requirements of this CMS. That is, at the end you don’t get a ready-made template, but you will still need to look for a person who will make a template from this layout;
      • making a template for a CMS includes layout and production of a finished template from this layout, which is 100% ready for further use.
      • Provide quality service

        Must guarantee the quality of the work performed, meet deadlines and make changes on time if necessary.

    Initially, a layout designer is a specialist working in publishing and printing. With the advent of the Internet, a new specialty became in demand - html layout designer, otherwise known as website layout designer. Next, I will tell you what a layout designer does in the field of web technologies.

    Responsibilities of the layout designer

    What does a layout designer do? In short, it creates templates based on ready-made PSD layouts. I'll tell you more about the process.

    The designer gives the site layout to the layout designer (necessarily in psd format). A layout is just a picture. The layout designer uses code to reproduce this layout in html format. The HTML page can already be viewed in the browser and interact with elements, for example the following:

    • press buttons;
    • scroll through the sliders;
    • minimize menus and pop-ups.

    But this is a visual presentation of the data. A programmer is connected to work with the data.

    What is the difference between a layout designer and a programmer?

    A common question. The programmer works with data: calculate the area of ​​the room and display the correct value, save the values ​​entered into the form into the database, etc.. The layout designer works with the visual display of this data according to the layout: display the area of ​​the room in Arial font, size 18px and red, place the form in the center of the page, make the background gray, and the cells 20px in height, etc..

    I will give an example of data output without styling the layout and with the work of a layout designer:

    From the example it is clear that without the work of a layout designer, the site page looks dull.

    Let me give you another example. For an analogy, let’s consider a sideboard with shelves and dishes. Dishes are variables: cup, glass, plate... Shelves are the structure of the site. Without layout, it’s just a box with 4 walls where all the dishes are piled up. The layout designer's task is to make shelves and arrange them so that each dish is in its place: heavy plates on the bottom, glasses on top. Agree, it’s more pleasant to go to a sideboard where everything is organized and take the right thing (content) than to dig through a heap of garbage.

    Requirements for a layout designer

    I’ll tell you what a layout designer should be able to do and know:

    • Excellent knowledge of html and css;
    • Be able to cut a layout (basic knowledge of Photoshop);
    • Layout cross-browser (so that the site is displayed equally in all browsers);
    • Use adaptive layout (to correctly display websites on various devices, including mobile);
    • Be able to work with plugins for testing and debugging layout.

    I'm sure many will say, but what about JavaScript, AJAX? I attribute knowledge of these technologies to the next level - frontend developer. For a layout designer, it is enough to know what is listed.

    What is the job of a website designer?

    The main task of a website layout designer is the “technical translation” of website pages into the required programming language (computer language). To accomplish this task, the layout designer writes out in the language installed by the computer various criteria for changing the web page (improving its design, changing the type and size of the font, setting indents, paragraphs, spacing, “red lines”, framing text and pictures on the page, highlighting headings and subheadings text and much more). Without the work of layout designers, the Internet would be filled with web pages identical in design, similar to text “printed in a notepad.”

    A professional website layout designer must have knowledge and appropriate skills in coding certain elements of web pages, and must also know how to make the site work the same in all popular browsers and comply with the established parameters of search engines such as Yandex, Google.

    Today, the profession of website layout designer is very relevant and in demand. Layout specialists can work in large companies, constantly creating, modifying and designing website web pages. This specialty is also relevant in web design studios that carry out large-scale Internet projects. Often, layout designers carry out one-time orders from private clients on online exchanges or other Internet platforms.

    How to become a website design specialist?

    In most cases, the layout designer must have a higher technical or secondary specialized education. Such requirements are established by the employer for specialists in this profile. However, many layout designers have learned to process, edit and design web pages on their own (they are self-taught). Knowledge of website layout can be obtained on the Internet through special online courses or on specialist forums.

    What skills should a website designer have?

    The main qualities and skills of layout specialists include:

    1. Well-developed visual memory and literacy;
    2. Accuracy, hard work, perseverance, diligence and organization;
    3. Knowledge of technical programs such as CSS, HTML and JavaScript.

    Additional skills:

    1. Knowledge of Photoshop and other photo processing programs.

    Where can a layout designer work?

    1. Advertising firms;
    2. Agencies for creating various websites;
    3. Private website developers.

    Layout designer's income

    The average income of a layout designer is ten to twenty dollars per hour (it all depends on the experience and professionalism of the worker). The cost of one project varies from 50 to 100 dollars.

    Job Search

    Finding a job for a website layout designer is not difficult; this can be done in a variety of web design studios.

    Additional materials:

    You can master HTML coding skills through online courses at Netology (paid course);

    Netology also has several free courses on the basics of working in HTML and CSS.

    Definition of the profession of a layout designer and the specifics of this work

    What is layout?

    Layout is the design of printed and web publications, formatting texts, filling web pages with pictures and other necessary information. Not so long ago, before computers took over the publishing industry, layout of printed publications took a huge amount of time (it was a very labor-intensive process). Several people could do the layout of one book. But times have changed.

    Who is a layout designer?

    A layout designer is an employee of a web publishing house or print publishing house who is involved in arranging information. A versatist may have a specialized secondary or higher design education. The main task of a layout designer is to process all the accumulated information, correctly place texts, illustrations and headings, select fonts and other materials.

    Layout designers work on personal computers in the Macintosh graphics program, as well as on the Corel Draw and Adob ​​Illustrator platforms. Just a few years ago, the layout of printed materials was carried out manually in the following way: a sample order was assembled from many individual metal elements (spaces, letters, signs, illustrations). The finished layout was printed on special paper.

    Currently, a layout specialist performs all the necessary processing of materials on a computer and submits the order in the form of a finished printed layout. After delivery, the order is sent for proofreading to editors, journalists and other publishing employees. If shortcomings arise in the layout designer's work, the order is sent for revision, during which the specialist completes the sample in electronic form and sends it to print.

    Work of a website layout designer

    As mentioned earlier, the job of a layout specialist is to create various sites, blogs, and web pages. Many Internet resources available in the public domain on the Internet are the result of the work of layout designers. It is worth noting that one page of an Internet resource consists of many numbers, symbols, signs (the so-called code). The code is converted into a human-readable web page using special browser programs.

    To create and design web pages, the layout designer uses HTML editors, text editors and browser programs to check the finished order. This profession requires special perseverance, accuracy, painstakingness and a high level of technical knowledge. The work of a website layout specialist begins after developing a project for a new web resource (the designer designates where illustrations, texts, headings, and paragraphs will be located). After this, the layout designer converts illustrations, fonts, diagrams or tables into a symbol language that browsers can understand. The result is a text sample, originally developed by the designer, but technically transformed by the layout designer. After layout, the page is given to the programmer to work on.